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02 Units and Measurement UNITS AND DIMENSIONS Physical Quantities “The quaitities which canbe measured by an instrument and by means of which we can desciibe the laws of physics ate called physial quanites, Till lass X we hhave studied many physical quantities Eg. length, velocity, acceleration, force time, pressure, ‘mass, density ete Classification : Paysical quantities cam be classified on te fllowing bases Based on their directional properties 1. Sealars: The physical quantities whieh have only magnitude but no direction are called scalar quantities, €.g, mass, density, volume, tine, et 2. Vectors: The physical quantities which have bot magnitude and direction and obey laws of vector alzetra are ealed vector quantities. «8. isplacement, force, velocity ee. Based on their dependency 1. Fundamental orbase quan 2. Derived quantities 3. Supplementary quantities. Physical quantities are of three types Fundamental Derived Supplementary * Quantities Quantities Basie quanuities 1. Fundamental (Basic) Quantities : © These are the elementary quantities which covers the cetie span of physics © Any other quantities ean be derived fom these Puysics 7 ‘ea Velosty Density All the basic quantities are chosen such that they shoulé be different, that means independent of each ‘other. (Le. distance () time (t)and velocity () cannot be chosen as basic quantities (because they are related ax V= 5 )-An Intemational Organization eamed CGPM: t (Generally known as.) General Conference on weight and Measures, chose seven physical quantities as basie or fundamental The clementary quantiies (i ous plant) that's why we chosen as basie quantities, In factany set of independent quantities ean be chosen asbasic quantities by which all otherphysical quantities cain bederived. ie., oO @ ® (Ce Resistance Lumeaus ole Ceoacty hensty Can be chosen as basic quantities (on some other planet, these might also be used as basic quantities) But 6 a, , Length Area Velocity cannot be used as basic quantities as Area ~ (Length) so they are not independent. 2. 3. Derived Quantities Physical quantities which ean be expressed in terms of basic quantities (MLL,T...) are called derived quant i.e, Momentum P=mv iggy displacement ML (0) ee T Here [ ML! T-" ] is called dimensional formala of ‘momentum , and we ean say that momentum hae [Dimension in M (mass) [Dimension in L (length) and =I Dimension in T(time) The representation of any quantity in terms of basic ‘quantities (M.L, called dimensional formula and in the representation, the powers of thebasie quantities are called dimensions, ‘Supplementary quantities Besides seven fundamental quantities two supplementary quantities are aso defined, They are Plane angle (The angle between two lines) MILT ie Solid angle subtended by area at a point. \ aN ao_V Units of Physical Quantities The chosen reference standard of measurement in ‘mukiples of which, a physical quantity is expressed is. called the wnir of that quantity ‘System of Units : 1. FPS or British Engineering system : Inthis system length, miss and time are taken as findamentel {quantities and their base units are foot (21), pound {lb) and second (5) respectively 2. CGS or Gaussian system : In this system the Fundamental quantities are length, mass and time and their respective unitsare centimetre (em), gram {z) and second (s). 3. MKS system : In this systemalso the fundamental quantities are length, mass and time but their fandamental units are metre (m), kilogram (kg) and sovond (s) respectively 4. International system (SI) of units: This systems ‘modification over the MKS system andso itis also known as Rationalised MKS system Besides the three base units of MKS system four fundamental and two supplementary units are also included in this system, SUBASE QUANTITIES AND THEIR UNITS, S.No. Physical quantity Unit Spmbot 1. Length mere =m 2. Mass kilogam — ke 3 Time seconds 4. Temperature kelvin K 5. Blectriccurent ampere A 6 Luminous intensity candela ed 7. Amount of substance mole smal Not ‘While defining base unitor standard fora physical quantity the following characteristies must be considered : () Wel defined iptvariatitity (constancy) (ii) Accessibility (easy availabilty) (iv) Reproducibility (9 Convenience in use Classification of Units : The units of physical ‘quantities ean be classified as follows 1. Fundamental or base units: ‘The units of fundamental quantities ae called hase tunity, Ia SL there are seven base units. 2. Derived uni ‘The units of derived quantities or the units that cean be expressed in terms of the base units are called derived units unitof distance _ metre © unitof speed ri of time second" ‘Some derived units are named in henour of great scientists, 2. unit of foros -newton (N), unitof frequency - hertz (H2), ete 3. Supplementary InSI two supplementary units are also defined: radian (rad) for plane angle and steradian (st) for solid angle. (radian + 1 radian is the angle subtended atthe centre of a circle by an are equal in length to the radius of thecirce i steradian + 1 steradian is the solid angle sub- tended atthe cenire ofa sphere, by that surface of the sphere which is equal in area to the square of the radius ofthe sphere. Dimensions Dimensions of « physical quantity are the powers (or exponents) to which the base quantities are raised to represent that quantity, 1. Dimensional formula : The mensional formula of any physical quantity is that expression which represents how and which of the base quantities are included in that quantity 18 Jee CoMPENDIUM [tis written by enclosing the symbols for base quanti see with appropriate power in square brackets [] ¢.g. Dim, formula of mass is (M'L?T®Jand that of speed (= distance/time) is [M'L'T"] 2. Dimensional equation :The oquationcbtaind by equating a physical quantity with its dimensional formula is called a dimensional equation eg WIM) For example [F] = [MLT*] isa dimensional eque- tion, [MLT”] isthe dimensional formula of the force and the dimensions of force are 1 in mass, 1 ia length and —2 in time Finding Dimensions : Height, width, radius, displacement ete. area kind of length. So we can say that their dimension i [L] Height L Width L Radius L Displacement here [Height] can be read as “Dimension of Height” ‘Area = Length » Width So, dimension of area is [Area] =[Length]» [Width] t=) Forcircle Area= n° [Area) = [x] fe]
    Frime Period] =|. so MILT? =[h][T-) th}eMT Su.Unit Di Metre or m mur (Metre) orm? Mur (Metre) or m* MUT? ms Mur gms MULT! mist Mure Newwon orn ur? Nsec MT! Nom MLT? Joule or 1 MET? Jee CoMPENDIUM Power P Density 4 Pressure P Torque : Angular displacement Angular velocity Angular acceleration Momentofinertia | Frequency vorf Stress Strain Youngs modulus Y Bulk modulusof rigidity Surface tension = T Force constant (spring) k Coefficient of viseosityn Gravitation constant G Gravitational potensial V, Temperature o Heat Q Quantity Symbol Specific heat s Latent heat L Coelicient ofthermal_ K. conductivity Universal gas constant Puysics ‘d= mass/volume Para oF os ° ot de, at lene rel 7 PA ae aA av TAY FIA acre Q=mxS»At Formula Q=mxSxAt QemL watt or W kom! Pascal or Pa Nm rafan or rad radisec ragisec? kes herz or Hz Nim Ni Nin N Nin kgims(poisein CGS.) ig Kelvinor Jeule oF Calorie SuUnit Joule ig. Kevin Joule ke Joule msecK Joule mol MTs MET MT? ML" ML" MUT2 MULT? MT MELTS wer MULT MLT? DE MUT0# MuT? MT" Mectanical equivalent went . Mur? of eat Charge Qora Coulonbore LTA Curent 1 . Amperord MUIR (cul : Electric permitivity 6, & ane MLePAt Electric potential Vv v Joule/coul MLTR F Intensity of electric E E- a ‘Nicoul. MLT?A" Capacitance c Q=cy Ferad ML?TAY Dieter constant 5 - wer orrelativepermitivity Resistance R V-IR Ohm MT?) coniuune 8 sot Me era RA . Speiiresisunce on Ohmsmeee | MIT ar cessey Contuctiyor Mholneter MELA spate conductance Magnetic induction 8 PeqvBsind———Teslacrweberin? MTA oF =BIL db Magictictux oe weber Magnetic intensity Bewit Ai wera Mt i ‘uy Idlsin 8 N Mur aneticpemeabiity ne office sce rmedium a CoemcienofseltarL au Honey METs Mutual inductance becriepotemenent p cm wera Magntiipae moment M MONA apm wat 2 Jee Companpunt freer J 1A standard unit should be Q9 The dimension of the physical quanity a