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Monopteros 15 Techniesho Daten Der Windenerge-Konverter Monopte- ros 15 ist einEinblattrotor der neuen Gane ration, Diesekleinste Windeneraie-Anlage ‘von MBB wurde spezial fir dan Betrieb in \wonigerschlassenen Gebiaten mit man- galndar infrasteuktur entwickelt. Der Ein Satz modornster Technologieunddls flexi- bic Blattaufhingung fuh:ten zueiner bbesonders eichten Kenstruktion die pro- biemiosmit dem beigesteltenhydraul= schen Grefzuginstalisr werden kann. DieStandardaustuhrung ist fur die Netzen- speisung ausgelegt. Eine netzunabhangige Sonderversion kann exteme Verbaucher versorgen, 2. B, Wasserpumpen, Entsal- zungsanlagen, oder parallel betrieben wer- ddon rit sinem Dieselageragat Durehdenvariabien Rotorblattwinkol pro- duziert Menoptorae 15 auch bei wechseln don Windvernéltnissen einMaxmum an Energie Die Verwendung bewaniter Bautelerracht den Monopteros 15 wartungsarmund beieaungstreundlichundtragt wesentlich zurWitschattichikeit dieser forischrit- lichen Windeneraie-Anlage bei. ‘Technical Data ‘The Monopteros 19 Wind Enery Gonver- tor sasnglebiaded rotor of thenaw ‘generation. Ths smallest WindEneray Converter irom MBB has been devecoped ‘especially for peration nremoteareas. Consecpientuse af maciarn technology led {0 slighwioight construction, which ean be inotaliog without problems uzing the dali ered hydraule iftng device. ‘The siandard version designedto eed inte tne gr, The stand-alone version can supply externa loads, orinsiance water pumps, or desalination plants, orcan oper- Bteincombination with Diesel ganerator Duet thevariable blade anole Monop- {eros 15yeldsa maximumotenergy ever inchanging winelcenditons, Use of relabie nate results in an easy io porate plant vith low maintonanceottorts {nd contrioutes significantly tothe economy ofthis edvanced Wind Energy Converter Rotor: Rotor: Blatizahl 1 Number of blades 1 Durchmesser 1817) m Diamstor 45 (7) m Drehzahl 417 108) U/min Speed 417 (108) rom Schnellautzeh! 92 Tip speed retio 92 Fotorposition ieesettig Rotor postion downwind Nabentyp Kardanriabe ‘ype of nub teetering hub Regeleinrichtung Biativersteliung 0°-45° Control piten angle 0°-45° Rotorblatt: Rotorbiade: Lange 73183)m Lengin 7.3(83)m Material GFK Material GRE Poofltyp FX 84.W Serie ‘Type of profie FX84-W series Turm: Tower: Hihe (Nabe-Boden) 20m Height thub-eround) 20m Bauart doppelt konisch, Design Gouble conical, tumblappbar inciinable Matorial Stahl Material steal Gewichte: Weights: Mast 1700k9 Tower 1,700k9 Kécherroh, Getriobe, Gonerator —1.500kg Driver gear tub, shaft, generator 1/500kg Rotorbatt mit Gegengewicht 300ke Blade and counter woight ‘300g Gesamigeicht 9500ke Total weight 3500k3 Elektrisches System: Eleotrical System: yp Asynchrongenerator Type induction generator ‘oder Synchrongenerator er synchronous generator Leistung S0KW (25K) Fower SOKW SKN) Leistungsdaten: Performance: Nennieistung 30KW (25K) Rated power SOKW (25K) Nenngescrwindigket 87 (89) m/sec Windspeed at rated power 8.7 (65) msec Batriebsbereich Operating range 48- Tom/sec Uberiebanswindaeschwindiakeit Survival windspeed (nubheicht) 60 m/sec Jahreseneraie (Wiindkiesse 1) Annualeneray vied |windclass 1) g0MWh Lobersdauer Litetime 20a ‘Anmerkung: DarRotordurchmesser und die Le’stung kann den Wind- Comment: ‘The rotordiameter and the installed power can be selected verhaltnissen entsprechend gewahit werden. 74 according to the wind regime Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm GmbH Energle- und ProzeBtechni« Postfach 1828 D-2870 Delmenhorst Tel: (04221) 856-22 Telefax: (0.42 21) 656-856-86 Telex: 249288mbbd¢ | | eet | MONOPTEROS-20 20 kw Windturbine MONOPTEROS Der Windenergickonverter Sie ist einfach in der Montage MONOPTEROS-20 ist ais und mit allen Geraten zur cinfacho und wartungsarme —_Notz- und Betriebsubor- Anlage konziplert, die wachung ausgerustet, so dab geeionet ist,in Verbindung sie direkt auf das Netz auf- nit dem éffentlichen Netz geschaltat warden kann, cloktrischo Enorgio kosion- ‘bnstig zu erzeugen, Technische Daten Rotor Rotorblatt Anzanider ater 1 Lange em Durchmesser 12.5 m Tiete 05 mKonst