Cóndor fosil de California

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GEORGE, AND J. YOUNG. 1997. Migration of King THOMPSON, S. K. 1992. Sampling. John Wiley and
and Common Eiders past Point Barrow, Alaska, Sons, New York.
in spring 1987, spring 1994 and fall 1994, p. 21- TIMSON, R. S. 1976. Late summer migration at Barrow,
28. In D. L. Dickson [ED.], King and Common Alaska, p. 354-400. In Environmental assessment
Eiders of the western Canadian Arctic. Oct. Pap. of the Alaskan continental shelf. Principal Inves-
No. 94. Can. Wildl. Serv., Ottawa, Canada. tigator’s Reports, April-June 1976. Vol. 1. U.S.
THOMPSON,D. Q., AND R. A. PERSON. 1963. The eider Dept. Corn., NOAA, Boulder, CO.
WOODSY, D. A., AND G. J. DIVOKY. 1982. Spring mi-
pass at Point Barrow, Alaska. J. Wildl. Manage.
gration of eiders and other waterbirds at Point

T/w Condor 102:222-227

0 The CooperOrnithologIcal


Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, 2559 Puesta de1 Sol, Santa Barbara, CA 93105,
e-mail: pcollins@sbnature2.org

Wildlife Preservation Trust International, P.O. Box 16426, Portal, AZ 85632

Department of Biological Sciences, 600 South College Road, University of North Carolina,
Wilmington, NC 28403.3297

Abstract: Studies of fauna1 remains in California cattle, there have been some indications from choice
Condor (Gymnogyps calijornianus) nests in the 1980s situations that condors may prefer smaller carcasses,
yielded bones and hair of a variety of small, medium- such as rabbits, when they are available (Miller et al.
sized, and large mammals, and a near absence of avian 1965). Such a preference is plausible because it is pre-
and reptilian materials. A prevalence of small to me- sumably relatively easy for the birds to penetrate the
dium-sized species may reflect ease of penetration of hides of small carcasses and easy for them to obtain
hides of such carrion and a relative abundance of in- needed bone material from such carcasses. Scott and
gestible bone from such species. Remains also includ- Boshoff (1990) similarly reported a potential prefer-
ed metal, plastic, and glass artifacts, likely mistaken ence for small carcasses, especially light-colored small
for bone materials by condors. Size distributions of carcasses, in the condor-sized Cape Vulture (Gyps co-
bone materials and percentage artifacts among hard re- protheres) in Africa.
mains suggest an overall absence of severe calcium- Because of a variety of factors, such as the ease of
supply problems for condors.
seeing condors in open rangeland habitats, historical
Key words: calcium supplies, California Condor, sight records of feeding condors may be inherently bi-
carrion preferences, Gymnogyps californianus. ased toward large carcasses and may not be fully rep-
resentative of overall diet of the species. One way to
circumvent some of the observational biases in sight
As an obligate scavenger, the California Condor (Gym-
records is to examine remains of food found in condor
nogyps califomianus) has long been known to feed
heavily on carcasses of large mammals. Recorded food nests, primarily bone material, but also hair and feath-
items include cattle, horses, burros, mules, pigs, sheep, ers. However, food remains in nests also are subject to
goats, domestic dogs, domestic cats, jackrabbits, deer, biases (Errington 1932, Schipper 1973). Although they
elk, coyotes, bobcats, mountain lions, grizzly bears, can yield useful qualitative data on breadth of diet,
skunks, ground squirrels, kangaroo rats, whales, sea food remains, like sight records, cannot be assumed to
lions, and salmon (Koford 1953, Miller et al. 1965, give quantitatively accurate estimates of various diet
Wilbur 1978). Yet despite the frequency of sight re- components. Presumably, not all food items have the
cords of condors at large carcasses, such as those of same probability of preservation as food remains in
nests, and furthermore, the presence of food remains
in condor nests is not absolute proof that they were
’ Received 23 March 1999. Accepted 25 October brought in by the condors. Nevertheless, food remains
1999. in nests can give useful insights into condor food hab-

