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Sustainability Science (2023) 18:557–568


Promises of Bioeconomic Change as a Strategy for Avoiding Socio-ecological


The more things change, the more they stay the same: promises
of bioeconomy and the economy of promises
Dennis Eversberg1 · Philip Koch1 · Rosa Lehmann2 · Andrea Saltelli3,4 · Sabaheta Ramcilovic‑Suominen5 ·
Zora Kovacic3,6

Received: 26 January 2023 / Accepted: 13 March 2023 / Published online: 23 March 2023
© The Author(s) 2023

This editorial lays out the core themes of the special feature and provides an overview of the contributions. It introduces the
main argument, namely that the promises of far-reaching change made by recent bioeconomy policies are in fact strategically
directed at avoiding transformative change to existing societal arrangements. Bioeconomy discourse showcases technological
solutions purported to solve sustainability ‘problems’ while sustaining economic growth, but avoids issues of scalability,
integration or negative consequences. Thus, bioeconomy policies, and particularly the latest versions of the predominantly
European ‘bio-resource’ variety that have rhetorically integrated a lot of previous sustainability-minded criticism, serve to
ward off or delay challenges to an unsustainable status quo, in effect prolongating the escalatory imperatives of capitalist
modernity that are at the root of current crises. The editorial’s second part highlights the contributions that the 13 featured
articles, based on theoretical considerations as well as policy analyses and empirical case studies from a range of countries,
make to this argument.

For more than a decade now, governments predominantly in core element of solutions to the global ecological crisis, and,
the Global North have been heralding the bioeconomy as a increasingly so, as an impending transformation that will
entail comprehensive and far-reaching societal change. The
EU, as one of the main institutional protagonists of recent
Handled by Osamu Saito, Institute for Global Environmental
Strategies, Japan. bioeconomy policymaking, for instance, opens its current
updated bioeconomy strategy as follows:
* Dennis Eversberg We live in a world of limited resources. Global chal-
lenges like climate change, land and ecosystem deg-
BMBF Junior Research Group “Mentalities in Flux” radation, coupled with a growing population force us
(Flumen), Institute of Sociology, Friedrich Schiller
University, Leutragraben 1, 07743 Jena, Germany
to seek new ways of producing and consuming that
respect the ecological boundaries of our planet. (Euro-
“Innovation and Sustainability in Ibero‑America”, Heidelberg
Center for Ibero‑American Studies (HCIAS), Heidelberg
pean Commission 2018, p. 4)
University, Brunnengasse 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany Its 2012 predecessor had promised ‘rapid, concerted
UPF Barcelona School of Management, Carrer de Balmes, and sustained changes in lifestyle and resource use that cut
132, 08008 Barcelona, Spain across all levels of society and the economy’ (European
Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities Commission 2012, p. 3). Yet, despite such transformative
(SVT), University of Bergen, Parkveien 9, PB 7805, rhetoric, the claimed benefits such as combating climate
5020 Bergen, Norway
change, helping restore ecosystems, halting land degradation
“International Forest Policy and Governance”, Natural and reducing food waste while delivering new jobs in a sus-
Resource Institute Finland (LUKE), Itäinen Pitkäkatu 4 A,
20520 Turku, Finland tainable ‘circular economy’ (European Commission 2018,
6 pp. 5–7) are not to result from some kind of fundamental
Urban Transformation and Global Change (TURBA) Lab,
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain socio-ecological turnaround that would call into question

