2020 - Impacts of Photoautotrophic, Photomixotrophic

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In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant



Impacts of photoautotrophic, photomixotrophic,

and heterotrophic conditions on the anatomy and photosystem II
of in vitro-propagated Aechmea blanchetiana (Baker) L.B. Sm.
João Paulo Rodrigues Martins 1,2 & Luiz Carlos de Almeida Rodrigues 3 & Elizangela Rodrigues Santos 1 &
Andreia Barcelos Passos Lima Gontijo 2 & Antelmo Ralph Falqueto 1

Received: 12 January 2019 / Accepted: 6 November 2019 / Editor: Charles Armstrong

# The Society for In Vitro Biology 2019

In vitro culture conditions have a major impact on the physiology and anatomy of micropropagated plants. Sucrose plays a very
important role in micropropagation protocols, and is frequently employed during in vitro culture. However, it may induce
disorders that negatively interfere with plant growth and development, such as a low photosynthetic rates. The aim of this study
was to analyze the impacts of in vitro conditions on the anatomy and photosynthetic performance of Aechmea blanchetiana
(Baker) L.B. Sm. Plants previously grown in vitro were transferred to culture media containing 0, 15, 30, or 45 g L−1 sucrose.
Two different culture container sealing systems were tested: lids with a filter (permitted gas exchange), and with a PVC-covered
filter (blocking fluent gas exchange). Plants grown with exogenous sucrose displayed anatomical traits that could decrease
mineral and carbohydrate uptake from the medium. Plants cultured under photoautotrophic conditions had a thinner exodermis
and the highest number of metaxylem vessels in the roots. This positively impacted the plant growth and physiological status.
Sucrose induced plants with photosystem II (PS II) disorders, such as a lower number of active reaction centers. Under photo-
autotrophic conditions, there was an increase in absorbed energy flux per cross section (ABS/CSm), and energy transport flux
(ETo/CSm), followed by a decrease in the energy dissipation flux (DIo/CSm). This indicated a high PS II efficiency, according to
the performance index (PI(ABS)). The use of sucrose can induce physiological disorders in A. blanchetiana plants during in vitro
propagation. Photoautotrophic conditions induce plants without anatomical disorders, and positively influence PS II efficiency.

Keywords Bromeliad . Chlorophyll a fluorescence . Plant anatomy . Plant physiology . Plant tissue culture

Introduction exchange, and artificial temperature and luminosity conditions

(Rodrigues et al. 2014). Inside the containers, high variations
In vitro techniques are well known in the clonal propagation of in CO2 and ethylene accumulation may occur throughout the
horticultural crops, which includes bromeliads. The microen- day (Kozai 2010; Martins et al. 2015b). These conventional
vironment of conventional in vitro culture consists of closed in vitro propagation techniques are carried out by adding
containers, with a high relative humidity, reduced gas sugars to the medium as the main carbon source (Xiao et al.
2011), which characterizes this method of in vitro culture as
* João Paulo Rodrigues Martins
Sugars are required as a carbon source for in vitro culture to
replace the carbon that plants would normally fix from the
atmosphere by in vivo photosynthesis for growth and devel-
Plant Ecophysiology Laborato, Federal University of Espírito Santo, opment. The heterotrophy phenomenon results from the low
Litorâneo, São Mateus, Espírito Santo 29932-540, Brazil
photosynthetic activity of in vitro plants, and is considered to
Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory, Federal University of Espírito be one of the major limiting factors to improve
Santo, Litorâneo, São Mateus, Espírito Santo 29932-540, Brazil
micropropagation efficiency (Yaseen et al. 2013). These con-
Federal University of Alfenas, Centro, Alfenas, Minas ditions may also induce other physiological alterations and
Gerais 38900-000, Brazil

