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Class 11 Time : 1½ hrs.


Name : ________________________________________________ Section : _____ Roll No: _____

General Instructions:
i) The Question Paper contains three sections.
ii) Section A has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
iii) Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
iv) Section C has 12 questions. Attempt any 10 questions.
v) All questions carry equal marks.
vi) There is NO negative marking.
1. Given below are the terms and their meanings. Match them correctly.

Column A - Terms Column B - Meanings

A. One who develops new and improved
(i) Technical Entrepreneur
quality of the product.
(ii) Non- technical entrepreneur B. Also called pure entrepreneurs.
C. One who considers developing
(iii) Spontaneous Entrepreneur
alternative marketing techniques.
D. One who is there due to government
(iv) Induced Entrepreneurs
support and policies

A) i-D, ii-C, iii-B, iv-A B) i-B, ii-A, iii-D, iv-C

C) i-C, ii-A, iii-D, iv-B D) i-A, ii-C, iii-B, iv-D
2. Given below are the innovations and their inventor. Match them correctly.

Column A - Innovation Column B - Inventor

(i) Penicillin (A) Percy Spenser
(ii) Potato Chips (B) Cannon
(iii) Microwave Oven (C) George Crum.
(iv) Ink-jet Printers (D) Sir Alexander Fleming

A) i-D, ii-C, iii-A, iv-B B) i-D, ii-A, iii-B, iv-C

C) i-C, ii-A, iii-D, iv-B D) i-C, ii-A, iii-B, iv-D
3. Arrange the following in the correct sequence of order as the Process of Entrepreneurship.
(i) Self-Discovery
(ii) Planning
(iii) Generating and evaluating ideas
(iv) Identifying opportunities
A) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) B) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)
C) (i), (iv), (iii), (ii) D) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
4. Before co-founding LinkedIn and investing in big names like PayPal and AirBnB, Hoffman created
Social Net, an online dating and social networking site that ultimately failed. Out of the following,
identify the myth of entrepreneurship stated in the above:
A) Starting a business is easy
B) It takes a lot of money to finance a new business
C) Start-ups can't be financed with debt
D) Most entrepreneurs start businesses attractive industries
5. Private Entrepreneurship is not encouraged in under-developed countries because of
A) liberal economic policies B) the degree of risk involved in it
C) more control of government D) None of the above
6. A person who adopts or copies an idea or strategy which is used by the most successful
entrepreneurs is called?
A) Imitative entrepreneur B) Innovative entrepreneur
C) Fabian Entrepreneur D) Drone Entrepreneur
7. Some entrepreneurs are rigid and fundamental in their approach and do not take risk.
They are second generation entrepreneurs in family business and are also known as:
A) Imitative Entrepreneur B) Innovative Entrepreneur
C) Drone Entrepreneur D) Fabian Entrepreneur
8. What name is to be given to such entrepreneurs who are not ready to make changes in their
existing production methods even if they suffer losses?
A) Imitative entrepreneur B) Innovative entrepreneur
C) Drone entrepreneur D) Fabian entrepreneur
9. Sanjay Gandhi, the founder of Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., which is in the business of car manufacturing
and offering car related services, is an example:
A) Industrial entrepreneurs B) Corporate Entrepreneur
C) Business Entrepreneur D) Trading Entrepreneur
10. The attitudes are acquired from which of the following sources:
A) Direct personal experience B) Group Associations
C) Influential Others D) All of the above
11. Rahul was preparing for Civil Service examinations. He failed in his first attempt. He tried the second
time and failed again. It happened a couple of times more. Again, he tried and this time he did it
and achieved his goal. It's his ____ that made him accept his failures and made him not to give-up.
A) Self-esteem B) Creativity
C) Innovation D) Respect for work
12. A guard suggested a change in the way Massachusetts Department of Correction stored their inmate
photos. Instead of taking pictures with film and storing them the old fashioned way, why not use
digital cameras and use a database for image storing. The concept stated in the above paragraph
A) Intrapreneurship B) Entrepreneurship
C) Innovative D) None of the above
13. The structured approach that might be adopted to generate ideas is:
A) Brainstorming B) Market Research
C) Creativity and Creative Problem Solving D) All of these
14. Out of the following, identify the reason why evaluating an idea is important for researching
the venture's feasibility:
A) To minimize risks while maximizing return
B) To Identify Strengths and Weaknesses of the Idea
C) To make the best use of limited resources
D) All of the above
15. Out of the following, which one is not an element of business plan:
A) Business Venture B) Production Plan
C) Appendix D) Environment scanning
16. No one knew they needed a tablet, or a smartphone, or a better way to listen to music until
Steve Jobs changed the rules with his innovative vision. By daring to envision what was possible
and then acting on it, he brought his dream to life and offered it to the masses. Somehow, he knew
what consumers wanted before they did.
According to the above para, the personality type of Steve Jobs is:
A) Trailblazer B) Go-getter C) Manager D) Motivator
17. Up to the point of him retiring from Microsoft in 2008, Bill Gates was known as a very demanding
and slightly abrasive boss who encourages creativity and innovation and recognizes individual
and team achievements. Identify the personality type of Bill Gates.
A) Collaborator B) Diplomat C) Authoritarian D) Trailblazer
18. The typical profit of an owner-managed business is Rs. 2,40,000 per year. This statement breaks
the myth that
A) Most Entrepreneurs are successful financially
B) It takes a lot of money to start the business
C) Banks don’t lend money to start-ups
D) Start ups can’t be financed with debt.
19. Hero MotoCorp manufactures two wheelers and provide services. This is an example of which
type of entrepreneur?
A) Industrial Entrepreneurs B) Trading Entrepreneurs
C) Corporate Entrepreneurs D) None of the above
20. They have a higher than average level of both dominance and sociability and are very driven and
independent. They are competitive, but their drive to succeed is sometimes tempered by your
interest in and concern for others.
A) Trailblazers B) Go-getters C) Managers D) Diplomats
21. Higher might include the desire for physical strength, knowledge, competence, independence
and freedom
A) Social Needs B) Esteem Needs
C) Basic Needs D) Safety Needs
22. Which of the following type of feasibility is concerned details on how to deliver a product or service?
A) Market feasibility B) Financial feasibility
C) Technical feasibility D) Organizational feasibility
23. _______ is a process whereby we subconsciously make decisions based on our cumulative
knowledge and experiences. Fill in the above blank with the most suitable option:
A) Market Research B) Environment Scanning
C) Intuition D) Field Study
24. Sunil is of the view that Successful Entrepreneurs approach idea generation as a top priority
activity by devoting a sufficient period of time by it. Which of the following misconceptions
of the business idea is debunked by Sunil?
A) There are no illogical ideas
B) Great Ideas aren’t the problem: implementing them is.
C) Great ideas just appear out of nowhere.
D) None of the above.
25. These Entrepreneurs are mainly the promoters of the undertakings/corporations, engaged in
Business, Trade or Industry.
A) Industrial Entrepreneurs B) Corporate Entrepreneurs
C) First Generation Entrepreneurs D) Trading Entrepreneurs
26. These Entrepreneurs are those entrepreneurs wherein their Grandparents and Parents have
been Entrepreneurs and they have inherited the business.
A) First Generation Entrepreneurs B) Second Generation Entrepreneurs
C) Third Generation Entrepreneurs D) Fabian Entrepreneurs
27. This refers to the behaviour and attitude of an Entrepreneur while he performs business activities.
A) Competencies B) Values C) Ability D) All of these
28. These are the needs related to belongingness and love in Human Beings.
A) Esteem Needs B) Social Needs C) Safety Needs D) Basic Needs
29. Esteem Needs in the Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory of Needs refer to
A) Self-Respect B) Love and Affection
C) Food, clothing and shelter D) All of these
30. Entrepreneurs who develop high quality goods and services by using technology are called:
A) Technological Entrepreneurs B) Non-Technical Entrepreneurs
C) Technical Entrepreneurs D) Innovative Entrepreneurs
31. One of the following is not a Business Ethic that should be followed by the Entrepreneurs:
A) To provide high quality goods to the consumers.
B) Good behaviour with the staff and providing them with good wages/salaries.
C) Follow the laws strictly and not to use child labour.
D) To use inferior raw materials to reduce the cost of production and maximize profits.
32. Which of the following is not included in the production plan?
A) Plants and machinery B) Raw materials to be used
C) Advertising methods to be used D) Physical Infrastructure required
33. It is a process of finding a creative solution of a problem by a group of people sitting together
and trying to generate a number of business ideas
A) Focused Groups B) Brainstorming
C) Market Research D) Environment Scanning
34. _________ makes people aware about the rights, obligations, society fairness and specific virtues.
A) Ethics B) Moral values C) Attitudes D) None of these
35. The reward that the Entrepreneur gets, for bearing risks involved in the enterprise is
A) Interest B) Capital refund C) Profit D) Salary
36. This includes a description of the industry, current market, anticipated future market potential,
competition, sales projections, potential buyers etc.
A) Market Feasibility B) Technical Feasibility
C) Financial Feasibility D) Organisational Feasibility
37. Fixed Capital requirements, and Working Capital Requirements are a part of
A) Human Resource Plan B) Marketing Plan
C) Production Plan D) Financial Plan
38. _________ Entrepreneurs are aggressive in nature who exhibit cleverness in putting attractive
possibilities into practice.
A) Imitative B) Diplomatic
C) Innovative D) None of the above
39. _________ Entrepreneurs are organisers rather than creators as they bring forth all factors of
production together.
A) Imitative B) Innovative C) Industrial D) Trading
40. One of the following is not a core value possessed by Dynamic Entrepreneurs. Identify the same.
A) Respect for Work B) Independence or Self Reliant
C) Self Confidence D) Social Responsibility
41. It provides a blueprint of actions to be taken in future.
A) Format of Business Plan B) Execution of Business Plan
C) Production Plan D) Financial Plan
42. Which of the following type of entrepreneurs is suitable for medical, technology, finance, legal
and consulting fields?
A) Trailblazers B) Managers C) Go-getters D) Motivators
43. These type of entrepreneurs have characteristics of sociability which allows them to use
their influence to get what they want.
A) Trailblazers B) Collaborators
C) Authoritarians D) Motivators
44. Steve Jobs, the brain behind Apple and I-pod, is known to value quality in all the products introduced
by the company. Which of the following competency of an Entrepreneur is highlighted in the above
A( Persistence B) Systematic Planning
C) Information Seeking D) Quality Performance
45. Unsatisfied Need  X  Drives. What is ‘X’ in the process of Motivation?
A) Innovation and Creativity B) Independence
C) Quest for outstanding performance D) Attitude
46. Arrange the following needs in the order of their hierarchy as per Maslow’s need hierarchy
theory of motivation.
(i) Safety needs
(ii) Esteem needs
(iii) Basic physiological needs
(iv) Belonging needs
A) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) B) (iii), (i), (iv),(ii)
C) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i) D) (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)
47. Under which of the following category job security, stability of income, pension plans need
will be classified?
A) Safety needs B) Esteem needs
C) Basic physiological needs D) Belonging needs
48. _________ are of the view that Entrepreneurs are the fourth factors of Production.
A) Sociologists B) Economist
C) Philosophers D) All of the above
49. Which of the following Entrepreneur is associated with “MITTICOOL”?
A) Mukesh Ambani B) Mansukh Bhai Prajapati
C) Nandita Bijur D) Harish Handa
50. Entrepreneurship is defined by i) ______________ not by (ii) _____________.
Fill in the above blanks with the most suitable option.
A) (i) Attributes (ii) Result B) (i) Result (ii) Attributes
C) (i) Commercial Risk (ii) Passion D) (i) Passion (ii) Commercial Risk
51. “Entrepreneurs introduce something new in any branch of economic activity. He foresee a potentially
profitable opportunity and tries to exploit it.” Which of the following Entrepreneurial function of an
Entrepreneur is highlighted in the quoted lines?
A( Risk Taking B) Organisation Building
C) Innovation D) Production
52. “The entrepreneur selects the factory sites, decides about plant and machinery and contacts
suppliers of raw materials.” Which of the following Promotional function of an Entrepreneur
is highlighted in the quoted lines?
A) Detailed investigation B) Discovery of an idea
C) Assembling the Requirements D) Financing the Proposition
53. Elon Musk, the brain behind Tesla and neuro links, is known to value quality in all the products
introduced by the company. Which of the following competency of an entrepreneur is highlighted
in the above case?
A) Persistence B) Information seeking
C) Systematic Planning D) Quality Performance
54. When Apple phone was launched, Steve Jobs took great care to make the package eco-friendly and
light weight with 3D images on it. Which of the following core value is highlighted in Steve Jobs
A) Innovation and creativity B) Quest for outstanding performance
C) Independence D) Respect for Work

