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P History Optional Foudation Course Handwritten Notes Modern India Batch Starts From 13th June Advent of Europeans in Indian @& Ey Soe =f stor Gs i Now Aim Rank 1in UPSC - With The Highest Scorer | Optional (324 marks) @ 2310978553 Vikas Ahlawat FormerJPS & IRS A \ Advent ot busopeans in “nae INTRODUCTION Iso" eens marks the arrival of Eurepeans 6% “the ¢olonia) Powers In’ India’ De & remarked that the Europeans came to Tndia in Atanth, OF, “God, Glory nd Gold” REASONS WHICH PRomoTED “EUROPEANS “To SEARCH FoR THE NEW INROADS INTO INDIA “Decline of the Feudal syctem Feudal cystem wasnet able to cuppost the Growing. “poputatisny of Europe as arealed by the emergence. Of Black Death o% plague in 1348. a *Wekieh Control “The. Conslantinopote tp Ooman turks in a ced the Airet coon belween the Europe And India’ re, a disect Sea route was needed to be found. "Renaissance Tt was baseol on the tdea o tndiviualism, humanism , logical thinking. and stentipic temper $ mee Promoted Ut rise Of significant 4 and tnnovations in take ogc and boosted Confidence - Age of Exploraliow Domot tire Burpeans to oligvover new lands to act aS market for finished geeds and Sources O, naw) matertals - JOMDIUY SDA!IA YUM AJO}SIH @@HistoryVikasAhlawat / 4 0} Duteutal Goods - Wigs Consumption, of meat in Europe mesulted We Au daecneartol demaal. a} oniontal piers to rnhouer Shels Lise of ment: Dubentad lumuy Ue Uke Silk, chi also Uw litany demanol - Se «Sunparscol the bade extprtuond lavted by the Ottoman TWH > TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS che hibtpedl Europtouns in eplorstiirn 4 carnying out trade with omilitany power | Causaoles (ie sulipious waryare beluern [alam onissronattes Uo Conutrt pepamns into Chuistean, “Uy Gee which exploration Of nu wortol JOMOIUY SOA YUM AJOISIH @@historyVikasAhlawat- THE PoRTVQUESE Hoo Portuguese became. the first? * Political aul’ The Aree Centralized State fe th late ean Inston “tect or For instance, Prince. ee en Of Footy & jal Was nicknamed a4 the ator fo hig zeal to find a b ai Bien tn oxdey to cincum Muslim demination of eastoun Medibrranean - + Spirit of Religion lope. Nieholac ¥ vgae Henry of a bul (eh chi nuns g imbot. wb Scars amie ine d ae tn 0 as Jodie the East- The Spuut igiow drove: wese to ching at achirities O4 well * Availability of finanots ‘Ttalian (Ftosentinu) and Geuman biurandrs supplied cash and ee es Ee posit of Lighen sinew Copper ment Lor Indian com saattay a ott tia cpidoetoaad penance had. eatabltsdd, Monopoly tn Europe. + Favorable factors un India : Several Thdian merchants gupplied commodities to the Fostuguese on Credit ushen the latter, Atal not “have cash 6% a to be U7) oe Por examp pte Cochin fomeoned. te hip ts ne eee. ne “tbnes a) volume Li Commodities avai ee —FOMDYY SOAIA YUM AtO}SIH @@HistoryikasAhlawat ‘Taade' Trade haol berm our of Unt paimasay emetuit bthimol partuguurc erpansmow BLEMLLAS amnol ont Of tnt ynadn ObpiclLow | eee upto thas paint was obvalustiol vie, Bust Sues amd Pursiaw Cul}, edinectri it auounol a ahane): fist Rontugusse to nearclr lalitut Ur 1498 oles the hulp 04 Ceypanade plot Abdu) Magid The Zarndedin uve Of Caliout welcomed him: -sBungitable trbopnlee! I oatuntta Ox st the merchandise tin Eurepears masckele wt Prop 04 uplo Go tunes the enlint oxplnse o > Th 1601, ne Alt $01, a i at ee dt ow JOMD|UY SOHIA\ YUM AJO}sSIH @@HistoryVikasAhlawaty, Mapping Program Learn From The Highest Scorer of History Optional -324 Marks 1.Mapping of 500 + sites with detailed information. 