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Module Name: BUSINESS


Table of content

Table of content ................................................................................................................. i

Acronyms .......................................................................................................................... ii
Introduction ......................................................................................................................iii
Learning Unit 1: Identify activities to be accomplished before real business operations. .. 2
Learning outcome 1.1 Verify business start-up requirements .......................................... 2

Learning outcome 1.2 Recruit employees in line with task requirements ........................16

Learning outcome 1.3 Perform purchasing of business requirements in line with business

Learning Unit 2. Create productive working environment .................................................51

Learning outcome 2.1 Set business ethical conduct. .......................................................51

Learning out come 2.2 objectives: ..................................................................................65

Learning outcome 2.3 Match personal characteristics with business requirements .........74

Learning outcome 2.4 Maintain good relationship with customers and suppliers ............83

Learning Unit 3: Run real business operation. ..................................................................92

Learning outcome 3.1. Set of short-term business goals .................................................92

Learning outcome 3.2. Optimize the utilization of available resources .......................... 101

Learning outcome 3.3. Employ targeted promotional and marketing campaigns ........... 111

Learning Unit 4: Monitor and evaluate the business ......................................................124

Learning outcome 4.1. Prepare a daily report of business activities............................... 125

Learning outcome 4.2. Organize employee’s meeting in accordance with customer’s

inquiries and needs ..................................................................................................... 130

Learning outcome 4.3. Consult to business plan ........................................................... 139

AMA: American Marketing Association
CRM: Customer relationship management
CV: curriculum vitae
EOQ: Economic Order Quantity
HR: Human Resources

JIT: Just in time

MIFOTRA: Ministry of public services and labour

PR: Public relations

RACI: Responsibility Accountable consulted and informed

RAM: Responsibilities assignment matrix

RFP: Request for proposal or

RFQ: Request for quotation
RSB: Rwanda standard board

SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time bound.

SWOT: Strength , Weakness, Opportunity and Threats


This module covers the skills, knowledge and attitude to organize a business
which is linked to organizational strategic outcomes and facilitates the
achievement of service delivery. The module will allow the learners to identify
different activities to be accomplished before real business operations, create a
productive working environment, run real business operations and monitor and
evaluate the business.

CCMBO501: Business organization

Learning Units:
1. Identify activities to be accomplished before real business operations
2. Create a productive working environment
3. Run real business operations

4. Monitor and evaluate the business


Learning Unit 1: Identify activities to be accomplished before real business operations.


Learning outcomes:

1.1 Verify business start-up requirements

1.2 Recruit employees in line with task requirements

1.3 Perform purchasing of business requirements in line with business plan.

Learning outcome 1.1 Verify business start-up requirements

Duration: 1.30 hrs

Learning out come 1.1 objectives:

By the end of the learning outcome, the trainees will be able to:

1. Describe clearly the requirements for start-up a business.

2. Explain correctly the steps of business requirement analysis.

3. Explain correctly the factors to consider when choosing business location.


Equipment Tools Materials

Classroom Chalk Phipps chart

Black table Mark pen Books

Computer Paper



Advance preparation:



.A sample of certificate of incorporation provided by RDB

. A sample of business plan

Content 1.1.1. Description of business requirements Meaning of business requirement

a) Definition

Business is any activitiy done in order to earn profit or income. business refers to all of the
activities involved with the sale and purchase of goods and services. Business activity can take
place anywhere, whether that's in a physical storefront, online, or even on a roadside.

A business is any entity that seeks to profit from an activity. Business is a broad term, but
these profit-seeking activities generally include providing some kind of good or service that
people want or need. Businesses may experience a loss, but that doesn't stop them from
being a business.

b) Business requirements are something that business needs to do or to have in order to stay
in business. They help the business to deliver the highest value to the customer. A business requirement can be:

1. Process they must complete,

2. A piece of data they need to use for that process,

3. A business rules that governs that process and that data.

Different office equipment like ; office equipments, Office furnitures, offices supplier of raw
material and financial resources etc. The Common features of business objectives

The common features of business objectives are the following ;

1.Formal structures,

2. Aims to achieve objectives,

3. Use of resources requirement of directions,

4. Legal Regulations to controlling them.

5. Profit maximisation

6. Costs minimization. The Steps of business requirements estimations or analysis

1.Break the effort into manageable pieces. We can estimate a whole lot better when our
business analysis phase(s) are small. It is easier to estimate specific business process than
business process.

2. Choose your approach. We will estimate differently if we are using adequate approaches.

3. Use a variety of estimating techniques. On many projects we cannot be precise about our
estimates when we’re first asked how long business analysis will take. We usually use
analogous estimating, or experience with a previous project. If we have good history, we
might be able to use parametric estimates. For example, if we know that it takes four hours
to model a business process and we have five processes to model, it will take twenty hours to
model business processes.

4. Brainstorm. Talk with the people who are actually going to do the work. They usually have
a more realistic idea of what needs to be done and how long it will take.

5. Identify all the deliverables/artefacts. Make sure you know your deliverables before
attempting to identify the tasks needed to produce them. Here are a few examples of
deliverables: user stories, agendas and minutes. List of business requirements estimation development.

1. Develop Requirement.

2. Write and documents requirements

4. Check it completeness

5. Analyze, define and decompose requirements

6. Validate requirements.

7. Manager and allocate your requirements.

5 Summary related to the content

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ Business: Business is any activitiy done in order to earn profit or


✓ Business requirement: Are something that business needs to do or

to have in order to stay in business.
✓ Features of business objectives,
✓ Steps of business requirement analysis.

Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer involves trainees to generate ideas on concept of business.

✓ Facilitator involves learners to generate ideas concerning business


Practical learning Activity

✓ Learners in pair will discuss on business requirement, and features of

business objectives.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

1. Meaning of business,
2. Business requirements,

3. Steps of business requirements.

Content 1.1.2. Steps guiding to start a business Steps guiding to starting a business are the following;

1. Evaluate your-self

2. Think the business idea

3. Do market research

4. Get feedback

5. Make it official

6. Write your business plan

7. Finance your business

8. Develop your product

9. Start building your team

10. Find a location

11. Start getting some sales

12. Grow your business. Business location

Location of business is a place where business is situated.

It is made of:

1.Working place layout

2.Office equipment

3.Office furniture

The businessperson in order to choose location, he/she has to make careful assessment of
cost. The ideal location would be one where cost is minimized. Where had to offer as well the
benefits. Factors to consider when choosing business location.

The factors considered when choosing business location are the following;

1. Availability of raw materials

If you intend running a manufacturing or production business, then availability of raw

materials is a factor you must not joke with when choosing your business location. If your
business is not sited close to these raw materials, then sourcing and transportation will reduce
your profit margin.

2. Nearness to market

The next important factor to consider is the nearness of your business to its customers. Are
your customer’s resellers or end users? Answering this question will help you determine the
best area to locate your business. Remember that for your business to succeed, you must
make it easy for customers to find your product.

3. Availability of basic infrastructure

Availability of basic infrastructure can affect your choice of small business location.
Infrastructure such as water supply, power supply, good road network and security are things
to consider when locating your business.

4. Economic policy

The economic policy or system of a particular region may also affect your decision and choice
of location. Some economy favour capitalists and others are driven by socialism; where the
government controls all businesses. Other sub-factors to consider are government’s policy,
fiscal and monetary policy, exchange rates, taxes, levies and duties.

5. Demographics

Demographics as a factor can have a big influence on your choice of business location. The
type of product or service your business offers and the status of the customers will play a vital
in your choice of small business location. I will share an example:

Suppose you are into the business of selling stationeries. That means your demographics
should be made up of students, so your best bet of location should be within school vicinity.
6. Psychographics

The mind set of your customers or the aura of a particular region is also a factor to consider
when choosing a location for your small business. For example; if you site your business in a
region where tribalism thrives, then you are doomed if you are not a member of the tribe.

7. Industrial Clusters / areas

Some entrepreneurs may decide to site their business in industrial areas or clusters due to
the infrastructure and amenities already on ground. Industrial areas are areas mapped out
specifically for commercial purposes especially manufacturing firms. These areas are
sometimes given special attention such as good road network, constant power supply, etc. In
some certain regions, heavy duty manufacturers are forced by the government to site their
companies in these industrial areas.

8. Export processing zones

Locating your business in an export processing zone may be a smart choice for you especially
if are an exporter. Locating your business in such regions means a reduction in transportation
cost, faster inspection and clearance of your products by custom officials and so on.

9. Free trade zones

International free trade zones and trade fair centers are also good places to site your business
because it is accessible and normally receives wide publicity.

10. Distributive channel

If your business does not deal directly with end users or final consumers, then it’s wise to put
your distributive channel into consideration when choosing a location for your small business.
The more you make it easier for your distributors to access your products, the better for your

Starting up business require both office furniture’s, office equipment and network
equipment. All these requirements should be well arranged in order to ensure goods working
place layout. Essential office equipment.

The essential office equipment are the following;

1.Business telephones system,

2.Computer and different software,

3. Computer network and internet

4. printer, smartphone, mailing, furniture, stationery office suppliers. The requirements before start-up a new business

In order to start –up business, entrepreneur must identify the following issues:

a) Raw material for initial storage

Raw material for initial storage include:

- Production equipment and machinery,

- Production consumable

b) Start-up finances

Start-up finance is the finance needed when starting a business When starting a business, the
entrepreneur must thing on the following:

1. Quantity of financial needs: to ensure you have adequate funds, it’s important to estimate
your financial needs before starting a new business. The first step is to figure out your
expenses. These can be divided into one-time start-up costs and recurring expenses.

2. Financial sources: they include Personal investment, Friends and family, Debt financing,
Grants and subsidies from the government.

3. Allocation of finance resources: financial resource allocation is the process of assigning

and managing money assets in a manner that supports an organization's strategic goals. Summary related to the contents

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

The steps guiding to starting a business include;

1. Evaluate your-self
2. Think the business idea
3. Do market research
4. Get feedback
Factors considered when choosing business location.
The factors considered while choosing business location include;

1. Availability of raw materials

2. Nearness to market

3. Availability of basic infrastructure

The start-up financial is the finance needed when starting a business

Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer involves trainees to generate ideas on business location. .

✓ Trainer involved trainees to generate ideas on the factors considered to

locate the business.

Practical learning Activity

✓ Trainees in pair discuss on the following;

1. Meaning of business location

2. The factors considered while locating the business.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

✓ Definition of a business location

✓ Factors considered when allocating a business

✓ Start-up finance.

Learning out come 1.1 : formative assessment

Please mix different assessment instruments/tools for triangulation and

relevancy of assessment

Written assessment

• Assessment instruments/tools

Q1. Read the following question and answer true or false

a) Business is any activitiy done in order to earn profit or income…………

b) Business requirements are something that business needs to do or to have in order to

stay in business. …………………

Q2. Read the following statement and use X to select the correct answer.

Statements The steps of business The steps guiding to starting

requirements analysis a business

1. Evaluate your-self

2. Think the business idea

3. Do market research

4. Break the effort into

manageable pieces

5. Choose your approach.

Q3. Explain any five factors considered when choosing the location of the

Q4. Mr M want to start a new supermarket in Rwamagana District, after curing

out a market survey, he found that the products that he want to put on the
market is so needed, but is facing by the problem of capital to finance his
business, and his friend Miss K he advised him to borrow money from the bank
in order to finance his business. This advice from his friend is it a right way to
solve this problem?

c) What Mr M should do before borrowing money from the bank in order to

use the borrowed amount in a good way?


Proposed answers for formative assessment

Written assessment

• Assessment instruments/tools

Q1. Read the following question and answer true or false

d) Business is any activitiy done in order to earn profit or income…TRUE

e) Business requirements are something that business needs to do or to have in order to

stay in business. TRUE

Q2. Read the following statement and use X to select the correct answer.

Statements The steps of business The steps guiding to starting

requirements analysis a business

1. Evaluate your-self X

2. Think the business idea X

3. Do market research X

4. Break the effort into X

manageable pieces

5. Choose your approach. X

Q3. Explain any five factors considered when choosing the location of the


The factors considered when choosing the location of the business are the

1. Availability of raw materials If you intend running a manufacturing or production business,

then availability of raw materials is a factor you must not joke with when choosing your
business location. If your business is not sited close to these raw materials, then sourcing and
transportation will reduce your profit margin

2. Nearness to market The next important factor to consider is the nearness of your business
to its customers. Are your customer’s resellers or end users? Answering this question will help
you determine the best area to locate your business. Remember that for your business to
succeed, you must make it easy for customers to find your product.

3. Availability of basic infrastructure Availability of basic infrastructure can affect your choice
of small business location. Infrastructure such as water supply, power supply, good road
network and security are things to consider when locating your business.

4. Economic policy The economic policy or system of a particular region may also affect your
decision and choice of location. Some economy favour capitalists and others are driven by
socialism; where the government controls all businesses. Other sub-factors to consider are
government’s policy, fiscal and monetary policy, exchange rates, taxes, levies and duties.

5. Demographics: Demographic as a factor can have a big influence on your choice of business
location. The type of product or service your business offers and the status of the customers
will play a vital in your choice of small business location.

Q4. Mr M want to start a new supermarket in Rwamagana District, after curing

out a market survey, he found that the products that he want to put on the
market is so needed, but is facing by the problem of capital to finance his
business, and his friend Miss K he advised him to borrow money from the bank
in order to finance his business. This advice from his friend is it a right way to
solve this problem?

b) What Mr M should do before borrowing money from the bank in order to use
the borrowed amount in a good way?


Yes this advice from his friend is the right way to solve financing problem.

b) Before borrowing money from the bank Mr M must;

1. Determine the quantity of financial needs: to ensure you have adequate funds, it’s
important to estimate your financial needs before starting a new business. The first step is to
figure out your expenses. These can be divided into one-time start-up costs and recurring

2. Financial sources: they include Personal investment, Friends and family, Debt financing,
Grants and subsidies from the government.

3. Allocation of finance resources: financial resource allocation is the process of assigning

and managing money assets in a manner that supports an organization's strategic goals.

Learning outcome 1.2 Recruit employees in line with task requirements

Duration: 1.30 hrs

Learning out come 1.2 objectives:

By the end of the learning outcome, the trainees will be able to:

1. Explain clearly the meaning of employee recruitment as used in business organization.

2. Explain correctly the functions of employees recruitment in an organization.

3. Explain correctly the principles of strategic employee recruitment.

4. Explain correctly the factors that influence employee’s recruitment in an organization.

5. Describe the recruitment process.


Equipment Tools Materials

Classroom Chalk Phipps chart

Black table Mark pen

Advance preparation:

. Internet

. Book

.A sample form of employee contract

.A sample form of job announcement

Content 1.2.1. Description of employee recruitment Definition of recruitment

Recruitment is a process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidates from within or
outside of organization for job opening in timely and cost effective manner. The main purpose
is to select those who best meet the needs of organization. Recruitment is the process by
which companies find and hire new employees.

17 Functions of employee’s recruitment
Recruitment is the process by which companies find and hire new employees. This process
contains seven major activities, or functions such as;

1. Job design and development

2. Identifying and seeking candidates

3. Receiving and tracking applicants

4. Reference and background checks

5. Testing

6. Interview

7. Evaluation and hiring

1.Job Design and Development:

In order to find someone to work for a company, a recruiter first has to know exactly what
the company needs. The first function of recruitment thus is to identify what the new
employee will do and what qualifications and experience is necessary to complete the work
tasks. From the identified points, the company develops a formal job description and sets a
basic pay scale.

2.Identifying and Seeking Candidates

Once the recruiter knows what type of employee the company needs, he figures out what
segments of the population might be able to do the job and where to recruit. For instance, if
the company needs an information technology professional, then the recruiter may consider
recruiting through information technology programs, journals or conferences, as well as
computer repair stores.

3.Receiving and Tracking Applicants

Potentially hundreds or even thousands of people can apply for a single job. The recruiter
keeps track of the applications that come in through spreadsheets and databases. He tries to
organize the information so that the candidates who appear most qualified are easy to find
and contact.

1. Reference and Background Checks

Another function of recruiting is verifying the experience and work ethic of the candidate.
Recruiters do this by contacting the references the candidates list on their applications. They
also do a basic background check to see if the candidate has any criminal history that might
indicate the employee would not be able to perform the job properly or would pose a risk.

1. Testing

When the recruiter has narrowed down the pool of applicants, he invites applicants to take
basic tests. These tests are additional tools the company uses to determine if the applicant
has the knowledge and competence necessary to do the job. The test may be hands-on or
oral, but more often it is written.

2. Interview

When a company has a pool of applicants that are qualified, experienced and who score well
on aptitude tests, managers set up interviews. The interview gives the managers a chance to
get a sense of what each candidate is like and talk with each applicant in depth about his
experience and qualifications. Interviews are very important because they show the
managers how the employee might interact with others on the job and how professional he
can be.

