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Reading & Grammar

3 trimestre part 2

1. reading: Match with the correct drawing

1. bouquet: bounch of flowers

2. circus: where clowns work

3. difficult : hard to do or understand

4. nibbling: eating with short quick bites

5. pier : walk or dock built out over water

6. soars: files at a grat neight

7. swallow : bitter chew and …

2. Grammar : underline the adjective in each sentence

1. I love that tiny pillow

2. My mom has a yellow bag
3. the Little boy was crying
4. we saw a big jet today
5. the cute pupy plays outside
6. there is a beautiful park
7. I like old houses
8. Betty is an adorable baby
3. Grammar : complete the sentences use the correct article of the box

A – an – the

1. I want __________ burger

2. Alice has ________ umbrella
3. Paris is _________ capital of France
4. The pilot files _____________ airplane
5. ____________ houses are huge
6. Do you want ________________ popsicle?
7. my daughter wants ________ dog
8. ________ weather is nice today

4. Grammer: use the correct from of the adjective ( )

Comparative : than er to adjective

Superlative : the est to the adjective

1. Lucia is ________________ than paloma (tall)

2. apples are _____________________ than grapefruits (sweet)

3. Winter is the ______________ season (cold)

4. this books is the _____________ in the library (old)

5. Grammar : Put the comparative and superlative form of each adverb

Comparative superlative







6. Grammar : circle the adverb in each sentence

1) Yesterday we visited my aunt

2) The girl shouted loudly
3) The dogs play outside
4) He ran quickly
5) It´s raining heavity
7. 5. grammar: put the correct name under de item . use the words of the box

Dough- braided-boils-fience- curious -delicious- pale-shallon- raindrops -homesick-airpont-cotton gracefil- bouquet-

difficult rhythm-handkerchif-paces

8. Grammar : write C if its comparative or S if its superlative

1) Bigger __________

2) Colder_______________

3) Happplest_________
4) Hottest_____________

5) Shorter _______________

6) Smallest________________

9. reading: Match with the correct drawing

1. homesick; clonging for home

2. cellar ; underground room

3. curious

4. rain drops

5. described

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