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Solutions Advanced Workbook 3rd

Edition Tim Falla

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because of the belief that his views on slavery were too radical. He
was more strongly favored by the Abolition branch of the party than
any other candidate. When the news of his success was first conveyed
to Mr. Lincoln he was siting in the office of the State Journal, at
Springfield, which was connected by a telegraph wire with the
Wigwam. On the close of the third ballot a despatch was handed Mr.
Lincoln. He read it in silence, and then announcing the result said:
“There is a little woman down at our house would like to hear this—
I’ll go down and tell her,” and he started amid the shouts of personal
admirers. Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, was nominated for Vice-
President with much unanimity, and the Chicago Convention closed
its work in a single day.
The American Convention.

A “Constitutional Union,” really an American Convention, had met

at Baltimore on the 9th of May. Twenty States were represented, and
John Bell, of Tennessee, and Edward Everett, of Massachusetts, were
named for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency. Their friends, though
known to be less in number than either those of Douglas, Lincoln or
Breckinridge, yet made a vigorous canvass in the hope that the
election would be thrown into the House, and that there a
compromise in the vote by States would naturally turn toward their
candidates. The result of the great contest is elsewhere given in our
Tabulated History of Politics.


Lincoln received large majorities in nearly all of the free States, his
popular vote being 1,866,452; electoral vote, 180. Douglas was next
in the popular estimate, receiving 1,375,157 votes, with but 12
electors. Breckinridge had 847,953 votes, with 76 electors; Bell, with
570,631 votes, had 39 electors.
The principles involved in the controversy are given at length in
the Book of Platforms, and were briefly these: The Republican party
asserted that slavery should not be extended to the territories; that it
could exist only by virtue of local and positive law; that freedom was
national; that slavery was morally wrong, and the nation should at
least anticipate its gradual extinction. The Douglas wing of the
Democratic party adhered to the doctrine of popular sovereignty, and
claimed that in its exercise in the territories they were indifferent
whether slavery was voted up or down. The Breckinridge wing of the
Democratic party asserted both the moral and legal right to hold
slaves, and to carry them to the territories, and that no power save
the national constitution could prohibit or interfere with it outside of
State lines. The Americans supporting Bell, adhered to their peculiar
doctrines touching emigration and naturalization, but had
abandoned, in most of the States, the secrecy and oaths of the Know-
Nothing order. They were evasive and non-committal on the slavery
Preparing for Secession.

Secession, up to this time, had not been regarded as treasonable in

all sections and at all times. As shown in many previous pages, it had
been threatened by the Hartford Convention; certainly by some of
the people of New England who opposed the war of 1812. Some of
the more extreme Abolitionists had favored a division of the sections.
The South, particularly the Gulf States, had encouraged a secret
organization, known as the “Order of the Lone Star,” previous to and
at the time of the annexation of Texas. One of its objects was to
acquire Cuba, so as to extend slave territory. The Gulf States needed
more slaves, and though the law made participancy in the slave trade
piracy, many cargoes had been landed in parts of the Gulf without
protest or prosecution, just prior to the election of 1860. Calhoun
had threatened, thirty years before, nullification, and before that
again, secession in the event of the passage of the Public Land Bill.
Jefferson and Madison had indicated that doctrine of State Rights on
which secession was based in the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions
of 1798, facts which were daily discussed by the people of the South
during this most exciting of all Presidential campaigns.
The leaders in the South had anticipated defeat at the election, and
many of them made early preparations for the withdrawal of their
States from the Union. Some of the more extreme anti-slavery men
of the North, noting these preparations, for a time favored a plan of
letting the South go in peace. South Carolina was the first to adopt a
secession ordinance, and before it did so, Horace Greeley said in the
New York Tribune:
“If the Declaration of Independence justified the secession from
the British Empire of three millions of colonists in 1776, we can not
see why it would not justify the secession of five millions of
Southrons from the Federal Union in 1861.”
These views, however, soon fell into disfavor throughout the
North, and the period of indecision on either side ceased when Fort
Sumter was fired upon. The Gulf States openly made their
preparations as soon as the result of the Presidential election was
known, as a rule pursuant to a previous understanding. The
following, condensed from Hon. Edward McPherson’s “Political
History of the United States of America during the Great Rebellion,”
is a correct statement of the movements which followed, in the
several Southern States:


November 5th, 1860. Legislature met to choose Presidential

electors, who voted for Breckinridge and Lane for President and
Vice-President. Gov. William H. Gist recommended in his message
that in the event of Abraham Lincoln’s election to the Presidency, a
convention of the people of the State be immediately called to
consider and determine for themselves the mode and measure of
redress. He expressed the opinion that the only alternative left is the
“secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union.”
7th. United States officials resigned at Charleston.
10th. U. S. Senators James H. Hammond and James Chestnut, Jr.,
resigned their seats in the Senate. Convention called to meet Dec.
17th. Delegates to be elected Dec. 6th.
13th. Collection of debts due to citizens of non-slaveholding States
stayed. Francis W. Pickens elected Governor.
17th. Ordinance of Secession adopted unanimously.
21st. Commissioners appointed (Barnwell, Adams, and Orr) to
proceed to Washington to treat for the possession of U. S.
Government property within the limits of South Carolina.
Commissioners appointed to the other slaveholding States. Southern
Congress proposed.
24th. Representatives in Congress withdrew.
Gov. Pickens issued a proclamation “announcing the repeal, Dec.
20th, 1860, by the good people of South Carolina,” of the Ordinance
of May 23d, 1788, and “the dissolution of the union between the
State of South Carolina and other States under the name of the
United States of America,” and proclaiming to the world “that the
State of South Carolina is, as she has a right to be, a separate,
sovereign, free and independent State, and, as such, has a right to
levy war, conclude peace, negotiate treaties, leagues, or covenants,
and to do all acts whatsoever that rightfully appertain to a free and
independent State.
“Done in the eighty-fifth year of the sovereignty and independence
of South Carolina.”
Jan. 3d, 1861. South Carolina Commissioners left Washington.
4th. Convention appointed T. J. Withers, L. M. Keitt, W. W. Boyce,
Jas. Chestnut, Jr., R. B. Rhett, Jr., R. W. Barnwell, and C. G.
Memminger, delegates to Southern Congress.
5th. Convention adjourned, subject to the call of the Governor.
14th. Legislature declared that any attempt to reinforce Fort
Sumter would be considered an open act of hostility and a
declaration of war. Approved the Governor’s action in firing on the
Star of the West. Accepted the services of the Catawba Indians.
27th. Received Judge Robertson, Commissioner from Virginia, but
rejected the proposition for a conference and co-operative action.
March 26th. Convention met in Charleston.
April 3d. Ratified “Confederate” Constitution—yeas 114, nays 16.
8th. Transferred forts, etc., to “Confederate” government.


November 8th, 1860. Legislature met pursuant to previous

18th. Convention called. Legislature appropriated $1,000,000 to
arm the State.
Dec. 3d. Resolutions adopted in the Legislature proposing a
conference of the Southern States at Atlanta, Feb. 20th.
January 17th, 1861. Convention met. Received Commissioners
from South Carolina and Alabama.
18th. Resolutions declaring it the right and duty of Georgia to
secede, adopted—yeas 165, nays 130.
19th. Ordinance of Secession passed—yeas 208, nays 89.
21st. Senators and Representatives in Congress withdrew.
24th. Elected Delegates to Southern Congress at Montgomery,
28th. Elected Commissioners to other Slaveholding States.
29th. Adopted an address “to the South and the world.”
March 7th. Convention reassembled.
16th. Ratified the “Confederate” Constitution—yeas 96, nays 5.
20th. Ordinance passed authorizing the “Confederate” government
to occupy, use and possess the forts, navy yards, arsenals, and
custom-houses within the limits of said State.
April 26th. Governor Brown issued a proclamation ordering the
repudiation by the citizens of Georgia of all debts due Northern men.