3. Evaluation and Hiring

The final functions of recruitment are the evaluation of all the information gathered about
the candidates managers still are considering. Based on this data, the managers think critically
about what they have learned about the applicants and what the company needs. They make
a final hiring decision and contact the person they want to have the job. If the applicant
selected accepts the job, then the managers proceed to negotiate a salary and handle the
formal aspects of hiring, such as filling out human resources paperwork. Principles of strategic employee recruitment

The following is a list of principles, laws, or guidelines to help you design and implement
effective recruiting strategies and approaches:

1. A well-defined strategy. The foundation of any recruiting effort is a clearly defined and
communicated strategy that illustrates the brand message, target candidates, primary
sources, and most-effective closing approaches (the who, what, when, and how). Poorly
defined or communicated strategy elements results in wasted resources and weak hires. In
addition, the best strategies have the capability of “shifting” as the economy and the demand
for candidates change.
2. Pipeline approach. The most effective recruiting approach is to build a steady stream of
applicants (a pipeline). In order to build a continuous “talent pipeline,” use a “pre-need”
approach that includes workforce planning, branding, continuous sourcing, and on boarding.
3. Competitive. The most effective recruiting approaches are compared against and are clearly
superior to those of a firm’s talent competitors. Because competitors will quickly copy your
most effective approaches, a continuous side-by-side assessment of “yours versus theirs” is
necessary. A sub-principle applies to candidates: because the very best are always in high
demand, if you don’t have to literally “fight” for a candidate, in most cases, you do not have
the best candidate in the field.
4. Employment branding. The approach with the highest impact and the only long-term
recruiting strategy is employment branding, the process of building your external image as an
excellent place to work. By proactively making it easy for potential applicants to read, hear,
or see the factors that make working at your firm exciting, you can dramatically increase the
number and quality of your applicants over a long period.
5. Global. For jobs that require top talent, the process must have a global recruiting capability.
This is because the very best talent is unlikely to live within commuting distance of your job.
6. Target employed “non-lookers.” The best recruiting processes are designed to identify and
successfully hire currently employed top performers. This means that the process needs the
capability of identifying and convincing employed individuals who work at your competitors
and may not be actively looking for a position. Unfortunately, most corporate recruiting
approaches are designed to attract “active” candidates.
7. Speed. Making fast hiring decisions is essential whenever a candidate in high demand decides
to make a job switch. Top candidates must be hired using “their” decision timetable. Research
shows that top candidates are off the market in less than half of the normal corporate time
to fill.

8. Sourcing is critical. If you don’t utilize sources that attract a high percentage of top
performers, it is unlikely you will make a quality hire. After employment branding, effective
sourcing is the most critical element of the recruiting process. Generally, the most effective
source is employee referrals. Other effective but under-used sources include recruiting at
professional events and contests. Using ineffective sources means that you must spend
inordinate amounts of time and money on candidate screening in order to avoid a weak hire.
The source that is used must be shift, depending on the type of candidate required for that
position. Unfortunately, many recruiters use the same exact sourcing scheme for every job.
9. Data-based decisions. Base decisions on sources, screening tools, and which individual to hire
on facts and data, not emotion or even common practices. Making decisions based on
objective data helps eliminate biases and causes the recruiting process to produce more
consistent, reliable, and high-quality results. It’s also true that in a fast-changing world, “what
works” changes quickly so recruiting practices become obsolete quickly. Unfortunately,
rather than being a small part of recruiting decisions, emotions and “it’s the way we’ve always
done it” tend to dominate corporate decision-making.
10. Build a recruiting culture. The most effective approaches build a corporate-wide “cultural of
recruiting” where every manager and employee is a recruiter. Because of their continuous
contact and interaction with outside talent, everyone must play an important supplemental
role in identifying talent and in spreading the employment brand. The most effective
recruiting strategies convince employees to be 24/7 talent scouts, making every employee a
11. A candidate-centric approach. Focus the process on the candidate’s needs, their job selection
criteria, and the candidate experience. A significant part of recruiting is “selling” the candidate
on applying for and accepting the job. At least in part, recruiting must follow the customer
relationship management (CRM) and the sales and marketing models. Often, the number-one
reason why candidates reject job offers is the way that they were treated during the hiring
process. It’s also important to note that candidates may be current or future customers, so
treating them poorly can directly impact future revenue.

12. Prioritize jobs and targets. Effective recruiting processes maximize resource utilization by
identifying and focusing on the positions with the highest business impact. That generally
means revenue-producing and revenue-impact jobs, as well as jobs in high margin and rapid
growth business units. The process should also target high-impact individuals known as top
performers, innovators, and game changers.
13. Managers are the delivery system. Although corporate recruiting designs the process,
managers “deliver” and execute a significant part of that process. As a result, hiring managers
must understand its elements and support its precise execution. You must effectively
demonstrate to individual hiring managers that they will suffer whenever a bad or “butts in
chairs” hire is made. Therefore, recruiting must make a strong business case to individual
hiring managers that convinces them of the importance of executing the process precisely.
The most effective way of influencing hiring managers is by converting recruiting results into
their dollar impact on that individual manager’s revenue and profit.
14. Diversity. An effective recruiting process must include enough variation and personalization
to meet the unique needs of diverse individuals from around the world. Diversity and
inclusiveness are becoming not just legal terms but critical components in building global
15. Selling applicants. The very best recruiting processes builds “relationships” with potential
applicants over time in order to increase their level of trust and interest. Unfortunately, no
amount of benefits or job features will be convincing to high-demand applicants without this
level of trust. Because all candidate-screening processes have flaws, stretching out the
assessment process over time allows you to learn more about the candidate and decrease the
chances of making a bad hire. The best approaches are designed to take advantage of the fact
that a target candidate’s willingness to consider a new job changes quite rapidly, as a result
of changes in their own job and organization.
16. Technology. The best processes rely heavily on technology and the Web in all aspects of the
recruiting process. Technology can improve screening, increased hiring speed, cut costs, and
provide the firm with the capability of hiring globally.
17. Integration. Recruiting processes must be integrated with other HR processes. Those
recruiting processes that operate independently rather than in unison with other HR functions
like relocation and compensation will produce diminished results.

18. Talent shortages. Although industries often face talent shortages, individual firms can
actually have a surplus of candidates if they have a strong employment brand, a great referral
program, and a candidate-friendly hiring approach. For example, handsome movie stars
seldom have difficulty getting “dates” even when the average “Joe” can’t find a single one.
Talent shortages are relative and depend on your image and what you have to offer.
19. Remote work options. Offering candidates remote work options dramatically increases the
candidate pool. Firms that have the capability of managing candidates who work from remote
locations have a distinct competitive advantage. They can attract the top performer who
doesn’t live in the area, who desires working at home, or who isn’t willing to make a long
20. Metrics and rewards impact recruiting. Every aspect of recruiting improves dramatically
when managers and employees are measured, recognized, and rewarded for their
contribution to recruiting. By convincing senior management and HR to place metrics and
rewards on key aspects of recruiting, you send a clear message about its importance.

Factors influencing employees recruitment

Employee recruitment is influenced by internal and external factors:

Internal factors include;

The internal factors are the factors within the organization such as;

1. Budget constraints

2. Expected or trend of employee separations

3. Production levels

4.Sales increases or decreases

5.Global expansion plans

b. External factors include;

The external factors are the factors comes from outside the organization such as;

1. Changes in technology

2. Changes in laws

3. Unemployment rates

4. Shifts in population

5. Shifts in urban, suburban, and rural areas

6. Competition. Summary that related to the content

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ Employee’s Recruitment is a process of hiring the best-qualified

candidates from within or outside of organization for job opening in
timely and cost effective manner.

✓ Function of employee’s recruitment include;

1. Job design and development

2. Identifying and seeking candidates

3. Receiving and tracking applicants

4. Reference and background checks

5. Testing , Interview and

7. Evaluation and hiring

✓ Principles of strategic employee recruitment are these guidelines to

help you design and implement effective recruiting strategies and

✓ Factors that influence employee’s recruitment is composed by

internal factocts and external factors

Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer involves trainees to generate ideas on employee’s recruitment .

✓ Trainer involved trainees to finding out the function of employee’s

recruitment, principles and factors that influence employee’s

Practical learning Activity

✓ In pair the learners will discuss on the functions of employee’s


Points to Remember (Take home message)

✓ Employee’s Recruitment is a process of hiring the best-qualified candidates

from within or outside of organization for job opening in timely and cost
effective manner.

✓ Function of employee’s recruitment include;

✓ Principles of strategic employee recruitment are these guidelines to help

you design and implement effective recruiting strategies and approaches:

✓ internal factors of employee recruitment are the factors within the

organization and

✓ external factors are the factors comes outside the organization.

Content 1.2.2 Recruitment process Meaning of recruitment process

Recruitment process is a process of identifying the jobs vacancy, analyzing the job
requirements, reviewing applications, screening, shortlisting and selecting the right

Employee recruitment process include;

1. Staffing Plan and forecasting (Recruitment Planning)

Recruitment planning is the first step of the recruitment process, where the vacant positions
are analyzed and described. It includes job specifications and its nature, experience,
qualifications and skills required for the job, etc

2 Recruitment Strategy (Write job description and job Specifications)

Recruitment strategy is the second step of the recruitment process, where a strategy is
prepared for hiring the resources. After completing the preparation of job descriptions and
job specifications, the next step is to decide which strategy to adopt for recruiting the
potential candidates for the organization.

The development of a recruitment strategy is a long process, but having a right strategy is
mandatory to attract the right candidates.

The steps involved in developing a recruitment strategy include;

1. Setting up a board team

2. Analysing human resource strategy

Analysis of human resource strategy include;

. Collection of available data

. Analyzing the collected data

3. Searching the Right Candidates

Searching is the process of recruitment where the resources are sourced depending upon the
requirement of the job. searching involves attracting the job seekers to the vacancies. The
sources are broadly divided into two categories: Internal Sources and External Sources.
4.Screening / Shortlisting Screening

Is an integral part of recruitment process that helps in removing unqualified or irrelevant

candidates, which were received through sourcing.

5.Evaluation and Control

Evaluation and control is the last stage in the process of recruitment. In this process, the
effectiveness and the validity of the process and methods are assessed. Recruitment is a
costly process; hence it is important that the performance of the recruitment process is
thoroughly evaluated. The stages of employees recruitment and selection

a process of actively searching and hiring applicants for a job role is known as recruitment.
and a process of choosing suitable applicants from the shortlisted candidates is known as

The stages of employees recruitment and selection are the following;

1. Identify a need or vacancy within the company
Not all vacancies or personnel requirements that arise are easy to spot. When an employee
leaves or moves to a different position without a substitute in place, the company will
obviously need to hire a replacement. However, when an organization grows or changes
there may be more work to do or entirely new needs may emerge.
Therefore, the first step of recruiting involves being aware that a personnel need exists within
the organisation.

2. Create the job description
Before starting to draft a description of the vacancy, we should identify some key features of
the profile we are looking for. For example:
Are we looking for a professional to take on different roles within the company?

Should they have extensive sector experience?

Do they need an impeccable academic record?

All these questions will help build a picture of the company’s needs to craft an effective job
description. This should cover the duties and responsibilities involved in the role so candidates
can shape their expectations before applying.
3. Decide on your recruitment model

Recruiting involves attracting and engaging talent and can be done in two ways:
.External recruitment: when we look for candidates outside the organisation. For example,
on job portals, agencies, etc.
.Internal recruitment: in this case the person who fills the vacancy already works in the
4. Accept and save the CVs
Once the recruitment stage has launched, the human resources team will start to receive
applications via the usual channels. These may come with CVs and cover letters, so it is vital
to carefully save all these documents.
CRM (Customer relationship management) systems will help you build up your own
candidate database. In fact, Kenjo automatically connects with all recruitment portals to save
each application on the same platform.
5. Make a shortlist
A large percentage of the applications received will not satisfy the position’s minimum
requirements, so an initial screening is usually necessary before the selection process.
Interviewing everyone would cost the company significantly in terms of both time and
It is much easier to apply filters and obtain a list of the best applicants with the help
of recruitment software.

6. Carry out the staff selection process
The goal of the selection stage is to find the best candidate for the vacancy. To do this, we
carry out a much more rigorous assessment, to measure, evaluate and compare applicants’
skills and expertise.
Usually, we arrange an individual interview to meet the candidate in person or invite them to
participate in a group interview. There are different types of questions you can ask in
interviews: ice-breaker questions, questions to get to know the candidate’s character, gauge
their problem-solving capabilities, understand their career history, etc.
We can also carry out practical exercises to assess and evaluate aspects that are key for the
company. The main staff selection tests include personality tests, knowledge assessments,
psychometric tests, etc.
7. Create a report or file for each candidate
Every person that has a say in the choice of final candidate must have the same information.
So it is crucial to collate the interview and test results for each candidate.
8. Make the final decision
The final stage of the recruitment and selection process is the all-important decision on which
candidate will be joining the company. Take your time to evaluate the different options and
make an objective decision about the one who has excelled throughout the process and
achieved the best results.

29 Summary related to the content

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ Recruitment is a process of actively searching and hiring


✓ Selection is a process of choosing suitable applicants from the

shortlisted candidates

✓ Recruitment process; Recruitment process is a process of

identifying the jobs vacancy, analyzing the job requirements,
reviewing applications, screening, shortlisting and selecting the
right candidate.

✓ Recruitment stages

Recruitment stages include; Identify a need or vacancy within the company,

Create the job description, Decide on your recruitment model, Accept and
save the CVs, Make a shortlist, Carry out the staff selection process, Create a
report or file for each candidate, Make the final decision.

Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer involves the trainee to make a discussion on the employee

recruitment process.

✓ Trainer involves the trainees to generate ideas on stages of employees

recruitment process.

Practical learning Activity

✓ Trainees in pair will discuss on employee recruitment process.

✓ Trainees in a group of four members will discuss on stages of

employees recruitment process.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

✓ Employee recruitment process

✓ Stages of employees recruitment

Learning out come 1.2 : formative assessment

Please mix different assessment instruments/tools for triangulation and

relevancy of assessment

Written formative assessment

Q1. Read the following statements and answer true if the statement is correct
and false if the statement is not correct.

a) Recruitment is a process of actively searching and hiring applicants ………..

b) Selection is a process of choosing suitable applicants from the shortlisted candidates………

Q2. Cycle the correct answers of the questions below;

A) The following are the functions of employee recruitment except one.

i. Job design and development

ii. Identifying and seeking candidates

iii. Budget constraints

iv. Testing

v. Interview

B) The following are the external Factors influencing employees recruitment in an

organization .

A. Expected or trend of employee separations

B. Production levels

C. Sales increases or decreases

Based on the above answers cycle the correct answer;

1. A and B are the correct answers

2. B and C are the correct answers

3. Only A is a correct answer

4. There is no a correct answer.

Q3. Explain any five Principles of employee recruitment strategic in any organization.

Q4. X Ltd company wishes to recruits three competitive cashiers and one accountant as asked
by MIFOTRA after the past inspection made by MIFOTRA on how domestic companies
implement labour law and regulations set and MIFOTRA advised X Ltd company to recruit the
above employees. So explain the owner of X Ltd company The stages of employees
recruitment and selection that should be followed during recruitment process.


Proposed answers for formative assessment

Q1. Read the following statements and answer true if the statement is correct and false if the
statement is not correct.

a) Recruitment is a process of actively searching and hiring applicants True

b) Selection is a process of choosing suitable applicants from the shortlisted candidates True

Q2. Cycle the correct answers of the questions below;

A) The following are the functions of employee recruitment except one.

vi. Job design and development

vii. Identifying and seeking candidates

viii. Budget constraints

ix. Testing

x. Interview

B) The following are the external Factors influencing employees recruitment in an

organization .

A. Expected or trend of employee separations

B. Production levels

C. Sales increases or decreases

Based on the above answers cycle the correct answer;

5. A and B are the correct answers

6. B and C are the correct answers

7. Only A is a correct answer

8. There is no a correct answer.

Q3. Explain any five Principles of employee recruitment strategic in any organization.


The principles of employee recruitment strategic in any organization are the following;

A well-defined strategy. The foundation of any recruiting effort is a clearly defined and
communicated strategy that illustrates the brand message, target candidates, primary
sources, and most-effective closing approaches (the who, what, when, and how). Poorly
defined or communicated strategy elements results in wasted resources and weak hires. In
addition, the best strategies have the capability of “shifting” as the economy and the demand
for candidates change.

Pipeline approach. The most effective recruiting approach is to build a steady stream of
applicants (a pipeline). In order to build a continuous “talent pipeline,” use a “pre-need”
approach that includes workforce planning, branding, continuous sourcing, and on boarding.

Competitive. The most effective recruiting approaches are compared against and are clearly
superior to those of a firm’s talent competitors. Because competitors will quickly copy your
most effective approaches, a continuous side-by-side assessment of “yours versus theirs” is
necessary. A sub-principle applies to candidates: because the very best are always in high
demand, if you don’t have to literally “fight” for a candidate, in most cases, you do not have
the best candidate in the field.