in the (yAccosible ution, E~ Va. whe Eis the ene and V6 volume (Qhlnvarable has same dimension as of {G) Internationally accepted (Dimpuse G)Allofthese ©)Power (6) Linear Momenturn 2 Theunitorpermitiviy office spacey is + oli ({)coulambnewton-meter €2)newtn te cobm 10 Thepuirs having same dimensional formula = oo (0 Angular moment, tore @) Torque, work 03. Thetimedependence of physical quantity pis given 2 ‘" “ (6) Plani’sconsant,bltzmans constant by p=p,exp(at), wheres isa constant and ts the bye poexp (at). G) Gas constant, pressure (i)isdimensionless Otter Dimensions of 1, ¢) Where symbolshavetheirusua {G)has dimensions [P] reaming re- (4) as dimensions of p ovr our Q4. The dimensions of solar constant (energy earth per second pe uit area) are QA2 IFC and R denote capacitance and resistance, the Mur] @)iNLT") 5 at, the L dimensions of, utand at all ere same. Note: ‘The physical quantities separated by the symbols 4.555, have the same dimensions, SOLVED EXAMPLE EXAMPLE AY The velecity v of a particle depends upon the time ‘according tote eatin va +bt+ 5° Witte dimensions of a, b,€ and d. MILT’ (p=MLT and [Fe 5 ]winasoine dimes MILT", s0 LHS should also have the same imension M'L'T-* fl ie ie) MET [a= Vander waal’s equation is Jo ART a Sol From principle of homogeneity (p-S) wv ART lal=11 : should be or bry so, Mou be akind of Ans poke volume [be] =[v} bl . ay PIE So pyp-MIT? Sob ty iT) 5 [=m [b]= (LT) inact.) [8]-(T Ans. note Ly sider atenmsind Punter, fae hacoia seaninw (nae = or lel=e1ter Pasa or a-0ryT) COSI greed => Whatever comes in sn...) isdimensioness fT Ans: and entire [sin (......)| is also dimensionless. pam £7 => Dimensions «sin ...) > Angle dimension loss s Similarly : t => Dimensions < cos (...) —» Angle dimensionless Find dimensional formula for [cr] and [fi] (here t= time, => Dimensions < tan (....) > Angle dimensionless F=force, v=velocity, x= distance) => Dimensionless < 2'~'— (....) is dimensionless Sol Since dimension of Fv = [Fv] =[MIL'T] L" = Dimensionless © e' (...)i dimensionless = IMT =e Dimensionless «log (..)-> (..)is dimensionless m Jee Compenpium exame.e £7 Sol, F =F sin (Pt) (here y= velocity F= force, t= time) Find the dimension of « and exame.e £7 Sol, 2 Puysics Pkg LAE] whee P= fore. += vei Find the dimensions of a and 8. anf = Dimensionless < log, —S>-> dimensionless (2x18) ) 18) er? = []=LT~ = (Fil?) BT as [al (MLT? YLT?) “ETF r = lal = [a]=M! To check the correctness of the formula: Ifthe dimensions of the L.H.S andR.HS aresame, then ‘we can say that thisegn. is at least dimensionally correct. So this equation may be correct DimetsionofLH.Sis =I LT) Dimension of RSs Im] p"] (MELT PF tt] mw owen) So this en is at east dimensionally comec. thus we can say that his equation may be eorect. ExawpLe 4 Sol. Note: ‘Check whether this equation may be correct oF noi Sev Pressure P, mex (where P, = Pressure, F= force, locity t= Dimensionof LH.S (BHI) IMT? (ET) Dimension of RHS= Feri p] ~ EP TELI Murs Dimension of ILH.S and R HS are not same, So the relation carmot be correct. Sometimes question is asked whichis beyond our syllabus, then certainly it must be the question of dimensional analyses EXAMPLE 4 ‘A Boomerang has mass m surface Ares A, radius of curvature of lover surface = r and it is moving with velocity v in air of density p. The resistive Force on it should be ~ 2pvA om 2pv’ (1 (oy BA wal BO] ay 2A Aral PA rar! r cy2oea ioel DAT) 2ov'A, (2) o2p°8 too( 4) (oy PA teal Butif dimensions of LHSand RH.Sisno:samethen ans. © the equation is not even dimensionally correct Sok Only Cisdimensionslly corret ‘So it cannot be correct 3, To establish the relation among various mv physical quantities 8. A formula is given contrifigal force = ® " " or If we know the factors on which a given physical (whore m= mass ,¥ = velocity ,¢~ radius) quantity may depend, we ean Hind a formula relating ‘we haveto check whether itis corect or not. the quantity with thote factors, Let ws take an example. 25 EXAMPLE 4 The frequency (f)oF a steiched string depends upon thotension F (dimensions of foes) length Lo thesteing and the mass per unit lengthy of sting. Derive the formula for frequency. Sok Suppose, that the frequency f depends on the tension raised tothe powera, length raised tothe power and ‘mas per unit length raised to the power e. The. Je LEY Ur or f= MEP THT Here, kis a dimensionless constant, Thus, A= TEP UP EAT or [M°L°T!]=(MLTp (LP IML“ or IMLT Y= IML 4 Fordimensional balance, the dimension on both sides shouldbe same Thus, aten“0 sii) ath rn) \d—2a=—1 iv) Solving these three equations, we get 1 1 ane 5682p may=— 1 Substtuing these values in Eq (, we get sR"? k or fae Wu Experimentally the vale of kis found tobe Lf Herve, f= 2 f if exempt A pei of simple Masof Length of Gravitation ee tresing ———aceeeration (Cop i 0 ip Sol, So we ean say that expression of T should be in this form ‘T= (Some Number) (em) (Pig) Equating the dimensions of LHS and RHS, MUT (DIM yy {LT} MOLT! MEL ST ‘Comparing the powers ofM,LandT, get a-0,b+e=0,- 26-1 so a=0, so T=(some Number) MYL" go" ‘T=(Some Number) E ‘The quantity “Some number can be found experimentally. Measure te engthofa pendulum and oscillate it find its time period by stopwatch. Suppose for ¢= Im, we get T= 2 see, so EXAMPLE ATV "Natural frequency (f) oF aclosed pipe Dependson Lengthof Density ofair Pressure of air thesube © °) o So weean say that f= (some Number) (/ (p}" (P)° 1 il =) (LP MEP EMILY NOLO = Mee Leb e pae compating powers of ML, T Conversion of Units : This is based on the fact that the product of the ‘numerical value (n) and its comespending unit (u) isa constent, ie, fu] = constant or afu,)=a,(u) ‘Suppose the dimensions ofa physical quantity area in ‘mass, in length andc in time. Ifthe fundamental units inonesystem are M,.L, and T and inthe other system, are M,,L, and'T, respectively. Then we ean write aM LS TS1=n, [M3 LTS) Jez ComPEnDIuM Here n, and n, are the numerical values in two systera ‘of units respectively. Using Eq. (), wean convert the ‘numerical value ofa physical quantity from one system of units into the other system, examee £IV ‘The value of gravitation constant is G = 667 » 1 "Niky? Slunits. Convert timtoCGS system of units ‘Substituting in the above equation, we get lig. im ]f1s seins) I) dyne cm'/g’. Sol Thedimensonalfermuia of Gis ML T= Limitations of Dimensional Analysis Using equation number(i), ie, “The method of dimensionshas the following limitations: n[My LT] =nMz 0,72] (@ By this method the value of dimensionless constant con net bo caleuated @ By this method the equation containing tigonometrieal exponential and logarithmic tems cant be anal Here, 1-657 10" Gta physical quantity depends on more than three M,=1kg, M,=1g=10hg factors, then elation among them cannot be ttm Ltn 10%m, established because we ean have only three Tatas qutions by equalising the povers of M, Land. f vpee2s Q1 If pis radiation pressure, ¢ represents speed of light Q.6 Ifthe units of length and force are increased four times, and Q represents radiation energy stiking uni aren ty what factor the nit of eneruy i insreaed? per esond, ten nn zero intoget x, end euch that ()t6times @)demes Pr Q's dimensionless are 6)2tines (4) None ofthese (ysetyshe—t shy, Qre-by-be-1 Abx=Ly= Lend 07 During shor interval of time, speed vin m/s ofan automobile is given by v= at® + bt’, where the time t is. 2 The densiy of material in CGS system of nit 4 inseconds. The unite of aand bare respectively cm Inasystem o unis in which uni of lnsth is 10 Oa ea mestie tem and unit of mass is 100g, the value of density of Gmesms* mst; mist eri lhe (a4 (40 (3)400 (8)0.04 Qs If C, the velocity of light, g the acceleration due to ravity and P the atmospheric pressure be the Q3 Time (1), velocity (C) and angular momentum (h) are fundamental quantities in MKS system, then the chosen a5 fundamental quanti instead of mass, Grecoiotuegtiwileeaeu date? Tength and tine. In terms of these, he dimensions of mass would be c c ce ()IM)-[TC2h)—@)(Mp=[T!C2) Og Mp OPCS aE (B)IM]=[T'C*h] (4)[M]=[T'C*h] Q4 —_Inagivensystem of unit standardmeasurment ofmass 9 The distance covered by apartice in time tis given by is 100 gm, standard measurement of length is 200 em xo as bis et! +d The dimensions of a