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Shirdi Sai Public School

Revision test
Verbs: Modals and Conditionals

1.Fill in the following blanks by using ‘has to’, ‘have to’, ‘had to’, ‘will have to’, ‘shall
have to’:
1. I ……. serve my aged parents.
2. The maid servant …….. wash the utensils.
3. The Light Brigade …….. obey the orders of its commander.
4. The hare ……… cut a sorry figure on losing the race.
5. The passenger train ……. stop at every railway s
6. The labourers …….. work all day long.
7. My father …….. support a large family.
8. I …….. take my umbrella with me because it was raining.
9. The mother …….. Clothe the children.
10. I …….. take my mother to the dispensary.
11. He …….. join some service to earn his bread.
12. I ………. help the poor widow.

Choose the most appropriate option from the brackets to complete the following
passage :

1. Working women (a) _____ (can/shall/will/would) be divided into four categories.

Some (b) _____ (will/would/could/may) work while waiting for matrimony. It is natural to
expect that in such cases the family (c) _____ (could/would/need/shall) take
precedence over the job. They prefer joint families because in that case they (d) _____
(won’t/couldn’t/needn’t/mustn’t) worry about their children. Then they (e) _____
(need/should/could/may) also spend their evenings with the family. However, in a joint
family very often they (f) _____ (needn’t/shouldn’t/daren’t/might) go against the wishes
of the elders.

2. You (a) _____ (shall/will/should/may) live without food and water for sometime but
you (b) _____ (can/shall/could/would) not live without air. The air (c) _____
(should/would/may/would) sometimes cause infection in the nose. If it persists you (d)
_____ (would/could/might/must) see the doctor. A chronic cold (e) _____
(would/will/should/could) cause a great deal of discomfort. So you (f) _____
(can/would/should/could) be careful about it.
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (conditional 1):
1. If I (finish)__________ early, I will call you.
2. I (catch) ___________the 9:00 train if I hurry up .
3. She will know the answer, if she (try) _________to understand.

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (conditional 2):

1. If I (be) ________ a star, I would help the needy.
2. He (buy) ___________a house if he had a job.
3. She (be) ___________ happy, if she married him .

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (conditional 3):

1. If he (be) ___________ careful, he would not have had that terrible accident.
2. I (pass) ___________ the exam if I had worked hard .
3. Her father would not have died, if he (go) _________ to the doctor.

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