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Scientia Horticulturae 224 (2017) 238–243

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Effects of drought stress on chlorophyll a fluorescence in two rubber tree MARK

Antelmo Ralph Falquetoa, Roque Alves da Silva Júniora, Marcos Thiago Gaudio Gomesa,

João Paulo Rodrigues Martinsa, , Diolina Moura Silvab, Fábio Luiz Partellia
Departamento de Ciências Agrárias e Biológicas, Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, BR101 Norte, Km. 60, Bairro
Litorâneo, CEP 29932-540, São Mateus, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Avenida Fernando Ferrari, 514, Goiabeiras, CEP
29075-910, Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil


Keywords: This study compared the photosynthetic responses of two clones (RRIM600 and FX3864) of the rubber tree
Hevea brasiliensis (Hevea brasiliensis L.) subjected to drought stress. This stress was imposed by complete removal of watering until
Energetic connectivity the leaf water potential (Ψw) reached critical values, which occurred at 38 days after water deficit (DAWD) for
JIP-test both rubber clones. One-year-old rubber plants were cultivated in 20 L pots filled with a soil:sand:humus ratio of
Oxygen evolution complex
4:3:3. Photosynthetic performance was analyzed by measuring chlorophyll a fluorescence transients at 0, 28, 36,
Photosystem II
Water deficit
and 38 DAWD. The photochemical process was altered to some extent following water deficit. A decrease in Ψw
was observed for both rubber clones at 36 DAWD. The FX3864 clone was more susceptible to drought and
showed a deficiency in photosynthetic electron transport. The RRIM600 rubber clone showed an advantage over
the FX3864 clone in terms of stability and efficiency in utilizing energy in low rainfall sites.

1. Introduction Chlorophyll a fluorescence (CF) has been used to evaluate the extent
of damage to the photosynthetic apparatus, particularly to photosystem
Low water availability is the major environmental factor limiting II (PSII), under several types of environmental stress because the
growth, development, and the agricultural production of plants technique is a non-destructive, simple, and rapid testing method (Mehta
worldwide (Silva et al., 2013). An estimated one-third of the world’s et al., 2010; Zushi and Matsuzoe, 2017). Thus, CF is a useful tool for
terrestrial area suffers from water stress, which is predicted to increase monitoring and screening the stress tolerance of plant species and
owing to global warming, enhancing the reduction in crop production genotypes (Gonçalves et al., 2010).
in many key production regions (Tack et al., 2015). Under drought stress, damage to PSII reaction centers (RCs) inhibits
Physiologically, several plant processes are negatively affected by the primary photochemistry affecting the photosynthetic electron
water stress. These effects occur through osmotic stress and different transport process from CRs to the quinone A (QA), quinone B (QB), and
biochemical responses in plants such as cell turgidity, stomatal con- plastoquinone (PQ) pools (Mehta et al., 2010; Zushi and Matsuzoe,
ductance, transpiration, photosynthesis, respiration, antioxidant ac- 2017). Previous work has described decreases in the maximum
tivity, and light absorption and capture, resulting in reduced crop quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) and differences in both energetic con-
production (Lawlor and Cornic, 2002; Hsiao et al., 2010; Silva et al., nectivity between PSII units (L-band) and stability of the oxygen evo-
2013; Velázquez-Márquez et al., 2015). According to Chaves et al. lution complex (OEC) (K-band) in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), passion
(2002), the effects of low water availability on plant physiological fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) cultivars
processes are influenced by both the intensity and duration of the en- differing in drought tolerance (Souza et al., 2004; Oukarroum et al.,
vironmental stress as well as the genetic capacity of the genotype/ 2007; Gomes et al., 2012). These studies demonstrated that after re-
species to cope with stress. Thus, the maintenance of vital plant me- watering, signals of recovery are observed owing to an increase in
tabolism functions as well as the rapid recovery of water status after drought resistance. These results suggest that it is possible to differ-
rehydration are required for crop tolerance to low water availability entiate the tolerance of genotypes to drought stress at the level of PSII.
(Waseem et al., 2011). Therefore, the use of drought tolerant genotypes is a viable alternative

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (J.P.R. Martins).
Received 27 September 2016; Received in revised form 10 June 2017; Accepted 14 June 2017
0304-4238/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.R. Falqueto et al. Scientia Horticulturae 224 (2017) 238–243

to increase plant productivity in water-deficient environments (Waseem Days after water deficit (DAWD)

et al., 2011). 0,0

The rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis L.) is a Euphorbiaceae native to 0 28 36 38

Leaf water potential (MPa)