Employment branding. The approach with the highest impact and the only long-term
recruiting strategy is employment branding, the process of building your external image as an
excellent place to work. By proactively making it easy for potential applicants to read, hear,
or see the factors that make working at your firm exciting, you can dramatically increase the
number and quality of your applicants over a long period.

Global. For jobs that require top talent, the process must have a global recruiting capability.
This is because the very best talent is unlikely to live within commuting distance of your job.

Target employed “non-lookers.” The best recruiting processes are designed to identify and
successfully hire currently employed top performers. This means that the process needs the
capability of identifying and convincing employed individuals who work at your competitors
and may not be actively looking for a position. Unfortunately, most corporate recruiting
approaches are designed to attract “active” candidates.

Speed. Making fast hiring decisions is essential whenever a candidate in high demand decides
to make a job switch. Top candidates must be hired using “their” decision timetable. Research
shows that top candidates are off the market in less than half of the normal corporate time
to fill.

Q4. X Ltd company wishes to recruits three competitive cashiers and one accountant as asked
by MIFOTRA after the past inspection made by MIFOTRA on how domestic companies
implement labour law and regulations set and MIFOTRA advised X Ltd company to recruit the
above employees. So explain the owner of X Ltd company The stages of employees
recruitment and selection that should be followed during recruitment process.


The stages of employees recruitment and selection are the following;

1. Identify a need or vacancy within the company
Not all vacancies or personnel requirements that arise are easy to spot. When an employee
leaves or moves to a different position without a substitute in place, the company will
obviously need to hire a replacement. Therefore, the first step of recruiting involves being
aware that a personnel need exists within the organisation.
2. Create the job description
Before starting to draft a description of the vacancy, we should identify some key features of
the profile we are looking for. For example:
Are we looking for a professional to take on different roles within the company?

Should they have extensive sector experience?

3. Decide on your recruitment model
Recruiting involves attracting and engaging talent and can be done in two ways:
.External recruitment: when we look for candidates outside the organisation. For example,
on job portals, agencies, etc.
.Internal recruitment: in this case the person who fills the vacancy already works in the
4. Accept and save the CVs
Once the recruitment stage has launched, the human resources team will start to receive
applications via the usual channels. These may come with CVs and cover letters, so it is vital
to carefully save all these documents.
5. Make a shortlist
A large percentage of the applications received will not satisfy the position’s minimum
requirements, so an initial screening is usually necessary before the selection process.
Interviewing everyone would cost the company significantly in terms of both time and
money. It is much easier to apply filters and obtain a list of the best applicants with the help
of recruitment software.

Learning outcome 1.3 Perform purchasing of business requirements in line with business

Duration: 1.30 hrs

Learning out come 3.1 objectives:

By the end of the learning outcome, the trainees will be able to:

1. Define clearly the concept of purchasing as used in business domain.

2. Explain correctly the purpose of purchasing as used in business domain.

3. Explain correctly the principles of purchase as used in the business domain .

4. explain correctly the purchasing procedures and documentation used in purchasing

5. Explain correctly the factors influencing choice of effective suppliers.


Equipment Tools Materials

Classroom Chalk Phipps chart

Black table Mark pen

Advance preparation:



.A sample form tender announcement.

.A sample of source documents used for purchasing and selling process.

Content1.3.1. Description of purchasing Meaning of purchasing

a) Definition of purchasing: Purchasing is the activity of acquiring goods or services to

accomplish the goal of an organization. Purpose of purchasing

The purpose of purchasing are the following;

1. Maintain the quantity and value of company’s product

2. Minimize cash tied-up in inventory.

3. Maintain flow of inputs and outputs

4. Strengthen the organization competitive position Types of purchasing

Mainly there are two types of purchasing such as;

a) Centralized Purchasing

A purchasing system in which all the departments of a company with a wide geographical
distribution can make purchases through a common purchasing organization.

b) Decentralized Purchasing

Decentralized purchasing refers to purchasing materials by all departments and branches

independently to fulfil their needs. Decentralized purchasing helps to purchase the materials
immediately in case of an urgent situation. a1 Advantages or Merits of centralized purchase

The following are the merits of centralized purchase.

1. Better material control

2. Better layout of storage space.

3. Utilization of high technical skill.

4. Minimum finance required.

5. Better supervision of materials usage.

6. Less clerical work.

7. No duplication of purchase.

8. Better facility for stores audit.

9. Quick stocktaking.

10. Lower cost of insurance. a2 Disadvantages Demerits of centralized purchase

The following are the demerits of centralized purchase;

1. High cost of internal transport.

2. Non-availability of materials for production in time.

3. Greater risk of obsolescence. b1 Advantages or Merits of decentralized purchasing

The following are the merits of decentralized purchase;

1. Less cost of internal transport.

2. Timely availability of materials.

3. Lower chance of obsolescence. b2 Disadvantages or Demerits of decentralized purchase

The following are the demerits of decentralized purchase;

1. Poor layout of space

2. More finance required.

3. Less technical skill is obtained.

4. More clerical work.

5. Duplicate purchase of materials.

6. Slow in stock taking process.

7. High cost of insurance.

39 Principles of purchasing

Some of the major principles of purchasing are:

1. Right Quality:

The term right quality refers to a suitability of an item for the purpose it is required.

2. Right Quantity:

Materials purchased should be of right quantity. The right quantity is the quantity that may
be purchased at a time with the minimum total cost and which obviates shortage of materials.

.Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) helps in determining the right quantity of materials to be

3. Right Time:

The time at which the purchases are to be made is of vital importance. In case of items used
regularly, right time means the time when the stock reaches the minimum level. The reorder
level of material is fixed for each item under the principle of right time.

4. Right Source:

Selecting the right source for the purchase of materials is an important consideration in the
purchase procedure. The right source for the procurement of materials is that supplier who
can supply the material of right quality as ordered, in right quantity as ordered.

5. Right Price:

Determination of right price is a difficult task. It is the main object of any organization to
procure the material items at the right price. It is that price which brings the best ultimate
value of the money invested in purchasing the materials.

6. Right Place:

Besides obtaining the materials of the right quality and quantity from the right source at the
right price, it should be ensured that the materials are available at the right place.

Transportation and material handling costs are greatly affected by the selection of the right
place from where the materials are to be acquired. Purchasing procedure

a) Meaning of purchasing procedure

Purchasing is the formal process of buying goods and services. The purchasing procedure can
vary from one organization to another, but there are some common key elements.

The process usually starts with a demand or requirements. this could be for a physical part an
inventory services economics. Steps involved in purchasing procedures

The set of procedures used to identify products for purchase are:

1. verify quality and compliance of products and vendors,

2. carry out purchasing transactions and

3. Verify that operations associated with purchasing have been executed appropriately.
Different organizations have buying processes of varying complexity, depending on the
industry in which they work and the nature of the products being purchased.

1. Requisition which details the requirements done by procurement department.

2.A request for proposal (RFP) or request for quotation(RFQ)is then raised.

Supplier sent their quotation in response to the request for quotation and Review is
undertaken where the best offer typically based on price, availability and quality is given in
purchase order. Documents used in purchasing process

The documents used in purchasing process are the following;

1. Material requisition: The Material Requisition Note is an authorization to the storekeeper
to issue raw materials, finished parts or other items of stores. It is signed by a responsible
person of the department that requires this material.

2. Inquiry letter : The letter of inquiry is a letter written by the purchasing department and
sent to various suppliers requesting them some information concerning the prices, conditions
and quality of goods which can be supplied.

3. Reply or quotation: Quotation is an offer to supply goods according to the terms and
conditions stated.

4. Purchase order: A purchase order is a commercial document written and signed by buyer
to be sent to a seller indicating merchandises or goods to be sold and the delivery and
payment’s conditions.

5. Advice note: An advice note is a document issued by a supplier of goods that advises the
customer that the goods have been sent. An advice note is typically received before the goods
themselves and usually provides details such as the quantity of goods and how they have
been sent.

6. Delivery notes: The buying organization also signs the delivery Note which is sent by the
supplier together with goods. A delivery note is a document that lists all the goods included
in a delivery, and is often referred to as a dispatch note, or goods receipt. The note is included
in the shipment and lists the quantity of products included in the delivery, it doesn't list any
values like price of goods.

7. Good received note: The goods receipt note is an internal document produced after
inspecting delivery for proof of order receipt.

8. Invoice: An invoice is a time-stamped commercial document that itemizes and records a

transaction between a buyer and a seller. If goods or services were purchased on credit, the
invoice usually specifies the terms of the deal and provides information on the available
methods of payment:

9. Debit note: A debit note is a document used by a vendor to inform the buyer of current
debt obligations, or a document created by a buyer when returning goods received on credit.

The debit note can provide information regarding an upcoming invoice or serve as a reminder
for funds currently due.

10. Credit note: A credit note is a letter sent by the supplier to the customer notifying the
customer that he or she has been credited a certain amount due to an error in the original
invoice or other reasons.

11. Receipt: A receipt is a piece of paper or electronic document confirming that the seller
received money from the purchaser. ... It also includes a description of the item the buyer
purchased. When the transaction is between two businesses, receipts contain information
about the method of payment and the buyer. Summary related to the content

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ Purchasing is the activity of acquiring goods or services to accomplish the

goal of an organization.

✓ Purpose of purchasing include; Maintain the quantity and value of

company’s product, Minimize cash tied-up in inventory, Maintain flow of
inputs and outputs

✓ The documents used in purchasing process include; Material requisition,

Inquiry letter, Reply or quotation, Purchase order, Advice note, Delivery
notes, Good received note, Invoice, Debit, Credit note.
Inquiry letter

Reply or quotation
Purchase order
Theoretical learning Activity
Advice note
✓ Trainer involves trainees to generate ideas concerning purchase, purpose
Delivery notes
of purchase, principles of purchasing and documents used in purchasing
Good received note
. Debit
Credit note
Material learning Activity
Inquiry letter
Reply or quotation
Purchase order
✓ The trainees in pair or in a group pf four member will discuss on the
following point;

❖ Meaning of purchasing

❖ Types of purchase

❖ Principles of purchasing and documentation used in purchasing


Points to Remember (Take home message)

1. Purchasing
2. Types of purchasing,
3. Principles of purchasing,
4. Documentation used in purchasing process.

Content 1.3 2: Description of supplier Meaning of a supplier

A supplier is a person, organization, or other entity that provides something that another
person, organization, or entity needs. During transactions, there are suppliers and buyers.
Suppliers provide or supply products or services, while buyers receive them. We commonly
use the term ‘vendor’ with the same meaning as ‘supplier.’ In business, for example, every
company has at least one supplier.

Factors influencing choice of effective suppliers.

Factors influencing choice of effective suppliers are the following;

1. Price

The price of supplies will have a direct effect on how much it costs the company to produce a
product. A higher cost of raw materials will lead to a higher cost of production. If a company
can find a cheaper supplier it could lead to increased profit.

2. Location and transport costs

If a supplier is located near to your company, the transport and delivery costs will be lower.
If the product being supplied is perishable it would be better to source a supplier close to your
business as they will be able to deliver the goods quickly.

3. Lead time

Lead time is the amount of time taken between an order being placed and an order being
received. Some companies will require stock to be delivered quickly especially if the products
are perishable or the company is using just in time (JIT) stock control methods.

4. Product quality

The quality of raw materials will have a direct effect on the quality of a business’s finished
product. It is important to source supplies of a high standard or it may affect your finished
product and therefore your customer satisfaction.

5. Reliability

If a supplier does not deliver at the agreed time, or with the correct goods, this can affect a
business’s ability to produce and deliver their product to the customer.

6. Reputation of supplier

Suppliers that have a good reputation will be more likely to fulfil orders on time and provide
a high quality product. If a supplier has a bad reputation you may not be able to rely on them
to provide the quality supplies that your company requires. Summary related to the content

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

A supplier is a person, organization, or other entity that provides something that

another person, organization, or entity needs. 45
Factors influencing choice of effective suppliers include; Price, Location and
transport costs , Lead time, Product quality, Reliability, Reputation of supplier
Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer will involve trainees to generate ideas concerning the factors that
influence choice of effective supplier.

Practical learning Activity

✓ In pair trainees will discuss on meaning of suppliers and factors that

influences the choice of a good supplier.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

❖ Meaning of supplier

❖ Factors that influence choice of a right supplier

Learning outcome 1.3 : formative assessment

Please mix different assessment instruments/tools for triangulation and

relevancy of assessment
Written assessment

Q1. Read the following statement and answer true if the statement is correct
and false if the statement is not correct.

a) Purchasing is the activity of acquiring goods or services to accomplish the goal of an


b) Decentralized purchasing refers to purchasing materials by all departments and

branches independently to fulfil their needs………..

Q2. Read the following statement and select the correct answers.

i) The following are the principles of purchasing except one.

a) Right Quality

b) Right Quantity

c) Right of Inquiry letter

d) Right Time

e) Right Price of the product

ii) The following are the factors that influence the choice of an effective supplier.

a) Price

b) Location and transport costs

c) Lead time

d) Product quality

e) Reliability

Please select the correct answers.

I ) a and b are the correct answers.

II) c and e are correct answers.

III) All answers are correct.

IV) There is no correct answer.

Q3. Explain any two types of purchasing of goods and services.

Q4. Outline any five advantages of purchasing of goods and services.

Q5. Mr RJ is a new purchasing manager in XYZ Ltd, that is specialized in selling office
equipment, after two months of his recruitment, a company plans to purchase again office
equipments for sale from Z Ltd. Outline any five documentation that Mr RJ will use to process


Proposed answers for formative assessment

Q1. Read the following statement and answer true if the statement is correct
and false if the statement is not correct.

c) Purchasing is the activity of acquiring goods or services to accomplish the goal of an


d) Decentralized purchasing refers to purchasing materials by all departments and

branches independently to fulfil their needs…True

Q2. Read the following statement and select the correct answers.

i) The following are the principles of purchasing except one.

a) Right Quality
b) Right Quantity
c) Right of Inquiry letter
d) Right Time
e) Right Price of the product

ii) The following are the factors that influence the choice of an effective supplier.

a) Price
b) Location and transport costs
c) Lead time
d) Product quality

e) Reliability

Please select the correct answers.

I ) a and b are the correct answers.

II) c and e are correct answers.

III) All answers are correct.

IV) There is no correct answer.

Q3. Explain any two types of purchasing of goods and services.

The types of purchasing of goods and services are the following;

a) Centralized Purchasing

A purchasing system in which all the departments of a company with a wide geographical
distribution can make purchases through a common purchasing organization.

b) Decentralized Purchasing

Decentralized purchasing refers to purchasing materials by all departments and branches

independently to fulfil their needs. Decentralized purchasing helps to purchase the materials
immediately in case of an urgent situation.

Q4. Outline any five advantages of purchasing of goods and services.


Five advantages of purchasing of goods and services are the following;

1. Better material control

2. Better layout of storage space.

3. Utilization of high technical skill.

4. Minimum finance required.

5. Better supervision of materials usage.

6. Less clerical work.

Q5. Mr RJ is a new purchasing manager in XYZ Ltd, that is specialized in selling office
equipment, after two months of his recruitment, a company plans to purchase again office
equipments for sale from Z Ltd. Outline any five documentation that Mr RJ will use to process


1. Material requisition: The Material Requisition Note is an authorization to the storekeeper

to issue raw materials, finished parts or other items of stores. It is signed by a responsible
person of the department that requires this material.

2. Inquiry letter : The letter of inquiry is a letter written by the purchasing department and
sent to various suppliers requesting them some information concerning the prices, conditions
and quality of goods which can be supplied.

3. Reply or quotation: Quotation is an offer to supply goods according to the terms and
conditions stated.

4. Purchase order: A purchase order is a commercial document written and signed by buyer
to be sent to a seller indicating merchandises or goods to be sold and the delivery and
payment’s conditions.

5. Advice note: An advice note is a document issued by a supplier of goods that advises the
customer that the goods have been sent. An advice note is typically received before the goods
themselves and usually provides details such as the quantity of goods and how they have
been sent.

6. Delivery notes: The buying organization also signs the delivery Note which is sent by the
supplier together with goods. A delivery note is a document that lists all the goods included
in a delivery, and is often referred to as a dispatch note, or goods receipt. The note is included
in the shipment and lists the quantity of products included in the delivery, it doesn't list any
values like price of goods.

Learning Unit 2. Create productive working environment


Learning outcomes:

2.1 Set business ethical conduct.

2.2 Assign responsibilities in accordance with organisation structure.

2.3 Match personal characteristics with business requirements.

2.4. Maintain good relationship with customers and suppliers.

Learning outcome 2.1 Set business ethical conduct.

Duration: 1.30 hrs

Learning out come 1.1 objectives:

By the end of the learning outcome, the trainees will be able to:

1. Define clearly the term ethical conduct as used in business domain

2. Explain correctly rules and regulation of the business

3. Explain correctly the types of unethical behaviour in business

4. Explain correctly the techniques of encouraging a positive ethical behaviour in business.


Equipment Tools Materials

Classroom Chalk Phipps chart

Black table Mark pen

Advance preparation:



.A sample form of internal rules and regulations of an organization.

