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Different types of lawyers

1. Criminal lawyers
2. Environmental lawyers
3. Family lawyers
4. Corporate lawyers
5. Civil lawyers
6. Intellectual property lawyers
7. Tax lawyer
8. Cyber lawyers
9. Estate planning lawyers
10. Worker's compensation lawyer
11. Public interest lawyers
12. Medical malpractice lawyers
13. Merger and acquisition lawyer
14. Labour lawyers
15. Bankruptcy lawyers
16. Securities lawyer
17. Military lawyers
18. Contract lawyers
19. Government lawyers
20. Immigration lawyers

Types of Lawyers in India - Roles and Responsibilities

Understanding the roles and responsibilities of the different lawyer types that exist can help you
pursue the speciality you are most passionate about.

1. Civil lawyer

A civil lawyers generally deals with legal disputes concerning personal injury, family
relationships, employment and real estate. They also work with government entities and business
institutions. Individuals, interpersonal ties, and property conflicts are frequently the centre of civil
disputes. A civil lawyer attempts to settle problems and disagreements amongst the parties
2. Criminal lawyers

A criminal lawyer prosecutes or defends individuals who are accused of committing crimes. The
responsibilities of a criminal lawyer include research and case analysis to identify a likely result
and create a winning courtroom defence plan for clients, assisting clients to grasp the meaning of
the law and their legal alternatives, and pursuing a swift and favourable resolution of matters.

3. Corporate lawyers

Corporate lawyers generally deal in commercial laws. They are responsible for ensuring business
dealings adhere to corporate laws and rules. They generally work with law firms or companies’
legal teams. Corporate lawyers perform the following duties such as prepare the appropriate legal
documents for trial or court proceedings, evaluate new business partnerships with vendors and
subcontractors, represent the company in legal proceedings, design and oversee the company’s
policy and position on legal matters, protect the company against legal risks and violations, etc.

4. Family lawyers

Family lawyers is a licensed legal practitioner who manages disputes among families. They deal
in matters related to divorce, adoption, guardianship, and emancipation cases. They are responsible
for overseeing family estates, monitoring mediation sessions, and offering legal advice.

5. Tax lawyers

Tax lawyers help their clients in resolving tax-related disputes. They may also work in the
government sector or serve as corporate in-house counsel. They dispense the following legal duties
such as to provide guidance on how to structurize the purchase and sale of a business by looking
at the seller's debts, liabilities, finances and assets, monitor legislative developments and advise
clients with respect to the potential impact of pending legislation on their businesses and their
personal finances, etc.

6. Intellectual property lawyer

Intellectual property lawyers perform wide range of duties like drafting contracts and non-
disclosure agreements that protect client’s intellectual property rights, representing clients in court
cases when needed, negotiating settlements with opposing counsel on behalf of clients.
7. Cyber lawyers

Cyber lawyers deals with cases of cyber crimes like software piracy, hacking, cracking of software,
credit card frauds, malfunction viruses, cyber-attacks & threats, etc. The main function of cyber
lawyers is to investigate on a security breach violation, formulate reports to document security
breaches and the degree of the damage caused, etc.

8. Environment lawyers

Environmental lawyers ensure that companies and individuals follow environmental laws.
Environmental lawyers are responsible for a wide range of duties, including drafting contracts and
business agreements, including leases, licenses, purchase agreements, and partnership agreements,
communicating with clients, witnesses, regarding case details and strategies, negotiating
settlements on behalf of their clients in cases it involves environmental damage claims.

9. Estate planning lawyer

Estate planning lawyers are experienced and licensed law professionals with a thorough
understanding of the state and federal laws that affect how your estate will be valued, dispersed,
and taxed after your death. In addition to educating you about the probate process, an estate
planning attorney can assist you with the following tasks such as creating a will, designating your
beneficiaries, establishing durable power of attorney and medical durable power of attorney,
finding ways to reduce and avoid estate tax when possible, finding ways to avoid the probate court
process etc.

10. Worker's compensation lawyer

Worker's compensation lawyers represent their clients involved in legal disputes regarding legal
injuries sustained on the job, including both the workers and companies. They also negotiate
settlements and ensure funds awarded by courts are actually paid. Worker's compensation lawyers
may be called upon to argue on behalf of an injured worker seeking fair repayment or may defend
companies in cases where someone is attempting to dishonestly take advantage of the benefits
system. In addition to this they may help clients by providing them with legal advice in an effort
to determine whether or not to go to court and engaging in negotiations with the other side in the
event that a settlement agreement seems possible.

11. Public interest lawyers

Public interest lawyers work on a wide range of civil rights matters, including on issues involving
discrimination based on race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation; gender issues; the rights of disabled
people, whether involving physical or mental disabilities; or issues involving human rights abuses.
Public interest lawyers also represent people facing eviction and homelessness, fighting for fair
wages or to receive government benefits, and struggling with workplace issues. Survivors of
domestic violence, people with family law or immigration issues, and people facing criminal
proceedings (on probation or currently incarcerated) turn to public interest lawyers for assistance
as well.