November 26th, 1860. Legislature met Nov. 26th, and adjourned

Nov. 30th. Election for Convention fixed for Dec. 20th. Convention
to meet Jan. 7th. Convention bills and secession resolutions passed
unanimously. Commissioners appointed to other Slaveholding States
to secure “their co-operation in effecting measures for their common
defence and safety.”
Jan. 7th, 1861. Convention assembled.
9th. Ordinance of Secession passed—yeas 84, nays 15.
In the ordinance the people of the State of Mississippi express
their consent to form a federal union with such of the States as have
seceded or may secede from the Union of the United States of
America, upon the basis of the present Constitution of the United
States, except such parts thereof as embrace other portions than such
seceding States.
10th. Commissioners from other States received. Resolutions
adopted, recognizing South Carolina as sovereign and independent.
Jan. 12th. Representatives in Congress withdrew.
19th. The committee on the Confederacy in the Legislature
reported resolutions to provide for a Southern Confederacy, and to
establish a provisional government for seceding States and States
hereafter seceding.
21st. Senators in Congress withdrew.
March 30th. Ratified “Confederate” Constitution—yeas 78, nays 7.


November 26th, 1860. Legislature met. Governor M. S. Perry

recommended immediate secession.
Dec. 1st. Convention bill passed.
Jan. 3d, 1861. Convention met.
7th. Commissioners from South Carolina and Alabama received
and heard.
10th. Ordinance of Secession passed—yeas 62, nays 7.
18th. Delegates appointed to Southern Congress at Montgomery.
21st. Senators and Representatives in Congress withdrew.
Feb. 14th. Act passed by the Legislature declaring that after any
actual collision between Federal troops and those in the employ of
Florida, the act of holding office under the Federal government shall
be declared treason, and the person convicted shall suffer death.
Transferred control of government property captured, to the
“Confederate” government.


December 10th, 1860. Legislature met.

11th. Convention called for Jan. 23d. Military bill passed.
12th. Commissioners from Mississippi received and heard.
Governor instructed to communicate with Governors of other
southern States.
Jan. 23d, 1861. Convention met and organized. Received and
heard Commissioners from South Carolina and Alabama.
25th. Ordinance of Secession passed—yeas 113, nays 17.
Convention refused to submit the ordinance to the people by a vote
of 84 to 45. This was subsequently reconsidered, and the ordinance
was submitted. The vote upon it as declared was 20,448 in favor, and
17,296 against.
Feb. 5th. Senators withdrew from Congress, also the
Representatives, except John E. Bouligny. State flag adopted. Pilots
at the Balize prohibited from bringing over the bar any United States
vessels of war.
March 7th. Ordinance adopted in secret session transferring to
“Confederate” States government $536,000, being the amount of
bullion in the U. S. mint and customs seized by the State.
16th. An ordinance voted down, submitting the “Confederate”
Constitution to the people—yeas 26, nays 74.
21st. Ratified the “Confederate” Constitution—yeas 101, nays 7.
Governor authorized to transfer the arms and property captured
from the United States to the “Confederate” Government.
27th. Convention adjourned sine die.


January 7th, 1861. Convention met.

8th. Received and heard the Commissioner from South Carolina.
11th. Ordinance of Secession passed in secret session—yeas 61,
nays 39. Proposition to submit ordinance to the people lost—yeas 47,
nays 53.
14th. Legislature met pursuant to previous action.
19th. Delegates elected to the Southern Congress.
21st. Representatives and Senators in Congress withdrew.
26th. Commissioners appointed to treat with the United States
Government relative to the United States forts, arsenals, etc., within
the State.
The Convention requested the people of the States of Delaware,
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida,
Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee,
Kentucky and Missouri to meet the people of Alabama by their
delegates in Convention, February 4th, 1861, at Montgomery, for the
purpose of consulting as to the most effectual mode of securing
concerted or harmonious action in whatever measures may be
deemed most desirable for their common peace and security.
Military bill passed. Commissioners appointed to other Slaveholding
March 4th. Convention reassembled.
13th. Ratified “Confederate” Constitution, yeas 87, nays 6.
Transferred control forts, of arsenals, etc., to “Confederate”