anatomical disorders in plants cultivated in vitro (Rodrigues carbohydrate stock concentrations increased as a function of
et al. 2014; Martins et al. 2015b, 2016b). Sucrose has been an sucrose supplementation. In addition, those plants showed
extensively utilized carbohydrate in the vast majority of work lower growth rates after transfer to the ex vitro conditions.
on in vitro cultivation, but its effects on plant development and According to Mohamed (2008), a low survival rate in addition
growth remain highly varied (Yaseen et al. 2013; Lembrechts to a slow growth rate of tissue culture plants are critical prob-
et al. 2017). lems that impact the success of tissue culture as a commercial
Sucrose is closely related to stomatal density and chloro- technique.
phyll content, and morphogenetic behavior in some plant tis- Comparative studies of in vitro conditions (gas exchange
sues, such as vascular and support tissues (Mohamed and and exogenous sucrose in the medium) have been performed
Alsadon 2010; Iarema et al. 2012; Martins et al. 2015b). An for some plant species (Iarema et al. 2012; Saldanha et al.
exogenous sucrose supply increases the endogenous levels of 2014; Assis et al. 2016), including a bromeliad (Martins
carbohydrate stocks (starch, sucrose, fructose, and glucose) in et al. 2015b). Most of these studies focused on growth traits
micropropagated plants, and may help plants to acclimatize and leaf anatomy of in vitro plants, and did not address ana-
and accelerate their physiological adaptations (Jo et al. 2009). tomical changes that could happen in roots or at a deeper
During in vitro culture, sucrose may also alter the osmotic physiological level, such as how the in vitro conditions affect
potential of the medium, which increases when sucrose is the performance of the photosynthetic apparatus of plants.
hydrolyzed into glucose and fructose by enzymes such as Therefore, it remains to be established how photoautotrophic,
invertase (Martins et al. 2016b). photomixotrophic, and heterotrophic conditions can interfere
P l a n t s c a n a l s o b e p r o p a g a t e d i n v i t ro u s i n g with responses in the photosynthetic apparatus, particularly
photomixotrophic conditions, in which sugars are not the only photosystem II (PS II). Chlorophyll a fluorescence is a very
carbon source, as CO2 is added to containers with filters that sensitive, non-invasive, and rapid procedure used to evaluate
allow free gas exchange, or even using a CO2-enriched atmo- changes in the photosynthetic apparatus, and can be useful
sphere (Martins et al. 2015b, 2016b; Arencibia et al. 2017; when investigating PS II (Kalaji et al. 2014).
Hoang et al. 2017). Compared with heterotrophic conditions, In vitro culture conditions can interfere significantly with
the use of in vitro culture with photomixotrophic conditions the regulation of in vitro growth and development, including
has been shown to provide improved rooting formation, fewer the quality and physiological state, and the anatomical traits of
physiological disorders, and high growth rates after the accli- micropropagated plants. The aim of the present study was to
matization phase (Martins et al. 2015b; Hoang et al. 2017). analyze the impacts of photoautotrophic, photomixotrophic,
In vitro growth can also be performed without the addition and heterotrophic conditions on the anatomy and photosyn-
of sugars to the medium. The use of photoautotrophic condi- thetic performance of in vitro-propagated Aechmea
tions with a sugar-free medium has advantages over both het- blanchetiana.
erotrophic and photomixotrophic conditions, because healthy
plants with enhanced photosynthesis are normally produced
(Iarema et al. 2012; Martins et al. 2015b; Assis et al. 2016). Materials and Methods
There has been a steady increase in the application of tech-
niques that allow for photoautotrophic growth because under Plant material and culture conditions Aechmea blanchetiana
these conditions, in vitro physiology resembles ex vitro phys- plants were previously established in vitro from seeds collect-
iology and enables fast acclimatization (Saldanha et al. 2014; ed in São Mateus, Espírito Santo, Brazil, and multiplied in
Tisarum et al. 2018). 268 mL glass containers containing 50 mL stationary liquid
In general, the success of micropropagation systems can be MS medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962), supplemented
effectively measured by the percentage of plants that survive with 30 g L−1 sucrose (Neon Comercial®, Suzano, Brazil),
when transferred from in vitro culture vessels, to greenhouse and 10 μM 6-benzylaminopurine (Sigma-Aldrich®, St. Louis,
or field conditions. This survival rate is directly related to MO) for 60 d. All establishment and multiplication procedures
anatomical traits and the photosynthetic performance of the were completed according to Rosa et al. (2018). The obtained
micropropagated plants (Sáez et al. 2015). During in vitro buds were subcultivated for 60 d in 268 mL glass containers
culture of the bromeliad Billbergia zebrina (Herbert), containing 50 mL stationary liquid MS medium with 30 g L−1
Martins et al. (2015b, 2016b), verified that plants grown under sucrose, to induce the growth of side shoots. The multiplica-
photoautotrophic conditions displayed anatomical traits and tion and subcultivation procedures were carried out three
high endogenous carbohydrate stocks, which allowed higher times on the side shoots, to achieve the necessary number of
growth rates during the acclimatization period. On the other microshoots with similar morphology. All media were adjust-
hand, during in vitro culture with sugar (heterotrophic and ed to pH 5.8 and autoclaved at 121°C for 20 min. The in vitro
photomixotrophic conditions), the plants had a lower hydrau- plant material was kept in a growth room, at 26 ± 2°C with a
lic conductance induced by thinner xylem vessels, and 16-h photoperiod, with fluorescent tube lamps (Empalux®

