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DUNGEON IMASTERSTOOLKITe3 ET us icrmut a 'S pons Seep Pe NERZUGAL'S DUNGEON MASTER TOOLKIT 3 FoREWORD/ THANKS ‘Thank you so much for purchasing Nerzugal's Dungeon Master Toolkit 3! This isthe third of my Dungeon Master Toolkits and my filth book release. This product has been in the works fora full year and has been a pleasure to create and refine this content for xyou. My goal with each book is to create a massive set of resources that any Dungeon Master can add to their arsenal. This time around its 6 adventures, 10 puzzles, 20 merchants, 100 trinkets, and 100 monster stat blocks! The content of this book is ready to use as is, but in Dungeons & Dragons each table is unique. Different players enjoy different kinds of content, so be sure (0 make your own creative changes as you see fit Ifyou players are all about hack and slash adventuring and getting huge ples of treasure, then remove the pu ' rom the adventure and throw in a few extra magic items, Ifyou like the idea ofa monster, but it doesnt quite work for your campaign world -change i! This book is a guideline, not a ruleset, so let your own creativity flourish as you use its content! My goal is to create adventures that afirsttime Dungeon Master ccs run with ease and one that a long.time Dungeon Master could eraft to perfectly fi their homebrew world with minimal effort! | would like to extend a personal thanks to all of my friends who are my playtesters/guinea pigs forall ofthe content you find in this book: justin, Bella, Jef, Kelly, Rachael and Hyde. Also a big thanks to my sister whose graphie design skis help me to ereate the covers ofthese products! These are the people who continue to fuel my passion for Dungeons & Dragons and make unique and creative decisions that alter my inital designs and ideas for the better? Itis a joy for me to create this content and see all ofthe positive feedback from people who enjoy the adventures. Please let me know if there i anything you find confusing or that you don't enjoy! Lam a one-man team so there are always things that slip through the eracks, bat I will do my best to update the content as I receive criticisms! I have changed my formatting since the last ‘book to try to make it easier to run each of the adventures based on feedback from readers of my older books, so let me know ifit is working! Toecasionally drop spoilers and share completed content ahead of time on Twitter (@Neraugal) so fel free to follow me there for additional information on future releases, to get teasers for future products, or as an avenue to share feedback with me. ‘These beautiful layouts were created with The Homebrewery on so a huge shoutout to the developer and be sure tohelp support them on Patreon! Ae for this product is by Uyen Nguyen and Yulia Plokhaya with cover art by Sergey Schastny. Enjoy! ROLE-PLAYING TaBLe OF CONTENTS ADVENTURES (006) The Harvest Festival [1-4] (032) The Anomaly [1-4] (045) Beneath the Surface [1-4] (056) Give a HOOT! [1-6] (063) Myths of the Sacred Temple [1-8] (079) The Gorgeous and the Grotesque [5-8] PuzziEs (092) Compass Rose (092) Puzzling Passa (093) Simple Door Pi (093) Crossed Words (094) Barred Aphabeties (095) The Keyed Code (096) Desk Decoratio (097) Cubie Conundrum (098) Musical Messages (099) Torpor Orbs MERCHANTS (101) Arianna Nerrala (102) Caden Carlisle (103) Deluga Crestbreak (105) Fai (106) Farrah (108) Fleep (109) Gorodon (110) Hazia Thelborn (112) Jintlak (113) Kelzenoth AKA Red (114) Kharjim Blackfist (116) Penny Allerton (117) Rekalla Switfoot (118) Ritka the Charmer (120) Rimly Niftefoot (121) Smug Gnaritooth (122) Tellenar Markaleth (123) The Hooded One (125) Tok’Kalora (126) Zuvia ‘TRINKETS (127) Trinket Tables Nerzucat’s EXTENDED BESTIARY 3 (130) Abyssal Guardian (131) Axotonl (132) Celestial Combatants (133) Lunar Worshippers (138) Solar Worshippers (144) Corpse Angler (146) Creatures of the Fey (146) Fey Critters (146) Bloat Toad (148) Dream Moth (148) Noctoad (149) Flaying Mantis, (149) Spore Hound (150) Wild Creatures (150) Chameteox (151) Ventus Flydra (152) Two-Headed Fey Lizard (152) Barkskin Troll (153) Satyrs (155) Sprites (158) Syiphs (162) Devorator (163) Dolls (165) Draconic Clans (166) Draconic Warrior (166) Draconic Warden (168) Scaled Protector (168) Dragon Caller (169) Draconic Spellweaver (169) Apex Hunter (171) Essence Harvesters (174) Elemental Infused Beasts (175) Ice Beasts (177) Lightning Beasts (179) Fire Beasts (182) Water Beasts (185) Earth Beasts, (187) Giant Hagfish (188) Musical Constructs (193) Oozes (196) Pangolot (197) Sanity Snatcher (199) Skeletons (201) Tardigrand (202) Tyrant of the Depths (204 Witches APPENDICES (212) Appendix A: Monsters By CR (213) Appendix B: Monsters By Creature Type ADVENTURES In my past books, this section has been dedicated to one-shots, but the term does not apply as wel to this book as four of the adventures are intended to take multiple sessions to complete! So in Nerzugal’s Dungeon Master Toolkit 3 they are simply Adventures. These last from 3 to 12 hours depending on your party’s shenanigans, its size, and your pacing. The estimated times for each adventure are listed alongside them as well as the levels that the adventure support. These are each self-contained adventures that can be dropped into your existing campaign world or be used as one-off adventure with allnew characters. They are a great tool for new Dungeon Masters who might be hesitant to jump immediately into a full adventure or even an official module without first testing the waters. For experienced DMs, these can be a break from your ‘traditional game night ifyou have players missing or simply be interesting set pieces to drop in your world without requiring a ‘buge amount of prep time. often enjoy paying tribute to famous movies and television shows with my adventures and this book is no exception, You will find tributes to Beauty and the Beast, Groundhog Day, Tremors, and Legends of the Hidden Temple inthe following pages, though each of them has been transformed in significant enough ways that your players may not immediately realize the connection Alongside these is Give a HOOT, which allows the party to save and bond with an adorable owlbear and bring a family back ‘together (as seen on the cover ofthis book} The book also includes my previously solo published adventure - The Harvest Festival which can easily span 3 sessions and even has options for a PvP mode if you have enough players! OVERVIEWS THe ANOMALY ‘LEVELS: 1-4 Expgctrep Duration: 6-10 Hours Tacs: Puzzie-Hzavy, Comsat-Heavy, TRAPS, CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING Inspired by the movie Groundhog Day, The Anomaly has the party rapped in the small mountain town of Pawney with an unstoppable army of ores charging upon the city. When the orcish forces arrive, the entire town and the party are slaughtered, but ‘the group wakes up in their beds unharmed as the day is reset. Only they and a few other individuals from around town are aware of the resets and it is up to them to uncover the truth hidden beneath Pawney. They will face monsters and traps that are otherwise insurmountable, but with as many tries as needed itis merely a matter of finding the right tactics. How many times will the party die before they unlock the secret of The Anomaly? BENEATH THE SURFACE Lavers: 1-4 Expscrep Duration: 3-5 Hours ‘Tacs: Comaat-Heavy, Horror, Creative Prosiem SOLvING, ONng-SHor, HicH-LerHaurTy Inspired by the movie Tremors, Beneath