January 16th, 1861. Legislature passed Convention bill. Vote of the

people on the Convention was 27,412 for it, and 15,826 against it.
February 18th. Delegates elected.
March 4th. Convention met.
18th. The Ordinance of Secession defeated—yeas 35, nays 39. The
convention effected a compromise by agreeing to submit the
question of co-operation or secession to the people on the 1st
Monday in August.
May 6th. Passed Secession Ordinance—yeas 69, nays 1. Authorized
her delegates to the Provisional Congress, to transfer the arsenal at
Little Rock and hospital at Napoleon to the “Confederate”


January 21st, 1861. Legislature met.

28th. People’s State Convention met.
29th. Legislature passed a resolution declaring that the Federal
Government has no power to coerce a Sovereign State after she has
pronounced her separation from the Federal Union.
February 1st. Ordinance of Secession passed in Convention—yeas
166, nays 7. Military bill passed.
7th. Ordinance passed, forming the foundation of a Southern
Confederacy. Delegates to the Southern Congress elected. Also an act
passed submitting the Ordinance of Secession to a vote of the people.
23d. Secession Ordinance voted on by the people; adopted by a
vote of 34,794 in favor, and 11,235 against it.
March 4th. Convention declared the State out of the Union. Gov.
Houston issued a proclamation to that effect.
16th. Convention by a vote of 127 to 4 deposed Gov. Houston,
declaring his seat vacant. Gov. Houston issued a proclamation to the
people protesting against this action of the Convention.
20th. Legislature confirmed the action of the Convention in
deposing Gov. Houston by a vote of 53 to 11. Transferred forts, etc.,
to “Confederate” Government.
23d. Ratified the “Confederate” Constitution—yeas 68, nays 2.


November 20th, 1860. Legislature met. Gov. Ellis recommended

that the Legislature invite a conference of the Southern States, or
failing in that, send one or more delegates to the neighboring States
so as to secure concert of action. He recommended a thorough
reorganization of the militia, and the enrollment of all persons
between 18 and 45 years, and the organization of a corps of ten
thousand men; also, a Convention, to assemble immediately after the
proposed consultation with other Southern States shall have
December 9th, Joint Committee on Federal Relations agreed to
report a Convention Bill.
17th. Bill appropriating $300,000 to arm the State, debated.
18th. Senate passed above bill—yeas, 41, nays, 3.
20th. Commissioners from Alabama and Mississippi received and
heard—the latter, J. Thompson, by letter.
22d. Senate bill to arm the State failed to pass the House.
22d. Adjourned till January 7th.
January 8th, 1861. Senate Bill arming the State passed the House,
yeas, 73, nays, 26.
30th. Passed Convention Bill—election to take place February
28th. No Secession Ordinance to be valid without being ratified by a
majority of the qualified voters of the State.
31st. Elected Thos. L. Clingman United States Senator.
February 13th. Commissioners from Georgia publicly received.
20th. Mr. Hoke elected Adjutant General of the State. Military Bill
28th. Election of Delegates to Convention took place.
28th. The vote for a Convention was 46,671; against 47,333—
majority against a Convention 661.
May 1st. Extra session of the Legislature met at the call of Gov.
Ellis. The same day they passed a Convention Bill, ordering the
election of delegates on the 15th.
2d. Legislature adjourned.
13th. Election of delegates to the Convention took place.
20th. Convention met at Raleigh.
21st. Ordinance of Secession passed; also the “Confederate”
Constitution ratified.
June 5th. Ordinance passed, ceded the arsenal at Fayetteville, and
transferred magazines, etc., to the “Confederate” Government.

January 6th, 1861. Legislature met.

