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Shirdi Sai Public School

Assessment Datesheet and Syllabus (2022- 2023)

Class- VIII
S.No. Date/Day Subject Syllabus
P.A.- 3

Le -7 (Ahmedabad - India's first world heritage city),

Le-8 (On saying 'Please'), P-4 (Night of the scorpion)
1 English Grammar: Le-9(comparisons), Le-10 (Adverbs),
Writing Skills : Story Writing

22.11.2022 Le-7 बहादरु बेटा , Le-9 नर हो, न ननराश करो मन को ;

2 Hindi
(Tuesday) Gr-Le-7 विऱोम , Le-13 समास, संिाद- ऱेखन

23.11.2022 Ch-9 Algebraic expression and identities

3 Maths
(Wednesday) Ch-10 Visualising solid shapes
HISTORY : Chapter 7 - Civilizing The "Native" Educating
The Nation,
4 S.St. CIVICS : Chapter 4 - Understanding Laws,
GEOGRAPHY : Chapter 3 - Mineral and Power Resources,
Map Practice : Pg - 22, 24, 26, 27

26.11.2022 Le-7 चौरस्य श्मश्रु मध्येतण ृ म ् ,Le-8 अऺराया: जन्मददिस:

5 Sanskrit
(Saturday) Le-9 बीरबऱस्य चातय ु म
य ् , सब्ज़ियों के नाम (Pg-126)

26.11.2022 Ch-13 Paper cutting and folding , Ch-14 Puzzle test ,

6 P.S.A.
(Saturday) Ch-15 Numbers , Ch-16 Series

Ch- 6 : Combustion and Flame

7 Science Ch- 9 : Reproduction in animals
Ch- 13: Sound
8 Computers Chapter 4 HTML Form Multimedia &CSS

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