FT8 HO, 36 W/6400 K) that provided 90 μmol m−2 s−1 of Measurement and analysis of in vitro chlorophyll a fluores-
photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). cence At 45 d of growth, chlorophyll a fluorescence measure-
ments were made, using the third completely expanded leaves
Sucrose and gas exchange during the in vitro propagation from 12 in vitro-cultured plants per treatment, using a portable
Microshoots approximately 3 cm in length were individual- Handy PEA fluorimeter (Hansatech®, King’s Lynn, Norfolk,
ized (4 to 7 side shoots per seedling), using a scalpel. After UK), between 8:00 and 9:00 am. Before the measurements
mixing, the side shoots were transferred to 280 mL polypro- were made, the leaves were dark-adapted for 30 min using a
pylene containers (Microbox Combiness®, Nevele, Belgium), leaf clip (Hansatech®). The irradiance during the measure-
containing 50 mL MS medium solidified with 6 g L−1 agar ment was 3000 μmol (photons) m−2 s−1, which was sufficient
(Vetec®, Darmstadt, Germany), and 0, 15, 30, or 45 g L−1 to generate maximal fluorescence for all treatments. The fast
sucrose. This phase was carried out with five shoots per con- fluorescence kinetics (F0 to FM) were recorded from 10 μs to
tainer, and the pH was adjusted to 5.8, before autoclaving at 1 s. The fluorescence intensities at 20 μs (considered F0),
121°C for 20 min. Two different sealing systems were tested: 100 μs, 300 μs, 2 ms (FJ), 30 ms (FI), and 300 ms (FM) were
lids with an XL yellow filter (permitted gas exchange sys- recorded and analyzed as described previously (Strasser et al.
tem—13.09 gas replacements per day), and lids with an XL 2004; Stirbet and Govindjee 2011).
yellow filter covered with three layers of polyvinylchloride
(PVC) transparent film (blocking fluent gas exchange). After Statistical analysis The experiment was performed in a
sterile inoculation, the material was kept for 45 d in a growth completely randomized design in a factorial arrangement (four
room, at 26 ± 2°C with a 16-h photoperiod, under fluorescent sucrose concentrations and two different sealing systems).
tube lamps (Empalux® FT8 HO, 36 W/6400 K), which pro- The data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance
vided 90 μmol m−2 s−1 of PAR. (ANOVA), and the averages were compared using the
Scott–Knott test (Scott and Knott 1974). All statistical analy-
Growth traits of in vitro plantlets To evaluate growth, 20 ses were performed using the SISVAR® software, version 5.6.
plants from each treatment were sampled randomly at 45 d
of growth and divided into four parcels. The fresh weight of
the aerial parts and the number of roots were determined. Results

Anatomical analysis Anatomical characterization of the Growth traits Growth trait responses were modulated by both
leaves and roots was performed on four plants from each the sucrose concentration and sealing system. Rooting was
treatment. Samples were randomly collected at 45 d of verified in all treatments; however, plants grown using exper-
growth, and fixed in formaldehyde, acetic acid, and etha- imental gas exchange conditions (containers with a filter)
nol (FAA; 50%, 0.5/0.5/9, v/v) for 48 h, followed by stor- displayed a higher number of roots with 0, 30, and 45 g L−1
age in 70% (v/v) ethanol (Johansen 1940). In the leaves, sucrose, compared to the same sucrose concentrations when
paradermal and cross sections were made in the median cultured in containers with no free gas exchange. In containers
region of the first completely expanded leaf in the rosette with blocked gas exchange, the plants cultured with 15 g L−1
central region, using a double-edge razor. Cross sections sucrose had the highest number of roots (Fig. 1).
were also made at the root base (0.3–0.8 cm from the The fresh weight of the aerial parts was higher in plants
shoot). Sections were cleared using sodium hypochlorite grown in filtered containers, than in containers with a blocked
10% (v/v), followed by staining with safranin and astra gas exchange, at each sucrose level. Plants cultured in con-
blue solutions (Kraus and Arduin 1997), and assembled tainers with a filter and 0 (photoautotrophic condition), or
on slides using 50% (v/v) glycerine. The sections were 15 g L−1 sucrose (photomixotrophic condition), exhibited
viewed using a light microscope (Leica DM 1000, com- the highest aerial fresh weight. In containers with a blocked
bined with a Leica ICC50 HD camera; Leica, Wetzlar, gas exchange, plants grown with 15 g L−1 sucrose (heterotro-
Germany), and two cross sections and four paradermal phic condition) had the highest aerial fresh weight (Fig. 2).
section fields from each slide were photographed. The pho-
tomicrographs were used to measure the anatomical char- Analysis of plant anatomy Root anatomical structures differed
acteristics using UTHSCSA-Imagetool® software calibrat- among the treatments (Fig. 3). Increasing the sucrose concen-
ed with a microscopy ruler. For the leaves, measurements tration induced thickening of the exodermis cell walls, regard-
were taken of the thickness of the adaxial and abaxial epi- less of sealing system. However, there was no change in the
dermis (μm) and chlorenchyma (μm), and number of xy- endodermis as a function of the treatments (Figs. 3, 4).
lem vessels. For the roots, the thickness of cell walls in the Plants cultured in containers without a filter exhibited a
exodermis (μm) and endodermis (μm) and the number of similar number of metaxylem vessels at all sucrose concentra-
metaxylem vessels were measured. tions. However, when grown in containers with a filter, a