12. Medical malpractice lawyer

A medical malpractice attorney helps clients with claims regarding injuries they suffer due to
mistakes made by doctors, nurses, dentists, therapists, technicians, and other medical professionals
and health care providers. Those mistakes can include surgical errors, birth trauma, injuries from
inappropriate treatment methods, misdiagnoses, unnecessary delays in treatment, or a failure to get
proper consent for treatment from a patient.

13. Mergers and acquisition lawyer

Merger and acquisition lawyer roles and responsibilities includes drafting the necessary contracts
with all the parties involved in the business transaction, negotiating the best terms possible, and
ensuring that all the documents are properly executed, and filed where appropriate. Some business
deals will also require permission from regulatory authorities or other government entities. The
legal issues that a merger and acquisition lawyer deal with are - human resource issues, financing
and tax implications, regulatory agency concerns, intellectual property, indemnification issues etc.

14. Bankruptcy lawyer

Bankruptcy attorneys specialize in helping their clients use the court system to reduce or eliminate
debts, file for bankruptcy, or seek unpaid debts. They can work with individuals or with businesses,
representing debtors, creditors, creditors’ committees, or bankruptcy trustees. Bankruptcy
attorneys work in and out of the courtroom, either creating debt restructuring plans for debtors to
help them relieve debts or trying to extract as much owed money as possible from debtors on
behalf of creditors.

15. Securities lawyer

Securities attorneys represent clients with respect to stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and other
financial instruments. This work is primarily divided into three broad areas—transactional
practice, regulatory practice, and litigation. Securities lawyers also frequently represent corporate
clients in the transactional work involved with initial public offerings, private sales of securities,
issuance of stock or other securities and mergers and acquisitions. In this capacity, they also assist
companies in complying with securities laws and regulations, which ultimately serve to benefit

16. Military lawyers

Military lawyers also know as Judge Advocate General (JAG) offer military legal assistance,
particularly, advice on military law to the presiding officers of court-martial. The duty of a military
lawyer in their day-to-day roles is like a civilian lawyer. The main distinction is the representation
of the client under military tribunals and legislation. The military officers deal with and can be
represented in civil and criminal proceedings solely by military lawyers. JAG officers are
equivalent to the rank of lieutenant and are masters in the application of Military Laws, from
drafting to presenting the cases before the courts and military tribunals.

17. Labour lawyer

A labor attorney assists clients with legal issues arising from the relationship between employers
and employees. They interpret and advise clients on wage and working hour laws, workplace
safety, laws regarding rest and breaks, disability and leave requirements, workplace harassment,
discrimination, and wrongful termination. Labor attorneys can work for private firms, government
agencies, labor unions, or on staff for companies, and can represent either employers or workers
or both.

18. Contract lawyer

Contract lawyers specialize in drafting and reviewing legal contracts. These contracts can be for
both businesses and individuals. Examples of business legal contracts include sales contracts,
supplier contracts, nondisclosure agreements, partnership agreement, employment agreements and
joint venture agreements. Examples of personal contracts include power of attorneys, residential
leases, and home purchase agreements.

19. Government lawyers

A professional who works for the government is known as a government lawyer. They are trained
certified lawyers who offers legal counsel to government ministers and administrative personnel.
A government lawyer is in charge of addressing a variety of duties, including prosecuting criminal
offences, making regulations, counselling local authorities, and resolving policy matters. In
addition to advising government officials on a variety of legal matters, they also represents the
government in court. They assists numerous government entities while also upholding local and
municipal laws.

20. Immigration lawyers

The roles and responsibilities of an immigration lawyer includes giving clients legal advice on a
range of topics linked to both legal and illegal immigration is one of an immigration lawyer's job
duties. He or she aids in completing legal requirements for the issuance of work permits and
different visas, such as medical, tourist, and business visas. He or she offers assistance to foreign
persons who are unsure about their legal Indian citizenship or who need visas to enter the country

Rs 9 LPA

Environmental lawyers Rs 8 LPA

Family lawyers Rs 5.6 LPA

Corporate lawyers Rs 10 LPA

Civil lawyers Rs 12.5 LPA

Intellectual property lawyers Rs 12 LPA

Tax lawyer Rs 12 LPA

Cyber lawyers Rs. 7 LPA

Estate planning lawyers Rs. 6 LPA

Rs. 9 LPA
Worker's compensation lawyer

Public interest lawyers Rs. 5 LPA

Medical malpractice lawyers Rs. 10 LPA

Merger and acquisition lawyer Rs 8 LPA

Labour lawyers Rs 6 LPA

Bankruptcy lawyers Rs. 8 LPA

Securities lawyer Rs. 6.3 LPA

Military lawyers Rs. 8 LPA

Government lawyers Rs. 5.5 LPA

Immigration lawyers Rs. 4.5 LPA

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