the Surface leaves the party trapped on the rooftops along with all ofthe citizens of the town of Adaven as monstrous rock worms burrow through the ground in search of food. The town is known for its prosperous ‘mining industry, but when the townsfolk broke into a new rich vein of ore, they inadvertently awoke the ereatures slumbering beneath the mountains. Now these blind nigh-indestructible worms must be stopped! The party teams up with the leaders of the town and maneuver from disaster to disaster all while trying to devise a plan to put these creatures in the ground permanenty. Does your party have what it takes to save the town, or will they be left consumed by the massive wurms that lurk Beneath the Surface? ‘THE Harvest Festival Levets: 1-4 Exrgcrep Duration: 6-12 Hours ‘Taos: Festivat, Mrnt-Games, Heavy Rouepravine, Frrenpty PvP Mone, REPLAYABLE ‘The Harvest Festival is a massive adventure that covers the events of the annual celebration inthe town of Ankhor (or any city ‘you'd ike in your own campaign setting) The party can either face off a rival adventuring group that calls themselves The Saviors (of Revelheim, or you can put two groups of PCs against one another as they compete in the Gladiator's Gauntlet. This Gauntlet thas six major events the party can choose from in a best of ive, each highlighting a different set of abilities from cooking, combat, fishing, and even on-stage performance! Outside ofthese events the party can partake in nine mini-game booths where they can ‘earn prizes, patches for their outfits or even spins on the Grand Prize Wheel! Which events will your party choose? Will they collect all nine ofthe mini-game patches? And do they have what it takes to emerge victorious in the Gladiator's Gauntlet? Find out at The Harvest Festival! WJ Give A HOOT! LEVELS: 1-6 Expecrep Duration: 2-4 Hours ‘Tacs: HrartwarMinc, Becrnner DM Favonrre, Mopgrats-Comnat, Onz-SHOT hope you love owibears, because this adventure has an entire adorable family of them, In Give a HOOT? the party must help reunite a stolen baby owlbear named Nekosi with her mother and father. They are all rescued owlbears at the Humans for ‘Outstanding Owlbear Treatment (HOOT) Sanctuary. Unfortunately, even when the party returns Nekosi back to the HOOT. ‘Sanctuary, they find that her parents broke out to go save Nekosi and are still missing in the woods. Itis up to the party to track down these worried parents and get them safely back to the sanctuary before wolves can hunt them down or goblins can devour ‘them! The pay for the job isnt the best, but the reward of seeing the family is stil grand assuming your players Give a HOOT! MyTHs oF THE SACRED TEMPLE LavEns: 1-8 Expectep Duration: 6-10 Hours ‘Taos: Pozzin-Heavy, Mopzratr-Comar, Gut-WrencHInc ‘Trapped beneath the town of Gwenthas is a Primordial Earth Elemental that is desperately trying to escape its containment in an ancient prison. Fortunately for the people of the town, there is a way to reinvigorate the magies ofthe prison. Unfortunately, it lies ina temple filled with traps, puzzles, and creatures that only the most worthy of adventuring groups could hope to conquer! Your ‘group will have all oftheir abilities put tothe test as they travel through this temple, facing challenge after challenge with the help ‘of a shapeshifting companion named Kirfog. If they fail far more than the town of Gwenthas is doomed, but should they succeed they will be added to the Myths of the Sacred Temple. Tx GorGEOUS AND THE GROTESQUE Lavers: 5-8 Expecrep Durarion: 5-8 Hours ‘Tacs: Moxrtpe Parus, ComBat-Hravy, Heavy ROLEPLAYING POTENTIAL, Puzzie-LicHT In this Beauty and the Beast inspired adventure, the party will be tasked with rescuing a beautiful young woman named Emma from a werewolf that has captured her and locked her away in a castle. The party ean choose to slay the beast or to aid the ‘werewolf's father to find a cure for lycanthrope. Neither of these paths will be easy, as the enchantments placed on the mundane objects ofthe castle to help keep it safe from intruders and to keep it from crumbling without its servants have begun (0 go awry. ‘The silverware, the suits of armor, and even some of the plant life around the castle grounds are out to stop the party in their goal! Will your party kill this ferocious werewolf or give him a chance at life again? Find out The Gorgeous and the Grotesque! THE HARVEST FESTIVAL A FesTIVE ADVENTURE FOR LEVELS 1-4 ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS ‘The party finds themselves entering the city of Ankhor in the ‘midst ofits annual Harvest Festival. The entire town is filled to the brim with people from all walks of life indulging in ood. drinking, games, and trade! As the party joins in the festivities, they are called out by another band of adventures - ‘group calling themselves The Saviors of Revelheim. The ‘Saviors are still novices, but after their recent vietory over an attacking squad of ores, they are feeling quite confident in their capabilites - confident enough to challenge the party to ‘competition inthe Gladiator's Gauntlet! The Gladiator's Gauntlet was once a massive arena in which people and groups could face off against one anothes, ‘butas time went on the people demanded a bit more flash and pizzaz than simply fighting with blunted weapons Now; ‘the Gauntlet has become an entirely new competition with ‘events that can challenge every skill in an adventuring group's, arsenal There is still some bloodshed on occasion, but now theres also plays, feasts, and fearsome beasts! In Roofiop Rush, two runners sprint across the rooftops in the city’s living district while the rival team pelts them with nonlethal arrows -some of which are filled with oil or even ‘glue! In the Culinary Confrontation, each team must compete to create the ultimate culinary experience, choosing a single (ordinarily repulsive) ingredient that their opponents must ‘use in their meal! In the Passionate Performance, the teams ‘must work together reenact a scene from a famous play, captivating audiences with their charm and swagger on the ‘tage! And this is only a portion of the potential challenges! In between events, the party is welcome to indulge in any of the nine different festival games that are scattered all ‘throughout the city: Some of these events are based on luck ‘while others are based on skills, but all of them ean, potentially reward a Golden Ticket which allows fora spin on the Grand Prize Wheel in the town square! The prizes range from a stay atthe finest inn ofthe city up to a bag containing ‘up to 100 gold. ‘Your players best be ready to utilize all of their skills as ‘they venture into The Harvest Festival! A PvP ADVENTURE!? ‘This module can also be used asa PvP adventure! Two parties of PCs can compete against one another instead of against the Saviors of Revelheim! There are instructions alongside each ofthe events in the Gladiator's Gauntlet that zives information on how to convert each of them to a PvP. ‘encounter rather than PvE. This will mean a crowded table, ‘but will also hopefully mean a great deal of fun for everyone involved! Averace Party Lever (APL) ‘This adventure uses the Average Party Level (APL) to scale the difficulty of encounters. This is simply the average of your players total character levels assuming you have 4 party ‘members. If your group is larger than 4, increase your APL by 1 for each addtional player If your party is smaller than 4, decrease your APL using this same rule. EXPECTED LENGTH: 2 Hours ‘The expected