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This is a supplement for Caves & Catacombs, a solo dungeon-crawling game
indirectly inspired by HeroQuest.

While the game is focused on delving into a dungeon, fighting enemies, and –
hopefully – coming out alive with treasure to spend and some stories to share,
countless adventures unfold beyond these confined spaces.

To allow playing adventures like these in the wild, this supplement introduces
a new “game mode” centered on World Exploration, bringing new rules, extra
Archetypes, additional character Advantages and Disadvantages, and an array
of random tables. To use it, you must have a copy of Caves & Catacombs,
available both on and DriveThruRPG.

Character Creation
If you already have a Caves & Catacombs character, there’s no need to create a
new one; however, if you wish (or need) to do so, there are new Archetypes,
and additional Advantages and Disadvantages, as follows.

Here are three new Archetypes for Caves & Catacombs: Ranger, Druid and

Rangers are wilderness experts, masters of survival, and skilled fighters. They
are adept at navigating diverse terrains and excel in tracking creatures. Due to
their deep connection with nature, Rangers can also commune with animals.

● Attack: Same as Weapon +1
● Defense: Same as Armor
● Vitality: 6

● Rangers can roll an extra die in ranged attacks.
● Rangers can roll an extra die when foraging.
● Rangers gain an extra die when trailblazing.
● Rangers can roll an extra die when trying to detect traps.
● At Level 2, Rangers can choose one of the following animal
○ Panther (Attack: 3 / Defense: 3 / Vitality: 4);
○ Giant Wolf (Attack: 3 / Defense: 3 / Vitality: 3).

Starting Equipment
Leather Armor (Defense 2), Bow and Quiver of Arrows (Attack 3), Long Sword
(Attack 3), and a vial of Antidote.

Druids are mystical nature practitioners who harness the power of the natural
world. They are attuned to the balance of life and possess unique abilities to
commune with flora and fauna.

● Attack: Same as Weapon
● Defense: Same as Armor
● Vitality: 6
● Number of Spells: 2

● Druids can roll an extra die when foraging.
● Druids can choose to start with one of the following animal
○ Wolf (Attack: 2 / Defense: 2 / Vitality: 2);
○ Eagle (Attack: 2 / Defense: 3 / Vitality: 2).
● Once a day, Druids can transform into an animal, gaining the physical
attributes (Attack, Defense, and Vitality) of the chosen creature.

Druid Spells
● Entangling Roots: prevents a target from taking any action (attack,
cast spells and so on) until the next combat round.
● Nature's Will: makes the target obey a simple command given from
you, as long as it would not cause them to harm themselves.
● Revitalizing Bloom: restores up to 4 lost Vitality and cures poisoning.
● Savage Surge: grants the target one extra die to Attack until the end of
● Sylvan Slumber: puts up to six targets to sleep until the end of combat.
● Tranquil Haven: until the end of the next combat round, all damage
taken inside a globe of energy created by you is reduced to zero.
● Verdant Ward: grants the target a bonus of +2 to Defense until the end
of combat.
● Whispering Horror: up to six targets will drop their weapons and flee
in terror.

Starting Equipment
Forest Cloak (Defense 1), Wooden Staff (Attack 1), and Totem.

Bards are charismatic performers who use the power of music, storytelling,
and magic to shape the outcomes of their adventures. They are versatile
individuals, skilled in both supporting their allies and using their cleverness to
overcome challenges.

● Attack: Same as Weapon
● Defense: Same as Armor
● Vitality: 4
● Number of Spells: 4

● Bards can roll an extra die when trying to disable traps.
● Bards can roll an extra die when trying to unlock doors.
● Bards can sell their equipment for its full price.
● Once a day, Bards can play an inspiring song to boost the morale of
their allies; this grants an extra die for the first Skill Test a character
performs on that day.

Bard Spells
● Ceasefire Interlude: prevents up to six targets from attacking in the
next round of combat.
● Dreadful Dissonance: up to six targets will drop their weapons and
flee in terror.
● Harmony's Embrace: restores up to 4 lost Vitality points and cures
● Hypnotic Melody: the target will start to count you as a friend.
● Inspirational Ballad: grants the target one extra die to Attack until the
end of combat.
● Keysmith Jingle: unlocks all doors in a room or corridor.
● Lethargic Lullaby: puts a target to sleep until the end of combat.
● Petrifying Pizzicato: prevents a target from taking any action (attack,
cast spells and so on) until the next combat round.
● Rhythmic Resilience: grants the target a bonus of +2 to Defense until
the end of combat.