2.Grid based marking and identification system 3.Thematic description of sites 4.Template creation for period wise information 5.List of most probable sites immediately before mains Schedule 16-June 17-June 18-June 20-June 21-June © 9310978553 — WeDo Former IPS & IRS | (+ [Pxanciato be Mameiola| (1505-1509) |+ am is05, appointeal Mmuiolo as tnufinet | Licenoy of Rs Drdiow pees on tupuee ; > Petlmaruy onisscon wuts to brary the Spice Dawe nol, Routupusse conibiot ;to bulla fords > Stumgpthencel the h ay = ie | ‘ede 7 Eatabiishmrarl Chink Blut toate potion, Concept cutated naval Supromocy for tre fortuguese for a while and enablecl them to Ocean resislonce Wor eueltol tn Battle of Cannanore (1506)-He Alko defeated local mistanee ww {5°04 te Battle Daw thereby maplsuing- bia + [Mpouse de Ade guvgu [160 4-/515) eomatdincol 04 th neal gournaler, & tht Rtgs peux in Trdia Avner he was abte to | establish sbatinic conduol of the Indian Oovan Se, Malabar gudthe Maloree° | > Dteupid Arnal port cobs Un Trax and ulamols ir the Tnoiow Osvaw + | JOMDOIYY SOXIA YUM AJO}SIH @G@HistoryVikasAhlawat— @@historyVikasAhlawat 1510 polloweel by Malaceo. Un 1542. — Able to eslablrily diplomat eens coe acnnss the Tnddin Desan. od eats cota ens sub ship ung 7 Ht onade Gow tne wat of Vimoy 4 Abolish Sate from Fortugause tnitartes “HL alse alloweol) Peopurty Hight to malube uromin- +[taxtaz Systirn ] Canta coos a naval bed License 4 pass ibsued the foxbugusse empire tn the Indian Deean ay 1502-1150. Indian memeharls, Jules 4 OU those en in maribome bade in Thao Ootern, had to take Cantar bom the Portuguese: Drums Uke peppy orate, ginger, pecan DU purl, tt woe umd duct Bue wal ai a ae give Luanciscode Mraida)in oral ates Oey Tnolia Ottam THade JOMO|YY SOXIA UUM AJO}SIH joven wis ‘Seb tip. thecoatiney nsistiner, "hts fs shu ins wade teal | domination. ove maritime thade |. Fadory Syelum | These portizied Combs were ex] to ure tue Pa bo Cheek tne movement of, vessels owned lap the othr and to function a arcas for We | Bray aid abassadon wr. Och el. baleen eral aia) Wha the Kunaclos tn. Lnslior of, ee es | BieCeatimices\\t thd powirs, Algondl be Maupin gat Wijasysacganon trapine Tie’ fobugiaddte Wn JOMOIUY SOAIA YUM AJO}ISIH AMAL Antoutio Mentunrate wtre Ge aura Akbar tw 15 go: * (Ratisind with Souther Rubin | Tn thie pavouta 04 tommtzreial and tovcloal empiie fous pte Local aulers Sdomitumes | aatisbeal the Ponbugutst° Por nalance , the ya. of toohins asscetated ovith thr Ponbug iat Uv onc te tnerrase his ower pewes tr Avlaliow to his nominel ovtrLoad , re + (Nature Of Reatuguise Entupalse amd dishentss ade oe Sey buty, race’ dang thes prod Tui Pallas, Both _ eae R Suceesciow (risis Of 1580 and Subsequent Poaturgutar, ta 4 ae = Sule was Ce-toot) ot onesbafiat | Th Tata | Waging voord with 4 | East Inolion Co tn (6l2 and l6ly | nae with Duter Uw [eo On orale dn barter | Bee gins Rettoles : omnia fer, Che im, Opark, P potiey a maa patie th Praunina4 Myeca, thigléel ———yomo| yy SOA YM A10}SIH @@HistoryVikasAhlawat > Proliperationy, Of aio. hous and technology.) » Rtétical | >the ey oF aia ee Gated a | > Portuguese marked the ene ronal bow, ony > Concluded commuckal tuattes with Tndlituw Aubin - > Unda the aule Alauigurgur, Batt was Abolfalre cd: % Fae Carried eerie - Geom > New crops Like Tobacco and Cashneus Nut ute Unirocluced 5 WW in Seu wee mooleto | meet ink damanclsfow tae making. > Production, Of Cath trop, expecially | spice , id ide a > Agricubbunal Produsclibn, bream ehosmously market Ortenteel ,weth an eye to rtrnahonal trade i, @@HistoryVikasAhlawat WOM_IYY SOAIA YUM AJO}SIH gea History Optional ith | Foudation Course 2022 AL History Precision Mapping Program iL Concept Building Classes -L one Dedicated Mentor Assigned to Each Student i Comprehensive Notes on All The Topics &L includes