length of this adventure is 6-12 hours. [ realize this is quite a large spread, but there are so many different things for your players to explore in this adventure and iis intended to be open-ended, There are ming games to explore, [NPCs to talk to, and the actual length of the main tournament can be shorter or longer depending on how the party performs. That being saic | would highly suggest more ‘than one session as there is alot to do at the Harvest Festival! DESCRIPTIVE TEXT Text that appears ina box like this s meant tobe read sloud forthe players when their characters first arrive ata location of Under a specific circumstance that wll be noted New DM DiscLaIMER | would not recommend the PvP mode for a novice DM, as it will likely be overwhelming to try to manage up to8 players at the table at once! Harvest FesTIVAL OVERVIEW SHEET SrEcIALTY Foop Major EVENTS ‘+ Arrival in Ankhor ‘+ Getting a Copper Drinking Token + Choosing a Tavern 1+ Meeting the Saviors + Gauntlet Overview ‘+ Competition SignUp ‘+ Entering the Gladiator's Gauntlet = Best of Five Saviors ask to draw out tournament for gold if losing ‘+ AWinner Declared ‘© Additional Rewards + Saviors Sendoft TAVERNS + The Glass Mug *+ Ankhor Ale House + The Tower Tavern Important NPCs ‘Tue Saviors or REVELHEIM ‘© Mareo Vargus - Human Fighter ‘+ Relenas Tylina - Elvish Wizard ‘+ Milo Thatch - Halfting Rogue ‘© Eldon Thatch - Halfling Paladin GiapraTor’s GAUNTLET EVENTS Rooftop Rush Jabilant Joust Brawling Beasts Culinary Confrontation Passionate Performance Fishing Frenzy ‘The Gauntlet Food Challenge Dragon Wings The Ramslay Special Spiked Apple Pie Goblin Balls SPECIALTY DRINKS Dragonflame Brew Tee Giant Ale ‘The Bog ‘Mindwarp Whiskey (Limit 1 per guest) Triple A (Ankhor Apple Ales) Game BooTus Hammer Slam Dagger Toss Hot Pepper Challenge Drop in the Bucket Ferret Races Cake Walle Duck Pond Copper Mines Fishing in the Void ‘WELCOME TO ANKHOR ‘The city of Ankhor is quite large, spanning multiple miles with its vast trade district and numerous housing districts ‘The inner portion of Ankhor is surrounded by a thick stone wall. At one point in history, the entire city was protected by these walls, but Ankhor's population has grown far too large {or such constraints now: The businesses within the bounds of the walls are typically high-class while the areas on the outside are middle to lower class. There are dozens of other groups heading into the city as you rake your way down a large hill that leads into the beautiful, sprawling city of Ankhor. The view is spectacular as magically enchanted bonfices cause brillant flames to dot the town and sends colorful plumes of smoke up into the air A pleasant aroma can be smelt even many hundred yards outside of town the smell ofbaked goods and fried meats. As you approach, you see town guards in outfits decorated in red, yellow, and ‘orange standing out front and handing each person that enters the city a small copper token ‘As each person enters the city, they are given a single copper leaf that is good for one beer at any tavern oftheir choice within the city and there are many options available! It is ‘rowing late when the party arrives at Ankhor, so most of the Festivities have moved into the taverns as the game booths ‘and vendors have shut down for the day (aside from a select ‘ew offering specially seasoned beers and fanciful desserts infused with aleohol) The party can make their way toa tavern oftheir choice, Dutif they ask a local or a guard they wil be old ofthe following: The Glass Mug. Ankhor Ale House, and The Tower Tavern, ‘+ The Glass Mug serves all oftheir alcohol in see-bad meal! Ir Baltoneowa!" ‘+ °This ellis famous for his spices kicking his meals up another notch, With some of the best restaurants in the ciy, ets give a big welcome to Lerime Essagal!” ‘+ "This halfelf woman can breathe life into even the fouest of meals. With her charming smile and joyful optimise, she is sure to delight even the grumpiest of audience ‘members as well! Its Rachelle Sunray!” SPECIAL INGREDIENTS ‘Next, Thdallen will lead the partyin the selection of their special ingredients. He will read each of the items out loud and the crowd will cheer and wretch in response! The potential special ingredients are as follows: ‘+ Jar of Gelatinous Jelly -A jar of heavily acidic jelly from a {gelatinous cube. It will dissolve through most other ingredients, has a strange texture, and almost no discernible taste or smell IF used correctly, it can unleash the true flavor of other ingredients Ingesting too much of this causes stomach ulcers ‘+ Pickled Intellect Devourer Brain - This large pickled brain has a horrid texture and smell, but surprisingly \elicious Mavor. The presentation is gruesome, so it will need to be heavily disguised to allow the person eating the food to appreciate the taste. Ingesting too much of this causes vivid hallucinations and short-term memory loss. ‘+ Nothie Bye - This eye is nearly six inches in diameter and continues to stare out aimlessly. The juice contained in the eye is considered a delicacy, but extracting itis less than pleasant. If done improperly. it can completely overpower a meal with a taste that is similar to that of blood, but i used correctly it has a strong umami taste, Ingesting too much ofthis causes terrible nightmares and paranoia. ‘+ Spectator Tentacles - These long, slender tentacles are covered in slime that must first be carefully removed to use the ingredient. The tentacles are quite tough and if prepared incorrectly are all but impossible to chew. Different tentacles provide different flavor profiles - some spicy and others naturally sour or salty. Ingesting too ‘much of this item causes a short-term superiority complex and illusions of grandeur. ‘+ Basilisk Heart - This large heart has a good flavor if you can extract the tiny pieces of stone from within i. The last thing a meal goer wants is to consume little chunks of stone as they eat their meal! I must be added to the meal late, as it slowly petrfies other ingredients if left near them for too long. Ingesting too much of this item leads to the development of kidney stones. ‘+ Magmin Flame Sac - This sac filled with an orange jelly like substance that is spicier than the hottest of peppers! Taking a bite out of a raw flame sac will cause someone 10 sweat profusely before passing out from sheer pain and losing the ability to taste for many weeks. Using the correct amount to get the spice without the pain is tric, asi extracting the jelly without burning yoursel. Ingesting too much ofthis causes painful chamber pot adventures, temporary loss of taste, and heartburn. Common DisHEs ‘+ Jar of Gelatinous Jelly- Gourmet peanut butter and ‘gelatinous jelly sandwich with peach jelly cobbler for dessert. ickled Intellect Devourer Brain -A diced brain salad with a potent sour vinaigrette alongside a pickled brain omelet and roasted potatoes. ‘+ Nothie Eye - Cream of mushroom and onion with a nothie eye juice base and an eye,juice glazed pork with pineapple slices, ‘+ Spectator Tentacles - Meatballs and spectator tentacle noodles with garlic bread and a white chocolate coated tentacle pretzel for dessert. ‘+ Basilisk Heart - Basilisk heart and broccoli with teriyaki sauce alongside basilisk heart bacon and maple donuts, ‘+ Magmin Flame Sac - Flame sac roasted chicken and rice with hot and sour soup and a spicy tomato cocktail Choose a random ingredient for the Saviors to assign. All are fun and challenging in their own way. The Saviors will ‘make