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Ecological Modelling 354 (2017) 104–114

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An integrated ecological modeling system for assessing impacts of

multiple stressors on stream and riverine ecosystem services within
river basins
John M. Johnston ∗ , M. Craig Barber, Kurt Wolfe, Mike Galvin, Mike Cyterski,
Rajbir Parmar
USEPA/ORD/NERL, 960 College Station Rd., Athens, GA 30605, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We demonstrate a novel, spatially explicit assessment of the current condition of aquatic ecosystem
Received 16 September 2016 services, with limited sensitivity analysis for the atmospheric contaminant mercury. The Integrated Eco-
Received in revised form 21 March 2017 logical Modeling System (IEMS) forecasts water quality and quantity, habitat suitability for aquatic biota,
Accepted 21 March 2017
fish biomasses, population densities, productivities, and contamination by methylmercury across head-
Available online 14 April 2017
water watersheds. We applied this IEMS to the Coal River Basin (CRB), West Virginia (USA), an 8-digit
hydrologic unit watershed, by simulating a network of 97 stream segments using the SWAT watershed
model, a watershed mercury loading model, the WASP water quality model, the PiSCES fish community
Spatially explicit exposure
estimation model, a fish habitat suitability model, the BASS fish community and bioaccumulation model,
Freshwater provisioning and an ecoservices post-processer. Model application was facilitated by automated data retrieval and
Fisheries model setup and updated model wrappers and interfaces for data transfers between these models from a
prior study. This companion study evaluates baseline predictions of ecoservices provided for 1990–2010
for the population of streams in the CRB and serves as a foundation for future model development.
Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://

1. Introduction Vidal-Abarca et al., 2014). Reduction in the quality of water, includ-

ing its temperature, contaminant concentrations (both suspended
Watersheds, streams and river basins provide multiple ecosys- and dissolved) and aquatic habitat availability (including depth and
tem services, or ecoservices, that benefit human health and velocity) are primary stressors from human activity and climate
well-being and contribute to the sustainability of our economic change. Regional atmospheric pollutant transport (e.g., mercury) is
and social systems (Costanza et al., 2012; MEA, 2005). Aquatic an interdependent process, affecting multiple spatial and tempo-
ecoservices include the provisioning of water in sufficient qual- ral scales and piggybacking on the hydrologic cycle as wet and dry
ity and quantity for agricultural, industrial, and residential uses; deposition (Knightes et al., 2009).
habitat provisioning for aquatic and riparian biota; a trophic base The assessment of the impacts of multiple stressors poses a sig-
for aquatic, riparian, and migratory biota; and fisheries for human nificant challenge to environmental decision making and requires
consumption and recreation whose biomasses, population den- modeling approaches beyond single media (e.g., soil, surface water,
sities, productivities, and contaminant levels can be used safely atmosphere, etc.) that unifies expert knowledge across modeling
in a sustainable manner (Limburg, 2009). Land use and regional domains, namely an Integrated Ecological Modeling System (IEMS)
development affect stream and riverine ecoservices through water (Johnston et al., 2000; USEPA, 2008). No one model can supply all
withdrawals for agricultural, industrial, and residential uses; inputs of these aspects, and an IEMS embraces system complexity to sup-
of sewage effluents, increased nonpoint source pollution from port holistic and effective decision making for a diverse stakeholder
urban and agricultural runoff; atmospheric deposition of contam- audience (Laniak et al., 2013; USEPA, 2008). The ultimate goal is
inants; and alteration of hydrologic cycles (Auerbach et al., 2014; to support environmental decisions with quantifiable estimates of
uncertainty and variability, as a necessary evolution of quantitative
process-based modeling for prediction and long term forecasting
∗ Corresponding author. of alternative future scenarios. Although sustainability assessment
E-mail addresses: (J.M. Johnston), requires the integration of social, economic and environmental
(K. Wolfe), (M. Galvin).
0304-3800/Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
J.M. Johnston et al. / Ecological Modelling 354 (2017) 104–114 105

