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Sales Rep Interview Script

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Welcome to the interview scripts for sales reps!

Credits to Jesse (ex sales manager at for this one.


● Perform due diligence by verifying their claimed past experience. Talk to past managers,
listen to call recordings etc.

● Discover their deep motivations to be exceptional at what they do (family, location

freedom, financial goals, personal success, deep industry interest, etc)

● Look for patterns of behavior. Have they performed at a high level before?

● Can they listen to you and answer your questions succinctly, or do they get off track
easily. This is an example of what you can expect on a strategy call from them.

● Are they interested in the nuances of the calls and of the industry (required to excel), or
just the surface level benefits of the position (will not succeed)?

● How coachable are they? Do they repeatedly tell you they are open to coaching and
your way of running calls? Or, are they constantly telling you about how they do things?

● Ask questions about their perspective on a topic/attribute, and then ask for an example
(or two) of how they have demonstrated that in the past. Do what they say and what they
do, actually match?

● Do they turn up presentable and well-dressed on video? Still camera, suit jacket or semi-
formal clothing, hair proper, tidy office without mess in the background.

Part 1: Small Chat

Hey Name, great to speak with you today. Where are you calling from?

Awesome, well we can jump right in and get started with the interview if you’d like?

Part 2: Understand Their Current Job

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Cool, so I mean I know we chatted over Messenger briefly, but can you share with me what
motivated you to want to apply to work with us?

Great, and can you tell me about what your current job responsibilities include?

Okay, and what interests you in potentially looking at doing a different line of work, or switching
companies that you sell for?

Ok, and what interests you in our industry particularly? (this is important that they really, really
are passionately interested in the industry and transformation. Otherwise, they’ll never get to be

Awesome, and can you give me an example of one of the most challenging problems you’ve
had in your role, and then how did you solve it?

Part 3: Understand Their Sales Experience

Great, and how much if any sales experience have you had before?

Okay, and how did the process in selling that work?

Did you have a script that you followed?

What were your results like in that system?

What was the product and who was your ideal customer for it?

How were the leads generated for those appointments?

How would you describe your listening skills?

Can you tell me an example of when you used your listening skills to resolve a difficult situation
in your current role?

How comfortable are you in working a commission only position?

Have you ever worked in a commission only position in the past?

Okay, and I mean you’ve been selling before here, have you considered starting your own

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Okay, and have you got any other side gigs on the go right now? We require a full time

Cool, and what sales books and sales training programs have you been through?

Alright, and here’s an interesting one for you - what’s 1 thing you believe to be true, that others
disagree with you on?

Part 4: Describe Your Company If You Think They Might Be A Good Fit

Well, I can share a bit more about the company now, cool? Sure, so this is our mission, who we
typically work with, and the purpose of the call. Our program at a high level does this for our
clients. How you feel about all of that (listen and look for eyes lighting up, smiles, and asking
more questions about how your business and sales process works). Allow them to ask more
questions about your business at this point)?

Cool, now how our scheduling works is that it’s Monday-Friday, and we’d want your calendar
open for appointments from 9am Pacific through 6pm Pacific, with 1 hour blocked out for a
lunch break usually mid way through the day is what we recommend, for 8 total openings per
day. Does that match with what you had in mind?

And then if we were to offer you the position, what is your availability like to get started with
training, and then come on board and start full time?

Part 5: Discuss Compensation If You Think They Are Are A Finalist Or You Want To Hire
Them On The Spot

Sure, so we can talk about how the compensation works if you’d like? Cool, so how it works as I
mentioned, it’s commission only and we pay 10% on cash sales, when cash is paid to the
business. Meaning, if you close a new client for $5,800 on a full payment right on the spot, your
commission is $580 on that sale, payable at the end of the month, when we pay out all of our
contractors. Now, if it was a split payment, say 3x payments of $2,000, you’d be eligible for 10%
on $2,000 that first month, and then your commission on the remaining is dependant upon them
continuing their payments with us. Virtually all payments do collect, but there’s an incentive for
you there to ensure they do collect, and you get paid out 10% on each remaining payment in the
month that it collects. Make sense?

Now, based on that commission structure, and that we will be able to generate 6 calls per day
for you, and you should be able to close at 20-25% just like myself after you go through our
training, you should be closing about 5-10 deals per week, and your forecasted income on that
basis will be $10-$20k per month. Does that make sense?

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Part 6a: Offer Them The Position

Great, well based on all of that I think you’d like to be an awesome fit and would like to make
you an offer to join the team (silence).

If they accept, talk about logistics with their current job, and schedule their training days on the
calendar, and forecast based on that when they should start taking calls.

Part 6b: Delay Offer Due To Other Interviews

Cool, well as you can likely imagine we’re doing many interviews for the position, and the next
step is that we’ll reach back out to you over email if we’d like to make you an offer for the
position. Sounds good?

Great, it was good speaking with you and we’ll talk to you soon, bye.

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are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.

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