one of the meals listed in the section above. The players are free to come up with whatever dish sounds fun and delicioust Ifone ofthe party members has proficiency in skill relevant to cooking, give them some of the ideas above as well This is meant to play out like a cooking ‘competition television show, so keep that in mind as you play out this event! ‘THE MARKETPLACE (Once the players have their special ingredient, they can form game plan for what they would like to prepare. Give the players afew minutes to discuss before setting them loose. Each team is allowed to only use the three gold given to them for this event. A judge will follow the players around, taking note of the ingredients purchased and the amount of remaining gold. Tydallen will walk over during this time and ask the party their thoughts and what they think of their ‘special ingredient. ‘Vendors know the competitors are out forthe highest quality ingredients and will attempt to lure them to their booths. Some can give advice on using the ingredient in a dish and why the items at their booth are the perfect match. ‘Some ofthe vendors have long lines of ordinary citizens and the party may need to shove some people out of line or bribe them to get to the vendor in time! The characters can use a variety of skills to aid with this purchase of ingredients and make sure they get the most ‘bang for their buck! ‘+ Charisma (Persuasion) checks can lead to better prices and allowing the players to buy higher quality products. ‘= Intelligence or Wisdom (Survival) checks can help to know which items in the market are going to pair well with their special ingredient. ‘+ Wisdom (Insight) checks can let the party know ifthey are boeing overcharged for an ingredient or if vendor is stretching the truth about an item's common usage to get asale, Players will need to make a total of three checks as they interact with these vendors. These checks will determine the quality of their ingredients compared to the opponent. ‘To determine the Savior's total, roll 3420 + 10. ‘Venpor Ortions ‘+ Marius’ Magnificent Meats ‘+ Beatrice’ Fresh Baked Breads ‘+ Veronica's Fresh OfF TheVine Fruits and Vegetables ++ Pierre's Pasta Emporium ‘+ Jamar’ Jellies and Jams, ‘+ Sabrinals Spice Shelf ‘+ Dariais Dessert Destination Lzt’s Gzt COOKING Once time is up in the marketplace, the teams rush back into the tent to start cooking! Only three characters can work effectively at the cooking station at atime, so the players will have to choose those with the most relevant skills to represent them! Tydallen walks around the area making comments about how good the food smells, complimenting the techniques the competitors are using, and questioning the introduction of certain spices as the crowd oohs and ahhs. He will even pull one of the party members aside and ask them personal questions, trying to pry out tragic history to share ‘with the crowed. He will even go so far as to lean in and whisper in their ear, “It doesn't even need to be true. The ‘crowd just eats this up!” DETERMINING QUALITY ‘The party will need to perform three checks for cooking and plating their meat The players can justify which stat and proficiency they would like to use. All characters in the kitchen must contribute one roll and the same check cannot be made by two different characters (except a Cook's Utensils check) This could be an Intelligence (Cook's Utensils) or Wisdom (Survival to prepare the exotic food a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) to carefully cut the ingredients, or even a Charisma (Performance) check to plate the ingredients in a pleasant manner. ‘The Savior's will use 3420 + 8 for their bonus for this portion of the competition. Ifthe party's total from the marketplace and cooking rolls is between 81 and 95, they receive (10 x APL) additional gold at the end of the tournament. If the total is 96 or higher, they receive (20 x APL) additional gold atthe end of the tournament. Alternatives. if your party's total is 65 or lower, this also brings in (20 x APL) additional gold because people love to watch the tragedy unfold Juveme! ‘When the plates are sat down before the judges their ota score aerossthe marketplace and in the kitchen determines their eactions. ‘+ 65 and below -The meals vile. The meat might be raw or the special ingredient is used at dangerous levels. The judges are disgusted and refuse to eat the food with snide remarks and disappointment. The food may literally kill, ‘+ 66-80. The food is edible but doesn’t highlight the special ingredient or does not look appealing on the plat. Spices added at incorrect levels. May be slightly burnt. ‘+ 81-95. A good meal It has.a nice presentation and makes good use ofthe special ingredient. This is the kind of food they would expect to receive at a nice restaurant! ‘+ 96 and above - The meal is mind-blowingly delicious! Even some of the professionals don't know if they could hhave created such a unique and effective combination to highligh the special ingredient. They each clean their plates and the crowd goes wild! ‘The winner is the team with the highest total score across their six rolls PASSIONATE PERFORMANCE Overview In this portion of the gauntlet, the competing teams will have {0 use a bit of cooperation to appeal to an onlooking crowd, ‘They are given a script with assigned parts and must act outa short scene from a famous play. The winner of this branch of this event is chosen by the cheers ofthe crowd that have gathered around to watch the show! ‘When the party frst arrives at this event, they are pulled backstage and a stack of scripts are lai out before them. The team that did not choose this event gets to decide which set of roles they would prefer to play. The first set of roles is Rivaldes, Celes, and Silva while the second set is Sir Laranot, Dawnbright, and Argus. There are three roles in each set of scripts, one major role and two minor. One party ‘member will also need to play the role of narrator for the non- dialog lines. Read the players the section below to give them an overview of the play before forcing them to decide which set of roles they want to play. Ifthe Saviors are given the option of choosing, they will decide on Sir Laranot, Dawnbright, and Argus. The teams are given an hour to rehearse their part and get {nto costume before they are to perform in front ofthe crowd ‘They are permitted to keep their scripts when they perform as it is such short notice, but the crowd still expects a ‘heartfelt and passionate show! See The Play Section below for setup for your players. ‘THE DESOLATION OF NAYALA [Read this next section aloud to your players to give them context forthe play and let them get adjusted to their character's role! The Desolation of Nayalais play that has been performed in these lands for over a hundred years, zo the locals knove it ‘quite well. tells the story of a fey princess, Rivaldes, that eames to the world of mortals and fallin love with a man named Traxler. She brings her love back to Naya, her homeland, where itis revealed that Traxler's adoration was simply part of a plot to gain access to Nayala so he can conquer it He overthrow the fey council and their beautiful forest falls to chaos and blight. Rivaldes is cast out her word by Traxler and wanders the land of mortals in seek of anyone that may help her sly this evil Rivaldes’s trast in creatures of this world was destroyed by the betrayal and this pay tells the story of her journey back home. She faces brutal challenges, makes new