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PYTHON, too i Highrtevey Pym lavequage. 2. Created ‘oy Guido Van Rossum a’ Tevmni nal — Overt (5 tots Sto ae Deve by Py Hhon Sofhoant Foul 4+ 00? Concept. cs Eohaprdes Booed. Reoduyes ° fladanabins} 4 Basy to Leovn 4 Use. = Intey preted Longuage 3 A-Platforrd Language 4 SOLanguage 5- Lavage Lib 6. Gur Pare Sp- % thtequated. _% Dynamig Memory Allocak my Makg

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Bitwue Opardor _ = KOR = Any Tue - True 1 excpreoron 2 4. Arithmetic Operator key) NOT — Reverse Stoliment (8) LO + Addit else : 7 i IS. Bitwise Opevators, Statement(s) (2 = Subtvachén es Opevasoy Oeoup Syntax Bq- num=3# & - la) ke Bk AND uty Ip Aumy, 2 750 ©) %> Medulas _Reduyn Rep BikwiroR ly Print (" Nows Even!) He Buponent a tepowah( ~ Brig NOT ~% else: P Pp prink ("No 1s add) : BD A Bike R 4 €) >> Y RigdhSmfb x77 bs MLefhOngh 4 <2 He pyre for Evenfodd No Bs Assignment © perakor 2 Comparison Operator, ©). Com pans valus on beth side 4.54 is anticipation afeordy t. Allow check muttiple xp. () then decide rd trem, te) Relations Operator Condition give Trua/Fal PYTHON DECISION MAKING 2: During exccubonef rym 3. 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Python Code for Calculator PYIOEC Select o peration") Print (1 L-Aad") . Subtract") Prink (3. multiply") print(" a. Divide!) chore = inpadc" Evd oe chord 5/4): ") num d = floabCinpat(! enter firey HewnteDepine! Ea 0+!) num2 5 quae Unpacesny . Se vane nurmecr")) If choice 22'4't print (nured mum?) eng print (oumd -purd) choice = ='2'2 elif choice =='3": print Coumt x nu 2) else? print Gum 4/num2) See Pyttion Code for Prime NG | Functions, lk. Fo 1s block oforg, code woedto KS Python hes builtinFn he Prink C) 4 Creatinjown Front User Ds 1: Begin with keyword def gn name + 6). 2: Any agument plaedin 5. Con bedef ouside CP 44, code bloke within fr Short with a colon (tind 3. vetur Lexpresindent fn: a . 6 En calling, 4unehwnne functenne Global and ieee! Vowel L4. Voriable may net We 6c ar ail loo 17 PEM 2: Swpe ep variable deterr the portion of pgme snes you Can acces 3. Two basin scope — reusalole| perform singluaetton 5. 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Pip install +-no-Inclix -— Lindt Atrectory. name parda//To Python File Operation t File.closed Return true if file 1S closed, Palse otherwise 2) File. mode Yehuya acvo mide With which file wag opened: 3 See program. Jb Python provide Gui opt- tT + Filename Rebun nare of File GUE prog in Python 2. Tkintey - Python Entefou 4 Tk Gut toolkit 3. ys Py tron Ww Py att S. FP y thon Ey trom Heinter Import + bop = Tel) — fmprt Lobel ( top,text Susernar Place (u=30, yas Pards ED p- madnleopl) - Cat) "mein! ThKinter lati. Label = Dspiay tet ling 2. Buthn —.Add button S.canvoa — Over piewt 6. Rodi Buston~ teiple mentor of many Sel # Envy = Input sige y org widgets ; Message. Sarre a0 labek, in Page, Using Data Booe Progvars yer U4 Comin Boy = Contain avo? 5. 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Type Shell 2 Tavget machine initiate a Connec Hon +0 attacker machine | 3. Allow GHocher 4 arexe comd on} Tonner machine vervoldy. Gash Sev ipr Using Python Import os 44 = 0S. System Crrpeonfig’) Prink (99) iI Save outpak ievpor® Suoprocess =C1pen fig!) cmd wit open( lowtpat.tut, Na) as out: Yetuvn -Lode =subprocea, call (ord stdot 0-4) U cai & 54d odk ave Subfrh Grgemants Bash Sov iptinge t+ Bash Scripting aie to Gutomate 410 on UNIX bused Sys 2. eT Bash Shel 3. Bash 1s CLT allow toexeculi comd 4 Scvipk on Sys. 4 Scvipt vaviHen in seeipth Network, Analysis JL. 9% SHdy Structures & behoviow of NW. 2 trel To pologey connechiontyy trip fie Flow pong + Seewnaty DS. Python bib (CY POAP — sb tocap, Paysing Oralysing nw, ope (> dpkt - Ub fer decoding rani pulatig ms per Eq Eth vend EP, TORUDP language called Booh- Shell SoupH ib toy NW Analysis IL. Pypacker-Uib for parsing editing forge nto me. P -PyShavie — Fytnon sivapperfo tool Ss kamen€ -Cvagteserd wu) 1 VK *, Same oo ScarPy, = Simplified APE. a tmpeck et ~ Manipulating Nw protocol 4 comn with vemoti sy» tnel $mB, NetBIos. 3+ Scanpy. ~ Pet mranipasechor} = Nw analysis» le \tiveshardk pkt cuptuve taney Pt. capture Fl serhandyee = Capture pdacodedens tp = NW proteol4 Analyse conkhe @ Process captive Ganalyze F Ww traffic in veal-time. | Packeb Sri fEin ia. 2. See content+tshavioursd. “| Pee roast Nw. bS- nus trouble shocring NY Secunty Anolysis , “ey From seapy: deh packet. call C packed Print (packer .shiot) Smigt (fiken steep! pyn = Packet call ,count=lo) Ja. creating, custom mw per to perform tack dike — ienport 2. Nw teat , Scans fecon y- from scapy recy impo es packet =P (ast ¢ 9 /506P from scapy »Send veaporse >stnd cpacket) prind(xeaponse)

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