its, provided a number of methodological constraints eluded from the analyses presented below. Other sites
are observed in analyses. contained no food remains. Altogether, 40 condor nests
Previous studies of food remains in condor nests contributed food remains suitable for analysis.
were conducted by Koford (1953) and Emslie (1987, All bone and shell materials that were judged likely
1988). Koford examined 15 nests in California in the brought in by condors were measured for maximum
late 1930s and early 1940s. Emslie analyzed bone frag- length, to allow comparison of their size distribution
ments in two apparent Pleistocene condor nests in the with the size distributions of bones found in Cape Vul-
Grand Canyon of Arizona. In the latter study, Emslie ture nests by Plug (1978) and Pleistocene condor nests
found evidence that condor diet once included now by Emslie (1988).
extinct forms such as mammoths, camels, mountain
goats, and native horses. He suggested it was plausible RESULTS
that condors may have disappeared from the inland Table 1 presents the identifiable fauna1 remains be-
West as a consequence of the loss of such species at lieved of condor origin in the 40 nests that qualified
the end of the Pleistocene. for analysis. For each species, we present the number
In this paper we report on fauna1 remains and man- of nest sites in which it occurred and the minimum
made artifacts found in a substantial sample of Cali- number of individuals represented in the total. In the
fornia Condor nests studied in California in the 1980s. table footnotes, we note total numbers of various man-
These remains reinforce many earlier conclusions as made artifacts and the number of individuals of species
to the diet of the species, but indicate a somewhat considered of non-condor origin found in the same
broader range of small-medium species taken than was sites.
known earlier, They also suggest that the California In a large fraction of nests, we found numerous
Condor has not been severely stressed by a scarcity of bones of woodrats (Neotoma fuscipes, lepida, or sp.).
calcium sources in recent times, contrary to the pro- but because woodrats (packrats) commonly nested in
posal of Cowles (1967). the caves used by condors, we suspect that the large
majority, if not all, of the woodrat bones were not
brought in by the condors. The same may be true of
Between 1980 and 1985, Snyder et al. (1986) studied the bones of other small rodents, especially Peromys-
72 recently or formerly active condor nest sites in cus, and the small squirrels Tamias and Glaucomys.
southern California. Recently-active sites were docu- The only site containing Glaucomys bones was a nat-
mented as condor nests by observing activities of the ural cavity nest high in a giant sequoia (Sequoia gi-
birds at the sites. Formerly active sites were confirmed gantea), possibly used as a squirrel nest or roost when
as condor sites either by historical records or by char- not occupied by condors. In addition, some of the
acteristic “bathtub rings” of excrement on cave walls small mammal materials could conceivably have been
and presence of distinctive condor eggshell fragments pellet material cast by large owls occasionally roosting
in substrates of the sites. The physical nest-site char- in the caves. No sites clearly used by owls for nesting
acteristics determined in the nest survey were de- were included in the sample.
scribed in Snyder et al. (1986). Condor nests were generally distant from normal
Substrates in the positions where eggs were laid and habitat of ground squirrels (Spermophilus) and kan-
nestlings were reared were thoroughly sifted with fine- garoo rats (Dipodomys), and condors have been ob-
mesh window screen to collect all eggshell, bone, and served directly feeding on these species in the field,
pellet materials of greater size than approximately 1 especially after 1080-poisoning campaigns (Koford
mmz. The materials collected were deposited at the 1953, Miller et al. 1965). Accordingly, we have con-
Western Foundation for Vertebrate Zoology, Camaril- sidered the remains of these species as likely of condor
lo, California (eggshell fragments) and the Santa Bar- origin.
bara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, Cal- Sites were highly variable in the amount of material
ifornia (bone, feather, fur, and man-made materials). they contained, with some sites lacking any food re-
Identifications of all bone, fur, and feather material mains. The site containing the largest volume of both
collected were made by comparing samples to the ref- condor eggshell and bone material was a nest 30 m
erence collections of fauna1 specimens at the Santa from the ground in a giant sequoia cavity in which a
Barbara Museum of Natural History. Identification as condor chick was reared in 1984. Possibly the great
to species was not always possible, in particular with volume of material in this site was due in part to many
respect to small fragments of long bones, but the ma- previous condor nestings in the site and to the fact that
jority of materials were identifiable at least to genus. there was almost no evidence of potential woodrat use
Bone materials were identified by the senior author, of the site. We suspect that woodrats are responsible
hair materials by Gretchen Sibley, feather remains by for the loss of many bone and shell materials in sites
John Schmitt, and mollusc shells by Paul Scott. over time. In one cave frequented by woodrats (not a
The nests studied in the survey included eight that, condor nest), we monitored the fate of chicken egg-
judging from shell materials and other remains, had shell fragments we deliberately placed on the floor and
also been utilized for nesting by other avian species, determined that these shells disappeared relatively rap-
especially Turkey Vultures (Cathnrtes aura), Red- idly over a period of a few months.
tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), and Common Ra- The species most frequently represented in the re-
vens (Corvus corax). The materials in these multiple- mains considered of condor origin-was cattle (Bos tau-
use nests could as easily have been brought in by these rus), a result also found by Koford (1953). Other spe-
other species as by condors, so these nests were ex- cies represented included a variety of large and me-

