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Science & spelling

3 timestre part 2

1. Dictation









2. Science : anwser the question correctly ;use the box

It is almost divelty above the N.P- North star – Constelation – solar flars- prominance-
prominance/solar flars

a) Two tyes pf eruptions that take place on the sun are _______________________
And _______________________
b) A __________________________ looks like oribboon of glowing gasees that leaps out or the
c) A ____________________________ is an explosive eruptions of waves and particles into space
d) A_________________________ is a group of stars that forms a pattern
e) Polaris on the _________________________ is a very hot nad very large yellow White star
f) Polaris is an important star in movigator because

3. spelling: chosee the correct words

(protect- protection)
1. the action of protecting_________________________

2. keep safe from harm_________________________

( magic- magician)

3. the act of producing illusion_______________

4. person who performs magic trickts _____________________

(resign -resignation)

5. the acceptare of something_______________

6. voluntary leave job __________________

(electric -electrician)

7. person who installs electric equipament _________________________________

8. work of electric________________________

(codem – condemination)

9.give someone a particular punishiment_____________________

10. strong censure , disapprobation________________

4. spelling: complete the sentences use the Word of the box

Artista-tourism- biology- phobia- heroism-biology-cartoonist-technology-joursalism- hydphobia

1. person who draws in a comic story_______________________________

2. the study of plants an animals __________________________
3. fear of water___________________
4. person who páints , maes sculphres_________________________
5. development of new ways to solve problems_______________________________
6. great bravey __________________________________
7. traveling of recreation________________________________
8. abnormal fear or dislike_________________________________
9. writing for newspaper , or website_________________________
10. the study of rocks and minerals _______________________

5. science : underline the correct answer

1. how many known planets revolve around the sun?

a) two

b) eight

c) nine

2. what is a plannet?

a) is a short round object that revolve around the sun

b) is a médium round object that revolve around the sun

c) is a large round object that revolve around the sun

3. mention the four inner planets in order

_____________________ , _______________________________, _______________________


6. spelling: use the Word of the box to answer the clues

Violinist- ecology-patriotism- vocalist- meteorology- zoology- claustrophobie- capitalism- novelist -


1. the study of animals ____________________________

2. person who writes novels ________________________

3. abnormal fear of technology_______________________

4. love and devolution fo rones country_________________________________

5. person who plays the violin________________________

6. science related with weather________________________

7.economic system_________________________________________

8. study of the relation of living things to the enviroment____________________________________

9.fear of being in enclosed places______________________________________________

10. a singer_____________________________________________

7. Science: put the correctly name of the plants under them , use the words of the box

Jupiter-Mercury- Saturn- Uranus-Earth-Venus-Mars-Neptune.

8. spelling: use the Word of the box to answer the clues

Subscription – spectacular -eruption-eject-abruptly-prescribe- reject-espect-rupture- inseribe

1. put out from a place ____________________________

2. an element to be considered ________________________

3. put to recive something_______________________

4. suddenly and unexpectly_________________________________

5. aburst or break________________________

6. to refuse to accept________________________

7.carve into a material_________________________________________

8. sudder outbreak of something____________________________________

9.authorize the use of a medicine______________________________________________

10. specially great_____________________________________________

9. Science: match with the correct charateristic

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