Figure 1. Number of roots of Aechmea blanchetiana (Baker) L.B. Sm.

plants at 45 d of growth, as a function of sucrose (g L−1) in the in vitro
medium and the sealing system of the culture containers. Means (± SE)
followed by the same letter (lower case for plants cultured with a filter
with a PVC cover, and upper case for plants cultured with a filter) are not
significantly different according to a Scott–Knott test, at 5%. Within
sucrose concentration (g L−1) analyzed, means (± SE) followed by an
asterisk are significantly different according to a Scott–Knott test, at 5%.

decrease in metaxylem vessels with increasing sucrose con-

centrations was observed. The highest metaxylem vessel num-
ber was observed in roots grown under photoautotrophic con-
ditions (0 g L−1 sucrose and permitted gas exchange) (Figs. 3,
The treatments also influenced the anatomical structures of
the leaves (Fig. 6). Stomatal density decreased as a function of
sucrose concentration, but the density of the epidermal cells
did not change. The stomatal index also decreased when the Figure 3. Cross sections of Aechmea blanchetiana (Baker) L.B. Sm.
plant roots grown as a function of the sealing system and sucrose con-
sucrose concentration was raised. The sealing system had no
centration. ex, exodermis; ed, endodermis; x, xylem; and ph, phloem.
significant influence on the stomatal density and index Bars = 100 μm.

(Figs. 6, 7). On the other hand, the thickness of the epidermis

and chlorenchyma and the number of xylem vessels were only
influenced by the sealing system. The thickness of the epider-
mis in the adaxial face, the chlorenchyma thickness, and the
number of xylem vessels were higher in plants cultured with a
filter than in unfiltered containers (Figs. 6, 8).

Chlorophyll a fluorescence of in vitro plants The in vitro con-

ditions had a clear impact on the photosynthetic apparatus of
A. blanchetiana. An increase in the J-step fluorescence level
[VJ = (FJ − F0)/(FM − F0)] was the most evident characteristic
of chlorophyll a fluorescence and OJIP transients for plants
cultured with sucrose. In both sealing systems, VJ values were
Figure 2. Fresh weight (mg plant−1) of Aechmea blanchetiana (Baker)
L.B. Sm. plants (aerial parts) at 45 d of growth, as a function of sucrose
lower in plants grown in a medium without sucrose. On the
(g L−1) in the in vitro medium and the sealing system of the culture other hand, the I-step fluorescence level [VI = (FI − F0)/(FM −
containers. Means (± SE) followed by the same letter (lower case for F0)] decreased only in plants cultured in containers without a
plants cultured with a filter with a PVC cover, and upper case for plants filter and without sucrose added to the medium (Fig. 9).
cultured with a filter) are not significantly different according to Scott–
Knott test, at 5%. Within each sucrose concentration (g L−1) analyzed,
All JIP test parameters analyzed that were based on fluo-
means (± SE) followed by an asterisk are significantly different according rescence emission kinetics varied significantly based on the
to a Scott–Knott test, at 5%. sealing system and sucrose concentration. When gas exchange

Figure 4. Thickness of
exodermis cell wall (A) and
endodermis (B) of Aechmea
blanchetiana (Baker) L.B. Sm.
roots at 45 d of growth, as a
function of sucrose (g L−1) in the
in vitro medium. Means (± SE)
followed by the same letter are
not significantly different accord-
ing to a Scott–Knott test, at 5%.

