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Powered by AL Copilot Certainly! Let's explore both topies: 1. Deletion in AVL Tree * Deletion in AVL trees involves removing a node while maintaining the AVL property (balance factor). ‘+ We perform rotations and adjustments to ensure the tree remains balanced. * There are several cases to handle during deletion: 1. Node with no children (leaf node). 2. Node with one child. 3. Node with two children (requires finding the in-order successor or predecessor). 2. Other Uses of Binary Trees Binary trees have various applications beyond AVL trees: Binary search trees (BSTs): Used for efficient searching, insertion, and deletion. Expression trees: Represent mathematical expressions for evaluation. Heap trees: Used in heap data structures (e.g., min-heap, max-heap), Huffman trees: Used for data compression. Trie (prefix tree): Efficiently stores strings for autocomplete, spell-checking, and IP routing. + Parse trees: Represent the syntactic structure of expressions in compilers and interpreters. Decision trees: Used in machine learning for classification and regression. + Binary space partitioning (BSP) trees: Used in computer graphics for visibility determination. Feel free to explore these concepts further or ask for more examples! @

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