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1.Modern literature exponents

Exponent Comparison

He was an important Colombian poet, considered a precursor

José Asunción Silva -Colombian poet
of modernism and the first exponent in that country. His best
known works are El libro de versos, De sobremesa and Gotas

Jose Asunciòn Silva and Ruben Dario are two modernists who
have in common their style of musicality.

Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was a British novelist, essayist,

editor and feminist, is considered one of the most prominent
figures of literary modernism of the twentieth century. Her
most famous works include the novels Mrs. Dalloway (1925),
To the Lighthouse (1927), Orlando: A Biography (1928) and
The Waves (1931).
Virginia Woolf - British writer
Virginia and Jose Asuncion Silva, are two modenists with
different themes, since Virginia was characterized by her
feminist writings and on the contrary Jose Asuncion Silva's
theme was nostalgia.

He was a journalist and diplomat. He is considered the

Rubén Darío
greatest representative of literary modernism. His best
Nicaraguan poet, writer, journalist, and diplomat.
known works are Azul (1888), Prosas profanas (1896) Cantos
de vida and esperanza (1905).

Ruben Dario stood out in modernism since he recovered

moments of Latin American history and questioned some
social attitudes, in this we can compare Ruben Dario with
Virginia Woolf since both were in charge of questioning social
issues from their point of interest but through their writings.
2. Virginia Woolf - British writer
3. Annotated Bibliography

Woolf, Virigina. Mrs. Dalloway. Hogarth Press, 1925.

This book was written by the British novelist and critic whose internal monologue and poetic style are considered one of

the most important contributions to modern translation.

Adeline Virginia Stephen, The daughter of historian and philosopher Leslie Stephen, she was born in London and educated

at home. After the death of his father in 1905, he lived with his sister Vanessa, a singer married to the critic Clive Bell, and his

two brothers in a house in London's Bloomsbury, which had become a free meeting place for old friends from the university, and

their brother. The group known as the Bloomsbury Group included, in addition to Bell and other London philosophers, the writer

Leonard Woolf, whom Virginia married in 1912. In 1917, the two founded Hogarth's publishing house.

Her first novels, Voyage's End (1915), Night and Day (1919) and Jacob's Room (1922), show his determination to broaden
the perspectives of the novel beyond the mere act of narration. In his subsequent novels, Mrs. Dalloway (1925) and To the

Lighthouse (1927), the plot emerges from the inner lives of the characters, and psychological effects are achieved through

images, symbols, and metaphors. The characters unfold thanks to the ebb and flow of their personal impressions, feelings and


An interior monologue in which human beings and their normal circumstances appear as extraordinary. Influenced by the

French philosopher Henri Bergson, Woolf, like the French writer Marcel Proust, delves into the idea of time. The events in Mrs.

Dalloway cover a space of twelve hours and the passage of time is expressed through the changes that take place step by step

inside the characters, in their awareness of themselves, of others and of their kaleidoscopic worlds. Among her other novels,

The Waves (1931) is a stylized, abstract novel, while Orlando (1928), based on the life of her friend Vita Sackville-West, is

historical fiction as well as sexual exploration. and quality.

Warren, S. (n.d.). LA SEÑORA DALLOWAY: Análisis, personajes, argumento y más. La web donde encontraras el resumen de tu

libro favorito. Retrieved May 13, 2023, from

According to a poet of Armenian origin (Hovhannes Tumanyan), when a person conforms, he ends up losing his identity, if
he adheres to the norms dictated by a society, the person will be trapped in that society and will think uniformly like the

others. If this saying is applied to the Novel Mrs. Dalloway, it is seen that its writer made a great deal of criticism in a subtle

way about how women conformed to the norms of society, always from the point of view of each character.

In a comparison of its two main characters, (Clarissa and Septimus), there is a punishment of the purely heterosexual mentality

of those years and calls for a change in the way of thinking of society through the character of Clarissa and Doris Kilman, the

who decide to renounce the superficial of being in a certain social class. Virginia Woolf denied the social uniformity of her

time, she thought that women ended up having a forced relationship with men and she criticized the rigidity of social classes,

in the characters of these two women.

He also wrote biographies and chronicles; In Mumba make (1929) she defended women's rights. Her letters were published

posthumously and are must-have books for writers and readers of her work. On March 29, 1941, she committed suicide by


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