was restricted (filter blocked by PVC cover), the absorption energy dissipation per CS (DIo/CSm), compared to plants
(ABS/CSm) values per cross section (CS) were similar regard- cultured in containers without a filter (Fig. 10A−H).
less of sucrose concentration, but trapping (TRo/CSm) in- Plants cultured under photoautotrophic conditions had the
creased in the 15 and 30 g L − 1 sucrose treatments lowest net rate of PS II closure (M0) [= dV/dto = 4(F300μs −
(Fig. 10A−D). ABS/CSm and TRo/CSm values for the plants F0)/(FM − F0)]. The sealing system and sucrose concentration
cultivated in containers with a filter (aerated containers per- also had a significant effect on quantum yield parameters. The
mitting unrestricted gas exchange) resulted in a negative linear highest φPo [= 1 − F0/FM = FV/FM] and φEo [= φPo × (1 −
relationship with increasing sucrose concentrations VJ)] values were verified in plants grown without sucrose, and
(Fig. 10E−H). The highest electron transport (ETo/CSm) in containers with permitted gas exchange (photoautotrophic
values and number of active reaction centers (RC) [CSm/ condition). In contrast, the lowest φDo [= F0/FM] values were
ABS = RC/CSm = φPo × (V J/M 0) × ABS/CSm] were ob- also obtained in the same plants. In general, plants cultured in
served in plants under photoautotrophic conditions containers without a filter had lower φPo and φEo values
(Fig. 10E). Plants grown in containers with a filter had a lower (Table 1).
When comparing the values of the PS II performance index
(PI(ABS)), as a function of the sucrose concentration in each
sealing system, the plants cultured in containers with the filter
blocked by a PCV cover had similar values. However, plants
cultured in containers with a filter showed major differences.
Plants had the highest PI(ABS) under photoautotrophic condi-
tions (Fig. 11).


Gas exchange and sucrose concentration both played very

important roles in the morphogenetic responses of
A. blanchetiana, as already shown for other bromeliad species
Figure 5. Number of metaxylem vessels in Aechmea blanchetiana
(Baker) L.B. Sm. roots at 45 d of growth, as a function of sucrose
(Martins et al. 2015a, b, 2016b; Lembrechts et al. 2017).
(g L−1) in the in vitro medium and the sealing system of the culture Plants cultivated in ventilated containers had better root for-
containers. Means (± SE) followed by the same letter (lower case for mation (Fig. 1). The positive effects of containers with gas
plants cultured with a filter with a PVC cover, and upper case for plants exchange have been attributed to the continuous replenish-
cultured with a filter) are not significantly different according to Scott–
Knott test, at 5%. Within each sucrose concentration (g L−1) analyzed,
ment of CO2 from the open air and prevention of ethylene
means (± SE) followed by an asterisk are significantly different according accumulation (Trevisan and Mendes 2005). An increased sup-
to Scott–Knott test, at 5%. ply of CO2 in culture containers can induce improved rooting

Figure 6. Paradermal sections (A–H) and cross sections (I–X) of leaves of epidermis; ab, abaxial epidermis; chl, chlorenchyma; x, xylem; and ph,
Aechmea blanchetiana (Baker) L.B. Sm. plants at 45 d of growth, as a phloem. Bars = 200 μm (A–P) and 50 μm (Q–X).
function of the sealing system and sucrose concentration. ad, adaxial

of in vitro plants (Emam and Esfahan 2014). Containers with a

filter also exhibit a low internal atmospheric humidity. The
difference between leaf water demand and the ability of the
roots to meet the demand can be regulated through phytohor-
mones and hydraulic signals transported through the vascular
system (Vandeleur et al. 2008). Improved transport of phyto-
hormones such as auxins, which were induced by increased
plant transpiration, may have increased the number of roots of
in vitro A. blanchetiana. An increased number of lateral roots
can enlarge the capacity of the root system to take up water
and nutrients (Lopez-Bucio et al. 2003; Martins et al. 2018).
This improves the water status of plants, and helps the nutrient
profile advance plant growth and development, thereby in-
creasing the fresh weight of shoots (Wintermans et al. 2016;
Martins et al. 2018).
The anatomy of A. blanchetiana is in accordance with other
bromeliad species of the subfamily Bromelioideae (Martins
et al. 2015b, 2016a). The sealing system of the culture con-
Figure 7. Stomatal and epidermal cell density (mm2) and stomatal index tainers and sucrose concentration both had significant effects
(%) of Aechmea blanchetiana (Baker) L.B. Sm. leaves at 45 d of growth,
as a function of sucrose concentration (g L−1). For each anatomical trait,
on the root anatomy of A. blanchetiana plants, and altered the
average values (± SE) followed by the same letter do not differ signifi- uptake of water and minerals from the medium. The exoder-
cantly according to a Scott–Knott test at 5% probability. mis and endodermis are apoplastic barriers due to the