systems, this study focuses on environmental system integration levels of biodiversity and endemism in the temperate zone. The
of biological, ecological, physical and chemical processes of lotic, upper Kanawha contains seven “at risk” species of fish and mus-
freshwater ecoservices to develop system understanding and facil- sels (Master et al., 1998). The CRB has also been the subject of a
itate experimentation (Kiker et al., 2005). prior USEPA study regarding its potential for recreational fisheries
Environmental assessments generally need to address two con- as an alternate economic strategy and renewable resource, using
trasting but complementary scales of resolution. On one hand what a macroecological modeling approach to estimate abundances of
is needed is an overall characterization of condition for the entire the two most popular sport fish, smallmouth bass (Micropertus
region of interest, including the location of areas of concern (i.e., dolomieu) and eastern brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) (McGarvey
hotspots). On the other hand, there is also the need for more spa- and Johnston, 2013).
tially and temporally refined assessments at prioritized locations The primary purpose of this study was to demonstrate a spa-
of interest. That is, after a decision maker is informed about the tially explicit, watershed assessment of current condition of aquatic
overall status of regional environmental resources, the question ecoservices, with a limited sensitivity analysis for the atmospheric
of where and what management actions to implement (e.g., best contaminant mercury. Our objective in developing and applying
management practices for sediment control and when and how the IEMS to the CRB is to provide a foundation for watershed con-
to manipulate fisheries stocking and harvest) applies at specific dition assessment, though not addressing MTR stressors explicitly
locations. The Watershed Health Assessment Tools Investigating at this time. Although the current study does not include MTR
Fisheries (WHAT IF) decision support tool is an early example of sources and related stressors (e.g., metals, salts and pH), it pro-
this methodology for fisheries management (USEPA, 2006). WHAT vides a foundation for future work. Requirements of the IEMS are
IF includes an open-source GIS tool to address fisheries stocking developed with the MTR problem statement in mind; however, this
and harvest and stream habitat restoration, but it lacks the full study is intended to demonstrate and verify the functionality of the
complement of multidisciplinary process models for assessment IEMS. Next steps regarding its application to MTR are addressed in
of landuse and climate change and regional pollutant transport. the Summary and conclusions. Application of the IEMS to a new
As such it represents an effective integration of scales of consid- geography and problem also provides an opportunity to address
eration for stakeholders; however, it is not a coupled component resources and time needed for its reuse (Laniak et al., 2013). We
model useful for hydrologic and water quality process prediction, include a discussion of reuse as appropriate to the application of
forecasting and system understanding (Kelly et al., 2013). this IEMS. Model predictions are provided for 97 stream segments
Consequently, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) for the period 1991–2010 for flow, water quality, habitat quality,
developed a fully functional IEMS to simulate environmental fishery production (game and non-game), and fish contamination
stressor-response relationships for a stratified, random sample of by methylmercury. This baseline assessment extends our previous
headwater subwatersheds in the Albemarle-Pamlico river basin analysis from a stratified, random sampling approach of repre-
of North Carolina and Virginia, US (Johnston et al., 2011), which sentative subwatersheds and pour point segments to a spatially
is an 8-digit Hydrologic Unit (HU) watershed as defined by the explicit treatment of an entire headwater 8-digit HU that includes
U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrologic Unit Map (Seaber et al., networked, downstream responses and increased system variabil-
1987). Each subwatershed corresponded to a 12-digit HU water- ity. We also perform sensitivity analysis of the IEMS with respect
shed defined by the same mapping system. Using a collection to rates of atmospheric deposition of mercury and on the transport
of existing environmental and ecological models, this IEMS was and bioaccumulation of methylmercury in selected game fish.
configured to forecast multiple ecoservices provided by the head-
water subwatersheds of the river basin. A similar approach has also 2. Materials and methods
been applied to the assessment of watershed-based human health
2.1. Study area
risks from pathogen exposure to human and animal fecal microbial
sources (Whelan et al., 2014). The study area is the CRB, 8-digit HU code 05050009, located in
In contrast to our previous probabilistic assessment of the southwestern WV (Fig. 1) and a tributary of the Kanawha River. It
ecoservices provided by 12-digit HU headwater subwatersheds is a headwater watershed located in the central Appalachian coal
(Johnston et al., 2011), regional condition assessment requires field region with drainage area of approximately 2300 km2 . The CRB
treatment of the spatial network of small stream and river seg- intersects the Central Appalachian Mountains and the Allegheny
ments, including non-headwater streams. Because assessment Plateau, and MTR activity is extensive, with 20% of the watershed
scales include watershed (regional) and stream segment endpoints surface area affected by current and expired mines (McGarvey and
(local), it was necessary to extend our previous IEMS beyond a head- Johnston, 2013).
water subwatershed pour-point analysis. To do so, we expanded
the capabilities of our IEMS in this companion study to address 2.2. IEMS configuration and initialization
the requirement for spatially explicit assessment of streams and
rivers and applied our expanded IEMS to a new geography to test The IEMS was configured to generate annual outputs for the
its reusability, a key attribute of sophisticated and cost-effective simulation period (1990–2010) (Fig. 2). This simulation time frame
IEMSs (Laniak et al., 2013). included approximately 10 years to remove the effects of initial
Mountaintop removal mining (MTR) is an example of a conditions. Hydrologic inputs were time varying for the IEMS spin-
watershed-based assessment problem that requires integration of up, with precipitation input corresponding to weather data for
multiple stressors for assessment, including land use and climate the period 2000–2010. Dissipation of the IEMS transient behav-
change, but also the ability to target streams of interest for reme- iors occurred after the longest lived fish species reached dynamic
diation and field monitoring. The Coal River Basin (CRB) is within steady state. Summary statistics for annual mean, median and stan-
the central Appalachian coal field region, an area of substantial MTR dard deviation were calculated for all 97 stream segments for each
activity, and a tributary of the Kanawha River which drains a portion 20-year simulation.
of the Cumberland Mountains in south central and southwestern The Charleston, WV, Yeager airport weather station
West Virginia (WV) (Fig. 1). Although many of the environmental (ID WV461570,
and cultural resources are protected on the lower river for pub- php?wfo=rlx&site=461570&lead=8) located in Kanawha County
lic recreation ( was used for precipitation and related weather data, and land
coal-river/), these coal field watersheds also support the highest use data were from the 2010 National Land Cover Database
106 J.M. Johnston et al. / Ecological Modelling 354 (2017) 104–114

Fig. 1. Coal River Basin (CRB) study area 8-digit HU code 05050009 located in southwestern West Virginia, including the network of 97 stream and river segments.