TABLE 1. Identifiable fauna1 remains believed deposited by California Condors in 40 recent nests.a

Number number of
Species of sites individualsb

Cattle (Bos tuurus) 17 23
Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) 2 2
Sheep (&is aries) 2 2
Coyote (Cunis lutruns) 2 2
Gray fox (Urocyon cinereourgenteus) 2 2
Long-tailed weasel (Mustelufrenutu)c 2 2
Black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus culifornicus) 1 1
Brush rabbit (Sylvilugus buchmuni) 1 1
Sylvilugussp.’ 4 4
California ground squirrel (Spermophilusbeecheyi) 7 7
Belding’s ground squirrel (Spermophilusbeldingi) 1 1
Golden-mantled ground squirrel (Spermophiluslateralis) 1 1
Botta’s pocket gopher (Thomomys bottue) 3 4
Agile kangaroo rat (Dipodomysagilis) 1 1
Dipodomyssp.’ 1 1
Coachwhip (Musticophisjlugellum) 1 1
Pismo clam (Tivelu stultorum) 3 3
Common Californian Venus (Chione culiforniensis) 1 1
Moon shell (Polinices sp.)’ 1 1
Indeterminate marine mollusc 3 3
Barnacle (Bukunus sp.)’ 1 1
Indeterminate grebec 1 1
*Remansfound m nests also Included man-made artifacts (45 pieces of plastic, 10 fragments of alummum cans. 5 pieces of glass, 2 metal bottle cap,,
I pop top from a beverage can, I alummum foil ball, Ilead bullet, I plastic comb fragment, and several photographic flashbulbs) and faunal elements
believed to be of non-condor ongin (4 Tamias merriami, 3 Glrrucomvs subrinus, I3 Neotomafusci~cs, I2 Nroroma leprda, 19 Nrotoma sp., 6 Peromyscur
cnlifbmicus. 2 Pemmy.~us truei, 8 Perumyscur municulatus, 1 Pemmvscus sp.,4 umdentified passerinrs, and 3 Helmmrhoglypm spj.
bMinimum number of individuals assumes different mdividuals in different cites.
c Items not reported as condor food remams m nest caves by Koford (1953). Note: none of the fauna1 element* classified above as of non-condor orlgin
were reported by Koford.

