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Wind Energy Converter Monopteros 20 ‘Small, automatic mono-blade wind energy Ce Electrical power 15-25 kW. Monopteros 20, oo, works ao- cording toMB8's mono-blade principle forthe opaimal expior tation of wind energy, Ths principle mears that all struc- tural masses can be reduced, thus acheving considerable cost-cutting anda favorabla price-performance ratio forthe wing energy converter WEC. ‘The WECis so light that itcan be erected ans lowered onto ‘the grounc for assembiy and repair work without requiring a ‘The 6.25m long rotor mono- blade of inergiase-reinforced plasticrotates al the top of the mast, whieh seither 18 or 18 mhigh. The blade is balanced byaccounterweight. The rotor crives 2 spur geer, flanged to generator, via a Carcan shaft Monopteros 20: MBB’s smallest wind energy converter. Maraptres20 Centole Maximum energy atevery wine speed. Monopteres 20 is controled accorcing tothe "stal-regu- lated” principle. The rotor blade profieis designed 20 23 toensure tnat maximum ener ayisgained at al wind speeds and supplied by the generator tothe consumer. Depending onthe version, the WEC yields between 15 and 26 kW for ope. ration at rated capacity anc is ‘designed to work automati- cally. the wind velocity exceeds 18 m/sec, the auto matics switch the rotor blade to the parking mode. Mencp- teros 20 has been builtesp2- cially forrugged arees with an inadequate infrastructure, is virally maintenance-fres, can betransported easily, ang withstands storms of up to 220 xew/n without any difficulty. Service 2oyears. Monopteros 20 offers ideal fea: tures for operation on anisianc or for completely autonomous applications —for instance in combination with salt-water conversion plants, ground water pumps, or pormanont power-supply sytems (hybrid operation) with diese! gonerators or batterie. of over This rugged, absolutely reliable design was achieved by using proven production items ~ such as Cardan shafts as em- ployed in the automative industry, long-ived gears, and tested-out generators, Incidentally, Monopteros 20 is extremely quiet ~ thenksto the spacial construction of the blade tp, “This smal wind energy conver- terissupoied pre-essemboleg The inciveal essemblas =the rotor, deve train, o-piece mest—need oniybe joined o- ‘gether onthe ground. noe the ‘ast hes been securedto the foundation, Monepieros 201s erected quite simply byiust 2or3mon eng the coven parying euxlary stut and Duley is ust as easy to lower thecenverter onto the groune agin within afew moments for rrainterance purposes. This (© Practical wine energy conver: tercen be putinto operation oO ‘once the guy cables and the likewse pre-assemolec calinstallation have been cor nected, ‘The rotorrotates even whan thereis only @ slight breeze. ‘The generator is connected in cence a certain wind velocty — abou! 4 m/seo— has been reached, The converter then generates the required electri- calonorgy at a constant rate of 100 rpm. The generator is switched off automatcally wind speed of 19.mvsec is ex- ceeded, and the rotor blade is pputinte parking mode. The er continues to rotate freely ‘uncein this position, as it with- stands extreme wind spescs best nths way. Assembly, operation, maintenance: + No problem for Monopteros 20! Average annul wins Spee Technical Data: poor satay devices No efbades 7 Fureton Tein hain Waste Tears hoe las Sang soos uns aomaaly Dero ‘am Shopeunarnods nal pecrarea ram eee Fae wm ‘oom Funston? nua rau dk take Decclonoteton and cdrecton son Functor’ Aeomatbsutehceincae of dotuie Sean Gy kstereiad for poion ie power Charastrisis 7 Cs Rated power ‘25 kW at 15/se0 Woe QueHUbIETeatane way Aimalonergy sd) ——-SESUMNR et Vy ~S-8 isco Route canbcowerenteie Swteroneeeee = aomeee cen cel eee oe asics; emia — oc untenvandvelolyeDrvec tn poking mode Height ‘SRR n= acres iets: conertor Tet ab 019 ois ceyrchtfasopionaly Neha 2 ta ith eagareaor Snewoross ononaton sumtin he fovortlade te Tough Eide Contd Eaipment tageigeccra HW ~ ip tor bade 5 1. 