Starting Equipment
Padded Armor (Defense 2), Dagger (Attack 1), and Musical Instrument.

Advantages and Disadvantages
Here are new Advantages and Disadvantages to customize your Caves &
Catacombs character:

● Survivalist: can roll an extra die when foraging
● Explorer: gain an extra die when trailblazing

● Hapless Forager: penalty of -2 when foraging
● Clueless Pathfinder: penalty of -2 when trailblazing

Leveling Up
Your character level up every five completed quests, increasing their attributes
according to the table below:

Archetype Attribute Gain

Vitality +1
Number of Spells +1

Vitality +1
Number of Spells +1

Vitality +1
Attack Modifier +1

While journeying through the world, adventurers may come across skilled
blacksmiths. In these encounters, they can both purchase new equipment and
sell their existing gear to the blacksmiths.

Bards, known for their eloquence and persuasiveness, are able to convince the
blacksmiths to pay the full price for the equipment they want to sell, while
other adventurers only get half of the usual price when selling their gear.

Weapon Cost Attack Note

Staff 50 1

Bow 200 3 Allows ranged attacks

Crossbow 400 4 Allows ranged attacks

Can be thrown, for a ranged

Dagger 25 1

Short Sword 100 2

Long Sword 250 3

Scimitar 250 3

Cannot be used while holding a

Two-Handed Sword 300 4

Can be thrown for a ranged

Throwing Axe 150 2

Cannot be used while holding a

Battle Axe 500 4

Can be thrown for a ranged

Hammer 150 2

Flail 200 3

Mace 200 3

Cannot be used while holding a

Battle Hammer 500 4

Can be thrown for a ranged

Spear 150 2

Armor Cost Defense Note

Shield 100 1

Forest Cloak 100 1 Can only be worn by Druids

Wizard’s Robe 100 1 Can only be worn by Wizards

Padded Armor 200 2

Leather Armor 200 2

Studded Leather Armor 300 3

Chainmail 300 3

Full-Plate Armor 1000 4

As artisans of more than mere remedies, apothecaries are adept practitioners
who craft elixirs of diverse hues and magical effects. Whenever adventurers
encounter an apothecary, they can replenish their supplies of antidotes and

Potion Cost Effect

Counteracts and neutralizes the effects of

Antidote 5

Grants one extra die to Attack until the

Courage Potion 10
next combat round

Restores up to 4 lost Vitality points and

Healing Potion 10
cures poisoning

Makes the character invisible until they

Invisibility Potion 25
perform an action

Grants a bonus of +2 to Defense until the

Thick Skin Potion 10
next combat round

World Exploration Rules
World exploration involves navigating a randomly generated and populated
map, mirroring the approach employed for dungeon delving in the “default”
game mode.

Every hex on the grid represents a distinct Terrain, each corresponding to a
different type of landscape or environment:

● Desert: harsh and arid environments with shifting sand dunes, rocky
plateaus, and occasional oases.
● Forest: densely wooded areas with towering trees, undergrowth, and
winding paths.
● Grasslands: vast stretches of rolling plains covered in lush grass,
occasional wildflowers, and scattered low shrubs.
● Mountains: rugged terrains with towering peaks, steep slopes, and
challenging climbs.
● Swamp: low-lying, waterlogged terrains characterized by stagnant or
slow-flowing water, dense vegetation, and a humid atmosphere.
● Water: significant bodies of water such as lakes, wide rivers, and seas,
which can only be traversed by boat.

Action Points
Action Points are an abstraction for the time passed during world exploring.
As a rule, one Action Point is equivalent to:

● Traversing a mile
● Searching for food, water, etc.
● Engaging in a combat
● One hour of rest

Each game day, a group of adventurers has, collectively, 24 Action Points at

their disposal. When the group runs out of their Action Points, it indicates that
a day has passed.

On the map, each hex represents a six-mile area. Consequently, a group of
adventurers needs to spend 6 Action Points to move from one hex to another

When leaving a hex, spend six Action Points and roll a Skill Test:

● On a 3 or lower: the group gets lost, and they remain on the same hex.
Roll an Event.
● On a 4: the group becomes lost but eventually finds their way.
Decrease the Action Points by 3.
● On a 5 or higher: the group finds their way without any issues.

When traveling, an adventurer needs to consume one Provision for every 8
Action Points spent, resulting in a total of 3 Provisions required per day. Every
character begins the game with 9 Provisions, but they can carry up to 15
Provisions, enough to last for 5 days of travel.

