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Lebanese International University

School of engineering

Department of computer engineering

XENGxxxL – ENG301L
Section ID: A

Submitted by: Monif Khaddaj

Lab Instructor: Mohamad Abdullah

Date: 19/3/2022

1- Objectives:
-the aim of this experiment is:
1-prove KVL Law using Lt spice
2-prove KCL law using Lt spice
3-prove Ohm’s law using Lt spice

2- Circuit design:

 KVL:

 3- Ohm’s Law :
3- Results:
1- KVL: (Vac = Vab + Vac)
By applying KVL in the first loop we get:
V1= R1*I1 + R2*I2
V1 = 100(0.0625) + 100(0.0375)
V1= 10V

2- KCI (I1= 12+ 13)

By applying KCL in the first loop we get:

IR1 = IR2 + IR3
IR1 = 0.0.375 + 0.025
3- Ohm’s law (V= RI ):
V= R*I
R= V/ I
R= 5.9/39:9*10^3
R=150 ohm’s

From the circuit above we conclude that:
1-the values of KVL are the same of values of KCL
2-we can prove using the values of Lt spice that the rule of KVl is true
3-We can prove using the values of Lt spice that the rule of KCL is true
4-We can prove the values of Lt spice that the rules of Ohm’s Law are true
5-The equivalent resistance in parallel is the sum of the current in each
Individual branch is equal to the current outside the branches.
The equivalent or overall resistance of the collection of resistors is given
1/Req= 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/Rn..
And in series is Req = R1 + R2 + Rn…


2. Project picture
3-Hardware Results:
4- Conclusion:
The superposition theorem states that a circuit with a multiple
Voltage and current sources is equal to the sum of simplified
Circuits using one of the sources.
When ps1 is connected (R2 and R3 are parallel)
VR1=10.026V. IR1=3.037mA
VR2=2.0553V. IR2=0.9408mA
VR3=2.0553V. IR3=2.808mA
When ps1 and ps2 are connected:
Disconnect ps2 OFF ON
VR2= -2.05. 2 1
Disconnect ps1. OFF. ON
VR2 = 8.55 1 2

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