and d are~ and standard measurement of time is 5 see. 10 energy OL? @LLP iin the given system of unit has value N,then value of N_ G)LT (4) none of these thes ss as was 10 Given that (apf) = az/K,0 where pis pressure, 7s distance, Ky is Boltzmann constant and 8 is QS Inaparticularsystem, the unit ofength, mass and time temperature, the dimensions of Bare (useful formula are chosen to be 10 cm, 10g and 0.1 respectively. The Energy = K, * temperature) Unit force in this system will be equivalent to- auMer Lurk (ION GIN” VION ION over aes Pursics 2 Estimates and Order of Magnitude Calculations isoften useful to compute an approximate answer to ‘a physical problem even where little information is available. Such an spproximate answer can then be used to determine whether « more accurate calculation is nocessary. Approximations arc usually based on certain assumptions, which must be modified if greater accuracy is needed, Thus, we shall sometimes refer to the orderof magnitude ofa certain quantity a the power ff ten of the number that describes that quantity In this method, each amber is expressed as 2 * 8 where 410 and bisa positive or negative integer. Thusthe diameter ofthe sun sexpressed a 1.39><10%m andthe diameter ofa hydrogen atom as 1.06 10" m, ‘To got an approximate idea ofthe number, one may round the number to | if itis less than or equal to 5 andto IOifitis greater than 5, The number can then be expressed approximately as 10%. We thon get the order ‘of magnitude ofthat ner thus, the ameter ofthe sunis ofthe order of 10° mand that ofa hydrogen atom isofthe orderof 16-0, More procisly the exponent of 10 in such a representation is called the order of ‘magnitude ofthat quantity. Thus, the diameter of the sunis 19 orders of magnitude larger han the diemeter of « hydrogen atom, This is because the order of ‘magnitude of 10°89 and 10° is—10, The ferences 9-(-10)=19 ‘Thespirit of order of magnitude calculations, sometimes referred to as "guesstimates' or "ball-park figures," is. xsiven in the following quotation: * Make an estimate before every calculations try a simple physical argument, before every derivation, guess the answer 10 every puzale. No one else needs to know what the guets is." Inaceuracier caused by guessing too low for one number areoften canceled out by other guesses thatare too high. You will find that with practice your auesstimates get better and better, Estimations problems canbe fun to work as you freely drop digits. venture reasonable approximations for unknown ‘numbers, make simplifying assumptions, and turn the question around into something you can answer in ‘your head, SOLVED EXAMPLE EXAMPLE APY Order of magnitude of the following values can be determinedas follows @) 49 =49% 10's 10! Order of magnitude = () S1=S.1« 10's 10" Order of magnitude: (©) 0049 = 49+ 10 102 Order of magnitude: (@) 0050=5.0* 10 =10" ‘Order of magnitude =—1 (©) Q051=5.1* 102210" Order of magnitude =—1 Breaths in Lifetime Sol Estimate the number of breaths taken during an average life span, ‘We shall start hy guessing thatthe typical life spaa is about 70 years. The only otherestimate we mast make inthisexample isthe average number ofbreaihs that a person takes in | min. This number varies, depending ‘on whether the person is exereising, sleeping, angry, serene, and so fourth. To the acarest order of ‘magnitude, we shall choose 10 breaths per minute as. ‘our estimate of the average, (This is certainly closer to the tre value than 1 breath per minute or 100 breaths. per minute.) The number of minutes in a year is approximately. i ays ys nit 6x 104 ye 400 T° «25 Gay X60 P= 6% 10min "Notice how much simpleritis to multiply 400 « 25 than itis to work with the more accurate 365 24. These approximate values for the number of days in a year and the numberof hours in day are close enough for our purposes. Thus, in 70 yr. there will be (Oy) (6% 105 miniyr) -4 « LO? min, Ata rate of 10 breaths/min, an individual would take 4% 10 breaths inalifxime, Jee CoMPENDIUM ERROR ANALYSIS IN EXPERIMENTS Significant Figures or Digits The significant figures (SE) in a measurement are the figures or digits that are known with certinity plus one that is uncertain, Significant figures ina measured value ofa physical quar- tity tll the number of digits in whi dence. Larger the numberof significant figures obtained ina measurement, greater is its accuracy and vice vers. Rulesto find out the number of significant figures : IRule —: Allthenon-zero digits are significant e.g. 1984 has 4 SF. All the zeros beeen two non-zerodigits a significant. ex. 10806 has SSF. Al the zeros to the left of frst non-zero ‘digit are not significant, ¢.@,00108 has 5 SF [the aumber is less than 1, zeros on the right of the decimal point but tothe left of the first non-zero digit arenot significant eg. 0.002308 has 4 SF, The trailing zeros (zeros to therightof the last now-ze1o digit) ina number with adee ‘mal pointare significant e., 01,080 has4 SF, The enalling zeros in a number without & ‘evimal point arenot signficante.g. 010100, has 3 SF. But if the number comes from ‘some actual measurementthen the trailing zeros hecome significant. e.g. m= 100 ky has 3 SF, When the number is expressed in «esponental form, the exponential term dos not affect the number of SF. For example inx =12.3=1.23 10'= 123 10 = 0.0123 = 10 ~ 123» 10 each tem hs 3SF only, :hmetical operations withsignificant fig- we have conf- Rue: MLRule Rue VRule ViRute + VURule Rulesfor a TRule In adgition oF subtraction the number of ‘decimal places inthe esultshould be equal to the number of decimal places of that {erm in the operation which contain lesser number of decimal places. eg. 12.587—125 0.087=0.1 (+: second tem containlesser ie. one decimal place) In multiplication or division, the number of SF in the product or quotient is same as the smallest number of SF in any of the factors ¢.8,5.0 0.125 =0.625=0.62 Rue: ‘To avoid the confusion regarding the trailing zeros of the numbers withoutthe decimal point the best way is tw report every measurement in scientific motation (in the power of 10), In this notation every number is ex pressed in the forma ~ 10), where ais the base number between 1 and 10 and b is any positive or negative ‘exponent of 10. The base number (a) is writen in deci- smal form with the decimal after the first digit, While counting the number of SF only base number is con- sidered (Rule VI), ‘The change in the unit of measurement of a quantity does not affect the number of SF. Fos examplein 2.308 «em= 23.08 mm=0,02308 m=23080 im each ermhas4 st SOLVED EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 4EY Write dowa the number of significant figures in the following, @) 168 3SF [following rulet) (6) 205 3 SF (following rules 1&1) (©) 34000m 5 SF (following rules 1&V) (@) 0005 1 SE (following rules L8:1V) (©) 0.02340N re! 4 SF (followingnulest, IV&V) ( 2600 3SF(seerule VD, (2) 26000kg SSF(seerule VI) Example 4TV Sol. ‘The length, breadth and thickness ofa metal sheet are 4234 m, 1.005 m-and2.01 smrespectively. Give the area and volume of the sheet to comrect number of signifi- cant figures Tength(!) =423m — breadth (b) thickness (1) =201 em=201 x 10% m ‘Thereibre area ofthe sheet = 2(F xb +b Xt + LF) 2(4234 « 1,005 + 1.005% 0.0201 +0.0201 x 4234) =2( 43604739) m?=8.720078 Since area can contain amax" of 3 SF (Rule Il of article 42) therefore, rounding off, we get Area =8.72m" Like wise volume =f b= 4.234 % 1.008 = 0.0201 m= 0.0855289 m? Since volume can contain 3 SF, therefore, rounding off, we get Nola 005m =00855 mn" Puysics 29 Practice Problems _/ Qa Write the following in scientific notation @)256¢ (6.0010 (9500002085F) (0.3204 03. Givethemumber of significant fipies in thefollowing (oss (o4.oces (000256 (ass (©0050 (02653 » 10" ey602% 10° Ay0.0006032 QA Caleuloteatoacncloseddy a sircleof diameter 1.06 m0 comect numberof significan: figures QS Sulsract2.5« 10! fiom3.9% 10" and givethe answer to corect numberof significant figure. 06 —Themassofabox measuedby a sroce/sblanceis23 kg. Two gold pieces of masses 20.15 gand 20.17 g are added to the box. What is (a) total mass of the box (b). the difference in masses of god pieces w cores sige niflean figures Answers 2 (@)3256% 10g (0) 1.0 10g (030% 10'g (3.204 10" 2 @3 (os ©)3 (a3. (©)2 (4 «3 as 4 og@mGsh 5. 