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Tasya Fla Denalao – 160122014
Tessa Fla Denalao – 160122015
Berdiano Agur W. - 160122033

> Digital Counter

> Components

> IC 7447 & 74192

> The operation of an up-down counter circuit

> Schematic

Up-down counter is a type of counter that can count both upwards (up) and downwards
(down), depending on the control signal provided. This counter has the capability to increment
the count value or decrement it as required, allowing its use in various applications that
necessitate forward (up) and backward (down) counting.
Specifically, a 2-digit up-down counter can count or decrement values from 00 to 99.

7-segment IC 7447 IC 74192 pushbutton Resistor 330ohm

Used as an output BCD to 7-segment It is an up-down BCD Used as an input to Resistor with a
to display numbers decoder used to counter capable of control the counter value of 330 ohms
or values counted convert Binary counting both operations. Push can be used to
by the counter. A 7- Coded Decimal upwards (up) and buttons can be protect the 7-
segment display has (BCD) code into downwards (down) used to provide segment display and
7 segments that can appropriate signals and adjusting the necessary signals ensure it doesn't get
be turned on or off to light up segments output according to to increment or damaged due to
to form numbers on the 7-segment the count value. It decrement the excessive current.
from 0 to 9. display. also has preset count value on the
capabilities to set the counter.
initial counter value.
7447 & 74192
IC 7447 is a BCD to seven-segment decoder responsible for converting Binary-Coded Decimal
(BCD) into suitable output signals for display on a seven-segment display. It enables the visual
representation of the numbers generated by the counter. The primary function of IC 7447 in
the up-down reset counter circuit is to control the output display of the counter as it moves
either upwards (up) or downwards (down) on the seven-segment display.

IC 74192 is a 4-bit binary counter capable of counting both upwards (up) and downwards
(down). This IC can also be reset to a predetermined initial value. Its main function in the up-
down reset counter circuit is to control the forward (up) or backward (down) counting of the
values displayed on IC 7447. IC 74192 receives external control signals to determine the
counting direction and can be reset to a specified initial value as required.

Both ICs, 7447 and 74192, interact in the up-down counter circuit to control the display of
numbers on the seven-segment display and manage the forward and backward counting of the
displayed values.
The operation of an up-down counter circuit
The operation of an up-down counter circuit is as follows:

● The control signal, which can come from a push button, is given to the counter IC (for example, IC
● The counter calculates and changes the count value based on the received control signal. If the control
signal is up, the count value will increase; if the control signal is down, the count value will decrease; if
the control signal is reset, the count value will reset back to 0.
● The output from the counter, in the form of BCD (Binary Coded Decimal), is then sent to a decoder
(such as IC 7447) to convert it into signals suitable for illuminating segments on the 7-segment display.
● The calculated result is then displayed on the 7-segment display, showing the number corresponding to
the count value generated by the counter.

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