( The CRB stream network was derived output dictionaries to read and write data indexed by stream seg-
from the U.S. National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), scale 1:24 ment. Models downstream of the WASP model (PiSCES, HSI, BASS
000 ( The primary purpose of this study and ESP) were affected, requiring indices for stream segment and
was to demonstrate a spatially explicit watershed assessment of fish species. In this study, for example, the HSI model wrapper
current condition of aquatic ecoservices, with a limited sensitivity read the PiSCES output dictionary for fish community diversity and
analysis for the atmospheric contaminant mercury. Because of biomass data, iterating over all stream segments.
this focus, Monte Carlo analysis performed in the previous study
was not included. The IEMS utilized only the components D4EM 2.4. PiSCES model description
and FRAMES for automated data retrieval, model input and model
execution. PiSCES provides an expected species-specific fish assemblage
for each stream segment as well as initial species biomasses nec-
2.3. IEMS interoperability and reuse essary for simulating community dynamics (i.e., inputs to the BASS
model). PiSCES filters the expected distributions of all species (i.e.,
Interoperability is a case of model reuse and involves mod- known and historic ranges) based on watershed and stream prop-
ifications to a model or the modeling framework for use in a erties (e.g., drainage area, stream slope, stream temperature, etc.). A
different problem statement or study location (Laniak et al., 2013). detailed description of PiSCES and its design is addressed separately
In this study, we reused the IEMS from the Albemarle-Pamlico (Cyterski et al., 2017). PiSCES represents a substantial enhance-
watershed to model the CRB. We did not change either the mod- ment to our previous IEMS which utilized statistical approaches
eling infrastructure (FRAMES v.2, Framework for Risk Assessment to determine probable fish communities from field datasets. It is
in Multimedia Environmental Systems) nor the science models often the case that fisheries data are not available for waterbod-
SWAT (Soil Water Assessment Tool), WASP (Water Quality Analysis ies of interest, including within the CRB, nor are these data easily
Simulation Program), MLM (Mercury Loading Model), HSI (Habi- accessible through the Internet (McGarvey and Johnston, 2013). As
tat Suitability Index), BASS (Bioaccumulation and Aquatic System such, characterization of regional fisheries can be a limiting step
Simulator) or the ESP (Ecosystem Services Processor) which are requiring additional time and effort and is not easily automated
described in detail elsewhere (Johnston et al., 2011). A new model (e.g., as a Data for Environmental Modeling, or D4EM, external data
was developed, PiSCES (Piscine Stream Community Estimation Sys- retrieval and model input use case). This can be a significant barrier
tem), to more flexibly estimate fish community composition for to model reuse (Laniak et al., 2013). To overcome the reliance on
streams and rivers. The primary differences from the prior study field data and the resources needed to compile, quality assure and
were that all models were executed on all stream segments, requir- statistically analyze the data, an alternative approach formulated in
ing changes to all science model wrappers to enable reading and the novel PiSCES model was developed. Historic and current geo-
writing of input and output, and modification to FRAMES input and graphic range data and species habitat preferences (described as
J.M. Johnston et al. / Ecological Modelling 354 (2017) 104–114 107

Fig. 2. CRB integrated modeling study within IEMS interface with linked models and system service (top panel), excerpt from FRAMES simulation diagram within the
Simulation Editor.

occurrence envelopes) were used to derive probable fish commu- models PiSCES, HSI, BASS and ESP. Segments with low relief near
nities. Occurrence envelopes were statistically derived from field the CRB outlet (Fig. 1) were set to the minimum slope to provide
data for quantities such as stream width, watershed drainage area nonzero water flow. NHD-defined stream segments were merged
and stream temperature (to name a few examples), with the expec- consistent with the prior study (Johnston et al., 2011) to correct
tation that these envelopes are useful filters to superimpose on known issues with NHD stream segmentation. That is, NHD is use-
raw distributional data for improved accuracy of predicting fish ful for identifying stream locations but includes stream segments
communities for locations lacking field data (Cyterski et al., 2017). on the order of meters that would dominate the WASP numerical
PiSCES filters used in this study included stream width and depth, solution scheme. Inputs moving through extremely small WASP
watershed drainage area, dissolved oxygen (as % saturation), and segments force the entire system into smaller time steps, possibly
total suspended solids. PiSCES filters not used were conductivity, resulting in numerical dispersion.
pH and slope. BASS model input and output dictionaries and wrapper modi-
fications included the addition of indices for stream segments and
2.5. IEMS stream network delineation and parameterization to fish species; however, cohort variables were not written to file
the CRB study area to conserve system resources (e.g., RAM) and decrease runtimes.
Changes to the BASS wrapper included generation of BASS input
The Simulation Data Manager (SDM, Fig. 2) is internal to files (BASS project, community and fish files) for all stream seg-
FRAMES and interfaces with D4EM-derived data. The SDM is a ments and generation of a command file for execution on all stream
FRAMES service that bridges FRAMES models and D4EM data segments. The BASS output dictionary still contains the cohort vari-
retrieved from the external data sources and was developed for ables, but the wrapper code was modified to not write the data for
our Albemarle-Pamlico ecoservices study (Johnston et al., 2011). this study. Only annual data by stream segment were written to
The SDM generated a stream network with minimum stream seg- file, resulting in a decrease of 80MB per stream segment across
ment length of 6 km and a minimum slope of 0.0001. This resulted all years of simulation. This was necessary to successfully model
in a stream network of 97 segments that are co-referenced by IEMS all CRB segments for the entire simulation period. Lastly, the ESP
108 J.M. Johnston et al. / Ecological Modelling 354 (2017) 104–114

Table 1
Wet and dry atmospheric mercury (Hg) deposition values used in the sensitivity analysis.