3.6« 10° 6 (a) Total mass~2.3 kg (©) itteencein masses =0.02g Rounding off To represent he result oF any computation containing ‘more than one uncertain digit tis rounded off ape propriate numberof significant figures Roles for rounding ofthe numbers 1 Rule: Ifthe digit tobe rounded off s more than 3, ten the preceding digit is increased by one eg. 687669 TT Rule: Ifthe digit to be rounded off is less than 5, than the preceding digit is unaffected and is. lef unchanged, eg. 194239 TIT Rule : Ifthe digit to be rounded ofTis 5 then the preceding digit is increased by one if it is odd and is left ur changed if it is even. eg. 14.35 = 144 and Masai SOLVED EXAMPLE EXAMPLE. “The following values ean be rounded off to Tour significant figures as follows. () 36879=30388 (15 95 »-7isinoreased by one ie. Rale) (8) 1.6084=1,008 (0 4<5 -.8is leftunchanged ie. II Rule) (© Waist (C+ last 1 isoddit is increased by one i.e4I1 Rule) (@) 111250=11.12 (+ 2isevenitisleft unchanged ie. III Rule) (©) HA2s1=1113 (Cr S150. Self Practice Problems / 2isincresed by one ie.1 Rule) Q7 Round off the following numbers as indicated (2)25653103digis — (b)4.996x 10° 0 3digis, (6)0.6995to digit (€) 3350102 digits (€)0.03927kg 0 3 digits (4085 « 10° st03 dists Ans.7. (@)25.7 (b)5.00 « 10° ()0.7 (34 (€)0.0393kg (94.08% 10s ERRORS IN MEASUREMENT Definition ‘The difference between thetrue value and the measured value ofa quantity is krownas the error of measurement Classification of Errors Errors may arise from different sources and are usually classified as follows = Systematic or Controllable Errors: Systematic rors fare the errors whose causes are known. They ean be cither positive or negative. Due to the known causes these errors can be minimised. Systematic ewors can further be classified into three categories (@ Instrumental errors z= These errors are duc to imperfect design or erroncous manufacture or misuse of the measuring instrument. These can be reduced by using more accurate instruments Environmental errors :=These errs are dus to the changes in external environmental conditions such a8 femperature, pressure, humidity, dust, vibrations or magnetic and electrastatie Fields Observational errors = These errors arise dus to improper setting of the apparatus or carelessness in taking observations. ii Jee CoMPENDIUM Random Errors : These erors are due to unknown ‘causes. Therefore they oecur iregularly and ae variable in magnitude and sign. Since the causes of these errors ‘are net knewn precisely they can nat be eliminated com= pletely. For example, when the same person repests the same observation in the same conditions, he may get ipferent readings different times. Random ertos can be reduced by repeating the observe- ‘ion a large number of times and taking the arithmetic ‘mean of al the obervations. This mean value would be very close to the most accurate reading, Note :- Ifthe number of observations is made m times 1 then the random error reduces to >) times. Example = Ifthe randomeeror in the arithmetic mean of 100 cbservations is 'x’ then the random error in the arithmetic mean of 500 observations willbe Gross Errors: Gross errors arise due to human carelessness and mistakes in eading the instuments ct calculating and recording the measurement results Forexample:~ ()Readinginstrument without proper initial stings (Taking the observations wrongly without taking necessary precautions, i) Exhibiting mistakes in recording the observations Gv) Puting improper values of the observations in calculations, ‘These errors can be minimised by increasing the Sincetty and aleriness of the observe. Representation of Errors Errors canbe expressed inthe following ways = 4. Mean Absolute Error It is given by yw lB LH Say ft ag 1 yy = EB o "Ba — jg taken as the true value of a quanti Aa, dy, ~ ay Nay = de — ay 3, yy Final result Of measurement may be written as a=a,* Aa 2. Relative Error or Fractional Error : It is given, by ‘Mean absolute Error Maan value of measurement aa 100% 3. Percentage Error Puysics SOLVED EXAMPLE Combination of Errors : (Im Sum: If 2= 4+ B then AZ= M+ AB. ‘maximum fractional error in this ease AZ A AB Z A+B A+B i.e. when two physical quantities are added then the maximum absolute error in the result. is the sum of the absolute errors of the individual quantities (i) In Difference : If Z= 4 ~ B, then maximum absolute ertor is AZ = Ad + AR and maximum {ractional eror in this ease = (it) In Product : if Z= 48, then the maximum fractional error, AZ _ AA, AB Z AB where AZZ is Known as fractional evor. (iv) In Division : If Z = 18, then maximum fractional AZ_ AA AB Z AB AA AB AC AA, AB AC ap te Applications : 1. Fora simple pendulum, To: 1" AT_1Al Saar 2 For a sphere 3, When two resistors & and R, are connected (a) Inseries R= Ry Ry = AK, = ak, + ky AR, + AR, R,+R 31 Error: The measured value of the physical quantity SOLVED EXAMPLE is usually different from its true value, The result of ‘every measurement by any measuring instrament is ExampLe ATV an approximate number, which contains some luncertaimiy. This unceriainty is called error. Every calealated quantity. which is based on measured ‘ values, has an error. Max ‘Accuracy and Precision: The accuracy of a Oy value is to the true value of the quantity. Precision o® st Vernier Callipers Opn Itisa device wed tomessure sccumtely upto. mm, x A There are two scales in the vernier callipers, vernier am 3 scale and mainscale, The min sales ied whereas Shs X=A'B 8B ac the vr scale s movable slong the main scale mc Iain parte a follow: EXAMPLE ‘body tavel unifomiyadstane (13.8 £0.2)mina araduated in em and nm at one alge and in inches ti .020.) 5 Calle is vey ih eri fen of an inc at he the ge on sae sie I Vhat is the percentage error in velocity ? carries fixed jaws 4 and C projected atright any Sol Given distance,s=(13.80.2)m i niles Measuring Instrument shaummetstaoaosye the scale as shown in figure. Velacty: -o{ Hei) (3 03 Vernier Scale: A vernier slides om the srip It Uasxao, )“*Uiss* 40 can be fxedinany position by screw S. tis radusted hv=#0.0805 xV=2 0.0895 3.45 ‘on both Sides. The side of the verner scale which 03087-2031 slides over the mm side has ten divisions overa lensth Hence v=(@.5=031) ms of 9mm, ie.,over 9 main scale divisions ané the side ‘ofthe vernier scale which slides over the inches side hhas 10 divisions overa length of 0.9 inch, ‘main scale divisions 20,0895 100 Movable Jaws: The vernizr scale carries jaws B = 8.95% = 39% and D proi e,overd av. Percentage crorin velocity = “+100 fing at ight angleto the main seale. These are called movable jaws. Whea vernier scale is pushed towards 4 and, then as B touches 4, straight side of D will touch straight site of C. In this position, in ceascof an instrument fre from errors, eros of vernier scale willcoincide with zerosof main scales, on both, the cm and inch sesles, (The object whose lngth or external diameters to be ‘Measurement is an important aspect of physics Whenever we want to know about a physical quantity, ‘we take its measurement firs of al. Instruments used in measurement are called ‘measuring instruments, Least Count: The least value of quantity, which the ‘measuredis held between thejaws 4 and B, whilethe instrument can measure accurately, is called the least straight edges of Cand D are used for measaring the ‘count of the instrument. intemal diameter ofa hollow object). 32 Jee Comrenpum o @ Puysics Metallic Strip: Thereisa thin malic strip Eatachet to the back side of AF and connected with vemnicr scale, When the jaws 4 and B ouch each other, the cedge of strip £ touches the edgeof M. When the jaws Aan B are separated, E moves outsvards, The strip E is used for measuring the depth of a vessel Determination of least count (Vernier Constant) Note the value of the main seale division and count the number n of vernier scale divisions. Slide the ‘movable jaw till the zero of vernier scale coincides, ‘with ary of the mark of the main scale and find the number of divisions ( ~ 1) on the main seale coincicing with x divisions of vernier scale. Then oe re=iusp-trsp-(*) usp Ls Determination of sere arrer and aero correction For tis purpose, movable jaw Bis brought in contact swith fined jaw ‘One ofthe following situations will arise Zero of Vernier scale coincides with zero of main scale (coe figure) Inthis case, zero error and zero correction, both are nil, Actual lengih = observed (measured) length. Zero of vernicr scale ies on therightof zero oF main seile (see figure) : HA 1 7 Li i o v 10) Here 5* vernier scale division main sale division Hence,N=0,n=5,L.C.