from the medium (Figs. 3, 4). High sucrose concentrations

may not be totally consumed by in vitro plants, and decrease
the osmotic potential of the culture medium (Martins et al.
2016b). During the in vitro culture, plants may also use inver-
tase to hydrolyze sucrose into glucose and fructose, and fur-
ther decrease the osmotic potential of the medium (Karhu
1997; Martins et al. 2016b). Thicker exodermal wall cells
can act as effective first apoplastic barriers against high con-
centrations of molecules (carbohydrates), which can induce
some type of stress (Cheng et al. 2012; Martins et al. 2015b,
2016a), including osmotic stress. A greater suberization of cell
walls of the exodermis can lower conductance by reducing the
apoplastic inflow of ions that occur near the root surface, as
previously verified in bromeliads (Martins et al. 2016a).
These authors also verified that there are not any differences
in endodermis thickness, even when the bromeliads were un-
Figure 8. Anatomical structures of Aechmea blanchetiana (Baker) L.B. der stress conditions.
Sm. leaves at 45 d of growth, as a function of the sealing system of the In roots, the number and diameter of the metaxylem vessels
culture containers. Means (± SE) followed by the same letter, in each
anatomical structure, are not significantly different according to Scott–
can also indicate the potential water conductance at axial po-
Knott test, at 5%. sitions along the root. Improved water conductance distribu-
tion is indicated by a higher number of metaxylem vessels
formation of Casparian bands in their cell walls. Casparian (Steinemann et al. 2015; Vejchasarn et al. 2016). A large
bands consist of a water-impermeable lignin polymer that water conductance from the roots is important to meet the
seals the extracellular spaces between neighboring exodermal demands of photosynthesis. It also improves mineral uptake
and endodermal cells (Nakayama et al. 2017). Lignification and can be reflected in the growth and physiology of plants, as
and suberization of the cell walls in these tissues both occur verified in plants grown under photoautotrophic conditions
naturally in bromeliads (Martins et al. 2016a). However, root (Martins et al. 2015b). Mineral ions are carried by water and
radial conductivity decreases with the increasing formation of enter the cytoplasm of epidermal cells, after which they move
these apoplastic barriers (Vetterlein and Doussan 2016). An across the cortex and are ultimately secreted into the xylem for
increment in cell wall thickness of the exodermis in plants transfer to the shoot (Nakayama et al. 2017). During photo-
grown in a medium supplemented with 30 and 45 g L−1 su- synthesis, a large quantity of water is necessary because plants
crose may decrease the uptake of carbohydrates and minerals use the water-splitting and oxygen-evolving reactions

0 g L sucrose
Filter + PVC cover a -1
0 g L sucrose
Filter b
15 g L sucrose 15 g L sucrose
1 -1
30 g L sucrose 30 ms
30 g L sucrose 30 ms
-1 -1
45 g L sucrose 45 g L sucrose
VOP = (Ft - F0) / (FM - F0)

2 ms 2 ms

0.6 1.2 1.2

1 A 1 A* A A A
0.8 B a 0.8 a a a
b a a b
0.4 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 15 30 45 0 15 30 45
-1 -1
Sucrose (g L ) Sucrose (g L )
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Time (ms) Time (ms)
Figure 9. Relative variable fluorescence between F0 and FM (VOP) and and upper case for VI) are not significantly different according to a Scott–
relative variable fluorescence at phase J (VJ) and phase I (VI) of the Knott test, at 5%. Within each sucrose concentration (g L−1) analyzed in
fluorescence induction curve at 45 d of growth, as a function of sucrose each relative variable fluorescence phase, means (± SE) followed by an
(g L−1) in the in vitro medium and the sealing system of the culture asterisk are significantly different according to a Scott–Knott test, at 5%
containers. Means (± SE) followed by the same letter (lower case for VJ

Figure 10. Summary of phenomenological energy fluxes per excited flux per CSm. CSm/ABS, active reaction centers (RCs), are indicated by
cross section approximated by F M (CSm = P step), in Aechmea black circles. In each parameter, means followed by the same letter (up-
blanchetiana (Baker) L.B. Sm. leaves at 45 d of growth, as a function per case for sucrose concentration in each sealing system and lower case
of the sealing system of the culture containers. ABS/CSm, absorption flux for sealing system in each sucrose concentration) are not significantly
per cross section; TRo/CSm, trapped energy flux per cross section (CS); different according to a Scott–Knott test, at 5%.
ETo/CSm, electron transport flux per CS; DIo/CSm, dissipated energy

catalyzed by PS II (Shen 2015). This is in agreement with in an ex vitro environment (Martins et al. 2015b; Hoang
these results, because the highest number of metaxylem ves- et al. 2017). In this study, there were no apparent stomata with
sels was found in plants under photoautotrophic conditions, open pores (Fig. 6). Nevertheless, the density and index of
which had the highest PS II performance. stomata decreased with increasing sucrose concentration in
During in vitro culture, a very common concern is stomatal the medium. This could be linked to a low photosynthetic
shape (Martins et al. 2015b; Monja-Mio et al. 2015; Asayesh activity in those plants grown under high sucrose concentra-
et al. 2017). Open stomata are related to low stomatal func- tions. Plants may present a short-term plastic response to the
tioning, which is an important feature because plants with high relative humidity of the in vitro conditions, which indi-
dysfunctional stomata are unable to avoid water deficiency cates the low need to assimilate CO2 once the sucrose input is

