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‘Add'new plant-themed options with this supplement ¥ a> * for the world’s greatest roleplaying game ri \s CREDITS PREFACE BouTNINE HOMEBREW Inthe worlds of D&D, plant-themed creatures and classes are hard to ‘come by. This supplement aims to change tha, providing new plant- themed options for player characters, aswell as new plant ereatures for those players to face. If your Dungeon Master allows, these options ‘may be used in any of your campaigns BoltNine Designers: Braggadouchio, AshenG'T, Jonoman3000 Producer: Jonoman3000 Proofreading: Braggadouchio Reviewing: lucidobservor, Toothless_Night_Fury, DnDSe, BomToDoStut Artists: Kekai Kota (Iustrated the Cove, Silva, Awakened Bligh’, TABLE OF CONTENTS Path of the Blighted, Collegeof the Ancients, Circe of the Seedling can : Spel List, Chaper4 Cove, Forest Dragon, Mossdog, and Vine Wisp) Chris Rahn (Illustrated Bridge of Branches spell.) pe. 7 Igor Kierylk (Iustrated the Way of Thoms) Awakened Blight 4 Unknown stated the Seedmaster Cuaprer 2: SuscLasses 6 Barbarian: Path ofthe Blighted. 6 Bard: College ofthe Ancient 7 Dui: Circle othe Seedling 8 Monk: Way of Thoms 9 Ranger: Seedmaster. 10 (CHaPrer 3: SPELLS. Spell List. Spell Descriptions Cuaprer 4: CREATURES. Battlebrar Blighted Husk Forest Dragon Mossdog. 20 Sporeback Frog. 20 Thor Giant, 20 Vine Terror, 21 Vine Wisp. ©) ON THE Cover 1g upon the now-blighted fo | Thom Giant stands tall against the forces of nature and purity, awakening blights throughout ‘once pure and pristine forests inthis seene illustrated by Kekai Kotak (Created November 2015 Dic: Bolin Homebrew is ot espns fr ay pees etn by moods, vine rar, wiped by lasing ve, conse by carvers plan, o ayo he on. ‘ar romanter he DM mento a rc re eon al ey Ea ens ore ee and mercy alte pre tne si CHAPTER 1: RACES HIS CHAPTER PRESENTS TWO NEW RACES TO supplement those in the Player's Handbook: the Silva and the Awakened Blight. These new options are available when ‘you make a character, provided that your DM allows them in ‘your campaign, SILVA Living in grand cities atop the tallest forests, the Silva, often misnamed as “Green Elves,” are an ancient race that lok like tll, humanoid hal plant, half-elves. n actuality, they ae far more similar to the former than the latter. They hail from only the greatest forests and jungles - the only places that can support their Mother Trees. BORN FROM NATURE The Silva do not reproduce like the other races, Instead, they are born from the seed-pods of giant tres, called “Mother Trees.” These trees average around 400 to 500 feet in height, with the base of the trunk being about 20-25 fet in diameter. Each Silva city has one or two of these trees, which are always positioned near the centr of the city: These tees grow a new Silva once a month, Foran average of 12a year. When a Silva is released from ther sed pod, which they stay in for about a year, they are already flly grown, BARK AND LEAF The Silva do not merely look lke plants - they are plants. They do not nd they wither when they are without water and sunlight fora Tong period of ime, They can consume food, but they prefer get their nourishment from photosynthesis. ced to consume food to survive, Silva biology is very different from any other race. They do not have Jnermal organs, but instead are formed from growing plant mater, with sap for blood, and leaves and bark fr skin. A jaw, for example, can be formed by leave, vines, or even shards of bark that grow and press together to form the silhouette of a jaw, but if you look closely you can still see the fibers and holes ofthe structure. Instead of bones, an arm is ‘mass of tghily-woven stems and leaves that work together to do the work of such a limb. [As the year goes on, the Silva change with the season, During the Winter, their leaves go brown and ther limbs become sti. In the fall they become a vibrant display of reds and yellows, Canopy CITIES ‘When they approach a Silva city, a ground-dweller might not even notice. Their cites exist high within the canopies of the forest, dominated by their Mother Tree. Under the shelter oftheir lush foliage, the Silva have made ther homes in these verdant, multi-level cities ‘composed entirely of plants, RULE OF THE NINE ‘The Nine are the frst Silva, initially bom over 4000 years ago. Although they live tothe normal age of Silva, about 150-250 years, their memories are passed on when they die, Whenever one of the Nine dis, they will be reborn exactly one year later. When they are reborn, they do not intially remember ther past lives. IF they are discovered carly, they canbe “trained” to remember their past lives within a ‘month. For those that aren't found early, they slowly regain memories cover the course of 2-5 years The Nine are considered gods on earth, and they are given the divine right to rue, considering their millennia experience. They rule fom the largest Mother Tre, which is about 700 feet tal SiLva NAMES The Silva have shor, concise names, merely used as identifiers more than anything. They do not have family or clan names, though some popular names are reused often, Male Names: Abur, Banva, Chonai, Dampunts, Guta, Jara, Magny, Qachaa, Tachu, Targay Female Names: Choque, Chuaea, Coca, Culla, Cua, Ollsill, Pol, Rima, Sica, Sisuyo. Siva TraITs ‘Asa Silva, you have the following unique traits: Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score inereases by 2, and yout Constitution score increases by 1 Age. Silva emerge from their pods fully grown, and live an average 0 150-250 years, Alignment. Most silva are good, and many lean towards lawfulness. Most city-folk are lawful, though afew adventurers may be chaotic, Size. Silva are about 6 fet tall. Their bodies are lightweight, weighing 100-130 pounds. Your size is Medium Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 fect. Photosynthesis. You do not need to sleep while in sunlight. Instead, you ean choose to sunbathe For 4 hours a day, While sunbathing, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exerises, that have become reflexive through years of practice, After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep, and you are considered flly nourished for the rest of the day. you do not get the opportunity to sunbathe, you can stil sleep and eat normally. When you do so, you consume the same amount of food and slep forthe same length as a human, Darkvision. Accustomed to the dark canopies of your homeland, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions, You ean see in dim tight within 60 feet of you asi it were bright light, and in darkness asi it were dim light. You cant discem coor in darkness, only shades of gray Call ofthe Forest. You know the drulderaf caatrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the entangle spell once per day. Once you reach Sth Ievel, you can also cast the plant growth spell once per day. ‘Wisdom is your spllcasting ability for these spells. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan, AWAKENED BLIGHT Awakened plants gifted with the powers of intelligence and mobility, blights plague lands contaminated by darkness. “Awakened” Blights are those blights which have ascended to even greater intelligence and power. Akhough most sil follow ther evil masters, the awakened nes are able to stay ftom that path ithey so desire. Although they are not necessarily evil, an Awakened Blight is stil feared and hunted wherever they go, Most races ofthe world do not consider awakened blights race, but instead consider them monstrosities. ROOTS OF THE GULTHIAS TREE Legends tell ofa vampire named Gulthias who worked terible magic and raised up an abominable tower called Nightfang Spire, Gulthias was undone when a hero plunged a wooden stake through his heart, but asthe vampire was destroyed, his blood infused the stake witha Areadfal power. In ime, tendrils of new growth sprouted from the ‘wood, growing into a sapling infused withthe vamp {is said that a mad druid discovered the sapling, transplanting it to an underground grotto wher it could grow. From this Gultias tree eame the seeds fom which the first blights were sown, ' evil essence. It Dark Conquest Wherever a tre or plant is contaminated by a fragment of an evil mind or power, a Gulthias tree can rise o infest and comupt the surounding forest. Its evil spreads through root and soil to other plant, which Perish or transform into blights. As those blights spread, they poison and uproot healthy plans, replacing them with brambles toxic weeds, and others of ther kind, In time, an infestation of blights can turn any land or forest into a place of coreuption. In forests infested with bight, tees and plants grow with supematural speed. Vines and undergrowth rapidly spread through buildings and overrun trails and roads. After blights have killed or driven off their inhabitants, whole villages can disappear in the space of days. EviL HERITAGE ‘Awakened Blights are independent creatures, but most ae still influenced by ther evil past. They tend towards te evil alignments, and ate most often not welcome in civilized places. tis in their nature to carry on the evil legacy of ther forefathers, AWAKENED BLIGHT NAMES When Blights awaken, dhey generally take on any name that they have heard, Their names may be based off of elves, dwarves, humans, hallings- any race tha they have encountered ‘Asan Awakened Blight, you have the following traits: Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution seore inreases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1 Age. Blights become awakened a few years after they are grow, i they become awakened a all. They generally live under 60 years after they ae awakened Alignment, Most Awakened Blights retain thet serving th are generally neutral, not tending, towards either chaotic or lawl wil nature, sill ancient evils, Th ‘Size, Awakened Blight are about 5 150-200 pounds. Your size is Medium. ‘Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Blindsight. Possessing no teal eyes, Awakened Blights have adapted to see without them. You gain Blindsight with a radius of 120 fet However, you are blind beyond this radius. Constricting Vines. You know the thorn whip cantip, Whenever you cast this cantrip and use itt bring a creature within 5 feet of you, you can use a bonus ation to attempt to grapple the target. Natural Armor. Your skin is made of thick bark and vines, When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC is equal to 12 + your Dexterity modifier. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other Janguage of your choice. 6 feet tall They weigh about CHAPTER 2: SUBCLASSES HIS CHAPTER PRESENTS FIVE NEW SUBCLASSES TO, supplement those i the Player's Handbook: Path ofthe Blighted, College ofthe Ancients, Circle ofthe Seedling, Way /of Thoms, and Seedmaster. These new options are available when you gain a subclass, provided that your DM allows them in your campaign. PRIMAL PATHS Rage bums in every barbaran's heat, a furnace that drives him or her barbarians attribute their rage to different sources, however, These sources are separated into different Paths. toward greatness, Different PATH OF THE BLIGHTED The Path ofthe Blighted isa path of unholy origi, traced back tothe same origin ofthe lights: the Gulthias Tree, By gaining power from this evil source, you can channel your rage to shift your physical form, becoming a monstrous abomination of vines and branches, While transformed, you engulf and constiet your enemies as you tar them pan. BLIGHTED TRANSFORMATION Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level you become a blighted monster when you rage. For whenever you sueeessflly grapple a eeatute you can choose 10 the duration of your ra constrict them with vines, causing them to be restrained forthe duration of the grapple Whenever you take damage while restraining a creature in this manner, you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw to maintain the restrained condition. The ama 1C equals 10 oF the e you take, whichever number is higher. On «failed save, the restrained condition ends until the end of the creature's next tur, though they stil remain grappled. FALSE APPEARANCE Beginning at 6th level, your body is now able to become ‘temporarily plantlike. As an action, you can camoulage asthe bark of a ‘yourself against the surface ofa plant, such tree large bush, or an are of thick vines. When you dos, ‘you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check with advantage, remaining camouflaged until you move o take an ation BLIGHTED VINES At 10th level, whenever you rage you can cast the harm whip antrip 1888 bonus action on your turn, Constitution is your spellastng ability for this spell ‘Additionally, you no longer have to make Constitution saving throws to avoid ending the restrained condition from your Blighted Transformation fetur The restrained condition now lass forthe duration ofthe grapple REACTIVE TENDRILS Starting at 14th level, wh within $ feet of you, you can use your reaction to release grasping vines atthe attacker, attempting fo grapple the target ever you take damage from a creature BARD COLLEGES The way of bard is gregarious. Bards seek each other out to swap songs and stories boas of their accomplishments and share their knowledge. Bards form loose association, which they call colleges, to facilitate their gatherings and preserve their traditions. COLLEGE OF THE ANCIENTS Bards ofthe College of Ancients have deep knowledge in the area of nature magi, and they often wander the wildemess, collecting knowledge on the magic ofthe earth, They are most often wandering singers and skal, traveling through ancient forests and long abandoned roads, often singing to nobody at all. They wish, fist and foremost, to protect and honor nature. They tell tales of great floods and good harvests, tremendous storms and frightening gales. They leam to be one with nature BONUS PROFICIENCIES \Whea you join the College of Ancients at 3rd level, you gain proficieney with medium armor, shields, andthe Nature sil ‘WorDs OF THE ANCIENTS Also at 3rd level, you learn how to command plants to grasp at the heels of your foes, impeding their movement, When a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you begins moving, you can se your reaction to expend one of your uses of Barc Inspiration, rolling a Bardie Inspiration die and reducing the creature's speed by a number of fet ‘equal tothe number rolled x 5 until the end oftheir turn. This cannot reduce a creature's speed below 5 feet HAND OF THE ANCIENTS Starting at 6th level, you can cast Gaca’s Hand at wil, without expending a spell slot or material components SONG OF AWAKENING At ith level, you learn an ancient melody that can awaken a small ‘on-magical shrub, While standing next to a shrub, you may sing for 1 ‘minute and roll a Bardic Inspiration de, awakening the shrub