Test Series Pogram (8 Tests) L includes in Class Answer Writing Sessions L Handholding By Vikas Ahlawat Sir LL Dedicated Telegram Group Now Aim Rank 1in UPSC With The Highest Scorer Optional (324 marks) 9310978553 REGISTER NOW Vikas Ahlawat Former IPS & IRS ore res aa wat based on the Spanigh model, introduced tr the | 16302 98 a count te duteh pressure > Shipp hay 3 Poctugucst. eonabuccte ol multe decked sluips , Ate. to rtde out Mlantic gal rath than Aun before the monboous Ths purmitted thaw to pal a we) armament. JOMDIYY SDAA UUM AJO}SIH — O@HistoryVikasAhlawat : THe DuTcH | With the ele (tel the | Poatuguese weet ee the | demands o, Curspeans market pete pics This Led to Sharp Lsrease Ur partts > Tn 15494, Dutch Compan oul Le ape Challange the feet ate Mayes ls aly Un pepper trade ae anaduad of te first Dartole fleet of Taebb Van Neck to One Spice island UTndonteta) in 1599, the butel. goverment had sealited the paohite ee —> lat tn 1602, by dootidcutp at acta oi ee East Drdio- Corpanig Oh), the Gao tre Yor (Verenigde Oost Trdtsch Compaguse ), known ae Dutel, East Pig, Conmpor (bet) Settl shopheeetinidenhenoadighedam The Putel. Cast Judie ta, cider teeta @@HistoryVikasAhlawat ] JOMDIUY SOXIA YUM AJO}SIH (2 Te fst Dutely wos establitheol at Maxulipatmarn im (605; Af tin that at Pulicat U6l0) , Surat UICIE), Chinsursu (1653), Cassinbazay, fala; Balasore, Na gapatnany (65) And Cochinv (1663). | |Advaanbacpearoy-thabutcbetorelbeaupieee | * [Busine Oxpauisatio) The DEIC can be consiolsred 0s 0. procunson to the onedrrn age, Corporation wilh Sponsorship of slate + Calppisng “Technolog g) The Duledy duatpucel 4 ee ee feuyt) winiel haol Poti No Acligeous Conversions mates 4 ALL foous wos br acle 4 : a i bt | oma he Companies. UL exemnpliol fom the faymerl] 0p the Dando tramstl (nabolant) datiesby ee —OMEYV SOxIA-YUM A10}SIH OG@uistoryVikasAhlawat 12 Prokels Un the Spice declinecl with. tune ana it gone diminiihung MeuAnd tmportauct “yy pepper and oor declined *[Entuy of othe Europeans poured “The E Competitors dirsificol undo defeat of Dutel tr Battle of Colachel Ur [74 iy Uk ial cage. Maxtardor Verma signalled the decline Of Duteh ur India . The Dukels were unable to recover rom the oli4eat » [Potitics at Heme. Post Ea ea Ud AvrolULOL 1688 tw England, the Dutel and En. ib clyaed puleiple reemaents , Acroroll tb ib, the Puleh w0Os Giver the propitabte English took brace of textiles tr Dnoliar JOMDIUY SOAIA YUM AJO}SIH QOG@HistoryVikasAhlawat \" > The rise peo ce Cane European, ng Companies [ed to the | Ade Of number) _ port cLhtes both Ow | the East and West Coask O Indin - | This citits Ads ak | the Pace sal | >The ama siluew unpodtiol by the rovcpencus ino “than kaa. dubstantial uncrtade w the & Ge Of the economy facilitated Lommutatiow of land szwense Demand Kiel ‘to Cash. 5 no to Qn Urcneaee Uv the maskit exchanges and trade JOMDIYY SOXIA YUM AJO}SIH } OG@HistoryVikasAhlawat yA History Optional Quality Improvement Program 2022 1.16 lectures covering entire 4 sections of History Optional 2. Thematic notes on debates, sources, movements, revolutions, historian views, and other isolated topics 3. Application of historians views, statements to enrich introduction, body and conclusion. 4. 