=0.01 em, ZewenoeN=n «(LC)=0% 5x 0.01 = 0.05 em Zero correction ~- 0.05 em, ‘Actual length will be 0,05 cm less than the observed (measured) length iscoinciding with any By ernest eaceatneteeesnest (ii | pry ane Innes Zeon Paar er ear et ae Ze a es Experiment ‘Alm: To measure the diameter ofa stall spherical cylindrical body, using a verner cllipers. Apparatus: Vernier callipers a spherical (pendulum bob) ora cylinder. Diagram: ‘of vernicr scale lies ahead of Nth division of main scale, then main scale reading(M.S.R.)=N, If n® division of vernier scale coincides with any division of main scale, then vernier seale reading wsR) n> (LC) (LC. isleast count of vernier calipers) =n*(VC)(VC is vemier constantof verier clipes) Total reading, 1R.=MSR.+VS.R=N+n<(0C) Precautions (to be taken) Motion of verter seale on main scale shouldbe made smooth (by oiling if necessary). Vernier constant and zero error should be carefully found and properly recored. TThe body should be gripped between the jaws firmly ‘but gently (without undue pressure on it fom the jaw). Observations should be taken at right angles at one place and taken at least at three differeat places. ‘Sources of Error ‘The vernier scale may be loose on main scale ‘The jaws may not be at right angles tothe main sale, ‘The graduations on scalemay not be correct nd clear Parallax may be there intaking observations 33, SOLVED EXAMPLE EXAMPLE ‘Theleast count af vernier calipers is 0.1 mm The main scale reading before the zero of the vernier scale is 1D, and the zeroth division of the verier scale coincides ‘withthe main caledivision. Given thateachmain scale divisions I mm, what is themeasured valve? Length measured with vernicr calipers reading before the zero of vernier scale +number of vvernier divisions coinciding, scale division « least count lO rm + 0% 0.1 mm 10 mm EXAMPLE. Read the vernier Sol, ‘with any mi Jenyjlomtnyliaatnaliantsibuesiial gmm 10 4B Titetisuliantgygh y ‘on em Sol. Thickness of the object= (rain scale reading) + (vemier scale Reading) (least count ) Main scale division = vernier Seale di = Tmm=0.9 mm (fiom figure) O.lmm, So thickness of theobject=15 mim + (6) (0.1mm ) =156mm An ‘where least coun ion) EXAMPLE Read the spesial type of vemier mn aa Jicragtagybsapinetvattitivalian ta Qn 1 20 30a Tiveanstayagsyyudageayestalean tel Sol. Thickness of the object. (main scale reading) + {(vernier scale Reading) least count ) here least count= (Main scale division -vernier Scale division) Imm-1920mm (from fig.) 05 mm Sothickness ofthe object = 13 mmm + (12)(0.0Smm) =B60mm Ans EXAMPLE £17 dom 8D shaiglesstypduainabastsalivtssal Sol Zerocrror=main scale reading+( vemierscalereading) (Teast count ) =A mm 6 (0.1 mm) = observed reading = 11.8 mm ‘So actual thickness = 11.8 - 0.4) Screw Gauge ‘This instrument (shown in figure) works on the 22mm principle of micrometer serew. It consists of U-shaped frame M. At one end of it is fixed a small, ‘metal pieve 4 of gua metal Itis called stud and ithas, ‘plane fave, The other end N of M carries a eslindrcal hhub H. The hub extends few millimette beyond the end of the frame. On the tubular hub along its axis, a Tine is drawn knownas reference line, On the reference line graduations are in millimetre and half millimeter depending upon the pitch of the serew. This seal is called lincar seale or pte seale. A nut is threaded. through the hub and the frame V, Through the nut ‘moves a screw S made of gunmetal The front face B ofthe serew, facing the plane face 4, isalso plane. A hollow cylindrical cap K, is capable of rotating over the hub when screw is rotated. Iti attached to the righthand endof the stew. As the eapis rotated the screw either movesiin or out. The bevelled surface E ‘ofthe cap K is divided into 50or 100 equal pats tis, called the circular scale or head scale. Right hand end Rof Kis milled for proper grip. Jez ComPEnDIuM 0 Puysics In mos of the instrument the milled hesd R is net fixed to the screw head but tums it by a spring and ratchet arrangement such that when the body is just held between faces A and B, the spring yields and ‘milled head R tums without moving in the screw. Inan accurately adjusted instrument when the faces A nd B are just touching each other, the zero marks ‘of circular scale and pitch scale exacily coincide. Determination of least count of screw gauge [Note the value oflinear (pitch) seal division. Rotate serew to bring zero mark on circular (head) seale on reference line, Note linear scale reading ie, numberof divisions of linear scale uncovered by the cap. Now give the serew afew known number af rotations (one rotation completed when zero of circular scale again arrives on the reference line). Again note the linear scale reading. Find difference of two readings ‘on linear scale to find distance moved by the screw Then, pitch ofthe screw Distance moved by in n rotation No. of full rotation (n) Now count the tetal number of divisions on eitcular (head) seal Then, east count Pitch ‘Total number of divisions on the circular scale The least count is generally 0,001 em, Determination of zero error and zero correction Fer thispurpose, the screw is rotated forward till plane face B ofthe screw just touches the fixed plane face A ‘ofthe stud and edge of cap comes on zece mark of linear scale, Serew gauge is held keeping the linear scale vertical with its zero downwards, (One ofthe following three situations will arise ‘Zero mark of circular seale comes on the reference line (see figure) Inthis case, zero eror and 2 correction, both are nil Actual thickness = Observed (measured) thickness. Circular Seale Zere mark of circular scale remains on right of reference lineand doesnot erossit (see figure). Here 2 division on circular scale comes on reference line. Zero reading is already 0.02 mun, It makes 2er0 cerror-+0,02 mm and zero correction -0.02 mm, ‘Actual thickness will be 0.02 mm less than the ‘observed (measured) thickness. Circular / Scale Reference line Zero mark of circular seale goes to efton reference line after crossing it (seefigure). Here zero of circular scale has advanced fromrefetence line by 3 divisions, ‘on circular scale. A backward rotation by 0.03 mm will, ‘make reading zero. t makes zero extor=0.03 mand, zerocorrestion 0.03 mm, Gireular ‘Scale Reference Hy line ‘Actual thickness will be 0.03 mm more than the “observed (measured) thickness. Experiment 0 % ‘Aim: To measure diameter of a given wire using a sorew gauge and find its volume, Apparatus: Screw gauge, wire half meire rol (scale), “Theory: Determine of least count of sorew gauge [with the wire between plane faces 4 and B,the edge ‘ofthe cap ies ahead of "division of linear scale. ‘Then, linear scale reading (LS.R.)=N 35 ) D Dya)+Do)+ If nth division of circular scale fies over reference line. ‘Then, citcularscale reading (CSR) =m *(L.C) (L.C. is least count of serew gauge) Total reading (TR)=LSR.+CSR.=N“n%(LC) IfD bethe mean diameter and /be the mean length of (3 the wire. Then volume ofthe wire, 1 Diagram Sol. Calculation Mean clameter ofthe wire, +a) +D5(b) _ 10 Mean length ofthe wire, heh 3 ‘Volume ofthe wire 1 Result The volume of the given itei Precaution (to be taken) ‘While taking an observation, the serew must always bbe turned only in one direction so as to avoid the ‘backlash error, At each place, take readings in pairs je. in two Sol, directions a right angles to each other. The wire must bestraight and free from kinks, ‘Always rotate the serew by the ratchet and stop a soon as it gives one tick sound only. ‘While taking a reading, roiate the setew in only one direction so-as to avoid the backlash etrox ‘Sources of Error 1. The serew may have friction. 