558 Sustainability Science (2023) 18:557–568

established unsustainable modes of production and living. as the principal mode of achieving change amounts to a ‘pro-
Rather, they are presented as resulting from ‘unprecedented duction of irreversibility’ and ‘lock-ins’ (Joly 2013, p. 209)
advances in life sciences and biotechnologies, as well as that renders society dependent and can progressively lock
innovations merging the physical, digital and biological out any other solutions.
worlds’ (p. 6) that will, in the near future, revolutionize the The intention of this special feature is to demonstrate that
European economy, buttress its globally dominant position, current bioeconomy policies, despite their rhetorical inte-
and sustainably re-power the way Europeans live: gration of earlier criticisms, are still a prime example of
this economics of techno-scientific promises. In this vein,
[T]he need to achieve sustainability constitutes a
for example, current research has found the German bioec-
strong incentive to modernise our industries and to
onomy to be successful in ‘stabilizing the existing unsus-
reinforce Europe’s position in a highly competitive
tainable social order’, all the while being a ‘failing political
global economy, thus ensuring the prosperity of its
project’ in terms of its stated real-world aims (Lühmann and
citizens. To tackle these challenges, we must improve
Vogelpohl 2023). The point we wish to strengthen in relation
and innovate the way we produce and consume food,
to this diagnosis is that in effect, and quite possibly contrary
products and materials within healthy ecosystems
to the intentions of some key actors, the stated stabilization
through a sustainable bioeconomy (p. 4).
is what the project was suited to achieve all along. Building
This type of vision is not exclusive to the EU, but per- on both theoretical considerations and empirical research
vades recent governmental bioeconomy strategies. Another on cases of bioeconomy policymaking and implementation
example is Germany’s recent bioeconomy strategy, which from across the globe, including several from the Global
portrays the ‘transition to a bioeconomy’ as a process where South, this special feature aims to provide a nuanced assess-
‘the way in which we do business will change all around the ment and critical discussion of the promise that the type
world and serve to put our economies on a more sustainable of bioeconomic ‘transformation’ envisioned by such policy
footing’. It promises not only a core contribution to achiev- concepts can contribute to more socially and ecologically
ing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, but also ‘a sustainable societies. It scrutinizes not only the ways in
vast array of opportunities’ for domestic firms to be ‘suc- which this promise is legitimized, made credible and turned
cessful in the markets of tomorrow’ and for the country to into a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ creating path dependencies
stay ‘a leader in the development of pioneering approaches’ and lock-ins (Joly 2013; Befort 2021), but also the increas-
(BMBF and BMEL 2020, p. 3). ingly evident globally unequal developments and socio-
What these proclamations articulate is the promise, i.e. ecological consequences it triggers.
the ‘claim to the possibility and desirability of a certain In the remainder of this editorial, we will first present
vision’ (Eversberg et al. 2022a, p. 4, in this feature) of bioec- the core thesis and central diagnoses of our special feature,
onomy in which more of the same in technological advance then situate these by giving a brief account of how the spe-
and economic expansion will transform societies toward cific type of bioeconomy policy discourse at stake here came
sustainability without actually transforming anything sub- about, and finally give an overview of the individual articles
stantial about them. Following Joly (2013; see also Befort and their contributions to the overall argument.
2021; Giampietro 2019), they can be seen as expressions of
an ‘economics of techno-scientific promises’ (ETP): starting
from the widely accepted problematization (Joly 2013, p. Transformation without transformation:
206) of ecological crisis, they posit technological ‘innova- investigating a contradictory promise
tion’ as the one solution that will solve all problems, de-
thematizing any aspect of change in practices, social rela- The core thesis that the contributions assembled in this
tions and basic economic institutions, and turning an issue special feature investigate from different angles, in differ-
of socio-political conflict into one of solution-seeking by ent geographic contexts and from diverse methodological
techno-scientific experts (Boyer et al. 2022, in this feature; approaches is that current bioeconomy policies, despite their
Lühmann and Vogelpohl 2023). The promise is legitimized rhetoric of transformation, are ultimately directed at the very
by appeal to both the ‘ideology of technological progress’ opposite. Being based on an incomplete and biased acknowl-
(Joly 2013, p. 207) and the notion of sustainable develop- edgment of the challenges lying ahead, these policies effec-
ment, with the latter as well as the pervasive competitiveness tively prevent the radical transformation of modern societies
argument serving to back up the claims with a ‘diagnosis of that is urgently needed in light of multiple rapidly escalat-
urgency’ (Joly 2013, p. 208). It is provided with credibility ing crises. The concepts of societal change advanced from
through mobilization of the authority of science and its sup- within what Joly (2013) terms the ‘ETP regime’, therefore,
posed impending breakthroughs (Joly 2013, p. 208), and its fall short of envisioning and consciously facing the kind of
reliance on the technologies offered by those breakthroughs large-scale societal transformations that will ultimately be

Sustainability Science (2023) 18:557–568 559

required to deal with the deep contemporary socio-ecologi- largely unaddressed. Instead, governments supply
cal crises. In creating irreversibilities and lock-ins, they also imagery such as that of the “bioeconomy airport” pre-
close down, rather than opening up, the scope of possible sented at the 2020 Global Bioeconomy Summit1—a
transformative routes and the diversity of socially available fictional flight transport hub that features plant-based
knowledge that could contribute to them (Giampietro and unbreakable window panes and moss walls to filter pol-
Funtowicz 2020; Saltelli et al. 2023; Stirling 2023). The lution out of the air, but in effect remains the ground
contributions to the special feature, therefore, also address station of the most unsustainable mode of transporta-
different aspects and consequences of as well as reasons for tion that exists, for which there is no prospect of near-
this ‘impaired vision’, uncover its omissions and blind spots, term decarbonization whatsoever.
and discuss elements of alternatives to the promissory mode   This, in effect, appears as the real promise. Policy
of policy discourse that contemporary bioeconomy strate- discourse promotes visions of unceasing technologi-
gies stand for. Two central diagnoses are at the heart of this cal progress and purportedly impending revolutionary
Special Feature’s argument: breakthroughs as a means to maintain the illusion that
economic growth can be reconciled with sustainability
(1) Standing in the tradition of earlier visions of ecological (by substituting fossil inputs and increasing efficiency)
modernization (Backhouse 2021; Bastos Lima 2022), or even fully decoupled from environmental impact (by
the dominant narratives of official bioeconomy strate- establishing a ‘circular economy’ purported to func-
gies present innovation as a means to turn the tensions tion without any external input)—all while in the real
between environmental concerns and economic priori- world, emissions targets are missed and fossil fuel use
ties into synergies. Rather than aiming at any kind of is still on the rise. To remain in the airport imagery:
post-growth strategy, they claim to offer a way to rec- performing highly visible yet comparatively ineffec-
oncile environmental and economic concerns, by put- tive measures of ‘change’ in the lobby while wide-body
ting bio-based ‘solutions’ at the service of economic planes burning hundreds of tons of fossil kerosene keep
growth and constructing the plausible image of a win– taking off from the runway conveys the hypocrisy that
win strategy (Kovacic et al. 2019). Such eco-modernist rich societies can avoid changes to modes of living that
visions have recently made significant gains in political are currently based on unprecedented levels of resource
currency far beyond the field of bioeconomy policy, as and energy use (Levidow et al. 2012; Kröger and Raitio
for example in the EU’s ‘Green Deal’ (Haas et al. 2022) 2017; Hausknost et al. 2017). As it were, the bioec-
or the Biden administration’s ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ onomy, and the broader frameworks of ‘green growth’
in the US (Schepelmann 2022, p. 283). The concrete of which it is a cornerstone, aim at what one might
‘solutions’ presented in these visions are mostly tech- dub transformation as a way to avoid transformation.
nologies promising to boost biomass production by Change in the material-energetic basis of societies is
improved control over genetic and environmental fac- to be the key to avoiding change in the structure and
tors (GMOs, precision agriculture), and/or substitute mode of operations of those societies: “a modern,
fossil-based materials and processes as bio-based drop- resource-efficient and competitive economy, ensuring:
in replacements, such as tires made from dandelion or no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050; eco-
biopolymers produced by genetically modified bacteria nomic growth decoupled from resource use” (European
(Boyer et al. 2022, in this feature). Even though specific Commission 2019).
innovations may bring about functional change (such as (2) By promising to solve everything by technological and
the example of PLA studied by Befort 2021), within the economic means while avoiding changes to prevailing
bioeconomy discourse, the expected role of innovation unsustainable modes of living, this type of governmen-
is that of a “drop-in” that helps maintain the existing tal bioeconomy strategy is poised to prolongate, rather
paradigm (Befort 2021). than question, the escalatory societal imperatives that
  Yet, the feasibility of both upscaling such solutions are at the root of these crises (Rosa et al. 2017): the
to the macroeconomic, even global, level and combin- need for perpetual economic growth. The contribu-
ing them into an overall economic framework to fully tors to this Special Feature share the assumption that
substitute for the enormous and still-growing amounts even though some governments (predominantly in rich
of fossil resources currently used, while avoiding Northern countries) now couch them in a rhetoric of
overexploitation of ecosystems, loss of biodiversity, thorough transformation, these policies do not repre-
soil degradation and other detrimental effects, remains sent an answer to the crises wrought by modern capital-

