Labsii Lak 128 Bara 1999kebele Courts

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Lak, 107999) re new N+ 1072007 Wagga 15 18 90) sth year MAGALATA owi1h t 1, Adoolessa 21 bara 1999 Ana wee we Du | me, 24 July 2007 OROMIYAA ie Ae dente MEGELETA OROMIA Gatiin Tokko .. FI 92 Unit Price “To’annoo Caffe Mootummaa Naannoo ‘Oromiyaatiin Kan Bahe AACE Mek NAAT 0990" Nand, NOLS aver Fon Lakk, 8, Poostaa ...- 24383-1000 er arc, PO. Box.. ‘QABIYYEE absii Lak. 128/199 Lets Manneati Marts Hawansoninaa Cando fa ‘Debian Dhsabuui Aangeosani Murtesssuf Babe Teak. 66/1995 Ira Deebdhaan Fooyyessut Labs Bate Pag absii Lak. 128 1999 Labsii Manneetii Murti Hawaasummaa Gandaa Irra Deebi'anii Dhaabuufi Aang0o Isaanti Murteessuuf Bahe Lak. 66/1995 Irra Deebiidhaan Fooyyessuuf Labsii Bahe Labsii Manneetii Murtii Hawaasummaa Gandaa ira Deebiidhaan Hundeessuuf Bahe (Caak. 66/1995 hojiirra ootchuurratti Takkoowwan qunnaman sirreessuun barbaachisaa ta’ee waan argameef;, ‘Sima hojimaata, filannoo, muudamaati itt ‘gaafatamummaa abbootii seeraa Mana “Murtii Hawaasummaa Gandaa ifatt tumoun barbaachisaa ta’ee waan argameef, ‘Akkaataa Heera Fooyya'aa Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa Lak, 46/1994 Keewvata 49(3) (a) tin kan kanatti sama labsameera KUTAATOKKO Tumaalee Waliigalaa 1, Mata Duree Gabaabaa Tabsin kun *Labsii Manneetii Murti Hiawaasummaa Gandaa Ira Deebi'ani Dhaabuufi Aangoosaanii Murteessuut Bahe Lak. 66/1995 lrra Deebiidhaan Fooyyessuuf Labsii Bah Lak128/199 jedhamee waamamuu ni danda’a. 0% APE ec aaRLTIE fend, TINH GILAD MILI ATA TS PRMGEO henwnd FO NPE HTC 2H TENE WHEAT ACTA COO NPE TRH NPE #TC ARGS LIOR FAM, TAMER IAT NIL AMES HANTTO-? heron? Pom APE AEC SHINEIEY RILIT AVIA FON APE PNA. TING GIANT RIRTT AOI fam APE &TC RATED Pee 48 DTPA LE AL Somer FACT erin ANAM UT Noort rena Tine GID PrvEG MC! PATE KEM! Teoks ermseeyr PCH ATO LTT ANLAL UT Aor AIN@ NEOLE aI cI HOC FEITONID AYER GNU gore reun raw sarBA: NEA ADE me 272% & hE Con 20 APE PMMA TINGE ILD WIIG AIRF AT LAMSTFO own PON APE TC BH WERE NIRIG ATMA tom APE HTC AERRINED” tA- Ame pena: CONTENT Proclamation No. 128 /2007 ‘A proclamation to revise the proclamation for Re-estblishment and determination of he powers al Court No, 66/2003, Page Proclamation. for Re-establishment land Determination of the Powers of the Social Court No, 66/2003 WHERE AS, it has become necessary to correct ptoblems encountered on implementation of the Proclamation to Provide for Re-establishment and Determination of the Powers of Social Gourt No. 66/2003. WHERE AS, itis necessary to provide clear: provisions regarding work procedures, selection, appointment and accountability of judges of Social Courts, NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 49(3)A of the 2001 Revised Constitution of the Regional State of Gromiaitishereby proclaimed as follows. PARTONE, General Provisions 1. Short Tithe This proclamation may cited as “Proclamation No. 128/2007, A Proclamation to Revise Proclamation 1No,66/2003, for Re-establishment and Determination the’ Powers of Social Cours. Labs Lak. 128/1999, Fuula2 APE eC ARETE 1H Proclamation No_128/2007. Page 2 2. Hiika ‘Akkcaataa seensijechichaa hika bra kan kennisiisuuf yoo ta'e malee; Labsii kana eessatt 1) “Abbaa Seeraa, “ jechuun Mana Murti Hawaasummaa Gandaa keessatti Abba Seerummaatiin luudhaaf akkaataa Labsii kanaatiin nama filatamee muudame jechuudha. 2) “Ganda,” jechuun akkaataa Hera Fooyya’aa bara 1994 Mootummaa ‘Naannichaatin tumamee jruti caasaa Mootumm: dhumaa kan garjallaa jru jechuudha. 3) “Mana Marii Gandaa, “ jechuun Heera Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa bara 1994 Fooyya’ee Bahe keessatti haala ibsameen rmiseensonni isaajiraattota wummata gandaatiin kallattiidhaan kan filataman ganda keessatti qaama ‘aangoo olaanaa qabuudha. 4) “Mana Marii Bulchiinsa Gandaa,” jechuun Heera Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa Bara 1994 Fooyya'ee Bahe keessatti haala ibsameen qaama raawwachiifuu olaanaa gandaati 5) “Mana Murti Hawaasumme Gandaa,” jechuun Mana Murtii Hawaasummaa sadarkaa gandaatti Labsii kanaan hundeeffame jechuudha. 3. bss Saalaa Labsi kana keessttsaala dhiiastin kan ibsame saala dubartis ni dabalata, 4. Hundeeftama Gandoota Mootumm: ‘Oromiyaa hunda keessat 13 ‘Naannoo Manneen, Murti Hawaasummas Gandaa Labsii Kanaan irra. deebiidhaan hhundeeffamanira, 5. 1 Waamama 1tti waamamni Mana Murti Hawaasum- ‘maa Gandaa, Mana Marii Gandaatifta'a 6. Kaayyoo “Manneen Murtii Hawaasummaa Ganda kaayyoowwan armaan gadii ni qabaatu; 1) Jiraattota gandaa jidduutti nagaafi tasgabbiimirkaneessuudhaan ‘misoomaaf haala mijaa’aa wumuu; 2) Jiraattonni gandaa hubannoo seeraaf ‘qaban akka cimu gochuu; 3) Jiraattonni gandaa dhiyeenyaan ‘tajanjilaaqaa akka argatan taasisuu. 