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School of Business and Accountancy

Readings in Philippine History (RPH)

Group Fact Sheet Paper

Leader: Salunga, Earl Lorenz D.

Adame, Liam
Besa, Ria
Condes, Danielle
Punsalan, Ralph
Tubig, Caitlind

Section: B-111

Submitted to

Mr. Eduardo Fajermo jr.

March 8, 2024
First False Claim: Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. is the mastermind behind the
Plaza Miranda Bombing of 1971


Every year pa pala ginugunita ng mga dilaw itong araw ng pagbomba sa Plaza Miranda.
Parehong August 21 ang petsa ng pagkamatay ni Ninoy at pagbomba dito sa Plaza. Nagkaton lang
kaya ito o may malalim na dahilan kung bakit parehas sila ng petsa?

10 years ago pa! may mga umamin ng myembro ng NPA na si Ninoy ang nag plano sa
pangbobombang ito. Mismong matataas pang lider ng mga rebelde ang mga umamin. At pati yung
mga myembro ng liberal party noon na nasabogan tulad nila Jovito Salonga at Eddie Ilarde hindi
naniniwala na si Marcos ang may gawa nito pero ang mga dilawang media patuloy ang
pagpapahiwatig na si Marcos ang may gawa. Parehas din ang ginagawa nila sa pagkamatay ni
Ninoy na palaging isisisi kay Marcos ng mga dilawan.
English translation:

It turns out that every year, the yellows commemorate the bombing of Plaza Miranda on
this day. Both Ninoy's death and the bombing here at the Plaza happened on August 21. Is this just
a coincidence or is there a deeper reason why they have the same date?

It's been 10 years already! Some members of the NPA admitted that Ninoy planned this
bombing. Even high-ranking leaders of the rebels confessed. And even members of the liberal party
back then, like Jovito Salonga and Eddie Ilarde, don't believe Marcos did it, but the yellow media
continues to imply that Marcos was behind it. They do the same thing with Ninoy's death, always
blaming Marcos according to the yellows.

Discrediting the False Claim:

First Primary Source: Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. Man of the Year, 1971

Reference: Locsin, T. (2006, August 20). Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. Man of the Year, 1971 «The
Philippines Free Press Online. The Philippines Free Press Online.

The excerpt you provided is an article written by Teodoro L. Locsin, Jr. entitled "Man of
the Year," published on January 8, 1972. It discusses the political climate in the Philippines during
that time, particularly focusing on Senator Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr. and his role as a prominent
opposition figure.

The article describes the challenges faced by the opposition in the face of the Marcos
administration's power, including threats of arrest and suppression. It also discusses the Plaza
Miranda bombing incident on August 21, 1971, which targeted the Liberal Party's proclamation
rally. While there were rumors implicating Ninoy Aquino in the bombing, the article suggests that
such rumors were part of a broader strategy to discredit the opposition.

Despite facing numerous challenges and threats, Ninoy Aquino continued to defy the
administration and stand up for democratic principles. He was portrayed as a symbol of resistance
against tyranny and oppression. The article concludes by declaring Ninoy Aquino as the "Man of
the Year" for 1971 in the Philippines, recognizing his courage and commitment to defending

Second Primary Source: The Ghosts of Plaza Miranda

Reference: Jones, G. (n.d.). The Ghosts of Plaza Miranda (1st Edition, p. 11). (Original work
published 1990)


The Plaza Miranda bombing stood as one of the pivotal points in the history of the Philippine
revolutionary movement. More than one Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) veteran
remarked that Sison had used the attack to force Ferdinand Marcos' hand, at a crucial moment for
the communist movement. The CPP leader's logic for bombing the political rally appeared sound:
The Liberal party would likely blame Marcos, its archenemy, for the attack and perhaps even
retaliate. The conspirators were counting on a crackdown by Marcos to drive more people into the
ranks of the radical movement and into the New People's Army in the countryside. The Plaza
Miranda attack was merely an extension of the armed struggle in the countryside, Reuben Guevarra
reasoned. Guevarra was concerned with Cordero's rebellious talk, but he was far more disturbed
with Danny Cordero's disclosures about Plaza Miranda.
Third Primary Source: Crisis of Revolutionary Leadership: Martial Law and the
Communist Parties of the Philippines, 1959–1974

Reference: Scalice, J. (2017). Crisis of Revolutionary Leadership: Martial Law and the
Communist Parties of the Philippines, 1957-1974. UC Berkeley. ProQuest ID:
Scalice_berkeley_0028E_17195. Merritt ID: ark:/13030/m56f0pv6. Retrieved from

The Crisis of Revolutionary Leadership: Martial Law and the Communist Parties of the
Philippines by Dr. Joseph Scalice completely narrates in detail the dictatorship and regime of
Former President Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr. The paper also includes significant events that led to
the declaration of Martial Law. One being the Plaza Miranda Bombing of August 21, 1971.