Value Total Wet Hg Deposition (␮g m −2 yr −1 ) Total Dry Hg Deposition (ug m −2 yr −1 )

Hg Baseline 11.26 11.26

Hg Low 8.24 8.24
Hg High 20.07 26.09

output dictionary was changed to provide annual average data by 3.1. Water quantity and quality
stream segment.
Parameterization for the CRB included assignment of Manning’s Although segment streamflows (Q m3 /s) averaged 4.61 m3 /s
N for channel roughness and stream channel width and depth [median (X50 ) = 0.531; standard deviation (SD) = 9.78], the expected
ratios. Manning’s N was assigned using a polynomial curve for streamflow from any given segment is strongly determined by its
each stream segment, varying from 0 to 1, with slopes(s) above cumulative drainage area (CDA km2 ) (Leopold and Maddock, 1953).
15% assigned a maximum value of 1. The Manning’s N used in In this study, this interdependence is described by the simple log
the CRB can be approximated by the following cubic regression, linear model,
N = 0.02 + 3.29*s – 72.8*s2 + 986*s3 . Stream width and depth rela-
log Q = −1.70 + 1.00 log CDA (1)
tionships were used from bankfull channel width regressions for
wadeable streams developed for the conterminous US (Faustini The adjusted r2 and standard error of this regression are 0.979
et al., 2009). Other than these parameters set at the beginning of and 0.101, respectively, and its coefficients are significant for P < 10
the study (and not revisited), no further changes were made to any −6 . This regression agrees well with a similar hydraulic regres-
of the models compared with the prior study (Johnston et al., 2011). sion that we calculated for the three USGS gauging stations located
As such the results represent an uncalibrated baseline simulation within the CRB (i.e., USGS 03198350 Clear Fork at Whitesville WV,
comparable to the prior study. USGS 03198500 Big Coal River at Ashford WV, and USGS 03200500
Coal River at Tornado WV). In particular, using the complete period
of record for these sites, we calculated the regression,
2.6. Sensitivity analysis
log Q = −1.90 + 1.09 log CDA (2)
A limited sensitivity analysis was conducted via changes to The adjusted r2
and standard error of this regression are 0.870
atmospheric mercury deposition inputs from baseline. Both high and 0.128, respectively, and its coefficients are also significant for
and low inputs were modeled by the IEMS through watershed P < 10 −6 . The simulated hydraulic regression also agrees well with
runoff, instream fate, transport and bioaccumulation in game fish. the hydraulic regression,
Three total IEMS simulations were conducted for baseline, low and
high deposition (Table 1). Because modeled deposition data were log Q = −1.37 + 0.85 log CDA (3)
unavailable for this region as in the prior study, atmospheric mer- reported for 25 USGS gauging stations within the Appalachian
cury deposition data were obtained from the Mercury Deposition Plateau of the Mid-Atlantic Region (Mohamoud and Parmar,
Network of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (http:// 2006). In particular, when the simulated CRB regression and the Station numbers WV99, OH02 and TN11 were Mohamoud and Parmar regression are evaluated for the aver-
selected for their proximity to the CRB, comprising data from 2002 age CDA of our study (i.e., 224 km2 ), the resulting streamflows
through 2012. Baseline and low deposition values were developed are within 5% of one another. Using the hydraulic regression for
from each site’s annual average and minimum value. The high depo- bankfull streamflow in Appalachian Plateau rivers reported by
sition value was chosen as the maximum deposition of any station Messinger (Messinger, 2009), simulated streamflows average 4.98
value for wet deposition, using a factor of 1.3 X wet deposition for percent of their predicted bankfull values (X50 = 4.51; SD = 1.77).
dry deposition (Risch et al., 2012). Predicted streamflows across the population of river and stream
This study is not a traditional parameter sensitivity analysis segments fall into what appear to be three classes, from head-
experiment but rather a model structural analysis that compares waters with relatively lower flows to wadeable streams and
differences in average annual means, standard deviations, and mainstem river segments with largest flows (Fig. 3). The majority
medians for a suite of ecoservices across all stream segments for the of streams are small streams with median flow near the minimum
last ten years of simulation. The suite includes flow, water quality (flow < 10 m3 /s, n = 83). Also note the period of increased stream-
standards violations, water depth and temperature (as aspects of flows from years 13–16 related to a period of increased rainfall with
habitat suitability), mercury residues, and fish biomass, abundance corresponding increase in HSI values for this same period (Fig. 4).
and productivity (total fish and game fish). Descriptive statistics are provided for the total number of occur-
rences per year that various drinking water standards (DWS) and
wildlife water quality criteria (WWQC) are exceeded in the base-
3. Results and discussion line CRB simulations (Table 2). This demonstrated the capability
of the IEMS to track events such as criteria exceedances over the
The following sections summarize and discuss the spatially and simulation period. Because of the spatially explicit implementation
temporally averaged ecoservices provide by the CRB during the last of the IEMS, these predictions could be used to identify potential
10 years of baseline simulation (from 2001 to 2010) when these hotspots to guide field sampling efforts. Although these simulations
ecoservices have approximately attained their dynamic steady- predict that there would be no violations of DWSs for inorganic Hg
state trajectories. By this we mean the IEMS is not in equilibrium and ammonia or of WWQCs for dissolved oxygen, they do predict
and reaches nominal system behavior after transient dynamics minor to major violations of the nitrate DWS and all of ammonia
resolve around simulation year 10. These transient dynamics are WWQCs. Minor violations (i.e., less than 2% of the year) are pre-
typically due to assumed initial conditions. Figs. 3–5 include the dicted for the nitrate DWS and the 4-day Non-Mussel WWQC. The
last 10 years of period for all stream segments (n = 97). The sample 30-day Mussel WWQC, however, is predicted to be violated essen-
size for all of reported statistics is n = 970. tially all year since there is a maximum of 335 or 336 consecutive
J.M. Johnston et al. / Ecological Modelling 354 (2017) 104–114 109