See https://​gbs20​20.​net/​exhib​ition-​airpo​rt/.

560 Sustainability Science (2023) 18:557–568

ist societies’ inherent compulsion to expand economic wicz 2020) about the problems, limitations and even
activity. Albeit from different angles and at varying sheer impossibilities of delivering on the promises
intensities, all contributions can be seen to reflect upon has led to some degree of discursive re-articulation
the fundamental conflict between that expansionist and a ‘greener’ rhetoric in new, revised policy strate-
logic and the concrete boundedness of nature, including gies (European Commission 2018; BMEL and BMBF
humans, and on the inability of dominant institutions 2020). Yet, their overall political and discursive impact
and forms of knowledge to respond to the challenges. has remained unscathed (Lühmann and Vogelpohl
From this point of view, the debates around bioec- 2023; Ramcilovic-Suominen 2022, in this feature), not
onomy policies are characterized by the contradictory least due to reductionist approaches to the assessment
efforts of governments and industry to both deal with of policies (Saltelli et al. 2023; Stirling 2023), point-
the destructive effects and escalating disasters caused ing to precisely the type of lock-in described by Joly
by that expansionism while at the same time attempting (2013).
to keep it going at all costs.   This special feature addresses this impermeability of
  The promissory nature of bioeconomic policy dis- the bioeconomy discourse’s promises to mounting evi-
course has often been noted in the scholarly literature dence of their unreality, assembling multi-disciplinary
(Petersen and Krisjansen 2015; Sanz-Hernández et al. analyses of the structure and evolution of the different
2019; Giampietro and Funtowicz 2020). And indeed, promises made, the functions of these promises and
these promises are far from unchallenged: critics from their socio-ecological consequences in contexts where
civil society and agriculture have pushed for stronger bioeconomy strategies are implemented. It highlights
sustainability agendas (Lühmann 2020; Riemann et al. the social uses and functions of the promises in main-
2022), while sustainability scientists have pointed out taining the credible illusion that ‘change’ is feasible
the lack of viability of growth-oriented bioeconomy or already taking place, in conveying an image of that
concepts in the face of the limited availability of change as beneficial to everybody, uncontroversial and
resources and sinks (Giampietro 2019; Bringezu et al. ultimately restricted to marginal aspects of people’s
2021). Efforts at biophysical modeling of feasible bio- lives, and carefully avoiding any allusion to the ‘trag-
economy trajectories suggest an inevitable necessity edy of change’ that lies ahead (Giampietro and Funto-
for sufficient, much less resource-intensive, trajectories wicz 2020). Consequently, and as such echoing critical
that will require intense societal planning and negotia- debates on environmental policies and corresponding
tion processes (Hausknost et al. 2017). No less impor- strategies (Pichler et al. 2020), they expose this promis-
tantly, research has shown that attempts to reconcile sory face of the bioeconomy as a strategic means for
economic imperatives with sustainability criteria end delaying or even circumventing the processes of social
up detrimental to ecological (Kleinschmit et al. 2017) conflict and political deliberation that societies will
and social concerns. The latter include exploitative need to embark upon to overcome the dependency on
working conditions and other forms of domination and everlasting economic expansion. These narratives thus
injustices in the Global South (Backhouse et al. 2021; appear as another strategy to establish a sociotechni-
Puder 2019; Neimark and Healy 2018), or externaliza- cal imaginary favorable to the incumbent status quo:
tion and low-wage migrant labor in bio-based sectors another epistemic means aimed at the capture of the
in the North (Prause 2021; Reid et al. 2021; Bogoeski collective zeitgeist (Saltelli et al. 2022).
2022). Recent research has also increasingly addressed
the bioeconomy in light of unequal North–South rela-
tions, e.g., by analytically and empirically unpacking its Bioeconomy visions and the emergence
role in perpetuating and/or deepening ecologically une- of a rhetoric of contradictory promises
qual exchange and the production of extractive knowl-
edge (Backhouse et al. 2022; Tittor 2021). Challenges To some observers, the critical fervor of our argument
have also been mounted in a range of other scholarly may seem misplaced: has not bioeconomy policy evolved
and scientific fields, ranging from analyses of their in recent years, have not policymakers gone to significant
discursive foundations and knowledge bases through lengths to consider critical points raised by scientists and
economic accounts of jobs and value creation to inves- civil society, and have not revised strategies moved sustain-
tigations of the potentials and limits of biophysical ability concerns more and more into the center of attention,
expansion of bio-based economies (for an overview, while toning down the aggressive techno-utopianism that
see Eversberg et al. 2022a, in this feature). dominated the biotech industry around the turn of the mil-
  The production of such now abundant uncomfort- lennium (Eversberg et al. 2022a, in this feature)? Does not
able knowledge (Rayner 2012; Giampietro and Funto- all this indicate institutional change pointing in a beneficial,