and aun the number rolled as temporary hitpoints for the creature, hich uses the statistics forthe awakened shrub. The shrub remains awakened and under your command until you complete along rest at which point it retums to being a normal plant ‘Asa bonus ation on your tum, you can command the shrubs to ‘move and use their ations. Additionally, whenever you cast a spel, an awakened shrub ean deliver the spell as iit had east the spell. The shrub must be within 60 feet of you, and it must seis reaction to deliver the spell wen you cast it. I'he spell requires an attack rll, you use your attack modifier forthe rll DRUID CIRCLES “Though their organization is invisible to most outsiders, druids are part ‘Fa society that spans the land, ignoring political borders. All druids are nominally members ofthis druid society, though some individuals ae so isolated that they have never seen any high-ranking ‘members ofthe society or participated in druidie gatherings. Druids recognize each other as brothers and sisters. Like creatures ofthe wilderness, however, druids sometimes compete with or even prey on ‘each other ‘Ata local scale, druids are organized into circles that share certain perspectives on nature, balance, and the way ofthe deuid. CIRCLE OF THE SEEDLING Druids of the Circle of the Seedling delve more completely into the ancient rituals and hidden knowledge of plant magi. These druids ‘meet together in thei Plant Wild Shape, sharing their wisdom and arcane seerets with each other in Druidic, while appearing to just be a small bunch of shrubs and tres. AS a member of this circle, your ‘magic allows you tobe one with your suroundings, gaining intricate ‘contol over the plant around you PLANT WILD SHAPE ‘When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain the ability to use Wild Shape to assume the shape ofa plant creature When you transform into a plant creature, the Max CR that you can, zsform into is inreased to |, Starting at 6th level, you ean transform into Plant with a challenge rating as high as your druid level divided by 3, rounded down PLANTSPEAKER ‘Also at 2nd level, when you are transformed into a plant creature you. gain the ability to command nearby mundane plans. Asan action, you ‘can turn dificult terrain eaused by plant growth into ordinary tern in 5 foot adius centered on you, or you can turn ordinary terrain where plants are present into dificult terrain in aS foot radius centered on you. After 10 minute duration, the plants retum to their original ‘condition. ‘Additionally, while you are transformed into plant creature you ignore difficult terran caused by plants ‘Tae Root Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to root yourself inthe ground hile in your normal form, forming a protective armor of bark around Yourself: As an action on your tur, you ean root yourself in the ‘ground, reducing your speed to 0 and granting you advantage on ‘checks made to avoid being moved, Until you end this effect using your bonus action o fall unconscious, you have a-+! bonus to AC and resistance to slashing, bludgeoning and piercing damage from rnon-magical weapons, ‘SPORE SOVEREIGN ‘At LOth level, you gain the ability wo release spores while in your normal form. You gain 2 different types of spores, detailed below. Rapport Spores. As an action, you create a 30-fo0t radius of spores, ‘which extends from your positon, These spores can go around comers and affect only creatures with an Intelligence of2or higher tht areat undead, constructs, or elementals Affected creatures can communicate telepathically with one another while they are within 30 feet of each other. The effect lass fr 1 hour. Poison Spores. Asan action, you gjet spores a a creature within S fet of you, The ereature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw orbe poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each ofits tums, ending the condition on a success. Once the reature succeeds on its saving throw, it becomes immune to these spores for | minute ONE WITH THE FOREST Starting at 14th level, you gain the ability to east barkskin, speak with planus, and arm of the wild without expending a spel slot or materi components, MONASTIC TRADITIONS ‘There are many monasteries spread throughout the land. Most of them follow the basic three traditions, but there are other monasteries, deep within the forests, which follow small and forgoten traditions Way OF THORNS ‘You follow a monastic tradition that teaches you to hares the power of nature. Nature has become an extension of yourself, and you have leamed to use it to great effect. By following this Way, you learn techniques to manipulate plants, allowing them to bend to your will and aid you both in combat and out of DISCIPLE OF THE WILDS When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you learn magical disciplines that hamess the power of nature. A discipline requires you to spend ki poins each time you use it ‘You know the Natural Attunement discipline and one other nature iseiplne of your choice, which are detailed in the "Nature Disciplines" section below. You lear one additional nature discipline of your choice at 6th, Hthand 17% level. ‘Whenever you lear a new natural discipline you can also replace one nature discipline that you already know with a differen discipline Casting Nature Spells. Some nature disciplines allow you to cast, spells. To east one ofthese spells, you use its easing time and other rules, bt you don't need to provide material components fori ‘Once you reach Sth level in this elas, you can spend additional ki points to increase the level of a nature discipline spell that you cast, provided that the spell has an enhanced effet ata higher level, as slicing Teaves does. The spell’ level inereases by 1 foreach additonal ki point you spend. For example, ifyou ar a Sth-level monk and use Nature's ‘Weapon fo cas slicing leaves, you can spend 3 ki points to cast it asa 2nd-level spell (the disipline’s base cost of2 ki points plus 1), ‘The maximum numberof ki points you can spend to cast spell in this way including its base ki point cost and any adlitional ki points you spend to increase its level) is determined by your monk level. as shown inthe Spells and Ki Points table. SPELLS AND Ki POINTS. Monk Levels “Maximum Ki Points for a Spell, 3 4 13th-L6th 5 17th-2008 6 NaTuRE DIscIPLINES ‘The nature disciplines are presented in alphabetical order. Ifa discipline requires a level, you must be that level in this class to learn the discipline Breath of Pain (60h Level Required). You can spend 3 ki points 10 cast spray of thorns Bridge of Spring, You can spend 2 ki points to east bridge of branches. Earthen Restraints. You can spend 2ki points to east entangle. Fang of the Earth (6th Level Required). You can spend 3 i points to cast explosive seed, Felling Strike (11th Level Required). You can spend 4 Ki points to cast el Hidden Grove. You can spend 2 ki points to cast overgrowth; Natural Attunement. You can use your action to briefly control the natural world, causing one of the following effects of your choice + Create a harmless, instantaneous sensory effect related to nature, such as the smell of flowers, a rumbling of tree branches, or the brush of fling leaves. *+ Cause a plant’ flowers to blossom or frit to ripen + Change the color of'a plant for 1 minute, choosing a portion ofthe plant that ean fit in aS cube, + Cause a plant that can fit within a Sf. cube to shape itself