2. The screw gaugemay have back-ash error 3. Circular scale divisions may notbe of equal size 4. The wire may no’ be uniform, Sol. SOLVED EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 45” Read the normal serewgauge *Main scale has only mm marks *Cireular scale has 100 divisions “In complete rotion, the serew advances by I mm, EXAMPLE 4277 Read the sereweauge ssn salam *Cireular scale has 50 division 1 “in complete rvation, thescrew advances by > mm. os Fs iO aha Soln: objec micmess = 0.5 bet ides = 6m 21822) =6:0mm ExaeLe £17 Read the screw gauge shown bellow: “vps as mm mats *Cireular scale has 50 division Jee CoMPENDIUM pps J Q1 The density of a material in the shape of a cube Q9 — Which of the following has the least number of dltermined by measuring thee sides of the cube and significant figues ? its mass. I the relative errrs in measuring the mass (D164 «10% ks) 006m" andlength arerespectvely 15% and 1%, the maximurn (721805 (08st error in determining the density is (15% Q)45% G)% 25% Q.10 A substance of mass 49.53 g occupies 1.5 em! of volume. The density ofthe substance (in x en) with correct numberof significant figures weradius ofa ball is ($.4 0.2) em, The pereentage ignifcant fi OP reintevehincettctat, SME (33 Gysz00"G)338 330 (N% 4% — BM —- IM QL Thersistinceis R =~ whereV=100 + 5 Vols and Q3— Inarexperiment of simple pendulum, the exorsin the 1 ‘measurement of Tength of the pendulum (L) and time 10 0.2 amperes What isthe total eran 8? period (7) are3% and 2% respectively. Themaximun 7 : os os (5s perentage enor inthe value of O% OM% OM AIK Q12 The length, breadth and thickness of a stip ate (00 © 0.1)em (1.00 + 001)ernand(0.100 + 000%}em Q4 Uf measurement of xis equal to 100:£6, then find the respectively. The most probable eror in its volume wilbe valueof Vx. @ s003en? (100203, 10 2011 lem" () 1046 1022 ©) +0012" ()None ofthese QS Theperiod of oscillation ofa simple pendulumin the QuU3 Percentage error in measuring the rausand mass ofa experiment isreconded as 2.635, 250s, 242s, 2.7Isun sulid sphere are 2% & 1% respectively. Then error in 2,80s respectively The average absolue errs measurement of moment of inertia wth respect tits (Uls— Qalls GB)oots 10s dameeris = () 3% 26% —@)S% (4H 06 A physical quantity P=Y8°© ig determined by QuI4 The percentage erorin the measurement of mass and a specd are 2% and 3% respectively. How much willbe measuring b,c and dssparately with percentage erer the maximum error in the estimate of kinetis energy 0f 2%, 3% 2% and 1% respectively. Minimum amount tained by messuring mess and speed? of enor i comtibued by the measurement or UG AB% —-S% HIN Mb Oa Bd He Q.15 The respective number of significant figures for the Choose the incorrect statement fname 23.023, 0,0003 and 2.1 107 ao (2) 0.037218 has five significant digits M512 QELS 552 4442 (2)4.35C0 has thre significant digits : G) 1360ha three signiticam digits Q.16 — Theedgeofacubeis a= 1.2% 107m, Then its volume (4) 680has for siniean digs willberesardedas - ()LTD<19% my L728 10m? QS Thelengh and breadth ofa metal sheetare2.214 mand G)La<1%m 173 x10%n? 2,002 m respectively. The area ofthis shee up t0 four comet significant figures is Q.17 Thepiteh ofa screw guage is 0.1 cm. To measure upto pune yeaa accuracy of0.0005 em, numberof division are required G)44324m? (4)4432428? on cirularseale (200 2490504100 Prvsics ” Q.18 — InavericrcallperN divisions ofvemisrscele coincide Q.23_Astudentmcasurng the diameter ofa peril of cirelar with (N= 1) diviswos of mein scale crosseicetion with the help of a vemier scale rors (in which 1 division represents Imm). The least count the following four readings 5.50 mm, 5.55 mm, $45 mm; fhe inrumentincmn should be 565mm, The average of these fourreadngs 5.3375 Inman the standard deviation ofthe data i 0.07395 ON ent OA Oy fhm. The average diameterof the pen should therefore 10N No be recorded as ()6537520073)nm Q.19 — Onecenimetre on the main sale of vererllipers is (S84 -007)nm divided into tn equal prs. 1f 10 division of verier (e.a8s00%jmm scale coincide with 8 small divisions ofthe mainscals, ()6537520040)am the east count ofthe calipers is (001 en @o02en Q.24 Tho Lengtinof a ylindris measured with a metrrod (005m (4).00sem having eascoun 0.1m. diameters measured with ‘erie alipers having lest count 0.01 em, Given the 2.20 A student measured the diameter ofa wie using aserow Tengthis 50cm and ais is 2.00 em, The percentage gauge with least count 0.001 em and listed the ror in th alelted value of volume wil be ‘measurements. The correct measurements ~ ()M% Qi% — OM% — (sem (@)832en 0)5320e @s3200em 0.25 Avernercalipers has 20 divisions on the versie scale ‘which coincide with 19 divisions onthe in sale, The Q.21 Inavernicr callipers having 10 vsd, the least count is: least count of the instrument is 0.1 mm, The main seale 0.1 mm. When the jaws are closed, zero of vernier lies. divisions are of to the left of zero of main and 7" vsd coincides with a (05mm @)inm ‘main scale division. When a cylinder isplaced between 2mm 14mm the jaws the main sal reading was 7.7 emand verice seule read 8 divisions. What isthe diameter of the cylinder? (8.1mm (2)77.5mm_ 780m 85am Q.22__A student measured the length of a rod and wrote it as 350m. Whish nsrument dd he we to msasure it? (0) Amer sca. (2) A vemiercaliper where the 10 divisions in vericr scale matches with 9 division in main seal and tain scale has 10 dvisicns inn. (9) A screw gaugehaving 10 divisions in he circular sealeandptchae Imm (4) A serew gauge having 50 divisions in the cieular sealeandpitchas Imm, 38 Jet CoMPENDIUM EXERCISES JEE MAIN OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS Units, System of Units Q.23 The dimensional formula for angular momentum is- Qa A unit less quantity (1) neverhasa nonzero dimension (2) always has a nonzero dimension @) may havea nonzero dimension (4) doesnot exit Q2— Which of the following is quantity ? )filogeam (2) impulse (3)enersy (4) density it the name of a physical Q3 PARSECis aunitof (1)Time —(2)Angle (3) Distance(4) Velocity Qt Inthe S.L system the unit of energy is- (eg Q)cabrie @)joule — (4)electroa volt QS The Sl unit of the universal gravitational constant G Nm kg @)NneKE* (3) Ne KY") Nk Q6 Surface tension has unit of (2) Joulem? (2) Joule.n°) Joulen(4) Joule. Qt TheM.K.S. units of ccefficient of viscosity is- Q) kg ms! 2) kam s* GB) kg ms 4) kyr me Q The specific resistance has the unit of C)ohmim Qyohmin? G)ohmn? 4)ohm.m 9 — Themutual inductance has unit of (1) Gauss (2) Weber 3)Farad (4) Henry Qu10Theunitof magnetic moment is- ()ampm Q)amp me? 3)ampm 4) amp mr QUI The Sl unit of the universal gas constant Ris (1) erg K"! mot (Q) watt -* mol! (B)newton K" mor (4)jouleK-* mot" Q12 The SI unit of Stefan’s constant is ay ws K+ Qyism' KY G)istme kK (Wim K+ (MET? Q) MULT! @)MEP' 4) MILT* Q16 Dimensions of magnetic Max density is- (MLDS QML TA! OMLTAY QML TAY Q.17 Which one of the following has the dimersions of MET? Cytorque (2) surface tension 0) visosiy sess L QA8 The dimensions ofthe aunty Ey ae (omLera! OMLTAY OMLTA! MLPA Principle of Homogeneity of Dimension pe Q.20 An unknown quantity "a" is expressed as a = at #) er Application of Dimensional Analysis: Deriving New Relation Q.21 Giventhat vis the speed, rs radius and gis acoeteration dd to gravity, Which ofthe following is dimension less of are ows OX Application of Dimensional Analysis : To Convert From one System of Unit to another. Q.22 The valucofG~6.67 « 17!" Nm’ (kg)*. ts mamerical Dimension, Finding Dimensional Formula value in CGS systemwill be Qu13- In Stunit theangular acceleration has unit (667 108 (2)647% 10% (Nmke! Q)ms’—G)rad.s? @) Nk" @esr (4)6.67 «10° Quid The angular frequency is measured in rad $*. Its Q.23- One wattchour is equivalent to exponent in lengthare (63% 10'Joule—Q)6.3* 10" Joule 2 O-1 eo — w? G)36x10'Ioule—_(4)36 107 Joule Prysics 39 Q24Thepresure of 1 dyne‘en is equivalent to Q.33 Theenternal andintemal diame of ahlloweylider (10° 2). ace mensured to be (4.23 £ 0.01) em and G)10°Niwe AVON? (6.89 £ 0.01) em. The thickress of the wal of the seme cinders 028 fen? convert itinto MKS system ~ eto 002)em aan Bt cea BE (@)(0.17£002)em Oe ye OPS ().17+001)em le le (034-001) em xref ect " " Q34 Themuss oF bali 1.761g, The mess of25 such balls, ERRORS INMEASURENENT ¥ ate osson 0.26 Thelengih of recungular plate measured by ameter 10.44 10g 2)440kg scale ands found wo be 10.0cm. its