1. 304% Pat AI AA DED Peer HAUT ANEEC OLY APE ane 1) SAR ova aA VINER A an? ARTE NIALTOTA MY APE cowed Prerens Piae ha 1A % OMA” oA TARA OANA PHAM a7 ooITH atena- eed ee ETON PooIT EY org 1A yo: f) “Penn PHC AY vA AEH 4. FTI NOM EACLE WANE oT TH aT-oorT Eh OAT Membh@ cove Nive ANAM IPE NETH Proocar AFNO ONT HEE HAT Fhe hd Yor: “PHN eohtarC eH A Tah AWE 9.9. ETA Nome PrCeLs HAA I~ IIH h Ot Lemeho- nw 2i> NENAOD WAS ANAT. AMA Yo: % PIMA OVER GINA” eTA NENA LAA MLY APE Fata erMee BIN I} 10 . eae anand Ly APE OT NOTE RI CH PAI Ao eoLeenieh esa. 100 8. nar ANCALE HAA OAT On APE Ute PNA ANGE HOA E MY APE IRIS bRAOORA: & tmert rena, TNE GIO ter APMR@: PHC A LSA: ner fend. TINAe GIA Por WIPE LEGA: A AeA YPLPE ohh vars RL 2DNI NTL IVT AA FE vas? eect PMAw CPE entor C7 THM NIMH TED ELT 1) reno Yew necat PEAY RIAD ALTE arIRLT! Unless the context requires otherwise inthis proclamation 1) * Judge” means a person who is elected and assigned as judge of social court in accordance with this proclamation 2) Kebele” means the the lowest structure of government as provided by yhe 2001 Revised Constitution ofthe Regional State 3) Kebele Counci” means the highest organ of the Kebele as defined in the 2001 Revised Constitution of the Oromia, Regional State whose members ae elected dretiy by the residents ofthe Kebele 4)" KebeleAdinistaton cone” means the highest executive organ of the kebele as defined in the 3401 Revised Constitution of the Regional Sate of Oromia 5) * Social Court of Kebele” means the Social Court established at the Kebee level by this proclamation 3. Gender Provisions of this proclamation set out in the masculine gender shall also apply to the feminine gender. 4, Establishment Social Courts are hereby reestablished by this Proclamation in all Kebeles of the National Re §. Accountability “The Social Court ofthe Kebele shafoe accountable o the Kebele Council 6, Objectives The Social Couns ofthe Kebele shall have the following objectives. 1) Ensuring peace and stability among the Kebele community, and thereby creat conducive atmosphere for development 2) To create a suitable condition to strengthen the legal awareness of the Kebele community 3) To make justice justice service accessible tothe residents of the Kebele al State of Oromia Labs Lak, 128/1999,Fuula 3 OR ene Ares mE mE Proclamation No, 128/2007. Page 3 KUTAALAMA Wao’ i 2 Hawaasummaa Gandaa 7. Bilisummaa Abbea Seerumm: 1) Abbootiin Seeraa Mana Murtii Hawaasummaa Gandaa hojii abbaa seerummaa isaanii bilisummaa ‘guutuudhaan reawwatu 2) Abbootiin Seeraa Mana Murti Hawaasummaa Ganda murtii bu'uura sina jaarsummaa aadaa ykn seeratti fayyadamanii murteessuu anda’. 8. Haala, 1ddoofi Yeroo Dhaddachi Itt) Gaggeetfamu 1) Manni Murti Hawaasummaa Gandaa nee (a) Coad thane ang wane Ae0e one Pom RIE! (@) OURESs OREM wLIF Now.ns turd NIL Proclamation No.128/2007, Page 4 6) Their office tenure shall be the same as that of the Kebele Council However, a judge may be re-elected for another term. 7) A judge presented as a candidate: (@) Shall be a resident of Kebele, having no voting sound in the Kebele's Administrative Council and Kebele Council (b) His age shall be more than 30 years old (©) Shall be good example, diligent, honest and have the confidence of the public. 10, Number of Judges 1) Each social court shall have three judges. a 2) The bench shall be run by three judges 3) The presiding judge, the right and the left judges shall be determined immediately at the time of appointment. 11. Causes and Disciplinary Fault for ‘Removal of Judges Judges of the so removed on te following grounds. 1) When the office term expired 2) Im ease he left the Kebele. 3) In case he is elected a8 a member of theRebele Administrative Coun 4) IP elected as a voting member oi the Kebele Council 5) Notwithstanding to the provision of Sub-Antcle I of this Antile, he ray be removed before his office term expire if he is proved incompetent and is engaged inthe following disciplinary faults (2) If he proceeds hearing out of the place determinet by laws. (©) If he filed to notify hearing ate and time. (©) fhe decided with out hearing both side witnesses, (@ I he decided the case by nepotism, favoritism co brbe, courts can be [abs Lak. 12811999, Fuula AOE AC ARR LU IE Proclamation No. 1282007, Page $ (©) Garagalcha murtii_ abbaa dhimmaatiif kennuu diduu-

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