12th. Passed Convention Bill.
30th. Commissioners to Washington appointed.
February 8th. People voted no Convention: 67,360 to 54,156.
May 1st. Legislature passed a joint resolution authorizing the
Governor to appoint Commissioners to enter into a military league
with the authorities of the “Confederate” States.
7th. Legislature in secret session ratified the league entered into by
A. O. W. Totten, Gustavus A. Henry, Washington Barrow,
Commissioners for Tennessee, and Henry W. Hilliard, Commissioner
for “Confederate” States, stipulating that Tennessee until she became
a member of the Confederacy placed the whole military force of the
State under the control of the President of the “Confederate” States,
and turned over to the “Confederate” States all the public property,
naval stores and munitions of war. Passed the Senate, yeas 14, nays
6, absent and not voting 5; the House, yeas 42, nays 15, absent and
not voting, 18. Also a Declaration of Independence and Ordinance
dissolving the Federal relations between Tennessee and the United
States, and an ordinance adopting and ratifying the Confederate
Constitution, these two latter to be voted on by the people on June
8th were passed.
June 24th. Gov. Isham G. Harris declared Tennessee out of the
Union, the vote for Separation being 104,019 against 47,238.


January 7th, 1861. Legislature convened.

8th. Anti-coercion resolution passed.
9th. Resolution passed, asking that the status quo be maintained.
10th. The Governor transmitted a despatch from the Mississippi
Convention, announcing its unconditional secession from the Union,
and desiring on the basis of the old Constitution to form a new union
with the seceding States. The House adopted—yeas 77, nays 61,—an
amendment submitting to a vote of the people the question of
referring for their decision any action of the Convention dissolving
Virginia’s connection with the Union, or changing its organic law.
The Richmond Enquirer denounced “the emasculation of the
Convention Bill as imperilling all that Virginians held most sacred
and dear.”
16th. Commissioners Hopkins and Gilmer of Alabama received in
the Legislature.
17th. Resolutions passed proposing the Crittenden resolutions as a
basis for adjustment, and requesting General Government to avoid
collision with Southern States. Gov. Letcher communicated the
Resolutions of the Legislature of New York, expressing the utmost
disdain, and saying that “the threat conveyed can inspire no terror in
freemen.” The resolutions were directed to be returned to the
Governor of New York.
18th. $1,000,000 appropriated for the defence of the State.
19th. Passed resolve that if all efforts to reconcile the differences of
the country fail, every consideration of honor and interest demands
that Virginia shall unite her destinies with her sister slaveholding
States. Also that no reconstruction of the Union can be permanent or
satisfactory, which will not secure to each section self-protecting
power against any invasion of the Federal Union upon the reserved
rights of either. (See Hunter’s proposition for adjustment.)
21st. Replied to Commissioners Hopkins and Gilmer, expressing
inability to make a definite response until after the meeting of the
State Convention.
22d. The Governor transmitted the resolutions of the Legislature
of Ohio, with unfavorable comment. His message was tabled by a
small majority.
30th. The House of Delegates to-day tabled the resolutions of the
Pennsylvania Legislature, but referred those of Tennessee to the
Committee on Federal Relations.
February 20th. The resolutions of the Legislature of Michigan were
returned without comment.
28th. Ex-President Tyler and James A. Seddon, Commissioners to
the Peace Congress, presented their report, and denounced the
recommendation of that body as a delusion and a sham, and as an
insult and an offense to the South.
Proceedings of Virginia Convention.

February 4th. Election of delegates to the Convention.

