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Topic: The pros and cons of AI on Human Resource Management

"Did you know that by the end of this decade, Artificial Intelligence is projected to contribute
over $15 trillion to the global economy? That's more than the current GDP of China and the
United States combined. But beyond the staggering numbers lies a deeper story of how AI is
reshaping industries, revolutionizing workplaces, and fundamentally changing the way we live
and work. “What is Artificial Intelligence? Well according to “” Artificial
Intelligence (AI) refers to computer systems capable of performing complex tasks that
historically only a human could do, such as reasoning, making decisions, or solving problems.

Artificial Intelligence has impacted the “Labor Market” in numerous ways with Job
Displacement being one of the most pressing issues trying to be resolved. According to “CNBC”
A survey was conducted by “Asana's survey” showing where 37% of business leaders reported
AI replacing workers in 2023 along with employees believing 29% of their work tasks could be
replaced by AI. As Artificial Intelligence continues to reshape industries and redefine the nature
of work, it becomes increasingly evident that proactive adaptation strategies, ethical
considerations, and inclusive policies are essential for navigating the evolving landscape of the
labor market in the AI era."

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