width is measured (ashe (4400 by vetmer calipers as 1,00 em, The last count ofthe tneterscaleand veriercalliprsareO.lemand 01cm Q35- Two nsistrs R, 24+ 0.5) Cand, (8 +03) Qare respectively (Obviously), Maximum permissible erer joined in series. The equivalent resistance is inarea measurement is~ (n2-0330 324080 (yz02em* 2): 0.0m ()32+020 (32 050 G)2030n (zero 0.36 Thepitch ofa serew gauge is 0.5 mm andther are 100 Q.27__ In the previous question, minimum possible error in divisions on it circular scale. The instrument reads +2 area measurement can be = . divisions when nothing i put in-between its jaws, In (1)0.02ene (2)£001 em? rmeasring he diamcter ofa wice there ae & divisions @)20.03em" (Zero ‘on themain scale and 83rd division coincides with the Q.28 Fora cubical block, errorin measurement of ides is ¢ o— on 1% and error in measurement of mass is + 2%, thea a ‘mximum possible erorin density - 693.05 41.25 men (ye ONO HM 037. Thepitch ofa screw gauge having $0 divisions on its L eércularscaeis | mm. When the two jaws ofthe serew 129 Toestimate‘g (from gn?) errorin measurement ‘uge are in contact with eachother, the 2270 of the 2 sonst iru sca ies 6 division below the Hine of graduation of Lis: 2% and enorinmeasurementof Ti+ 3%, The Whena wite fs placed between the jaws, 3 linear scale error in estimated" will be- divisions are clearly visible white 3st division onthe (28% OK BEI% MES circular seale coincide with the reference line, The diamaer ofthe wireis 30. Theleastcount ofa stop watch is0.2 second, The time 3am 350mm 6 20 osillatons of pendulum is measured to be 25 @35mn 22mm seconds, The percentage error inthe time period is C1 Os GLE -O% Q.38 the smallest division on the main scale of & verier callpersis | mm, and 10 verier divisionsenincde with ast Thedimersions ofe recangnar block measured witha ‘9 main scale divisions. While measuring the diameter vere calipers hang " of a shore, the zero mark of the verter scale lies 10m «5mm, The maximum percentage cor in Berean 20 and 2 cm andthe ith vison of the 5% C)10% vernier scale coincide with 2 scale division. Then (5% Q)10% —B)IS% — 4)20% oe 32 An experiment measures quantities x,y, and then tis (2.056 @)3.05em ° 7 " * 6)25)em (8) None ofthese calculated from the data as = "2, If peresntage cateuated from the dasa as t= “5. H’pereeiage 9 49° r1he erorin the measurement of rdiusoFa spheres errors inx, y and zare respectively 1%, 3%, 29% thea then the erorin the determination of volume ofthe percentage eror int is sphere witlbe (10% 4% HT —- II (4% 6% — EHH 40 Jee Compenpium JEE ADVANCED Q.12__ The dimensions ML“T~ can correspond to (useful OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS relation are ¢ =F S= FIL P= 6 xn rv, where Q.1 Which of the following is not the unit of time estar ° me (A) solar day (B)parallactic second symbols have usual meaning) (C)leap year (D)lunar month: (A) moment of a force or torque (B) surface tension Q2°— Theunitof impulse is the same as that of (©) pressure (A) moment ce (Dy coecentotveosty nearer (D) force ‘momentum and gravitational constant respectively, oe 3 Which of ne flloning snot the unit energy? then GE ha the dimensions of (Awatchour—(Bjeecton-ol Hess He tmeennia (Ay lngth angle (Chase (Dye Q4 Which of the following is not the unitlength Q.14 The velocity'v’(in ens) of a particle is givenin terms (Sinton CPrlihtyew 7 Oa) oa of tine (ns) by the uation v= at + The OS Adina: reine et (Cimyhaesunt (DMdoesnotent OuLT — @LIne Qe ireandbarwopiytatquniestaingatiene @1S TE Pst of pre ane er bythe ines hen wlchof Be folontg andre seca (= 21-1 were comstantand (Ajatb Bya-b (Cab — (Dye* ‘a> 0.The dimensions of V, and cate respectively COME Tand ML and 7 _Tve pysil quate whose dimensions ae ot (OMUTandT!— O) MILT and? same cannot (A) multiplied with each other Q.16 Ifforce (F)is given by F=Pt' + at, where tis time, The (B) divided unit of P is same as that of (Ce orubstacte inthe same expression code Oem (D)added together (C) acceleration (D) momentum Qs Planck's constant has the dimensions of Q.17 — Whena wave traverses a medium, the displacement of (aviore (Benersy a parte ested at at imei given by y= sin (C)linear momentum — (D)angular momentum (bt — cx) where a, b and ¢ are constants of the wave. The dimensions of bare the sume those o 9. Which pair of folowing nantes bas dimensions (janes Gbanatinds Giferent fromeach oer Cae pec {A} impulse and nar moment 7 (@)Plans constant and angular momentum 0.18 Intheabove quston dimension of are ine ame (C) Moment of inertia and moment of force we . ; as those of (P)Youngls modulus and prssure (Aywave velocity (B) wavelength Q.10 The product of energy and time is called action, The (C) wave amplitude (D) wave frequency dimsnsional formula oration same that or (A)power (B)angular energy Q49 Ina book, the answer for # particular question is (Chore velocity (D)impsedstince mal [A expressed os b= 2 fia 22] ere m represents QI What is the physical quantity whose dimensions are kV ma MVT?? ‘mass, a represents accelerations, / represents length. kinetic energy (B)presure “he unitofb shouldbe (Chmumenain—{D)power Gms Bs (Cymer (yee Prsics a Q.20 If force, acceleration ani time aretaken as fundamental Q.29 The units of length, velocity and force are doubled. quiche te dimension enh wl Which ofthe filling the cone hang in he (AE? (BEAT other units? (C)FAT (DAT? (A) unit of timeis doubled (B)nit otmasss dub Q21__[farea (A) velocity (v) and density (p) arebase units, (C) unit of momentum is doubled then the dimension formula of force can be (D)unitofeneay odo represen (HAP GAC (Ap O)Arp —-_30-_ttheuisofxceand at of engihare owe the tnitorenergy ibe Q.22 The velocity of water waves may dpend on their (A) 1/4 times (B) 1/2 times wselergth hy the densiy of water p and the (0)2tmnes Opies teccleraion due to gray &. The method of Simonsen pvesthewatonbercenthee unites Q31 ItheuisofM.L ae doable thnthe nt knetc ss toon willscome Gaye! Bebe Fines )A8imes (Ov'=kghp (Dyv?=k 2 gp (C)8 times {D) 16times teks mensions constant Q.32 The angle subtended by the meon's diameter at a point 933 A ody moving trough air ata high sped “¢ ae earth about 0.30 Ue this an the at hat Cipvnersesararingtors 'pventy P-Kadw te moon is shout 384000 kin away tnd the tre ithe sic are ofthe ody, steam dameterof emo Seni fer and is nue cont Thevalte oni ir @2 OOM 5 Q24 The velocity ofa freely falling body changes as ght te wigs is aceerton duet gnviy and Bis they aaggokm (03504 1 +1 4 (C)1600km (D)1920km ML Bp. g Og! Olt JEE-ADVANCED i{COCOMPREHENSIONNATCHING Q.25 Ifthe unit of ength is micrometerandthe unit oftime Qu Choose the correct statements): ismiceracod th unit oot willbe (A)AT quanti: maybe repose dimersionly (apiooms ‘Biome intems a th bae quanti (mene (Ome (8) Abas quant amas epee dmersionly inte ost ofthe ase utes Q.26 In acertain system of units, | unit of time is 5 see, (© The dimension of a base quantity in other tase Uunitof mass is 20 kg and unit of length is 10m, In this {quantities isalways zero. system, one unit of power will correspond to (D) The dimension ofa derived quantity is never zero (A) 16 watts (B)I/l6ewats inany base quantity. (C)25 watts (D) none of these Q2 Choose the correct statement(s) Q.27 Ifthe unit of force is | kilonewton, the length is | km (A) A dimensionally correct equation may be correct. tnlumeis 0 secon lb tent of as (©) Adimonsoaly somes ua be cere (A)1000kg (B)10kg (© A dimensionally incorrect equation may be correct, Cieonke p00 (DJA dimensionally meoret equation sist Be incre 28 Ife aceleaton dt grviy is 10 ms and the units of length and time are changed to kilometre and Q3 ‘The dimensions ML"T~ may correspond to how, respectively the mumerical vale af the (AYwark dn ya ce aeceenion (B)imear nomex (a) e000 (wyr200 (©presme (Goon bys (D)eorgyperanit volume 42 Jet COMPENDIUM Qa h Apsramstera isgivenby a opr (bereo~Stefan's constant h=Planck’sconstant, 6 =absolut temperature) then (A)Dimension of "a willbe? T= (8) Unitof “e” may bem? s* {Weber(02y' Farad)” Tesla (D) Dimension of a will be equal fo dimension of (©)Unitof “a” may be ectrical (8) one ss casa current, @, = magnetic flux Comprehension #1 (Q-No.