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Hello --- how are you?

I am fine. where are you from? ---

I am from ----- but I work in Asheville, North Carolina united states.

============IF SHE NOR GREE TALK======

Hello good day my friend how are you? sorry i do not know why you refuse to talk to
me, you just keep reading my messages, but you do not answer. I took the time to
add you up and write to you, because I really want to know and be your friend. It
will be better, you refuse to accept my friendship than you are my friend, you do
not want to talk to me here. If I've said something wrong, hope to forgive me and
let you write and feel better each other.

-------------------IF SHE ASK YOU WHICH WORK BE THAT?------------------

I want you to know that I work with the US Airforce And I am a Four Star General in
my Army.

So tell me what is your job?

Okay how long have you been doing this job? And what is your position over there in
you job?

That is nice of you. my dear friend. I want you to know that i have been in the
Army for 34 years and I was currently deployed to Sana'a, Yemen on a peacekeeping
mission. under the United Nations. I will be getting retired in few months time.

Yes. And I hope your job is not Stressful to you?

Okay. So what is your monthly Salary? My montly salary is $13,000 U S Dollar and my
allowance fee is $ 4,250 U S dollar all together is $17,250 U S dollar and they pay
direct to my Bank account in United State.

Okay. And I hope your job is not stressful to you?

================U GO COME ASK HER. ==============

Well, I am 66 years old and a single father.So how old are you and are you married?
do you have kids?

How long have you been married or single? Don't you feel lonely sometimes? I mean
the loneliness of not having your man next to you!

i want you to know that I had three children before, my dear friend. Two boys and
one girl but unfortunately i lost my two grown up son's with my lovely wife 4 years
ago by automobile accident and i'm left with my daughter named Tracy and she's all
i have now as my only family and i love her so much

Yes and it hurt me alot when i lost my wife and my two beautiful Sons but life goes
on God knows the best and i thank God that i still have a Daughter but its so hard
to be alone without a partner

Tracy is 16 years old and She is schooling in Eagle Hill Boarding School in United
State and she's doing well over there.

----------------------IF SHE ASK YOU ABOUT YOU EARLY AGA. TEENAGE..........

I was born on the 16th of June 1953, and I started A & A Children Academy at 6 and
later on continued from Calvary Baptist Church Schools. I was very playful at
school and it affected my academic works. I joined the Military academy at the age
of 16. I was in the boarding school. the priest of the catholic church visit me
once in a while. because he was the one who took very good care of me after i lost
my parents and. I didn't spend much time at home, i was in the orphanage and later
studied law at the university of Oxford, i am a also a criminal lawyer. My mom was
a head teacher and dad was Pilot.
I fought in the Gulf war in 1990 to 1991. The gulf war was fought to liberate
Kuwait from autocratic rule of the late Saddam. I had a pretty bad experience.

------------------IF SHE ASK U WHY U DEY COME ONLINE-----------

When i am online this is what i do: I am Responsible for day to day activities in
regards to Mapping a location for my team to patrol... This is the reason why i am
online and able to chat with you.

==================TRUNE HER TO UR FRIEND----

Although we just got to know each other,Well I will appreciate us being good
friends in sincerity,honesty and trust to share ideas and discuss about more
issues as we talk more about ourselves, and i believe as time goes on there may be
something great for us in the future, What do you think?

Thanks for accepting me as your friend and you are indeed welcome to my world of happens to be my first and only female friend here

So how's the situation of things over there in regards to the economic standard and

Life is precious and i think nations economy grows as a result of good government
and understanding of the people,What do you think?

============IF U WANT SEND HER UR PICTURE------------

I would like to make video call with you!...But we are restricted from using video
because of security reason.please you can find out in google on what happened to
U.S. Army Captain Bruce Kevin Clark, 05 May 2012 when having skype video with his
wife and he was shot by the terrorist. But i can send you my photo if only you can
promise to keep it safe and confidential with you. Because if my superiors should
confirm about me sending out my photo to the outside of our base, i will be jailed
for 6 years.