If an adventurer finishes a day without nourishing, all their subsequent tests

will incur a -1 penalty. Additionally, for every two days of starvation, this
adventurer will lose 1 Vitality.

Adventurers can replenish their supplies in Settlements or from merchants, at

the cost of 1 coin per Provision. If there are no enemies nearby, and the group
is not engaged in combat, they can search for essential resources, such as
food, water, and other supplies.

When trying to find Provisions, spend one Action Point and roll a Skill Test:

● On a 3 or lower: you fail to find any Provisions and end up drawing

unwanted attention. Roll an Encounter.
● On a 4: you manage to find the equivalent of one Provision per
● On a 5: you manage to find the equivalent of two Provisions per
● On a 6: you manage to find the equivalent of three Provisions per
While journeying through the world, adventurers will encounter various
individuals, some friendly and some hostile; the same holds true for magical
creatures and wildlife.

Whenever you roll an Encounter, you can:

● Roll the Distance to check how far the adventurers are from the
encountered individuals, creatures, or wildlife. This can provide the
group with an advantage in Hiding or Escaping to avoid combat.
● Roll the Current Activity to determine what the encountered
individuals, creatures, or wildlife are doing.
● Roll the Reaction to ascertain how the encountered individuals,
creatures, or wildlife react to the adventurers' presence.

Combat follows the main game rules, with the distinction that each combat,
regardless of enemy group size, consumes 1 Action Point. However, while
exploring, the group can try to avoid combat by either hiding or escaping.

When trying to hide from an enemy, spend one Action Point and roll a Skill

● On a 3 or lower: the adventurers fail to hide, and the enemy group

spots them.
● On a 4: the adventurers manage to hide, but the enemy group lingers
for a while. Decrease the Action Points by an additional point.
● On a 5 or higher: the adventurers seamlessly conceal themselves
without a trace.

When trying to escape before a combat, spend one Action Point and roll a Skill

● On 3 or less: the adventurers fail to escape, and the enemy group

catches up.
● On a 4: the adventurers manage to escape, but the enemy group stays
on their trail for a while. Decrease the Action Points by an additional
● On a 5 or higher: the adventurers successfully navigate the Terrain
and make a clean getaway, leaving the enemy group far behind.
After spending 16 Action Points, the adventurers must set up camp1, using
their remaining 8 Action Points to rest. If they opt to continue exploring, they
can do so by spending double the Action Points required for movement,
foraging or combat.

For instance, suppose the group had to spend 6 Action Points to traverse a
Terrain; during their rest period, this would double to 12 Action Points, which
means they would not be able to leave the current Terrain.

In addition to spending double Action Points during their rest period, a

character will receive a -1 penalty on all tests for each day without rest; this
penalty will decrease with each fulfilled rest period.

For instance, if an adventurer spent 3 days crossing a mountain range without

rest, all their tests would suffer a -3 penalty. To cancel out this penalty, they
need to complete 3 rest periods, which can happen in a single day or over
consecutive days.

Camping Encounters
When the group is camping, roll 1d6: on a result of 1 to 5, the rest period
proceeds without any disturbances; on a 6, roll a Camping Encounter.

While on a Settlement, adventurers may be able to:

● Rest without the risk of interruption (5 coins per night)

● Buy or sell their equipment
● Buy provisions
● Buy potions
● Rent a boat (10 coins)

While traveling, adventurers may receive information about specific locations
where intriguing quests await. To generate such sidequests, choose (or
randomize) a hex and roll 1d6: on a 5 or 6, place a Dungeon to be visited in this
hex and refer to the core game’s quest creation tables.

While traversing a vast body of water, adventurers can sleep on the boat.
Weather can impact the environment and challenges faced by adventurers.
This influence can manifest in ways such as slowing down their movement,
increasing the risk of getting lost, reducing the accessibility of essential
resources, and even making it harder for them to rest.

Optional Rule: Terrain Modifiers

As mentioned earlier, one Action Point stands for the time it takes to travel
one mile or search for essential resources. However, an extra challenge can be
introduced by adjusting the Action Points needed for such activities, and/or
incorporating modifiers related to the Terrain, as listed in the table below:

Trailblazing Foraging
Action Points Modifier Action Points Modifier

Desert 18 -2 3 -2

Forest 12 -1 1 +1

Grasslands 6 +1 1 0

Mountains 24 -3 3 -2

Swamp 24 -3 3 -2

Water 24 -3 1 0

Playing the Game
In addition to your character(s) and the material already used – such as some
six-sided dice and writing supplements – to play this game mode, you will

● A hexagonal grid like the one provided with this supplement

● A token or miniature to mark your current position on the map
● [Optional] Some colored pencils, one color for each terrain type
● Some way to keep track of available Action Points

1. Choose a hex as the starting point, preferably one in the middle of the
2. Choose (or randomize) a terrain for the first hex and follow the
Exploration Procedure described below.

