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Exploring the Effects of Online Viewing Platforms

on Children's Behavioral Development

A Qualitative Research
Presented to
The Faculty of Matnog National High School
Matnog, Sorsogon

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements in Practical Research 1
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics


Jiny Rose Figueroa

Ma. Laica H. Galeria
Alea B. Gayon
Mikaella J. Guda
Faith Maureen Hadap

January 2024
Chapter I


The foundation for all future learning, behavior, and health is established throughout a
child's early years of development, making it important. Studies show that life is like a story
where the beginning sets the tone. Children's brain develop in real time as with their
surroundings. The quality of childhood experiences for children makes a significant difference in
how their brain grow, offering either strong or weak foundation for learning, and behavior
throughout life (Early Childhood Development, n.d.) . One of the most potent influences to
children is social media, Specifically YouTube. YouTube content has the power to directly
change values and behaviour. Youtube is popular to kids because most parents prefer to educate
their child through youtube videos. Children as young as 3 can now learn how to use cellular
phones even play or skip videos. Youtube continues to rise in popularity as a medium for
children to watch instructive and entertaining content. Children can benefit from youtube video
in a number of ways. Kids can use it as a platform to explore their hobbies and learn new more
disciplined environment. Customizing a things in a child's experience allows parent and other
adults to guide. Children can benefit from watching youtube videos by learning task they've new
things, figuring out how to complete never done before, and understanding current events. It can
also be used as a teaching tool to support instruction in the classroom. Despite the benefits, it is
important to remember that youtube is an open platform. This, however, has disadvantages.

YouTube is a popular online video-sharing platform where users can upload, view, rate,
share, and comment on a wide variety of videos. These videos can range from music videos,
vlogs, educational content, movie trailers, live streams, and so much more. Children find
YouTube fun and a good entertainer, they enjoy watching videos and exploring new things. At
such a young age they already know how technology works and since YouTube entertains
children, children spend time more watching videos on YouTube, and it changes a lot in
children's normal way of living. The more they use YouTube, the more time is consumed and it
affects their usual lifestyle and their sleeping time is one of the most affected. Children are
supposed to be busy with school in the morning and afternoon but because of over using
YouTube they don't manage their time right, they learn to stay up late at night just to watch
YouTube. Children choose to stay at home and avoid physical activities and socialising with the
people around them because they prefer watching YouTube instead.

Children in their early age have still developing and innocent minds. Early brain
development can be damaged by being exposed to contents that are inappropriate to their age.
Video contents on YouTube that primarily targets kids and provides great entertainment and
learnings to children. However, the content or youtube channels provide unsecured contents to
children without parental guidance. Moreover, children may be exposed to adult contents within
seconds without parents monitoring them. These not age-appropriate videos may greatly affect
their way of thinking if they are exposed to. As a result, it could affect their behavior in various

This study is conducted to understand how online video content may influence aspects like
social interactions, behavioral development, and emotional well-being. Researchers aim to
identify potential positive or negative impacts and provide insights for parents, educators, and
policymakers to make informed decisions regarding children's screen time and online
experiences.Findings from this study can also inform recommendations for parents, educators,
and content creators to promote healthy online experiences for children and mitigate potential
negative effects.

Also, it can give an awareness to childrens and parents to monitor their kids or even better, to
spend time with them rather than to letting them be. It assist parents in making knowledgeable
decisions regarding their children's media consumption habits. Children tend to imitate what they
see in videos when they repeatedly or frequently watch, this way we can monitor and choose
appropriate videos that are suitable for them that will enhance their skills and mind. We may
guide them away from negative influences and teach them better activities that they can use more
as they get older.

Statement of the Problem

The study will explore the effects of youtube content on children's behavioral development.
Moreover, this will seek to answer the following questions.

1. What are the effects of Online Viewing Platforms contents on the behavioral
development of children in Matnog?
2. How does YouTube videos influence the change on children's behavior development in
the following areas?
a. Language use
b. Social Interactions
c. Gestures
3. How does children’s behavioral development vary depending on the type of content?