Content2.1.1. Description of ethical conduct The meaning of ethical conduct

The term ethical conduct Acting in ways consistent with what society and individuals typically
think are good values.

Ethical behaviour tends to be good for business and involves demonstrating respect for key
moral principles that include honesty, fairness, equality, dignity, diversity and individual
rights. An ethical behaviours in the workplace includes; obeying the company's rules, effective
communication, taking responsibility, accountability, professionalism, trust and mutual
respect for your colleagues at work. The Objectives of ethical conduct in a business

The objectives of ethical conduct in a business are the following;

1. Ethical behaviour and corporate social responsibility can bring significant benefits to a
business. For example, they may:

2. Attract customers to the firm’s products, which means boosting sales and profits

3. Make employees want to stay with the business, reduce labour turnover and therefore
increase productivity.

4. Attract more employees wanting to work for the business, reduce recruitment costs and
enable the company to get the most talented employees.

4. Attract investors and keep the company’s share price high, thereby protecting the business
from takeover.

5. Ethics is important to businesses for many reasons. Businesses can increase sales or
increase their reputation.

53 Rules and regulations of the business

The principles that governing a business are:

1. Positive attitudes required to business members

Running a business requires one to have positive attitudes so that they can be successful.
Business people should cultivate positive attitudes in them so that even with the challenges
that they may face, they can achieve their desires. Some of the positive attitudes are
discussed below.

2. Being open minded

Open minded people can face life better since they can comfortably accommodate the
changes that take place in their lives. This attitude enables someone to handle challenges
better, listen and accommodate other peoples’ opinions and be ready for drastic changes.
The corporate world faces many challenges. To be able to deal with them and come out
better, business people need to be open-minded about the hardships, changes and meeting
others in their line of work. An open minded business person is more likely to succeed than

3. Being courageous

The business world requires brave persons. Courage overwhelms every fear and boosts self-
confidence. With all the worries of running a business to fail, a business person needs to be
courageous. Courage enables business people to be risk takers. Taking risks in business is
normal since most successful people are risk-takers.

4. Commitment and hard work

Nothing good comes easy in life. Business people need to be committed to their businesses
to achieve good results. Enterprises require someone committed to running the daily
activities. Hard work is a critical attitude that successful individuals keep in mind. Hard work
pays all the time.

5. Being optimistic

Optimistic individuals can deal with challenging situations in better ways than pessimistic
individuals. Developing this attitude means realizing that misfortunes occur in business,
developing plans on how to deal with it and implementing the strategies to get the best
results out of it. Optimistic persons are always willing to make efforts to improve the adverse
circumstances they are facing. Every business person should have this attitude, since running
a business still faces challenges that require one to face and deal with them positively.

6. Being pro-active

Proactive people take action immediately if there is a problem that has occurred. They don’t
lament over the issues they’re facing. Instead, they look for solutions once a challenge comes
up. Such kind of attitude is required for business people, since changes occur in business
operations every time and they need to act upon them once they happen. Business people
require positive attitudes to run their activities successfully. If they have a positive attitude,
they can achieve the best results, attract more clients, acquire skilled workforce, and make
huge profits. Sanctions proposed by the law in business

Sanctions, in law and legal definition, are penalties or other means of enforcement used to
provide incentives for obedience with the law, or with rules and regulations. Criminal
sanctions can take the form of serious punishment, such as corporal or capital punishment,
incarceration, or severe fines. In business, sanctions may be comprehensive or targeted.
Comprehensive: Prohibiting commercial activity with regard to an entire country (embargo)
Targeted: Blocking transactions by and with particular businesses, groups, or individuals.

56 summary related to the topic

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ Ethical Conduct means doing the right thing right.

✓ Ethical conduct in the workplace includes; obeying the company's

rules, effective communication, taking responsibility, accountability,
professionalism, trust and mutual respect for your colleagues at work.

✓ The Objectives of ethical conduct in a business include;

1. To attract customers to the firm’s products, which means boosting

sales and profits.

2. Make employees want to stay with the business, reduce labour

turnover and therefore increase productivity.

3. Attract investors and keep the company’s share price high, thereby
Theoretical learning Activity
protecting the business from takeover.

✓ Sanctions proposed by the law in business when ethical conduct is

not respected include;

Comprehensive: Prohibiting commercial activity with regard

to an entire country (embargo) .
✓ Trainer involved the Blocking
to generateby and with
ideas omparticular
what they think about
businesses, groups, or individuals.
ethical conduct at workplace especially in the business.

Practical learning Activity

✓ Trainer in pair or in team of four members will discuss on meaning of

ethical conduct and the objectives of ethical conduct at work place.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

✓ Meaning of ethical conduct,

✓ Objective of ethical conduct

✓ Sanctions proposed by the law in business when ethical conduct is not

respected include;

Content 2.2.1. Description of unethical behavior in a business Meaning of unethical behavior in business

Unethical workplace behavior is any action at work that goes against the prevailing moral
norms of a community. Types of unethical behavior

Types of unethical behaviour in a business include;

1. Mistreating employees (Workplace Discrimination)

It can involve hiring or firing, how job assignments are made, how much employees are paid,
how promotions are given or denied, opportunities for training, and available fringe benefits.
Discrimination can be a violation of law. Another form of discrimination in the workplace is
sexual discrimination.

2. Financial Misconduct

Financial misconduct means fraud, gross negligence or intentional or willful misconduct that
contributes, directly or indirectly, to the Company’s financial.

3. Misrepresentation

A misrepresentation is a false statement of a material fact made by one party which affects
the other party's decision in agreeing to a contract. Techniques of encouraging a positive ethical behavior in business

A company's ethical climate, goals and policies can all have a significant impact on employee
behavior. You can help your employees to behave ethically by aligning your company's
management practices with your expectations.

1. Rewards

Catch employees “doing something right” and reward ethical behavior.

2. Expectations

Ensure that your company states its values in the employee handbook and that these values
are talked about and implemented in everyday business matters by all employees in a
supervisory capacity.

3. Training

Through training, explicitly teach your employees how to behave in an ethical manner.


Sometimes implementing a policy to prevent unethical behavior is the best option. Ways / Methods to address unethical behavior at the workplace

The methods to address unethical behavior at workplace include;

1. Create a Code of Conduct

2. Lead by Example

3.Reinforce Consequences for Unethical Behavior

4. Show Employees Appreciation

5.Welcome an Ethics Speaker Create Checks and Balances: Rather than putting related
responsibilities in the hands of one employee create a system of checks and balances to
minimize the opportunities for unethical behavior.

6. Hire for Values: When business owners hire employees, many seek to bring on individuals
who have the education and experience that prove they are skilled workers, capable of
handling the tasks at hand. Employers who want to prevent unethical behavior also look at
candidates' values to ensure they mesh with the company's culture. Methods of handling unethical conduct in business

Here are a few tips to help you deal with unethical co-workers.

1. Do your research

It’s important to determine if your colleague is breaking your employer’s policy. Check the
employee manual to see if the unethical behaviour is mentioned. Most large organizations
have policies that keep their staff from using company equipment for personal business and
sometimes even mention gossip.

2. While not all bad behaviour is covered in a handbook, you may be able to find a more
generic clause to help illustrate your colleague’s ill conduct. If you work at a start-up that
doesn’t have a handbook, encourage management to put one together. This would be the
perfect time to ensure there’s a policy in place for the bad behaviour you are witnessing.

3. Document the unethical behaviour

It’s important to document what your colleague did and when. If your team or department is
ever audited, your documentation will come in handy. It will also help create a paper trail that
may keep you from getting in trouble with your employer.

4. Approach your colleague

It’s important to approach your co-worker in a calm manner. No one likes to be scolded or
feel like they are being threatened. Try the nonchalant tactic and simply say that you want to
remind them their behaviour is breaking company policy.

5. Speak to management

If your colleague blows you off and continues with the unethical behaviour, you may have to
speak to a supervisor. Unethical behaviour eventually gets noticed by upper management and
you don’t want to be reprimanded for not speaking up. Remember, speaking up will not just
help create a better work environment, but it will also help colleagues recognize your
integrity. Importance of positive ethical conduct in the business

Ethical behavior and corporate social responsibility can bring significant benefits to a
business. For example, they may:

1.Attract customers to the firm’s products, which means boosting sales and profits.

2.Make employees want to stay with the business, reduce labor turnover and therefore
increase productivity.

3.Attract more employees wanting to work for the business, reduce recruitment costs and
enable the company to get the most talented employees.

4.Attract investors and keep the company’s share price high, thereby protecting the business
from takeover.

61 Summary related to the content

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ Unethical workplace behavior is any action at work that goes against the
prevailing moral norms of a community.

Types of unethical behaviour in a business include;

Mistreating employees (Workplace Discrimination), Financial

Misconduct ,Misrepresentation
Techniques of encouraging a positive ethical behavior in business include;
Rewards, Expectations, Training, Policies set by an organization
The methods to address unethical behavior at the workplace include;
Create a Code of Conduct, Lead by Example, Reinforce Consequences
for Unethical Behavior, Show Employees Appreciation

Methods of handling unethical conduct in business are;

Do your research, Approach your colleague, Speak to management

Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer will involve trainees to generate ideas on unethical conduct, types

of unethical behaviour in the business and methods handling unethical

conduct in business.

Practical learning Activity

✓ Trainees form a team of four members and perform the following

tasks; trainees will make a discussion on types of unethical conduct.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

✓ Unethical conduct

✓ Types of unethical conduct

Learning out come 2.1 : formative assessment

Please mix different assessment instruments/tools for triangulation and

relevancy of assessment

Written assessment

• Assessment instruments/tools

Q1. Read the following statement answer by true if the statement is correct and false if the
statement is false.

a) Ethical Conduct means doing the right thing right ………

b) Unethical workplace behavior is any action at work that goes in the line of the prevailing
moral norms of a community…………………..

c) Sanctions, are the penalties or other means of enforcement used to provide incentives for
obedience with the law, or with rules and regulations………….

Q2. The following are the Methods to address unethical behavior at the workplace except

a) Create a Code of Conduct

b) Lead by Example

c) Financial Misconduct

d) Reinforce Consequences for Unethical Behavior

e) Show Employees Appreciation

Q3. Explain any three Techniques of encouraging a positive ethical behavior in business.

Q4. ZXY123 Ltd shop is specialized in selling and importing fruits from Europe, during the
inspection made by RSB, against selling expired products, the inspection shows that ZXY123
Ltd shop selling the expired product. Explain the Sanctions proposed by the law against
unethical behavior in a business.

Proposed solutions for formative assessment

Q1. Read the following statement answer by true if the statement is correct and false if the
statement is false.

a) Ethical Conduct means doing the right thing right True

b) Unethical workplace behavior is any action at work that goes in the line of the prevailing
moral norms of a community…False

c) Sanctions, are the penalties or other means of enforcement used to provide incentives for
obedience with the law, or with rules and regulations…True

Q2. The following are the Methods to address unethical behavior at the workplace except

f) Create a Code of Conduct

g) Lead by Example

h) Financial Misconduct

i) Reinforce Consequences for Unethical Behavior

j) Show Employees Appreciation

Q3. Explain any three Techniques of encouraging a positive ethical behavior in business.


Techniques of encouraging a positive ethical behavior in business are the following;

1. Rewards

Catch employees “doing something right” and reward ethical behavior.

2. Expectations

Ensure that your company states its values in the employee handbook and that these values
are talked about and implemented in everyday business matters by all employees in a
supervisory capacity.

3. Training

Through training, explicitly teach your employees how to behave in an ethical manner.


Sometimes implementing a policy to prevent unethical behavior is the best option.

Q4. ZXY123 Ltd shop is specialized in selling and importing fruits from Europe, during the
inspection made by RSB, against selling expired products, the inspection shows that ZXY123
Ltd shop selling the expired product. Explain the Sanctions proposed by the law against
unethical behavior in a business.

The Sanctions proposed by the law against unethical behavior in a business include;

1. Comprehensive: Prohibiting commercial activity with regard to an entire country

2. Targeted: Blocking transactions by and with particular businesses, groups, or


Learning outcome 2.2 Assign responsibilities in accordance with organisation structure

Duration: 1.30 hrs

Learning out come 2.2 objectives:

By the end of the learning outcome, the trainees will be able to:

1. Explain correctly the meaning of responsibility assignment in the business.

2. Explain correctly how responsibilities are attributed in the business.

3. Explain correctly the Responsibility assignment matrix as used in the business.


Equipment Tools Materials

Classroom Chalk Phipps chart

Black table Mark pen

Advance preparation:



. A sample form of internal rules and regulations on an organization

. A sample form of an organization structures or chart

Content2.2.2. Description of responsibilities assignment in business Meaning of responsibilities assignment in business

This is a duty or obligation to satisfactorily perform or complete a task that one must fulfil,
and which has a consequent penalty for failure. Attribution of responsibilities

The attribution of responsibilities include;

1. Estimation of volume of task: every worker in a company must has to be assigned a number
of clear tasks.

2. Determination of task’s requirements: task Requirements is a collection of physical,

functional, mental and administrative needs that should be covered by the assigned
resources: they serve as quality criteria to approve suitability of resources.

3. Allowing time to the volume of task: every task must have a time allocated to it. Responsibilities assignment matrix (RAM)

A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a method of project management that allows all
employees to understand the timeline and distributed responsibilities of a project.

RAM describes the participation of various organizations, people, and their roles in
completing tasks or deliverables for a project.

A common problem in many projects is that team members have a wrong perception of their
roles and roles of others. Often enough, there is a difference between what a person thinks
their role is and what the organizer thinks they should be doing. As the process goes, this
confusion is likely to grow. With time, team members can drift away from what they were
assigned to do originally.

This can lead to:

1. conflicts over who’s ought to do the job;

2. lack of people to handle crucial tasks

3. Unbalanced workloads for different team members;

4. Lack of action because of uncertainty and ineffective communication;

5. Creation of non-essential and unnecessary tasks to fill time;

6.Idleness and poor morale.

This is where RACI matrix comes handy. It’s a responsibility charting tool that specifies not
only who is responsible for a given task, but also the role of each person involved in it. By
constructing a RACI matrix, a project manager can make sure that the team members stick to
the specific roles he or she wants them to take. It helps avoid any kind of confusion about
roles sometime down the line for the project. RACI matrix

The RACI matrix is a responsibility assignment chart that maps out every task, or key decision
involved in completing a project and assigns which roles are Responsible for each action item,
which personnel are Accountable, and, where appropriate, who needs to be Consulted or

Essentially, RACI matrix is a project management tool.

RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed

the four roles assigned to team members. The tasks are normally listed in the first column of
the matrix and the team members are listed in the top row of the table. Responsibility
charting through creating a RACI matrix brings clarity to what every team member has to do
in the project. In addition to that, it serves as a check on what should be done and who’s
ought to be doing what in the future.

The Four Roles in RACI Matrix

The role of RACI Matrix include,

Responsible (R)

“Responsible” refers to the person who actually completes the task – aka “the doer.” There
always has to be at least one Responsible per each task. If you are missing an R in any of the
rows of the matrix – you have a gap that has to be filled immediately.

Accountable (A)

“Accountable” is the person who is ultimately answerable for the activity or decision to be
made. This is someone who has the final authority over the task – typically some kind of a
manager or senior offices. Typically, you should have the minimum number of people
accountable for every task. In most projects, there will be only one person listed as

Consulted (C)

“Consulted” is the adviser for the given task or entire project. Normally, this is the subject
matter expert whose opinion you seek before making the final decision or action. Keep in
mind that you should keep the number of C’s to the minimum for each row. Having too many
consultants can slow down the process significantly and add unnecessary deliberation and
idle discussion. Too many C’s can raise the risk of poor performance.

Informed (I)

“Informed” are the people you keep updated on how the process is going. These would be
the people who you will notify once the task is completed and who will take action as the
result of the outcome. There can be as many “informed” as necessary per process. You usually
have only a one-way communication with these people.

RACI MATRIX is conducted as follow;

Responsibility assignment matrix- RACI Chart

Activities/ tasks Personal responsible or in charge

John Alexis Cindy Felix

Planning/ schedule R A I C

Risk management I Q R

Quality management C A Q

procurement A Q R I

Contract negotiation R C I A

R- Responsible, A- Accountable, C – Consulted, I – Informed, Q – Quality reviewer

Responsibility assignment matrix- RACI Chart of a Restaurant Summary that related to the content

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ Responsibilities assignment in business is a duty or obligation to satisfactorily

perform or complete a task that one must fulfil, and which has a consequent
penalty for failure.
✓ Attribution of responsibilities include;

Estimation of volume of task

Determination of task’s requirements
Allowing time to the volume of task: every task must have a time
allocated to it.

✓ A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a method of project management

that allows all employees to understand the timeline and distributed
responsibilities of a project.

✓ The RACI matrix is a responsibility assignment chart that maps out every task in
a project.

