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Siddhardha Pandiri

Reno, NV 89503 | +1 (775) 550-8406 | | linkedin/SiddhardhaPandiri


Masters in computer science Jan 2023 - Dec 2024

University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV. 3.8 /4.0
Bachelor of Technology: Computer Science and Engineering Aug 2016 - May 2020
Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, India. 9.52/10

• Languages : Python, SQL, Java, C#, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Data Structures and Algorithms
• Frameworks : Django, React JS, PySpark, REST, Spring Boot
• Tech/Tools : Docker, Git, Jira, Visual Studio, Data Science, Kubernetes
• Databases/Analytics : SQL Server, Oracle, MYSQL, Azure Data Studio, Tableau
• Libraries :Scikit-learn, NumPy, Pandas, LabelImg, Fitz, Seaborn, NLTK, detecto, Tensorflow, Pytorch, Tabula
• Cloud :AWS S3, AWS Glue, ECS, Amazon RedShift, AWS Lambda


Software Engineer Apr 2023 - Present

University of Nevada Reno, NV, USA
● Independently engineered a comprehensive faculty dashboard for their research using the Django Framework and designed
RESTful API’s, resulting in a 50% improvement in faculty engagement.
● Led end-to-end software design and development cycle, from user interfaces to backend services, with main functionality
completed in 3 months utilizing the ReactJS, Python development, SQL server, and Windows server.
● Delivered a project to streamline university ranking calculation process and removed 80% scholarwork duplicate posts
through Python automation.
Application Development Analyst
Accenture Solutions Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, India Jan 2021 – Dec 2022
● Developed an application utilizing a fine-tuned F-RCNN AI model and an SVM classifier to extract the expenses from invoices
and achieved efficiency by reducing the extraction time by 90% and earning CFO recognition for outstanding performance.
● Configured the whole software into the container using Docker and Kubernetes containerization tools and deployed into the
Bofa’s internal cloud.
● Implemented CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, and GitLab, easing the deployment of system updates to sustain its 90% accuracy.
● Identified the outlier cases of the application by writing 30+ unit tests to verify the core functionality, performance, quality,
and responsiveness.
● Effectively collaborated with 2 onshore teams, employing Agile and Scrum methodologies to establish precise project timelines
tailored to the client requirements.
● Led code review sessions and proper project documentation for new team members to facilitate knowledge transfer and
ensure continuity in ongoing project execution.
Software Development Engineer Intern Sept 2020 - Dec 2020
● Trained in Advanced Java, MongoDB, Linux Commands, Unit Testing, Spring boot web services and building responsive
websites using ReactJS, HTML 5, JavaScript, CSS.
● Built microservices using Spring Framework and Spring MVC, Java and RestFul web services that could handle 100’s of
concurrent requests, alongside crafting a scalable architecture.


Research Dashboard and Analytics [ Python, React JS, SQL, Django, and Tableau ]
Built a Research Dashboard adhering to MVC architecture, with Django for backend, React JS for frontend, and Tableau for improved
data visualization, enhancing communication efficiency by 50%.
Retail Data Optimization Pipeline [ Apache Spark, Python, SQL, AWS ]
Led retail data optimization project using Apache Spark, Python, SQL, and AWS. Structured data for better analysis, managed 500MB
data, and boosted processing efficiency with Spark optimizations.
Invoice Cognition using AI [ Python, FasterRCNN, Fitz, LabelImg, Detecto, tabula, NLTK, Scikit-learn, and SVM ]
Automated invoice expense extraction using AI technologies like FasterRCNN, NLTK, Sklearn, and SVM. Achieved 90% extraction time
reduction. Deployed using Docker and Kubernetes for seamless integration and live launch.

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