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Once upon a time, in the lush green village of Haryana, there lived a young girl named
Zainab. Zainab loved exploring nature and learning about the world around her. One sunny
morning, Zainab woke up to the sound of raindrops tapping on her window.
Zainab stepped outside and felt the cool droplets of rain on her skin. She looked up at the
sky, where dark clouds hovered above.
Zainab followed the raindrops as they fell to the ground, forming small puddles. She
imagined that these puddles were little homes for the raindrops.
Eager to find out, Zainab followed a tiny stream that flowed from the puddles. The stream
led her to a beautiful sparkling lake. Mesmerized, she watched as the rainwater mixed with
the lake's gentle waves.
As Zainab continued her exploration, she noticed the warmth of the sun breaking through
the clouds. The sun's rays touched the lake's surface, causing some of the water to turn into
a misty vapor. She remembered learning about evaporation in her science class.
The vapor rose higher and higher into the sky, forming fluffy white clouds. Zainab gazed at
the clouds, amazed at their ever-changing shapes.
Suddenly, the once-white clouds turned dark and heavy. Zainab could hear distant rumbling.
It was a thunderstorm! raindrops began to fall once again. This was precipitation, and Zainab
marvelled at the cycle continuing before her eyes.
As she stood there, Zainab realized that she had witnessed the complete water cycle. The
rain falling, forming puddles, flowing into the lake, evaporating into the sky, and then
returning as rain once more. It was a beautiful, never-ending process that brought life and
vitality to the world.
And so, Zainab's love for nature grew, and she continued to explore the world around her,
always seeking new adventures and marvelling at the beauty of the water cycle.

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