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Lesson N° 2

Yesterday was a terrible day

Purpose: In the last of this activity the students will be able to write sentences in simple past

A. Read the text and complete the questions (Lee el texto y complete las preguntas)

Yesterday in the evening, Yesterday Rosa was Yesterday in the morning, Yesterday Kate was drinking a
Fatima was doing the English walking to the school when Xiomara woke up late so, she cup of coffee when it spilled
homework when the she tripped over in the missed the school bus. on her blouse.
computer didn’t work. street. Did she arrive late for Did she have her dirty blouse?
Did she do her homework? Did she trip over in the school? ____________ _____________
___________ street? ____________

B. (Elige) choose true (T) false (F) or not information (NI) 1. Grammar section: past simple (negative)
1. Kate spilled coffee on her blouse. T F NI Pronouns + didn´t/ did not + verb base form+ complement
2. Xiomara didn’t miss the school bus. T F NI
3. Xiomara woke up late. T F NI
4. Yesterday, Fatima wasn´t doing her homework T F NI
5. Rosa was happy to go her school T F NI yesterday
6. The computer of Fatima had virus. T F NI
It dance
7. Kate was drinking a cup of tea yesterday T F NI
8. The computer of Fatima worked well yesterday. T F NI
9. Rosa tripped over in the street yesterday T F NI
10. Xiomara woke up early T F NI

C. Completa las oraciones con los verbos en pasado simple

Jonathan’s computer didn´t Yesterday afternoon, Henry Jimmy ……………….. …………..…… She ……………… drink a cup of coffee.
work so, he didn´t ……………. didn´t …………….…… video games the bus.
his homework. on the computer.

2. Grammar section: past simple (question) D. Rewrite these sentences in question (Reescribe las oraciones en pregunta)
Did + Pronouns + verb base form+ complement
I a. I studied German last night. …………………………………………………….………………………
She b. He played the piano yesterday ……………………………………………..………………………….
Dance yesterday c. I called the carpenter this morning ………………………………………………………………….
We d. They painted their house yesterday ……………………………………………………………….
You e. She cleaned her bedroom this afternoon …………………………………………………………
f. I arrived on time this morning ……………………………………………..…………………………….
g. I read the newspaper yesterday ……………………………………..……………………………….

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