I will also love to see your pictures and i hope you're not offended?

You look beautiful, charming and i love your smile and your hair still
watching your photos because I like your style of dressing and to be sincere, your
beauty has captivated my soul and your charming eyes has captured my heart. In a
you actually look amazing and my head is going whiskey right now.

===ASK FOR HER EMAIL==========

I hope you don't mind, if i have your Email address because the Network signal here
in the camp is very bad and very frustrating and if there is any signal shift my
facebook will be disabled. Please i will love to keep in touch with you?


I'm supportive and caring and have a loyal and tolerant character's very humble,
honest, understanding and truthful. I'm a very passionate, physical person that
would want the same in a mate, deeply romantic, optimistic, hopeful, wise, & smart.

What are your Hobbies?

My Hobbies are Cooking, reading newspapers,watching tv,listening to music,Sport,

Swimming, Traveling around the world. i am a man who loves himself, his family and
his woman foremost and has plenty of sympathy for the less fortunate. And above
all, a man who is always the peace maker in a world.

Yes..I enjoy going to the beach,love the ocean and mountain view, Enjoy some Travel
and weekend trips.Movies and dinners with a nice glass of wine.Going to concerts or
comedy club and more. Clouding at home to a good movie,I also like to go to the

What is your likes and dislikes?

I hate lies, stealing, jealousy, envy, blackmail, backstabbing, dishonesty and


i like listening to music like, R n B, Blues, classical, hymns,hip hop too. and in
my free time i enjoy going out to watch Cinema side by side with my Lover while we
eat popcorn together.

Whats your favorite food, favorite television Show, favorite Song?...I love Italian
food, favorite show used to be Bill Cosby and favortie song is Ed Sheeran - Perfect

At this stage of my life, I have achieved almost everything I wanted except a

united family and it hurts me. My priority is to have a happy and harmonious
What about you?do you wish for a happy family too?
That's good to know and I pray for the both of our dreams to come to pass.

KNOW SAY ************************

I want you to understand that i'm not after facial beauty but i'm after the beauty
of the heart, i'm after true love and happy home


Please, i want you to do me favour?

Due to the nature of my job and the undercover mission we are here for in the camp.
Please i don't want you to tell anyone about me untill i leave the camp and I want
our conversation to remain secret?


If you could take a dream getaway, where would you most likely choose to spend a
week? Paris or hiking in the mountains

1. How often do you lose your temper? i practically never lose my temper.

2. What best describes your parents' relationship towards each other? married and

3. Do you consider yourself physically affectionate when involved in a

relationship? Sure, I love to hold hands, hug and give casual kisses

4. When in a relationship, how much personal space do you generally find you need?
When I'm with my partner I'm completely there, but I do need considerable time for
personal reflection.

5. Do you enjoy being alone? I like equal portions of alone time and social
time...I prefer to be with other people

6. How important is chemistry to you? I think chemistry can be generated over the
long-term with someone I really like

What is your Religious beliefs?

My Religion is Roman Catholic and i am a christian.

What are your Plans for the future...?

My plans is to go into bussiness after my mission though i know nothing about

business since i have lived my quality years in the Millitary. my dear friend. I
will be happy to go into a good business with a woman i love and the woman i want
to spend the rest of my life with.

7: What is your favorite color? favorite color is white, Red, green and
black, i like all colors as long as its beautiful in the eyes
8. Wow that is so lovely, is that the color of your car?

9. Okay. what is the color of you car? I have Black Mercedes GLK

10. what is the color of your eyes?

The color of my eyes is grey but sometimes i like to wear blue or brown
contact lens.

11. How tall are you? i am 181cm tall, i am 80 kg.

12. Do you smoke, drink or do drugs?

13 What is your horoscope? i am Aries


i need a very mature,decent and faithful woman in my life. I am not after a facial
beauty but am after the beauty of the heart. I was paused when I search and get to
your profile,you look so cute,mature,responsible in appearance and i will like to
know you more because something in me is already telling me that you can be my soul


What do you think about distrance relationship?