Exploration Procedure
When entering an unexplored hex, the first thing to do is establish the Terrain
of its unmapped neighboring hexes. For each one, roll 1d6 and refer to the table
below, considering the column corresponding to the current hex Terrain:

1d6 Desert Forest Grasslands Mountains Swamp Water

1 Desert Forest Grasslands Mountains Swamp Water

2 Desert Forest Grasslands Mountains Swamp Water

3 Desert Forest Forest Mountains Forest Water

4 Desert Grasslands Mountains Desert Grasslands Grasslands

5 Mountains Mountains Swamp Forest Water Swamp

6 Mountains Swamp Water Grasslands Water Swamp

For example, if the current Terrain is Mountains and the rolled number for an
adjacent hex is 4, its Terrain will be Desert.

Once the Terrains of the adjacent hexes are established, define the current hex

2d6 Feature

2-4 Roll a Special Feature

4-9 Nothing special

10-12 Roll a Location

Except for the first hex, after rolling the current hex Feature, check if an Event
has occurred:

2d6 Event

2 Roll a Weather Condition

3-4 Roll a Natural Phenomenon

6-10 Nothing happens

11-12 Roll an Encounter

Resolve any Event rolled, and choose the next hex to move to, following the
World Exploration Rules and this Exploration Procedure.

Ending the Game

Since this game mode revolves around world exploration, you can establish a
goal such as one (or all) of the following:

● Journey from a predetermined point to another on the map

● Discover the entrance to a Dungeon, and delve into it
● Hunt down a specific Enemy
● Locate a Settlement

As an alternative, you can choose not to roll a Feature for the first hex, and assume it is
a Settlement.
Random Tables
Camping Encounter
Camping Encounter: Desert
1d6 Camping Encounter

The group is awakened by the illusion of a massive sand serpent

winding its way through the dunes.

Giant scorpions begin to emerge from the desert floor, parading

around the camp. They are not hostile.

3-4 Shooting stars fill the night sky.

The night sky is filled with distant flashes of lightning, signaling an

approaching sandstorm.

The campsite is raided by a group of + 1 Cat People (Attack: 2 /

Defense: 3 / Vitality: 6).
Number of PCs.

Camping Encounter: Forest

1d6 Camping Encounter

The group is awakened by a group of monkeys that descend from the

trees and steal all their Provisions.

2 Wolves appear, observing the camp. They are not aggressive.

3-4 Owls start to fill the night with hooting sounds.

5 A ghostly deer appears in the moonlit glade.

The adventurers are awakened by a group of x 2 Goblins (Attack: 2 /

Defense: 2 / Vitality: 1) raiding the campsite.
Number of PCs.

Camping Encounter: Grasslands
1d6 Camping Encounter
A herd of large herbivores stampedes through the grasslands, passing
dangerously close to the camp.
2 The grasslands come alive with a dazzling display of fireflies.
3-4 The night air is filled with the rhythmic symphony of crickets.
The grasslands transform into a starlit meadow, filled with
luminescent flowers.

The adventurers are awakened by a group of + 1 Orcs (Attack: 3 /

Defense: 3 / Vitality: 6) raiding the campsite.
Number of PCs.

Camping Encounter: Mountains

1d6 Camping Encounter
The adventurers witness a group of night-hunting raptors soaring
through the moonlit sky.
Crystals scattered across the mountain terrain reflect starlight,
creating a beautiful, twinkling display.
3-4 A distant rumble signals a rockslide in the mountains.
5 A meteor shower streaks across the night sky.
The group is awakened by the heavy stomps of a Mountain Giant
(Attack: 6 / Defense: 12 / Vitality: 10).

Camping Encounter: Swamp

1d6 Camping Encounter
The camping site is raided by a group of + 1 Skeletons (Attack: 3 /
Defense: 1 / Vitality: 2).
2 Bubbles rise from the swamp, bursting to release strange scents.
3-4 Will-o'-wisps dance around the swamp.
5 Mysterious shadows move across the swamp.

