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Pi PRO is an AI chat-bot which works on analyzing a
given data, process it and recommend policy changes for
the welfare of people.
It is designed to address needs of people who seek an
insight into social facets like education, healthcare and
employment. It is beyond an ordinary chat-bot for it also
suggests actions for improvement in these areas for the
welfare of the society.

The chat-bot mainly deals with issues like education,

employment and healthcare.
It is designed in such a way that it only answers questions
related to education, healthcare or employment or related
issues. If question concerning something else is asked, it
responds that the data for the related question is not
available. This nullifies any possibilities of deviation from
the topic.

The AI computes and processes the data in such a way

that interconnections can be drawn from various points in
the database. This makes policy recommendation easier
and more efficient.


Pi PRO is made on an online chat-bot building platform

known as ‘Landbot’.

In Pi PRO, the primary algorithm used for analysing data

and understanding user input is typically based on Natural
Language Processing (NLP), specifically utilizing neural
network architectures.
Entity Extraction is an indispensable factor too as the
database given is the actual highlight of the responses.

Neural Networking plays a very crucial role in generating

the responses for the user.

The data was collected from various websites and articles

online. After that, the data was paraphrased in such a way
which made it easier to feed to the AI system and perform
required processing.

It was of utter importance that the data collected also

resonated the views of youth and youth voters in our
country. Thus, issues like education, healthcare and
employments were given the spotlight.

Issues like education, healthcare and

employment are the issues which are directly
associated with the development of youth in our
country. Thus it is of high importance to forge
strong policies for this societal facets.

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