Fig. 3. Average annual streamflow (m3 /s) across all river and stream segments (n = 97) for the final ten years of simulation period. Insets depict a) small streams (in blue)
with flow <10 m3 /s (n = 83), b) medium sized streams (in green) with flow between 10 and 35 m3 /s (n = 11), and c) large streams (in black) with flow >35 m3 /s (n = 3). For
each inset, solid lines represent median values and dashed lines the minimum and maximum values. Note y-axis difference in insets. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 2
Statistics for the number of exceedances per year of drinking water standards (DWS) and wildlife water quality criteria (WWQC) across all segments in baseline CRB

Standard, Criteria or Concentration Mean Median Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum

DWS Hg inorganic 0 0 0 0 0
DWS NH4 (taste) 0 0 0 0 0
DWS NO3 6.83 5.00 7.67 0 42.0
NH4 mg/L 1.22 1.10 0.630 0.401 3.83
NO3 mg/L 2.30 2.21 0.589 1.31 5.73
Total N mg/L 4.41 4.40 0.847 2.67 8.96
WWQC DO 1-day Fish 0 0 0 0 0
WWQC DO 30-day Fish 0 0 0 0 0
WWQC NH4 30-day Mussel 332 336 11.7 228 337
WWQC NH4 30-day Non-Mussel 54.4 0 100 0 337
WWQC NH4 4-day Mussel 16.4 0 54.9 0 320
WWQC NH4 4-day Non-Mussel 0.0619 0 0.929 0 26.0
110 J.M. Johnston et al. / Ecological Modelling 354 (2017) 104–114

Fig. 4. Average annual game fish habitat suitability index (HSI, unitless) across all river and stream segments (n = 97) for the final ten years of simulation period. Insets depict
a) streams (in blue) with HSI <0.3 (n = 60), b) streams (in green) with HSI between 0.3 and 0.5 (n = 33), and c) streams (in black) with HSI >0.5 (n = 4). For each inset, solid lines
represent median values and dashed lines the minimum and maximum values. Note y-axis difference in insets. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

30-day intervals within any year depending on whether that year (Catostomus commersonii), are a dominant fish species in the CRB
is a leap year or not. and considered to be environmentally tolerant. As such, this species
was assigned an HSI equal to 1. Consequently, average indicator
3.2. Fishery habitat suitability species HSI is strongly influenced by this species’ assumed HSI.
Two of the most important HSI variables used in our study are
Habitat Suitability Indices (HSI) for CRB game fish and indi- the segment’s daily depth and temperature (Rashleigh et al., 2005).
cator species average 0.279 (X50 = 0.279; SD = 0.120) and 0.887 Annual averaged stream depths and temperatures were 0.299 m
(X50 = 0.997; SD = 0.141), respectively. Predicted HSI values across (X50 = 0.197; SD = 0.221) and 12.1 Celsius (X50 = 12.1; SD = 0.535),
all river and stream segments show the disappearance of transient respectively. These stream depths, however, are dependent on seg-
conditions around year 10, as well as dynamics between simula- ment streamflow (Mohamoud and Parmar, 2006). When we fitted
tion years 13–16 for larger segments related to increased periods the simulated segment depths (D m) to their simulated stream-
of streamflow (Figs. 3 and 4). It is important to note that although flows (Q m3/s) using a standard log linear model, we obtained the
a dynamic steady state was reached, the system was driven by following hydraulic geometry regression:
a continuous precipitation input and consequently reflected that
pattern rather than a cyclical or repeating time series. The high HSI log D = −0.614 + 0.366 log Q (4)
for indicator species, however, is artificially inflated by designating
all sucker species (Catostomidae) as indicator species regardless of The adjusted r2 and standard error of this regression are 0.993
their relative environmental tolerances. For example, white suckers and 0.0212, respectively, and its coefficients are also significant
J.M. Johnston et al. / Ecological Modelling 354 (2017) 104–114 111