diun-sized mammals typical of the region, including tures and White-backed Vultures (Gyps africanus)
a reasonable number of ground squirrels. Perhaps the studied by Mundy and Ledger (1976), Plug (1978),
most surprising result was a relative dearth of remains and Richardson et al. (1986).
of mule deer (Odocoileushemionus),as many of the
sight records of feeding condors in the 1980s were of DISCUSSION
deer. The ages of remains found in recent and historic con-
In addition to vertebrate remains, we found frequent dor nests were undetermined. Some materials could
fragments of marine molluscs, as had Koford (1953). have been decades, if not centuries, old, as condor
The species found included pismo clam, common cal- nests were known to have long lifetimes and in some
ifornian Venus, and moon shell (Table 1). We also cases to have had long histories of use (Snyder et al.
found remains of one barnacle. Land snails (Helminth- 1986). Materials in substrates did not sort into obvious
oglyptu sp.) were found in several sites, but were layers, and we knew from direct observations that the
judged to have probably entered the sites on their own. birds continuously churned the substrates with their
The bones and shells considered likely brought in bills in an apparent search for bone objects, presum-
by condors were mostly of small size (1 to 6 cm). Only ably as calcium sources. Some bone objects may have
1 of 459 such objects exceeded 10 cm in length and been ingested and regurgitated repeatedly by condors,
only 4 exceeded 6 cm in length. and presumably many others may have been lost com-
In addition to fauna1 remains, we found man-made pletely over the years to digestion by condors and
artifacts to be reasonably common in sites-primarily woodrats. The deposition of remains in nests was
small pieces of glass, plastic, and metal. In this respect, clearly a dynamic process, with progressive additions
condor nests were very similar to nests of Cape Vul- of some materials and losses of others, and with con-

_-. - --
FIGURE 1. California Condor mandibulating plastic cup along shore of Pyramid Lake, Los Angeles County,
California, May I I, 1982. One pair of condors frequently “beachcombed” at this location in 1981-1982 in
apparent search for bone materials. Photo by Jack Ingram.

tinual mixing of materials from different eras. In such evidently make special efforts to provide supplemen-
a system there could easily be major biases as to what tary bone materials in the foods they bring in their
might be found in substrates at any particular time, and crops to feed nestlings. In large vertebrate carcasses,
we make no claims that the materials found give an most bones are too large for ingestion by the condors,
accurate representation of overall condor diet or that and the hard materials collected were often teeth, parts
they represent any particular eras. of vertebrae, and other small fragments. In smaller car-
Nevertheless, it is important to note the substantial casses, a much larger fraction of the bone material is
frequency of remains of cattle, as was also noted by small enough for ingestion, and this could be one of
Koford (1953). and we have little doubt that cattle the most important factors leading to an apparent pref-
have represented a very important part of condor diet erence for smaller carcasses.
in recent times. Despite the many remains of cattle, Condors were sometimes seen making specific ef-
however, we emphasize that like Miller et al. (1965), forts to collect bones and other bone-like materials in-
we commonly observed foraging condors failing to de- dependent of feeding on carcasses. One pair we
scend to carcasses of full grown steers. Although they watched in the early 1980s frequently foraged along
sometimes fed on such carcasses, in the balance it ap- the edge of a lake, using their bills to test light-colored
peared that they strongly preferred calves, and many objects they encountered, including pieces of plastic
of the cattle remains in nests were indeed of immature and styrifoam (Fig. 1). Although we did not actually
individuals. document them ingesting such objects, the presence of
Direct observations indicated that condors focus plastic, metallic, and glass objects in nests (Table I)
mainly on soft tissues of vertebrate carcasses in their was probably a result of such ingestion. The birds
feeding behavior, and they normally avoid tough ma- seemed attracted to white and shiny objects, and this
terials such as hair, hide, and gristle. This avoidance could also be observed in nestlings, who often ingested
is the probable cause of a relatively low frequency of light-colored objects in their nest substrates, including
pellet-casting seen in the species and may in part be a hardened chunks of excrement.
consequence of the difficulty of dismembering such Similar behavior has been studied extensively in
hard materials. However, a diet of soft tissues is a rel- Cape and White-backed Vultures in South Africa,
atively poor diet with respect to its calcium content. where artifacts such as bottle caps, pieces of glass, and
Calcium is especially important for skeletal develop- pieces of china have often been found in and around
ment of chicks, and, as noted by Koford (1953), adults nests, apparently as a result of the birds mistaking