fiends, and regains faith in the creatures of this world through the guidance of the Nature Spirit Siva, and with the companionship of her faithful touean, Celes ‘She falls in love with a brave knight named Sir Laranot along the way. He isa man that prides himself on his strength and valor and was broken by a recent defeat in which he let arogance get the better of him. He travels with his young, squire, Argus, and his sentient blade, Dawnbright. Together, Sir Laranat and Rivaldes make the dangerous trip back to Nayala to defeat Traxler. They are successful, but ir Laranot skilled in the final battle. As Rivaldes weeps over his body, she is finally deemed worthy by the spirits ofthe forest to ascend to the role of Emerald Queen and with her newfound magics she is able to return her love to life. You are to pay out a scene from Act I of the play, when Rivaldes frst meets Sir Laranot after facing the horrors ofthe Bog of the Hag. Tue Play ‘The party members playing Rivaldes, Laranot, Silva, and Argus all dress up in elaborate costumes that match their characters. The party members playing Celes and Dawnbright are in all black outfits with props that match their respective characters. Celes is an elaborate toucan puppet and Dawnbright isa sword that goes alight when a Dutton on the side is pressed. The scene takes place on a path deep in the forest and starts with Rivaldes and Celes walking ‘ut into the middle ofthe stage. Along the way, characters will need to make Charisma (Performance) checks (though your players may be able to argue Deception as well} If they have been pouring themselves into the role and playing along with this event, ‘have them roll with advantage. Ifthe Saviors are acting out the Rivaldes’ fines, Relenas plays the role of Rivaldes, Eldon plays the role of Cetes, and Marco plays the role of Silva. If they are acting out the Laranot’ ines, Marco plays the role of Sir Laranot, Relenas plays Dawnbright, and Eldon plays Argus, ‘When the play is over, the crowd goes wild and rises to their fect, tossing flowers onto the stage. The parties step up fone at a time and the crowd cheers and claps. A few judges survey the volume and intensity ofthese accolades. Have ‘each of the party members that performed make a Charisma (Performance) check. Give them advantage ifthey really gave it their all during the show! The Saviors roll 3420 4 8 for their total Once both parties have stood before the crowd, they are ushered backstage and the winner is announced! Ifthe players got advantage on atleast I oftheir performance checks, they receive an additional (10x APL) gold atthe end of the tournament. Ifall ofthe players got advantage on all oftheir performance checks, they receive and additional (25 x APL) gold atthe end ofthe tournament instead. Tue Scrirrs Rrvatpzs’s GROUP Major CHARACTER Rivaldes, The Princess in Green. Rivaldes isa beautiful fey princess from the cy of Nayala. She wears a beautiful tiara cof vines and glowing green leaves, Ths tara combined with a beautiful dress that shifts color to match the forest assures that Rivaldes appears regal She has come to this word in search ofa hero that can help save her people from a horrible blight, he is confident, powerful woman, She put her trust in another and itd tothe plight that currently plagues her people, so she i hesitant trust humans ofthis world. MINor CHARACTERS. Celes, Rivaldes's Toucan Companion, Celes is Rivaldes's loyal friend and has been with her for over twenty years. Coles speaks incredibly quickly in a high pitched voice that is ‘easy to understand despite coming from a bird She tries to bbe a voice of encouragement to the princess that is now so dlistrusting of those she must rey on for help. Celes hates seeing her friend suffer and will do whatever i takes to bring happiness and faith back to Rivaldes. Silva, The Forest Spirit. Rivaldes prays to Silva when she isin need of guidance. The once glorious Forest Spirit's power has begun to wane with the blight brought to Nayala by Traxler. He is the entity that grants Rivaldes her spellcasting abilities and tres to guide her down the path of aan Emerald Queen. He speaks in a slow, steady voice and, provides advice to the princess when she needs guidance. Laranor’s Grou? Major CHARACTER Sir Laranot, The Hero of Raythorn Si L and noble knight that has proven his worth on and off ofthe battlefield In over fifteen years he was never on the losing side ofa bate... but a few months ago it finally happened. He was challenged ta duel to end a conflict between kingdoms. A del he lot because of his arrogance. Sir Laranot decided to journey into the wilderness to reflec after the humiliating defeat. He wears shining uit of plate mall and wie a glimmering sentient sword called Dawnbright He speaks in a confident, stern voice the voice of warrior. snot is a brave Minor CHaracters Dawnbright, Sir Laranot’s Sword. Dawnbright is the sword Sir Laranot claimed after facing the ial of Champions. I sees valor and protecting the weak asthe ultimate goal for any knight and will constantly press Laranot to go t the aid ‘of those who may not beable to help themselves, even iit ‘means going up against great danget. Dawnbight has a slightly feminine voice and uses frm, but encouraging, words to,uide Laranot down the path it ses best Argus, Sir Laranot’s Squire. Argus is Laranots squire and has been raining under him fortwo years He isa mere sixteen years of age and still has much to lean, He is not confident in his own skills a all Argus sees Laranot almost asa dety despite what happened in the dueling arena and ‘wishes more than anything for him to return to his od sel His vice is stil high pitched and always filled with excitement, even when nervous! DIALOG Rivaldes (relieved): After that filthy bog itis wonderful o be ‘on solid ground again! Though I will admit [have no idea. where we are! Coles (reassuring): Dorit worry: Rivaldes, we will find our ‘way to people! I'm sure one of them will be willing to help ust You are so beautiful that these mortal men will ump at the ‘opportunity to impress you! Rivaldes (annoyed): | don't want them to aid us to impress sme, Celes, [want them to aid us beeause they are pure of heart and want to sce our world made whole again, I just question whether there are any people who meet that criteria Ieftin this horrid place. Their trees don’t even speak to me! Coles (reassuring): You don't give these people enough credit, Rivaldes. Just because Traxler was Nafrator: There isa loud crack of ticks crunching underfoot and the clank of metal rings through the forest. CCeles and Rivaldes hice behind one of the trees in the background of the scene. Sit Laranot, Angus, and Dawnbright center the scene from the lef of the stage. Argus is notably wearing a comically large backpack. Sir Laranot (amused): Ifyou cant carry that bag then you will never be ready to don a set of plate mai, young Argus! ‘Argus (straining): With all due respect, sir. 