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Warm – up Activities (Health Related Fitness)

Students full names: Starr Hudson, Erik Plascencia

Level(beginners, intermediate, advanced): Beginner Grade(K-6): 1st

C Content Standards Specific objectives/Evaluative Criteria Equipment

1.6 Balance oneself, Psychomotor: SWBAT successfully ● Ample space for students
demonstrating momentary perform various stretches and warm to move and stretch
stillness, in symmetrical and up their muscles and joints with the ● Ground: (blacktop,
asymmetrical shapes using body appropriate technique. gymnasium, field)
parts other than both feet as a ● Signs/marks clearly placed
base of support. Cognitive: SWBAT explain the proper on the field to identify the
positions and techniques that each boundaries of the
3.6 Stretch arms, shoulders, warm-up activity requires and stretching area
back, and legs without demonstrate an understanding of how
hyperflexing or hyperextending this promotes safety and lessens risk
the joints. of injury.

4.10 Explain that the proper-

body position while stretching Affective: SWBAT willingly participate in
and strengthening will help the warm-up activities and feel a sense
prevent injury. of accomplishment upon completion.

Activity (Warm up/Fitness) Procedures/Organization Points of emphasis

1. Cardio/BC Students are divided into small groups - Run while looking straight
- “Four Corner Fitness” and spread out across the four corners ahead, bending arms and
of the stretching area. The teacher will raising their knees
play the music, and as the music plays, - Skip with the step and hop
the students will move from corner to - Hop with one leg pushed
corner while performing different up, bent knees, and L
locomotor skills. arms
1. Run to the next corner. - Gallop with the step, close
2. Skip to the next corner. technique
3. Hop to the next corner. Intensity: Vary and increase speed
4. Gallop back to their original as each skill is performed.
5. corner.
Time: 1 - 2 minutes

2. Muscular Strength and The teacher will first model and

Endurance demonstrate the warm-up exercise to ● Make sure that the
Lower Body: the students. Squat by lowering the students are performing
- Side to Side Squat hips and bending the knees. Hold the the squats correctly and
squat for a few seconds before bending their knees
standing up and stepping to the side properly
to perform another one.
Time: 30 s (or divide into two sets of Intensity: start at a higher level
15 s with a short 10 s break in that is easier for the students and
between) gradually decrease to a lower level
of squatting

3. Upper Body:
- Arm Circles Stand straight and raise both of your
arms to the side at the height of your ● Make sure that the
shoulders, keeping your palms down. students are keeping their
Move arms in large then small circles arms straight as they
in rotating directions. move them in circles
Time: 15 s large circles
forward/backward, 15 s small circles Intensity: Start off with large
forward/backward circles before switching to smaller
circles as time goes on
4. Flexibility This exercise increases the flexibility of
Upper Body: your arms, chest, and shoulders, and
- Wall Walk will help you improve upper body ● Make sure feet are
flexibility. shoulder width apart at
1. Stand facing a wall slightly the starting position and
farther than arm’s length from that students perform the
the wall, feet shoulder-width exercise slowly to ensure
apart. both concentric and
eccentric work.
2. Lean your body forward and
put your palms flat against the
Intensity: Increase the time that
wall at shoulder height and
students hold their arms above
shoulder-width apart.
their heads.
3. Keeping your back straight,
slowly walk your hands up the
wall until your arms are above
your head.
4. Hold your arms overhead for
about 10-30 seconds.
5. Slowly walk your hands back
6. Repeat at least 3-5 times.

Time: 10-30 seconds for each set.

5. Lower Body:
- Bridge Pose ● Make sure students have
their arms shoulder width
apart, palms facing down
Lie faceup with knees bent and feet and knees bent to ensure
flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Press the exercise is completed
into heels and use butt to lift hips up, properly.
forming a straight line from shoulders
to knees. Shimmy shoulders Intensity: Increase the time or
underneath you for support. You may speed at which each set is
even want to interlace your fingers performed to increase level of
underneath your lower back. Slowly intensity.
lower hips back down and repeat.
Time: 15-30 seconds per set
6. Overall:
- Jumping Jack
● Students will emphasize
the entire body as a unit
A jumping jack or star jump, also called with their own body
side-straddle hop in the US military, is weight providing the
a physical jumping exercise performed resistance as they get
by jumping to a position with the legs their heart rate up or build
spread wide and the hands touching muscular strength and
overhead, sometimes in a clap, and endurance.
then returning to a position with the
feet together and the arms at the Intensity: Increase the time/reps
sides. at which the exercise is executed.

1. Begin by standing with your

legs straight and your arms to
your sides.
2. Jump up and spread your feet
beyond hip-width apart while
bringing your arms above your
head, nearly touching.
3. Jump again, lowering your
arms and bringing your legs
together. Return to your
starting position

Time: 15-30 seconds per set/ 10 reps

per set

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