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This game supplement is a description of
Interested in Castles & Crusades ® the role playing game? Want to learn more? There is a large online numerous orc encounters.
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2007 Troll Lord Games. All Rights Reserved. Castles & Crusades, C&C, Castle Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 3rd Printing, Copyright 2007,
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Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure, 2nd Printing Copyright
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1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Band of Orcs, Copyright 2009, Troll Lord Games; Author Davis Chenault.
owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content

ORC ENCOUNTERS FOR YOUR EVERYDAY GAMING NEEDS Another common attribute of orcs is a desire to bunch up tightly
when defending themselves. They rarely use two handed weapons
INTRODUCTION or large weapons for close combat. They have a preference for
This game supplement is a description of numerous orc encounters. shorter stabbing or bashing weapons. The bashing weapons take
It is often the case that orc encounters are simply standard affairs advantage of the orc’s inherent strength. For orcs are strong. In
with little or no thought put into the orc, their motivations, or why the middle of a group bunched for defense are those with longer
they are where they are. With that in mind, when you, the Castle pole arms. This tactic does make them vulnerable to area effect
Keeper, happen to roll a random orc encounter, choosing one from spells, but in their own communities spell casters are rare so a fear
those presented below should provide you with all the information of such is not ingrained into their tactical maneuvers.
you need and, in addition, leave you with an adventure hook. The
hooks are posed as questions and their development is entirely up Orcs also try to take advantage of their foes by coming at them
to the Castle Keeper but they should provide enough idea fodder from several directions. They attempt to swarm an opponent to
to create one or more adventures for the characters. do this but are capable of acting as a group with some drawing
opponents out in order to surround them.
Although considered cowardly, orcs have a keen sense of mortality
Orcs are not stupid brutes. They are not geniuses either. Orcs are and a healthy desire to live. They do not consider running away
challenging opponents in combat because they are capable of using from combat, groveling, surrendering, or anything of that nature
rudimentary tactics and strategies when confronting a foe. If at all a character flaw. Rather, they view such actions (when they
possible they attempt to attack their opponents unawares. They also engender survival) to be wise choices. The choice is not often
tend to focus on one opponent at a time in combat. This hoarding there though. Most of an orc’s mortal enemies simply slaughter
principle is a reflection of their upbringing, demeanor, and an instinctual them outright should they surrender or grovel so they run away if
drive to act collectively (if a little disorganized) when attempting to do they feel they the business end of a sword is the end result.
something. A good example is watching orcs cut down a large tree.
Rather than two orcs working at the tree’s base from either end, there The basic bestial bloodlust most orcs have overrides the drive
are usually half a dozen whacking away at the tree in a somewhat to survive. All orcs, even the most peaceful of the lot, enjoy the
haphazard manner to get it down as quickly as possible. slaughter and ring of battle. It’s simply in their blood. They love