Sustainability Science (2023) 18:557–568 561

salutary direction? In other words, is not the successive When the bioeconomy rose to prominence as a policy
revision of policies and the broader rhetorical integration notion during the first decade of the present millennium,
of socio-ecological concerns a sign that policymaking itself Georgescu-Roegen’s ideas, and the acute consciousness of
follows the logic of the ‘promise cycle’ observed in indus- ecological crisis of the early 1970s from which he argued,
trial innovation (Befort 2021; Joly 2013), in which initially were largely forgotten. As a policy concept initially pro-
exaggerated claims are inevitably disappointed by the limita- moted by the OECD (2009), it was quite clearly the product
tions of reality, giving way to renewed processes of scientific of an ambition to turn biotechnological innovations into the
invention and discovery that lead to new, less hyperbolic and driver of a new cycle of economic growth as the ‘next big
more feasible solutions bound to be further improved in the thing’ after the boom of digital technology (Meyer 2017).
next round of the cycle? We argue that this salutary view, Seizing on the promises of an industry boosted by the
instructive as it may be with regard to industrial product sequencing of the human genome a few years earlier, the
innovation processes, misses the point when applied to pol- ‘biotech vision’ (Bugge et al. 2016; Befort 2020) of bio-
icy formation. Indeed, our critical point is directed precisely economy was unambiguously set on using technological
against this kind of misplaced optimism: The more things advances of the life sciences to further the economization
change, the more they stay the same in bioeconomy policy. and commodification of life, and particularly genetic infor-
Policymaking is not a ‘clean’ process of invention and dis- mation, as a means to further expand the capitalist economy.
covery in search of optimal solutions, but a messy complex It promoted images of quick and radical change, but that
of struggles, competing interests and power strategies, and change was to come in the form of a radical Schumpeterian
the claim that these can be overcome in the same cyclical, ‘creative destruction’ of established and allegedly outdated
harmonically solution-oriented way as the challenges of modes of bio-based (and other) economic activity that would
implementing a specific technology is itself a promise that bring even faster growth and expansion (Saviotti 2017). This
should be viewed with the utmost caution. policy imaginary suggested that genetically tailor-made
The line of inquiry of the present special feature offers biological resources could be made available in unlimited
important insights on the sociogenic limits and resistances to quantity as a result of an innovative dynamic that simply
the deep transformations increasingly recognized as neces- needed to be unleashed. The vision remained wedded to
sary in sustainability science. Taking into account the social an old-fashioned sci-fi imagery of unfettered technological
frictions and dissenting visions of bio-based transformation advance that was as fossil in its inner logic as the post-war
neutralized in the vision of a salutary promise cycle, it also era of which it was a legacy. In trying to present as fea-
aims to counter the ‘production of irreversibility’ by con- sible a bio-based economy operating in perfect continuity
tributing to alternative answers to the challenges addressed. with the unbridled fossil-driven expansionism of the Great
The authors share the view that such alternatives are not to Acceleration (Steffen et al. 2015; Görg et al. 2020), it simply
be expected from yet more promises of reconciling growth doubled down on the process of abstract escalatory societali-
and sustainability, but from practices based on principles of zation that Georgescu-Roegen had exposed as structurally
sufficiency, degrowth and caring relationships with nature. unsustainable.
This implies reinstating the term ‘bioeconomy’ itself in the The ultimate incompatibility between concrete, living
fundamentally antagonistic meaning that it initially bore: it nature and that abstract expansionism was always there to
began its career as a highly critical notion that has since been haunt these dreams. From the outset, civil society actors
“hijacked” (Vivien et al. 2019) by growth-oriented policy and critical scientists contested both the biotech-centered
discourse. Originally, the “bioeconomics” proposed by eco- visions and the associated technologies. The hegemonic
logical economist Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen (1971, 1975) biotech-centered imaginary was confronted with counter-
was no promise at all, but an attack on the abstract formal- hegemonic ‘bio-ecology’ visions (Bugge et al. 2016) cen-
ism of economic thinking with its unfounded promises of tered on agro-ecological production and organic agriculture
everlasting growth. It was a call to suspend the compulsion (Levidow et al. 2019). In radical opposition to the dominant
for destructive expansion built into the mode of operations vision, these movements are linked to ideas of transforming
of the capitalist economy. To Georgescu-Roegen, the com- away from the imperative of growth and maximization of
posite term was meant to stress the aspect of ‘bio’, indicating profits in the market. Their visions converge on economies
the need for any economy to remain within the boundaries of built on principles of diversity, regionality, deceleration,
the space accorded to it by the living. In contrast, the current voluntary self-limitation and production according to cri-
promissory discourse foregrounds ‘economy’, rhyming with teria of use value to serve concrete needs. In the wake of
and aiming at the economization of life itself and the sub- the increasingly acute awareness of escalating ecological
jection of the living to precisely that imperative of infinite crises, Georgescu-Roegen’s thought has been rediscovered
expansion (Birch 2019; Kaşdoğan 2020; Barla et al. 2022). and turned into one of the sources of critical positions on
the bioeconomy, stressing the biophysical impossibility of

