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SCIENCES COACHING ACADEMY (SCA) Roll No: es ‘Answer Sheet Serial No: Signatur: ‘Total Time: 3.5 Hours NOTE: THERE ARE 200 QUESTIONS, PRINTED ON Sess O8 PAGES, PLEASE CHECK ALL PAGES BEFORE ieee ATTEMPTED THE PAPAER 7 TE eee ae ee —— pee Te Allof the following ae Ketose ugar except TT. Which ofthe fal a pDecryrines Ril Rar a epee aes () Fructose (6) Dinydronyacetone (e) Vacuole ER TZ Ribose is suas (©)Cyosicleton___() All ofthe above ()Penioiziose —_(b)Pentldose 18, The total number of ()Bothaandb ___(d) None of these oa pe 3. The difference berween Glucose and Galacose si Ost ‘due to carbon number: a ae. we 19. __ The mow abundant carbohydrate io nature i: OG WG (a) Starch () Glucose T__ Digestion of foods (CC atttnn (6) Sucrose —_ (a) Hydrolysis (0) Caubotism 20. —_ The most abundant protein in nature i ©) Mesbolism __(l)Alloftbese__ @)Kermin () Rubiseo S, Which one of tie following isincomeet bout | (©) Collagen d) Haemoglobin Monaseccharides? 71, Human blood contains ___mg of (@) End with suffix “Ose” _Elucose/100ml of blood? (G) White crystalline (@) 50mg (@)80mg Co Les rent Ol 4) 20m a) Gan not be hydrolyzed = Sottan Fit 2 a ee TCE .@jtats CMa peice (NS pee (@) Sucrose d) Galactose (©) K—pectate_(d) Nong ofthese _ 5 yee TB Which of the folowing biomolecules simply (4) Primary wall” (6) Middl ama pap oat Sartore d (c) Secondary wall (6) AlLof these (a) Lipids () Proteins T Fluidity of eel membrane 1 elated 0: —_—@ Vitamins_(@) Carbohydrates —_ (G@) Proteins (Lipids Ta, Tn Myoglobin, organization is present. (| Carbohydrates (G) All of these (@) Primary () Secondary “Mornin cell membrane represen 6) Wert (4) Quatern (a) Proteins @Lpids FS. Which ofthe following factors i not ___ (Carbohydrates __()Allofuese__ responsible forthe denaturation of proteins? TO: Cholesterol is the characteristics feature of @) He (o) Charge (@) Animal cell membrane c) pH change (d) Organic solvents. (oy Pana ment 76, Palmatic acid wa (6) Fungal cell membrane a ee (4) Agal cell membrane ue ee Ti Cytoplasmic teaming movements the aa Cention Sane cic acide fatty ach {@) Fungal cel () Bacterial call (@) Saturated {b) Unsaturated (@) Plant cll (@) Both sand © (QTerpenoids__(6) None ofthese TE Which one organelles involved inthe TB, It the fay acids are saturate, the transmission of nerve implies? triglyceride will be ER () Lysosomes (@Semiciqud —_() Liquid (2)Golgi bodies _(@) Mitochoniria {Solid (@) Semi-solid Fi icf sce he ong |"F9,_ Carlenes ree preeursor of {@) Lysosomes (©) Golgi bodies @vA vie B (SER (3) None of hese (Vit K {W) Vit complex Ta Prgments are present “o, f-caolene comes under the category of (2) Chloroplast, hromop st {a) Phospholipids (0) Acyl glycerol (©) Chloroplast, eromoplast, saan (c) Steroids (@) Terpenoids, (C)choroplast,cbromoplst, Proplati os s teh ehemeptst | LE ee rc 1s Al oft ig ea Tame cocarotyinios (Eo {G) Metamorphosis Ji, Co-encymes are derivative of SQ ierdesion ___|_ Dauelnider_ fay 07 July 2023) Far Revais vst ww tavebook som ScieneesConchINEAS SCIENCES COACHING ACADEMY. (SCA) é.s [222|scieNces COACHING ACADEMY GCS)____———= em Enzymes Miami and dines ‘B. FADisa: = (a) Enzyme (b) Coenzy 9 Protain 2 Hormone 34, The following is a Dinucleotide: si Giant (by ADP None 35. ATP isa: = (@) Mononucleotide _(b) Dinucleotide ()Palyncletde_(@)Noneaftese 36, Which one of the fo aliowing rections tac? (a) Adenine +nicotinamide —+ Adent a ales aoa EY ee toring wavelongs a Choro (a) Violet blue wavelengths (b) Red | wavelengths {6} Orange wavelengths Botha db = Sepa penee {@) Green wavelengths are mostly reflected (b) Green wavelengths are mostly absorbed () Others are reflected & green is absorbed (4) None of these sa —Ceropils carotene ae Toeaedin TGNAutae phpbate=y ASecosine es ieee toes Aiea (a) Envelop (d) None of these See (b) Stroma 7, The distance between nitrogenous bas Kelas bane pais is or | Mena (@) 0:23am Sittin rp They are called accessory prements Bae aes (@) Leucoplast JE The data bank of living organisms i Oe (a) DNA. (0) RNA. ‘ ae SI DNAS oy iiss 5 ee ‘Allah allowing ae ae wbput ead of eee ae vate (as 3) iis eferred 10 (a) Hydrophiie (b) Lies onibe surfice of thylakoid (a) Ar yer Ghee Ogee. (aka mtn 40. 1e yum temperature of Artic 5 Theopumun teapot Ae fa | 5 Fama oer (@)-50°C 70°C ye isons (e) 10°C @) 1286 Gesnonat TI, Thermophile basta enzymes Work aE O carteost 2 of ie Ry ue py ‘many PGAL molecules are formed in ak reaction? “The optima leve| ofp Torealse acon (@ Thee i” (b) Four (60 (os (sm {e170 ws (twee a arcane mnie aes pain | 5% _ The prima elec seeniorot rachon calle photosystem (Gyaciveste.—_(@) Catalyse fayPlastguinone Reaction SC) All of te ove (o)Mastooyanin athe cfacorunalyactsasbdg=" (2 Reavelonin reducing substance (FRS) tween the a). Cytochrome € (@)Enayme & subst Tie primary electron acepiorof PST (b) Cocuzyme & substrate (a) Fasoguinone FD {@) Enzyme & prosuc (b) Pastoyann Cofactor &aubstate (2) Femedonin reducing substance (FRS) GE. Which one is the raw material for ‘coenzyme? (4) Allof these ees nem FAL How many ight eactons we equ or SN arbotydtes (A) Lipids ‘athe of one licose melecule? GE civil enzyme consist of pol pePde (Faw osm Aint nd cofactor called oy Twelve oy een Gapoenzyme () Activator Ga Caving Bako Towns © oT ge ae poe To orm Fe atte gages in wavelengis om (a Fir produt is 3C compound pou (By Tivee ATP ave geosated (a) 430m —760am (b) 390nm — 650m (6) SRUBP are utilized (6) 390nm —760nm Far cvs Vai www facebook com/Seieaces (s) 300s are used, 5 rg the Tood moleeules, the PEMA Sing vademySCA Sunday 07 Fuly 2023) = === SCIENCES Co, @)Cabonae EE = 2) Catbohydrtes (Lipide Dima ot He {o)Prowins ) Vitamins TE_Lamuis equal 3; UiResPattory pase of glycolysis, the {9)6.02109 gb) 1.610 g Scena ee c) 16x10 () None ofthese (@) PEP eo molciles of |75— Whaat ofl of Op molec? (©) PGAL ; @is a a (@) Pyruvate ) 168 208 How many NADH molecules are produced ee tthe aeteneaes Ta_ 75 gofaqnocvapics S6LatSTP. The gas (@) One (Two oo () Four ne (002 [How many NADH are produced in Krebs (Q)NO> How many NADH at prodedin Krebs | 75, Wht i tenia of hydrogen atoms 5 fone ne mol of water? sia (tive oN wna How many FADHs are produced in Krabs uN (aNvs ee producedin Krebs | 7G Total number of ons preset in TO x of (@) One (b) Two pape pdag (CCon: 10am) (o) Thee (ene @Na NWS How many ATP are produced by wbsare — soaNe Pad abaaieayisnh ees eke Fi, One mole of whieh of the following bucky @) One (Two ball will have more molecules: o) Thre 4) Four (Co 0)Co = ation of wee COA yl olen () All ae same (@) Eiaht Ta, Avogadro's constant isthe number of: () Twelve (@) Atoms in 2g of He (Fifteen {) Molecules in 16g of oxygen 4) Eighteen (6) atom presontin 23 Hydrogen Oxidation of Pyravic cd aTAT a) none ofthese @) Eight 79, 7How many moles of Carbon dioxide ean Be () Twelve blained by reaction of mol of earbon with (6) Fifteen ‘mol of oxygen gas; Ei (4 mol (5 mol GF, Cytochrome iz common iv both ETC of Vat () 6 mal {G05 mol reactioa of photosyalhesis & ETC of Bir Eaual moles oF carbon and tiydrogen are respiration: reacted to form methane by the following (a) Cytochrome b reaction. Which one isthe Himiting reactant? () Cytochrome © (C+ 28+ CH (6) Cytochrome € (@) Hydrogen (@) Carbon @ mea {(@)Both and ah Se ane {@) Both are present with stoichiometric phosphorylated ATPs produced are__? ratios two Bi, Actual yet ofa readtion 35 of theoretical @ Four Yield The percentage yield of reaction would Osx te? Ei @2 (0) 60% (6) 75% 4) 100% RM CIENCES COACHING ACAD! WE Which of te Following isthe correc @._ If mol of Hs contains "x" number of empirical formula for eperenone having i ae Seer molecular formula of CubOs? tal of PA contain? (a) Custis () CiHisOs (a) 2x (05 ©) CaO. () ClO (o)3x Wx. __ Which ofthe folowing is NOT an empirical Fa Which ofthe following contain largest formula? umber of molecules? Catto () ON G@)igorHO (0) 1gofN: (2) CutlsOs (2) Cally (€)1g0f CO: Fi, Triethylenemelamine has an empiri {All have equal numberof molectles. formula of CHiN: and a molecular mas of Fi Which one ofthe given samples contains the Fo a i ees most atoms? os {@)1 mal ofCO: __(b) 1 mol of UFs (@) GiiaNs ()Cattne (6) 1 mol of CHsCOCH, |__(. CHN_(@) CultuN —_—__ —— Se Catagamenc onan) ER teacadempSCh (Sunday 07 Fuly 2023) BS Analysis ofa 5g sample ofa covalent ‘compound showed that it contained 1g hydrogen and 4g carbon by mas, What she ‘empirical formula for the compound? (@CH ©) CH 6. Consider a sample of carbon that contains ‘50% carbon-I2 and $0% carbon-13, What do ‘You think is the average atomic mass of this SCIENCES COACHING ACADEMY (SCA) 1) Principal quantum number (@) Magnetic quantum number (@) Spin quantum number How many orbitals can have the following ‘quantum numbers, n= 2,121 (bz (i) Which ofthe following quantum number -ives the shape of atomic orbital of sub o sample? shell? @i2s mus @n @! Oven! (122 (om (Ws #7. Forthe given reaction H_ What the range of Azimuthal Quan Seren oe IECsi2 & O} are having ? moles 8 moles (a)Ot0n () 010s respectively, then which she liting ©) 0108 (010s reactant inthe reaction? () His (0): (©) COs (4) Both reactants are in stoichiometric fatios "BR How many moles of CO; produced in the 100. __ Which statement about the four quantum ‘numbers which describe electrons in atoms is INCORRECT? (@) n= principal quantiisnumber, 0= 1, 2, reaction, gen in above question? laksciontial quasar = 1,2, os we i fist) © on (©) m= magnetic quantum umber, m= (, Toe nanber foals in oC oe ° principal quantum number ni (None ofthese 20 (o)2n8 TOT, — The maximum number of lecwons that can en 20s be accommodated ina subshell for which = 90, The numberof orbitals ina subsbell 3s (a) 2ne1 (b) an? (a)2 (&) 10 {c) 2n (6) 261 {6 (ay 14 i, Which ofthe follaying isan incorect sei of |, _ Which ofthe following ean be the correct st quantum numbers; of quantum sumbers for an orbital? (@a-41-0,m=-1 (b)a=L1=0,m=0 (c)n=3,1= 2, m= +h 103. The probability of finding an electron is. ) All ofthese uniferm in every direction i in which 92, Spliting of special lines of hydrogen im cial? rmagactic field is, is op (a) Zeeman effect _(b) Stark effect fod (a) (c) Joul-Thomson effect 104. The Aufbau Principle states that...” @) Compton effect {@) Only two electrons can occupy an orbital 33, Paul exclusions applieable on; {b) Electrons ener the lowest avaiable (4) Two electrons in separate orbital energy level {() Two electrons in same orbital (© Electrons remain unpaired if posible (6) One electton in an orbital {@) Orbital are regions in space where ones (4) Halle sorbitals on likely to find an eleczon Gir Aecording i Aulban paneiple; when 4s | 105. Which on of he following statements about ‘Shbshell get completed, the next electron ‘bial is INCORRECT ? enters into; (@) Orbis can hold up to two eestons (@3p 3d {by Orbitals are regions in space where ones (6) 4d oY likely to find an electon 95. For an electron in Sp-subshell, the possible values of principle and azimuthal quantum saumbers are; (@)n=2,l-1 (0) 03,163 ()n=3, (i) n=3, 1 Which ofthe Tolewing quantum numbers can distinguish between two electrons present inthe ‘ame orbital? (3) Aimmuthal quantum number 36 {© Orbital can hold two cst provided theyre spinning inthe same ection (Nene ofthese Tos The ode of filing oasis (@) 1s 26.235 3534 a, 40 (0) ins, 2p.38 3934, 4p, 34 (6) 128 2p, 38 3 4 3 4p Fecal Vs ww Facebok com/SciencesCoachingAvadeapBCa (Sunday 7 July 2029) SC TENCES COACHING ACADEMY (SCA) A 17, Whehori veh ofthe Tollowing a tape aig ome rs Tao, Tow many signa and p-bonds could be @B m formed between wo ator which ave ec electronic cot rae pe is me sec oii 122 Wars ncaa a) One sigma and two pi Matis the sesonic configuration ofen (Ove semaand ne Ce pear (6) One sigma an e709 eae ae 09, Huns aes ot applicable on; oe wc . (4) 0. {8 10, — What wil be the Tongestwayelenginin the | 172. Identify he molecule orion which the Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum? Central alom has similar hybridization to hat (@ 656m by ss6m tf mirogen in ammonia bt aot o-stuctural (956 nm (158.7, to ammonia; TH. Hiydrogen atoms are excited from ground (Be nec sitet the state of pineal quantum 140" ie umber 4. Then what wil be the numberof Spectral lines observed? SCIENCES COACHING ACADEMY (SCA) @3 (ms TE, Taw of inertia suse 5 (2 {@eondinon of equim Tia, According to Bohr atomic model he? {o)eandon of ale ree ionization energy of helium from ground (cTegetgtion of Tose incomes state (i cond tener ; Tah body moves ins cle he dspace (a) 6x 13.6ev (b) 2 13.68 es 1 eusaer ae coveredby a Body in th of arotation is {i Cannot be calelated oe (2 Tid, The radius of Bohs orbits a Se ON Peers oi ok s oe ETA dy moves RIN in Soe a furne ves SKS] ten boy moves how th ta placement covered 2 (b) Directly proportional to square of, (a) 4Km[W) (b) 3K] ncipal quantam aumber aks (3) oka (a) Inversely proportional to principal 6. The displacement time graph for two particle A quantum number 58 enough ne icin at anges of 30 & G tmerely proporional wo square of Shvnthtne ais To on fhe loin ringpal quantum oumber Vas Vais TI The mto of wavelengts offs ming ines @i2 wins of Lyman and Balmer series are; ova O13 oz ms Taras ca wer aero ine ap SE © O1 (Doepiccment to) Veouty TIE Ancorng im BO the angaarmomntan | —-—]2Cusainelent_ CPSs felon i ocond aaa eo sr cecay hen he vely of «ody wil be nen (ame Sisk (Sint fo) 2 aoe. 729, Newton second is the unit of Tia: Highest nergy difference between Bob es ‘orsk bis of hydrogen atom 8; {G Power 3) Ses (@E2-EL (ESE {50.