I believe that Language, culture, Age and distance doesn't matter when it comes to
friendship and relationship, all that matters is trust, honesty, care and
understanding and in friendship there find the meaning of true love. Even though we
are distance apart but I can easily fly to meet you wherever you are.I don't
believe that distance and age can be a barrier to relationship. at all.

I want you to know that all soldiers from United State of America are all given
Diplomatics I D Card, this I D card anable them to travel to any part of the
country and they can also work at any country they find thier self, it is issued by
the U N and i want you to know that my life belongs to you and i am deeply dedicate
to you my dear

==============TRUST AND FAITH===========

Do you believe in Trust and Faith in relationship?

Trust, loyalty and respect are a must for eternal happiness.....No matter how much
you love someone if you dont have these ingredients you will never succeed.

To be in love means being patient but to be patient you must trust him/her first.
You can never find love through the eye or ear, so you must trust the only thing
that will never fade until you die, your heart.

Love is like trust, when you find your special someone it is as if you're trusting
them with your heart. And Trust is what you put in someone's hands. Faith is what
you hold on to.
Trust is what makes everyone realize that you are always there for them. Faith is
what makes everyone realize that you are always there to help them in case they
need some help Love makes not everyone, but the only one in your life who is
special, think that you are always there for her, to be with her, to make her
realize how much you really love her....

Without honesty, love gets unhappy, and without trust, love gets unstable.Love is a
wonderful gift; trust in it, believe in it, give it, and it will be returned to you
to give again and again.

You can get advice from family, friends and strangers, but the best advice comes
from your heart; it never lies trust it.There may be many people that are
trustworthy, but only a few are worth trusting with your heart; choose wisely.To be
trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.

For you can love many, but without trust you have nothing.The heart already knows
what the mind can only dream of. Trust your heart.Distance cannot,they are on the
inside, but when he or she betrays your trust, they become the ugliest person in
the world.Love is patient.

Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud.......... It is
not rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of
wrong doing. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth.

It always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres.Love takes many things: trust, hope,
wishes, dreams, and everything you've got, even when you know it's not going be
enough.Love is not always fireworks and shooting stars; sometimes it's a simple
understanding and trust between two people.

Relationships have some adjustment periods, but being hurt shouldn't be part of
being in love.

Loving relationships have good qualities, such as support from your partner, a
willingness to communicate, a desire to compromise, and open an honest
When you do not have these fundamental qualities in a relationship, that
relationship isn't likely to grow, and become something that you desire.


I Want you to know that since the day we met, I've fallen for you. There are no
words to express the gratitude I feel in my heart that you came into my life, and
how you make every day so special. You are my heart, my soul. I love you more today
than I did yesterday, and I'll love you more tomorrow than I do today.

I've been trying to find a way to express my feelings for you. I�ve always wanted
to create something unique to show you just how much I love you. Now I�ve found the
right place, and I�m going to tell the world that I LOVE YOU!

It may sound crazy and corny, but I want to tell the whole universe about the true
and sincere affection I have for you. I cannot tell you exactly how I feel, but I
hope that you feel the warmth of my love whenever we are together online.

I will be right here beside you any time you need me, and I will be with you until
I breathe my last breath. I promise to share my life with you no matter what
tomorrow may bring.

I want you to know this that i will come to you cause for me distance is not a
problem of true love ok. I just want us to understand each other more better first
and have the right time to travel also. This is a fact. Someone who truly loves and
adores you, will not just tell you how they feel. Instead, they will go out of
their way to show you that they love you. I hope you see the signs that I love you.

How a changed man I've been since I met you. Now my life has changed for good. I
laugh More,
I give More, I eat more and I feel so loved just because of you my love.

Love me just the way I am, and I'll cherish you just the way you want. Take me as
your dream man and I'll make your dreams come true.