'm not sure carrying a giant bag of boulders is comparable! Sir Laranot (amused): Alright then, let's take a break here before you go and collapse on me! (Narrator: Sir Laranot takes off Dawnbright and takes a ‘seat on a tree near where Rivaldes and Celes are hidden. ‘Argus (relieved): Thank the gods, I wasn't going to make it much farther. Narrator: Argus drops the bag to the ground and is accompanied by a loud bass drum bit. ‘Argus (excited): believe itis time to eat! This jerky we got from the last town is so delicious. ‘Narrator: Dawnbright begins to glow, flickering as it speaks. Dawnbright (calm, then excited): Perhaps not, young ‘squire. We are not alone in this forest. sense another here. A powerful presence -a foreign presence! Narrator: Sir Laranot jumps back to his feet and tunsheathes Dawnbright Sir Laranot (cautiously): Who goes there!? Show yourselves or he slain! ‘Narrator: Celes comes flying out from behind the treet Celes (panicked): No need for that, we are friendly! Please don't attack! (whispering) Rivaldes is already frightened ‘enough of your kind. Let's not give her more reasons! Rivaldes (frightened): What do you think, Silva? Can they be rusted? Narrator: Silva steps out from beyond a nearby tree, standing behind a partially translucent sheet with a backlight to make him appear glowing. The rest ofthe characters in the ‘scene freeze as.a new conversation begins. Silva (serene): These are not questions I can answer child of the forest. Part of being an effective Emerald Monarch is ‘making such judgments on one's own. This sa fear you must conquer if you hope to claim the throne. Rivaldes (trying to build courage): know... just. cant get him out of my head I cant believe [was s0 foolish, My judgments cannot be trusted Silva (encouraging): A monarch that has never made a ‘mistake isa monarch that has never been presented with a challenge. Leadership is not always making the right choice, ‘but learning from our mistakes and persisting egardless of the past, The past a took not a weapon! Rivaldes (stil frightened): But what if this human is like. him. Silva (sternly): Traxler. Narrator Rates shivers Silva (calmly): Ifyou cannot speak his name, he still controls you. Your journey is far from over and it wl kely only grow more difficult, but your people need you. Every moment wasted is another tre lost tothe blight. Narrator: Rivaldes takes a deep breath and time resumes forthe rest ofthe characters in the scene. ‘Rivaldes (confident) | am princess Rivaldes of Nayala, future Emerald Queen and protector of the forest. You need rot fear me, human, [Narrator A green light pans and illuminates Rivaldes. Sir aranot and Angus both gasp in awe of her beauty. ‘Sir Laranot (astonished): Iam Sir Laranot and this my ‘squire, Argus. I doit believe Ihave ever heard of a fey princess. What brings you to our realm, my lady? Rivaldes (regal): My people are under attack by a terrible, ‘malevolent fore from your world A dark sorcerer by the name of Traxler I seek the aid of brave warriors that may be able to help save my people ‘Narrator: Dawnbright pulses brightly with enengy: Darnbright (eager): A maiden in need of aid! We have no choice bat to respond to her call Celes (confused): Who was it that spoke just now? | did not see the mouths ofthe humans move! ‘Argus (ironically: Says the ridiculous talking bid (excited) Lets doit Sir Laranott This i the opportunity you need to prove yourself again! eles (angry): Lam no mere bied! Iam a lesser spirit of the forest and guide to the future Emerald Queen! Narrator: Sir Laranot eyes Argus angrily: Sir Laranot (apologetic): Forgive us, Lady Rivaldes, he is still young and requires some training in etiquette! Narrator: Rivaldes lets her determined and confident facade break fr a moment as she gigeles. Rivaldes (playful then serious: Itis quite alight Cees is an anomaly in your world Asam I But as we stand here and speak, the forests of my lands decay further. Soon my people will fade asthe tees they worship turn to dust. I cannot fight {hisevil on my own, ‘Narrator: Sila illuminates once again in the background Silva (encouraging): Do it! Take the leap of faith for your people! "Narrator: Rivaldes takes a deep breath Rivaldes (confidenty) Will you be the champion my realm needs and fight alongside me? Narrator: Dawnbright explodes with light, Dawnbright (cestatic): Ofcourse he wilt Argus (happily) I this doesnt break you ou of this sump, 1 don't nov what will eles (happily): Looks like the spirits of luck may be on our side as well Rivaldest Narrator: Sir Laranot grabs Dawnbright and slams the blade into the ground as he kneels before Rivaldes. Argus falls1o one knee as well wide grin aross his face as he bows before the fey princess. Rvaldes goes alight with ‘emerald energy and we see Silva disappear into a burst of eaves in the background. Sir Laranot (powerfully): You have my blade and my dedication. The sorcerer that has a stranglehold on your hhome shall taste the steel of Dawnbright before the end of {his wil slay this evil on your behalf or die eying I swear this oath to you, Lady Rivals. Rivaldes (omiling): Excellent. Then rise, my champion, and let’ prepare for what comes next! Narrator: End of scene FISHING FRENZY OVERVIEW ‘The two competing groups are taken to Lake Orenska near the northern edge of the town, To the east of the lake isa moderately sized forest that is protected by the city from any additional developments. They wanted o maintain some of the natural beauty of the area even asthe city grew. There are numerous docks surrounding Lake Orenska, These are mostly used to take boats out on the lake for leisure fishing and romantic excursions. For this event, the players will be given access to a boat and basic fishing equipment but no bait. They are not permitted to ‘purchase bait and must find it themselves inthe forest or shallow waters. They must then use this bait o go and try to catch the largest fish, The competitors are given ninety minutes to get this done! They must be back atthe docks atthe end ofthe ninety ‘minutes or none oftheir fish count! The lake is filled primarily with bluegill largemouth bass, and catfish. The catfish arc the largest ofthe potential fish but also the most difficult to catch. Largemouth bass are also quite big and can easily win the competition. Catching a bluegill is simply a backup in ease you can get nothing else, Bluegill can also be used as bait for catfish! The players will need to use their knowledge ‘of nature, their survival skill, and a bit of luck if they hope to come out the winners of the Fishing Frenzy! GaTHERING Barr ‘The first step ofthe tournament is to gather bait, There are many different options in the forest and the shallows of the lake. Different baits work better on different types of fish, For simplicity, we will narrow this down to just a few options. Each time your players make a check to find a type of bait, it takes 5 minutes. On a success, they get enough for 2 skills checks of fishing. On a fai they get enough for 1, Do not show the chart below to your players, but any of them can make an Intelligence (Nature) check or a Wisdom (Survival) check to gain general information about what types of fish prefer specific bats. You can also give them insight as to which are “better” and which are “more dificult to obtain” using the chart below (but never give specific numbers). Bait Name Location Effective For Survival Check DC Fishing Check Bonus Nightcrawlers Forest AL pcs 8 Crickets Forest Bluegill, Bass CB +4 Frogs Shallow Water. Bass, Catfish DC 10 +5 Crayfish Shallow Water Catfish 0c 13, +6 Minnows Shallow Water Bass, Catfish DC 16 8 Bluegill Deep Water Catfish INVA [Caught via fishing] +10 PicKinc A Spor (Once the players have gathered their bat, they can head out to the boat and get ready to do some fishing. There is a map sitting on the seat of the boat along with oars and two fishing poles. There are replacement hooks, fishing lines, and sinkers as well. The ‘boat can seat up to six, though with that many itis quite crowded! A smaller boat with a judge follows