13th. Convention met.
14th. Credentials of John S. Preston, Commissioner from South
Carolina, Fulton Anderson from Mississippi, and Henry L. Benning
from Georgia, were received.
18th. Commissioners from Mississippi and Georgia heard; both
pictured the danger of Virginia remaining with the North; neither
contemplated such an event as reunion.
19th. The Commissioner from South Carolina was heard. He said
his people believed the Union unnatural and monstrous, and
declared that there was no human force—no sanctity of human
touch,—that could re-unite the people of the North with the people of
the South—that it could never be done unless the economy of God
were changed.
20th. A committee reported that in all but sixteen counties, the
majority for submitting the action of the Convention to a vote of the
people was 52,857. Numerous resolutions on Federal Relations
introduced, generally expressing attachment to the Union, but
denouncing coercion.
26th. Mr. Goggin of Bedford, in his speech, denied the right of
secession, but admitted a revolutionary remedy for wrongs
committed upon a State or section, and said wherever Virginia went
he was with her.
March 2d. Mr. Goode of Bedford offered a resolution that, as the
powers delegated to the General Government by Virginia had been
perverted to her injury, and as the Crittenden propositions as a basis
of adjustment had been rejected by their Northern confederates,
therefore every consideration of duty, interest, honor and patriotism
requires that Virginia should declare her connection with the
Government to be dissolved.
5th. The thanks of the State were voted to Hon. John J. Crittenden,
by yeas 107, nays 16, for his efforts to bring about an honorable
adjustment of the national difficulties. Mr. Harvie of Amelia offered
a resolution, requesting Legislature to make needful appropriations
to resist any attempt of the Federal authorities to hold, occupy or
possess the property and places claimed by the United States in any
of the seceded States, or those that may withdraw or collect duties or
imposts in the same.
9th. Three reports were made from the Committee on Federal
Relations. The majority proposed to submit to the other States
certain amendments to the Constitution, awaiting the response of
non-slaveholding States before determining whether “she will
resume the powers granted by her under the Constitution of the
United States, and throw herself upon her reserved rights;
meanwhile insisting that no coercion be attempted, the Federal forts
in seceded States be not reinforced, duties be not collected, etc.,” and
proposing a Convention at Frankfort, Kentucky, the last Monday in
May, of the States of Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina,
Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri and Arkansas. Henry A. Wise
differed in details, and went further in the same direction. Messrs.
Lewis E. Harvie, Robert L. Montague and Samuel C. Williams
recommended the immediate passage of an Ordinance of Secession.
Mr. Barbour of Culpeper insisted upon the immediate adoption by
the non-slaveholding States of needed guarantees of safety, and
provided for the appointment of three Commissioners to confer with
the Confederate authorities at Montgomery.
19th. Committee on Federal Relations reported proposed
amendments to the Constitution, which were the substitute of Mr.
Franklin of Pa., in “Peace Conference,” changed by using the
expression “involuntary servitude” in place of “persons held to
service.” The right of owners of slaves is not to be impaired by
congressional or territorial law, or any pre-existing law in territory
hereafter acquired.
Involuntary servitude, except for crime, to be prohibited north of
36°30′, but shall not be prohibited by Congress or any Territorial
legislature south of that line. The third section has some verbal
alterations, providing somewhat better security for property in
transit. The fifth section prohibits the importation of slaves from
places beyond the limits of the United States. The sixth makes some
verbal changes in relation to remuneration for fugitives by Congress,
and erases the clause relative to the securing of privileges and
immunities. The seventh forbids the granting of the elective
franchise and right to hold office to persons of the African race. The
eighth provides that none of these amendments, nor the third
paragraph of the second section of the first article of the
Constitution, nor the third paragraph of the second section of the
fourth article thereof, shall be amended or abolished without the
consent of all the States.
25th. The Committee of the Whole refused (yeas 4, nays 116) to
strike out the majority report and insert Mr. Carlile’s “Peace
Conference” substitute.
26th. The Constitution of the “Confederate” States, proposed by
Mr. Hall as a substitute for the report of the committee, rejected—
yeas 9, nays 78.
28th. The first and second resolutions reported by the committee
April 6th. The ninth resolution of the majority report came up. Mr.
Bouldin offered an amendment striking out the whole, and inserting
a substitute declaring that the independence of the seceded States
should be acknowledged without delay, which was lost—yeas 68,
nays 71.
9th. Mr. Wise’s substitute for the tenth resolution, to the effect that
Virginia recognizes the independence of the seceding States was
adopted—yeas 128, nays 20.
April 17. Ordinance of Secession passed in secret session—yeas 88,
nays 55, one excused, and eight not voting.
Same day the Commissioners adopted and ratified the
Constitution of the Provisional Government of the “Confederate”
States of America, this ordinance to cease to have legal effect if the
people of Virginia voting upon the Ordinance of Secession should
reject it.
25th. A Convention was made between Commissioners of Virginia,
chosen by the Convention, and A. H. Stephens, Commissioner for
“Confederates,” stipulating that Virginia until she became a member
of the Confederacy should place her military force under the
direction of the President of the “Confederate” States; also turn over
to “Confederate” States all her public property, naval stores, and
munitions of war. Signed by J. Tyler, W. B. Preston, S. McD. Moore,
James P. Holcombe, Jas. C. Bruce, Lewis E. Harvie—for Virginia;
and A. H. Stephens for “Confederate” States.
June 25th. Secession vote announced as 128,884 for, and 32,134
July. The Convention passed an ordinance to the effect that any
citizen of Virginia holding office under the Government of the United
States after the 31st of July, 1861, should be forever banished from
the State, and be declared an alien enemy. Also that any citizen of
Virginia, hereafter undertaking to represent the State of Virginia in
the Congress of the United States, should, in addition to the above
penalties, be considered guilty of treason, and his property be liable
to confiscation. A provision was inserted exempting from the
penalties of the act all officers of the United States outside of the
United States, or of the Confederate States, until after July 1st, 1862.