562 Sustainability Science (2023) 18:557–568

its promises (Vivien et al. 2019; Giampietro 2019). More escalating crises without questioning the fundamentals of
recently, and in growing recognition of the importance of expansionism, ‘competitiveness’ and the prevalence of an
global injustices as a dimension of socio-ecological crisis, obviously unsustainable and unjust ‘imperial mode of living’
decolonial and degrowth-oriented critiques have also been (Brand and Wissen 2021). The same may be said for ecologi-
voiced (Ramcilovic-Suominen et al. 2022). cal modernization projects more broadly, be it in debates
Due to this double heritage and the deeply entrenched and around climate policy and energy transitions or comprehen-
conflicting power interests associated with it, the meaning of sive initiatives like the EU’s Green Deal (Haas et al. 2022).
the notion of bioeconomy has always been as contested as it The more urgent the calls from science and civil society for
has been ambivalent. One of the products of that contesta- rapid action, the more transformative the political rhetoric
tion is the so-called ‘biomass-bioeconomy’ (Befort 2020) becomes. Yet, effective measures remain out of reach due to
or ‘bio-resource vision’ (Bugge et al. 2016), of which the the inability, and often unwillingness, of decision-makers to
specific strategy of promising change to avert transforma- turn their backs on the promises of technological solution-
tion that is at stake here is arguably a typical characteris- ism, to confront the politico-economic power structures and
tic. Focused on substituting fossil inputs to the economy structural lock-ins at the heart of fossil capitalism (Mitchell
with bio-based materials mass-produced and processed 2011; Huber 2013; Malm 2016), and to oppose the parties
as an abstract, uniform ‘biomass’, this vision was devised promoting the promise of a green capitalism (Ajl 2022). As
early on, most prominently by the EU in its initial concept a consequence, the political commitments to achieving a
of ‘knowledge-based bioeconomy’ (Patermann and Aguilar sustainable society appear increasingly unrealistic.
2018), in an attempt to reconcile the antagonistic visions The contributions in this special feature move from this
and competing interests. Reflecting the highly skewed bal- diagnosis to provide a critical examination of the dynamics
ance of power between those interests, this ‘bio-resource of contestation and realignment playing out around existing
vision’ remains wedded to the growth imperative and the bioeconomy policies. They trace these dynamics at various
logic of the economization of life and is closer in spirit to levels and from different perspectives, and face the obvious
the biotech than the bio-ecology vision (Bugge et al. 2016, follow-up question: what would it mean for political projects
p. 13). It is also hardly less fossil in its logic, as it ‘aims less or initiatives of post-fossil societal change to actually be
at decarbonising society and more at substituting renewable ‘transformative’ in a substantial, rather than merely rhetori-
biomass for fossil carbon’ (Levidow et al. 2019, p. 14) in cal sense?
an attempt to ultimately conserve the structures of the fos-
sil era. Still, and even more so in its recently reformulated
versions (European Commission 2018; BMEL and BMBF Bioeconomic transformation: the making
2020), it has responded to the increasingly pressing need and re‑making of a contested policy
to integrate growing scientific and societal concerns. As imaginary
such, it has moved somewhat closer rhetorically to the calls
for transformation voiced from the ‘bio-ecology’ camp, for The first, larger part of this special feature assembles those
instance in adopting the UN’s Sustainable Development articles whose main contributions lie in tracing the emer-
Goals as criteria (Eversberg et al. 2022a, in this feature). gence and evolution of the paradox move of promising to
However, its more specific measures and especially funding transform everything while conserving the status quo, high-
priorities have remained essentially unchanged, and continue lighting the contradictions it implies on different scales.
to favor the biotechnology industry (Lühmann 2020). There- They investigate the discursive and ideological strategies
fore, while these processes of reformulation might appear as employed in bioeconomy policy discourse to establish and
resulting from an equivalent of the ‘(re-)invention phase’ of lend credibility to the promise of reconciling growth and
the ‘promise cycle’ (Befort 2021) after earlier expectations sustainability, highlight how the promises misrepresent the
had been deflated by socio-political challenges and scien- broader challenges of social-ecological transformation, and
tific ‘reality checks’ (Eversberg et al. 2022a), this analogy is illuminate processes of discursive and practical contestation
partly at odds with the actual temporal sequence (concerning surrounding them.
the emergence of the ‘bio-resource vision’), and less than The overview article by Dennis Eversberg, Jana Holz
half the truth in terms of changes to the actual policies, as and Lilian Pungas (2022a) introduces the debate around
the key drivers of the adverse effects that critics had high- the bioeconomy’s promises by tracing their articulation
lighted have remained wholly untouched: rhetorical compro- and re-articulation within the policy discourse since the
mise should not be equated with reinvention. turn of the millennium. It explains the divergence between
The promise of ‘transformation without transformation’ rhetoric and priorities of current policies as the result of
thus most closely corresponds to this peculiar hybrid of the a series of ‘reality checks’ originating from research on
‘bio-resource’ vision, born out of attempts to manage the diverse aspects and dimensions of the bioeconomy that,