Last night I matched each star with a reason for loving you.

Darling, I just want you to know that you are the twinkle of my eyes; The smile on
my lips; The smile on my face; You complete my world

God is wise when he did not put a price tag on you darling. If he did, I won�t be
able to afford to have a woman as precious as you. Thank you for your love sweetie.

You give me joy, you give me hope. You give me energy, which helps me cope. I love
you darling, more than anyone imagination!

My heart for you will never break. My smile for you will never fade. My love for
you will never end. I love you Sweetie Pie!

Whenever you need someone to be there for you, I want you to always know that I�d
be just sitting right beside you. Kisses!!!

You know that I wish I can be with you everyday for more than 7 days a week and 24
hrs a day. I never seem to get enough of you. I'm so hungry of getting more of your
love baby.

I just wanted you to know how very much I care, and that you are always in my
thoughts even when I can�t be there. As you can see, you mean so much to me! Love
you like crazy sugarpie.

I�m enthralled by your beauty, mesmerised by your charisma and spellbound by your
love. No wonder I am always thinking about you. I love you and I will love you

Baby, whenever I am busy working and not been able to talk with you; I want you to
know that I always miss the laughs I used to get from you when we talk on phone, I
miss the talks we used to have. And above all, I just miss YOU!

I think I've been lucky all my life. I've had the best education, the best family,
and now, you the best lover in the world. Am I not simply lucky?

You are so amazing, and your love has completely transformed my life. If I was told
that I would meet someone as wonderful as you, I wouldn't have believed. Now, It
seems like I'm walking on air. You are unbelievable!

Your love is as influential as a drug, as soothing as the spring, as sweet as a

honeycomb, as high as the sky, as gracious as the lilies and as real as YOU. I love

This is my love for you. To give you the best things I can afford, to afford you
the best time I can spare and to share my life with you, asking nothing in return.

Every morning, the bright rising sun makes me happy. In the evening, the soothing
breeze brings a cool smile on my face. And even the birds chirp and sing bring joy
to my heart. But all these are incomplete until I see your beautiful face. I love

Out of a billion people in the population, I've chosen one person to love, one
person to cherish, one person to protect and one person to stand up for. I've
chosen you not because you were a choice from many, but because you are one in a
million. I love you.

Baby, my arms will hold you when you are weak. My eyes will find you charming in
your worst appearance, my heart will love you more even when you are most
vulnerable. I will be true to you when everybody walks away because I love you.


I would have love to send you some money to buy anything you love to buy but
unfortunately we are here in the camp for peace keeping mission and we are not
allowed to keep physical money here in the camp for some security reason's the
government provide everything we need here and our account has been frozen and we
don't have access to our account except when we are on vacation then we can have
access to everything. my dear

just kindly wait for me till i come out of the camp that's when i'm going to have
access to money and i'm going to make you happy


Here are a few things I wish to do with you at some point in this lifetime
Be your best lover.
Get caught with you in the rain.
Dance with you in the rain.
Stargaze on a clear night.
Watch the sunset together.
Spend all day with you.
Be more proud of you than I already am at this very moment.
Moonlit walks on the beach.

Go on a carriage ride through the park with you.

Do a crossword together with you.
Go for a twilight horseback ride with you.
Watch horror movie together with you.
Spend the rest of my life with you with you.
Have our picture taken together with you.
Make love to you passionately.

Discuss current events in a heated debate with you.

Hold you and gaze into your eyes and realize how much I love you and tell you.
Gently run my hand across your cheek and look into your eyes.
Blindfold you and take you somewhere romantic.
Spend my life making you happy.
Spend my life making our family happy.
Feel your heartbeat.
ALWAYS being honest with each other.
And marry you.


We gonna take a blood oath to keep this relationship for now and till eternity.
Anything we say here during the process of this oath is gonna be represented as the
blood bounding us Together.