0.5 ri Funciicnal principle The stal-requiated” roterrequres Largest individual weight micna, 99 mwice EY See heey, — gear/generator 316 ke Mehul ecusimer geaigerarat 0 Blade positon ~30° Blade positon ~20° Blade position ~45' ormaimode start-up pesition with sight breeze idling (perking moce) algo survival postion forall wind velocities ‘Wind direction folowed passively by weathervane ia Messerschmitt-Balkow-Bl mbH Energy and Process Technol P.O, Box 801109 8000 Munich €0 Telephone (089) 46057-3083 Telex 5287-470 mbbd Fax (089) 46057-232 lohm logy indenergie-Konverter ind Energy Converter Yignopteros 50 Leistungskiasse 860-1000KW Performanceclass 850-1000kW Monopters (gnechise Einfligle isteine Monopteros (Greek: mono-winglis anew- Monopteros 50 \Windanorgie-Anage dor noven Gnerston, goneration wind onergy converte tora Siegingaus dem BMFTForschungsprojeki nated from the research Item Monopteros Monopieros 400 in Bremerhaven hervor. 400 in Bremerhaven sponsored by the AutdorSpize cinoe 69 mhohon Mastes Federal Mnitry of Research and Techno- crentnurein Flgelsene Kreise. Ein Gegen- logy. One blade only revolves on top ofa gewicht bring! den Massenausgeich. Die 601m high mast, and mass balancing i= ses Konzept bring technische und wit- achieved by means of acounterweight. schattche Verte ‘This concept vieles both technical nd Seine Jahreseneraie liegt bei 2000 MWh, °eenemie advantages, as entopricht der Stromversorgung von ts annualenergy output emounts to 2.690 Haushaten 2,000 MWh, i-e.itean supply approx. 850 homes, Technische Daten Technicel Date Rotor: Rot Blattanzahi 1 Number ofbiades 1 Durchmessor 51 amsem Diameter 51m Drehzeh 29-40/1 min Speed 99-40/1 min Schnelautechi 2 Tip speedratio 2 Retécpositon loeseitig Roter position downwind Nebeniyo Pencehrabe “ypeothub pendulum hub Rotorblatt: Rotorblade: Lange 25m Length 25m Tote 222056 Chord 2.2/0.56m Materia Faserverbundwerkstof! Material ‘ber composite material Profityp FT “ypect profile FETT Turm: mast: Hohe com Height com Durchmesser 17m Diameter 47m Material Stahl Material steal Etektrisches System: Electrical system: w StromichterSynctran- Type powerconvarter Goneretor Synchronous generator Leistuna 5501000 KW Power 650—,000 KW Leistungsdaten: Performance: Nennlestung 550-1000 KW Ratedoutput 650~1,000 kW Betrabsoereion 57-20~e Operating range 57-20m/s Oberiebenswinageschwndigket Sms Survival wind velocity s0mis Janresenerge ZO00NWnoeIV=7.8m/s Annual energyoutput 2.000NWhat Lebenscaver 20Jehre Lite time 20 years Anwendung: Application: Monopteros 50 ist fur die Einspeisung in den Netz-, Parallel- und Ineolbotiied ausgoiogt. Monopteros 50 has been designed to teed the public arid 2s well 28 fer parallel oporation and operation on islands. Messerschmitt-Bélkow-Blohm ‘ombH U7 4 Energie- und Prozestechnk Postfach 801109 1-800 Mirchen 80 Tal: (089) 46005-3865 Telotax: (089) 4 6008-332 Telex: 5287-470 mbb d Pintodin¥-Gormenyby MBB 5725/10.86 MEB | Aeolus WTS-75 Im Auftrag der schwedischen Regierung ‘wurde der Windenergie-Konverter gemein- ‘sam von KaMeWaund MBB entwickelturd ‘gebaut. Im August 1983 wurde die Anlage auf der nsel Gotland/Schweden aufgestelit und vondem Betrelber, dem schwedischen Energieversorgungs- trieb genemmen, internebemen, in Be- ‘Agolus gehortzu den grdBten Windkraft- werken der Welt und wurde mit dem Ziel centwvioke , groBe Energiemengen in das Verounanetz eirzuleiten, DieAnlage hat berettsnach den Testufen ‘der 5090 Botriobestunden absolviert. Dio ‘This wind energy converter was a joint development of KaMeWa and MBB under a contract from the Swedish government. In August 1988, the prototype, which is, located in Gotland, Sweden, was handed ‘over to the operator, the Swedish State Power Board. Aeolus belongs to the largest wind eneray convertersin the world, developedte pro- duce largeamouts of energy for the power network. ‘Todate, Aeolus has successfully com- pleted more than 5,000 operating hours, ‘ot indicating tost and trial poriods. Tho Jahnich produzierte