Fig. 5. Average annual total fish biomass (kg wet wt/ha) across all river and stream segments (n = 97) for the final ten years of simulation period. Insets depict a) streams
(in blue) with biomass <30 kg/ha (n = 54), b) streams (in green) with biomass between 30 and 60 kg/ha (n = 34), and c) streams (in black) with biomass >60 kg/ha (n = 9). For
each inset, solid lines represent median values and dashed lines the minimum and maximum values. Note y-axis difference in insets. (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

for P < 10 −6 . Importantly, this regression agrees well with the 3.3. Fishery biomass, population density, and production
hydraulic regression,
Simulated total fish biomasses averaged 30.3 kg wet wt/ha
(X50 = 22.2; SD = 21.9), and our simulated total fish population
densities averaged 3720 fish/ha (X50 = 3740; SD = 713). Model pre-
log D = −0.538 + 0.24 log Q (5)
dictions across all stream and river segments demonstrated a fairly
uniform distribution of fish biomass (Fig. 5). The annual produc-
tion of these fisheries averaged 42.5 kg wet wt ha−1 yr−1 (X50 = 27.3;
reported by Mohamoud and Parmar (Mohamoud and Parmar, 2006) SD = 36.7), and their average production-to-biomass ratio was esti-
for 25 USGS gauging stations within the Appalachian Plateau of the mated to be 1.30 yr −1 (X50 = 1.24; SD = 0.194). Whereas the average
Mid-Atlantic Region. In particular, when the simulated CRB regres- percent biomasses of these fisheries that were game fish was 14.8
sion and the Mohamoud and Parmar regression are evaluated for (X50 = 11.0; SD = 0.14.2), the average percent biomasses that were
the average streamflow of our study (i.e., 4.61 m3 /s), the resulting indicator species (i.e., darters, suckers, etc.) was 37.6 (X50 = 29.2;
stream depths are within 2% of one another. SD = 26.3).
Using the hydraulic regression for bankfull stream depth in These results agree well with those from impacted and refer-
Appalachian Plateau rivers reported by Messinger (Messinger, ence streams in the MTM regions of Kentucky and West Virginia, US
2009), simulated stream depths average 29.9 percent of their pre- (Stauffer and Ferreri, 2002). Using data reported by these authors,
dicted bankfull values (X50 = 29.2; SD = 4.14). we calculated an expected average total fish biomass of 32.3 kg
112 J.M. Johnston et al. / Ecological Modelling 354 (2017) 104–114

wet wt/ha (X50 = 22.1; SD = 48.5; n = 91) and an expected average Even though the coefficients of this regression are significant for
total fish population density of 6050 fish/ha (X50 = 3630; SD = 6520; P < 10 −6 , its adjusted r2 and standard error are 0.175 and 0.201,
n = 91). Although Stauffer and Ferreri did not estimate the annual respectively. Thus, even a 50% reduction in the high end deposition
productions of their study sites, we used the widely cited regres- rate would be expected to decrease dissolved mercury concentra-
sion for estimating the fish production in lakes and rivers (Randall tions only by 10% (i.e., 0.50.152 ), assuming no other mercury sources.
et al., 1995). Using this regression, we estimated the average annual
production of Stauffer’s and Ferreri’s fish communities to be 37.7 kg
wet wt ha−1 yr−1 (X50 = 28.8; SD = 33.1; n = 91). 4. Summary and conclusions