Table 1. Net rate of photosystem II (PS II) closure (M0) and quantum yields based on fluorescence emission kinetics as a function of the sealing system
of the culture containers and sucrose concentration

Sucrose M0 φPo φEo φDo

(g L−1)
Sealing system

Filter Filter with PCV Filter Filter with PCV Filter Filter with PCV Filter Filter with PCV
cover cover cover cover

0 1.82 ± 0.06Bb 2.18 ± 0.02Aa 0.64 ± 0.02Aa 0.51 ± 0.01Bb 0.23 ± 0.01Aa 0.18 ± 0.01Ab 0.36 ± 0.02Ab 0.49 ± 0.01Ba
15 2.05 ± 0.07Aa 2.02 ± 0.05Aa 0.56 ± 0.01Ba 0.60 ± 0.02Aa 0.16 ± 0.01Ba 0.19 ± 0.01Aa 0.44 ± 0.01Ba 0.41 ± 0.02Aa
30 1.96 ± 0.05Aa 2.15 ± 0.03Aa 0.62 ± 0.01Aa 0.56 ± 0.01Ab 0.18 ± 0.01Ba 0.17 ± 0.01Aa 0.38 ± 0.01Ab 0.44 ± 0.01Aa
45 2.07 ± 0.03Aa 2.15 ± 0.08Aa 0.58 ± 0.01Ba 0.54 ± 0.01Bb 0.16 ± 0.01Ba 0.16 ± 0.01Aa 0.42 ± 0.01Bb 0.46 ± 0.01Ba

In each JIP test parameter, means (± SE) followed by the same letter (lower case for sucrose concentration in each sealing system, and upper case for
sealing system in each sucrose concentration) are not significantly different according to a Scott–Knott test, at 5%