The document traces the different groups and people that were linked and accused of the
bombing with the Former Dictator being a notable mention. The document also stated that there
was no centralised communist party and that there were already different communist groups
present and linked to the supposed bombing.

The document concluded in it’s Plaza Miranda Bombing section that Former Senator
Ninoy Aquino was not linked or even mentioned to be a part of the terrorist that fabricated the
Plaza Miranda Bombing, thus not making him the mastermind of the attack.
Second False Claim: Illegitimate Achievements of the Marcos Administration

Discrediting the False Claim:

First Primary Source: Poverty on Negros Island Breeding Filipino Rebels & The Story of
Negros and the Escalante Massacre of 1985

References: (1986, September 21). The Washington Post.

The story of Negros and the Escalante massacre of 1985. (2022, April 4). Human Rights Violations
Victims' Memorial Commission.

Second Primary Source: Philippines Facing Rice Famine

Reference : (1973, August 10). The New York Times - Breaking News, US News,
World News and Videos.

Ferdinand Marcos Sr., who held the presidency in the Republic of the Philippines from
1965 to 1986. As we reflect on his administration, it is crucial to scrutinize and dispel
disinformation circulating on the internet that seeks to manipulate historical facts.

During his presidency, we can't deny the fact that there were infrastructure projects done
that helped our country. However, we also can't overlook the terrors and horrors that happened
during that time. There are posts, blogs, and content on the internet that claim Marcos Sr.'s regime
is the golden age or era of the Philippines, scattered all over the internet. These types of contents
are misleading and may brainwash potential audiences who watch them. They are posted
deliberately, possibly to cover up scandals from the past.

If Marcos Sr.'s presidency is truly considered a golden age for the Philippine economy,
how do we reconcile this claim with the numerous scandals and issues that transpired, beyond the
declaration of Martial Law? In 1976, Marcos established Philsucom, an initiative that wreaked
havoc on the economy of Negros Island. This disastrous move not only led to widespread
unemployment, affecting over 190,000 locals, but it also plunged the island into a severe famine.
Millions of residents faced dire economic conditions, with over 100,000 children suffering varying
degrees of malnutrition. Tragically, some did not survive the crises imposed by the government.
These events raise pertinent questions about the true nature of economic prosperity during Marcos
Sr.'s era and prompt a critical examination of the impact of policies on the well-being of the
Filipino people.

In addition to the devastating Negros Famine, the Philippines encountered a Rice Famine
during Marcos Sr.'s presidency, an ironic challenge considering the significant contribution of
agriculture to the country's income. This period was marred by a confluence of issues, including
politically motivated assassinations and massacres, forced disappearances, and the suppression of
opposition figures and activists. Economic mismanagement, spanning both financial and natural
resources, further exacerbated the situation, leading to a host of challenges such as inflation, high
unemployment rates, and ecological degradation. Simultaneously, allegations of widespread
corruption and the accumulation of ill-gotten wealth by the Marcos family cast a shadow over the
administration. Amidst these multifaceted issues, human rights abuses proliferated, creating an
environment of fear and impunity. The complex interplay of these challenges underscores the
tumultuous nature of Marcos Sr.'s presidency, leaving a lasting impact on the socio-political
landscape of the Philippines.

Third Primary Source: The Manila University of Santo Tomas (Royal and Pontifical)
founded 1611.


Reference : UST Miguel de Benavides Library. (1908). The Manila University of Santo Tomas
(Royal and Pontifical) founded 1611. Manila: The University Press.

In the Tiktok video, images of the big 4 universities in the Philippines were used. It causes
a misleading information that these universities were established during Marcos Sr.’s regime. One
of these universities is University of Santo Tomas (UST).

Contained within this booklet is a concise narrative detailing the origins and development
of the University of Santo Tomas (UST) up to the year 1908, accompanied by a comprehensive
directory outlining its various departments, administrative offices, and faculty members.
Additionally, the publication features monochromatic photographs of the different aspects of the
historic Intramuros Campus also during the American period. Included also in the booklet is the
textual content of the Apostolic benediction bestowed by Pope Leo XIII on May 18, 1907 to UST.