We demonstrated and verified a spatially explicit, watershed-

3.4. Fishery mercury contamination
scale capability of the IEMS for a baseline, uncalibrated simulation
in the CRB in support of the problem statement forecasting
For baseline mercury deposition rates, whole-body MeHg con-
alternative future states of aquatic ecoservices in response to
centrations of game fish averaged 0.133 ␮g/g wet wt (X50 = 0.174;
changing landuse and climate. Nominal system behavior was veri-
SD = 0.0672) while whole-body MeHg concentrations of indicator
fied through comparison to available field data and independent
species averaged 0.0279 ␮g/g wet wt (X50 = 0.0242; SD = 0.0206).
models for average annual quantities of water flow, hydraulic
These results are consistent with results of a study involving
geometry, fish biomass, abundance and productivity (total fish),
mercury bioaccumulation in nongame fish in randomly sam-
and mercury residue for game fish and indicator species. A suite
pled wadeable streams across the US Mid-Atlantic Region, which
of predictive, process-based legacy models was used to simulate
encompasses the study area (Lazorchak et al., 2003). These authors
cause-and-effect relationships for multiple stressors and receptors,
estimated that 78.2–84.4% of this region’s wadeable stream lengths
and the IEMS has potential to be used across multiple spatial and
held nongame fish with whole-body concentrations of mercury
temporal scales. The addition of stream segment level detail has
which exceeded their detection limit of 0.025 ␮g/g wet wt. Reanal-
increased the utility of the approach to address the cumulative
ysis of the data used by Lazorchak et al. suggest that whole-body
impacts of multiple stressors, which more fully supports the assess-
MeHg concentrations of nongame fish in this region averages
ment of multiple stressors on stream networks. Specifically, stream
0.0600 ␮g/g wet wt (X50 = 0.0403; SD = 0.0867; n = 401).
segments now have unique combinations of slope, channel rough-
Simulated whole-body MeHg concentrations in game fish and
ness and width-to-depth ratio, and 8-digit HU stream segmentation
indicator species suggest possible ecological and human health
is used throughout the entire CRB. To accomplish this we esti-
concerns. In particular, Lazorchak et al. (Lazorchak et al., 2003)
mate approximately 80–90% of the IEMS was reused from a prior
estimated that kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon), mink (Mustela vison), and
study, with modifications limited to the science model wrappers
otter (Lutra canadensis) populations could be adversely impacted
and input and output dictionaries (the science models themselves
by the consumption of fish whose whole-body mercury concen-
remain unchanged). This estimate represents the collective judge-
trations exceeded 0.10, 0.07, and 0.03 ␮g/g wet wt, respectively.
ment of the development team, involving contributions from three
Similarly, using data on 626 western U.S. streams and rivers,
individuals for two months. Because CRB data are derived from
Peterson et al. (Peterson et al., 2007) proposed that the USEPA’s cri-
an automated D4EM process they were not included in the reuse
terion for the safe consumption of mercury contaminated fish [i.e.,
estimate. The new fish community estimator PiSCES is also not
0.30 ␮g/g wet wt fillet (USEPA, 2010)] was equivalent to a whole-
included in the estimate.
body criterion of 0.185 ␮g/g wet wt which is extremely close to the
A general class of watershed-based condition assessments exists
simulated median game fish value of 0.174 ␮g/g wet wt.
that includes landscape and climate change stressors on the hydro-
When we assumed the high and low end mercury deposition
logic cycle as fundamental drivers of ecosystem change. Further
rates (␮g m−2 yr−1 ) (Table 1), whole-body mercury concentrations
extension of this IEMS to other watersheds east of the Mississippi
in game fish and indicator species demonstrated no significant
River and above the Coastal Plain would involve a comparable or
increase and decrease, respectively. Although these results were
greater level of reuse, minimizing the need for new software devel-
surprising, the explanation is an outcome of averaging the mod-
opment. The addition of the new PiSCES model also facilitates a
eled data. Because mercury concentrations in fish within any given
greater degree of reuse by reducing the reliance on monitoring data
segment depend on their body weight, trophic position, mercury
for fish species and densities (Cyterski et al., 2017). Use of the IEMS
concentration in its prey and surrounding water, they lack the stan-
outside of the eastern US is therefore still constrained by data avail-
dardization typically used when presenting residues, such as by
ability for fisheries, provided assessments are watershed-based and
length of top predatory species (Knightes et al., 2009). For exam-
consistent with the process science of the peer reviewed models
ple, when the whole-body mercury concentrations (Cf ␮g/g wet wt)
(SWAT, WASP, MLM, HSI and BASS). The IEMS has the potential to
for all age classes of all fish species are fitted to a log-linear model
bring multi-disciplinary science to bear on a priority Agency need
of the segment’s dissolved mercury concentration (Cw ␮g/ml), the
at a fraction of the original development effort. And the extension
fish body weight (W g wet wt/fish), and the fish’s trophic position
of this IEMS from a stratified, random sample of study watersheds
(TP) for the last year of simulation assuming the high end mercury
(i.e., probabilistic assessment) to a spatially explicit, networked one
deposition rates, we calculated following regression:
is a necessary evolution of the approach.
log Cf = 5.67 + 1.18 log Cw + 0.0337 log W + 0.773 TP (6) A priority Agency headwater-to-riverine assessment need not
fully addressed by the IEMS, nor any other integrated model-
The adjusted r2 , standard error, and sample size of this regression ing approach to our knowledge, is MTR (USEPA, 2011). Surface
are 0.635, 0.298, and 4868 respectively, and all of its coefficients are coal mining is the major source of landcover change in central
significant for P < 10 −6 . Mercury dissolved water concentrations, Appalachia, and MTR and valley fill are responsible for damage to
however, are only weakly depended on the segment’s CDA which ecosystems, reduction and potential elimination of their aquatic
is directly proportional to the total potential mercury loading that ecoservices and also potential human health impacts (Ahern et al.,
can be processed by any given segment. In particular, for the above 2011; Bernhardt et al., 2012; Griffith et al., 2012; Palmer et al.,
dataset 2010). Waste mining material disposal buries headwater streams
and increases salinity and trace metal concentrations downstream
log Cw = −8.24 + 0.152 log CDA (7) of mined landscapes. The threshold for landuse change leading to
J.M. Johnston et al. / Ecological Modelling 354 (2017) 104–114 113