Energee liegt bel ‘annval energy output is 8 GWh. 6GWa Technische Daten Technical Data Rotor: Rotor: Blattarzah 2 Numberofblades 2 Durchmesser 75m Diameter 75m Drehzehl 25/1 min ‘Speed 25/1min Schnellaufeah 8 Tipspeod ratio 8 Roterposition| luysetig Rotor position upwind Nebenyp star Typeothub rigid Retorblett: Rotor blade: Lange 25am Longth 25.3m Tiefe 4005m hora 4.9/05m Material ‘StahliGFK Material stool/OFRP Profityp NACAG4-612 ‘Wpeotprotile NACAEs-612 Turm: Mest: Hehe 2m Height 2m Durchmesser 10,4/4,5m Diameter 40.4/8.5m material Stahbbeton Material reinforced concrete Elektrisches System: Electrical system: Ww Asynchron-Generator ype asynchronous generator Leotung 3amw Powor SMW Leistungsdaten: Performance: Nennleistung Mw Rated output Mw Betriebsbereich 6-25mvs Operating ance 6-25ms Ureriedenswindgeschwincighoit = 4Sm/e Survival wind volocity 43 mis Janreserege e000MWnDelV=8,.4mvs Annualenergy output 6.000MWnat¥=8.4 mvs Lebensdaver 30 Jahre Life time 80 years, Anwendung: Application: Fur dle Einspeisung in Netz-Paralel- und Inselbetrieve; Aeolus WTS-75 wurde mit dem Ziel entwickelt. groBe Energiemengen in das Energioverbundnetz sinzulsiton. For grid/parallel and stand-alone operation, thus independent supply for larger units of consumption, Messerschmitt-Bélkew-Blohm 2 mbit a CLEA ecicio- und Prozestechnik : Postfach 60 11 09, 5 00-8000 Manchen 80 = Tal: (089) 4605-385 Teletax: (088) 4605-332 Telex: 287-470 mbb d | 3 Single-blade Wind Energy Converter 2 Electrical power 150-200 kW e t TVA » HL. Bho German/Italian partnership M30 Sponsored by the EEC, ENEA ({taly) and the BMFT (German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology), MBB and Riva Calzoni are currently developing and producing two prototypes for sites in Sardinia and the German state of Lower Saxony. Negotiations for another six plants to be installed in Italy and Germany ere under way. Rotor Number of ages Diameter 2732.8 Sposd 70-86 (/min Tip speed ratio 13, Rotor position cownwind Type of nub hinged rotor Rotor blade Length 138m Chora 1405 m Material fiber composite material, Type of profile Fx 8420-127 Mast Height som Diameter in Material tea! Electrical system Type ‘asynchronous generator or Synchronous generator for Stand-alone version Power 150+200 kW Performance Rated output 150-200 KW Operating range 5.0-20 m/s Sunival wind velocity 50 m/s [Annual energy output 325 MWh at 5.4 m/e (hub height) Design ite 20 years Applications: — Connection to large grids with induction generators. — Connection to small grids and diesel fed networks with synchronous generator and eddy current brake. Other kinds of power system are possible for stand-alone applications. Messerschmitt-Bélkow-Blohm GmbH W7/eJe4 Energie- und Prozesteonnik Postfach 801108 000 Manchen 80 Riva Calzori S.p.A Bologna Works IVA REALZoNI wii osege tay, Ph, +99 51 527511 Ulf es erasers ns Monopteros 15 DorWindenorgie-Konvorter Monapte- 0s 1Sistein Einblatiotor der neuen Gene~ ration, Diese Kenste V/inderergie-Anlege von MBB wurdesperiell fir den Beiriebin \Wwerigerschiossenen Gebiaten mitman- gelnder inirastruktur entwickelt. Der Ein- Satz modernster Technologie und ci flex ble Blattaufhiéncunatfihrten zueiner besorders Ieichien Kenstruktion, ciepro- blemlogmit dem boigestoliten hydrauli- ‘schen Greifaug instaliert werden kam. Dee Standardeustunrungist furdie Netz2in- ‘spessung ausgeleot. Fine netzunabhangige ‘Sonderversion kann oxterre Verbrauchor versoigen, z. B. Wasserpumpen, Entsal- zungsanlegen, oder parallel etrisben wer- denmit sinem Diesezggreaet. Durch den variablan Rotorblattwinkel pro- duzirt Monopterce 15 auch bel wechseln denWindverhalinissen dn Maximuman Energe. Die Verwendung bewEinrter Bautoila macht den Monopteros 15 wertungsarmund bbecienungsireunclichundtragt wesentlch zur Wirtscheflichkeit dieser fortschrit- “The Menoptercs 15 Wind Enorgy Conver- terisa single bladed rotorofthenew generation. This smalest Wind Energy Converter fromMBB has been ceveloped ‘especially foraperation