✓ RACI matrix stands for

1. Responsible (R) refers to the person who actually completes the task

2. Accountable (A) is the person who is ultimately answerable for the activity
or decision to be made.

3. Consulted (C) is the adviser for the given task or entire project.
4. Informed (I) are the people you keep updated on how the process is going.

Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer involved the trainees to generate ideas om what they think about
RACI Matrix at workplace especially in the business.

Practical learning Activity

✓ Trainer in pair or in team of four members will discuss on meaning of

RACI Matrix at workplace especially in the business and how is

Points to Remember (Take home message)

✓ Meaning of RACI,(responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed.

✓ RAM ( responsibility assignment matrix)

Learning out come 2.2 : formative assessment

Please mix different assessment instruments/tools for triangulation and

relevancy of assessment

Written assessment

Q1. Read the following question and answer true if the statement is correct and false if the
statement is not correct.

a) Responsibilities assignment in business is a duty or obligation to satisfactorily perform or

complete a task that one must fulfil………………..

b)The RACI matrix is a responsibility assignment chart that maps out every task, or key
decision involved in completing a project and assigns which roles are Responsible for each
action item, which personnel are Accountable, and, where appropriate, who needs to be
Consulted or Informed……………………..

Q2. Read the following statements and select the correct answer;

1. The following statements are attribution of responsibilities at work place except one.

a) Estimation of volume of task

b) Determination of task’s requirements

c) Allowing time to the volume of task

d) lack of people to handle crucial tasks

Q3. a) Write in full RAM and RACI

b) Differentiate RAM matrix from RACI matrix.

Q4. Mr X, Mr Y and Mr Z are the employees in W Ltd company, W ltd company decides to
implement a new project in which X,Y, and Z have different responsibilities. By using RACI
Matrix you are required to distribute the responsibilities among these three employees of W
Ltd so that the implementation of that project will be effective.

Proposed answer for formative assessment

Q1. Read the following question and answer true if the statement is correct and false if the
statement is not correct.

a) Responsibilities assignment in business is a duty or obligation to satisfactorily perform or

complete a task that one must fulfil…True

b)The RACI matrix is a responsibility assignment chart that maps out every task, or key
decision involved in completing a project and assigns which roles are Responsible for each
action item, which personnel are Accountable, and, where appropriate, who needs to be
Consulted or Informed…True

Q2. Read the following statements and select the correct answer;

2. The following statements are attribution of responsibilities at work place except one.

a) Estimation of volume of task
b) Determination of task’s requirements
c) Allowing time to the volume of task
d) lack of people to handle crucial tasks

Q3. a) Write in full RAM and RACI

b) Differentiate RAM matrix from RACI matrix.

RAM : Responsibilities Assignment Matrix
RACI: Responsibility Accountable Consulted and Informed
b) Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a method of project management that allows
all employees to understand the timeline and distributed responsibilities of a project.


RACI matrix is a responsibility charting tool that specifies not only who is responsible for a
given task, but also the role of each person involved in it.

Q4. Mr X, Mr Y and Mr Z are the employees in W Ltd company, W ltd company decides to
implement a new project in which X,Y, and Z have different responsibilities. By using RACI
Matrix you are required to distribute the responsibilities among these three employees of W
Ltd so that the implementation of that project will be effective.

W Ltd RACI Matrix

Activities/ tasks Personal responsible or in charge

Mr X Mr Y Mr z

Planning/ schedule R A I

Risk management I R

Quality management C A

procurement A R

Contract negotiation R C I

R- Responsible, A- Accountable, C – Consulted, I – Informed, Q – Quality reviewer


Learning outcome 2.3 Match personal characteristics with business requirements

Duration: 1.30 hrs

Learning out come 2.3 objectives:

By the end of the learning outcome, the trainees will be able to:

1. Explain correctly self- assessment of time management practice

2. Explain correctly self-management in financial practice

3. Explain correctly Self-assessment in inventory practices.


Equipment Tools Materials

Classroom Chalk Phipps chart

Black table Mark pen

Advance preparation:



. A sample form an organization structure of chart

.A sample form of rules, regulations, policy and procedures on an organization

Content2.3.1. Description of assessment management practice Meaning of assessment management practice.

Management practice means a procedure, activity, structure or facility designed to prevent

or minimize pollution or enhance existing environmental quality. Self- assessment of time management practices

self-assessment is focuses on current strengths and areas that have potential for

self-assessment of time management practices includes the following steps :

1. Defining tools of assessment

2. Self-assessment

3. Measuring gaps between personal characteristics and business requirements

4. Defining strategies to eliminate gaps Self-assessment in motivating employee’s practices

Employee motivation is defined as the enthusiasm, energy level, commitment and the
amount of creativity that an employee brings to the organization on a daily basis. Ways to Motivate Employees include;


Although we haven't implemented it yet, we're developing a feedback system that rewards
employees for engaging with our wiki and for learning how to use our application via our
training videos. We further reward performance based on meeting certain goals.

2. Let Them Know You Trust Them

If you let them know you trust and depend on them, they will fill those shoes sooner than
you think. A vote of confidence can go a long way. Let them know you trust them to do the
best job possible and they will rarely disappoint you.

3. Set Smaller Weekly Goals

You want lofty ambitions, but set up smaller goals along the way to keep people in it. Rather
than make a billion this year, focus on getting 100 new customers this week something that
will get you to that billion. Then reward the team for achieving the goal with an afternoon off,
a party, etc.

4. Give Your Employees Purpose

I am able to motivate my employees by giving them a purpose. When you accomplish that,
they understand the vision better and are able to execute more strongly. In addition, by
understanding their purpose and the purpose of the business, an employee is better able to
understand how they fit into the big picture.

5. Radiate Positivity

I'm always pumping energy through the office. I'm really enthusiastic and want my staff to
feed off that positive energy. Because culture is so important to me, I play music, have fun,
joke around, and play games. We work hard, but we play hard too.

6. Be Transparent

I am very open with employees about what's happening at the highest level so there are no
surprises and everyone has a chance to ask questions and give feedback. I want employees to
feel included in big decisions and committed to the direction our company takes.

7. Motivate Individuals Rather Than the Team

Aligned incentives are the only true way to ensure everyone on a team is working toward a
common goal. Framing the strategy in multiple ways ensures each stakeholder has a clear,
personal understanding of how working together benefits himself and the team.

8. Learn What Makes Each Employee Tick

During one-on-one check-ins, listen to their ideas, because they're the best at what they do.
Respect their personal schedules and non-work time, and don't ever pit their goals/timelines
against each other.

9. Reward Based on Feedback

Valuebot is an app for Slack that calculates how many times each employee was praised-in
order to send daily and monthly summaries. Valuebot helps to visualize our culture and
reiterate how much on support one another. The positive energy one create in the office
helps one to attract and retain talent.

10. Prioritize Work-Life Balance

A culture that prioritizes work-life balance, yields increased productivity and overall
happiness in the workplace

11. Have an Open-Door Policy

It's amazing how a simple "please" and "thank you" fares with employees. We simply speak
to staff the way we would want to be spoken to. We also have an open-door policy when it
comes to suggestions and ideas.

12. Let Them Lead

Motivating employees is not just about giving them vacation time-it's about showing them
they make a difference and are valued. Every time we have a meeting, whether large or small,
we let a different team member lead the conversation and the topics discussed.

13. Show Them the Bigger Picture

It's important that employees understand the bigger picture and can see how what they are
doing in the moment will eventually contribute to an end goal. Give them tasks and projects
to work on and make sure they understand how this fits into the big picture.

14. Create Recognition Rituals

Organize, every management and executive meeting starts off with each department lead
recognizing someone from their team who has gone above and beyond for the company or

a client. This positive feedback loop motivates team members, and it holds management
accountable for staff recognition. summary that relate to the content

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ Management practice means a procedure, activity, structure or facility designed to

prevent or minimize pollution or enhance existing environmental quality.
✓ self-assessment of time management practices includes the following steps :
Defining tools of assessment

Measuring gaps between personal characteristics and business

Defining strategies to eliminate gaps

✓ Employee motivation is defined as the enthusiasm, energy level, commitment and

the amount of creativity that an employee brings to the organization on a daily
✓ Ways to Motivate Employees include;
2. Set Smaller Weekly Goals

3. Give Your Employees Purpose

4. Be Transparent
5. Reward learning
Based on Activity

✓ Trainer involves the trainees to generate ideas on what they think about
Self- assessment of time management practices.

✓ Trainer involves trainees to generate ideas on motivation of employees

and factors influence motivation of employees in an organization.

Practical learning Activity

✓ Trainer in pair or in team of four members will discuss on meaning

self-assessment management of time management practice.

✓ Trainer in pair or in team of four members will discuss on meaning of

employee motivation and ways to motivate employees.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

✓ Meaning of employee motivation

✓ A way to motivate employee

Learning out come 2.3 : formative assessment

Please mix different assessment instruments/tools for triangulation and

relevancy of assessment.

Written assessment

Q1. Read the following statement and write true if the statement if correct and false if the
statement is not correct.

a) Management practice means a procedure, activity, structure or facility designed to

prevent or minimize pollution or enhance existing environmental quality. ……….

b) Self-assessment is focuses on current strengths and areas that have potential for

Q2. Read the following statement and cycle the correct answer.

i) Self-assessment of time management practices includes the following steps except one.

a) Defining tools of assessment

b) Self-assessment

c) Create Recognition Rituals

d) Measuring gaps between personal characteristics .

Q3. Explain the term employee motivation in an organization.

Q4. Mr J is a human resource manager in ZXC Ltd company, now this company faces with the
problem of diminishing of ZXC Ltd’s employees. Advise Mr J the ways he can use to motivate
employees and to retain employees in this company.

Proposed answers for formative assessment

Q1. Read the following statement and write true if the statement if correct and false if the
statement is not correct.

a) Management practice means a procedure, activity, structure or facility designed to

prevent or minimize pollution or enhance existing environmental quality. True

b) Self-assessment is focuses on current strengths and areas that have potential for

Q2. Read the following statement and cycle the correct answer.

i) Self-assessment of time management practices includes the following steps except one.

a) Defining tools of assessment

b) Self-assessment

c) Create Recognition Rituals

d) Measuring gaps between personal characteristics .

Q3. Explain the term employee motivation in an organization.


Employee motivation is the enthusiasm, energy level, commitment and the amount of
creativity that an employee brings to the organization on a daily basis.

Q4. Mr J is a human resource manager in ZXC Ltd company, now this company faces with the
problem of diminishing of ZXC Ltd’s employees. Advise Mr J the ways he can use to motivate
employees and to retain employees in this company.

The ways to motivate the employees in an organization include;


Although we haven't implemented it yet, we're developing a feedback system that rewards
employees for engaging with our wiki and for learning how to use our application via our
training videos. We further reward performance based on meeting certain goals.

2. Let Them Know You Trust Them

If you let them know you trust and depend on them, they will fill those shoes sooner than
you think. A vote of confidence can go a long way. Let them know you trust them to do the
best job possible and they will rarely disappoint you.

3. Set Smaller Weekly Goals

You want lofty ambitions, but set up smaller goals along the way to keep people in it. Rather
than make a billion this year, focus on getting 100 new customers this week something that
will get you to that billion. Then reward the team for achieving the goal with an afternoon off,
a party, etc.

4. Give Your Employees Purpose

I am able to motivate my employees by giving them a purpose. When you accomplish that,
they understand the vision better and are able to execute more strongly. In addition, by
understanding their purpose and the purpose of the business, an employee is better able to
understand how they fit into the big picture.

5. Radiate Positivity

I'm always pumping energy through the office. I'm really enthusiastic and want my staff to
feed off that positive energy. Because culture is so important to me, I play music, have fun,
joke around, and play games. We work hard, but we play hard too.

6. Be Transparent

I am very open with employees about what's happening at the highest level so there are no
surprises and everyone has a chance to ask questions and give feedback. I want employees to
feel included in big decisions and committed to the direction our company takes.

7. Motivate Individuals Rather Than the Team

Aligned incentives are the only true way to ensure everyone on a team is working toward a
common goal. Framing the strategy in multiple ways ensures each stakeholder has a clear,
personal understanding of how working together benefits himself and the team.

8. Learn What Makes Each Employee Tick

During one-on-one check-ins, listen to their ideas, because they're the best at what they do.
Respect their personal schedules and non-work time, and don't ever pit their goals/timelines
against each other.

9. Reward Based on Feedback

Valuebot is an app for Slack that calculates how many times each employee was praised-in
order to send daily and monthly summaries. Valuebot helps to visualize our culture and
reiterate how much on support one another. The positive energy one create in the office
helps one to attract and retain talent.

10. Prioritize Work-Life Balance

A culture that prioritizes work-life balance, yields increased productivity and overall
happiness in the workplace


Learning outcome 2.4 Maintain good relationship with customers and suppliers

Duration: 1.30 hrs

Learning out come 4.1 objectives:

By the end of the learning outcome, the trainees will be able to:

1. Define clearly the term relationship in a business.

2. Explain correctly the purpose of maintaining relationship with customers and suppliers.

3. Explain correctly Importance of maintaining good customers and suppliers relationship

to the business.
4. Explain correctly the tool for maintain customer and suppliers relationship.


Equipment Tools Materials

Classroom Chalk Phipps chart

Black table Mark pen

Advance preparation:


.Internet and a sample form of internal rules and regulation of an organization

Content2.4.1. Description of term relationship in business Meaning of term relationship in business

Business relations are connections between stakeholders in the process of businesses, such
as employer–employee relationships, customer-supplier relations, managers as well as
outsourced business partners. Purpose of maintaining a good relationship with customers and suppliers

The major purpose of maintaining good relationships with customers and suppliers is to

keep them happy and interested in doing a fulfil business with your company. Methods used to maintain good relationship with customers and suppliers
Methods used to maintain good relationship with customers includes;

1. Communicate.

Find out what your customers need, then show them that you have a solution to their

problem. Train your employees to communicate with customers and take care to answer

customers’ communication.

2. Exceed expectations.

Try to serve the customers better than you think they expected. Do this by offering great

products or services, you can even do it by delivering a product or service faster than

anticipated. This will make your customers keep coming back.

3. Ask for feedback.

Invite customer feedback to show you are listening. Customer feedback helps you find out

your customers’ specific needs so you can find the best solutions to their problems.

4. Connect.

With technology, there are more ways to begin conversations with your customers than

ever before. There are many online tools and social media outlets you can use to reach

5. Show appreciation.

Reward long-time customers with a loyalty discount program. You can hand out reward


With a loyalty program, customers earn points for buying your goods or services. After

earning a certain number of points, the customer gets a reward. Methods used to maintain good relationship with suppliers

The methods used to maintain a good relationship with the suppliers are the following;

1. Always pay on time. Your suppliers are in business, just like you are; they want to get

paid as much as you do. Your best bet is to reach out to them before they begin to call you

to follow up on overdue bills.

2. Personalize the relationship. Get to know them. It's easy to get caught up in email

communication, but face-to-face contact and the occasional phone call is important.

Suppliers can be advocates for your business; their industry contacts might in fact become

your clients in the future.

3. Share information. Share information about your business. Keep suppliers in the loop

about changes in key staff, new product lines and special promotions. This lets suppliers

know you value the relationship. It also provides them the opportunity to market more of

their services to you if they spot an additional service they can offer. Importance of maintaining good relationship with suppliers

The importance of maintaining a good relationship with a suppliers includes;

1. It can help to get monetary benefits. The good relationships we have with suppliers

enable us to get discounts on goods we purchase.

2. It enables to improve your manufacturing processes as suppliers will feel it a necessity

to provide you with better quality supplies which enables to grab a market share from


3. Providing mutual assurance and awareness. When you’re on friendlier terms, conflict

will be easier to resolve. Suppliers will more likely seek ways to improve your operations

and they will be able to see your potential needs arise before you do. Ways to address customers and suppliers’ complaints

Ways to address customer complaints are;

1. Treat complaints as opportunities to redeem missed service expectations and handle them

2. Acknowledge any error on your part and do everything possible to resolve the problem
quickly and to the customer’s satisfaction.

3. Thank the customer for bringing his or her concerns to your attention.

4. Have a clear procedure for handling customer complaints including face to-face negotiation
in a calm and professional manner. Visit Training for more information on skilling up your
staff. Ways to address supplier complaints

Supplier complaints means the suppliers’ expression of dissatisfaction or displeasure about

the customer’s handling of their dealings.

1. Acknowledge the complaint

2. Review the issue

3. Check your facts - Get a ‘fresh eye’ to look over the documentation.

If you have a written contract, the first thing to do is to read it through carefully. This can help
you understand the problem more clearly and get your facts right before any action is taken.

4. Discuss with supplier. Contact your supplier as soon as you can and explain the issue. You

may be able to find a simple resolution by simply talking it through.

5. Listen to what they have to say- put yourself in their position and try to see the situation

from their point of view as well.

6. Make a decision

7. Communicate decision

Remember – the issue could be a simple misunderstanding. There may be facts or background
that you don't know about, so it often pays to give the supplier the benefit of the doubt before
you take any action. Manual procedures for business operations as tool for maintain customer and
suppliers relations/

A Procedures manual contains the policies, guidelines and processes for the whole

It exists to help employees do their jobs in an approved and consistent manner.

