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rogress in many fields of basic and additional precipitation with isopropanol yields Domenica Simms
clinical research depends on the avail- proteins from the organic phase (4). Molecular Biology
ability of high-quality RNA. Of the This technique can be used with small Research and
many methods for isolating RNA quantities of tissue (50 to 100 mg) and cells Development
(reviewed in 1 and 2), a single-step RNA isola- (5 × 106) and large quantities of tissue (≥1 g) Life Technologies, Inc.
tion method based on guanidine isothio- and cells (>107), of human, animal, plant, or Gaithersburg,
cyanate/phenol/chloroform extraction (3) has bacterial origin. The simplicity of the TRIZOL Maryland 20884
been growing in popularity because it dramati- Reagent method allows simultaneous process-
cally reduces the amount of time required to ing of a large number of samples. The entire Paul E. Cizdziel
isolate RNA without sacrificing its quality. procedure can be completed in one hour. The Life Technologies
TRIZOL™ Reagent is an improved version of RNA can be used for Northern blot analysis, Training Center
the single-step RNA isolation method. dot blot hybridization, poly (A)+ selection, in Germantown,
TRI ZOL Reagent (patent pending) is a vitro translation, RNase protection assay, Maryland 20876
monophasic solution of phenol and guanidine molecular cloning, and polymerase chain
isothiocyanate. During sample homogenization reaction (PCR). Piotr Chomczynski
or lysis, TRIZOL Reagent maintains the integri- Department of
ty of the RNA, while disrupting cells and solu- METHODS Internal Medicine
bilizing cell components. Addition of Isolation of total RNA. Tissue samples were School of Medicine
chloroform, followed by centrifugation, sepa- homogenized in GIBCO BRL TRIZOL Reagent University of
rates the solution into an aqueous phase and an (Cat. No. 15596; 1 ml per 50 to 100 mg tis- Cincinnati
organic phase. The RNA remains in the aque- sue) using a glass-TEFLON® or power homoge- Cincinnati, Ohio
ous phase and is recovered by precipitation with nizer (Polytron, Tekmar TISSUMIZER®). 45267
isopropanol. The DNA and proteins remain in Cells grown in suspension (HeLa and
the organic phase and can be recovered by Jurkat) were collected by centrifugation.
sequential precipitation (4). Precipitation with Human lymphocytes and leukemic cells
ethanol yields DNA from the interphase, and an (5 × 10 6 to 1 × 10 7) were isolated on FICOLL-
H Y P A Q U E ® and lysed in 1 ml of TRI Z O L
Reagent by repetitive pipetting.
After incubation of the homogenized sam-
RNA Ladder
0.24–9.5 kb

ples for 5 min at room temperature to permit

the complete dissociation of nucleoprotein
1 2 3 4 5 complexes, 0.2 ml of chloroform was added per
1 ml of TRIZOL Reagent. The samples were
mixed vigorously and then centrifuged at
12,000 × g for 15 min at 4°C. Centrifugation
separated the biphasic mixtures into the lower
red, phenol-chloroform phase and the upper
colorless, aqueous phase.
The RNA was precipitated from the aque-
ous phase by mixing with 0.5 ml of isopropanol
(for each initial milliliter of TRIZOL Reagent).
The samples were incubated at room tempera-
FIGURE 1. Gel analysis of total RNA recovered from ture for 10 min and centrifuged at 12,000 × g
tissues and cells using TRIZOL Reagent. Two micrograms for 10 min at 4°C. The supernate was removed
of RNA were loaded per lane on a 1.5% agarose-formalde- and the RNA pellet was washed once with
hyde gel. Lane 1, rat pancreas. Lane 2, calf thymus. Lane 3,
rat brain. Lane 4, rat liver. Lane 5, HeLa cells. 75% ethanol. The pellet was air dried and
dissolved in diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC)-

