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Materials Today: Proceedings 25 (2020) 577–580

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Static and dynamic mechanical properties of PLA bio-composite with

hybrid reinforcement of flax and jute
Ankit Manral a,⇑, Furkan Ahmad a, Vijay Chaudhary b
MPAE Division, Netaji Subhas University of Technology (Formerly NSIT, University of Delhi), Sec-3, Dwarka, New Delhi 110078, India
Mechanical Engineering Department, Amity School of Engineering, Amity University, Noida, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Natural fibers are used as a reinforcement material in polymer composite. High specific strength,
Received 19 March 2019 corrosion-resistance and biodegradability are some important properties that makes natural fibers com-
Received in revised form 12 April 2019 parable to some of the synthetic fibers. The main objective of this study is the fabrication and mechanical
Accepted 8 July 2019
characterization of a hybrid composite of jute/flax/PLA. Hybrid composites achieved higher flexural
Available online 7 August 2019
strength and modulus, whereas flax/PLA have higher tensile strength. For impact strength hybrid com-
posite has achieved higher value. At the same time, flax/PLA composite was found to be superior than
other developed composites in terms of dynamic mechanical properties.
Tensile properties
Hybrid composites
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Flax Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International
Jute Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering.
Dynamic mechanical analysis

1. Introduction developed natural fiber-based hybrid composites using jute, flax

and hemp as reinforcement and epoxy as matrix material. Authors
The adverse effect of synthetic fiber reinforced polymer com- concluded that hybridization of fiber improved the mechanical
posites (SFRPC) on nature and depletion of petroleum products is properties of developed bio-composites. The hybridization of fibers
fetching the attention of material scientists and engineers towards was done at macroscopic level by intermixing the fibers layer by
natural fiber reinforced composites. SFRPC cannot be easily layer. Although, the hybridization of fibers could have been done
degrade in nature after the completion of defined life cycles and in a layer itself also at the time of fabrication of the mat. Structure
even if it is made to degrade, it emits harmful gases which affects of the reinforced mat also affects the mechanical properties of
the environment. Synthetic fibers and polymers are widely being developed polymer composites. Ahmad et al. [4] evaluated the
used in various applications (automobiles, aerospace and sports stiffness of the developed natural fiber-based polymer composites
etc.) irrespective of the harmful effects associated with them using finite element analysis over a commercially available finite
because of higher mechanical properties. Environmental issues element code. Authors concluded that the weft fiber angle affects
have made the natural fibers (jute, flax, hemp, sisal) and biopoly- the tensile properties significantly along with the ply orientation
mers (PLA, polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) and bio and type of fiber. Whereas, Bajpai et al. [5] suggested to use suit-
epoxy) the alternates of SFRPC and metals [1]. Natural fibers pos- able processing method while fabricating the bio-composites in
sess good thermal and acoustic properties because of its hollow order to increase the strength and life of the developed composite
cross sectional and consistent cellulose arrangement [2]. The product.
strength of developed composite is mainly based upon the strength In the present study, matrix and reinforcement material used
of fiber, processing parameters and interfacial adhesion of polymer are fully degradable in nature after its life cycle. Natural fiber rein-
and matrix material used in composites [3]. For achieving these forced polymer composites (NFRPC) have replaced various SFRPC
factors various techniques are being under the lens such as chem- component which were being used in many industries applications
ical treatment and hybridization of fibers. Chaudhary et al. [2] [6]. The objective of the present study is the fabrication and
mechanical characterization of jute/flax/PLA hybrid composites.
⇑ Corresponding author. Static and dynamic mechanical properties of individual developed
E-mail address: (A. Manral). composites were compared with each other.
2214-7853/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Mechanical
578 A. Manral et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 25 (2020) 577–580

2. Material and method 4. Result and discussion

2.1. Materials 4.1. Tensile strength

Flax and jute woven mat were supplied by Go Green products, Tensile strength and modulus value of developed composites
Alwarthirunagar, Chennai, India – 600087. PLA granules were sup- shown in Fig. 2. Reinforcement of fiber in neat PLA enhanced the
plied by Nature Tech. India Pvt Ltd, Nagalkeni, Chennai, India- tensile properties of developed composites. Tensile strength of
600044. Glass transition temperature of the used PLA was in the composites depends upon the interfacial adhesion between matrix
range of 55–60 °C. and reinforcement material, that depends upon the constituent
presence on surface of natural fiber [9]. Experimental results indi-
cate that flax/PLA composites achieved higher tensile strength and
2.2. Composite fabrication
modulus of value of 49.35 Mpa and 2.80 GPa respectively, this
implies that flax/PLA composites fibers have better interlocking
All samples were prepared in compression molding machine by
with polymer. Jute/PLA composite has least value of tensile proper-
stacking of fiber and PLA sheets in closed mold. The fraction of fiber
ties compared to other developed composites. Higher modulus
was 30% by weight for all type of developed composites. In accor-
value of hybrid composites indicates higher stiffness of material
dance with that, weight fraction for both type of fiber was 15% each
compared to other developed composites, fractures samples during
while fabricating the hybrid composites. Before fabrication, fiber
tensile test shown in Fig. 3.
mats and PLA granules were pre heated in an oven up to 70 °C
for 3 h. Granules form of PLA was converted in to 1 mm thin sheet
4.2. Flexural strength
using compression molding at optimized pressure and tempera-
ture. First, the stacked layers were maintained at a temperature
Flexural test was performed to check the bending strength of
of 170 °C in the mold at a high pressure of 3 MPa for 6 min. After-
composites material. Flexural properties of developed composites
ward, the pressure was increased up to 5 MPa and was maintained
were increased subsequently. The outcomes of flexural testing
for 3 min and then sheet was cooled inside the closed mold under
shown in Fig. 4. As same as tensile properties the flexural proper-
pressure until the temperature of mold was reached around 60 °C.
ties were increased in a same manner. Incorporation of natural
Fabricated samples during compression molding process shown in
fiber in PLA improved the flexural strength compared to neat
Fig. 1.
PLA. Hybrid composite results show higher flexural strength and
modulus value of 80.25 Mpa and 2.25 GPa respectively. The surface
3. Mechanical testing properties of natural fibers influenced the flexural properties of
developed composites. Better flexural properties are because of
3.1. Tensile and flexural testing higher interaction of fiber with matrix material in hybrid types
The sample for tensile and flexural testing were prepared
according to ASTM standard [7,8]. Tests were conduct on Instron
5952 with a constant head speed of 2 mm/min.