December 12th, 1860. Indiana militia offer their services to quell

servile insurrection. Gov. Magoffin declines accepting them.
January 17th, 1861. Legislature convened.
22d. The House by a vote of 87 to 6 resolved to resist the invasion
of the South at all hazards.
27th. Legislature adopted the Virginia resolutions requiring the
Federal Government to protect Slavery in the Territories and to
guarantee the right of transit of slaves through the Free States.
February 2d. The Senate passed by a vote of 25 to 11, resolutions
appealing to the Southern States to stop the revolution, protesting
against Federal coercion and providing that the Legislature
reassemble on the 24th of April to hear the responses from sister
States, also in favor of making an application to call a National
Convention for proposing amendments to the Constitution of the
United States, also by a vote of 25 to 14 declared it inexpedient at this
time to call a State Convention.
5th. The House by a vote of 54 to 40 passed the above resolutions.
March 22d. State Rights Convention assembled. Adopted
resolutions denouncing any attempt on the part of the Government
to collect revenue as coercion; and affirming that, in case of any such
attempt, the border States should make common cause with the
Southern Confederacy. They also recommended a border State
April 24th. Gov. Magoffin called an extra session of the
May 20th. Gov. Magoffin issued a neutrality proclamation.
September 11th. The House of Representatives by a vote of 71 to
26, adopted a resolution directing the Governor to issue a
proclamation ordering the Confederate troops to evacuate Kentucky
soil. The Governor vetoed the resolution, which was afterwards
passed over his veto, and accordingly he issued the required
October 29th. Southern Conference met at Russellville. H. C.
Burnett elected Chairman, R. McKee Secretary, T. S. Bryan Assistant
Secretary. Remained in secret session two days and then adjourned
sine die. A series of resolutions reported by G. W. Johnson were
adopted. They recite the unconstitutional and oppressive acts of the
Legislature, proclaim revolution, provide for a Sovereignty
Convention at Russellville, on the 18th of November, recommend the
organization of county guards, to be placed in the service of and paid
by the Confederate States Government; pledge resistance to all
Federal and State taxes, for the prosecution of the war on the part of
the United States; and appoint Robert McKee, John C. Breckinridge,
Humphrey Marshall, Geo. W. Ewing, H. W. Bruce, Geo. B. Hodge,
William Preston, Geo. W. Johnson, Blanton Duncan, and P. B.
Thompson to carry out the resolutions.
November 18th. Convention met and remained in session three
20th. It passed a Declaration of Independence and an Ordinance
of Secession. A Provisional Government consisting of a Governor,
Legislative Council of ten, a Treasurer, and an Auditor were agreed

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