—What isthe rao of Uiances waved by so c) E63 (ES EL Tey esy fm ext dhsing it socom and TIT. Which one ofthe following central species ‘does NOT show Sp hybridization (@) 0 @) CH (o) Galle (4) None of these Tis. Which of the following ion has smaller size? (@) Mg" @)are (c)Nat (d) Ni Ti. Which one of the following has highest bond energy? (a) HE (oy HL ) HCL 4) HBr Far Reais visit www facebook comscienceaCé third second ofits fall? G@itel wre 13:5 1:46 THT The inal and inal yeoeites ofa uniformly Accelerated body are 20s and 6Dm's what i is sverage velocity? (@20m's () sos (40m 4) Sis THEA stone is tixown vertically upward with an initial velocity of 14’, What is the maxima TngacademySCA (Sunk height reached Joy 205) TAR he veri cope of aay oC FORT (@ Increase wih tine (©) ecrece wih tne ts varable At covers all ance DoS Salon ta pend and er a (0) 48knvt Pate {6 sok (saeun ) Stem TE. Rato of maxima eight Gained by HATS and me ken to each maxima boi equal Ta rising (2 vi cose (keane (a) tana TSG. A missile of mass 100k is fred fom te ground with velocity of 36km/h at an angle of 60" with ‘canis the KE. of missle at maximum height (IKI () 125K 6) 10K or TST, Theratio ofF-E- to KE ofa projectile summit point (a sin'a (cost ()tan%a 3) Corto. TSE When the angle of projectile projection Increases beyond 45° () Range decreased but height increase () Range increase but height decrease (€) Range and height both increase (4) Range and height both decrease “Ea A taper TORY ce a ‘atethien tae of change of momentum sn () 10N (<1 50N (8h0N 140. Body of mass mr moving with a connan velocity SCIENCES COACHING ACADEMY (SCA) Tae. A parce moves fom pontion 3142) + 1 resp sandr sooo ice of 14) EW. Fi the work dove: @u 2 3) aa “The wink Gone vo aling mass TOKE o# ieigatdat shove peal (400! (6) 200 {1001 om THE Ithe nomena ot poy wineaed SG, {eKE willncrasc 17. (50% () 100% fo) 12586 (200% T65, The energy consumed by a bulb of TOW maim (ou oa (o) 12K, (10K TSO, Correct expression fr abolute gravTational pote v= 2m ove - TST, _ Which ofthe following son consered inelastic ealision? (Momentum (KE. {© Both momentum mod KE. (4) Nether KE tor momentum TSE, Aight body A and heavy body B have equal linea mareatum The KE of body As (0 Equal to that of B () Greater than that of B (Less than that of 8 (d)Zer0 TSR Which options cea? (ake =! m9) mkE-= oxe-fA7 4) All of hese eg error ar stick ti. The velocity of the compound ater ‘constant force Fis applied acceleration produce sa at | arte amet |_ oe Be lt Erni a 1ich one of the following is greatest work? ae ee ape eee a)Nm 0) igor oe Sores ere ee sane ae pe oe For Ravais vi www Tavebook com BeenceCoachingacndemySCA (Sunday 07 Fo 703) AE SCIENCES COACHING ACADEMY (SCA) A 1a mile peencofaessuae ore Ber (a) mgh — Lt 74. ‘net di ivi oe | T6I, Fores of JOON act on a body moves 10m the angle makes with y-axis between F & d is 30 the work done is (2) 8603 () soo fe) 10005, 4) 0) TOL _A ctane lift mass of SKg to abeight of Tmin2 sec the power used by the eran is (o) 24watt () sOwatt (6) 100watt (a) Sow TES. A bulb consumes a power of S00wathin wo hour, the work done is (@) instantaneous velocity {(b) uniform velocity (average velocity () vanable veloc T7S, Which ofthe following Bodies as lrgen KET @3mV (0)3m,2v (2) 3m,3V (@) ma T76, The range of projec i equal to four mes oF height when the angle of projection is (30 (0) 45 ‘ 0 ae SCIENCES COACHING ACADEMY (SCA) "5 a) Skew a akwn one SCIENCES COACHING ACADEMY (SCA T6i— Two bodies paced on he earth have ass 17. Giga tia come sence ratio 1:3 the rato oftheir abslute graviaonl Wp itnpiag to bya pa sf pace oat enti {b) He is goin io buy one pats @ict (ou {@) Hei going to bua pans 321 (4) None of these ore to buy 8 pant TES, A body of masa Tp ing roated inacileot | 17% "WAM is Tin tong tng, the work done by centipea (a)Colletve noun (8) Uncountable noun fa {e) Countable oun (@)Propernoun @u wu TTB —To my dlight, everyone arited wn ime, The 53 0 abstt non be seatences T66,_ The