into a crude form you designate for 1 minute Nature's Commune. You can spend 2ki points to cast rapport spores ‘Nature's Weapon. You can spend 2 ki points to cast slicing leaves ‘Shewering Fist (Ith Level Required). You can spend 4 ki points to ‘east shewering branch. ‘SUride ofthe Dryad (170h Level Required). You ean spend 6 ki points to cast tre sri. ‘Striking Vine (6th Level Required). You can spend 3 i points to cast arm of the wild. Treant’s Fist (17th Level Required). Vou can spend Ski points to ‘east ee strike Wave of Thorns (Ith Level Required). You can spend 4 ki points to cast engulfing thorns Verdant Grasp (17th Level Required), You can spend 5 ki po cast grasping vine. Verdant Hand. You can spend 2 ki points to cast gaea's hand. The hand uses your unarmed strike damage as its damage die. RANGER ARCHETYPES ‘As an expansion to the two clasic ranger archetypes, this pack provides the Seedmaster SEEDMASTER ‘The Seedmaster archetype serves as an alternate path tothe Beastmaster archetype, instead growing « bond between a smal plant ‘creature and the ranger, The ranger and the plant work as one to fight ‘off forces of evil and destruction. Seedmaster rangers lovingly cultivate their magic seedlings, forming an almost pt-like bond between themselves and the animated plant, Macic SEEDLING ‘Atrd level, you learn a ritual that creates a magical bond between yourself and a small seedling. You perform the ritual over the ‘course of 1 hou, which can be done during a short rest. At the ‘conclusion of this ritual, the seedling gains magical powers that you can activate. ‘As abonus action, you may throw the seedling up to 30 fet, which then roos itself int the ground where it lands, The seedling has 10-+ your proficiency bonus AC and hitpoints equal to 10 + your ranger level, and ‘cannot move until you safely unroot it using aT minute ritual. Ith seedling is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it withers back into a small seed which cannot be deployed again until you complete along rest. Once the seedling is planted, you lear the following commands Thorn Strike. Asa borus action, you can command the seedling to shoot a thorn at an enemy within 30 fet of it that you can see. Make a ranged spel attack against that enemy. On a hit, the target takes 1d Piercing damage, ‘This damage increases by 1d4 when you reach Sth Tevel (244), 11th level (3d4), and 170h level (404) Trip Awack. When a creature that you can see moves within 5 feet ‘of the seedling, you may use your rection to command the seedling to trip that creature, The creature must suoceed on a Dexterity saving throw oF fall prone POWER OF THE SEED ‘ALTIh level, you can either upgrade the seeding’s Thorn strike or Trip attack feature Thorn Strike Upgrade. Whenever Thom irik hits an enemy, your next attack against that enemy is made with advantage Trip Attack Upgrade. Trip Adack's range increases to 15 feet, UNCANNY STRIKES ‘Beginning at 1th level, your seedling has advantage onal ofits Thorn ‘Strikes, and creatures have disadvantage on the saving throw agtinst Trip Auack NATURE'S BOND Starting at 15th level, you can use your action to see and hear out of your seedling as long as you are onthe same plane of existence until, the end of your next tum, ‘Additionally, you may perform the unrootng ritual from anywhere ‘on the same plane of existence as your Seedling, teleporting the sed buck to your hand CHAPTER 3: SPELLS HIS CHAPTER OFFERS NEW SPELLS FOR MANY OF FY theclasses inthe Player's Handbook. The spels provide _various ways to harness the powers of nature andthe wild Na Your DM determines whether these spells are available at character ereation, whether they are discovered ina treasure trove, or whethcr you stumble upon them in an ancient library or other storehouse of magical knowledge SPELL LIsTS ‘The following spell lists show which of the new spells ae fora class. A spell’ school of magic is noted in parentheses afer its name. Ifa spel canbe cast as a ritual, the ritual tg also appears within the parentheses. Barb SPELLS ‘canrains (otevet) Bonding vine (conjuration) Grasping sprout (conjuration) ssrLevet Bridge of branches (transmutation, ritual) Overgrowth (conjuration) apport spores (conjuration) ‘STicing leaves (ranstnutation) anpLevet Arm ofthe wild (eansmutation) ro Level Enguifing thorns (conjuration) Spray of thorns (conjuraton) ar tever Cloud of spores (conjuation) sma Lever ‘Mind spore (conjuration) CLERIC SPELLS ‘canrauns (o.evet) Bonding vine (conjuration) Thor shield (conjuration) ssrLevet Bridge of branches (transmutation, ritual) ‘Rapport spores (conjuration) aro eve Fell (evocation) Spray of thorns (conjuraton) sma Levet ‘ Mind spore (conjuration) DRUID SPELLS ‘canraups (oueveL) Bonding vine (conjration) Grasping sprout (conjuration) Piercing thorn (conjuraton) ‘Mold plant (transmutation) Thorn shield (conjuration) ssrtevet Bridge of branches (wansmutation, ritual) Gaea’s hand (conjuration) Overgrowth (conjuration) Rapport spores (conjuration) ‘Slicing leaves (transmutation) ap LeveL Arm of the wild (transmutation) Explosive seed (conjuration) aro Levet Engulfng thorns (conjuration) ‘Skewering branch (conjuration) ‘Spray of thorn (conjuraion) carn Lever Cloud of spores (conjuration) Tree sre (transmutation) sri Lever Mind spore (conjuration) Conjure plant creature (conjuration) ‘om Leve Dryad's leap (conjuration) PALADIN SPELLS 2ND LEVEL ‘Sporecaller's smite (evocation) RANGER SPELLS ssrtevet Gaea's hand (conjaration) ‘Slicing leaves (transmutation) ap Lave Arm of the wild (transmutation) sro Levet Enguling thorns (conjuration) Felt (evocation) ‘Skewering branch (conjuration) Spray of thorns (conjuration) en (ransmutation) sta Lever Conjure plant creature (conjuration) SORCERER SPELLS WARLOCK SPELLS ‘Cawrauns (o.evet) Canraips (o.evel) Bonding vin (conjuration) Bonding vine (conjuration) Piercing thorn (conjuraton) Piercing thorn (conjuraton) Mol plan (tansmutation) pete asrlevet Gaea’s hand (conjuration) Bridge of branches (transmutation, ritual) Rapport spores (conjuration) Overgrowth (conjuration) Slicing leaves (transmutation) Rapport spores (conjuration) aan ‘STicing leaves (transmutation) Explosive seed (conjuration) ano LeveL Arm of the wild (ansmutation) Explosive seed (conjuration) seo Leva. Fa (evocation Stewering branch conuration snolevet pe) Espey ern (core ae 2 WIZARD SPELLS Fell (evocation) ‘Skewering branch (conjuration) Cantaips (oLever) arm ever Bonding vine conjuration) Cloud of spores (conjuation) Grasping sprout (conjuation) Tree strike (tnsmutation) Piercing thorn (conjuraton) Motd plant transmutation) Thorn shield (conjuration) ssrtevet Bridge of branches (transmutation, ritual) Gaca's hand (conjurtion) Overgrowl (conjuration) Rapport spores (onjuration) Slicing leaves (transmutation) ap LeveL Arm ofthe wild (transmutation) Explosive seed (conjuration) aro Levet Engulng thorns (conjuration) Felt (evocation) ‘Skewering branch (conjuration) Spray of thorns (conjuration) ara Lever Cloud of spores (conjuration) srw Lever Mind spore (conju Conjure plant creature (conjuration) a) SPELL DESCRIPTIONS “The spells are presented in alphabetical order ARM OF THE WILD 2nd-level ransmutation Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: Self Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, upto | minute, ‘You transform one of your arms into an extendable vine whose end Sticks to any surface that it touches. The arm cannot be used to wield “any objects or weapons. As you cast the spel and on every turn within the duration, you can make ether of the following actions Grab Creature, As 2 bonus action, you extend your vine arm forward, attempting to pull one creature you choose within 20 fet of| you. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be pulled 10 feet directly towards you Grab Surface. As either a bonus action on your tun or a reaction to ‘hen you fall, you extend your vine arm forward, pulling yourself to 8 hard surface such asa wall or ceiling within 20 feet of you. [this ‘movement would cause you to be suspended off the ground, you remain so until you taken action or the concentration ends BONDING VINE Conjuration cantrip Casting Time: Range: 20 fet ‘Components: V, S, M (a small twig) uration: Concentation, upto 1 minute bonus action Choose one ereture you can see within range, That creature must succeed on a Dexterity Saving throw of become connected to you with ‘magical vine. A ereature that you ae connected with must make a Strength saving throw whenever they attempt to move o a point more than 20 feet away from you. On a failed save, ther speed is reduced to 210 until the start oftheir next tum and they are knocked prone. On a successful save, the vine snaps, and they are feed BRIDGE OF BRANCHES Ist-level conuation (ritual) Casting Ti Range: Self ‘Components: V, S, M the branch ofa tree) Duration: | hour ‘You cause large branches to sprout from a surface, creating a ‘makeshift bridge upto 20 feet in length. The bridge ean hold up to 600 pounds at once, The bridge has AC 10 and 50 hit points, Ifthe bridge is reduced to zero hitpoints, the entre bridge collapses and immediately withers away At Higher Levels, When you cat this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level o higher, the bridge's length increases by 10 fet, its weight limit increases by 100 pounds, and its hit points increase by 25 foreach slot level above Ist. CLoup OF SporES Mlevel conjurtion Casting Time: | action Range: 60 fet ‘Components: V, S, M (a fungal spore) Duration: Instantaneous ‘You conjure a cloud of hallucination spores ina 10-foot cube within range, Each creature within the cube must succeed on a Constitution, ‘saving throw or take 38 poison damage and become poisoned for | ‘minute. A poisoned target is incapacitated while it halluinates. A ‘target ean repeat the saving throw atthe end of each ofits tums, ending the effect on itself on a success “At Higher Levels, When you cet this spell using a spel slot of Sth level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 fr each slot level above th CONJURE PLANT CREATURE Sth-level conjuration Casting Time: | minute Range: 90 fet ‘Components: V, S, M (a branch with leaves) Duration: Concentration, up t0 1 hour ‘You call forth a plant creature to serve you, Choose an are of plant life that fills a 10-foot cube within range. A plant creature of challenge rating Sor lower appears in an unoccupied space within 10 fect of it “The creature is friendly to you and your companions for the ‘duration. Rol initiative forthe creature, which has is own turns. ‘obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by ‘you)- Ifyou don' issue any commands to the ereature, it defends itself from hostile ereatures but otherwise takes no actions your concentration is broken, the plant creature doesn't disappear. Instead, you lose contol of it, it becomes hostile foward you and your ‘companions, and it ight attack. An uncontrolled creature cant be dismissed by you, and it disappears 1 hour after you summoned it. ‘The DM has the clemental’s statistics At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using spell slot of 6th level or higher, the challenge rating increases by | for each slot level above Sth Dryap’s LEAP fatstevelconjuration ‘Casting Times | action Range: 400 fect Components: V,S Duration: Concentration, upto 10 minutes You chose upto 10 Large or arger inanimate plants tht you can se within range. Forth dation, you and up to 10 ther creatures of your choice within range ean stp into one ofthese plants and exit from any ‘ofthe other plants targeted by tis spell by using $ feet of movement. ach erature may only use this ability once per round. “At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell sing a spel slot of 0h level or higher, the ange inteass by 200 fet and the maximum numberof plants and eeatures chosen inteass by 2 fr each slot level above th ENGULFING THORNS 3rd-level conjuration Casting Time: | action Range: 10 fet ‘Components: V, S, M (arose thorn) Duration: Concentration, up to | minute ‘You conjure thorny vines which grow along a line S feet wide and 10 fet long emanating from you ina direction you choose, engulfing everything they touch. A the start ofeach of your turns, the length of the line increases by 5 feet inthe same direction, For the duration, these vines tur the ground in that area to difficult terrain, When a creature enters the affected area for the first ime on a tum cor stars its tur thee, the creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 piercing damage and be restrained by the vines ntl the spel ends. ereature that starts its turn i the area and is already restrained by the vines takes 2d6 piercing damage and i pulled 5 feet in the divction thatthe vines are growing. ‘A creature restrained by the vines ean use its action to make & ‘Strength or Dexterity check (its choice) against your spell save DC. On a success, it Fees itself EXPLOSIVE SEED 2nde-level conjuration Casting Time: | action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous ‘You conjure an explosive seed and then throw ita ereatue within range, Make a ranged spell atiack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 44 fire damage. On both a hit ora miss, the seed drops tothe round and sizzles violently. At the start of your next tum, the seed explodes. Each creature in a 10-foot radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 24 fire damage on a filed save, or hal asmuch damage on a successful one. At Higher Levels, When you cast this spell using a spel slot of ed level or higher, the inital damage and the explosion damage each increase by Id foreach slot level above 2nd. FELL “nd-evel evocation Casting Time: | action Range: 30 fet Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous ‘You cause a non-magica ree to fall, damaging all creatures in its path, ‘You choose the direction that the re falls, and the area that it effets, changes depending on the height ofthe tre. You cannot target tree ‘witha diameter greater than 5 fet. Each creature within the line ofthe trunk must sucezed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 748 ng damage. The tree then remains onthe ground, providing cover for those behind Gaga’s HAND, Istlevelconjuration Casting Time: | action Range: 30 feet ‘Components: V, S, M (a vial of water) Duration: Concentration, upto | minute ‘You conjure a makeshift arm made of weeds and branches, which sprouts out ofa point within range. As you east the spel, you may give ‘a melee weapon tothe arm for ito fight with. The weapon given to it ‘must be a weapon ofa size you could wield, Otherwise, it deals 1d4 ‘damage on is attacks. ‘As a bonus action on your turn, you may command the arm to strike ‘foe within 10 feet oft, Make a meee spel attack. On abit, the target takes 1d4+your spelleasting ability modifier bludgeoning damage. If weapon was given tothe