aquatic biological impairment is surprisingly low, reached when provides a suitable foundation for lotic system problem solving and
surface mining comprises greater than 5.4% of the watershed con- with continued development could meet MTR assessment needs.
tributing area (Bernhardt et al., 2012), and mining activity is only We would like to make a final point with respect to the role of
expected to increase in the region. Biological impairment gener- field data in integrated modeling research and development. Mon-
ally refers to changes in aquatic community structure or function, itoring data provide necessary information on the state of a system
or both. In their study Bernhardt et al. utilized state biocriteria at the time those data were collected, but data have limitations and
of impairment and macroinvertebrate data. Another field study do not always provide sufficient system understanding for decision
of MTR impacts in the Mud River watershed in southwestern WV making. The interplay of data and modeling is well known, with
revealed reductions of fish species by one half and fish abundance data serving multiple purposes as input to model parameters, ini-
by one third (Hitt and Chambers, 2014). Streams and rivers in tial conditions of state variables, and verification of model output
mined lands therefore face threats from climate change and lan- when independent from model parameterization. However, it is
duse change in addition to MTR stressors that include pH, metals through integrated modeling and IEMS development that system
and salts modeling not currently supported by the IEMS. MTR understanding is possible, connecting discrete instances of data
source terms, loadings and dose-response relationships for bio- collected with process understanding that represents our best sci-
logical assessment endpoints (e.g., macrobenthos, mussels, and entific description of system behavior. Without models we are at
sport fish) would need to be incorporated into the suite of sci- a loss as to the status and, more importantly, the trajectory of sys-
ence models. An additional requirement is the inclusion of first and tems and their ecoservices until after the fact. Lacking monitoring
second order perennial streams needed to capture the footprint data, an IEMS also provides a valuable experimental system suitable
of MTR and valley fill operations. The CRB is a headwater 8-digit for exploring a range of alternative future scenarios including lan-
HU that includes 24 12-digit HU’s. A preliminary assessment of the duse change, regional atmospheric pollutant transport and climate
total number of streams within each 12-digit HU subwatershed change. Even as an uncalibrated and partially verified approach,
indicated on average 40–50 segments, well within the capabil- the IEMS is a robust research tool to test hypotheses regarding sys-
ity of the IEMS. Non-headwater 12-digit HU subwatersheds, of tem state and the nature of various stressor-receptor relationships.
which there are 12 in the CRB, will require a further change to the We also have testable hypotheses regarding water quality viola-
WASP wrapper and dictionaries to connect upstream and down- tions that could be investigated further. Ultimately, integration of
stream streamflows and constituents. These modifications would IEMS science within a decision context such as the assessment of
provide increased stream segment resolution needed to address the cumulative impacts of landuse and climate change on mined
small streams throughout a watershed such as the CRB. lands provides a science basis for decision making, enabling the
With respect to the simulation of MTR-related instream pro- forecasting of alternative futures and filling data gaps where moni-
cesses such as metals and salt chemistry, there is the option to toring data are unavailable. This study captures a greater degree of
develop new science models or utilize science contained within system variability and dynamics across the population of streams,
the current IEMS (WASP-Toxics). That is, the necessary WASP mod- both of which are of value for decision making under uncertainty.
ules could be integrated into FRAMES, requiring further changes
to the model wrapper and dictionaries. Similarly, the PiSCES con-
Conflict of interest
ductivity filter could also be utilized in a future study. Habitat
suitability relationships could also be developed for conductivity,
Authors declare no conflict of interest.
pH or metals to be incorporated into the HSI model, wrappers and
FRAMES dictionaries. Reductions in fish abundance and diversity
were associated with conductivity and aqueous selenium concen- Acknowledgements
trations rather than physical habitat variables (Hitt and Chambers,
2014). Gerry Laniak (USEPA) is thanked for review and feedback on the
As a coupled, component modeling system, the IEMS is a valu- development of the manuscript. Lourdes Prieto (USEPA) provided
able research tool for system understanding. Its strength is the GIS and database support for the study and created Figs. 3–5. Chris
ability to simulate a complex, integrated system using existing Knightes (USEPA) is acknowledged for WASP model support and
models of system components for cumulative impacts and aggre- mercury sensitivity analysis guidance. Justin Babendreier (USEPA)
gate effects, while at the same time providing depth of process is acknowledged for his contributions to team discussions. Cyn-
representation using quantitative data for prediction and forecast- thia Stahl and Janet Kremer (USEPA) are thanked for their support
ing (Kelly et al., 2013). Its use for decision making under uncertainty of integrated modeling. Jim Evans (SRA International) is cred-
is in its infancy, with research needed as to what quantities should ited with providing publication ready figures. Three anonymous
be utilized for decision support and how these quantities are sum- reviewers and the guest editor are thanked for their constructive
marized in space and time. Multi-criteria analysis is a promising comments that improved the manuscript. Although this document
decision analysis approach that could be integrated with the IEMS has been reviewed in accordance with USEPA policy and approved
(Kiker et al., 2005; Stahl and Cimorelli, 2013; Suedel et al., 2011; for publication, it may not necessarily reflect official Agency policy.
von Stackelberg, 2013). The relationship between the IEMS and Mention of trade names or commercial products does not consti-
decision making must be adequately constrained by the problem tute endorsement or recommendation for use.
statement though and not result in an over-parameterized sys-
tem and inability to fully explore uncertainties associated with
datasets, models and related methodologies (Kelly et al., 2013). The
USEPA has committed to integrated environmental modeling for Ahern, M.M., Hendryx, M., Conley, J., Fedorko, E., Ducatman, A., Zullig, K.J., 2011.
the assessment of complex problems, namely “a systems analysis- The association between mountaintop mining and birth defects among live
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Auerbach, D.A., Deisenroth, D.B., McShane, R.R., McCluney, K.E., Poff, N.L., 2014.
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specified problem statement” (USEPA, 2008). We believe the IEMS central appalachian rivers by surface coal mining. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46
(15), 8115–8122.
114 J.M. Johnston et al. / Ecological Modelling 354 (2017) 104–114

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