after the party to ensure they ‘do not cheatin their catching of fish, The map in the boat shows some ofthe key fishing spots inthe area. The markers simply communicate the location andl the distance from the docks. Any player ean make an Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check to learn more about these locations. On a result of 10 or more, they learn the types of fish that are likely to be at each location. On a result of 15 or more, they learn that bluegill ean be caught and used as bait for catfish, On a result of 20 or more, they learn relative odds of geting ‘snagged at each location, Location Distance From Dock _BluegillDC Bass DC CatfishDC SnagRange _Size Modifier ‘Open Waters O minutes eis Dc22 -DC30— N/A ad6 ‘The Shaded Cove 10 minutes pc 12 Dc20 C28 1-2 1d6 Lily Pad Inlet 10 minutes pc 10 Deis C26 14 1410 ‘The Sunken Ship 10 minutes NA NA DC22,— 1-6 2d6 Fallen Logs Cluster 15 minutes NA pee pcs 18 208 S / Fisuino! ‘When the party arrives at an area, they ean immediately Degin casting. Each competitor that i fishing (maximum 2) ets to make I check every 5 minutes, assuming they have the required bait. A fishing check is a d20 + (Wisdom Mod or Dexterity Mod) + Bait Modifies. f the raw d20 value is within the snag range for the area, the line breaks and that character loses 5 minutes as they restring or add new tackle to their pole. This occurs even if the total roll exceeds the DC to catch a fish! These spots are high risk, high reward! Otherwise, the type of fish is ofthe type of the Injghest DC that is passed by the check. DETERMINING SIZE Each type of fish has a base length. You then get to add the size modifier forthe area to this length. ‘+ Bluegill-2 inches ‘+ Bass 5 inches ‘= Catfish -8 inches Back To THE Docks Remember, your fish only count if you get back to the docks before the 90 minutes is up! So be sure your players are aware of how much time is left in the competition so they can, plan accordingly! If they want to press their lick, they can perform a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to try and get, ‘back to the docks in hal the time, but on a fail they do not ‘make itand are disqualified! The Saviors will spend the entirety of thei fishing adventure out atthe Lily Pad Intet. They manage to catch 2 bluegill 2 bass, and 1 catfish. Roll the sizeof these fish (using, the base lengths plus a d10 forthe area) and see which one is, the largest! Compare their largest fish to the partys largest fish and declare a winner! Ifthe party manages to catch a fish of at least 15 inches, they earn an extra (10 x APL) gold at the end of the tournament. Ifthey catch a fish of at least 18 inches, they ‘earn an additional (20 x APL) gold at the end of the Drawine It Out ‘The first team to three victories aeross events is the winner! Whenever the PCs are at two wins, ifthe Saviors are behind, they will have an aside with the party. Marco will tell them ‘that their bouts have been pretty popular and they eould all ‘make a decent amount of money ifthe contest went as long as possible, He will suggest the party takes a dive so they ean ‘even things up 2-2 before the final event to draw the largest crowds! Its up to the party whether or not they want to go ‘through with it, though. A WINNER DECLARED ‘Once one ofthe teams has reached three victories in the Gauntlet, they are declared the winner Both ofthe teams are gathered inthe square ofthe town where there isa ceremony in front of al ofthe fans they have earned over the course of the competition. Tdallen (rom the cooking contest) is the spokesperson for this as well He will recap all ofthe events the winners, and any spectacular feats the partes accomplished (spectacular being those that earned additional fold) He wil then give each ofthe members ofthe winning team, special god leaf token, similar to the copper leaf the party received when they arrived in the ety. Tyllen looks to the crowd and speaks. "This Gladiator Gold Leaf is good for one round offre drinks for every person in the tavern at any of ‘our fine establishments during the Harvest Festival so you ‘may want to find out where this bunch is staying tonight!” ‘The group that gets second place receives a set of Gladiator Silver Leaves. Each of these are good for ten drinks av any tavern inthe ety during the harvest festival Once these rewards have been given out, two men carry a c’chest out onto the stage. The gold thatthe party initially paid to enter the competition has been converted into silver and copper to fill this chest to the point of overflowing. The men sit it down in front of the winning team and Tydallen calls for ‘one final round of applause for the winners before ushering everyone off stage, ADDITIONAL REWARDS ‘Tydallen will then call over both groups. His hyper energetic and excited demeanor fades and he talks to the party like 8 normal person. “Great work out there, both of you. Take these serolls over to the Festival Treasury and they will get the rest of your gold paid to you. You can also trade out all of that silver and copper for gold and platinum while you are there."He hands each of the teams a scroll and gives them a bow before going off to mingle with the erowds, Calculate the amount of gold your party is to receive based ‘on their APL, the number of rounds in the competition, and the additional rewards they may have earned during events. Saviors SENDOFF Win or lose, the Saviors are quite gracious after the ‘competition. There will be some trash talk about how they gave the partya run for their money or peshaps stating that they should meet up again next year for a rematch, They will invite the party tothe tavern where they offer to buy everyone a round of drinks with their coins and get to know each other abit better. You can play this out if youd like or simply skip over this bit ifyou are running low on time! OTHER FestIvat ACTIVITIES! ‘As mentioned at the beginning ofthis module, there is more to do at this festival than simply the Gladiator's Gauntlet. ‘There are all kinds of games the party can indulge in as well as specialty food and drinks! Depending on your time constraints, you can simply guide your players from event to cevent, but ifyou want to play out the downtime, feel free to see the sections below for some extra fun! SPECIALTY PRODUCTS Drinks Draconrrame Brew ‘An extra spiey beverage made with just aint of dragon pepper that leaves a nice burn, People are warned not to chug the beverage, as those who are not prepared can ‘Sometimes pass out from the heat. Usually consumed with an Ice Giant Ale to provide a cooldown afterwards. This combo is served at most taverns and is called a Remorhaz Ice GIANT ALE ‘This brew made with a glacial root only found up in the ‘mountains remains icy coo! even on the hottest of days. [is {quite strong, even more so ifthe rootis left out in the heat for afew days before being crushed and added to the drink. Often paired with Dragonflame Brew as it provides a cooling effect to the other drink’s heat. This combo is served at most taverns and is called a Remorhaz, ‘THE Boo This isa drink typically served only during the Festival and is as far from a delicacy as one can get. Patrons of the bar order five drinks or any variey. The bartender then pulls out a special bowl that contains thick spheres of ice. All of the alcohols are poured together into this bow! and the ice forms “islands” in the dark mixture of drinks, Patrons then put the drink atthe center of the table and get refills as needed It tastes foul but will get you intoxicated in a hurry. ‘Minpwarp WHISKEY (LIMIT 1 PER GUEST) ‘This whiskey is served neat in a small glass. It is made using abit of blood from a slain beholder. This drink is high brow, ‘ypically costing ~2 gold for one drink. Fifteen minutes after downing the drink, the consumer will start to have vivid hallucinations. It also provides a sense of euphoria if ‘consumed at exactly the amount given ina shot. This persists {or a full hour before wearing off. If someone is sneaky and thas someone bring them a second shot, these visions quickly become nightmares and can lead to permanent insanity. ‘Terre A (ANKHor AppLe ALES) Ankhor is famous for its apple orchards alone draws in crowds from all around. 