The camping site is raided by a group of Zombies (Attack: 2 /

Defense: 1 / Vitality: 2 / Poisonous bite).
Number of PCs.

Camping Encounter: Water
1d6 Camping Encounter

1 A ghostly shipwreck appears out of the mist.

Bioluminescent creatures arrange themselves in intricate patterns

resembling constellations.

3-4 The air is filled with a symphony of seagull calls.

The haunting calls of whales beneath the moonlit waters break

through the gentle sounds of waves.

The tentacles of a Giant Squid (Attack: 4 / Defense: 6 / Vitality: 6)

shoot out of the depths, lashing and coiling around the ship.

Encounter Distance
1d6 Distance Hiding/Escape Modifier

1 Close -2

2-3 Near 0

4 Distant +1

5 Far +2

6 Remote +3

Encounter: Current Activity

1d6 Current Activity

1 Resting / Nesting

2 Grazing / Feeding

3 Exploring / Migrating

4 Wandering

5 Hunting / Foraging / Fishing

6 Socializing / Frolicking / Playing

Encounter: Reaction
1d6 Reaction

1 Fearful retreat

2 Friendly interaction

3-4 Curious observation

5 Indifferent disregard

6 Aggressive response

Encounter: Desert
3d6 Encounter Attack Defense Vitality Note
3 Cyclops 6 4 12

4 Giant Lizard 2 4 6

5 2x Giant Scorpions 2 2 3 Poisons on hit

6 Giant Ants 2 1 1

7 Mummies 4 2 4 Undead

8 x 2 Kobolds 1 2 1

9 Lions 4 4 4

10 Nomads 2 1 4 Sell Provisions

11 + 2 Camels 2 4 6

12 Snakes 1 2 1 Poisonous bite

13 x 2 Goblins 2 2 1

14 + 1 Skeletons 3 1 2 Undead

15 +1 Cat People 2 3 6

16 2x Giant Beetles 3 2 3

17 Giant Spider 4 4 4 Poisonous bite

18 Giant Worm 4 6 10
Number of PCs.

Encounter: Forest
3d6 Encounter Attack Defense Vitality Note
3 Giant Ape 4 8 8

4 Elephant 6 8 10

5 Panther 3 3 4

6 Apes 3 3 4

7 Grizzly Bear 4 4 6

8 Wild Boars 3 2 3

Can point to a
9 Drifter 0 0 4

10 Bandits 2 1 6

11 x 2 Goblins 2 2 1

12 Travelling Apothecary 0 0 4 Sells Potions

13 Wolves 2 2 2

14 Werewolf 4 3 6

15 Giant Wolf 3 3 3

16 Giant Owl 4 4 2

17 3x Velociraptors 4 4 4

18 T-Rex 4 6 8
Number of PCs.

Encounter: Grasslands
3d6 Encounter Attack Defense Vitality Note

3 Elephant 6 8 10

4 Wyvern 4 3 10

5 T-Rex 4 6 8

6 3x Velociraptors 4 4 4

7 Werewolf 4 3 6

8 Earth Elemental 3 4 4

Can point to a
9 Drifter 0 0 4

10 Bandits 2 1 6

11 x 2 Goblins 2 2 1

12 Travelling Apothecary 0 0 4 Sells Potions

13 + 1 Orcs 3 3 6

14 Orc Chieftain 4 3 8

Sells Weapons
15 Travelling Blacksmith 2 1 6
and Armors

16 Gryphon 3 3 10

17 Ogre 4 4 10

18 Troll 4 6 12
Number of PCs.

Encounter: Mountains
3d6 Encounter Attack Defense Vitality Note
3 Stone Giant 6 10 12

