My happiest memory

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My happiest memory… Aah! What a reminder!

But the thing is… nothing lasts forever, weather happiest

or saddest.

I still remember that day. It was my graduation. The day I had waited for so long, dreams built on,
moment by moment, to be cherished, kept safe, especially for this day. We humans are so weird in this
sense. We can wait an eternity for something we want so badly, and when the moment arrives, we
forget to cherish it, to live in the moment.

The same happened with me. I couldn’t sleep the night before. I spent the whole night chatting with my
batch mates. Everyone was wide awake, planning for the day our names would be called and we would
walk the aisle like royalties.

My mother had especially chosen this beautiful gown for my big day. It was her biggest dream to see me
wear the graduation cap. I took my time to get ready, all dolled up in my pink gown. Then I wore my
robe and cap. I was looking like a PhD!

There was something so different about that day. As my SUV sped up the turning, the flashbacks of my
first day at the university hit my memories and a tear drop fell from the corner of my eye. I could still
remember my first day. Something broke into my heart.

I got my name cleared at the entrance and started walking towards the main gate with my mother by
my side. I could sense the happiness and pride sparkling through her eyes. As soon as I stepped passed
the gate, I saw my best friend waving at me from a distance beaming with all her might. We both came
running towards each other and hugged like long lost buddies. We kept hugging for good five minutes
while our mothers exchanged greetings. We looked at each other from top to bottom and I must say we
both were looking like runway models.

Suddenly, an announcement was made from the auditorium and we both ran to grab our seats. The
parents were to be seated in a different area so our mothers left us with our friends. There was still time
for the ceremony to be started, so we took our time to greet our beloved teachers in the meantime. I
could see a totally different version of them that day; they were smiling, greeting and chatting with us
like old friends, not the way they used to be in the classroom; strict and angry, hahaha!

The ceremony started and one by one we were all called up the stage. There were cheers and hooting in
the auditorium. Everyone was happy… and sad! Nobody wanted to say goodbye to our alma mater,
friends, teachers and memories. But as I said earlier…nothing lasts forever! This too had to end and it

Today, when I look back, I see only growth, development and happy memories. That’s the beauty of
time. It heals everything…

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