Cyber Security Session 1

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Introduction to Cyber Security

Have you ever wondered how the internet came to be? It's a story that starts way
back in the midst of the Cold War (1940s-1990s) when tensions between the United
States and the Soviet Union were high. Back then, the U.S. Department of Defense
envisioned a communication network that could survive even if parts of it were
damaged or destroyed.

This led to the creation of ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency

Network) in the late 1960s. Think of it as the internet's very first ancestor! It used a
clever technology called "packet switching" to send data in smaller pieces through
different paths, making it more resilient.

Fast forward to the 1970s, a critical development called TCP/IP (Transmission

Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) emerged. Imagine it as a universal language
that allowed different networks to talk to each other. This paved the way for the
internet as we know it today.

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The 1980s and 1990s witnessed a phenomenal rise. The invention of the first web
browser by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear
Research) in 1989 opened the doors to the World Wide Web. Commercial internet
service providers (ISPs) started popping up, and the "dot-com boom" brought a
surge of businesses venturing online. The internet was no longer just for
researchers and academics, it was becoming a global phenomenon!

But with great connectivity came great responsibility (and unfortunately, some
challenges). As the internet became more interconnected and information readily
available, malicious actors saw an opportunity. This is where the story of
cybersecurity begins.

Cybercrime started to emerge in the early days of the internet. Think of it as the
dark side of the digital world, where people try to steal information, disrupt systems,
or cause damage.
Some of the first major cyberattacks shook things up and showed the need for
strong security measures. Let's take a look at a couple of examples:

 The Morris Worm (1988): This self-replicating worm, like a mischievous digital creature,
exploited weaknesses in internet routing protocols and caused widespread disruptions.
 The ILOVEYOU virus (2000): This email-borne worm disguised itself as a love letter, tricking
users into opening an attachment that infected their computers and stole personal information.

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These early attacks were a wake-up call, highlighting the importance of protecting our
digital world.

what exactly is cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is all about safeguarding information systems, networks, and data. It's
like putting up a digital shield to defend against unauthorized access, use,
disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of our valuable information.

In today's world, where everything from critical infrastructure to personal finances

relies on digital technologies, cybersecurity is more crucial than ever. Throughout
this course, we'll delve deeper into the world of cybersecurity, exploring the tools
and techniques used to keep our digital lives safe and secure.

What is the difference between: “Safety” and “Security”?

 Safety: Deals with the protection of life and assets against fire, natural
disasters, and accidents.
 Security: Addresses vandalism, theft, and attacks by individuals.

What are the types of security

1. Physical security: protect people, physical assets and the workplace from
various attacks.
But for information we have:
2. Computer Security- COMPUSEC:
Protection of information processed and stored in the computer.
3. Network security: protection of information in networking devices and
4. Communication security COMSEC: protection of information in communication

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It is the prevention of unauthorized access to telecommunications or information that
is transmitted or transferred.
5. Information security INFOSEC:
protection of information in all the systems that use , store and transmit it. So it
includes all other types of security.

Basic definitions:

 Vulnerability – a weakness in the security system that could be exploited to

cause harm or loss.
 Threat – A possible danger that might exploit a vulnerability to breach security
and thus cause possible harm.
 EX.: Wall holding back water
 Threat to get wet
 Vulnerability is a crack in the wall
 A threat is blocked by control of vulnerability

An attack:
It is an act or event that exploit a vulnerability.
An attack is accomplished by a threat agent

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Attacker must have three things:
Method – the skill, knowledge and tool
Opportunity – the time and access
Motive – a reason to want to perform an attack
An exploit:
It is a technique or mechanism used to compromise an information assets.
Vulnerability is also known as the attack surface.
Vulnerabilities and threats together result in risks to the organization.
It is the result of attack.
It is the possibility of harm
Harm means: data lost or stolen, or is disclosed or otherwise exposed to
unauthorized people for unauthorized purposes. which is an undesirable outcome).
It is a successful attack: occurrence of harm.

Review Questions: -
Differentiate between: Safety and Security.
Define the Communication Security.
What’s Cyber security?
What’s the definition of vulnerability?
Define an attack.

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