4 Earth Elemental 3 4 4

5 Black Bear 4 4 6

6 Mountain Goat 2 2 2

7 Bandits 2 1 6

8 Condor 2 3 2

9 Grey Wolf 2 3 3

10 x 2 Kobolds 1 2 1

11 x 2 Goblins 2 2 1

12 Cougar 3 3 3

13 Eagle 2 3 2

Can point to a
14 Hermit 0 0 4

15 Moose 4 6 4

16 Giant Eagle 4 6 4

17 Gryphon 3 3 10

18 Mountain Giant 6 12 10
Number of PCs.

Encounter: Swamp
3d6 Encounter Attack Defense Vitality Note

3 Troll 4 6 12

4 Giant Alligator 4 6 10

5 Giant Lizard 2 4 6

6 Gorgon 3 4 3 Paralyzes on hit

7 Mushroom People 2 2 4

8 + 1 Skeletons 3 1 2 Undead

9 + 1 Orcs 3 3 6

10 Alligator 3 2 4

11 Giant Snake 2 2 3 Poisonous bite

12 Lizardmen 2 3 4

13 Zombies 2 1 2
Poisonous bite

14 Frog People 2 4 6

15 Cockatrice 2 2 4 Paralyzes on hit

16 Giant Leech 4 2 6

17 Wyvern 4 3 10

18 Hydra 6 4 10
Number of PCs.

Encounter: Water
2d6 Encounter Attack Defense Vitality Note
2 Giant Squid 4 6 6

3 Sea Serpent 4 2 6

4 Fish People 2 4 6

Can point to a
5 Shipwreck Survivor 0 0 4

6 Giant Crabs 2 6 2

7 Pirates 2 1 6

8 + 2 Dolphins 2 4 2

9 Merfolk 2 3 4

10 Giant Seagull 4 6 4

11 Shark 4 2 6

12 Whale 6 8 10
Number of PCs.

Location: Desert
2d6 Location Note
1 Oasis Foraging tests receive a bonus of +1

Roll 1d6: on a 5 or 6, treat as a Dungeon, it’s

2 Forsaken Temple
abandoned and empty

You can find a bazaar where merchants sell

3-5 Nomad Camp Potions, Provisions, Armors and Weapons, all
for double the price

Roll 1d6: on a 5 or 6, treat as a Dungeon;

6 Sunken City Ruins
otherwise, the entrance is blocked by sand

Location: Forest
1d6 Location Note
You can find stalls where vendors showcase
1 Festival
their Potions, Provisions, and other crafts

2 Stone Circle

3-5 Roll a Settlement

Roll 1d6: on a 5 or 6, treat as a Dungeon;

6 Crumbling Tower
otherwise, the entrance is blocked by debris

Location: Grasslands
1d6 Location Note
You can find gastronomic stalls to buy Provision
1 Seasonal Fair and even a blacksmith showcasing their
Weapons and Armors

Roll 1d6: on a 5 or 6, treat as a Dungeon;

2 Ruined Cathedral
otherwise, the entrance is blocked by debris

3-5 Roll a Settlement

Roll 1d6: on a 5 or 6, treat as a Dungeon, it’s

6 Deserted Keep
abandoned and empty

Location: Mountains
1d6 Location Note
Roll 1d6: on a 5 or 6, treat as a Dungeon;
1 Collapsed Monastery
otherwise, the entrance is blocked by debris

You can find merchants offering a range of

2 Trade Crossroads goods and services to those passing through,
such as Provisions and Potions.

Roll 1d6: on a 5 or 6, treat as a Dungeon;

3-5 Abandoned Mine
otherwise, the entrance is blocked by debris

Roll 1d6: on a 5 or 6, treat as a Dungeon;

6 Desolate Fortress
otherwise, it’s abandoned and empty

Location: Swamp
1d6 Location Note
Roll 1d6: on a 5 or 6, treat as a Dungeon;
1 Decayed Mausoleum
otherwise, the entrance is blocked by debris

Roll 1d6: on a 6, you come across a shaman who

2 Shaman's Hut
sells Potions and provide healing services

3-5 Stilt Village

Roll 1d6: on a 5 or 6, treat as a Dungeon;

6 Flooded Catacombs
otherwise, the water is too high to walk

Location: Water
1d6 Location Note
Roll 1d6: on a 6, treat as a Dungeon; otherwise,
1 Tidal Cave
the water is too high to walk

You can find merchants on boats and rafts

2 Floating Market offering goods and services, such as Provisions
and Potions.

3-5 Stilt Village

Roll 1d6: on a 5 or 6, treat as a Dungeon;

6 Pirate’s Cove
otherwise, it’s abandoned and empty

Location: Settlement
1d6 Location Note

Hamlets typically consist of a few houses and a small

1 Hamlet population. They are often situated in rural areas and
may lack many amenities and services.

Encompassed in a small area and larger than a hamlet,

villages are settlements characterized by a collection
of houses and structures often organized around a
central point, like a square or main street.
2-3 Village
● Market: Provisions
● Blacksmith: equipment (Weapons and Armor)
● Quest Board: can point to a Sidequest

Towns are urban areas characterized by a more

developed and organized infrastructure compared to

5 Town ● Market: Provisions
● Blacksmith: equipment (Weapons and Armor)
● Apothecary: potions (Antidote and Healing)
● Tavern: Provision and lodging (10 coins)
● Quest Board: can point to a Sidequest
● Temple: healing (10 coins)

Cities are the largest type of settlement, characterized

by a significant population, advanced infrastructure,
and a complex organization, with multiple districts
and a central city center.