Sustainability Science (2023) 18:557–568 563

sometimes unintentionally, have challenged the viability of and oil palm in Malaysia, Puder and Tittor (2023) confront
the promises. On discursive, socio-political, economic and these policies with the empirical socio-ecological effects of
biophysical grounds, these checks have exposed political large-scale monocultural biomass production for and in a
claims as unwarranted and have prompted policymakers to bioeconomy. They show that the focus of these countries’
scale down their rhetoric. The authors suggest that schol- bioeconomy policies on expanding production for export in
arly and political debates should no longer confine critical these sectors not only fails to deliver their own promises of
issues surrounding the bioeconomy to a secluded field of social and environmental ‘upgrading’, but also reproduces
technocratic debate among experts. They call for societal the dependent positions of these countries in the global divi-
debates addressing it as part of much broader processes sion of labor and nature (see, e.g., Alarcón 2022). While
of social–ecological transformation that are rightfully the attempts to increase the domestic value added of agricul-
subject of social contestation and struggle, away from an tural products do lead to the establishment of new industries
economy of promises. in these countries, this has hardly had lasting employment
Yet, as Vogelpohl’s (2023) contribution argues, such criti- effects. Bioeconomy’s promise about ‘keeping the wealth
cal analysis should not legitimize wholesale characteriza- in the country’ in effect legitimizes increasing inequalities
tions of bioeconomy policies as ‘neoliberal’. Scrutinizing and masks the detrimental effects of industrial agriculture
sustainability standards in the European Union, Brazil and and monocropping on local populations, especially in the
Indonesia from a political ecology and political sociology long term (see also Tittor 2021). Anlauf’s (2022) contri-
perspective, he shows that those policies are strongly shaped bution, while rhyming with these findings, focuses on the
by the respective countries’ or regions’ economic situation oft-neglected role of classical minerals extractivism at the
and the material interests associated with it. Governments global peripheries for agroindustrial bioeconomy value
tend to use them to pursue the interests they represent. Espe- chains worldwide. He investigates strategies of political
cially in the Global South, this amounts to the promotion and economic actors in Brazil and Germany for securing
of ongoing spatio-temporal processes of industrialization phosphate fertilizer supply for their countries’ industrialized
and modernization, which are at odds with, and thus tend agriculture. This flags a reaction to the material’s mutation
to avoid, any form of sustainability-oriented transformation. from a ‘low-cost bulk commodity’ into a strategic resource
Vogelpohl’s focus on efforts to continue ‘business-as- in 2007–2013, showing that, through the strategic efforts to
usual’ on an economic level and his perspective on both the gain control of this crucial non-renewable production input,
EU and countries of the Global South resonates with the bioeconomy strategies can contribute to the intensification
contribution by Kumeh and Ramcilovic-Suominen (2023). of conflicts as well as the deepening of inequalities and even
In their analysis, they highlight how the European Union’s induce food crises. This analysis demonstrates the depend-
role in tropical deforestation, along with overconsumption, ence of bioeconomy policies’ promises on the availability of
neocolonial domination, and unequal ecological and eco- large quantities of non-renewable resources whose extraction
nomic exchange, are left unaddressed in the EU’s bioec- is itself still deeply embedded in the fossil industrial econ-
onomy strategy as well as in policy commitments associated omy. He concludes that the bioeconomy’s potential to reduce
with the EU action to protect and restore the world’s forests. the extractivist and fossil-dependent character of industrial-
These policies contribute little to actual protection of tropi- ized agriculture and to alleviate power imbalances is limited
cal forests, but rather serve as distractions from the underly- at best, due not least to their acquiescence to the agendas
ing problems of overconsumption and asymmetrical power of already dominant actors in the respective sectors. This
relations between the Global North and South. The authors latter aspect is a recurrent theme touched upon in several
propose rethinking the EU’s approach to addressing tropical other contributions of this special feature, including those
deforestation, in order to reduce the pressure and demand for of Vogelpohl and Boyer et al.
deforestation-causing commodities in the EU, and to tackle Examining local-scale examples of change in the sec-
the causes of unjust neocolonial relations, including mate- tors and practices addressed by the bioeconomy debate,
rial and immaterial domination. This is to contribute to just the case reports by Jana Holz and Philip Koch investi-
and anti-colonial relations between the EU and the former gate the effects of promissory bioeconomy policies at the
colonies in the Global South. level of concrete, specific bio-based economic practices
The contributions of Janina Puder and Anne Tittor as and the practical rationalities or mentalities characterizing
well as Axel Anlauf add to these findings by investigating local actors’ habitualized social relationships with nature
other key aspects of the ramifications that high-income coun- (Eversberg et al. 2021, 2022b). This perspective can illu-
tries’ bioeconomy policies bear for the low-income countries minate both the ways in which the promises enable the
in the Global South. In the parlance of Eversberg et al., they continuation of unsustainable modes of production and liv-
thus present another ‘reality check’ to the promises of those ing, and the forms of contesting the same promises. Holz
strategies. Drawing on the examples of soy in Argentina (2023) points out that Finnish forestry, while traditionally