inremote areas, Consequent use of modern technology lec {tpalightwelgntconstiuction, which cen be instaled without problems using the deliv- tered hydraulic Ifting device. ‘Thestandardversicn ie designed tofeed into the gid. The standalone version can supply external loads, forinstance water- Pumps. or deselination plants, o” can oper- ‘ate incombination witha Diesel genorator. Dueto the variable blade angle Menop- {eros 19 ylelds a maximum of enargy even in changing wind conditions. Use of lable parts resultsin aneasy to ‘operate plant with low maintenanceefforts ‘and contibutes significantly to tie economy ofthis advanced Wind Energy ‘anverter. lichen Windeneraie-Aniage bei. Technische Daten Technical Data Rotor: Rotor: Blettzanl 1 Number of blades 1 Durchmesser 15417) m Diameter 16 (7) m Drehzahi 117 (108) Uimin, Speed 417 (108) rpm ‘Schnetautzan| g2 Tip speed ratio 92 Rotorpasition leeseitio Rotor position downwind Nabeniyp Kardannabo Type of hub: teotoring hub Regeleinrichtung Blettyerstellung 0°-45° Control pitch angle 0°-45° Rotorblatt: Rotorblade: Lange 7,3(83)m Length 73(83)m Material Gre Material cRe Frofity FX84.WSorio Type of profile FK34-Wecrieg Turm: Tower: Hone (Nabe - Boden} 20m Height (hub -grouna) 20m Bauert Coppett konisch, Desicn double conical lumklappbar inclinable Materia! Stahl Materiel steal Gewichte: Weights: Mast 1.70049 ‘Tower a700Kg K@sherrohr, Getriebe, Generator —1.500ka Driver geartub, shaft, generator 1.500ka Rotorbiatt mt Gegengowicht 300kg Blade end counter waight 300kg Gesemtgewioht 8.500k9, Total weight 9.500Kg Elekirisches System: Electrical System: wp ‘Asynchrongenerator Type Induction generator eder Syrchrangeneratar fr syachroncus generator Leistung SOW (25 KW) Power SO KW (25 KW) Leistungsdaten: Performance: Nennlelstung SOKW (25 KW) Rated power sOkW @5KW) Nennaeschwindiakeit 817 (8.9) m/sec Windspeed at rated power 97 (8.5) msec Betrishsbereich 48-tém/sec Operating range 48-Em/sec Uboriebenswindgeschwindigkat €0m/sa0 Survival windspood (hub height) 60 m/eoc Jahresenergie (Wincklasse *) comin Annual energy yield (windclass 1) 6OMWh Lebensdauer 20a Lifetime 2a ‘Anmerkuna: Dar Rlotorcurchmesser und die Leistung kann den Wind verhalnissen entsprechend gewélkt werden, MEE Comment: ‘The rotordiameter and the installed power can be selectad according tothe wind regime. Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm GmbH Energie- unc ProzeBtechnik Postfach 1828 -2870 Doimonhorst Tel: (04221) 850-22 Telefax: (04221) 656-856-86 Telex: 249288 mobd MONOPTEROS-20 | 20 kw Windturbine MONOPTEROS Der Windenaraiekonverter MONOPTEROS-20 iet ale einfache und warungsarme Anlage konzipiert, die sgeeignet ist. in Verbindung ‘mit dem 6ffenttichen Netz cloktrische Energie kosten- gunstig zu erzeucen Sie isteinfach in der Montage und mit alien Geraten 2ur Netz- und Betriebsuber- wachung ausgeristet, so da8 sie direkt auf das Netz aut- geschatet werden kann Technische Daten Rotor Rotorblat Anzahl der Blatter 1 Lange 6m Durchmesser 125m Tiefe 0,5 m Konst. Betriebsdrenzahl ioou/min Prot MB x wists Scmetautzah 9 mast Rotorenordnung Teeseitg Stahirofr, verzink, abgespannt Nabertyp votkardarisch Hohe 16m Massenausoleich durch Gegergewicht Generator Biettwnkel Bere: O° _rehsiromasynchrongeneraior Parkbetried: 45° Leistung 20KVA Dreheati 1500 U/nin Getrebeubersetzung 115 Steverung Leietung ~ Selpsttatice Leistunas- bogrenzung durch pertollen ‘Stromungsabrié am Rotor batt ~ Volautomatische Sieuerung (2 Steliungen im Blattwinkel) fr An- und Abfahren, Netzschaltung, Parkbetrieb Messung der Windge- - ‘echwindigkeit bei Parkbe- trleb uber die Rotordrehzahl - ~ Bei Strung oder Notzausfalt aulomatische Ansteuerung der Rotor-Parkstellung Netzbetrieb bei 5-18 m/sec. Windgeschwindigkeit Jahreseneraieproduktion: ca, 52 000 Kwh bei 7,2 m/sec. curchschnittiche Jahreswind~ geschwindigkait MEE Messerschmitt-B6élkow-Blchn ‘GmbH Zenvaibereicn Prozeé- und Energistechnix Postiach 80 1109 8000 Minchen

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