Scope and Delimitation

This study determines the various effect of the video contents that many children are
now mostly engaging themselves in. And, this study is focus on the behavioral changes of
Children from 3 to 5 years old that are mostly exposed to YouTube . This study will be conducted
in Matnog, Sorsogon specifically Baranggays such as Tablac, Gadgaron,Banuang-daan,
Camachiles, Camcaman, and Caloocan that are located within the Poblacion and are within the
reach of the researchers. The data will be collected in the Respondent's residence. The study will
be conducted within the first semester of the school year 2023-2024 The respondents will be
children who frequently watch YouTube a week. However, the researchers will not be monitoring
the children but will be gathering data through the observations of the parent. The data gathering
tool will be a survey questionnaire with an open-ended question about the parent’s observation of
the changes He/She observed from watching YouTube. Also, this study only focuses on the
behavioral changes, but not psychologically, since the researchers don't have the ability and
professionalism to explain and understand the thoughts, emotions, and feelings of an individual.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to explore the different behavioral development of children living in
Matnog, Sorsogon that are mostly exposed to Youtube videos and to acquire knowledge of the
various effects of the video contents to their behavioral development. More importantly, to assist
guardians of children to monitor their children’s digital engagement. By conducting this study,
the following people, groups, and institutions can benefit:
Children. The result of this study would benefit children on monitoring the Youtube
contents they watch and prevent them from being introduced to video contents that are not
suitable for their age. Additionally, this study could result in limiting their screen time.
Furthermore, parents or guardians can improve their children’s development at an early age.

Parents. This study can help parents to become fully aware of the effects of watching
YouTube contents to children. Also, they can make knowledgeable decisions regarding their
children’s media consumption habits because the actions they make are a great factor for the
child’s early developmental stages. Therefore, they can guide their children to watch YouTube
contents that can improve their knowledge and skills.

Youtube Content Creators. This research may help YouTube content creators be aware of
the potential effect on young audience. This could lead in producing instructional, educational,
and audience-appropriate videos. Moreover, content makers can engage with this study’s
findings to make sure their videos are entertaining and have valuable content.

Youtube Policy Makers. They can use this research to create guidelines and regulations
for youtube videos that will protect children online from encountering not age appropriate videos
online, promoting a more secure environment online.

Community. This study can be beneficial the community in implementing or developing

ways to improve the behavior of children in their community. This could provide communities
with bright and great children in the future.

Future Researchers. This study will be useful to other researchers in gaining more
knowledge about studies relating to this topic and to have a reference for future studies.


Early childhood development. (n.d.). UNICEF.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter provides a summary of related literature and studies to the study's subject. This
chapter contains the theoretical framework, conceptual framework, points out knowledge gaps,
definition of terms, and provides the research's contribution to the academic field.

Related Literature

We use social media platforms to connect to others, acquire new knowledge and most
importantly for entertainment. We often rely on the technology they provide to make our life
easier. However, these benefits of technology have also disadvantages. The rapidly expanding
trend and advancement in technology nowadays encourages researchers to look into how
YouTube videos affect kids' behavioural development.

Related Studies
It is increasingly common that children are now exposed to the internet. However, there are
risks associated with this accessibility that start at age of 8. Graphically violent or hateful images
that are misused in the wrong context are considered aggressive content risks. The participants
shared their personal experiences of having their kids use the internet and be exposed to
potentially harmful content during the interview. I discovered that there is a connection between
these contents and additional risks. “YouTube contents bala, like it is too violent for them
to watch and...” (Youtube content, like it is too violent for them to watch and...)(Christine,
personal, communication, February 8, 2023) ( Peralta, 2023 )

Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art

Gaps Bridged by the Study

The majority of the related literature and studies focused on how exposure to inappropriate
videos on YouTube affects children's mental health and how they form perspectives about the
world. The studies provided results that shows how the social media platforms, especially
youtube, that is more popular to children and easy to access. It is well known that youtube can
provide benefits to children such as expanding their vocabulary, knowledge and entertainment.
On the other hand, Depression, health problems, addiction and many more may be the result of
too much exposure to youtube videos and a child without much supervision. It was also found
out that the level of parental guidance can affect the child's exposure to Youtube. The related
literature, similarly focused on the negative effects of social media and how exposure of children
can affect their overall well being and their habits.