A standard operating procedure manual is a handbook that lists all the written instructions
for an organization's essential tasks.

A main purpose of a procedure manual is to help ensure optimum business operations and

consistent delivery of your products and services from your company.

87 summary that relate to the content

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ Business relations are connections between stakeholders in the process of businesses,

such as employer–employee relationships, customer-supplier relations, managers as
well as outsourced business partners.
✓ Methods used to maintain good relationship with customers includes;
1. Communicate.
2. Exceed expectations.
3. Ask for feedback.
5. Show appreciation.
✓ Methods used to maintain good relationship with suppliers includes;
1. Always pay on time.
2. Personalize the relationship.
3. Share information.

Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer involves the trainees to generate ideas on the meaning of a good


✓ Trainer involves trainees to generate ideas how to maintain a good

relationship with customers and suppliers.

Practical learning Activity

✓ Trainer in pair or in team of four members will discuss on meaning a

good customer relationship.

✓ Trainer in pair or in team of four members will discuss on the way
used to maintain customer relationship.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

✓ Meaning of a good relationship

✓ A way to maintain a good relationship with customers, and suppliers,

Learning out come 4.1 : formative assessment

Please mix different assessment instruments/tools for triangulation and

relevancy of assessment

Written assessment

Q1. Read the following statement and answer true if the statement is correct and false if the
statement is not correct.

a) Business relations are connections between stakeholders in the process of businesses,

such as employer–employee relationships, customer-supplier relations, managers as well as
outsourced business partners…………

b) The major purpose of maintaining good relationships with customers and suppliers is to

keep them happy and interested in doing a fruitful business with your company. …………..

Q2. Read the following statement and select the correct answer.

i) The following are the Methods used to maintain good relationship with customers and
suppliers except one.

a) Communicate.

b) Exceed expectations.

c) Selling goods

d) Ask for feedback.

e) Connect.

Q3. Explain any three methods used to maintain good relationship with suppliers in an

Q4. Explain in details the Manual procedures for business operations as tool for maintain
customer and suppliers relations in an organization.

Proposed answers for formative assessment

Q1. Read the following statement and answer true if the statement is correct and false if the
statement is not correct.

a) Business relations are connections between stakeholders in the process of businesses,

such as employer–employee relationships, customer-supplier relations, managers as well as
outsourced business partners True

b) The major purpose of maintaining good relationships with customers and suppliers is to

keep them happy and interested in doing a fruitful business with your company. True

Q2. Read the following statement and select the correct answer.

i) The following are the Methods used to maintain good relationship with customers and
suppliers except one.

a) Communicate.

b) Exceed expectations.

c) Selling goods

d) Ask for feedback.

e) Connect.

Q3. Explain any three methods used to maintain good relationship with suppliers in an


The methods used to maintain a good relationship with your suppliers in an organization are
the following;

1. Always pay on time. Your suppliers are in business, just like you are; they want to get

paid as much as you do. Your best bet is to reach out to them before they begin to call you

to follow up on overdue bills.

2. Personalize the relationship. Get to know them. It's easy to get caught up in email

communication, but face-to-face contact and the occasional phone call is important.

Suppliers can be advocates for your business; their industry contacts might in fact become

your clients in the future.

3. Share information. Share information about your business. Keep suppliers in the loop

about changes in key staff, new product lines and special promotions.

Q4. Explain in details the Manual procedures for business operations as tool for maintain
customer and suppliers relations in an organization.


The manual procedures for business operations used for maintaining a good relations with
customers and suppliers in an organization, contains with the policies, guidelines and
procedures for the whole organization.

➢ This exists to help employees to do their jobs in an approved and consistent manner.
➢ The standard operating procedure manual is a handbook that lists all the written
instructions for an organization's essential tasks.
➢ A main purpose of a procedure manual is to help ensure optimum business operations
and consistent delivery of your products and services from your company.


Learning Unit 3: Run real business operation.


Learning outcomes:

3.1 Set of short-term business goals.

3.2 Optimize the utilization of available resources.

3.3 Employ targeted promotional and marketing campaigns.

Learning outcome 3.1. Set of short-term business goals

Duration: 1.30 hrs

Learning out come 3.1 objectives:

By the end of the learning outcome, the trainees will be able to:

1. Define clearly the term goal as used in business domain.

2. Describe correctly the categories of business goals.

3. Set correctly the categories of business goals.


Equipment Tools Materials

Classroom Chalk Phipps chart

Black table Mark pen Books

Computer Paper



Advance preparation:


.A sample form of a business plan

Content3.1.1. Description of business goal Meaning of Business Goals: Business goals are a description of what a company
expects to accomplish over a specific period of time.

Or A business goal is the target that the entrepreneur hopes to achieve within a given period
of time. The Importance of Business Goals

-Provide targets to be achieved

-Helps an entrepreneur to make good decision;

-Maximum utilization;


-Goals encourage people to work. Categorization of business goals

1. Short-Term Goals

Short-term goals are statements describing the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual
actions every business undertakes to reach medium term and long-term goals. Example: To
introduce a new product every six months

2. Medium-Term Goals

Medium-term goals are statements of things to be achieved over relatively longer periods of
time (over one year but less than 5 years) and help in achieving a long term goal. Example: To
increase production capacity by 17% within the next two years

3. Long-Term Goals

Long-term goals define the company's vision. Long term goals require more preparation and
more resources and therefore cannot be achieved in the short run. Setting business goals

Setting goals is more than deciding what you want to do. It involves figuring out what you
need to do to get where you want to go, and how long it will take you to get there. The first
step to succeed is knowing where you want to go. The second step is having a plan to get
there. The goals are the roadmap. Characteristics of a good business goal

A good business Goal should be SMART:

SMART is stands for S- Specific, M- Measurable, A- Achievable, R- Realistic, T- Time bound.

1. Specific: Your goal should be clear and specific, otherwise you won't be able to focus your
efforts or feel truly motivated to achieve it. answer the five "W" questions:

1.What do I want to accomplish?

2.Why is this goal important?

3.Who is involved?

4.Where is it located?

5.Which resources or limits are involved?

2. Measurable: It's important to have measurable goals, so that you can track your progress
and stay motivated.

Assessing progress helps you to stay focused, meet your deadlines, and feel the excitement
of getting closer to achieving your goal.

A measurable goal should address questions such as:

1.How much?

2.How many?

3.How will I know when it is accomplished?

3. Achievable: Your goal also needs to be realistic and attainable to be successful. In other
words, it should stretch your abilities but still remain possible.

An achievable goal will usually answer questions such as:

1.How can I accomplish this goal?

2.How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints, such as financial factors?

4. Realistic/Relevant : This step is about ensuring that your goal matters to you, and that it
also aligns with other relevant goals.

A relevant goal can answer "yes" to these questions:

1.Does this seem worthwhile?

2.Is this the right time?

3. Does this match our other efforts/needs?

4.Am I the right person to reach this goal?

5.Is it applicable in the current socio-economic environment?

5. Time framed/Time Bounded: Every goal needs a target date, so that you have a deadline
to focus on and something to work toward.

This part of the SMART goal criteria helps to prevent everyday tasks from taking priority over
your longer-term goals.

A time-bound goal will usually answer these questions:


2.What can I do six months from now?

3.What can I do six weeks from now?

4. What can I do today?

Examples of SMART Goals

Example of Long term goal:

1. Increase the total income of your company by 10% over the next five years.

2. Reduce production expenses by 5% over the next ten years.

Example Medium goal:

1. Reduce turnover by 15 percent in each of the next three years.

2. Use suggestive selling to increase the total value of each sale by 10 percent by the end of
the two years.

Example of Short term goal:

1. Increase product prices by 3% over the next three months.

2. Hire three new marketing employees at the end of current fiscal year. Steps followed to set the achievable goals

To set the achievable goals you as an entrepreneur have to yourself the following questions;

1. Where I want to be in the 3, months,6months, 1 year for example?

2. What must I know to get there?

3. What steps must I take in order to know and be able to do these things?

4. What abilities and experience do I already have that are going to help me take these steps?

5. What obstacles might be in my way and how can I deal with them?

6. What should I do first, second and so on? summary related to the content

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

Business Goals: Business goals are a description of what a company expects to accomplish
over a specific period of time.

The Importance of Business Goals

-Provide targets to be achieved

-Helps an entrepreneur to make good decision;

-Maximum utilization

Categorization of business goals

1. Short-Term Goals

2. Medium-Term Goals

3. Long-Term Goals

Long-term goals define the company's vision.

Characteristics or features of a business Goal should be SMART:

SMART is stands for S- Specific, M- Measurable, A- Achievable, R- Realistic, T- Time bound.

Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer involves trainees to generate ideas on concept of business goal.

✓ Facilitator involves learners to generate ideas concerning categories of
business gaol and characteristics of a business goal.

Practical learning Activity

✓ Learners in pair will discuss on categories of business goal, and

explanation of features of business goals.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

4. Meaning of business goal,

5. Categories of Business goal,

6. Characteristics of a good business goal.

Learning out come 3.1 : formative assessment

Please mix different assessment instruments/tools for triangulation and

relevancy of assessment

Written assessment

Q1. Read the following statement and answer by true if the statement is correct and false

if the statement is not correct.

a) Business goals are a description of what a company expects to accomplish over a

specific period of time. ……….

Q2. Read the following statements and select the correct answer.

1. The following are the characteristics of a good business goal except one.

a) Specific

b) Measurable

c) Acceptable

d) Realistic

e) Time bound

2. The business goals are categorize into,

a) Short-term goal

b) Medium-term goal

c) Long-term goal

Please select the correct answer

i) a and b are the correct answer

ii) b and c are the correct answer

iii) all answers are correct

iv) there is no answer

Q3.Differentiate short term goal form long term goal.

Q4. Outline any 5 importance of a business goal.

Q5. G Ltd company plans to implement a new project, but it faced with the problem of setting
up a business goal. So you are required to help this company to set;

a) Short-term goal for its project.

b) Medium-term goal for its project.

c) Long-term goal for its project.

Proposed answers for formative assessment

Q1. Read the following statement and answer by true if the statement is correct and false
if the statement is not correct.

b) Business goals are a description of what a company expects to accomplish over a
specific period of time. True

Q2. Read the following statements and select the correct answer.

1. The following are the characteristics of a good business goal except one.

a) Specific

b) Measurable

c) Acceptable

d) Realistic

e) Time bound

2. The business goals are categorize into,

a) Short-term goal

b) Medium-term goal

c) Long-term goal

Please select the correct answer

v) a and b are the correct answer

vi) b and c are the correct answer

vii) all answers are correct

viii) there is no answer

Q3.Differentiate short term goal form long term goal.


Short-term goals are statements describing the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and
annual actions every business undertakes to reach medium term and long-term goals.

Long-term goals define the company's vision. Long term goals require more preparation
and more resources and therefore cannot be achieved in the short run.

Q4. Outline any 5 importance of a business goal.

The importance of the business goals are the following;

1) Provide targets to be achieved

2) Helps an entrepreneur to make good decision;
3) Maximum utilization;
4) Self-evaluation
5) Goals encourage people to work.

Q5. G Ltd company plans to implement a new project, but it faced with the problem of setting
up a business goal. So you are required to help this company to set;

The G Ltd company may set goals as follow;

a) Short-term goal for its project.

To introduce a new product every six months.
b) Medium-term goal for its project.
To increase production capacity by 17% within the next two years.
c) Long-term goal for its project.
To increase market share by 40% after 10 years


Learning outcome 3.2. Optimize the utilization of available resources

Duration: 1.30 hrs

Learning out come 3.2 objectives:

By the end of the learning outcome, the trainees will be able to:

1. Define clearly the term business resources and optimization of business resources as used
in business domain.

2. Describe correctly the types of business resources.

3. Explain correctly the methods to optimise utilisation of available resources.

4. Explain correctly the importance of optimizing available business resources.


Equipment Tools Materials

Classroom Chalk Phipps chart

Black table Mark pen Books

Computer Paper



Advance preparation:



.A sample form of a business plan

. A sample form of money of different form (note, coins, cards)

Content 3.2.1 Description of business resources and optimisation of a business resources. Meaning of business resources

a) Definition of business resources: Business resources are Human, financial, physical, and
knowledge factors that provide a firm the means to perform its business processes.

b) Resource optimization is the set of processes and methods to match the available
resources (human, machinery, financial) with the needs of the organization in order to
achieve established goals. Types of business resources

The types of business resources are the following;

1. Human resources: are the personnel of a business or organization, regarded as a significant

asset in terms of skills and abilities Material resources: are assets in the form of material

2. Financial resources: Financial resources is a term covering all financial funds of the
organization. From an economic perspective financial resources are the part of the
organization’s assets (property).

3. Technology resources: Technological resources are intangibles resources such as

intellectual properties, accumulated skills and experience, software license and patent.
Machinery and materials. Materials are intangible resources that is used to produce a specific
product like clothes or bags Purpose of optimizing the utilization of available resources

Resource optimization is the set of processes and methods to match the available resources
(human, machinery, financial) with the needs of the organization in order to achieve
established goals. The purpose of resources optimization management

1. The purpose of optimizing the use of resources is to achieve desired results within a set
timeframe and budget with minimum usage of the resources themselves.

2. Increased revenue – Resource Management Solutions will help you easily to assess how
well utilized your entire resource pool is on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, helping to ensure

your most valuable resources are used to maximum effect, and your workload is balanced to
avoid sustained periods of time on the bench.

3. Improve project delivery – Improving project delivery will help reduce costs and increase

4. Reduce administration costs Methods to optimize the utilization of available resources

The resource optimization techniques, in project management, are tools that are used to
adjust the implementation and completion dates of project activities to adjust the planned
resource used and the resource availability.

It is a tool used in the Schedule Network Analysis to calculate the schedule compression of
the project.

There are basically two types of tools used for the resource optimization techniques as

1. Resource levelling: This technique adjusts the start to finish dates based on the constraints
of the resources. It has a goal of balancing the demand for the resources using whatever
supply available. It is used when required resources are available at certain limited times and
quantities or when over-allocated. It is also used when the resource is assigned to two or
more activities during the same period or if the resource usage needs to be kept at a constant
level. Resource levelling often causes the critical path to change.

2. Resource smoothing: It is a technique used to adjust the activities of the schedule model.
It ensures that the requirements for the allocated resource on the project do not go beyond
or exceed the pre-defined resource limits. Thus, the project’s critical path remains the same
thus the completion date may not be delayed. Methods used to control utilization of resources

The methods used to control utilization of resources are the following;

1. Procedures of using resources: In your business, set and agree on how you should use the
resources available to avoid misuse.

2. Targeted result: For a better use of the available resources, set the results to be achieved
using a defined amount of resources and ensure to respect it.

3. Inventory planned: Think about the size of inventory that needs to be used in a given period
of time and ensure to use it as it is for maximum results. Importance of optimizing available resources

Here’s a list of features of resource optimization that help task managers achieve their goals
in less time such as:

1. Resource scheduling

Resource scheduling lets managers schedule resources to relevant tasks well ahead of time.
Employees, in turn, benefit from being informed of new requirements and can self-assess
their ability to accommodate this alongside existing tasks. It also displays scheduling of
projects and availability of resources across departments thereby ensuring that the right
person is allocated for the right job.

2. Timesheets

It’s necessary to keep track of employee’s productivity and the hours they spend on a given
task. Timesheets are an important part of resource optimization which enables managers to
view the time their employees spend on each task/project. Employees can fill in their
timesheets by entering the hours spent on particular projects. This helps the manager keep
track of the actual hours spent on a particular task or project on a daily basis. Timesheets
provide real-time data which helps the task managers evaluate effectively for future work.
Besides giving a complete view of the hours spent on work, it also helps them evaluate
productivity and estimate hours for future projects. Moreover, it lets you bring out a project’s
true billable worth which helps you ensure that billable work is taken up maximum by the
high skilled resources. These reports help managers bridge the gap between estimated v/s
actual hours ensuring timely delivery of the products.

Timesheets are important to maintain a record of time spent on a project and to help you
plan better for future project demand. It especially helps task managers in efficiently devising
a task management system by estimating the project timeline with accuracy.

3. Forecasting

Foresightedness lets you optimize work by generating insights into current capacity utilization
and resource demand. It can be derived from insights off an intelligent tool that notifies you
about the future hiring needs to meet the project demands.

Besides helping you bridge the gap between capacity and demand, it also forewarns you
about the constraints you might face if you take a wrong turn using historical data. Hence, it’s
an important tool for managers to make strategic decisions and mitigate any forthcoming
risks. It also helps the task managers to increase the overall profitability of the business by
helping you take the necessary course of action for the future allocation of resources.