6 City ● Market: Provisions
● Blacksmith: equipment (Weapons and Armor)
● Apothecary: potions (Antidote, Healing,
Courage, Thick Skin and Invisibility)
● Tavern: Provision and lodging (15 coins)
● Quest Board: can point to a Sidequest
● Temple: healing and resurrection (100 coins)

Natural Phenomenon
Natural Phenomenon: Desert
1d6 Natural Phenomenon

Dust Devil: spiraling columns of arid soil and sand, dancing in the

2 Solar Halo: a perfect circle of radiant light encircling the sun

Dune Waves:optical illusion of sandy crests that seem to undulate like

the waves

Desert Lighthouse: sunbeams piercing through the clouds, creating

luminous rays reminiscent of a lighthouse

Desert Sinkholes: sudden collapses in the desert floor forming pits in

the landscape

Desert Whispers: mysterious and haunting sounds carried across the

dunes by the wind

Natural Phenomenon: Forest

1d6 Natural Phenomenon

Faerie Fireflies: fireflies illuminating the forest with their

bioluminescent glow, akin to magical faerie lights

Glowing Grove: luminescent mushrooms casting a gentle radiance in a

hidden enclave of the forest

Blossom Blizzard: a spectacle of petals cascading like floral snowfall

from blossoming trees

Dewdrop Chandeliers: delicate morning dew adorning spiderwebs,

crafting intricate, glistening patterns

Forest Cathedral: sunlight filtering through the dense canopy, evoking

a cathedral-like ambiance with trees as pillars

Forest Symphony: a harmonious a cacophony of creatures inhabiting

the woodland

Natural Phenomenon: Grasslands
1d6 Natural Phenomenon

Migrating Herds: massive groups of beasts moving across the plains

in search of food

Sunrise Blanket: the sun rising, casting a warm blanket of light across
the landscape

3 Grassland Zephyr: gentle winds creating waves in the sea of grass

Floral Tapestry: a diverse display of wildflowers that blanket the

expansive grasslands

Prismatic Grasslands: sunlight reflecting off dew on the grass,

creating a rainbow effect

Serenading Cicadas: a chorus of cicadas creating a rhythmic


Natural Phenomenon: Mountains

1d6 Natural Phenomenon

Stardust Cascade: meteors streaking across the sky, leaving luminous

trails of stardust behind

Mistfall Veils: mist twirling and cascading through mountain passes

and valleys

Echo Chamber: sounds echoing and reverberating through the narrow

mountain ridges

Lenticular Clouds: lenticular clouds forming intricate patterns around

towering peaks

Monarch Caravan: monarch butterflies on a migratory journey

through the mountainous landscapes

Alpenglow Radiance: peaks embraced by a gentle, rosy glow, as the

sun caresses the mountain summits

Natural Phenomenon: Swamp
1d6 Natural Phenomenon

Marigold Bloom: bright yellow marigold flowers carpeting certain

areas of the swamp

Croak Chorus: a symphony of croaking frogs and other swamp


Bog Bubbles: bioluminescent bubbles rising to the surface of the


4 Mud Volcano: occasional eruptions of mud from swampy ground

5 Gas Vortex: swirling patterns of swamp gas in the water

Firefly Aurora: fireflies creating an aurora-like display over swamp


Natural Phenomenon: Water

1d6 Natural Phenomenon

Milky Waters: bioluminescent algae casting a glow that appears as

being milky white

Steaming Waters: the humidity of the waters, counteracting with the

coolness of the wind over the surface, causes a steam to arise

Red Tide: the water takes on a crimson hue as the result of an

overgrowth of algae

Boiling Waters: geothermal activity beneath the surface gives the

impression that the waters are boiling

Maelstrom: powerful and chaotic whirlpools creating intense and

unpredictable water turbulence

Green Flash: the prismatic effect of the atmosphere causes green

flashes to occur at the surface of the water

Special Feature
Special Feature: Desert Special Feature: Grasslands
1d6 Special Feature 1d6 Special Feature