to attack others. They especially love to attack their mortal foes, 50 feet of rope (1gp), Shovel (2gp), Oil flask (1gp), Donkey x2 (16gp),
dwarves and elves. They have a penchant for raiding human Iron kettle (1gp), Hooded lantern (7), Chisels (1gp), Chopping axe
villages because the looting tends to be so easy. (2gp), Shortbow* (30gp), Arrows* (2gp), Small tent (10gp). The
leader (#7) carries all of the coin and valuables captured. In a pouch
Orcs also have a preference for unseating mounted opponents at his side are a ring (2gp), silver necklace (3gp), gold necklace (6),
and knocking all opponents to the ground and then jumping upon 6gp, 52 sp, 38cp and a silver lamp worth 6gp.
them. When engaging in this maneuver (knocking an opponent
prone), the orcs receive a +1 to the overbearing roll as reflecting ADVENTURE HOOK: Where have the orcs come from? Is the village
their strength and experience in undertaking this battle tactic. or thorp they attacked in need of aid? Did they waylay a band of
dwarves? These orcs may even have a prisoner or two. Where
When using orcs in combat, use them as if they possessed a are they going? How far is their encampment? Who is at their
survival instinct, they should not to be used as experience fodder. encampment? Perhaps an orc war band has moved into the area.
Rather, orcs often can be used in unique and interesting manners
to enhance adventures, add intrigue etc. to any encounter. Orcs BAND OF ORC HUNTERS
are, if nothing else, always up to something and planning some
depraved deed. Discovering their intent and even who is behind
it can be a great source for adventures. Also, do not hesitate to
have high level characters encounter small and medium bands of
orcs. This solidifies their presence in the world and breaks with
the traditional powering up of encounters to challenge characters. This band of orcs is a hunting party searching for boar or deer or
The characters should know they are heroes and capable of great other animals. They are gathering food for their war or raiding party.
things at some point. And on this point, numerous orcs used They attempt to avoid an encounter but leave an obvious trail.
wisely can be a very challenging encounter for any party.
All orcs have a natural armor class of 11. All armor worn adds to this. 1 1d8 none 11 7
Shortbow (20)/d6
Orcs carry a variety of weapons. Most are functional but not well made. short sword/d6
On a roll of 1-2 on their ‘to hit’ roll the weapons should break. A +x 2 1d8 leather coat 12 5
Shortbow (20)/d6
after an orc’s hit die indicates he adds the bonus to his ‘to hit’ roll.
short sword/d6
3* 1d8 leather coat/shield 12 4
Shortbow (20)/d6
ENCOUNTER LEVEL: 1-2 *This orc can track as a 1st level ranger.
AVERAGE HP: 5 TREASURE/EQUIPMENT: Each orc carries a small pack or sack
AVERAGE ARMOR: 13 with some food in it and a knife or dagger. Spread amongst the
orcs is about 5gp worth of material in addition to the weapons
This is a raiding band returning from a series of successful raids and armor (which is worth 1/10 the listed price due to its make
against farms or travelers, so is generally lightly armed. and their being so filthy).

HD WEAPON/DMG ARMOR AC HP Rope (20 feet) x3 section (1gp), metal buckler (1gp), nose ring (1gp),
11-20sp each, and one carries a pouch with good tobacco in it (5sp).
1 1d8 none 11 3
Shortbow (20)/d6 ADVENTURE H OOK: Do the orcs fight or run? Where do
2 1d8 mace/d6 leather coat/shield 13 4 they run to? Can the orc tracker hide their tracks? Do the
3 1d8 mace/d6 leather coat/shield 13 3 characters, instead of running across the orcs, come across a
kill site. Perhaps they are holed up with several other orcs in
4 1d8 hammer/d4 leather/shield 14 4
an old tower, a cave or abandoned hovel.
5 1d8 spear/d6 studded leather 14 6
6 1d8 spear/d6 leather 13 3 BAND OF ORCS WARRIORS
7 1d8+2 broadsword/2d4 mail shirt/shield 16 9 ENCOUNTER LEVEL: 2
TREASURE/EQUIPMENT: Each orc carries a small pack or sack with AVERAGE HP: 6
some food in it, sleeping roll or sleeping skin, knife or dagger, some AVERAGE ARMOR: 14
tender for a fir or a pan or two. Spread amongst the orcs is 80gp
worth of material in addition to the armor (which is worth 1/10 This is a war band or raiding party going out on a raid or attack.
the listed price due to its make and their being so filthy). They are fully armed and ready for battle.

HD WEAPON ARMOR AC HP ** These orcs are fairly burly and strong even for their kind. They all
axe/d6+1 receive a +1 to damage
1 1d8 leather coat/shield 13 6
Javalin x2/d6
TREASURE/EQUIPMENT: The orcs carry bedrolls and personal items such
mace/d6 as daggers, pots, pans, forks, or knives, sacks and other sundry items.
2 1d8 leather coat/shield 13 5
Javalin x2/d6
axe/d6+1 Wagon (35gp), 4x oxen (36gp), 10 pick axes (30gp), barrel of nails (25gp),
3 1d8 leather coat/shield 13 8
Javalin x2/d6 barrel of oil (30gp), 500 feet of rope (10gp), 60 feet of chain (90gp), 10
axe/d6+1 shovels (20gp), a dozen buckets (1gp), wheelbarrow (5gp), 2x cutting
3 1d8 leather coat/shield 13 6
Javalin x2/d6 saws (10gp), 2x splitting axes (10gp), food and provisions (10gp) for the 8
shortsword/d6 eight orcs for 1 week each. Each of the orcs (#1-7) carry 2-20cp and the
5 1d8 leather /shield 14 6
Javalin x2/d6 lead orc carries 31cp, 21sp, a gold ingot (3gp) and a map to a mine. The
axe/d6+1 latter may or not be there depending upon the Castle Keeper’s desire.
6 1d8 leather /shield 14 4
Javalin x2/d6
ADVENTURE HOOK: Are the orcs leaving a mine or heading to a
7 1d8 leather /shield 14 7 mine? Does the mine have a lot of ore in it and what type? Who
Javalin x2/d6
is at the mine, dwarves, orcs, ogres or others? This encounter cold
8 1d8 leather /shield 14 6 be used for low levels characters as a one spot adventure or high
Javalin x2/d6
level characters who find a large mining complex.
9 1d8+2 broadsword/2d4 mail shirt/shield 16 10
TREASURE/EQUIPMENT: Each orc carries a small pack or sack with
some food in it, sleeping roll or sleeping skin, knife or dagger, some ENCOUNTER LEVEL: 3-5
tender for a fir or a pan or two. Spread amongst the orcs is 90gp NO ENCOUNTERED: 37
worth of material in addition to the armor (which is worth 1/10 AVERAGE HP: 6
the listed price due to its make and their being so filthy). AVERAGE ARMOR: 13