arm, it instead uses that weapon's damage die and damage type, GRASPING SPROUT Conjuration cantrip Casting Time: | bonus action Range: 30 fet ‘Components: V, S, M (a seedling) Duration: Concentration, up to | minute ‘You conjure a small vine with a reach of S fect. Whenever a creature enters its reach, you may use your reaction to have the sprout atempt to grasp atts heel, stopping its movement. The target must succeed ‘on a Dexterity saving throw or have their speed reduced to zero until the start of their next turn, MIND SPORE Sth-level conjuration ‘Casting Time: | action Range: 30 fet Components: V,S Duration: Until dispelled ‘You place a magical spor in someone's brain, The creture must succeed ona Constitution saving throw or become aexed by a Mind Spore. Ona succesful save, the eeature knows tha thas been targeted by a spell. Ona fled sve, tis completely oblivious At fint, the spore has no eect on the target However, itslowly rows overtime infecting he target's brain and eventually giving you ‘ontrol over them. The effects re listed below in the order they are iver: _Afler 10 days. You aways know the general location o the infected ‘creature as lng as you are on the same plane of existence, though you ‘donot know any specific information about that location. After 30 days. As a bonus ation, you can tea the infeted erste” s surface thoughts (those foremost in its min, reflecting is caren ‘motions and what itis actively thinking abou) as long a you are ‘the same plane of existence. Ifyou perform a 1 hour ital, you instead ‘ain access to any ofthat creature's thoughts since your inital easing ‘ofthe spell. the spell i dispeled at this point, the eeature takes SO psychic damage, a the spore has pataly melded with ther brain After I year. You gain the ability to east suggestion on the infected ‘reatur, without expending a spell sot or material components, as Tong as you are onthe same plane of existence. The ereature automatically fils the saving throw. Ifthe spells displed at this point, the creature takes 10d10 psychic damage, as the spore has neat completely melded with their brain. MOLD PLANT Transmutation canrip| Casting Time: | sction Range: 30 fet Components: S Duration: | hour ‘You choose a non-magical plant that you can see within range and that fs within a 10-foot cube. You manipulate it in one ofthe following ways + Change the color of the plant for 1 hour + Cause the plant to shape itselinto a form you designate. The plant’ branches and leaves may twist into words, create images, or shape into patterns. The changes lst for 1 hour + Ifthe plant you target is onthe ground, you cause ito become lifficult terran, Altematively, you can cause the plant to become normal terrain iit is already difficult terran, This change lasts for 1 howe Ifyou cast this spell multiple times, you ean have no more than two of its effects ative ata time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an ‘action OVERGROWTH Ise-level conjuration Casting Time: | action Range: 90 feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to | hour ‘You create a 10-foot rads area of thick overgrowth centered on a point within range. The sphere spreads around comers, and its area is heavily obscured and difficult eran. It ass forthe duration or uni it is destroyed, Ifthe overgrowth i lit on fre, it burns away immediately. Each ‘creature inthe area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a filed save, a creature takes 246 fire damage, or half damage on a success At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level o higher, the radius of the overgrowth increases by 10 feet for each slot level above Ist. PIERCING THORN Conjuration cantrip Casting Time: | action Range: 60 feet ‘Components: V, S, M(arose thorn) | aration: Instantaneous la magical piercing thom ata creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On ahi, the target takes 146 piercing damage, and the thor lodges itself nto the creature for 1 ‘minute or until the thorn explodes. ‘the creature is hit by a spel of Ist level or higher, the thorn absorbs some ofthe spll’s magical power and explodes into rain of ‘thos, dealing 146 piereing damage to the creature. All creatures ‘within a5 radius ofthe creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving ‘throw or take 1d6 pieeing damage as wel, ‘This spell! initial damage and explosion damage increases by 146 when you reach Sth level (246), 1th level (346), and 17th level (46). RAPPORT SPORES Istlevelconjuration ‘Casting Time: | action Range: 30 feet ‘Components: V, 8, M (a fungal spore) Duration: § hours ‘You conjure a 30-foo radius of spores extending from your position, ‘These spores can go around comers and affect only ereatures with an Intelligence of 2 or higher that aren undead, constructs, or elementals Affected ereatues can communicate telepathically with one another while they are within 60 feet of each other SKEWERING BRANCH 3rdetevelconjuration Casting Time: | action Range: 30 fet ‘Components: V, Duration: Concentration, up t0 | minute ‘You cause thick branch o shoot out ofthe ground along alin 5 fet wide and 30 fect long. Each ereture inthe line must suoceed on & Dexterity saving throw or be pushed along the length of the branch as it grows in adirection of your choice. Ifthe branch impacts a hard surface, such as a wall, it immediately tops and skewers all ereatures that were pushed agains that wal, Each creature takes 344 piercing ‘damage and is restrained, skewered tothe surface, A restrained ‘creature can use an action to make a Strength or Dexterity check (the ‘creature's choice) against the spell’s saving throw DC. On a suecess, the creature is no longer restrained. SLICING LEAVES Istlevel ransmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch ‘Components: V, Duration: Concentration, upto 1 hour ‘You touch upto leaves and imbue them with magic, hardening them and making thee edges razor sharp. You or someone else ean make a ranged spell attack with one ofthe leaves by throwing it with range ‘of 60 feet. IFsomeone else attacks with ef, that attacker adds your spellasting ability modifier, not the attacker's, tothe attack roll-On a hit the target takes lashing damage damage equal o 384 your spellasting ability modifier. Hit or miss, the spell hem end onthe leat At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell sing a pl slot of nd level or higher, the numberof eaves you can effet with his spell increases by 3 for each slot lve above Is SPORECALLER’S SMITE 2nd-level evocation Casting Time: | bonus action Range: Self Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to | minute ‘The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon atack during this spel’ duration, your weapon is followed by atrial of spores, and the attack deals an extra 244 psychic damage damage tothe target. ‘Additionally, the target must sueceed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end oftheir next tur as pacifying spores enter their body, SPRAY OF THORNS 3rd-level conjuration Casting Time: | action Range: 15-foot cone ‘Components: V, S, M (arose thorn) Duration: Instantaneous ‘You shoot forth a burst of thoms from your hands which pieree through your enemy's defenses. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. Ona failed save, a creature takes 246 piereing damage and then has vulnerability to bladgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the start oftheir next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half damage and suffers no other effect At Higher Levels. When you cat this spell using a spel slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above Su. THORN SHIELD Conjuration cantrip Casting Time: | action Range: Self Components: V, S Duration ‘You conjure a wooden shield covered in thorns in one of your hands, "You are considered proficient in wielding this shield, which provides, the same bonuses asa normal shield. Whenever you successfully shove ‘creature wth your thom shield, that creature takes 1d8 piercing ‘damage. Ifyou let goof the shield, it wills away. ‘TREE STRIKE Whelevel transmutation Casting Time: | ection Range: 60 fet ‘Components: V, 8, M(avial of water) Duration: Concentration, 1 minute “You cause a tee to grasp a a creature within 10 fet of it with its ‘branches, pulling and constricting that creature. The target must é ‘ona Dexterity saving throw or take 6d8 bludgeoning damage, "be pulled othe tre, and become restrained. At the stat of each of ‘tums, the restrained creature takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage. A restrained creature can use an action to make a Strength or Dexterity, ‘check (the creature's choice) against the spells saving throw DC. On a success, the ereature is no longer restrained, CHAPTER 4: CREATURES HIS CHAPTER PRESENTS NEW MONSTERS FOR ] players in your campaigns to encounter, supplementing those found inthe Monster Manual. These new plant-based )/ creatures can fit in many different settings, and may be used by DMs and players using the Cicle ofthe Seedling subclass presented earlier, PLANT CREATURES Most often awakened by ancient and powerful magic, plant creatures ‘come in many different types and originate from many different locations. These creatures include all types of Fung, lights, Awakened plants, and some naturally occurring intelligent plants BATTLEBRIAR Batlcbriars are powerful beasts shaped by arcane magic to perform tasks, ad in batl, and act as mounts. Armed with a thick hide and sharp thors, a battebrar acts asa heavy frontline monster, making up for its lack of speed with its immense power and durability BLIGHTED HUSK ‘An evolved form ofthe Needle Blight, the Blighted Husk serves as the ultimate force of spreading Blight. The husk tavels with leagues of needle blights, constantly adding to its entourage a it kills creatures With ts poisonous needles, using their bodies as vessels for spreading bight Forest DRAGON Although nota true dragon, Forest dragons have many of the sume ‘mannerisms and traits asthe true dragons. They hoard wealth and defend their homes vigorously, though th almost divine protector ofa forest, keeping it pristine an far from civilization. x end up acting more like an Foret dragons are composed of a combination of vines, branches, needles, forming a hardshell that ereates the general shay dragon. However, forest dragons are entirely plant based - they have no Jneral organs, they do not need to eat, and they perform photosynthesis, Forest dragons are boms from gant seed pods, and ass through all the same stages of growth as a true dragon Forest dragons hate any creature that defiles its forest lar, especialy tue dragons. Ia forest dragon encounters a chromatic dragon, a fight to the death will almost always occur, with the forest dragon dutifully defending its forest from the evil intruder. Mosspoc Mossdogs originate from ancient fey magic, though they now reproduce and form packs similarly to real dogs and wolves. They ‘make popular companions and wardops, due to th rappling vines. A mossdog lunges onto and bites a creature that it hunts, and then resrains that creature with vines that protrude from its back. ‘reat strength and SPOREBACK FROG ‘A sporeback frog isa small plant ereatur, similar to a tue fog Present throughout dense jungles, a sporeback fog attempts to runs from anything larger than itself, and keeps is explosive spores as a deterrent to being eaten or killed, They ean be kept as pets for folk that ant o have alow maintenance pet, as they do not require Food other ‘than photosynthesis. THORN GIANT Risen from only the most powerful guthis tees, a Thorn Giant i the ‘most powerful blighted creature, capable to destroying towns, forest, and jungles in only a matter of weeks. More intelligent than their brethren, Thorn Giants act as the commanders ofa swarm of blights, directing where they move and how they atack, When under the watch ‘ofa Thorn Giant, blights act far more intelligently, forming formations ‘and employing standard batl tactics. ‘The Thorn Giant knows the language ofthe giants, and atempts to bring any giants it encounters over to its cause. I is not uncommon for ‘2 Thorn Giant to have a few hill giants within their domain, asthe blights leave behind ample meat forthe hill giants to consume, andthe Hill Giants help destroy cteatures that enter a blighted forest VINE TERROR Vine terrors are large, carnivorous plans that ambush prey with their rapidly lashing vines, pulling unsuspecting creatures into its gaping —S BATTLEBRIAR Large Pla, chaotic newral ‘Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 70 (10410 + 15) Speed 30 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 18G4) 10640) 15642) 662) 1040) 70-2) Skills Perception +2 Senses blindsight 60 f, darkvsion 20 f, passive Perception 12 Languages — Challenge 1(200P) ‘Puncture. Ifthe Batlebriars thoeny vine attack brings an enemy Within 5 feet ofthe Batlbrir, team make an attack with ts thorns against the enemy as a bonus action, ‘Thorny Vine. Ranged Weapon Attack: +30 hit, range 20 fone target. Hit: 5 (2d) slashing damage, and the targets pulled 10 ft. Thorns. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 tot, each Sf one target. ACTIONS | Hits10 (1410 + 4) slashing damage. | ‘The vine terror initially grows and feeds off of hos plant, until the terror becomes large enough to provide for itself. The vine teeor’s ‘main body is completely immobile, soit waits for prey to come tit, and builds up thick undergrowth at its host location The vine terror usually remains perfectly stil, until suitable prey ‘moves within range of its grasping vines. Then, the vines quickly lash ever creatures are in range, attempting to pull them Vine WIsP ‘Vine Wisps are creatures born through arcane magic, animated to serve the needs of a powerful wizard. They are generally used to assassinate targets by grabbing hold ofa ereature and then flying that erature high Imo the air, where they are then dropped to their death After Vine Wisp completes its duty, itmindlesly wanders to countryside and forests, not interacting with other reatures unless that creature interacts with them. — BLIGHTED HUSK Large Plat, neural on ‘Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 93 (1d10 +33) ‘Speed 30 ft STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 16(+3) 81) 20045) 6(-2) 10(+0) 3¢4) Condition Immunities blinded, deafened ‘Senses blindsight 60 f. (bind beyond this radius), passive Perception 10 Languages understands common but cannot speak Challenge 3 (700?) ‘Needle Burst. Te blighted husk explodes when it drops 100 hit points. Each creature within 20 fest ofit must succeed ona DC 15 Dexterity saving throw o take 10 (346) piercing damage and become infected witha disease on a failed save. Creatures immune to the poisoned condition are immune to this disease. The needles inject venom into a creature's system, killing the ‘creature ina number of hours equal to Idl2+ the creature's Constitution score, unless the disease removed. In half hat time, the creature becomes poisoned for the rest ofthe duration. After the creature dies, it rises asa needle blight after Id4 hours. ACTIONS Claws. Melee Weapon Aitack:+5 tit, reach Sf, one target. Hit: 13 6+ 3) slashing damage Needles (Recharge 5-6). The blighted husk releases a swarm of needles. Each erature within fet ofthe husk must succeed on a DCIS Dexterity saving throw o take 16 piercing damage and become infected withthe diasase described in the Needle Burst rit, CHAPTER 4 | CREATURES ADULT FOREST DRAGON Huge Plant (dragon), neutral good ‘Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Hit Points 210 (18412 +93) Speed 40 fly 80 ft, swim 40 f. STR. DEX CON INT WIS CHA 23(#6) 10(+0) 22(46) 16(+3) 15(+2) 14(+2) Saving Throws Dex +5, Con #11, Wis +7 Skills Insight +7, Perception +12, Stealth +5 Damage Immunities Poison Senses blindsight 60 f., darkvision 120 f., passive Perception 22 Languages Common, Draconic Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Amphibious. The dragon can breathe ar and water. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). Ifthe dragon fails a saving ‘throw, itcan choose to succeed instead. ACTIONS ‘Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with bite and two with its claws. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10ft., one target ‘Hit: 17 210 + 6) piercing damage. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to it, reach S f., one target. Hit:13 (246 + 6) slashing damage. Tall. Melee Weapon Attack: +121 hit, each IS ft., one target. Hit: 15 (248 + 6) bludgeoning damage. Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed ona DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for! minute. creature can repeat the saving throw atthe end of each ofits turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Ifa creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends fori, the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence forthe next 24 hours ‘Needle Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales needles ina '40-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (12d10) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. LEGENDARY ACTIONS ‘The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the ‘options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn The dragon regains spent legendary actions at the start ofits tur. Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check Tail Attack. The dragon makes a til attack. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beat its wings. Each creature within IS Feet of the dragon must succeed ‘on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can ‘then fly up t halfits fying speed, MosspDoG Mechom Plant, chaie neutral ‘Armor Class 4 (natural Hit Points 39 (648 +12) Speed 40 A, mon) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 73) 1462) 462) 34) BEN 662) ‘Kills Perception 3, Stealth Senses passive Perception It Languages Challenge 1(200XP) ‘Keen Hearing and Smell. The dog has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rly on hearing or sme ack Tactics. The dog has advantage on an attack oll against a ‘creature fat east one of the dog's alesis within $ eet ofthe creature and the ally isn't incapacitated ACTIONS Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:+4 tot, reach Sf, one target. MitcT (1d8-+3) piercing damage. I the target is medium or smaller and the mossdog snot already grappling a creature, it must succeed ‘ona DCI Strength saving throw or be grappled (escape DC 3) and Rend, Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach Sf, one target srappled by the mossdog. Hit: 13 3d6 +3) slashing damage. SPOREBACK FROG Sina Plan, anligned ‘Armor Class 1 (raturalarmon) Hit Points 18 (446 ~4) ‘Speed 30 ft, swim30 A STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10(+0) 1442) BCI) -2€4) 10¢40) 3-4) Skills Perception #2, Stealth +4 Senses darkvsion 30 ft, passive Perception 12 Languages — Challenge 14 (50 xP) ‘Spore-covered Hide. Whenever the frog is dealt damage, a spore pod ‘omits back explodes. Each creature within 5 feet ofthe frog must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 7(246) poison. damage and become poisoned for T minute. ACTIONS. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:+3to hit, each SR, one target. ‘Hit:3 (1d6) piercing damage. The target must makea DC 13 ‘Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for minute. THORN GIANT Huge Plat (gam), neural eit ‘Armor Class 17 (natural amor) Hit Potints 126 (Ildl2-+ $5) Speed 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ZB(+6) 14(42) 20(45) 10(+0) G0) 70-2) ‘Saving Throws Dex +5, Con Wis +3 Skills Athletics +9, Perception 43, Stealth +3 Senses darkvsion 60 ft, passive Perception 13 Languages Giant Challenge 73,000 XP) Forest Camouflage. The giant has advantage on Dexterity (Gtealth) checks made to hide in forested terrain Thomy Hide. Whenever creature his the giant with a melee attack, they must succeed on a DC17 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 (2d6+6) piercing damage ACTIONS. ‘Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10f, one target Hits19 (8 +6) piercing damage. Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 60/240 Ft, one target. Hit:28 (410 +6) bludgeoning damage. Ifthe target isa knocked prone it must sueceed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw orbe VINE WISP Large Plant aligned ‘Armor Class 16 (paturalarmon) 5 58(9410 + 9) Speed Ot. 40 ft (hover) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 1B(H4) 1402) BCI) 12CH) 142) 34) ‘Skills Perception +4, Stealth +4 Senses darkuision 120 ft, passive Perception 14 Languages — Challenge 2 (450 XP) Flyby. The wisp doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when i Mes ‘ut of an enemy's reach Carrier. The wisp does not suffer from decreased speed when itis arapplinga creature, ACTIONS Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack:+ to hit, reach Sf, one target. Hits 7 (1d6+4) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 13) Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the Wisp cannot Constrict another target. VINE TERROR Large Plan, maligned ‘Remor Class 16 (natural armor) Hit Points74 (9410 +9) Speed 0 ft STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA WW(+4) 10(+0) 18C+4) 40-3) 10(40) 6-2) Condition Immunities grappled, vestained, frightened Senses blindsight 120 f. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 14 Languages — Challenge 3 (700 xP) “Overgrowth, A30 fi adlus aea around the vine teroris difficult terran caused by thick vines and undergrowth, False Appearance. While the vine terror remains motionless, itis indistinguishable from a normal plant. ACTIONS ‘Multiattack, The terror makes two atacks with its vines, and one attack with its bite Vines. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 40 fone target. Hit: 9 (244+ 4) bludgeoning damage Ifthe targets medium oF smaller, tis pulled 10 ft. and is grappled (escape DC 15) ifthe terror {snot already grappling creature. Until this grapple ends the targets pulled 10 ft. towards the vine terrorat the stat ofeach of Bite, Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range ft, one target srappled bythe Vine Teror. Hit: 1 (348 +4) piercing damage.

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