55. Advertisers often use actors and actresses who look similar to or act similar to their intended
audiences. The another application which advertisers use to influence audience attitudes is that they
show typical people confronting different typical problems and finding solution in the use of the
advertised brand. Which of the following source of attitude is highlighted in the above example?
A) Direct personal experience B) Group association
C) Influential others D) All of the above
56. The first year was very tough for Nandita Bijur. Since her business was new, nobody gave her any
credit. All her suppliers wanted cash, yet she had to supply her retailers and customers on credit.
This shows that women entrepreneurs face a lot of challenge to conduct their business. Identify the
correct personality trait that Nandita Bijur had which made her move ahead in spite of all the
problems that she faced.
A) Commitment and hard work B) Self-reliant and Independent
C) Both (a) and (b) D) Quest for Excellence
57. One of the advantage of Entrepreneurship is
A) Incompetent staff B) Long work schedule
C) Freedom of work D) Fewer Initial Benefits
58. The basic managerial function of an entrepreneur which is concerned with deciding in advance
for future activities is
A) Directing B) Organizing C) Planning D) Coordination
59. The activities performed by an entrepreneur starting from identification of business opportunities
is known as _______.
A) Entrepreneurship B) Enterprise C) Staffing D) Marketing
60. People go into business for themselves because
A) They want to set their own schedules
B) They hope to pursue a personal dream
C) They want to work from home and still earn an income
D) All of the above.

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