Ways to Make Guests Feel Comfortable 2

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Hosting a gentlemen caller?

Want to the increase the chances of an intimate

encounter? Don’t be left high and dry and follow these simple guidelines:

Things you can do to make guests feel more

comfortable and relaxed.
1. Greet your guests at the door.
a. Introduce yourself and welcome them in. Be engaging. Introduce them to
anyone else there.

2. Offer them a beverage.

3. Let them know where they can put their jacket, bag, shoes, etc.
4. A relaxing and comfortable ambiance, soothing the senses, is vital.
a. Lighting – Fairly dim. Avoid overhead, direct, bright, and/or fluorescent
lighting. If daytime, make sure blinds/curtains are closed.
b. Audio/Visual – play relaxing music that is not too loud or abrasive. Should not
be distracting, still be able to have a conversation, and avoid vocals if you
can. Ideally played through a speaker system/device that will give it a full
body sound (avoid playing through your phone as this will create an irritating,
high-pitched, tinny quality). Pair that with a movie, vid clips, or show, just be
aware whatever you choose will set the tone/mood (if you want to be more
intimate, watch adult/porn content).
c. Comfortable relaxed seating (should be clean)

5. Keep your space clean and clear of clutter.

6. Remove anything that is distracting or pulls focus from each other
a. Loud or distracting noises or lights.
b. Pets that require contstance attention
c. Work, tasks, chores, etc.
d. Phone calls/messages should be kept to a minimum (silence phone)

7. If you have a small group there, avoid side conversations or

whispers. If you can’t say it in front of the group, then don’t say it
at all.
8. Try to anticipate your guest’s needs. (ie. provide phone charger or
show where outlet is)

The key is to try and put yourself in your guest’s shoes, understanding
how things may appear and taking the steps to ensure they have a
welcoming and comfortable experience.

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