propagation with non-accumulation of other gases, such

as O 2 and ethylene (Mohamed and Alsadon 2010;
Martins et al. 2015b).
Even though the increment in the number of xylem vessels
in the leaves was small, this could be responsible for the in-
crease in chlorenchyma thickness, and in the fresh weight of
the aerial parts of plants cultured in containers with a filter
(Figs. 2, 8). The number and diameter of xylem vessels appear
to be key factors that influence the hydraulic conductance. A
raised hydraulic conductance can enhance the water potential,
and consequently, shoot growth increments (Tombesi et al.
2010). In addition, an improved hydraulic conductance could
improve the uptake and distribution of minerals and carbohy-
drates from the medium to the aerial parts of plants. This
increment in the number of vessels was probably stimulated
by the difference in water potential between the medium and
Figure 11. PI(ABS) of Aechmea blanchetiana (Baker) L.B. Sm. at 45 d of humidity in the container, because the plants under filter con-
growth, as a function of sucrose (g L−1) in the in vitro medium and the
sealing system of the culture containers. Means (± SE) followed by the ditions may have a higher water demand in their leaves.
same letter (lower case for plants cultured with a filter with a PVC cover, The in vitro conditions also had a high impact on the phys-
and upper case for plants cultured with a filter) are not significantly iological status of A. blanchetiana in vitro. Under in vitro
different according to a Scott–Knott test, at 5%. Within each sucrose culture with sucrose, electron transference in PS II beyond
concentration (g L−1) analyzed, means (± SE) followed by an asterisk
are significantly different according to a Scott–Knott test, at 5%. quinone A (QA) was delayed, and this physiological event
resulted in an increase in the J-step level (VJ). An increased
VJ is interpreted as lower rates of electron transport between
artificially guaranteed (Rodrigues et al. 2014). High sucrose QA and quinone B (QB) (Chen et al. 2015; Cai et al. 2016).
concentrations in the vascular tissue may result in a decreased Next, the J-step implied that sucrose affected electron flow
sink demand and down-regulated transporter activity. When from QA to QB or QB−, which resulted in the fast accumulation
sugar levels are increased in mesophyll cells, photosynthesis of QA−. In this regard, A. blanchetiana plants grown without
is down-regulated (Lemoine et al. 2013). In vitro plants cul- sucrose (added to the medium) did not have the ability to
tured with sucrose may have high stocks of sucrose and starch undertake electron transport from QA to QB (Fig. 9A, B).
in the leaves, and low photosynthetic rates (Iarema et al. 2012; However, the I-step level (VI) was decreased in plants without
Martins et al. 2016b; Hoang et al. 2017). This could be sucrose that were cultured in containers with a blocked gas
reflected in a low investment in stomatal cells due to this exchange (Fig. 9A). This is consistent with a photoinhibitory
low photosynthetic demand. In contrast, plants grown without effect, and over-reduction of the plastoquinone pool (and/or
any sucrose supplementation had the highest stomatal density, the QA site), driven by the CO2-depleted/anoxic conditions
which suggested an adaptation to improve the photosynthetic (Joët et al. 2002a, b). Plants grown without any exogenous
rate. An increased stomatal density enhances photosynthetic carbon source during in vitro culture may present a limited
capacity by modulating gas diffusion into the mesophyll photosynthesis rate, but can survive for a short time by con-
(Tanaka et al. 2013). suming carbohydrates stocked in their tissues. However, after
Containers with a filter present have a lower atmospher- that, the plants start a senescence process (Martins et al.
ic humidity compared to regular (hermetically sealed) cul- 2016b). According to Wang et al. (2016), a decrease in VI
ture containers, which can induce anatomical responses by values indicates that inhibition of the donor side of PS II is
leaves to their microenvironment (Iarema et al. 2012; possibly greater than that of the acceptor side. This indicates
Martins et al. 2015b). Leaves cultured under non- that the electron transfer capability of both the donor and
ventilated conditions may be thinner and have poor meso- acceptor sides of the PS II reaction center may be altered by
phyll differentiation, compared to leaves under ventilated natural senescence. The reduction in VI may be related to a
conditions (Mohamed and Alsadon 2010). The thicker epi- low net photosynthetic rate, which suggests an accumulation
dermis observed in containers with a filter is a response to of reduced plastoquinone produced in the luminous phase of
the low humidity of the culture environment, and protects photosynthesis, which was not capable of reaching the dark
the plant against water loss (Shibuya et al. 2015). In addi- phase reactions (Gravano et al. 2004).
tion, plants grown in ventilated containers may have The results of the present study indicated that in vitro con-
thicker, better-formed chlorenchyma due to the availability ditions can drastically alter the efficiency of the energy fluxes
of the adequate CO 2 levels required for in vitro per CS. These results show low electron transport (ETo/CSm)

and high dissipation (DIo/CSm), when A. blanchetiana plants more efficient, which was also indicated by the perfor-
were cultured in closed containers and/or with an exogenous mance index, PI(ABS).
supply of sucrose (Fig. 10). This could indicate a physiolog-
ical disorder due to the conversion of active RCs into inactive
RCs, which reduces the electron transport from PS II (Mehta Conclusions
et al. 2010; Gururani et al. 2017). Reducing the number of
active RCs indicates that less energy is used to drive electron In vitro conditions had a high impact on the anatomical and
transport. This energy must therefore be dissipated by photosynthetic performance of A. blanchetiana plants. Plants
nonphotochemical mechanisms (Zushi and Matsuzoe 2017). grown with sucrose displayed anatomical responses to the
This dissipation refers to the loss of energy through the trans- exogenous carbohydrates, which decreased the radial conduc-
fer of heat, fluorescence, and energy to systems other than tivity of the roots. Sucrose also induced physiological disor-
electron transport (Strasser et al. 2000; Eullaffroy et al. ders in the photosynthetic apparatus of the plants. The number
2009). Plants under photoautotrophic conditions presented of active RCs was directly related to in vitro culture condi-
the most efficient photosynthetic apparatus, with a very high tions, and it was increased in photoautotrophic conditions rel-
ABS/CSm, ETo/CSm, TRo/CSm, and a low DIo/CSm. This is ative to photomixotrophic and heterotrophic conditions.
evidence of a greater PS II performance, as shown by PI(ABS) Photoautotrophic conditions produced A. blanchetiana plants
(Fig. 11). Much of the absorbed energy was harnessed in the without anatomical disorders, and it positively enhanced the
biochemical processes by the plants, rather than being lost. efficiency of PS II.
High photosynthetic efficiency may be expressed by PI(ABS),
which is a multiparameter value associated with the perfor- Funding information The authors would like to acknowledge the schol-
arship awarded by the CNPq (Brazilian National Council for Scientific
mance of PS II reaction centers, and is responsible for the
and Technological Development), the CAPES (Coordination for the
efficiency of light energy absorption, trapping, and transfer Improvement of Higher Education Personnel), and the FAPES (Espírito
(Gururani et al. 2017). Santo State Research Foundation).
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