50 feet of rope x4 (4gp), crowbar x2 (4gp), grappling hook This is a war party heading to or in the process of attacking a village
– three prong (4gp), large hammer (2gp), 10 flasks of oil (10gp), or thorp. They are fully armed and ready for battle. The orcs travel
whetstones x3 (3gp), pick axe (3gp) and manacles x2 (30gp). The together with four acting as scouts moving ahead of the main group.
leader has a jade pendant attached to a leather strap hanging from The scouts have special abilities and may spot the characters before the
his neck worth 30gp and 42cp, 10sp and 1gp in a pouch. characters spot them. They range up to a mile ahead of the main party
and do not intend to make contact but report back to the main party
ADVENTURE HOOK: Where are the orcs heading? A lonely outpost, should they encounter anything unusual. They do not travel in a group,
a small thorp, a copper mine? Were they given ‘inside’ information? but dispersed over several hundred yards. If one of the orcs is attacked
Are they after one thing or person or just raiding for pleasure? or found, the others head back to inform the main group. Each also
carries a horn to warn the main group should an attack be immanent.
1x5 1d8 leather coat 12 6
AVERAGE HP: 4 Guisarme/2d4
AVERAGE ARMOR: 13 mace/d6
2x5 1d8 leather coat 12 5
Place this band of orcs where mines or ores which orcs would mine are
located. The band either is on their way to/from a mine or is heading 3x5 1d8 leather coat 12 4
Shortbow (20)/d6
to an abandoned mine. They have a wagon pulled by four oxen.
3x10 1d8 leather/shield 14 6
Javalin x2/d6
1 1d6 axe/d6+1 leather coat/shield 13 4 4x5 1d8 leather /shield 14 6
Javalin x2/d6
2 1d6 mace/d6 leather coat/shield 13 3
7x4* 1d8 shortsword/d6 leather 13 7
3 1d6 axe/d6+1 leather coat/shield 13 5
3 1d6 axe/d6+1 leather coat/shield 13 1 8x2 1d8+1 scale mail /shield 15 9
Cat-o-nine tails/d3
5 1d6 shortsword/d6 leather /shield 14 3 9 1d8+3 broadsword/2d4 splint mail/shield 18 11
6 1d6 axe/d6+1 leather /shield 14 2
*These orcs are scouts. They are able to track, move silently,
7 1d8 axe/d6+1 leather /shield 14 4 and conceal themselves as a 1st level ranger. They have a sense
8 1d8 broadsword/2d4 mail shirt/shield 16 6 of smell similar to a half orc. They carry horns to warn the
*These orcs, not being the warriors of their kind, do not receive a +1 main party of trouble should they encounter it. They travel in a
to hit on their ‘to hit’ die rolls. dispersed pattern in front of the main party.


