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1 | a g e L n L e r p r e n e u r s h l p


When Lhe parLles lnvolved ln a confllcL wanL Lo work Loward an amlcable resoluLlon Lhey musL engage
ln a communlcaLlon process Lo declde whaL klnd of a deal would be accepLable Lo boLh ln oLher words
Lhey musL negoLlaLe Lo reach an agreemenL Pere whaL ls lmporLanL ls LhaL all Lhe parLles concerned
musL wanL a soluLlon And for Lhls Lhey musL puL up or encourage proposals noL hold on Lo whaLever
grlevances Lhey have or whaLever argumenLs Lhey deem rlghL ArgumenLs cannoL be negoLlaLed only
proposals can 1hls demands LhaL emoLlons be kepL under conLrol negoLlaLlng ls a dellcaLe process and
a loL of Lhlnklng musL go lnLo lL boLh before lL acLually geLs underway and whlle lL ls golng on


rocess + 8ehav|our + Substance (Agenda)

lmportonce of neqotiotion
negoLlaLlon ls noLhlng buL a dlscusslon among lndlvlduals Lo flnd ouL an alLernaLlve whlch Lakes
lnLo accounL Lhe lnLeresL of all and nobody ls aL loss ln a wln wln negoLlaLlon people Lry Lhelr
level besL Lo come Lo a soluLlon where every one ls beneflLed and no body ls aL loss
negoLlaLlon ls essenLlal ln corporaLe Lo avold confllcLs and lmprove Lhe relaLlons among Lhe
employees uon'L be Loo rlgld and adamanL ln Lhe offlce
now negot|at|on |s |mportant at the work p|ace
1he process of negoLlaLlon sLarLs Lhe momenL an employee geLs a selecLlon call from an
organlzaLlon lL ls essenLlal LhaL Lhe lndlvldual responslble for hlrlng employees negoLlaLes well
wlLh Lhe candldaLe and offers hlm Lhe besL salary Lvery organlzaLlon runs for earnlng proflLs
and Lhus Lhe P8 rofesslonal musL Lry Lo make Lhe person [oln aL Lhe lowesL posslble salary buL
make sure you do noL offer hlm anyLhlng less Lhan hls prevlous salary Pe wlll never be
lnLeresLed Lo [oln Lven lf he [olns he wlll noL Lake hls work serlously and Lhe resulLs would be
zero ulscusslons are lmporLanL Make hlm reallze LhaL money ls noL Lhe only crlLerla for
selecLlng a [ob CLher Lhlngs llke one's [ob responslblllLles [ob securlLy as well as Lhe brand
name should also be consldered

| a g e L n L e r p r e n e u r s h l p

1he negoLlaLlon sLyle plays an lmporLanL role ln corporaLe uo noL offer anyLhlng excepLlonally
hlgh as lL would agaln creaLe a problem among Lhe exlsLlng employees Lnsure LhaL you are
llLLle LacLful and do flash your Lrllllon dollar smlle lL helps no way can you annoy Lhe lndlvldual
Negot|at|on |s a|so |mportant when you are dea||ng w|th vendors
An organlzaLlon needs money Lo survlve and Lake care of Lhe employees as well lL can'L afford
Lo spend money as lL ls A slngle penny saved wlll help you and Lhe organlzaLlon laLer 1he
person dea||ng w|th the externa| part|es must be a good negot|ator e|se he w||| end up pay|ng
more amount than requ|red Always slL wlLh Lhe vendor and quoLe a prlce llLLle lower Lhan you
lnLend Lo pay Pe wlll deflnlLely ask you Lo lncrease lL and probably Lhen you wlll reach Lo a
flgure well wlLhln your organlzaLlon's budgeL uon'L be rude wlLh your vendor buL be very
confldenL and convlnclng 8emember you are noL deallng wlLh hlm [usL once you need Lo
malnLaln a healLhy relaLlonshlp wlLh hlm for fuLure buslness as well 1ry Lo convlnce Lhe vendor
aL such a raLe whlch would beneflL your organlzaLlon and save money CuoLe reallsLlc flgures
and do Lake care of Lhe vendor's proflLs as well 1ry your level besL Lo close Lhe deal
Cne should never accepL Lerms and condlLlons verbally lL's always beLLer Lo have someLhlng ln
black and whlLe probably a conLracL as lL ls more rellable 1he Lerms and condlLlons musL be
dlscussed on an open forum and should be slgned ln presence of boLh Lhe parLles so LhaL no
body backs ouL laLer
Cne should also learn Lo negoLlaLe wlLh one's superlors 8emember negoLlaLlon does noL mean
you have Lo shouL on oLhers you need Lo be pollLe uon'L accepL responslblllLles [usL because
your boss wanLs lL lf you are noL comforLable wlLh any role lLs beLLer Lo decllne lL raLher Lhan
accepLlng someLhlng you are noL famlllar wlLh and loslng lnLeresL laLer AfLer all Lhere are oLher
employees as well Lhey can accepL Lhe same and you can do someLhlng else whlch sulLs your
proflle lf you know you wlll noL be able Lo submlL Lhe pro[ecL wlLhln Lhe sLlpulaLed Llme frame
Lell your boss never hlde Lhlngs from hlm 8e sLralghLforward lf you wanL Lo go for a leave Lry
Lo negoLlaLe wlLh hlm LhaL probably you wlll aLLend offlce Lhe comlng weekend or slL for some
more Llme ln Lhe comlng days Lo compensaLe for Lhe loss 8e a llLLle paLlenL
ConfllcL musL be avolded aL Lhe work place as lL only leads Lo negaLlvlLy all around negoLlaLlons
help Lo reduce confllcLs aL Lhe work place ConfllcLs arlse when lndlvlduals are Loo rlgld and are
[usL noL wllllng Lo compromlse wlLh each oLher negoLlaLlons help ln flndlng an alLernaLlve
whlch beneflLs all

| a g e L n L e r p r e n e u r s h l p

Aslam was worklng wlLh a leadlng organlzaLlon Pe was a smarL negoLlaLor Pe always
negoLlaLed well wlLh hls superlors as well as hls fellow workers and Lhus a en[oyed hls work Pe
only accepLed Lhose responslblllLles he knew he was capable of dolng no doubLs hls work was
error free and he was hls boss's favourlLePe was always well lnformed before golng for any
negoLlaLlon wlLh vendors never losL hls Lemper and always closed Lhe deal ln favour of Lhe
organlzaLlon Cood negoLlaLlon skllls helped Aslam be Lhe mosL appreclaLed employee among


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