Do you have a blade or needle there with you? I want you to use it and pierce your
finger a little and send me the picture here.

Say after me.

*I promise to be there for us for better and for worse.
*I promise to be there in sickness and in health.
*I promise to always keep this love real.
*I promise to live with you no matter what the condition both in good and bad To
always be there for one Another
*I promise to assist one another in anything,emotional and financial needs.
*May my lips,heart mind and soul always ulter one name thats you.
*No religion, no duties, no relation nor any one can ever seperate me from you. my
love, so Let this oath bind this love Forever and forever till death do us apart.

I adbare to this oath as a Blood convenant with you my love Till death do us apart
Even in death. Finally I will keep to the guidance of The oath rules above and
never forsake it from this day upwards and forever more..



Before you came into my life, I had given up on ever finding my soul mate; the one
person who could set my heart on fire with just one look. I though that was the
stuff of silly, dime store romance novels. Was I wrong!!! When you walked into the
room that first night, sparks flew. Every time you touched me, brushed up against
me, my heart stopped.

I fell in love with you the moment I looked into your eyes, but I was so afraid of
letting you in and being hurt again. I�m so glad you didn�t give up. I cannot
imagine what my life would be without you. Filling asleep in your arms every night
and waking up beside your each morning is how I want to spend the rest of my life.
You are my everything� I love you so much. Every day that goes by, every time we
make love, I fall deeper and deeper in love with you. I know there will never be
anyone else for me, for everyone would pale in comparison to you and what you make
me feel. Thank you, sweetheart, for healing my broken heart. Thank you for making
me believes in miracles.


My Dear Darling

I think about the time before you were a part of my life. I remember being
aimlessly drifting from one place to another, for I was bereft a cause in my life.
Along came you and from that day forth everything changed. You have given me so
much that I can never pay you back and I know that I can only spend my lifetime
loving you and make you feel safe and secure in my arms. I know that you are that
one in a lifetime gift that is bestowed upon lucky ones from heaven above and you
mean the world to me.

I love you since you come in to my life. I look forward to each day and night just
to get a glimpse of yours. You have touched me deeply like on one else. The
feelings are so very difficult to express, if you could only understand my
condition. Today I have gathered the guts to put forth my love before you whether
you accept it or not. My love for you will only rise. Please don�t get me wrong. I
just wanted you to know how I feel about you.

My charming wife,

I send you much love and fondness to you with this letter. My adorable wife, how
far can you go for me? I am keen to go far and beyond just to let you realize that
you are the most excellent thing that has happened to me!
Sweetheart, your love is deeper than the deepest ocean, extensive than the skies
and brighter than the brightest star that shines all night.
My loving wife , you raise my soul every time I think of you. You are my sunrise
and the shining star!

My Charming

You are my happiness. You are my bluebird in the spring; you give my soul a song
to sing. Your laughter is more than infectious. It�s inescapable. Even the very
thought of you makes me smile. I find myself laughing aloud as I replay your most
loveable moments again and again in my mind. I asked myself today, �what was life
like before you?� I can�t even remember. It�s no longer important to me.
You are my love. I know this because of the beauty I see in you. If I awake
next to you, I�d rather stare into your eyes than watch the morning sun rise. When
we talk, a deep relief comes over me; I am finally home.
You are my reason, I only want to live up to the future I have found in your
eyes. In my world, you hold the throne. I give you all of me. You mean more to me
than anyone I ever loved at all.
In your darkest moments, I will always be a light. All I could possibly do is
love you no matter the circumstances. All I could possibly do is pray for your
smile to remain forever. All I could ever do is love you. I feel you inside of my
body, giving me guidance�fluttering my heart. i love you so much one and only love
of my life.

I will always be yours.

----------------------IF SHE NOT SABI SEND EMAIL-----------------------------

I want you to go read the message I sent you by e-mail and read it carefully. below
it you will find the arrow logo turned to the left and it is written on it (reply
to mail). So I want you to click on the arrow and write me a message.

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