$t07) Qs Q6 Qn Letus considera particle P where is moving straight con the X-axis, We also know thatthe rate of change of dy its positon isgiven by g- where xis its separation as from the origin andtis time. This erm [ is called the at -velacity of particle (v). Further the second derivation cof wrt times called secelertin (a) arate of change veloc and reprexentedty 2 or of velocity and represented by “=> or If the acceleration ofthis particle is found to depend follows f= Ate Be» = ‘pon timeas follows f=Ate RES Fo then ‘Thedimensiens ofA are~ We BLP Or ELT ‘The dimensions of Bare ~ wr @LT OLY OL Thedimensions of C are WEP @LE OL Or Comprehension #2 (Q. No.8 to 10) According to coulombs law of electrostatis there isa force between two charged particles q & qp separated 1 by s distancer such that F oq), F 2cqy & Fx ais kara2 combiningal three wegst For Ege g= MSE ‘where k is @ constant whieh depends on the mediuin and is given by 1/4xe¢, where og is absolute permittivity & &, isrelative permittivity, Puysics 43 ox a9 Q10 But incase of protons of anucleus there exists another force called nuclear force; which is much higher in ‘magoitude in comparison to electrostatic Force and is. co" sivenby What are the dimensions of C - (MT (@)MUT! (QML (MET ‘What are the dimensions of k ~ AL BF OF ML ‘What are the STunits of C- (Nav (B)Nm (Ne DN ‘Comprehension # 3{Q. No.11 to 13) Qu an 13 Qs Qs ‘The velocity of light ‘c’, the constant of gravitation “G" and Planck's constant h” be chosen as fundamental nits. ‘The dimensions of mass are = ()[heG} Omec) ‘The dimensions of length are ~ (yihee?G7) et (EW eG] (he Gy ‘The dimensions of time are~ aihe"G" BN eG] COMeeeG] — OMe Gry ‘Match the followingcolumns Physical quantity Unit Dimension ()Grvitational = @Nm_—(P) MILT constant 'G* 2) Torque GINS MILT? G)Momentum (c)Novikg? (R)M'L* (4) Pressure (@) pascal (S)M'L Dimension Unie () Stefan’sconstant'o! (P) MILIT2A (a) Win? (ii) Wien'sconsiant'9) (Q) MILST°K* (b) Kim, Gii)Coeffcientof — RYMLTS —(o)tesla./A viscosity 'n' iv) Emissive power (S) M'L'TK' (d) Wim. &* ofradiation (intensity emitted) (¥) Matual inductance Mi (T) M'L?T-2a (i) Magnetic (MLT permeability, 2 (©) poise henry NUMERICAL VALUE BASED Q Imagiven system of unit standard measurment of mass is 100 gm, standard measurement of length is 200 em and standard measurement of time is $see. |0J energy in he given system of unit has value N.then value of N JEE-MAIN PREVIOUS YEAR'S QA Let [e,] denote the dimensional formuls of the permitivity of vacuum, IF M = mass, L = length, T= time and A~elestric current, then : JEEMain 2013] (Le) = (MeL? TAL Ole) TAY 2 Force applied by waterjet fom a pipe depends upon HIM LS T.Ai] (remy orwaertndemyoreertiowe —— OLed=BELT AA] sectional area of pipe, How many times farce will be @Mled=IM'LT'A] increased if velocity ofa water is inereased 2 times 2A beaker consis Mid of density ky’, specific Q3 Lifting power of helicopter depends upon hovering hea SJkg'C and viscosity n. The beakers filled up to spect of blades (9, length of blades (2) and density height, To estimate the rte of het transfer per nit of air (p) how many times iting power wilinereaseit area (QUA) by convection when beaker is puton a hot hovering sped is increased wo times. Pate, a student proposes that is should depend on. 4 Findthe missing umber inthe expression given blow sae) (1 " 520) (2) en nei eiteenein Ass 0 wheres: displacement, ¢ time a ° the temperitre between the bot and top of the acceleration fluid n that situation the correct opton for (Q/A) is QS Dimensional formula of electric potential (V) is given [AIEEE-2013] by(MLT"A"] Find (5) i OT Nee Given: | ¥ "Gree : S40 (IZ oe (is Statement Type Questions(Q.No. 6 to 10) th ah hoe] (1) Bothstatement and statement I ae correct (2) Statement is correct and statement Tisincorect.Q.3. electronic chateeelecwon mass m, speed eli (3) Statamentisincomt and statement Tis correct vaceume ¢ and Planck's constant are taken as (4) Both statement and statment I areincomect Fandamentt quant, he pennestitity of vectra 6 Statement: Mas letand ine we enenl anbecapessel inanitsof WEEManausy physical quantities : Statements Il: They ae independentof eachother. ne) oh my) (me (25) alts) (2s) (8 Q7 Statements: Density derived physical quanti: \ \he!) Statements It Density cannot be derived from the fundamental physkal quantities. 4 Inthefollowing“I* refers curentand othersymbols have ther usual meaning. Choose the option that QS Statements 1: In y =A sin (ot — kx), (01 kx) corresponds 10 the dimensions of electrical dimensionless ve conductivity. [EE-Main-2016 Statements 1: Because dimensions of o=[M'L'T] omy omer Qo SwesielT othe potter naeadic OEP @MePr take as least court of the measuring instrument Statements Il, Ervorin a measurement can not be QS A, B,C and D are four different physical quantities seater than least count o the measuring instrument having different dimensions, None of them is In the light ofthe above satement, choose the mos dimensionless, Bot we know that the equation AD =C appropriste answer from theoptons given below: In (BD) hold te. Then which ofthe combination is notamcaningfal quantity? (JEE-Msin-2016] Q.10 Statement 1 : Absclute ettor is unitless and . mensionless. <_ Apt BC Statement IT: Al types of ertors are unitless and Ope OA BC dimesnsionles. he In the light of te above statements, choose the most 22 appropriate answer from the options given below: D “4 Jet Compenpium Q6 IF the capacitance of a nanccapecitoris measured in Q.U2 Expression fortime interms of G (univers gravitational terns of @ unit w made by combining the electronic ‘stant (Plan charge e, Boh radius, Planck’sconsant handspeed proportional to: VEE Main-2019 January) of light ¢ then JEE-Main2016| lh (a fe OLE 2 Ole Oye On, ou é é 2 he Q.13. “The density ofamaterial in SLunits is 128 ky m @a=S oy) certain unis in which the unit of length is 25 em and te ° the unit of mass 50g, the numerical value of density of the materia IEE Main-2019 (anuary)] QI Time (P, velocity (C) and angular mementum (h) are (40 16 GOH IO chosen 26 fundamental quantities instead of mass, length and time. Interns of these. the dimensions of Q.44 If speed (V), aeceleration (A) and foree (F) are ‘mass would be (VEE-Main-2017) considered as fundamental units, the dimension of (DIMPLE) IMEC ‘Young's medulus willbe :JEE Main-2019 (lanuary)] G)IM)=(C*h] — 4)(M}=(T'CB] var OVINE OWE (War Q8 The relative unceriaiiy in the period of satelite orbiting around the earth is 10°. If the relative Q.48 Let L, R, C and V represent inductance, rvistance tuners inthe ais ofthe orbit is negligible, the capacitance and voltage, respectively. The dimension relative uncertainty in mass of the earth is L of aay in ST nits willbe (OIE QI E21 Rev [SEE Main-2019 anuary)| Q9 The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum is, COLA] QA GYLTAL IL] 1=2nfF plostahstoLis2¢0cmknynio O16 1 te dst manent of cb e mss an ig edge length are measured as (10.00 £ 0.10 ) kg and 1 mm accuracy and time for 100 oscillations of the (0.10 0.01) m, respectively, The error in the pendulum is foundio be 90 susing a wrist wateh of Ty ‘measurement of density i :|JEEMain-2019(Apri)} resolution, The accuracy in the determination of gis () 0.10 kgm’ (2)031 kein HEE-Mina-2018) (6) 007 ken’ (4)0.01 kgm’ Cm] 5% — YM HIN i ravitational effee's are significant, the Planck length (actu OarMeL can be determined from a suitable combination ofthe G)APMAL! (@ATMLY physical constant G fiand c. Which ofthe following correctly gives the Planck length? HEE-Main-2018] Q.18 — Ifsurfac tension (5), Moment of neria (and Planck's k ke constnat (h), were to be taken a the fundamental unit, (nahe mate the dimensional formula for linear momentum would 1 1 bo [IEE Main 2019(ApriD] @) G7 he (4 (Ghie? (ser esi (8! (seren Q.11 Theforeeofinteractionbetween two alomsis given by Q9 Inthe formula X= 5¥2Z7,X and Z have dimensions of F=ap exp ) se earn capacitance andmagnetic fice respectively. Whatare ab esol okt rex iethe distance, Kis the the dimensions of Y in Sl units? Bolizmann constant and Tis temperatire and and 3 5 IEE Main-2019 (Aprid| are wo constunts. The dimension of fis (MINe sts) [JEE-Main-2019January)] GQ) I Le TA) (meer Murs OME TA yMLT? (a) PLT A) IMP LOTA A] Puysics 45

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