avenge power and Instn acsgur pave (amived (asi become equi, Ifihe work is Sone ae (eveyone om (@) Any ate we TB They welcome he chil guest witha of (b) Varable rate flowers (©) Uniform rate (Gheolesion ()Highrate (by bunale 167, Two bodies of masses ratio ami) my ate moving Prccaa ‘heal nomen te miner KE | py rec ESL Ao (b) mim forthe undslined nouns (mim him (ame Ore om Te Ole, a THE He san old sham oF Oo (@mne Ow (Os oe my Gat i Ta nas eet ae erik | 95 — Aye ew force acting on Mae G)ls zer0 oe (6)15 Constant but not 2 Oe {¢) increase unify with espe tt cee (gy None ofthese EA The phraloP aanaes THO. A body is drop fom high baling Whats renee weocity afer $s. {byalumnac @ 196mis (0) 980m (@)alumuses (2.49.00 (sss (ahaa Fe ees wil ver the same Foran |g Many fsb readce whe the angles of projectile projection as (aoa oe ; wt ____@) swarm _(@) de_—__— 2) 308 408 (030% and 48° Tie “Patarch Hea (300 6 {450 30° (oadeged wend — (oad man 17H A body mover S=O5F then find Be 0 es (else ina acceleration: ¢ THT Tey ae (ims? ( (@ woman pilot o) sit a) Om {@veman pts Tind celertion: “Two forces act on a Body of LON ratio of maximum to minimum SCIENCES COACHING ACADEMY (SCA) A ‘Choose the incorrect par of ihe sentence How much money ate needed for the project? 197. Ina certain language, MOON 1 coded as NOOM and BIRD is DRIB. Which word would be coded 3s WOLLIW? (2) much (@) Willow (6) money (6) llwioe (o)are (©) Wow (d) needed, (4) foliw TBI. Choose the correct sentence, 198. FAG, GAF, HAI, TAH, JAK, (a) The police of Pakistan are more courteous (a) RAL —- than that of Mexico. (0) HAL (b) The police of Pakistan are more courteous (KAJ than those of Mexico. (Jal (6) The police of Pakistan are more courteous ‘CMM, £00, GQQ,__, KUU than Mexico. (@ Gss = (4) The police of Pakistan are courteous than of (irr Mexico. (©) GRR 190. Dad had an accident Heout witha knife (ayiss. (a) himself 200._Look at this sens. 7, 10,8 11, 9, 12, () hisself ‘What mumber should come next? (chim (a7 (is ()10 191, Mr. Nizam, satan driver, lives on he @ 2 ‘comer. ail {a) who TETSU LAA (0) whom INEWSUN DAV, ORT og¥ (6) which whites KMU/ETEA tela 192, Farming is (a) a Joel's world () Joel word {) Joel’ the world (8) Joe!'s world 193, Read the passage and answer ihe question 0 the 194. His bad not been a happy life end. (One of the standard themes in mythology isthe promise ofthe wounded heale, In our hurt lies the souree of our healing, The bird with the broken and mended wings sosr the highest. ‘Where you stumble and fll there you find the "The writer wants to say (2) Wounds are bad for healt life. {(b) Our bad expenences ae the source of learning for us. (c) Hardships make life difficult (g) Humans must learn from birds about life His" inthe sentence is (a) personal pronoun (b) possessive pronoun (6) possessive determiner (4) interrogative determiner ISCIENCES COACHING ACADEMY (S T95, Complete the following series ESEA, EAFA, E3GA, SELIA (a) EIA ()E2HA (o) EIHA (g) EHA2 196. SCD, TEF, UGH, TWEE (oT (@) CMN ou (vu CUTTS edie ce oo UXO ERO ic Ze PreTeT ee (ERs Pee eye) ENCES - Da PALER et Sel M D CAT/ETEA er a = = : = fies “Far Resales vot wr facebook comSceaceiCoaahingAcaenySCA Cunaay oT Tayo) iF Resulls vit wir 7 c al 8 S c c D A a B si 8 8 o D D B weal 3B 36 =. Mbbs in China 9 cee ren iss cy SN cum Coc uls Seat) Bee ee Rela ry eect Rees Brae aa us ieiae Blea > ©) Extra Classes by Foriegner Teachers (©) +923159013193 |+923177954625 | Zeeshan Khan

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