3.2. Impact testing

Izod impact test of notched Samples were conducted on impact

tester (Tinius Olsen, Nonthaburi-11000, Thailand) as per the stan-
dard. Free impact energy of impact tester was 5 J with striking
velocity of 3 m/s.

3.3. Dynamic mechanical analysis

Visco-elastic behavior of developed material was analysed by

conducting DMA at different temperature. DMA was performed Fig. 2. Tensile properties of developed composites.
on Anton Paar Rheometer (MCR-102), at cyclic frequency of 1 Hz.
Twisting load is applied on sample during DMA with varying tem-
perature range of 30–100 °C.

Fig. 3. Samples fractures during tensile test (a) Jute/PLA (b) Flax/PLA and (c) Jute/
Fig. 1. Fabricated composites samples. Flax/PLA composites.
A. Manral et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 25 (2020) 577–580 579

Fig. 4. Flexural strength of developed composites.

4.3. Impact strength

Impact strength of the developed composite samples are shown

in Fig. 5. Results indicates that the incorporation of fiber in PLA
improved the impact strength of developed composites. Jute/
Flax/PLA hybrid composites achieved higher impact strength of
61.46 J/m. Flax/PLA and Jute/PLA have shown impact strength of
56.64 J/m and 37.57 J/m respectively. The dependency of impact
strength of composites mainly depends upon the crack propaga-
tion in material during the fracture along with interfacial adhesion
between matrix and reinforcement [10]. Jute/flax/PLA hybrid com-
posite minimized the crack propagation during impact test due to
improved interfacial adhesion of stacking jute and flax woven mats
in hybrid composite. Fracture sample during impact test shown in
Fig. 6. Fig. 6. Samples fractures during impact test (a) Jute/PLA (b) Flax/PLA and (c) Jute/
Flax/PLA composites.
4.4. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA)

DMA of developed composites were performed on rheometer to

check its visco-elastic behavior on the basis of storage modulus G0 ,
Loss modulus G00 and damping factor (TanD). DMA is also used to
know the glass transition temperature (Tg) of developed composite
material. In rheometer, DMA analysis was performed under a cyclic
twisting load of constant frequency at varying temperature.

4.4.1. Storage modulus (G0 )

Storage modulus value of composite material indicates about
the stiffness of material in terms of the elastic contents present
in the material. G0 refers to the amount of energy absorb per cycle
during oscillatory load on material [11]. The variation of storage
modulus with respect to temperature at constant cycle load fre-
quency of 1 Hz is shown in Fig. 7. Result showed that incorporation
of fiber in polymer improved the G0 or stiffness of developed com-
posites. Flax/PLA achieved highest value of storage modulus by
achieving the value of 2524 MPa. Higher value of G0 indicates the
higher stiff nature of flax/PLA composites as compared to other
Fig. 7. Variation of storage modulus Vs temperature.
developed composites. For all composites, the value of G0

Fig. 5. Impact strength of developed composites.

580 A. Manral et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 25 (2020) 577–580

4.4.3. Damping factor (TanD)

Tan D is defined as the ratio of loss modulus and storage mod-
ulus. The ratio indicates about the damping behavior of material
with the variation of temperature. The variation of damping behav-
ior with respect to temperature is shown in Fig. 9. The incorpora-
tion of fiber in neat PLA reduced its damping behavior. For all
developed composites, the TanD value was found to be lower than
neat PLA. Jute/PLA achieved lower value of damping factor (0.65).
Damping factor curve also indicate the glass transition tempera-
ture (Tg) of material where the mobility of polymer is about to
start. Damping curves indicate that Flax/PLA had higher Tg value
of 68.68 °C in comparison to other developed composites proving
that flax/PLA would require higher temperature to start the mobil-
ity of molecules.

Fig. 8. Variation of loss modulus Vs temperature. 5. Conclusion

The hybridization of jute and flax resulted in improvement in

mechanical properties. Hybrid composites achieved higher
mechanical properties is due to better interfacial bonding of matrix
with the hybrid reinforcement. DMA results indicated that
non-hybrid composite flax/PLA achieved higher glass transition
temperature, storage modulus value and loss modulus value in
comparison to developed hybrid composites. Reinforcement of
fiber in mat form in the PLA matrix reduced the damping behavior
of developed composites.


The authors are grateful to Department of mechanical science

engineering IIT-Delhi for carrying out tensile, flexural and Impact
testing, authors would also like to thanks Department of chemistry
NSUT Delhi for carrying out DMA testing.
Fig. 9. Variation of damping factor Vs temperature.

decreased with the increase in temperature. Decrease in G was
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PLA and showed higher loss modulus curve in comparison to PLA
as shown in Fig. 8. Flax/PLA was found to stiffer than other devel-
oped composites and neat PLA.

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