Amazônia (Brazil), a tropical region. Rubber trees have been cultivated
in all other Brazilian regions and in several countries around the world.
However, the climatic conditions of most of the new cultivation regions
show reduced rainfall during certain periods of the year (Macedo et al., -1,0
2002). Therefore, the maximal agricultural production of rubber trees
has only been made possible through irrigation practices. However,
because water availability can be limited during certain periods of the -1,5 RRIM600-C
year due to low rainfall, the use of drought-tolerant genotypes is a vi- RRIM600-T
able alternative to improve productivity. The objective of this study was FX3860-C
to compare the photosynthetic changes of two clones (RRIM600 and -2,0 FX3860-T *
FX3864) of the rubber tree (H. brasiliensis) subjected to water stress,
through analysis of transient fluorescence kinetics for chlorophyll a. -2,5
Fig. 1. Leaf water potential (Ψw) of two rubber genotypes RRIM600 and FX3864 sub-
mitted to an imposed water stress during 38 days. The data shows value ± standard
2. Materials and methods
errors. Values are means for five plants. * indicate significative difference (p ≤ 0.05)
between clones. C – control, T – treatment (drought stress).
2.1. Plants, growth conditions, and drought treatment
2.4. Statistical analyses
The experiment was performed using seedlings of two rubber tree
(Hevea brasiliensis L.) clones, RRIM600 and FX3864, which are the most
A completely randomized design in a factorial scheme was adopted
commonly cultivated genotypes in Brazil. One-year-old rubber seed-
[two water treatments (water deficit and well-watered) × four time
lings, approximately 50 cm tall with 10 leaves, were obtained from a
points (0, 28, 36, and 38 days)] for each clone. Microsoft Excel 2007
commercial nursery (Linhares, Espírito Santo State, Brazil) and culti-
was used to create graphs for the OJIP transients. Leaf water potential
vated in 20-L pots (one plant per pot) filled with a soil:sand:humus ratio
and JIP-test parameters were evaluated through variance analysis.
of 4:3:3. For 30 days, the pots were maintained under greenhouse
Means and standard errors ( ± S.E.) were reported with statistical sig-
conditions with an average midday photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) of
nificance (p < 0.05) determined by Tukey’s test.
800 μmol (photons) m−2s−1. Next, two different irrigation regimes
were applied to each rubber clone: 25 plants were maintained under
water-deficit (non-irrigated plants) and 13 plants were maintained in 3. Results
well-watered conditions (plants were irrigated daily and used as a
control). 3.1. Leaf water potential (Ψw)
Because rubber trees show fall foliar when maintained under water
deficit, a higher number of plants were used for the water deficit Decrease in leaf water potential (Ψw) was evident after 36 DAWD
treatment to ensure sufficient CF and leaf water potential (Ψw) mea- (Fig. 1). However, a significant difference between rubber clones was
surements, which was made on 12 and five randomly selected plants/ only observed at 38 DAWD (−1.85 and −1.57 MPa for RRIM600 and
treatment, respectively. Drought stress was imposed by completely re- FX3864, respectively) (Fig. 1).
moving irrigation. The plants remained under persistent drought for
38 days until the Ψw values were sufficiently negative (approximately 3.2. Chlorophyll a fluorescence
−2.0 MPa).
Relative to the control, an increase in the J-step fluorescence level
was the most evident characteristic of CF and OJIP transients for both
2.2. Chlorophyll a fluorescence rubber tree clones following water deficit. In both clones, the J-step
fluorescence levels increased over time with water deprivation (Fig. 2a
Transient chlorophyll a fluorescence was measured at 0, 28, 36, and and b). Although an increase in J-step fluorescence levels in RRIM600
38 DAWD, using a Plant Efficiency Analyzer (Handy-PEA, Hansatech, relative to control was observed at 28, 36, and 38 DAWD, no difference
King’s Lynn, Northfolk, England, UK). The measurements were made on in J-step fluorescence levels was observed at 28 and 36 DAWD for the
12 leaves (third or fourth leaf from the apex) that were dark-adapted for FX3864 rubber clone (Fig. 2a and b).
30 min using a leaf clip (Hansatech). The light intensity reaching the To further elucidate the differences between clones in response to
leaf was 3000 μmol (photons) m−2s−1, which was sufficient to generate drought stress, the relative fluorescence between the steps O and K [20 and
maximal fluorescence for all treatments. The fast fluorescence kinetics 300 μs, respectively = VOK = (Ft − F0)/(FK − F0)] and O and J [20 μs and
(F0 to Fm) was recorded from 10 μs to 1 s. The fluorescence intensity at 2 ms, respectively = VOJ = (Ft − F0)/(FJ − F0)] were normalized and are
20 μs (considered F0), 100 μs, 300 μs, 2 ms (FJ), and 30 ms (FI), and shown as the kinetic difference ΔVOK = VOK(treatment) − VOK(control) and
maximum fluorescence (Fm) were recorded and analyzed according to ΔVOJ = VOJ(treatment) − VOJ(control), respectively (Fig. 2c–f). The kinetic dif-
the JIP-test (Strasser et al., 2004; Stibert and Govindjee, 2011). ferences ΔVOK and ΔVOJ make the L- and K-bands visible, respectively.
These bands have a peak around 0.15 and 0.3 ms, respectively. The L and K-
band are an indicator of energetic connectivity or grouping between PSII
2.3. Leaf water potential (Ψw) units and the stability of OEC, respectively (Strasser and Stirbet, 1998). In
this study, the response of the L- and K-bands to water deficit was different
The predawn xylem water tension (MPa) was measured at 0, 28, 36, for two rubber clones. In RRIM600, the energetic connectivity and the
and 38 days with a Scholander-type pressure chamber (Scholander stability of OEC decreased from 28 DAWD and reached a maximum de-
et al., 1965) in five plants (one leaf per plant) per treatment. When crease at 38 DAWD (Fig. 2c and e). In FX3864, the appearance of positive L-
necessary, latex extravasated by petiole was removed using a paper and K-bands occurred only at 36 DAWD (Fig. 2d and f). Notably, at 38
towel. DAWD, the maximum values for both the L- and K-bands were higher for