1 Skeleton of a colossal beast 1 Megalithic statues

2 Fossilized forest 2 Ancient burial mounds

3 Sunken ruined pillars Rolling hills dotted with

mysterious burrows
Stone archways carved by
the wind 4 Giant sunflowers field

5 Petrified cactus garden 5 Cairns and stone markers

6 Eroded sphinx statue 6 Titanic skull of a fallen god

Special Feature: Forest Special Feature: Mountains

1d6 Special Feature 1d6 Special Feature
1 Ancient tree with faces 1 Frozen waterfall

2 Monolith in ruins 2 Ancient burial chamber

3 Oversized fungus garden 3 Crystal outcroppings field

4 Natural hedge maze 4 Decayed stone staircase

5 Moss-covered statues 5 Rope bridge over an abyss

Spider silk bridge over a A hidden, sacred grove with

6 6
chasm a massive and ancient tree

Special Feature: Swamp Special Feature: Water
1d6 Special Feature 1d6 Special Feature

1 Giant corpse flowers field Cyclopean crystalline struc-

1 tures rising from the ocean
2 Sunken cemetery
3 Rotting log bridge
Shallow sandbars archi-
4 Drowned islands pelago

5 Amphibian-like statues 3 Shipwreck Graveyard

6 Submerged battlefield 4 Coral Reef Lagoon

5 Floating garden of seaweed

Ancient massive statue

6 partially submerged and
covered by algae

Weather Condition
Weather Condition: Desert
1d6 Weather Condition Note

1 Blistering Heat The Provision consumption doubles

Trailblazing tests receive a penalty of -3;

2-3 Sandstorm
The group is unable to set up camp to rest

4-5 Clear Skies

6 Mirage The Action Points for Trailblazing double

Weather Condition: Forest

1d6 Weather Condition Note
Roll 1d6 for each character; on a 1, they are
1 Thunderstorm
struck by lightning, losing 4 Vitality

2 Dense Fog Trailblazing tests receive a penalty of -3

3-4 Calm and Sunny

5 Mild Breeze

6 Gentle Rain Foraging tests receive a penalty of -1

Weather Condition: Grasslands

1d6 Weather Condition Note
Roll 1d6 for each character; on a 1, they are
1 Thunderstorm
struck by lightning, losing 4 Vitality

The Action Points for Trailblazing double;

2 Hailstorm
The group is unable to set up camp to rest

3-4 Sunny Day

5 Mild Breeze

6 Gentle Rain Foraging tests receive a penalty of -1

Weather Condition: Mountains
1d6 Weather Condition Note

1 Snowstorm Trailblazing tests receive a penalty of -3

2 Strong Winds The Action Points for Trailblazing double

3-4 Clear Skies

5 Foggy Peaks Foraging tests receive a penalty of -1

Roll 1d6 for each character; on a 1, they are hit

6 Avalanche Warning
by the avalanche, losing 6 Vitality

Weather Condition: Swamp

1d6 Weather Condition Note

Roll 1d6 for each character; on a 1, they are

1 Thunderstorm
struck by lightning, losing 4 Vitality

2 Dense Fog Trailblazing tests receive a penalty of -3

3-4 Humid and Still

5 Light Mist Foraging tests receive a penalty of -1

The Action Points for Trailblazing double;

6 Heavy Rain
The group is unable to set up camp to rest

Weather Condition: Water

1d6 Weather Condition Note

The Action Points for Trailblazing double;

1 Stormy Seas
The group is unable to rest

2 Tidal Surge Trailblazing tests receive a penalty of -3

3-4 Calm Seas

5 Light Drizzle

6 Heavy Rain Trailblazing tests receive a penalty of -2

Introduction 2
Character Creation 3
Archetype 3
Ranger 3
Druid 4
Druid Spells 4
Bard 5
Bard Spells 5
Advantages and Disadvantages 6
Leveling Up 6
Equipment 7
Weapons 7
Armors 8
Potions 8
World Exploration Rules 9
Terrains 9
Action Points 9
Movement 10
Trailblazing 10
Provisions 10
Foraging 10
Encounters 11
Combat 11
Hiding 11
Escaping 11
Resting 12
Camping Encounters 12
Settlements 12
Sidequests 12
Weather 13
Optional Rule: Terrain Modifiers 13

Playing the Game 14
Essentials 14
Setup 14
Exploration Procedure 14
Ending the Game 15
Random Tables 17
Camping Encounter 17
Encounter 20
Encounter Distance 20
Encounter: Current Activity 20
Encounter: Reaction 20
Location 27
Location: Settlement 29
Natural Phenomenon 31
Special Feature 34
Weather Condition 36


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