Each orc carries a small pack or sack with some food in it, sleeping S HAMAN L EADER : These shamans can cast 5x 0-level spells,
roll or sleeping skin, knife or dagger, some tender for a fire or a pan 3x 1 st level spells, 3x 2 nd level spells and 2x 3 rd level spell
or two. Spread amongst the orcs is about 100gp worth of material from the list above.
in addition to the armor (which is worth 1/10 the listed price due
to its make and their being so filthy). TREASURE /E QUIPMENT : Each orc carries a small pack or sack
with some food in it, sleeping roll or sleeping skin, knife
TREASURE: These orcs do not carry much treasure as they intend to find or dagger, some tender for a fire or a pan or two. Spread
some and take it back to there home. They have about 100gp worth of amongst the orcs is several hundred gold worth of material
material amongst the lot of them in addition to their armor. in addition to the armor (which is worth 1/10 the listed
price due to its make and their being so filthy).
50 feet of rope x5 (5gp), crowbar x3 (6gp), grappling hook – three
prongx2 (8gp), 20 flasks of oil (20gp), whetstones x5 (5gp), and Each orc guard in the retinue carries 3-30cp and 1-20sp as well
manacles x1 (30gp). The leader has an emerald pendant attached as wearing 1-10gp worth of jewelry. The shamans all carry 2-20sp
to a silver necklace hanging from his neck worth 40gp and 22cp and and 1-10gp and are wearing 4-40gp worth of jewelry. They also
5sp in a pouch. The two sergeants have 16cp apiece in pouches. have collectively 4 lamps (12gp), 1 large tent (45gp), 10 sheets of
vellum (15gp), inks and quills (5gp), oxe (18gp), and an iron kettle
ADVENTURE HOOK: Where are these orcs going? Where are they (1gp). The shaman leader is carrying a silver holy symbol worth
coming from? Why are they doing what they are doing? Is the 50gp and carries 22sp, 14gp and wears 53gp worth of jewelry.
destination a tower, a fort, a thorp, a small armed party or are they
just seeking a strike of opportunity? Are the characters at a village All the orcs have provisions for themselves.
or thorp or lonely outpost which is about to come under attack?
ADVENTURE HOOK: Where is this orc retinue headed? Where are
ORC SHAMANS they coming from? Is it a temple? Have they found and intend to
desecrate a temple? Are they traveling to or from a stronghold?
Are they in the employ of an evil cleric? These orc shaman are
headed somewhere and, since they are battle shaman, it seems
likely they are preparing to go to war.
This band of orcs is located where a holy site, temple, or other ENCOUNTER LEVEL: 4-6
religious activities may be occurring. This group of orc shamans is NO ENCOUNTERED: 20-80
traveling to or from a holy site. Though armed for battle they do AVERAGE HP: 6
not expect any problems. AVERAGE ARMOR: 14

HD WEAPON ARMOR AC HP This is a semi-permanent encampment of an orc war band.

They have built a barricade of thorny brush and small
1x10 1d8
Javalin x2/d6
leather/shield 14 7 timber walls around a series of four log framed long houses
and one central log house. From this base, the war band
2x5 1d8 leather /shield 14 7 conducts raids on all others in the vicinity. This is a band
Javalin x2/d6
of warriors from a larger tribe tasked with clearing the
morningstar/d8 region of threats, prior to the arrival of the rest of the tribe
4x5 1d8+1 scale mail /shield 15 9
Cat-o-nine tails/d3 which several months hence.
5x4 1d6* scimitar/d6 leather coat 12 4
6 2d6** scimitar/d6 leather armor 13 10 There are 80 orc warriors who belong to the war band. At any
given time, 20-60 (1d6) will be out raiding while the others
* war shaman, see below
remain in the encampment resting, fixing weapons, arguing and
** war shaman leader fighting. The first time the characters arrive there are three bands
out raiding, so only one band, consisting of 20 orcs are in the
SHAMANS: These shamans can cast 4x 0-level spells, 2x 1st level spells, compound. The shaman always remains in the encampment.
2x 2nd level spells and 1x 3rd level spell from the following list:
Each war band consists of 5 of each type or orc regular, 2
0-LEVEL: darkness, detect poison, ghost sound, mage hand, and lieutenants and one sergeant. Each war band has its own
endure elements. longhouse with their gear stored therein. The chief and shaman
1ST- LEVEL: burning hands, magic missile, shield, cause light reside in the central log house. A guard is on watch at all times.
wounds, remove fear and sound burst. The thorny wall is 6-10 feet high. A gate stands at one end.
There is one tower, 30 feet high, located behind the central log
2ND LEVEL: aid, consecrate, speak with dead, acid arrow, and fog cloud. house which is always manned by at least two orcs with a bow
3RD-LEVEL: fireball, lightning bolt, cause serious wounds and and another with a javelin.
animate dead.