A.R. Falqueto et al. Scientia Horticulturae 224 (2017) 238–243

Fig. 2. Fluorescence induction OJIP curves with

double normalization between Fo and FM [VOP =
(FT − F0)/(FM − F0)] plotted on logarithmic time
scale from 10 μs to 1 s (A and B), kinetic differences
of VOK (C and D) and VOJ (E and F) obtained after
double normalization between the steps O–K
[ΔVOK = VOK(treatment) − VOK(control)] and O–J
[ΔVOJ = VOJ(treatment) − VOJ(control)], respectively, of
two rubber genotypes RRIM600 (A, C and E) and
FX3864 (B, D and F) submitted to an imposed water
stress during 38 days. Values are means for 12

FX3864 than for RRIM600 (approximately 0.08–0.12 and 0.08–0.16 for stress and a significant decrease in values was observed at 36 DAWD
ΔVOK and ΔVOJ in RRIM600 and FX3864, respectively). (Fig. 4).
For the RRIM600 rubber clone, no significant change relative to
control was observed in the values of initial fluorescence (F0) until 36 4. Discussion
DAWD (Fig. 3a). However, at 36 DAWD, F0 values were significantly
higher for FX3864 than for the control (Fig. 3b). Both clones reached The decrease in Ψw values observed at 38 DAWD represents a re-
the maximum values of F0 at 38 DAWD (750 and 700 for FX3864 and duction of approximately four-fold compared to control plants, which
RRIM600, respectively). There was no significant variation in the could be observed in the form of wilting, leaf fall, and desiccation of
maximum fluorescence (Fm) values (data not shown). Nevertheless, seedlings. Ψw values are used to assess the severity of water deficit and
water deficit reduced the maximum quantum yield for primary photo- may not change under moderate drought stress (Lee et al., 2016). A
chemistry (Fv/Fm) values, starting from 36 and 28 DAWD in RRIM600 previous study reported that under drought stress, no change in Ψw was
and FX3864, respectively (Fig. 3c and d). observed in mung bean plants (Vigna radiata L.) owing to an increased
The specific energy fluxes expressed per RC, ABS/RC (absorption), leaf turgor potential (Afzal et al., 2014). In the present study, a similar
and DI0/RC (dissipation) values are presented in Fig. 3e–h. Relative to observation regarding Ψw values in both rubber tree clones maintained
the control, the ABS/RC and DI0/RC of the FX3864 plants under water under water deficit could be related to two factors: similar water-con-
deprivation increased at 36 and 38 DAWD, whereas differences in ABS/ ducting capacity and similar stomatal behavior in response to a specific
RC were only observed at 38 DAWD in RRIM600 (Fig. 3e–h). For hydraulic signal (Sinclair et al., 2008). Gomes et al. (2012) reported
FX3864, DI0/RC values were higher at 38 DAWD compared to RRIM600 similar results when comparing the water status between two passion
(1.7 and 0.8 for FX3864 and RRIM600, respectively). The performance fruit cultivars (FB200 and FB300) growing under water deficit.
index (PItotal) behaved similarly between the two clones under drought Guimarães et al. (2006) and Santos et al. (2010) reported that small