We concluded that further research is needed to explore the Effect of Youtube Contents to
Children's Behavioral Development. This research aims to find out the change in behavior of a
child throughout his/her years. This is the gap that the study desires to bridge.
Theoretical Framework

This research was based on the study of A. Siddiqui (2019) in a critical look at Youtube
videos: Causing behavioral change among children where they stated," Children due to their
minor age are more likely to get influenced by the content. The research they conducted were
focused on the behavioral change of children caused by watching Youtube videos. It is believed
that due to emergence of YouTube and easy accessibility, we cannot limit its expects on our
children. On the other hand, they add that these changes have increased aggression, unhealthy
mental growth sleeping disorders and any other emotional or physical change." Siddiqui (2010)

Otherwise according to Szpunar et al (2021), having a Youtube addiction actually hoas

negative expects on people, that their actions and future decisions could harm them, and that
most of the content they watch is something they just copy without thinking or considering the
consequences.Nowadays, children are exposed to technologies. As children continue to expose in
social media, they are most likely to be at risk especially their behavior and actions in everyday
life since media content is considered as an important cause of behavioral change in society.


Easy accessibility of technology Emergence of YouTube

Behavioral Development Change in Actions

Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm

Conceptual Framework

Parental Guidance

Youtube Content Behavioral Development

Amount of screen time exposure

Socio-economic status

Figure 2. Conceptual Paradigm

This conceptual framework shows that the content on YouTube (independent variable) can
influence a child's behavioral development (dependent variable). The amount of screen time
exposure serves as a mediating variable, indicating that the time spent on YouTube can mediate
the relationship between the content and behavioral development. Parental guidance acts as a
moderating variable, shows how youtube content and screen time interact to impact behavior.
Socio-economic status is a controlled variable, acknowledging its potential impact on the
variables but not directly studied in the relationship between YouTube content and behavioral

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally to aid the readers in
understanding the content of the study clearly :

Youtube. A brand name for a website on which users can post, view, or share videos
(“ | Meanings & Definitions of English Words,” 2020) .As defined in this study, it
is the baseline that influences the changes in the children's behavior.

Behavior. A manner of behaving or acting (“ | Meanings & Definitions of

English Words,” 2020). As defined in this study,we will observe the child's behavior for any
changes as defined in this study.

Children. A person between birth and puberty or full growth ( Dictionary, n.d.).As defined in
this study, children's are the ones who witness what older people do, even if they are unsure if it
is appropriate or not. They are the ones who are affected by it.

Parents.A father or mother ( Oxford Languages, n.d. ). As defined in this study, they are the ones
responsible in monitoring, guiding, in shaping their children's behavior, values, and
understanding of the world.

Sarwar, M. A., Ahmad, D., & Tabassum, S. (2023). Effect of YouTube Kids' App Content on
Children's Behavior. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI(I), 264-280.

Papadamou, K., Papasavva, A., Zannettou, S., Blackburn, J., Kourtellis, N., Leontiadis, I., &
Sirivianos, M. (2020, May). Disturbed YouTube for kids: Characterizing and detecting
inappropriate videos targeting young children. In Proceedings of the international AAAI
conference on web and social media (Vol. 14, pp. 522-533).

Osorio, B. R. (2019, April 14). How the Filipino child consumes media | Bong R. Osorio.

Peralta, R. J. Z. (2023). Parents' Narratives on the Online Content Risks among Filipino
Children. Philippine Social Science Journal, 6(2), 9-15.

Barreiro, V., Jr. (2023, May 24). Social media could harm youth mental health, US Surgeon
General warns. RAPPLER.

Gamboa, R. (2023, May 24). Time to take action to protect our youth.

