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General Overview of the Essay Contest "Social Media As a Double-Edged


In today's interconnected world, social media has emerged as a powerful force

shaping the lives of young people everywhere. From Lagos to Abuja, Enugu to Kano,
Nigerian youths are navigating the complex landscape of social media, where virtual
connections transcend geographical boundaries and digital interactions carry profound
implications for their identities, relationships, and futures. As you embark on this
journey of exploration and introspection, we invite you to delve into the multifaceted
impact of social media on Nigerian youths. A topic that resonates not only within our
communities but also across the global stage. Together, let us unravel the
complexities, confront the challenges, and envision the possibilities of social media's
influence on the vibrant tapestry of Nigerian youth culture.

Essay Prompt:

In an era defined by hashtags, likes, and viral trends, Nigerian youths find themselves
at the crossroads of opportunity and adversity in the digital realm of social media. As
a senior secondary school student navigating this dynamic landscape, reflect on the
following questions in your essay:

1. How does social media influence the construction of your identity and the
expression of your individuality? Explore how social media platforms shape your
perceptions of self, aspirations, and sense of belonging within Nigerian society.

2. How do social media platforms impact your relationships with peers, family, and
loved ones in a world where friendships are forged through screens and love stories?
Reflect on the strengths and limitations of digital connections in fostering meaningful
interpersonal bonds.

3. Amid the curated perfection of Instagram feeds and the relentless scroll of TikTok
videos, how do you navigate the pressures and pitfalls of social media on your mental
health? Share your experiences with comparison culture, cyberbullying, and the quest
for validation in the digital age.

4. As agents of change in Nigeria's evolving socio-political landscape, how does

social media empower you to amplify your voice, advocate for social justice, and
mobilize your peers for collective action? Consider the role of digital activism in
driving positive social change and challenging entrenched power structures.

5. What ethical considerations and digital literacy skills are essential for responsible
social media use? Discuss strategies for fostering critical thinking, empathy, and
online civility amidst the proliferation of misinformation and online toxicity.
In your essay, draw upon personal anecdotes, scholarly research, and cultural insights
to deepen your understanding of social media's impact on Nigerian youths. Embrace
your unique perspective, challenge prevailing narratives, and envision a future where
social media catalyzes positive transformation in Nigerian society.

The purpose of this essay is to raise awareness about the positive and negative
impacts of Social Media on Nigerian youths. We want you as you write this essay, to
take time to deeply reflect on your points, internalize the material, and be prepared to
share your findings with peers. If your essay is selected for an award, you may be
invited to the award ceremony where you will present and discuss it.

Link to the Essay Contest

Background Rules for the Grading Guidelines

 The essay must directly address all five prompts.

 Each point should be explored in detail, providing personal anecdotes, and
cultural insights.
 The essay should have a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs for
each prompt, and a conclusion.
 Ideas should flow logically, ensuring a coherent narrative.
 The analysis should go beyond surface-level observations.
 Include critical thinking and personal reflection.
 The essay should reflect the student's unique perspective and voice.
 Demonstrate critical thinking regarding digital literacy and ethical use of social
 Summarize key points effectively.
 Reflect on the future potential of social media in catalyzing positive change in
the society.

Note: British-English is the writing standard which is in line with the National
Examination Council (NEC) standard for secondary school certification exams in

The essay’s length should be between 700-1000 words, and the title of the essay and
the author’s name should be typed at the top of the first page (these are not included
in the word count limit).
Criteria: Excellent / Adequate / Needs work

Excellent Adequate Needs work

Title, Both the subject and a Most but not all No title, introduction,
Introduction suggestion about the of the qualities nor conclusion and seem
and Conclusion theme or point of view listed under to have little to do with
are included in the title. "Excellent”. the body of the essay.
Excellent =20
Adequate=12 An engaging beginning There may be
Needs work=5 that appropriately roughness or
prepares the reader for confusion in the
the body paragraphs, as introduction or
well as a thought- conclusion of the
provoking or essay
entertaining ending that
brings everything

Focus Excels by responding to Has clearly stated The theme is inferred,

the guiding questions points that the absent, or expressed, but
Excellent = 20 with clear and maverick essays basically the essay does not refer
Adequate= 14 thoughts focuses on. to it.
Needswork= 5

Organisation One main idea per Mostly one idea Disconnections between
paragraph or point per paragraphs
Excellent =10 paragraph,
Needs work=3 Good use of transitions, some transitions,
clear topic sentences mostly clear topic
Smooth connections
between paragraphs, if okay connections
an order is set in the between
introduction, it is paragraphs

Development: Uses specific, concrete, - Uses support, - Lacks sufficient

Support and relevant details. but it may be details and examples
Analysis insufficient in to support ideas
Explains the connections some areas,
Excellent = 15 between evidence and - has insufficient or
Adequate=10 main ideas thoughtfully - or connections irrelevant evidence
Needs work=5 and thoroughly between the
evidence and
ideas might not
be clear
Sentence Craft Demonstrates excellent Adequate use of Vague and abstract
& Style use of Language: language although language; words
precisely chosen words, some words may misused, sentences may
Excellent = 10 complex and varied be vague or be monotonous or
Adequate= 6 sentence structure, imprecise, contain a choppy tone or
Needs work=3 appropriate tone and style which may be
style Sentence structure inappropriate for the
may be simple or essay.
awkward in spots.

inappropriate tone
and style

Mechanics: It is almost entirely free Contains a few Has frequent or

(Grammar and of spelling, punctuation, errors which may extensive errors in
spelling) and grammatical errors distract the reader diction grammar.
(Less than 5) but not impede Punctuation and spelling
20marks meaning (more than 15)
Minus 1 mark
for every error

Mechanics: Has smoothly used Mostly cited in- Missing many in-text
Citation signal phrases and text correctly, but citations, missing Works
parenthetical citation in-doesn't introduce Cited page.
Excellent =5 text citations smoothly
Adequate=3 Works cited page
Needs work=1 has a citation for every or contains only URLs or
fact or quote, has other significant
uses signal omissions or errors
has a correctly formatted phrases/
work. parenthetical
Less than 5 errors citation

Total Score obtainable is 100marks

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