HD WEAPON ARMOR AC HP TREASURE/EQUIPMENT: Each orc owns a small pack or sack with
some food in it, sleeping roll or sleeping skin, knife, dagger or small
1 x20 1d8 leather coat/shield 13 5 axe, some tender for a fire and a pan or two. This equipment is
Javalin x2/d6
usually left in the compound in one of the longhouses. The orc
mace/d6 regulars carry 10-40cp each. The personal guard carry 10-40cp
2 x20 1d8 none 11 4
Shortbow (20)/d6
and 10-20sp. The lieutenants carry 10-40cp, 10-20sp and 1-2gp.
3 x20 1d8 axe/d6+1 leather/shield 14 5 The sergeants carry 10-40cp, 10-20sp, and 2-8gp.
4 x20 1d8 broadsword/2d4 leather/shield 14 6
Spread amongst the orcs is about 450gp worth of material in
5 x5† 1d8 Winged Spear*/1d8 scale mail 15 6
addition to the armor (which is worth 1/10 the listed price due to its
6 x5† 1d8 bastard sword/1d10 scale mail 15 7 make and their being so filthy). 500 feet of rope (10gp), crowbar x10
7 x8** 2d6 mace, heavy/1d8 scale mail/shield 16 9 (10gp), grappling hook – three prong x4 (16gp), large hammer x10
8 x4*** 2d6 battle axe/1d8+1 breastplate/shield 17 11 (20gp), 30 flasks of oil (30gp), sharpening stone/grinder (20gp), pick
axe x5 (15gp), shovels x20 (20gp), broad cutting axes x20 (30gp),
*The winged spear is a two handed weapon that can be used to
dismount an opponent or to pull a shield out of an opponent’s hand.
two loads of food provisions (50gp do to poor quality), four oxen
If attempting either of these maneuvers, the attack occurs with the (72gp), two large carts (30gp), arrow barrels x2 with 100 arrows in
opponent receiving a 10 AC + dexterity bonus only. If the attack hits, each (20gp), small wooden shields x10 (30gp), large wooden shield
the opponent must make a dexterity check or become dismounted or x5 (36gp), 20 spears (20gp), 40 javelins (40gp).
lose their shield.
ADVENTURE HOOK: What brings this war group to where they are?
† personal guard to war band leader
Is a conquest in the making? Is a larger band following them? Are
** Lieutenant they outcasts? Are they simply out for plunder? How will the party
*** sergeant deal with them? How will the locals react to the presence of such
a large group of orcs? Do they have allies?
JREEJAD, ORC CHIEF (He is a lawful evil orc whose vital stats are
HD 3d8, HP 19, AC 18. His prime attributes are physical. He ORC NAMES
receives a +1 to hit and to damage rolls. He carries banded mail,
shield, a +2 morningstar/2d4+2, a gem studded helm worth Orcs usually have very short one or two syllable names. Should
100gp, jewelry worth 150gp and one potion of sanctuary that he the need ever arise, a list of orc names is provided.
believes is a potion of healing. He also carries 22gp and 78sp.)
Aag’ut Grunj Mulk’du Vlitch
SHAMAN (This is a lawful evil orc whose vital stats are: hd 3d6, Agj Gurt’ig Rag’jek Vluk
hp 14, ac 12. Its prime attributes are: mental. Special: this shaman
can cast spells as a 4th level cleric or druid from the list below. It Azk’vlag Jid’nag Ruz’lij Zark
wears leather armor, carries a light mace and wears six silver cast Blj Jurz Rulk’j Zug
holy symbols worth 20gp each. Spell list: 0 – detect good, darkness, Brazk Kerg’drul Ulthlu Zuv’grit
putrify food and drink; 1st – bless, cure light wounds, protection from
Dragt Kark’etj Utlg
good, sanctuary, shield of faith, obscuring mist; 2nd – aid, darkness,
speed poison, spiritual weapon, produce flame. He carries 2x potions Drulg Kugl Uznag
of healing and a thunder stick. The thunder stick can be thrown and Grag Kudz’u Vlag’nith
becomes a bolt of energy in path to its target causing 1d6 damage.)


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