564 Sustainability Science (2023) 18:557–568

a sustainable practice and politically promoted as a prime or landscapes that constitute living, non-identical nature,
example of a sustainable and innovative bioeconomy, Boyer et al. move the debate on to the questions addressed
increasingly exhibits characteristics familiar from the in the remainder of the contributions to the present special
literature on extractivist agriculture. Koch (2022), in his feature.
analysis of the olive sector in Jaén, southern Spain, dis-
cusses several socio-ecological obstacles or challenges to
the modernization plans of the Andalusian regional gov- The return of the hijacked: preconditions,
ernment’s bioeconomy strategy. He identifies these obsta- problems and directions of a paradigm shift
cles not only in the spatial limits to the long-practiced
extensive expansion of cultivation and the biophysical If, as the argument of this special feature implies, an even-
constraints on its intensification (water scarcity), but also tual paradigm shift is required, the question of alterna-
in the deeply engrained mental structures and modes of tives to the promises, rather than of alternative promises,
living of smallholder families and in processes of social becomes pressing. The final five articles revolve around the
contestation and resistance to certain changes. preconditions, problems and possible directions of such a
Rounding off the contributions of this first, empirical- paradigm shift. They investigate the reasons for why alterna-
analytical part of the feature, the article by Miriam Boyer, tive pathways have so far remained ineffective, and ask how
Franziska Kusche, Sarah Hackfort, Louisa Prause and uncomfortable knowledge could feed into different ways of
Friederike Engelbrecht-Bock (2022) returns to the ques- dealing with uncertainty based on principles of sufficiency,
tion of how bioeconomy strategies succeed in making precaution, and care. In doing so, they contribute to concep-
promises that are both unrealistic and widely believed. tualizing alternatives to the previously discussed promissory
Deploying methods of ideology critique, they focus on the bioeconomy policies by offering perspectives from different
use and function of the concept of ‘biomass’ in German schools of thought, political movements and discourses.
bioeconomy policy. The authors examine different forms These contributions problematize the imperative of
of biomass-related knowledge and imagery, and distin- growth and expansion, the assumption that ‘transformation’
guish four ideological strategies employed to create and requires aiming to overcome that imperative, and proclaim
uphold the image of a ‘sustainable bioeconomy’. These are the need for alternative forms of common existence based
redefining conflicts as ‘technical problems’ to be solved on principles of self-limitation. All contributors likely agree
managerially, promoting technological innovation as the that the dynamics of abstraction and expansionism cannot
rational means to find solutions, postponing action into be reduced to the capitalist imperative of economic growth,
a supposedly technologically advanced and universally but are inherent to a deeper current of modern societies.
desirable future, and the playing down of the materiality There is no agreement, however, on whether and to what
of nature that underlies the presentation of ‘biomass’ as a degree capitalism must be put front and center analytically,
homogeneous concept, devoid of issues of scaling, avail- or viewed as merely one more or less subordinate aspect of
ability and usability, that can be controlled and instrumen- a larger ‘modernity complex’ that is colonial, patriarchal
talized at will. and blinded by abstract ontologies no less than it is capital-
Combined with the insights of the first three contribu- ist. Due to these differences in analysis, they also differ in
tions, this latter article makes a particularly strong point the imaginaries of alternative modes of being and in their
about how the ‘policy-based evidence’ (Marmot 2004; suggestions for transformative strategies.
Strassheim and Kettunen 2014) presented to justify cur- Pungas (2023) analyzes the bioeconomy strategies of
rent bioeconomy strategies amounts to tactics of diversion Estonia and the EU to show that they systematically ren-
and displacement (Rayner 2012). These strategies keep der invisible the majority of the processes and activities
the bioeconomy debate separate from questions of broader that form the foundation of any economy. Drawing on the
social-ecological transformation and focus on isolated tech- subsistence approach of the Bielefeld school of feminist
nological advances (dandelion rubber, maize-based plastics, economics, she stresses the role of unequal power relations
­CO2-metabolizing microbes). By breaking complex chal- in effecting the capitalist, colonial and patriarchal separa-
lenges down into small-scale ‘solutions’ for narrowly defined tions and hierarchizations through which this is achieved,
‘problems’, they evade questions concerning the ecological and argues that these effects of social domination currently
feasibility and systemic integration of these practices, thus prevent alternative possibilities from becoming part of real
contributing to the social construction of ignorance (Rayner alternatives. Her example are the sustainable practices of
2012). By ending their contribution with a plea for reject- food-self-provisioning in the border region between Esto-
ing technocratic abstractions like ‘biomass’ and practically nia and Russia, which, although highly important to the
inventing and exploring alternative, non-instrumental ways region’s food supply, is misrepresented as backward, mar-
of relating to the concrete plants, animals, fungi, microbiota ginal and unproductive by dominant bioeconomic visions

