Simple Past_Positive and Negative

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Past Simple with 'Be' - Positive and Negative Form

Make the past simple positive or negative.

1. It was (be) cold yesterday, wasn’t it?

2. She was (be) hungry, wasn’t she ?
3. We were (be) late for the meeting, weren’t we ?
4. I was (be) tired last night, wasn’t I ?
5. The exam was (be) difficult, wasn’t it ?
6. They were (be) in Berlin, weren’t they ?
7. You were (be) in the library when I called you, weren’t you ?
8. The holiday was (be) fun, wasn’t it ?
9. He was (be) early for the interview, wasn’t he ?
10. The people we met last night were (be) French, weren’t they ?
11. That woman wasn’t (not / be) Spanish, was she ?
12. Julie wasn’t (not / be) late for the class, was she ?
13. The food wasn’t (not / be) very good, was it ?
14. They weren’t (not / be) my uncle and aunt, were they ?
15. I wasn’t (not / be) rude to the waitress, was I ?
16. The test wasn’t (not / be) easy, was it ?
17. We weren’t (not / be) tired when we arrived, were we ?
18. They weren’t (not / be) on the bus when I called, were they ?
19. You weren’t (not / be) here when she came, were you ?
20. He wasn’t (not / be) my boyfriend,
was he ?

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