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Oha Mart
Ecommerce Website
Using php
And My Sql
Engr. Chima Chuks

This project explores the architectural design of a back-end e-commerce site,
detailing the key components and infrastructure necessary for scalability,
performance, and security. It delves into core services such as user management,
product catalog, order processing, and the technical infrastructure, including
databases, caching, and message queues. Emphasis is placed on microservices
architecture, security best practices, and continuous integration and deployment
(CI/CD) pipelines.

E-commerce has become a cornerstone of the global economy, providing a platform
for businesses to reach a wider audience. A robust back-end architecture is critical to
ensure seamless operations, from user interactions to order fulfillment.
The Ohia Mart is a design that is scalable and high-performance back-end
architecture for an e-commerce site.To implement security measures to protect user
data and transactions.To ensure the system can handle high traffic and provide a
seamless user experience.This project covers the core components and infrastructure
of a back-end e-commerce site, including user service, product service, order service,
search and recommendation service, review and rating service, databases, caching,
message queues, security considerations, DevOps practices, and monitoring.
The Ohia Mart Project is sincerly one of the advance and enhance site that simulate
business transaction and different networking relationship between the whole salers,
the middle men and the consumers within aba and its environs .We produce this
product with a clear cut perceptive that this site is mainly to prompt interaction
between business the product or services rendered. The php back-end of this
ecommerce site was constructed in this form
Developing of an interface where products can be added
From the back end point of view using of the visual studio code an interface where
product can be added by customers who are have already signed into the site was
being developed making the customer able to have access to the different varieties of
his production it was built in a way that both the customers and admin can be able to
edit the product in order to enable quick sells by potential business owners .
The creation of the admin portal
The administrator is a person that manages an organization creating the admin portal
is another desire development in the creation of ohia mart project and giving the
admin different responsiblities to delete customers who has not renewed their
subscription to the hosting company .The admin is also incharge for removing
different postings that could destroy the information that is being communicated by
the site to both our current and potential customers . The admin is made up of the
various developers managing the site under the xampp my spl database the column of
the admin was intergated the admin also have the access different individual portal
using the site . The group of admins has link to update the site by adding special
features that could build the network for basic interactions and interest with the
current or potential customer the following codes was used to intergate the admin
The update portal
As clearly stated above the information of the above site can be updated by the use of
the up date portal where structured information of the customer record can be update
this information include customer credit record , the buyer intentions for required
service and the consumer desire .The ohia mart ecommerce application provides the
medium for the consumers to display their intentions using different service update in
order to serve our customers better
The other core components are
User Service, Authentication & Authorization
This Implement user registration, login, password recovery, and multi-factor
authentication (MFA).it use the OAuth2 for authorization and JWT (JSON Web
Tokens) for session management.We also have the user authentication this includes
store user details, including personal information, preferences, and order history.This
is done in order to ensure data privacy and compliance with regulations like GDPR.
Order Tracking
Provide real-time updates on order status from processing to delivery.Integrate with
shipping carriers for tracking information.
Payment Integration
Integrate with payment gateways We using the PayPal Toeensure secure transaction
processing and handle refunds and chargebacks. The search & Recommendation
Service Functions to Implement full-text search using Elasticsearch for fast and
relevant search results. We also have the recommendation Engine which use machine
learning algorithms to analyze user behavior and it also recommend products,provide
personalized recommendations on the home page, product pages, and during
Review & Rating Service
This allow customer Reviews and
users to leave reviews and ratings for purchased products. To Implement a system for
users to report inappropriate reviews.It also develop moderation tools for admin to
approve, reject, or edit reviews and use automated filtering to detect and block spam
and offensive content.
In Ohia Mart we use relational Database with MySQL for structured data, such as
user information, product details, and orders.In-memory. In Caching we use use
Redis or Memcached to cache frequently accessed data, reducing database load and
improving response times.
Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Implement a CDN like Cloudflare or Akamai to cache static assets (images, CSS,
JavaScript) and deliver them quickly to users worldwide. The message queue for
asynchronous Processing the Apache Kafka was used for handling background tasks
such as order processing, sending notifications, and updating inventory.
Microservices Architecture
Service Communication
The restful apis was used for communication between microservices.Implement API
gateways for routing requests to appropriate services. Also in the area of service
Discovery like tools we use Consul or Kubernetes for service discovery and
dynamic routing.
Security Consideration which involves data Encryption in Transit Use SSL/TLS to
encrypt data transmitted between clients and servers. We encrypt sensitive data stored
in databases using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).Also to implntment access
Control .We use OAuth2/JWT to Implement OAuth2 for authorization we use JWT
for secure session management and token-based authentication.
Fraud Detection
We Develop and deploy machine learning models to detect suspicious activities, such
as unusual login patterns or transaction anomalies. This is done to detect user who are
trying to hijack the site and inject viruses
Third-Party Services
In ohia mart back-end we Integrate with third-party fraud detection services to
enhance security.We also includeDevOps and CI/CD and version ControlGit.Using
Git for source code management, enabling collaboration and version tracking.Other
product intergated includes the CI/CD PipelineTools, Implementing CI/CD pipelines
using Jenkins, GitLab CI, or CircleCI to automate testing, build, and deployment
processes. The Containerization docker using Docker for consistency across
development, testing, and production environments.
We use Kubernetes for container orchestration, ensuring scalability and high
availability.Monitoring and Logging Application Monitoring Prometheus &
GrafanaUse Prometheus for collecting metrics and Grafana for visualizing them in
real-time. Also elk stack Implements centralized logging using Elasticsearch,
Logstash, and Kibana for collecting, processing, and analyzing log data. This
includes alerting To set up alerting systems to notify the team of critical issues using
tools like PagerDuty or Slack integrations. Adding to this we also set up auto-
scalingDynamic Scaling use auto-scaling groups to automatically adjust the number
of server instances based on traffic and load.Load BalancingTraffic Distribution
Implement load balancers like NGINX or AWS Elastic Load Balancer to distribute
incoming traffic evenly across server instances.Database Sharding Sharding
TechniquesApply sharding techniques to distribute database load across multiple
servers, enhancing performance and scalability.
The Ohia-Mart project highlights the critical components and best practices for
designing a back-end architecture for an e-commerce site. By focusing on scalability,
performance, security, and a seamless user experience, businesses can ensure their e-
commerce platforms meet the demands of modern consumers. Future improvements
may include leveraging AI for enhanced personalization and integrating with
emerging technologies like blockchain for secure transactions.
"Designing Data-Intensive Applications" by Martin Kleppmann
"Microservices Patterns" by Chris Richardson
Official documentation of technologies used: Elasticsearch, MongoDB, RabbitMQ,
Kubernetes, etc.
Relevant articles and whitepapers on e-commerce architecture and best practices.

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