them for bone fragments (Mundy and Ledger 1976. Gymnogyps californianus amplus, was somewhatlarg-
Richardson et al. 1986, Mundy et al. 1992). In the er than the contemporary form. Emslie’s Pleistocene
1970s and 1980s certain colonies of Cape Vultures in condor nests were free of human artifacts.
rangeland habitats were under major stressfrom cal- Still another aspect suggestingrelatively low calci-
cium deficiencies and such artifacts were especially um stress for recent condors was the fact that there
common in these colonies. Evidently this species of was no evidence for broken wings in condor nestlings
vulture has been traditionally dependenton bone frag- in the 1980s. Although one condor nestling died of a
ments left around carcassesby hyenas. With the extir- broken wing in 1939, the precise cause of this event
pation of hyenas in rangeland habitats throughout was unknown, and it could have been a result of mis-
much of South Africa, the vultures were having great handling (C. Koford field notes,Museum of Vertebrate
difficulty finding enough bone material to allow suc- Zoology, Berkeley, California).
cessful nesting. Many chicks in nestshad wing bones Taken together, the data available from fauna1and
so weak that they broke frequently and healed im- artifact remains in nestsand from other sourcesdo not
properly, leading ultimately to an inability to fledge provide strong support for the hypothesis of Cowles
and nestling death. In recent years this problem has (1967), that condors might be suffering major diffi-
been correctedby deliberately offering the birds bone culties in obtaining adequatecalcium suppliesin their
fragments at carcass “restaurants” establishedin the diet. Condor reproductiveeffort and successremained
vicinity of the affected colonies. reasonably strong through the 1980s and the major
The frequency of artifactsamonghard materialscol- sourcesof populationdecline were evidently mortality
lected from Cape Vulture nests in the 1970s reached factors unrelatedto calcium supplies(Snyder and Sny-
about 45% in colonies located in rangeland habitats, der 1989).
but was only about 8% in colonies in more natural The extremely remote locations of most condor
habitats (Plug 1978). By comparison,we recorded an nests made it unlikely that the artifacts found in nest
artifact frequency of 12% for contemporary and his- substratesmight have been brought in as trash by
torical condor nests, a value that could be interpreted woodrats. However, the flashbulbs found in one nest
to suggestrelatively low calcium stressfor condors,if that was heavily photographedin the 1940s and the
the valuesfor Cape Vultures are consideredapplicable. bullet found in another site active in the 1940s very
Also correlatedwith artifact collection, Plug (1978) likely owed their presenceto human activities, as dis-
and Mundy and Ledger (1976) found that Cape Vul- cussedin Snvder et al. (1986). To our knowledge. the
ture colonies under extreme calcium stress tended to great majority of sites,including all but two of the sites
collect relatively long bone fragments, apparentlybe- containing man-made artifacts of potential condor de-
cause of a dearth of shorter ones. Thus, they found position, had not been entered earlier by humans.The
bones as long as almost 30 cm in nests of such colo- above two sites accountedfor only 4 of the 64 artifacts
nies and directly observed that bones this large gave found.
the birds obvious difficulties in swallowing, getting The presenceof shell fragments of marine molluscs
stuckin their throats.Approximately 20% of the fauna1 and barnacles in the substratesof a number of sites
materials collected from Cape Vulture nests in range- also seems best explained as an effort on the part of
land habitat exceeded 10 cm in length, whereas only the birds to satisfy calcium needs of their nestlings.
about 10% exceeded 10 cm in length in nests from None of these shells came from nest caves in shell-
relatively natural habitats. bearing rock formations, so the shell materials must
By comparison,only 0.2% of the bones and shells have been brought in from the outside. They could
considered likely brought in by condors in contem- have been collected along beaches of the nearby Pa-
porary and historical nests exceeded 10 cm in length. cific Ocean, although condorshave not been seen for-
If the bone-length relationshipsseen in Cape Vultures aging along these beachesfor many decades (Koford
have some applicability to condors, the small size of 1953). Alternatively, they could have been picked up
fauna1elements found in condor nests, like the low- as fossil or subfossilremainson inland hillsides. In the
moderate frequency of artifacts, could be interpreted judgement of P Scott (pers. comm.), a specialist in
to suggesta low level of calcium stress. molluscs,the marine shell materialswere likely of fos-
However, we caution that part of the apparentdif- sil origin, and were probably no older than late Pleis-
ferences in bone lengths and artifact frequencies for tocene. The species of molluscs and barnacles repre-
the two species may trace to methods of collection. sentedall occur in the fossil record in California start
Whereas the condor materials were collected by thor- ing in the Miocene and continuing into the present
ough sifting of substrates,the Cape Vulture materials (Grant and Gale 1931). Pleistocene-agedmarine de-
were collected by visual inspection only, which may positsare scatteredthroughoutinterior portionsof cen-
well have led to a bias toward larger objects and ar- tral and southernCalifornia that were inhabited by the
tifacts. recent condor population.
Bone lengths found by Emslie (1988) in Pleistocene Overall, the fauna1remains found continue to sup-
condor nests in the Grand Canyon also tended to be port a generalization that condors feed nearly exclu-
fairly small, with only approximately7% exceeding 10 sively on mammalian carrion. The only reptilian re-
cm in length. However, the frequency of relatively mains found were bones of a coachwhip snakein one
long bones recorded in the Emslie study may have site, and the only avian remains that were identifiable
been unrealisticallyhigh, as bones of small mammals and seem reasonably likely as of condor origin were
were deliberately excluded from analysis. It should feathers of an unknown grebe (Podicipedidae) in one
also be noted that the Pleistoceneform of the condor, site. However, we acknowledgewith theseremains, as