4. Visibility of skills

When planning a project, it’s imperative to have complete knowledge of your workforce and
their skills. After all, only a person with relevant skills can do justice to the allocated
task/project. A resource with competent skills required to accomplish a particular task will
take a relatively lesser amount of time to deliver it to the client. They can seamlessly fit their
work into existing schedules and still deliver it on or before the deadline. Software that
provides complete visibility of skills makes it convenient for the task managers to plan pipeline
projects. Besides minimizing delays in delivery, it also gives them an idea about hiring
requirements well ahead of time. Summary related to the content

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ Business resources are Human, financial, physical, and knowledge factors that
provide a firm the means to perform its business processes.

✓ Resource optimization is the set of processes and methods to match the

available resources (human, machinery, financial) with the needs of the
organization in order to achieve established goals.
Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer involves trainees to generate ideas on concept of resources of the

business and optimization of business resources.

✓ Facilitator involves learners to generate ideas concerning methods and

techniques of resources optimization.

Practical learning Activity

✓ Learners in pair will discuss on types of business resources.

✓ Learners in pair will discuss on methods and techniques of

optimization of business resources.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

7. Meaning of business resources,
8. Categories of types Business resources,

9. Business resources optimization.

10. Techniques for business resources optimization.

Learning out come 3.2 : formative assessment

Please mix different assessment instruments/tools for triangulation and

relevancy of assessment

Written assessment

Q1. Read the following statement and answer true if the statement is correct
and false if the statement is not correct.

a) Business resources are Human, financial, physical, and knowledge factors that provide
a firm the means to perform its business processes……………………..

b) Resource optimization is the set of processes and methods to match the available
resources (human, machinery, financial) with the needs of the organization in order
to achieve established goals………………………………

Q2. Read the following statement and select the correct answer.

i) The following are the types of business resources except one.

a) Human resources.

b) Financial resources.

c) Production resources.

d) Technology resources.

Q3. Explain the purpose of resources optimization in an organization .

Q4. Explain any four importance of optimization of resources in an organization or company.

Q5. Outline the method used to control utilization of resources.

Q5. Mr MK is known entrepreneur in MUSANZE City, at last week he received a lot of

command from his customers which is requires to double his business resources in order to
satisfy his customers, so it is a big challenge to him so you are asked to advise him the
Methods he can use to optimize the utilization of available resources so as to satisfy his

Proposed answers

Q1. Read the following statement and answer true if the statement is correct
and false if the statement is not correct.

c) Business resources are Human, financial, physical, and knowledge factors that provide
a firm the means to perform its business processes…True

d) Resource optimization is the set of processes and methods to match the available
resources (human, machinery, financial) with the needs of the organization in order
to achieve established goals. True

Q2. Read the following statement and select the correct answer.

i) The following are the types of business resources except one.

e) Human resources.

f) Financial resources.

g) Production resources.

h) Technology resources.

Q3. Explain the purpose of resources optimization in an organization .


The purpose of optimizing the use of resources is to;

1. Achieve desired results within a set timeframe and budget with minimum usage of the
resources themselves.

2. Increase revenue – Resource Management Solutions will help you easily to assess how well
utilized your entire resource pool is on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, helping to ensure
your most valuable resources are used to maximum effect, and your workload is balanced to
avoid sustained periods of time on the bench.

3. Improve project delivery – Improving project delivery will help reduce costs and increase

4. Reduce administration costs

Q4. Explain any four importance of optimization of resources in an organization or company.


1. Resource scheduling

Resource scheduling lets managers schedule resources to relevant tasks well ahead of time.
Employees, in turn, benefit from being informed of new requirements and can self-assess
their ability to accommodate this alongside existing tasks.

2. Timesheets

It’s necessary to keep track of employee’s productivity and the hours they spend on a given
task. Timesheets are an important part of resource optimization which enables managers to
view the time their employees spend on each task/project.

3. Forecasting

Foresightedness lets you optimize work by generating insights into current capacity utilization
and resource demand. It can be derived from insights off an intelligent tool that notifies you
about the future hiring needs to meet the project demands.

4. Visibility of skills

When planning a project, it’s imperative to have complete knowledge of your workforce and
their skills. After all, only a person with relevant skills can do justice to the allocated

Q5. Outline the method used to control utilization of resources.


The methods used to control utilization of resources are the following;

1. Procedures of using resources

2. Targeted result

3. Inventory planned

Q5. Mr MK is known entrepreneur in MUSANZE City, at last week he received a lot of

command from his customers which is requires to double his business resources in order to
satisfy his customers, so it is a big challenge to him so you are asked to advise him the
Methods he can use to optimize the utilization of available resources so as to satisfy his


The methods the Mr MK will use to optimize the resources in his enterprise include;

1. Resource levelling: This technique adjusts the start to finish dates based on the constraints
of the resources. It has a goal of balancing the demand for the resources using whatever
supply available. It is used when required resources are available at certain limited times and
quantities or when over-allocated.

2. Resource smoothing: It is a technique used to adjust the activities of the schedule model.
It ensures that the requirements for the allocated resource on the project do not go beyond
or exceed the pre-defined resource limits. Thus, the project’s critical path remains the same
thus the completion date may not be delayed.


Learning outcome 3.3. Employ targeted promotional and marketing campaigns

Duration: 1.30 hrs

Learning out come 3.3 objectives:

By the end of the learning outcome, the trainees will be able to:

1. Define clearly the term product promotion as used in a business domain.

2. Describe correctly the promotion strategies used business.

3. Establishing correctly the promotional mix/plan used in business domain.

4. Describe correctly the Marketing campaign used in the business domain.


Equipment Tools Materials

Classroom Chalk Phipps chart

Black table Mark pen Books

Computer Paper



Advance preparation:



.A sample form of a business plan

. A sample form of a marking brochure (s)

Content3.1.1. Description of Product promotion Meaning of product promotion

Product promotion means an action taken by a company's marketing staff with the intention
of encouraging the sale of a good or service to their target market.

For example, advertising the product in question via print or Internet ads, direct mail or e-
mail letters, trade shows, telephone and personal sales calls, TV and radio, .. Aspects of product promotion

The aspects of product promotion are the following;

1. Advertising product or brand: Product promotion will help if your target audience doesn’t
know or trust your brand (make the customers know and trust), and this will help you to
increase your customer base and sales.

2. Generating sales: Sales promotions take many different forms, but they all focus on
persuading a target audience to make a purchase or become a client of a business.

c) Elements/tools/piece of promotion

The element or tools of promotion are the following;

1. Public relations/publicity

Public relations (PR) is the practice of deliberately managing the spread of information
between an individual or an organization and the public. Publicity therefore means doing
something that will positively expose you to the public and create awareness.

2. Advertising

Advertising means spreading information about a product to the prospective customers to
make them more informed and interested in buying it.

3. Personal selling

Personal selling is where businesses use people (the "sales force") to sell the product after
meeting face-to-face with the customer Is a situation where a team of sales force is employed
to access goods or services directly to customers as a way of increasing the sales volume.

4. Direct marketing

Direct marketing is when a company markets directly to the consumer. Direct selling refers to
selling products directly to the consumer.

d) Promotional strategies

A promotion strategy is defined by the plan and tactics you implement in your marketing plan
to increase your product or service demand. Promotional strategies play a vital role in the
marketing mix (product, price, placement, and promotion), and they revolve around. Best Examples of Marketing Strategies

The best example of marketing strategies are:

1. Content marketing: Content marketing is one of the key marketing strategies that can help
you bring your brand in front of your audience.

2. Social media marketing: Communicate with your audience online. Social media marketing
is a great mediator between your potential customers and your brand.

3. Email marketing: communicate with your audience through email

4. Referral marketing: When it comes to referrals, the numbers speak for themselves. 92% of
people will rather trust a product or service recommendation from a friend than any other
form of marketing.

5. Event sponsoring: providing attendees with quality information, valuable content, and
customer experience.

6. Influencer marketing: Working with influencers

7. Promotions: Discounts are everywhere, and people love that. Whether they take the form
of a free sample, a coupon, or a promotion, sales can actually be a great example of an
inbound marketing strategy for products.

8. Offering refunds: Refunds and rebates are some of the classics in product promotion
strategies 9. Customer loyalty programs: Create Customer Loyalty Programs and Patronage
Rewards to Increase Customer Satisfaction Establishing promotional mix/plan

The Promotion Mix is the integration of Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Public
Relations and Direct Marketing.

The elements of promotional mix / plan

The elements of promotional mix/ plan are the following;

1. Product,

2. Price,

3. Promotion,

4. Place,

5. Packaging,

6. Positioning and

7. People.

These are called seven Ps that are used to make sure that you're on track and achieving the
maximum results possible for you in today's marketplace. Summary related to the contents

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ Product promotion is an action taken by a company's marketing staff with the

intention of encouraging the sale of a good or service to their target market.
✓ The aspects of product promotion include; Advertising product or brand,
Generating sales, Elements/tools/piece of promotion, Public relations/publicity,
Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer involves trainees to generate ideas on concept of product


✓ Facilitator involves learners to generate ideas product promotional


Practical learning Activity

✓ Learners in pair will discuss on product promotion.

✓ Learners in pair will discuss on product promotional strategies.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

11. Meaning of product promotional

12. Product promotional strategy
13. Promotional mix

Content 3.3. 2. Description of Marketing campaign Meaning of marketing campaign

A marketing campaign is a series of activities carried out by a company for informing,
reminding or persuading its target audience about its product or service.

116 Marketing campaign strategy
The marketing mix is a crucial tool to help understand what the product or service can offer
and how to plan for a successful product offering. The marketing mix is most commonly
executed through the 4 P's of marketing: Price, Product, Promotion, and Place. Marketing Research.

1. According to American Marketing Association (AMA)

“Marketing Research is the systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about
problems relating to the marketing of goods and services.”

2. According to Philip Kotler,

“Marketing research is a systematic problem analysis, model building and fact finding for the
purpose of improved decision-making and control in the marketing of goods and services.”

3. According to Paul Green and Donald Tull,

“Marketing research is the systematic and objective search for, and analysis of, information
relevant to the identification and solution of any problem in the field of marketing.”

4. According to David Luck, Donald Taylor and Hugh Wales,

“Marketing Research is the application of scientific methods in the solution of marketing

problems.” Digital Marketing.

Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based digital
technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and
platforms to promote products and services. Corporate Sales.

Corporate sales are the sales that a company makes to another company through its everyday
transactions. Corporate sales are also called B2B sales, or business-to-business.

-Branding and Advertising.

Brand advertising is a form of advertising used to establish connections and build strong, long-
term relationships with consumers over time. Advertising is spreading the word about your
products to the marketplace.

-Retail Marketing.

Retail marketing is the planning and process of selling goods or services directly to the

118 summary related to the contents

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ A marketing campaign is a series of activities carried out by a company for

informing, reminding or persuading its target audience about its product or

✓ The marketing mix is a crucial tool to help understand what the product or
service can offer and how to plan for a successful product offering. The
marketing mix is most commonly executed through the 4 P's of marketing: Price,
Product, Promotion, and Place.

✓ Marketing Research is the systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of

data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services.”
✓ Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online
based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other
digital media and platforms to promote products and services.

Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer involves trainees to generate ideas on concept of product


✓ Facilitator involves learners to generate ideas product promotional


Practical learning Activity

✓ Learners in pair will discuss on marketing campaign.

✓ Learners in pair will discuss on market research.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

14. Meaning of marketing campaign

15. Market research

Learning out come 3.1 : formative assessment

Please mix different assessment instruments/tools for triangulation and

relevancy of assessment

Written assessment

Q1. Read the following question and answer true if the statement is correct and
false if the statement is not correct.

a) Product promotion is an action taken by a company's marketing staff with the intention of
encouraging the sale of a good or service to their target market. ……………….

b) Promotion strategy is the plan and tactics you implement in your marketing plan to
increase your product or service demanded. ………………………
c) A marketing campaign is a series of activities carried out by a company for informing,
reminding or persuading its target audience about its product or service………………….

Q2. Read the following statement and cycle the correct answer.
1. The following are the elements of promotional mix except one;

a) Product,

b) Price,

c) Paramount

d) Promotion,

e) Place,

2. The following are the best example of marketing strategies.

a) Content marketing
b) Social media marketing
c) Email marketing
d) Referral marketing
Please Cycle the correct answer
i) a and b are the correct answers.
ii) c and d are the correct answers.

iii) all answers are correct.

iv) there is no answer.

Q3. Explain the promotional mix used by a business.

Q4. Explain any 5 Aspects of product promotion used in a business.

Proposed answers for formative assessment

Q1. Read the following question and answer true if the statement is correct and
false if the statement is not correct.

a) Product promotion is an action taken by a company's marketing staff with the intention of
encouraging the sale of a good or service to their target market. True

b) Promotion strategy is the plan and tactics you implement in your marketing plan to
increase your product or service demanded. True
c) A marketing campaign is a series of activities carried out by a company for informing,
reminding or persuading its target audience about its product or service. True

Q2. Read the following statement and cycle the correct answer.
1. The following are the elements of promotional mix except one;

f) Product,

g) Price,

h) Paramount

i) Promotion,

j) Place,

2. The following are the best example of marketing strategies.

e) Content marketing
f) Social media marketing
g) Email marketing
h) Referral marketing
Please Cycle the correct answer
v) a and b are the correct answers.
vi) c and d are the correct answers.
vii) all answers are correct.
viii) there is no answer.

Q3. Explain the promotional mix used by a business.


The Promotion Mix is the integration of Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, Public
Relations and Direct Marketing.

Q4. Explain any 5 Aspects of product promotion used in a business.


The aspects of product promotion are the following;

1. Advertising product or brand: Product promotion will help if your target audience doesn’t
know or trust your brand (make the customers know and trust), and this will help you to
increase your customer base and sales.

2. Generating sales: Sales promotions take many different forms, but they all focus on
persuading a target audience to make a purchase or become a client of a business.

3. Advertising

Advertising means spreading information about a product to the prospective customers to

make them more informed and interested in buying it.

4. Personal selling

Personal selling is where businesses use people (the "sales force") to sell the product after
meeting face-to-face with the customer Is a situation where a team of sales force is employed
to access goods or services directly to customers as a way of increasing the sales volume.

5. Direct marketing

Direct marketing is when a company markets directly to the consumer. Direct selling refers to
selling products directly to the consumer.


Learning Unit 4: Monitor and evaluate the business


Learning outcomes:

4. 1. Prepare a daily report of business activities

4. 2. Organize employee’s meeting in accordance with customer’s inquiries and needs

4. 3. Consult to business plan

Learning outcome 4.1. Prepare a daily report of business activities

Duration: 1.30 hrs

Learning out come 3.1 objectives:

By the end of the learning outcome, the trainees will be able to:

1. Define clearly the Meaning of business daily report as used in business domain.

2. Describe correctly the format of daily report of business activities.

3. Explain the importance of business daily report to the business.


Equipment Tools Materials

Classroom Chalk Phipps chart

Black table Mark pen Books

Computer Paper



Advance preparation:


.A sample format of employee daily time card or clock card.

.A sample format of daily sale report.

Content4.1.1. Description of business daily report Meaning of business report

a) A daily report is typically a document prepared by employees to submit to their supervisors.
A standard report contains details on how they spent their work day, including any
achievements or challenges they encountered. Purpose of business daily report

A daily report updates a team leader or manager about an ongoing project. It should provide
an overview that describes each member's tasks and progress. Format of daily report of business activities



No NAMES JOB TITTLE Before noon After noon RATE NOTE

1 JOHN MANAGER 8h00 12h00 14h00 17h00 --------- 5000

4 Importance of business daily report to the business

Daily reporting is a useful method for managing both your work and personal life.

1. It helps you keep track of your time and makes sure you only focus on important things
each day.

2. It provide important detail that can be used to help develop future forecasts, marketing
plans, guide budget planning and improve decision-making. Summary related to the contents

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ A daily report is typically a document prepared by employees to submit to their


✓ A daily report updates a team leader or manager about an ongoing project. It

should provide an overview that describes each member's tasks and progress.

✓ Importance of a business report include;

1. It helps you keep track of your time and makes sure you only focus on important things
each day.

2. It provide important detail that can be used to help develop future forecasts, marketing
plans, guide budget planning and improve decision-making

Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer involves trainees to generate ideas on concept business daily


✓ Facilitator involves learners to generate ideas concerning importance of

a business daily report.

Practical learning Activity

✓ Learners in pair will discuss on categories of business daily report, and
importance of a business daily report.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

16. Meaning of business daily report

17. Categories of importance of a business daily reports

Learning out come 4.1 : formative assessment

Please mix different assessment instruments/tools for triangulation and

relevancy of assessment

Written assessment

Q1. Read the following statement and answer by True if the statement is correct and false if
the statement is not correct.

a) A daily report is typically a document prepared by employees to submit to their supervisors

at a daily basis……………………………

Q2. Explain any two importance of a business daily report to the business.

Q3. Explain the Purpose of a business daily report.

Q4. Mr J is a manager at X ltd company, is works from Monday to Friday, from 7h00 to 17h00
with no overtime. Payment per hour is 3000 Rwfs. You are required to prepare a daily report
of Mr J manager.