1 variations of the ae -red, green, and purple. Red is a stronger drink with a crisp taste. The green is sweet with a bit ofa sour aftertaste and not nearly as strong as red, Purple is a careful mixture ofthe two that creates a strong, but sweet drink. The purple is often seen as the most dangerous as it tastes delicious and itis easy to overdrink because it is ‘unclear just how much alcohol is being consumed. Foop ‘Tar Gauntier Foop CHALLENGE ‘This 1 gold meal is sure to put your stomach to the tes. ‘There are six courses to this challenge -a heaping bow! of chips and fire giant salsa, a bowl of duck egg soup, serving of eatish,a spinach salad with mushrooms, asixteen-ounce owlbear steak, and finally a fruit salad with whipped topping! Anyone who finishes the entire meal (DC 20 Constitution saving throw) gets their name up on the wall ofthe restaurant and five free game tokens! Dracon Wines ‘The name typically draws in tourists who think they are going to be eating deep-fried dragon's wings, when in reality these are merely chicken or duck wings spiced withthe dragon peppers grown in the area, These wings provide quite the kick and a server is always sure to suggest a tall glass of milk {to go with the meal! ‘Tue RamsLay SPECIAL ‘The signature dish ofthe city’s famous halfore chef, Goredawn Ramslay Its a simple dish that is brought to Tite primarily by the spices and rubs used on the three different {ypes of meat on the dish. It contains a slab of thick cut bacon, a medium-rare steak, and a serving of bass on a bed of rice with a side of roasted spirit sprouts. All ofthese are products from within the city’s bounds. Sprcep Appi Pre ‘These delicious apple pies are served at many booths after the ordinary festival events have come to a close for the day ‘The apples used to make the wine are soaked in aleohol for a few days before being used and it is cooked with some Ankhor apple ale, The result is an apple pie that is delicious but comes with a kick! Gosun Barts Fortunately for festival attendees, these sweet treats contain 10 actual goblin parts. The interior is a deep fried dough ball with a nice crunch. The dough ball is then dipped in a sweet cream cheese and wrapped in a thin, flavorless leaf that is ound on the trees arouind Lake Orenska, These are folded in ‘such a way that they cover the dough ball and end in two little points that resemble goblin ears. Some restaurants will also add two lite dabs of chocolate to give them eyes and make a full goblin head of the treat, These are usually served by the dozen or half-dozen and sometimes on a large skewer! Game BooTHs ‘There are many game booths scattered all throughout Ankhor. Each of them have some minor prizes as well as the chance to win a Grand Prize Ticket! At the center of town is a Grand Prize Wheel where festival goers can turn in these tickets fora chance to spin for one of many fabulous prizes including up to 100 gold or 25% off any purchase of a magical item! ‘The mini-games also each have their own Harvest Festival Patches! In addition to being able to sew these stylish patches onto your outfits, those who have obtained multiple patches get additional spins on the Grand Prize Wheel! Be sure to collect all nine co ‘show off how much fun you had at the festival and to get additional chances to win big! Bovine Paroues ‘Many dont eare about the special festival patehes as much as others, It is technically against the rules ofthe festival to get badges jn ways other than earning them yourself... but many people do so regardless, Some patches cost more than others to obtain. See the chart below to determine the cost to buy a patch and how much the players can make if they sell the ones they collected! Game Patch Buy Price Sell Price Dagger Toss Dagger 5 gold 3 gold Drop in the Bucket Mug 5 gold 3 gold Ferret Races Ferret 4 gold 2 gold Copper Mines 5 gold 3 gold Buvinc Gran Paizz Tickers! ‘even worse spirit to buy a Grand Prize Ticket rather than earn it, bt once again people do it and ifyou know who to talk to you can buy or sel them. Members ofthis organization will buy tickets for 3 gold each and sell them for 10 gold HAMMER SLAM Each play ofthis game costs I silver. The player is given a large sledge hammer and ean smash it down on a device that will send a ‘counterweight up to hit a bell A player that manages to hit the bell can choose to play again to increase the difficulty and to receive better prize. They must pay the I silver again to do so. They are free to walk away after any stage and receive the current prize. If ‘they fail to hit the bell onthe new difficulty, the player receives no prizest There are 5 stages in totak Each time a player swings the hammer they make a raw strength check, ‘STAGES AND Prizes Stage Strength check DC Prize 2 2 Acertficate to get a steak dinner at any restaurant in town. 4 16 A special Harvest Festival patch that can be sewn onto an outfit. It depicts a Hammer. 23 26 Daccrr Toss Each play ofthis game costs I silver. The player is given three daggers to throw at one of two targets. They must make attack rolls with the dagger to hit the target, receiving different amounts of points based on the accuracy of their throws. They receive prizes, ‘depending on the number of points earned during the game. (One of the targets is 20 feet away from the counter. There are three-point values for this close-range target. The outer ring is ‘worth one point, the secondary ring is worth two points, and the central cicle is worth three points. ‘The other target is 60 feet away from the counter. There are three-point values for this fongrange target. The outer ring is worth, ‘one point, the secondary ring is worth three points, and the central circle is worth five points. Keep in mind that 60 feet is long- range for a dagger! These attacks are made with disadvantage which makes three inner-ring hits quite challenging! ‘Tarorrs Target Outer Ring AC Secondary Ring AC Inner Circle AC Long-Range 10 2 1s ‘Prizes Total Score Prize 68 A toy dagger. 12-14 A special Harvest Festival patch that can be sewn onto an outfit It depicts a Dagger. ‘Tae Hor PEPPER CHALLENGE ‘The cost to take on this challenge is 1 silver piece. The challenger approaches a stand with a line of progressively hot peppers. The Challenger must take a bite of the pepper and then wait thirty seconds without taking a drink of ice cold milk that is sat before ‘them, Irthey manage to beat the heat, they can drink the milk and select a prize, Otherwise, they ean pay the 1 silver again and try Staoes ano Pauzzs, rt stage Popper throw DC”? Prize 2 Hellhound B ‘Abag containing one of each of the peppers from the booth 4 Fire Giant v7 ‘A special Harvest Festival patch that can be sewn onto an outfit. It depicts a Dragon Pepper.

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