with all others, that other methods of deposition cannot tification of fauna1 remains found in nest caves. E.
be ruled out. Johnson, W. D. Koenig, and an anonymous reviewer
Species that represent additions to the list of nest provided constructive comments on an earlier draft of
remains given by Koford (1953) include coyote (Cunis the manuscript.
latrans),-gray fix (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), long-
tailed weasel (Mustelafrenatu), cottontail rabbits (Svl- LITERATURE CITED
vilagus), Botta’s pocket gophers (Thomomys bottk), COWLES, R. B. 1967. Fire suppression, fauna1 changes
kangaroo rats (Dipodomys), and coachwhip (Mastico- and condor diets, p. 217-224. In Proc. Cal. Tall
phis $ugellum). These are all small to medium-sized Timbers Fire Ecol. Conf., Nov. 9-10, No. 7. Tall
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mains data may be sufficiently biased that they may marine mollusca of California and adjacent re-
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nests. Only two sites contained condor bones-a hu- MUNDY, l?, D. BUTCHART, J. LEDGER, AND S. PIPER.
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from as many as five condor individuals in a single MUNDY, P J., AND J. A. LEDGER. 1976. Griffon Vul-
Pleistocene nest cave. Reasons for this difference are tures, carnivores and bones. S. Afr. J. Sci. 72:106-
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Finally, we call attention to the many similarities in Mus. 31:51-63.
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Fish and Game, and Santa Barbara Museum of Natural SNYDER, N. E R., AND H. A. SNYDER. 1989. Biology
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ius, D. Clendenen, D. Ledig, R. Ramey, B. Roberts, WILBUR, S. R. 1978. The California Condor, 1966-
and E Sibley. We are grateful to G. Sibley, J. Schmitt, 1976: a look at its past and future. N. Am. Fauna
and P Scott for the assistance they rendered with iden- 72: l-136.

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