A.R. Falqueto et al. Scientia Horticulturae 224 (2017) 238–243

900 Fig. 3. Initial fluorescence (F0–A,B), maximum quantum yield for

(A) Water deficit (B) Water deficit primary photochemistry (Fv/Fm – C,D), specific energy fluxes of ab-
Control Control sorption (ABS/RC – E,F) and dissipation (DI0/RC – G,H) expressed per
800 RC of two rubber genotypes RRIM600 (A, C, E and G) and FX3864 (B,
D, F and H) submitted to an imposed water stress during 38 days. The
750 b b values correspond to the average ± standard errors for 12 plants.
700 The small letters indicate significant difference between days of water
Fo (a.u.)

650 ab deprivation (to plants control, no significant difference was observed

a between days). Asterisks indicate significant difference (p ≤ 0.05)
a a a
between treatments (irrigated and non-irrigated plants).
500 *
* *
(C) (B)

0.78 a a a
a a
Fv/Fm (a.u.)

0.66 * a



(E) (F) c

3 a

a b
ABS/RC (a.u.)

a a a
1.8 a

1.2 * * *


(G) (H) b


1.2 b
DIo/RC (a.u.)

0.9 ab

0.6 a a
a a
* *
0 28 36 38 0 28 36 38
Days after water deprivation

variations in Ψw may be verified after water deficit when plants activate photochemical mechanisms that may be involved in the physiological
tolerance mechanisms, such as the synthesis and accumulation of responses of the two rubber tree clones subjected to drought stress as
compounds with osmotic activity, modifications in volumetric elastic well as the site of action of drought stress on the electron transport
modulus (ε) that increase or decrease the cell wall rigidity, and the chain in each rubber clone. In this study, the effects of drought stress on
formation of small cells (Chaves et al., 2003; Lambers et al., 2008; the CF transient parameters for RRIM600 and FX3864 rubber clones are
Redillas et al., 2011). presented in Figs. 2–4. Under water deficit, the electron transference in
Despite the similar behavior of Ψw values between the two rubber PSII beyond QA was delayed and this physiological event should result
clones, the effects of water deficit differentially affected the photo- in a fast increase of the J-step level. The increase in fluorescence in-
chemical parameters of the plants, as analyzed through CF transient tensity at the J-step level is interpreted as a decrease in electrons
measurements. This allowed for a comparison between the transported beyond reduced QA or to the peak concentrations of QA−QB

A.R. Falqueto et al. Scientia Horticulturae 224 (2017) 238–243

4 Fig. 4. Performance index (PItotal) of two rubber genotypes RRIM600

(A) Water deficit (B) Water deficit (A) and FX3864 (B) submitted to an imposed water stress during
b b
3.5 Control Control 38 days. The values correspond to the average ± standard errors for
ab 12 plants. The small letters indicate significant difference between
3 days of water deprivation. Asterisks indicate significant difference
a a
PItotal (a.u.)

(p ≤ 0.05) between treatments (irrigated and non-irrigated plants).