This primary source discredit the misleading information that UST is among the
universities established during Ferdinand Marcos Sr.’s administration from 1965 to 1986.
Third False Claim: During the Martial Law there were no massacres under
the Marcos Regime


Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. and Juan Ponce Enrile's YouTube conversation about
historical events during Ferdinand Marcos Sr.'s presidency was divisive and spread
misinformation. Enrile, a former Martial Law administrator, claimed that no massacres occurred
during that time, sparking debate among Filipinos about peace during Martial Law. However,
reports from organizations such as Amnesty International contradict this, detailing cases of
violence, torture, and human rights violations. The discussion also included Charter change
proposals, acknowledging the awful reality of imprisonment, torture, executions, and disappearing
during the Marcos era, which was confirmed by courts and resulted in the formation of a
commission to investigate human rights violations.
Discrediting the False Claim:

First Primary Source: The memorial for the individuals who have passed away from Martial Law
by “Bantayog ng mga Bayani Foundation”

Reference: Bayani Foundation. (2023, October 23). The Bantayog ng mga Bayani Foundation.
Bantayog ng mga Bayani - Honoring Martyrs & Heroes of Martial Law.

The Bantayog ng mga Bayani Foundation is a memorial that is dedicated to honor the fallen
martyrs from the defiance against the Martial Law regime that ruled in the Philippines from the
1972 to 1986. The monument was unveiled on November 30, 1992, after a few years passed from
the Marcos regime. The inspiration towards the creation of the monument was according to the
first-hand experience of Dr. Ruben Mallari of the Marcos regime, the monument served as the
medium of freedom to the fallen. Additionally, other scholars are part of the organization of the
“Bantayog ng mga Bayani Foundation” which also experienced the effects of Martial Law to the
society. Engraved within the memorial are names of people who have been directly or indirectly
executed by the rule of Martial Law, a popular figure engraved in the memorial is Benigno “Ninoy”
Aquino Jr. who was one of the key figures that boosted the revolution against the Marcos regime.
The recorded deaths amounted to 65 martyrs for the first establishment of the memorial but has
increased by hundreds ever since. The memorial serves as a record that shows that there were
massacres present during the reign of Martial Law. Therefore, the claim that there were no
massacres during Martial Law is false as the recorded deaths shown with the memorial prove that
there was merciless killing whenever there is a revolt against the Marcos regime.

Second Primary Source: Dark Chapter of the Philippine Government in 9 Years



During the Philippines' nine-year martial law period from 1972 to 1981, ordered by
President Ferdinand Marcos, numerous killings and massacres occurred as part of the regime's
efforts to suppress dissent and maintain power. Tens of thousands of people, including human
rights defenders, activists, and ordinary citizens, were arbitrarily arrested, detained, tortured,
forcibly disappeared, and murdered. According to estimates, over 3,200 people were killed during
this time, with many more tortured and abused. Furthermore, the current administration's 'war on
drugs' has claimed thousands of lives, disproportionately affecting impoverished and marginalized
urban communities. Despite some reparations for victims and their families, no one has been held
responsible for the atrocities committed during martial law.

Third Primary Source: The firsthand experience of an elementary pupil during Martial Law

Reference: Natividad, C. A. (2020, September 25). Evoking the experiences of martial law - in
remembrance of its declaration. Central Philippine University.

The declaration of Martial Law happened during September 21, 1972, which triggered a
lot of emotions for the different people in the Philippines during that time. An individual who has
seen the effects of Martial Law in a firsthand basis is Cyrus A. Natividad, who was an elementary
pupil at that time. Under his experience of the Martial Law regime, there were many gruesome
sights described on the deaths of the people. Additionally, the student described the sight of trucks
filled with firearms and explosives, as well as military forces mercilessly entering the houses to
check for firearms to be collected. As a student, Cyrus described his experience about joining
rallies against the dictatorships, wherein sights of barricades and chaos amongst everyone were
evident. Within the memoir of Cyrus, evidence of newspapers and TV broadcasts of people dying
due to the defiance against Martial Law was prominent. The sight was gruesome as there were
people dying from explosions, gunshots, and many more forms of torture. Cyrus described these
experiences to be engraved into his mind despite his young age at the time. The sights of the
merciless killings described were proof or evidence of how there were massacres present during
Martial Law. The claim made regarding the absence of massacres cannot be verified or is not
factual due to the experiences of many individuals regarding the merciless killings of the people.

Thank You and Laus Deo Semper!

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