4 answer writing sessions with specific focus on integration of maps, charts and diagrams in answers Learn From The Highest Scorer of History Optional -324 Marks — ‘a REGISTER NOW e Vikas Ahlawat Former IPS & IRS © 9310978553 \ prepcareer.i Q ! “BRITISH IN INDTA- Timtliny - 3 Cab Todi. oop (Et) femal in 1599 | Jn DecombUy 1600 Qube Elizabeth, tba | chasloe granting the exdlusioe pa lad, ¢ | ng cotth, th uA Eost Of the Cape of (Good Hope for dipteon years - 7? Willtany Hawking Was the Commander Heelow tht [uv Connpadny slap to auchor, Swat tr Ean ct MMe Sane travelled to basa to meget le Consent w facto io np Bhangia 609 > Tnlbls, ke Thornas Ree wassunt as dw aaparsanor to tht Count , Useo! Avs diplomat skills to gtk Fasunams whieh) plowed themto open factdnles tn gthvr parte > ha open bonprovtatiovy with th fedugueee na nawal bale of 1612 $1614 ended tr Weetoup Of English. The-tursiow, between te > Dr 1699, the English, got the Gotbow (Eng bish, wnt pelt bb bracle tr the ports #4 \Goteonrolav Cvith, Aw annual paymink Of =} | —FOMOIYY SOAA YUM AsOys}H-———— | — @@HistoryVikasAhlawat = | ‘|e p ee oe Hep a Map Ghat wie Bae arroleol Lt Del ju sie Of 10 pounds ica ne ue IA YM AlOysIH}——___. Be piuy co @@HistoryVikasahlawat 6 aerate Ta (686, eee bi nglith, a ua. ded lag ti “ha igh pin oad te loss a Bsitishinrs ae Moigkale st Atl a Contiduable uw B “In Vit, Bmperos Passuchetyee isdued an Sas This ls aleoknowe as tht Ma, var Conta, forthe ETC: Relation with Masato] Totty yoo yeons Te Mtataas GMOS eco pink ead Béitiddle followed a thn ol re premio and led to aeeline “oy Marathas a mage ct The Ballidbe who come to Lndia. for Fuaole => ys erucammers prance > ee Battle of Plasee Battle 05 Pasar le anncration of Aundl tn 1856; the “entire ree Contiromt hal brew British tontret ° > Employecl methods Like tulad ae dud Docs. 0f taper Dlopance and condotedate thin empire in Indios JOMDIYY SOAIA YUM AsOISIH @@HistoryVikasAhlawat a cTadiain powers. » (Bait Side > Suptrio military Capabtlitits (Mama, Braling its, bisedpline leaolssthip) | aes ae Paes hah ond {Ent ce | ~ geal Book to ginanabae (Gor —> Natibnalist Parale- sn hora expameow * “tp muita (apa gna, | Le lg > Vattiimn Wty ? Lack of. anole an abt JOMDIUY SOAIA YUM AlO}SIH @@HistoryVikasAhlawat 18 ~~~ t ed | FRENCH The omercomtrlist prackees ¢ tetas amade Fruath venture out for hewlomals dorel exploration However, t wad late whew |Compareol to the athe Ewrepeam pours Se god el |0f fonamrets dutionh the Alga Of AONE See rven, whe bal thn bth pit 12 De idea. 0s on ‘on oroler to foster p. goedlerenomy baseol or | bolauct 04 [uaole bbs the bhoubel LU more ana pA This pol. to the por madion Of lompagade des. oe rede odin trvond.) tw leby to bale with Tnollo- ——JOMOIY-SO#LA-YHM-AIO}S!IH———- Ee peed x mot @@HistoryVikasAhlawat \4 , with, douthonrs nuda] A = Ataich, On Opportinncty Ts Anustoement in O% Gruthe Tadia Wlbualy neeutlll o a fase sa tatty te Train. Company whieh gave lt a Fetad blew —— tx bathe of wamelfocah, (60). Q Yn > > Q = Q Con ae @O@HistoryVikasAhlawat 39 History Optional Comprehensive Enrichment Program 2022 History Optional Quality Improvement Programe 2022 1.16 lectures covering entire 4 sections of History Optional hematic notes on debates, sources, movements, revolutions, historian views, and other isolated topics 3.Application of historians views, statements to enrich introduction, body and conclusion. 4.4 answer writing sessions with specific focus on integration of ma charts and diagrams in answers History Optional Mapping Program 1.Mapping of 450 + sites with detailed information. 2.List of most probable sites immediately before mains 4.Template creation for period wise information 5.Grid based marking and identification system 3.Personalised guidance with the 4.Offline and online test mechanism available. 5.10 Working Days Quality evaluation assured. 6.4 answer writing sessions with specific focus on integration of maps, charts and diagrams in answers from Vikas. er iad Reliant axe Lalo} ae also the highest scorer in History Optional - 324 marks @ 210978553 REGISTER NOW

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