Online sharing etiquette for parents. (2023, February 27). Manila

Bulletin. Bozzola, E., Spina,
G., Agostiniani, R., Barni, S., Russo, R., Scarpato, E., Di Mauro, A. O., Di

Stefano, A. V., Caruso, C., Corsello, G., & Staiano, A. (2022). The Use of Social Media in
Children and Adolescents: Scoping review on the potential risks. International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(16), 9960. | Meanings & Definitions of English Words. (2021). In | Meanings & Definitions of English Words. (2020). In

Chapter III

Research Design and Methodology

In this chapter, we explore the methodology for conducting qualitative research which is
crucial in ensuring the validity and reliability of the findings. This section presented the research
design, population of the study and sampling procedure, data gathering procedure, sources of
data, research instrument, and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This study was conducted to investigate and understand the potential impact of Youtube
content on the behavioral development of children. It also aims to provide elaborate explanations
or theory of this problem. The study will be conducted to answer whether the time span and
exposure for watching Youtube content can affect the behavioral development of children.

The researchers decided to explore and understand the problem and procedures by doing
questionnaires and interviews that the participants must answer so that the researchers can gather
enough data that is relevant to this study.

This study was conducted starting in the first semester of the school year 2023-2024, from
August 2023 to January 2024.
Population of the Study and Sampling Procedure

The sample used from the population of residents from Matnog will be derived using
purposive sampling. A collection of non-probability sampling strategies known as "purposive
sampling" pick units based on the qualities you require in your sample. (Nikolopoulou, 2023)

In purposive sampling, researchers handpick the cases to be included in the sample on the
basis of their judgement of their typicality. In this way, the researcher can decide what needs to
be known and set out to find people who can and are willing to provide the information by virtue
of knowledge or experience.

In this study we use purposive sampling, also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective
sampling. The researcher will focuses to those people who have stable lifestyle and have the
ability to have connection in our study,this technique make the survey easier and faster to gather
data and the data results will be more organize since its subjective.

Data Gathering Procedure

The survey of the instrument validated that a significant proportion of the young population
is adversely affected by the content on youtube. The study indicated a detrimental effect on the
behavior and social skills of the children. The researchers intend to employ interviews and

In gathering and collecting accurate and relevant information for this study, the researchers
will first identify the participants. Then the researchers will create a survey questionnaire,
questions to ask for the interview, and come noted to observe while conducting a home visit to
the participants.

The researchers will collect data by visiting their residence and give them survey
questionnaire. During the home visit, questions for the interview will be asked to the parents
regarding the behavioral development starting from the age they started being exposed to
youtube. Then after the collecting of data from the interview, a survey questionnaire will be
given to the parents.

Sources of Data
The data needed in the study will be gathered by the researchers from the parents of the
children through interview and survey. Other sources that are used that support this study are
collected from internet and organizational websites.

Research Instrument


The researchers will conduct interviews with parents to obtain detailed information about the
changes of their children's behavior after they have watched YouTube videos. The researchers
will ask parents questions about their children's behavior, social interactions, and emotions.


The researcher will provide the parents with questionnaires that include their child's
demographic profile, such as age, gender, and educational background. The questionnaires will
also ask about the types of YouTube videos that children watch, the frequency of their YouTube
use, and the their duration of watching YouTube contents.

By combining the interview and questionnaire data, the researchers hope to gain a
comprehensive understanding of how YouTube videos impact children's behavior and

Statistical Treatment

A study can analyze data more effectively and gain useful knowledge about patterns,
relationships, and trends in the data with the use of statistical treatment. Because of this,
researchers are able to draw conclusions and estimates from the observed data.

1. Frequency Count and Percentage Distribution

- A frequency count and percentage distribution are a display of data that

specifies the percentage of observations that exist for each data point or grouping of data points.
This statistical tool can be used to analyze data from the respondents according to their
observations. This will be used to compute the rate of the frequency of response from the
participants. It will be computed as follows:

P= x 100


P - Percentage

F - Frequency ( frequency of answer )

N - Number of participants


Nikolopoulou, K. (2023, June 22). What is purposive sampling? | Definition & Examples.




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