Answers for formative assessment

Q1. Read the following statement and answer by True if the statement is correct and false if
the statement is not correct.

a) A daily report is typically a document prepared by employees to submit to their supervisors
at a daily basis. True

Q2. Explain any two importance of a business daily report to the business.


The importance of a daily report to the business are the following;

1. It helps you keep track of your time and makes sure you only focus on important things
each day.

2. It provide important detail that can be used to help develop future forecasts, marketing
plans, guide budget planning and improve decision-making.

Q3. Explain the Purpose of a business daily report.


The purpose of A daily report to a business is to updates a team leader or manager about an
ongoing project. It should provide an overview that describes each member's tasks and

Q4. Mr J is a manager at X ltd company, is works from Monday to Friday, from 7h00 to 17h00
with no overtime. Payment per hour is 3000 Rwfs. You are required to prepare a daily report
of Mr J manager.



No NAMES JOB TITTLE Before noon After noon RATE NOTE

1 Mr. J MANAGER 8h00 12h00 14h00 17h00 --------- 3000

Approved Signed by
by…………… …………..

Learning outcome 4.2. Organize employee’s meeting in accordance with customer’s
inquiries and needs

Duration: 1.30 hrs

Learning out come 3.1 objectives:

By the end of the learning outcome, the trainees will be able to:

1. Define clearly the Meaning effective employees’ meeting.

2. Define clearly the Meaning customer inquiries and needs.

2. Describe correctly the Steps of effective employee’s meeting.

3. Explain the correctly the ways to make employee meeting more engaging.


Equipment Tools Materials

Classroom Chalk Phipps chart

Black table Mark pen Books

Computer Paper



Advance preparation:


.A sample format of a minute


Content4.2.1. Description of an effective employees’ meeting Meaning of employee meeting

The employees’ meeting can be defined as a collaborative work process designed to answer
the who, why, how and what of a particular objective. Effective meetings can boost
productivity, employee morale and profits. The Purpose of employee’s meeting

The purpose of employees’ meeting is To provide updates, solicit feedback, share information
and participate in a team environment. . Meaning of customer inquiries and needs

a) Customer needs are things that a customer wants, needs or expects in a product or service

1. Preliminary response from prospective customers, generally following an advertisement or

sales promotion campaign. Or

2. When a customer takes a moment to get in touch with a business they are looking for, they
need some sort of assistance. Ways of gathering customers ‘inquiries and needs

Innovation comes from identifying customers’ needs and providing solutions that meet those

Here are some methods for identifying customer’s needs:

1. Interviewing stakeholders Start with sales and support teams. They know the product and
the customer. They often have a list of feature requests, bug reports, and enhancements —
straight from the customer’s mouth:

2. Mapping the customer process: If you know your customer’s process, map it out.

For example, before Uber, to get a ride you called a taxi company, waited to reach a
dispatcher, waited for a car to be dispatched, hoped the driver would find you, and hoped
you had enough cash when you reached your destination. With Uber, you open your
smartphone and summon the nearest car with one tap; you already know how far away the
car is because you can see it in real time on a map. The driver also sees your location so he or
she can come right to you. The figure shows a simple process map comparing these

3. Mapping the customer journey:

A customer journey map is a visualization of the process a customer goes through when
engaging with a product or service.

4. Conducting “follow me home” research: “Follow me home” research relies on observation

by literally following a customer home or to work. You follow a customer to her workplace,
spending the day watching her do her job. You observe process pain points and then look for
opportunities for improvement.

5. Interviewing customers: Ask customers what problems they have and what features they

6. Conducting voice of customer surveys: Voice of Customer surveys collect data, from email
or from a pop-up on a website, about the attitudes and expectations of existing or prospective

7. Analyzing your competition: Consider using research firms that might present a more
objective face to customers who engage with your organization and its competition.
8.Consider using the SWOT rule: Identify your competitors’ strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats. You can use a SWOT for a brand, product, or even an experience.
9.Analyzing cause-and-effect relationships: No one will disagree that it’s usually good to
think positively, but sometimes, negative thinking can solve problems more effectively.
Through observations, surveys, and other data sources, you may find problems that are
actually just symptoms of other root cause problems.

Task failures, errors, and long task times are usually the symptoms of multiple underlying
problems. These can be problems in the interface or a disconnection with the user’s goals.
Through the process of asking “Why?”

multiple times and segmenting different causes, you can help identify and address root problems in
the user experience.

10. Recording experiences through diary studies: Sometimes opportunities reveal themselves
over time. One cost-effective longitudinal method is a diary study. Ask participants to record
problems, frustrations, positive experiences, or thoughts at intervals throughout a day, week,
or even a year. Steps of effective employee’s meeting

The steps of effective employee’s meeting are the following;

1. Setting meeting objectives: The Purpose of the meeting is the reason the meeting is being
held. ... Consider why the purpose and objectives must be identified, written, and systematically
organized for effective use in the meeting planning and management process. Setting objectives
is key to the meeting's success.

2. Preparing meeting requirements: 7 Requirements for Effective Meetings are the following:

Decide if a meeting is necessary. A meeting will only be productive if it is being held for the right
reasons. ...

1. Only include people essential to the topic. ...

2. Create and share an agenda in advance. ...

3. Keep time and don't go over. ...

4. Stay on topic. ..

5. Have clear action items. ...

6. Send a written follow up.

3. Running employee’s meeting: Here are 7 tips to assist you in conducting effective staff
meetings for your small business:

Determine the frequency of staff meetings. ...

1. Determine who should attend each meeting. ...

2. Select meeting topics.

3. Prepare agenda ahead of time.

4. Schedule the meeting.

5. Conduct the meeting.

6. Seek feedback on improving staff meetings. Ways to make employee meeting more engaging

The following are some tips to make employees meeting more engaging:

1. Facilitate brainstorming session

2. Stand up and Set meeting goals together

3. Offer incentives and rewards

4. Set a clear framework in advance Summary related to the contents

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ The employees’ meeting is defined as a collaborative work process designed to

answer the who, why, how and what of a particular objective.
✓ The purpose of employees’ meeting is To provide updates, solicit feedback,
share information and participate in a team environment.
✓ Customer needs are things that a customer wants, needs or expects in a product
or service
✓ Innovation comes from identifying customers’ needs and providing solutions
that meet those needs.

✓ A customer journey map is a visualization of the process a customer goes

through when engaging with a product or service.

✓ The steps of effective employee’s meeting include;

➢ Setting meeting objectives,

➢ Preparing meeting requirements, 135

➢ Running employee’s meeting.

Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer involves trainees to generate ideas on concept of employee’s


✓ Facilitator involves learners to generate ideas concerning the way of

gathering employees’ inquiries and needs.

Practical learning Activity

✓ Learners in pair will discuss on categories of employees’ meeting, and

ways for gathering employees’ inquiries and needs.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

1. Effective of employee’ meeting.

2. ways for gathering employees’ inquiries and needs

Learning out come 2.1 : formative assessment

Please mix different assessment instruments/tools for triangulation and

relevancy of assessment

Written assessment

Q1. Read the following statement and answer by true if the statement is correct and false if
the statement is not correct.

a) The employees’ meeting is a collaborative work process designed to answer the question
like who, why, how and what of a particular objective……………
b) The purpose of employees’ meeting is to provide updates, solicit feedback, share
information and participate in a team environment……………………..
c) Customer needs are the things that a customer wants, or expects in a product or
Q2. The following are the Ways of gathering customers ‘inquiries and needs.
a) Interviewing stakeholders

b) Mapping the customer process

c) Mapping the customer journey

d) Interviewing customers

Please cycle the correct answer among the proposed answers below;
i) a and b are the correct answers
ii) b and c are the correct answers
iii) d and a are the correct answers
iv) There is no answer
v) All answers are correct.

Q3. The following are 7 tips to assist you in conducting effective staff meetings for your small
business except one.

1) Determine the frequency of staff meetings.

2) Determine who should attend each meeting.

3) Select meeting topics.

4) Prepare agenda ahead of time.

5) Schedule the meeting.

6) Prepare a general marketing strategies

Q4. Explain the Steps of effective employee’s meeting in an organization.

Q5. Outline any four Ways to make employee meeting more engaging.

Proposed answers for formative assessment

Q1. Read the following statement and answer by true if the statement is correct and false if
the statement is not correct.

a) The employees’ meeting is a collaborative work process designed to answer the question
like who, why, how and what of a particular objective…True
b) The purpose of employees’ meeting is to provide updates, solicit feedback, share
information and participate in a team environment…True
c) Customer needs are the things that a customer wants, or expects in a product or
Q2. The following are the Ways of gathering customers ‘inquiries and needs.
e) Interviewing stakeholders

f) Mapping the customer process

g) Mapping the customer journey

h) Interviewing customers

Please cycle the correct answer among the proposed answers below;
vi) a and b are the correct answers
vii) b and c are the correct answers
viii) d and a are the correct answers
ix) There is no answer
x) All answers are correct.

Q3. The following are 7 tips to assist you in conducting effective staff meetings for your small
business except one.

1) Determine the frequency of staff meetings.

2) Determine who should attend each meeting.
3) Select meeting topics.
4) Prepare agenda ahead of time.
5) Schedule the meeting.

6) Prepare a general marketing strategies

7) Seek feedback on improving staff meetings.

Q4. Explain the Steps of effective employee’s meeting in an organization.


The steps of employee’s meeting are the following;

1. Setting meeting objectives: The Purpose of the meeting is the reason the meeting is being
held. It Consider why, purpose and objectives must be identified.

2. Preparing meeting requirements: A meeting will only be productive if it is being held for
the right reasons.

3. Running employee’s meeting

Q5. Outline any four Ways to make employee meeting more engaging.

The Ways to make employee meeting more engaging include;

1. Facilitate brainstorming session,

2. Stand up and Set meeting goals together,

3. Offer incentives and rewards,

4. Set a clear framework in advance.


Learning outcome 4.3. Consult to business plan

Duration: 1.30 hrs

Learning out come 4.3 objectives:

By the end of the learning outcome, the trainees will be able to:

1. Explain clearly the Purpose of business plan for the business.

2. explain clearly the Critical part of the business to be considered while running business.


Equipment Tools Materials

Classroom Chalk Phipps chart

Black table Mark pen Books

Computer Paper



Advance preparation:



. A sample format of a business plan

Content4.3.1. Consult to business plan Purpose of business plan for the business

A business plan is a formal written document containing business goals, the methods on how
these goals can be attained; this document serves as a road map that provides direction to
the business.

Or A business plan is a document that summarizes the operational and financial objectives of
a business and contains the detailed plans and budgets showing how the objectives are to be
realized. The purpose of a business plan

Business plan has the following purposes:

1. To show how a business proposed to operate,

2. To show where it is going to get the business finance ,

3. The location of the business,

3. To show the customers of the business the production target,

4. To show the time table of activities,

5. To show the marketing techniques

6. The expected return on investment

7. To attract investors and funders

8. To attract partners Purpose of consulting business plan during a business operation

I. Meaning of business consultant

A Business consultant (from Latin: consult are "to discuss") is a professional who provides
professional or expert advice in a particular area such as security (electronic or physical),
management, accountancy, law, human resources, marketing (and public relations), finance,
engineering, science or any of many others.

ii. Purpose of Business consultants

is to help organizations to improve their performance and efficiency. These professionals

analyze businesses and create solutions while also helping companies meet their goals.

The Purpose of consulting business plan during a business operation are:

1.To guide the entrepreneur to monitor the progress of the business.

2.To help entrepreneur to know the specific resources necessary to achieve the set target.

3.To check whether the operation of business activity is on track

4.To know whether all activities are well performed as prepared Critical part of the business to be considered while running business

The critical part of the business to be considered while running a business are the following;

1. Production plan : is an analysis of the projected needs for manufacturing the proposed good
or services.

2. Organization plan : This part of a business plan shows how machines, tools and equipment
and workers will be used and combined in the business.

3. Action plan : This is part of a business plan which lists what steps must be taken in order to
achieve a specific goal.

4. Financial plan : Is the part of a business plan which covers all financial requirements of a
proposed business. Identification of what to be consulted in your business plan

1. Production plan

a. Check the production process and layout

b. Consult whether the production staff are available

c. The production utilities required

2. Organization plan

a. Consult whether the legal structure is organized as prepared before

b. To check whether each employee is performing his/her duties

c. Skills and experience required for each worker

d. Which people who supervise or manage others

3. Action plan

a. To consult how the resources will be allocated and resources needed

b. To check and make sure that the will fulfil the plans and achieve results.

c. To check whether the resources are well coordinated and are available at right time.

4. Financial plan a. Check whether all financial necessities are available

b. To check what the business expect to spend and what it expects to earn Using business plan as tool

To use a business plan as a tools will help you to;

1. Use your business plan as an internal and external marketing tool to motivate growth.

2. Use your business plan to evaluate and develop your business idea as you write your
business plan.

3. Employ your business plan to sell your business idea to potential investors. Show investors
how your firm will provide value to customers.

4. Utilize your business plan as an organizational tool to direct the ongoing efforts of your

5. Present your business plan to vendors and suppliers to solidify business relationships.

143 summary related to the content

Summary for the trainer related to the content (key notes using bullets such as ticks

✓ A business plan is a formal written document containing business goals, the

methods on how these goals can be attained; this document serves as a road
map that provides direction to the business.

✓ A Business plan has the following purposes:

1) To show how a business proposed to operate

2) To show where it is going to get the business finance

3) The location of the business

✓ The Purpose of Business consultants is to help organizations to improve their

performance and efficiency.

✓ The critical part of the business to be considered while running a business are
the following;

1. Production plan

2. Organization plan

3. Action plan

4. Financial plan

Theoretical learning Activity

✓ Trainer involves trainees to generate ideas on the purposes of consulting

a business plan during a business operation.

Practical learning Activity

✓ Learners in pair will discuss on the element of a business plan and

ways it is better to consult a business plan during business operation.

Points to Remember (Take home message)

Business plan review

The critical part of the business to be considered while running a business such as
1. Organizational plan.

2. Financial plan,

3. Marketing plan,

Learning out come 4.3 : formative assessment

Please mix different assessment instruments/tools for triangulation and

relevancy of assessment

Written assessment

Q1. Read the following questions and answer by true if the statement is correct and false if
the statement is not correct.

1. A business plan is a document that summarizes the operational and financial objectives of
a business and contains the detailed plans and budgets showing how the objectives are to be

2. The purpose of a business plan helps the organization to improve their performance and

Q2. The following are the purpose of the business plan except one.

1) The location of the business

2) To show the time table of activities
3) To show the marketing techniques
4) Market plan review.
5) The expected return on investment

Q3. Enumerate any four Purpose of consulting business plan during a business operation.

Q4. Miss JK want to start a new business in KIMISAGARA after curing out a market survey she
decided to start a business in which she plans to produce pineapple juice. After receiving a
loan from KCB bank and interest from BNR on Bond purchased after 3years. Miss JK decides
to implement his business that why she consult her business plan. What are the Critical part
of the business plan to be considered while running business.

Proposed Answers for formative assessment

Q1. Read the following questions and answer by true if the statement is correct and false if
the statement is not correct.

1. A business plan is a document that summarizes the operational and financial objectives of
a business and contains the detailed plans and budgets showing how the objectives are to be
realized. True

2. The purpose of a business plan helps the organization to improve their performance and
efficiency. True

Q2. The following are the purpose of the business plan except one.

1) The location of the business

2) To show the time table of activities
3) To show the marketing techniques
4) Market plan review.
5) The expected return on investment

Q3. Enumerate any four Purpose of consulting business plan during a business operation.


The purpose of consulting a business plan by an entrepreneur during a business operation are
the following;

1. To guide the entrepreneur to monitor the progress of the business.

2. To help entrepreneur to know the specific resources necessary to achieve the set

3. To check whether the operation of business activity is on track

4. To know whether all activities are well performed as prepared

Q4. Miss JK want to start a new business in KIMISAGARA after curing out a market survey she
decided to start a business in which she plans to produce pineapple juice. After receiving a
loan from KCB bank and interest from BNR on Bond purchased after 3years. Miss JK decides
to implement his business that why she consult her business plan. What are the Critical part
of the business plan to be considered while running business.


The critical part of the business plan to be considered while running business are the

1. Production plan : is an analysis of the projected needs for manufacturing the proposed good
or services.

2. Organization plan : This part of a business plan shows how machines, tools and equipment
and workers will be used and combined in the business.

3. Action plan : This is part of a business plan which lists what steps must be taken in order to
achieve a specific goal.

4. Financial plan : Is the part of a business plan which covers all financial requirements of a
proposed business.

5. Marketing plan: This is a part of a business plan that focuses of the analysis of possible
position and opportunities of the business that is being planned in the present of market



1) Omagor, P. a. (2010). Entrepreneurship education for advanced level students.

2) Ssempijja, M. (2011). Entrepreneurship education for advanced level and business
institutions, third edition. Uganda: Kyambogo University.
3) SANGSTER, F. W. (2005). Bussiness accounting, tenth edition. UK: Pearson Education
4) Read more:


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