Sustainability Science (2023) 18:557–568 565

that privilege the formal economy of monetized activities, socio-ecological and environmental political agendas,
obscuring how the formal economy itself could never exist including those associated with decoloniality, degrowth,
without these (re)productive activities. eco-modernism, eco-feminism and eco-anarchism, along
Ramcilovic-Suominen (2022) picks up on the original the lines of the proposed typology of transformations.
bioeconomy vision of Georgescu-Roegen by looking at the The special feature closes with an intervention from the
European bioeconomy policies through the lens of envi- ranks of its editors. Giampietro’s (2023) comment takes the
ronmental justice and degrowth, and identifying dominant popularity of the notion of the circular bioeconomy as an
logics that block actual transformative action. Most impor- occasion to critically reflect on what he sees as an acute
tantly, she argues, the EU’s policies frame nature as a crisis of sustainability science. He charges the majority of
mere resource at humanity’s free disposal, which the bloc the field with clinging to a paradigm of human relations with
actively seizes on in its ambition to be the global leader in the ‘external world’ that has lost its base in reality, as exem-
bioeconomic transformations. Echoing the findings of a plified by the baseless promises of growth, decoupling and
number of other contributions in this special feature (such circularity discussed throughout this feature. Instead of fur-
as Boyer et al., Anlauf, Puder/Tittor, and Schmidlehner), thering serious debate on pathways out of escalating global
she takes the EU to task for a techno-solutionist policy disaster, the abstract ontologies of still-dominant ‘normal
approach, an insufficient conception of justice, and a geo- science’ are unfit to understand, much less deal with, the
economic power politics centered on competitiveness, as concrete problems and challenges faced today (see also
well as the persistence of hegemonic politico-economic Nightingale et al. 2020). Resonating with the findings of
structures that disproportionately benefit already domi- many of our contributions, he attributes this ‘ontological
nant actors defending business-as-usual. Against these crisis’ to science’s material and epistemological dependency
‘barriers’ she postulates the need for non-dualist visions on governance imperatives that are impervious to knowledge
and decentralized, bottom-up practices and coalitions of about the actual state of affairs, instead demanding ‘solu-
change committed to principles of planetary and epistemic tions’ and constructive suggestions on the footing of a status
justice as potential catalysts for radical transformative quo that is itself at the root of the planetary crisis. As a
strategies that could overcome the persistence of coloni- result, he diagnoses ‘a systemic lack of quality control on
ality and the growth imperative. the science-policy interface’ due to structurally inadequate
Schmidlehner’s (2023) contribution identifies the core evaluative criteria. Overcoming this ontological crisis would
problem currently obstructing transformation in the inner ‘require society to rediscuss its identity’, as ‘Transforma-
structure of modern subjectivities. He uses Lacan’s psy- tion’ in this understanding would amount to reinventing what
choanalytical theory to argue that recent contributions ana- ‘society’ is or can be.
lyzing the bioeconomy discourse’s core vision of decou- In conclusion, this may be taken as a crucial hint for fur-
pling as a neurotic fantasy analytically fall short. While he ther discussion and inquiry: moving toward sustainability
does concur, that modern subjectivity is sustained by such in a meaningful sense of the word cannot be achieved by
a fantasy, this to him is the more fundamental ‘fantasy of way of technocratic ‘solutions’ to the escalating problems
nature’ as something that can be analytically grasped and generated by the current societal mode of operations, but
separated from a human ‘cultural’ realm at all. However, indeed a process of what we might call ‘re-societalization’,
he argues that the conception of decoupling and green to which scientific business-as-usual appears as an obstacle
growth is more adequately analyzed as a symptom of a rather than a helpful tool. Therefore, if Giampietro calls for
‘psychotic reaction’ of ‘foreclosure’. A way out of this ‘a more reflexive science and a more reflexive society’, this
social pathology for him would require discovering new is not to be confused with the reflexive modernization (Beck
‘modes of subjectivation’ beyond the current mental lock- et al. 1994), in which an expansionist society finds itself
in to the ‘capitalist’s discourse’ and the fantasy of nature in forced to constantly go on complexifying by turning back on
order to identify and overcome barriers to transformation. itself to manage its own unintended consequences. Instead,
Drawing on the work of political philosophers Ernesto this would amount to a process of reflexive societalization,
Laclau, Chantal Mouffe and Judith Butler, Hamilton and of creating social worlds capable of adapting and correcting
Ramcilovic-Suominen (2023) develop an analytical lens themselves precisely because they are not blindly compelled
on the concept of ‘transformations’, by exploring relations to expanding and becoming ever more complex.
between hegemony and transformative dynamics. Deploy- Notwithstanding this rather fundamental closing note, we
ing a heuristic that characterizes concepts of change as hope that the present special feature can contribute some
inclusionary vs. transformational and process- vs. out- impulses to building sustainability science as a field of
come-oriented, they distinguish between hegemony-rein- inquiry. The authors aimed at shedding light on the causes
forcing, hegemony-replacing and hegemony-transcending of the structural injustices and unsuitability of the pur-
types of transformations. Finally, they situate existing ported solutions to sustainability problems offered under

566 Sustainability Science (2023) 18:557–568

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