F O C U S 1 5 N U M B E R 4 99
treated water. The RNA was quantitated by [α-32P]dCTP (400 Ci/mmol), 750 µM dGTP,
A260 measurement. 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 40 mM NaCl,
Northern blot. Total RNA (2 µg or 5 µg 9 mM MgCl2, and 1 mM DTT. The radiola-
each) was electrophoresed on agarose-formalde- beled probe DNA was purified using the GIBCO
hyde gels in MOPS buffer and transferred to BRL G L A S S MAX™ DNA Isolation Spin
nylon membranes. The membranes were prehy- Cartridge System. RNA (5 µg) and probe DNA
bridized for 1 h and then hybridized overnight (5 × 104 cpm) were hybridized overnight at
at 42°C in 50% (v/v) formamide, 0.9 M NaCl, 56°C and then digested with 300 units of S1
60 mM NaH 2 PO 4 , 6 mM EDTA, 5X nuclease for 1 h at 30°C (1). The samples were
Denhardt’s solution, 1% SDS, 200 µg/ml dena- electrophoresed on a 6% polyacrylamide-urea
tured herring sperm DNA, 10% dextran sulfate, gel prepared using GIBCO BRL GEL-MIX® 6.
and 200 ng of denatured biotinylated-DNA RT-PCR. The SUPERSCRIPT™ Preamplifica-
probe per milliliter. The 2.3-kb, cloned BamH I tion System was used for first strand cDNA syn-
to Hind III fragment of the human HSP70 thesis from 1 µg of RNA (7,8). To determine if
gene (5), used as DNA probe, was biotinylated the amplification product was exclusively from
using the G IBCO BRL B IO N ICK ™ Labeling the RNA, a control without reverse transcrip-
System. Presence of human HSP70 mRNA was tase (RT) was occasionally included.
detected by chemiluminescence using the GIBCO The PCR contained 1 to 20 µl of the first
BRL PHOTOGENE™ Detection System. strand cDNA reaction mixture, 0.1 µM each of
S1 nuclease analysis. The analysis was per- the suitable primer set, and 2.5 units of
formed using a portion of the human HSP70 AMPLITAQ™ DNA Polymerase (Perkin Elmer).
gene as a probe. The Ava I to Hind III frag- After an initial denaturation step at 94°C for
ment from the 3' region of the HSP70 gene 5 min, cycling conditions were: 30 cycles of
that contained the polyadenylation signal
(AATAAA) (6) was subcloned into pSPORT 1
1 2 3 4 5 bases
DNA. The Ava I DNA fragment was labeled
using the large fragment of E. coli DNA poly-
merase I, in a reaction containing 0.75 µM

1 2 3 4 —327





FIGURE 3. S1 nuclease assay. Total RNA (5 µg) isolated

FIGURE 2. Northern blot. Detection of a ~2.2-kb tran- from Jurkat and heat-shocked HeLa cells using TRIZOL
script in RNA isolated with TRIZOL Reagent from heat- Reagent was hybridized to a 3' 32P-end-labeled DNA frag-
shocked human HeLa cells, using a human HSP70 ment of the HSP70 genomic DNA and treated with S1
biotinylated probe and chemiluminescence (exposure time nuclease as described in Methods. Lane 1, HeLa RNA. Lane
20 min). Lane 1, 5 µg of heat-shocked HeLa cells RNA. 2, Jurkat RNA. Lane 3, yeast tRNA. Lane 4, 32P-end-
Lane 2, 5 µg of Jurkat cells RNA. Lane 3, 2 µg of heat- labeled Taq I fragments of φX174 (RF) DNA. Lane 5,
shocked HeLa cells RNA. Lane 4, 2 µg of Jurkat cells RNA. probe (no S1 nuclease).

100 F O C U S 1 5 N U M B E R 4
94°C for 45 to 60 s, 30 to 120 s at the appro-

100 bp
priate annealing temperature, and 72°C for 1 to

3 min on a Perkin-Elmer DNA Thermal Cycler. 1 2 3
PCR reaction mixtures (10 µl each) were ana-
lyzed by electrophoresis on agarose gels and
stained with ethidium bromide.
In some cases, genomic DNA was removed
from RNA samples by treating total RNA with
GIBCO BRL DNase I, Amplification Grade.


TRIZOL Reagent isolates large- and small-
size RNA species. The isolated RNA has an
FIGURE 4. RT-PCR products from normal and leukemic cell total RNA isolated by
A260/280 ratio of 1.6 to 1.8. Typical yields of
TRIZOL Reagent. Lane 1, normal lymphocytes, using primers for intact AML1 transcript.
RNA per milligram of tissue are: liver and Lane 2, normal lymphocytes using primers for the AML/CDR transcript. Lane 3, leukemic
spleen, 6 to 10 µg; kidney, 3 to 4 µg; skeletal cells using primers for the AML/CDR transcript. The primers used were: GAU AUA UCC
muscles and brain, 1 to 1.5 µg; placenta, 1 to AUG GTC GAA GTG GAA GAG GGA and GAU UAC UUA GAG GCT GAG GGT
4 µg. The expected yield of RNA from 1 × 106 GAG TAG TTG GGG GAG GTG G in lanes 2 and 3.
cultured cells is: epithelial cells, 8 to 15 µg;
fibroblasts, 5 to 7 µg.
Some tissues, like rat pancreas, are difficult previous reports (350-bp protection product) is
tissues from which to isolate intact RNA not known. In addition, a protection product of
because they are rich in nucleases. With other 75 bases was observed. The nature of this 75-
tissues (e.g., calf thymus), RNA isolation is base protection fragment is unknown.
plagued by persistent carryover of interphase However, it was highly reproducible and may
during transfer of the aqueous phase. TRIZOL be generated by an alternative polyadenylation
Reagent locks proteins, including nucleases, event, protection from a related but distinctly
into the interphase and organic phase, allowing different heat-shocked gene, or incomplete
clean transfer of the RNA contained in the denaturation during electrophoresis. No protec-
aqueous phase. The recovery of RNA from calf tion fragments were observed in S1 nuclease
thymus was six times higher from TRIZOL than analysis with RNA isolated from Jurkat cells.
from the original single-step method. RNA samples isolated using TRI Z O L
To assess the quality of the isolated RNA, Reagent can be used directly as substrates for
samples were resolved by gel electrophoresis RT-PCR when primers span more than one
(figure 1). A typical pattern was obtained for
the RNA samples tested, indicative of unde-
graded RNA: sharp ribosomal RNA bands with
100 bp