2.5 a a

b b
b b
1 a
a a
0.5 a
* * * *
0 28 36 38 0 28 36 38

Days after water deprivation

(Haldiman and Strasser, 1999; Chen et al., 2015). In general, the ac- the total number of photons absorbed by chlorophyll molecules from all
cumulation of reduced QA− is a common response for plants exposed to RCs divided by the total number of active RCs, and is affected by the
environmental stress, specifically drought stress. ratio of active:inactive RCs. There are two possible explanations for the
To elucidate the differences in drought tolerance between RRIM600 increase in ABS/RC: (1) the increase in apparent antenna size or (2) the
and FX3864, the relative fluorescence between the steps O and K (VOK) decrease in active RC, i.e., by being transformed into QA-reducing
and O and J (VOJ) were normalized and are shown as the kinetic dif- centers (Strasser and Stirbet, 1998; Yusuf et al., 2010). In this study, the
ference ΔVOK and ΔVOJ, respectively, permitting us to identify the ap- second explanation gives us some insight into the increase in ABS/RC
pearance of the L- and K-bands. The L-band is an indicator of energetic because changes in the L-band were observed after water deprivation in
connectivity or grouping between PSII units. Positive L-band values are both rubber clones, particularly in FX3864, for which highly positive L-
interpreted as lower energetic connectivity or weakened use of the band values were observed. The higher values observed in the FX3864
excitation energy and reduced stability of the system (Strasser and rubber clone confirm its higher sensitivity to drought treatment. The
Stirbet, 1998; Strasser et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2016). Further, the same observation using JIP-test parameters for stressed plants has been
inactivation of the OEC and/or an increase in the functional PSII an- reported elsewhere (Gomes et al., 2012).
tenna size result from positive K-band values (Yusuf et al., 2010). In In general, high DI0/RC values associated with reduced values of Fv/
FX3864 clone, a larger difference in the L- and K-bands between the Fm is linked to the occurrence of photoinhibition in plants (Martins
control (day zero) and stressed plants was observed only at 36 DAWD. et al., 2015; Hazratia et al., 2016), because reductions in Fv/Fm occur
However, at 38 DAWD, the values of both the L- and K-bands were when the structure and function of PSII is impaired by stress (Souza
higher in FX3864 than in RRIM600. The higher L- and K-band values et al., 2004). In this physiological condition, protective mechanisms are
after 38 DAWD suggest greater damage to the energy connectivity or overwhelmed by water deprivation, resulting in membrane-related
grouping between PSII units and to the OEC, respectively. These results damage (Souza et al., 2004). The maximum quantum yield of PSII
indicate that FX3864 is able to maintain the balance between the photochemistry is widely considered a sensitive indicator of environ-
electrons at the acceptor and donor sites within PSII when subjected to mental stress (Lee et al., 2016). In this sense, the absorbed energy by
moderate water stress (28 DAWD) but not to severe stress (38 DAWD). the photosynthetic system was released as heat, as shown by the vari-
In plants, certain physiological mechanisms are activated to protect the able DI0/RC values. These results indicate a higher photoinhibition in
photosynthetic apparatus from stress. Osmoregulation appears to be an the FX3864 rubber clone, considering the reduction in electron trans-
efficient mechanism protecting the OEC of plants during water deficit port and an increased deviation of absorbed light energy as heat or
and high salinity (De Ronde et al., 2004), explaining the differences in fluorescence (Araújo and Deminicis, 2009). In addition, the photo-
OEC stability between different plants and conditions. L- and K-bands inhibition for this clone may be due to the absence of anthocyanin
with positive amplitudes were previously recorded for unicellular green pigments in its leaves which play a photoprotective role. Reductions in
algae (Scenedesmus obliquus) (Strasser, 1997), barley (Oukarroum et al., Fv/Fm are characteristics of drought events. Ennajeh et al. (2009) ex-
2007), transgenic Brassica juncea plants overexpressing the γ-TMT gene amined olive tree cultivars both tolerant and sensitive to drought and
(Yusuf et al., 2010), rice (Redilhas et al., 2011), and passion fruit also found a decline in Fv/Fm as desiccation became more severe. Re-
(Gomes et al., 2012). ductions in Fv/Fm imply reduced efficiency of the photochemical con-
The behavior of F0 differed between genotypes, with FX3864 de- version process, which may suggest possible damage and inhibition of
monstrating a higher sensitivity to water deprivation (notably, F0 va- PSII activity (Martins et al., 2015). Finally, an increase in the ABS/RC
lues increased from 36 DAWD for FX3864). The cause of the increase in and DI0/RC ratios, combined with the reduction in Fv/Fm, resulted in a
F0 is likely an inhibition of the PSII reaction center, which inhibits the decrease in PItotal for both rubber clones. PItotal values represent the
electron flow from QA to QB and decreases the efficiency of energy energy flow efficiency of the photosynthetic transport chain (Yusuf
trapping at PSII. According to Strasser and Strasser (1995), an increase et al., 2010). PItotal is closely related to the overall growth and survival
in F0 has been associated with rapidly reversible damage to the D1 of plants under stress conditions and has been described as a very
protein linked to PSII. In this study, the increase of F0 observed mainly sensitive parameter for the JIP-test (Martins et al., 2015). Similar re-
in FX3864, was further reflected by a significant increase in the ABS/RC sults were described by Sousa et al. (2014) in rice plants after exposure
and DI0/RC ratios relative to the control. In the present study, the ABS/ to herbicides.
RC ratio increased by approximately 62% and 126% after 36 and 38
DAWD, respectively. In RRIM600, the ratio only increased at 38 DAWD 5. Conclusion
and was approximately 50% of the control. Similarly, on the day of
maximum stress, the DI0/RC ratio increased by approximately 247% The decrease in Ψw values had a significant effect on the photo-
and 695% in RRIM600 and FX3864, respectively. chemical activity of rubber tree seedlings, reducing the photosynthetic
According to Mehta et al. (2010), the ABS/RC ratio is calculated as performance, although the Ψw values had the same progression

A.R. Falqueto et al. Scientia Horticulturae 224 (2017) 238–243

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