the 28S band about two-fold more intense than


the 18S band. 1 2 3 4 5

Northern blot analysis was performed to
verify the integrity of unique mRNAs and their
ability to hybridize in membrane-based assays.
The presence of the 2.2-kb human heat shock
protein HSP70 mRNA was detected in the
heat-shocked HeLa cells, but not in the control
Jurkat cells (figure 2).
S1 analysis of RNA from heat-shocked
HeLa cells revealed that polyadenylation
occurred at ~330 bp downstream from the Ava FIGURE 5. β-actin RT-PCR product from rat pancreas total RNA isolated by
I site (figure 3). This is close to the site of TRIZOL Reagent. Lane 1, primers reaction mixture. Lane 2, RNA, RT present. Lane 3,
polyadenylation previously reported (5). The RNA, no RT present. Lane 4, RNA treated with DNase I, RT present. Lane 5, RNA treated
with DNase I, no RT present.
reason for the 20-bp discrepancy in size from

F O C U S 1 5 N U M B E R 4 101
exon. RNA from human normal lymphocytes Medicine, University of Milan, Italy] for pro-
and leukemic cells that contain a characteristic viding the RT-PCR data from human normal
translocation, the t(8;21), were used for RT- lymphocytes and leukemic cells—and for her
PCR (9). The translocation results in the gener- critical reading of the manuscript.
ation of a fusion gene, AML/CDR. A 251-bp
fragment representing the junction region REFERENCES
between AML1 and CDR was present in t(8;21) 1. Sambrook, J., Fritsch, E.F., and Maniatis, T.
positive leukemic cDNA but not in normal lym- (1989) Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual,
Second Edition, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
phocytes, which instead contain an intact AML1 Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York.
gene detected as a 320-bp fragment by using 2. Ausubel, F.M., Brent, R., Kingston, R.E., Moore,
specific primers (figure 4). D.D., Seidman, J.G., Smith, J.A., and Struhl, K.,
For rat pancreas RNA isolated using TRIZOL eds. (1989) Current Protocols in Molec. Biol., Vol.
1, Greene Publishing Assoc. and Wiley
Reagent, treatment with DNase I, Amplification Interscience, New York, 4.0.1.
Grade, was required prior to RT-PCR to obtain 3. Chomczynski, P. and Sacchi, N. (1987) Anal.
the β-actin amplification product (figure 5). Biochem. 162, 156.
4. Chomczynski, P. (1993) Biotechniques, 15, 532.
SUMMARY 5. Wu, B., Hunt, C., and Morimoto, R. (1985) Mol.
TRIZOL Reagent was developed for obtain- Cell. Biol. 5, 330.
ing high-quality total RNA in high yield. Total 6. Hunt, C. and Morimoto, R. (1985) Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA 82, 6455.
RNA isolated with TRIZOL Reagent is suitable
7. Hu, A.W., D’Alessio, J.M., and Kullman, J.
for common RNA applications such as Northern (1991) FOCUS 13, 130.
blots, S1 nuclease assays, RT-PCR, and poly(A)+ 8. Nisson, P.E., Rashtchian, A., and Watkins, P.C.
selection. The method is fast, reliable, and sim- (1991) PCR Methods Appl. 1, 120.
plifies simultaneous processing of many samples. 9. Nisson, P.E., Watkins, P.C., and Sacchi, N.
(1992) Cancer Genet. Cytogenet. 63, 81.
We would like to thank Dr. Nicoletta Sacchi
[Department of Biology and Genetics, School of

Ask The GIBCO BRL How large a tissue sample can be used with
TRIZOL™ Reagent?
The TRIZOL Reagent can purify RNA from up to
T ECH-L INESM 100 mg of tissue. The sample volume should not
exceed 10% of the volume of TRIZOL Reagent
used. If poor phase separation is observed, add
an additional half-volume of TRIZOL Reagent.

102 F O C U S 1 5 N U M B E R 4

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