Bernebsorenzanl 100 U/min Prot BB ist Schnellautzahl ° Mast a Fotoranoranung Teeselg Stanron,verznk,abgespannt cer volkardanisch Hohe ism Nassenausgleien auren_Gegengewent Generator Blattwinkel Bots 0° oierRecneMeRETENTe Parkoetreb: 45° Lelstung 20 KVA Drohzahi 1600 U/min Getriebeubersetzung 1:15 - - Steueruna Lelatung - Sebsttatige Leistungs- Messung der Windge- Netzbetrieb bei $-18 m/sec. bearenzung durch partiellen schwindigkeit beiParkbe-_ Windgeschwindigkeit SiromungsabriB. am Rotor- _trieb Uber dio Rotordrahzahl - Jahresenergieproduktion: batt Bei Storung oder Netzausfell: ca, 52 000 Kwh bei 7.2 m/sec. - Volautomatische Steverung autometische Ansteuarung —_durchschnitiche Jahreswind- (2 Stellungen im Blattwinkel der Rolor-Parkstellung geschwindigkeit far An- und Abfahren, Netzschaltung, Parkbetrieb Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blonm GmbH WEE Zentralbereich Prozef- und Energietechnik Postfach 80 1109 8000 Miinchen Wind Energy Converter Monopteros 20 Small, automatic mono-blade wind energy Veton Electrical power 15-25 kW. Mcnopteros 20, too, works ac- cording to MB's meno-blade prince for the optimal explo tation of wind enarpy. This principle means that allstruc- tural masses can be reduced, thus achieving considerable cost-cutting andatavorable price-perlormance ratio for the wind energy converter INEC. The WEC is so light that itcan, be erected and lowered onto the ground forassembly and repair work without requiring & ‘The 6.25 m long rotor mono: blade of berglass-reinforced plastic rotates at the top of the mast, whichis either 15 or 18 mhigh. Theblade s balanced bya counterwaight, The rotor ‘drives @ spur gear, flanged to a ‘generator, viaa Cardan shatt Monopteros 20: MBB’s smallest wind energy converter. Monoptras 20Conrls Maximum energy atevery ‘wind speed. Monopteros 20 is controlled accerding to the "stall-rogu latec” prinepie. The rotor blade profile is designed soas toensure that maximum enar- ayisgained at all wind speeds and supplied by the generator othe consumer. Dezending onthe version, the WEC yields between 15 and25 kW for ope- ration at rated capacity andis designed to work automati- call. Ifthe wind velocity exceeds 191r/se, the auto matics switch the rotor lace tothe parking mode. Monoo- tetas 20 has heen built espe- cially for uggedaress with an inadequete infrastructure, is vinually maintenance-free, can be transported easily withstands storms of up to 220 krm/h without ary difficulty. ‘Service Ife of over 20 years. Manopteres 20 offers ideal fea- turos for oporation on anistand or for completely autonomous appitations ~ farinstance in ‘combination with salt-water conversion plants, ground water pumps, or permanant power-supply aytoms [hybid Operation) with diesel generators or batteres. This rugged, absolutely reliable design wae achiovod by using proven production items ~ such 2s Cardan shaitsas em- ployed in the automotive industry. long-lived gears, and tested-out generators, Incidentally, Monopteros 20 is extremely quiet thanks to the special construction of the blac tip. Mol pe ‘This small wind energy conver ter is supplied pre-assembled, ‘The individual assemblies the rotor. dive tran, two-piece mast —need only be jained to- gother on tho ground. Once the mast has been secured to the foundaton, Monopteros 20's erected quite simply byjust 2or3men using the accom- panying auxliary strut and pulley! Itis just as easy to lower the converter onto the ground again within a few moments for maintenance purposes. This practical wind enargy eonver- ter can be put into operation ee Winespoed once the guy cables and the Ikewrse pre-assembied electri- ‘al installation have been con- nected! The rotor rotates even when thereis only aslight breeze. ‘The generatoris connectedin onceacertain wind velocity about 4 m/sec—has heen roached. Tho convartor thon generates the required eleciri- cal energy at @ constant rate ot 100 rpm. The generatoris switched off automatically fa wind speed of 19 m/sec is ex- ceeded, end the roter bladeis Eoin Moneptros 20, Ieeimete ar spc, put into parking mode. The rotor continues 10 roiate treely ‘once in this position, as it with standsextreme wind speeds. best inthe way. Assembly, operation, maintenance: No problem for Monopteros 20! Aveageanrua wndsped — Vie/s ‘Technical Data: Rotor: Safety devices: No. ofbiades 1 Function t ‘The return spring in the blade~ Naterial fiberglass-teinforced plastic adjusting device tums automatically Diameter 125m to the parking mode in al Rotor area 123 sq, m. ‘emergencies. Raatedrpm 100:pm Function 2 Manual hydraulic disk brake Direction of rotation inwind drecton seen Function 3 Automatic switclroff in case of clockwise unbalance (e.g. ice formation) Rotor position lee Power Characteristics: _____ Rated power 25 kWal 15/se ‘guyed tubular stee! tower, fully Annual energy yiald 35-58 NWhi/yr at Vip = 5-8 m/sec revolving, can be lowered onto the Switch-on speod ground using accompanying rope _Switch-off speed winch Max, survval wind velooty Height 15-18m Weiot Sister Mast (divisible) Type ‘asynchronous (oplcnally Mactinony synchronous) Standard version 20KW Rotor bade Totaiweignt Control Equipment: Largest piece part a ES rotor blade Furctoralprnciple The “Sialrrequlatec”ratorequres [aaectinaincual weight only3 blade positions. ae Hydaulic blade adjustment at ear Bladoposttion-2o ——_normaimodo, Badeposticn-00° start-up positon with slight breeze fade position ~46 ‘ang (barking mode) also survival position forall wing velocities Wind direction followed passively by weathervane 4.5misec 19 m/sec (60 mses in parking mode ‘800kq 700kg with gear/generator combination 40kg 1540kg 625 miong.0.5.m wide 316kg ‘Messerschmitt-Bélkow-Blohm GmbH Energy and Process Technology P.O. Box 801109 8000 Munich 80 Telephione (069) 40057-909, Telex 5287-470 mbbd Fax (083) 46057-332 g ? MBE Enersie- und ProzeBiechnik TVA RCAzon1 F Monopteros 30 Der Windenergie-Konverter Monopteros 30, Ist eine Gemeinschaftsentwicklung von, MBB und Riva Calzani (alen), die von der Kommission der Eurondischen Gemein- eohatt, ENEA (talion) und durch das BME gelSrdert wid. Es stein Einolattotor der neuen Genera tion, der durchdenEinsatzmodemster Technologien, (ibergrtische Auslegung und cine Pandalnaboncue Madstibe fr Wind Kraftanlagen sett. Die Standardaustih- rung zur Netzenspeisung stmt Asyn- chrongeneratoren ausgeristet. FurSon- demutzungen, .B. inInselnetzen, ist eine Versionmit Glcichstromewieshonkrois, erhailich. Das Systemist auch fUrden Einsatz in wenig erschlossenen Gebieten konzipiert, hier bewaihren sich die einfache Auistallung und dervollautomatischeund The Menopteroe 30 wind-snargy convortor has been developed jointly by MBBand RivaCalzoniof Italy sponsored by teCom- mission of the European Community, ENEA aly) andthe Federal Ministry ofResearch and Technology. Monopteios 30 sa new-generation single bladed machine which, thankstc the use of sophisticatedtechaologies.supercritical design anda teetering hub, opens upnew vistas for wind powerplants. The standard 4grid-connected versignisprovidedwath nductiongenerstors, A special version, for instance forstandelone operation, features adc link. As Monoptercs 20is easyto install, pperates automatically and requires litte maintenance, It also suts well tore mote area applications, wartungearme Boticd, Technische Daten Technical Data Rotor: Rotor: Battzahl 1 Number ot blades 1 Durchmesser 33m Diameter 33m Dronzahi 81/41 U/min Speed 61/41 Uimin ‘Schnelleuteahl Tip sposdratio (Nennbetrien) 96 rominal) 96 Rotorposition leeseitig Rotorposttion downwind Nabentyp Pendelnabe Typeothub teeteringhub Rotorblatt: Rotor blad Lange 16.3m Lengin 16.3m Tele 1,16 =0.42m Chord 176=042m Naterial CFKIGFK-Faserverbund- Material CRP/GAP librecomposite werkstoft material Proflyp FX84-AV Serie ‘Type ot profile FX 84.Weorios Turm: Tower: Hohe (Nabe-Boden} 30m Height hub-around) 30m Durchmasser 1,5+09m Diamotar 15=09m Naterial Stahl Material steel Bloktrisches System: Electrical system: Wp Asynchrongeneratoren Type: induction generators Lictung 200 kW/5S kW Powor 2OOKW/SSKW optional pticnel 1p ‘Synchrongenerator~ Type synchronous generator Gleichstromzwischen- with devac kereis converter Loistung 200 kw Power 200kW Leistungsdaten: Performance: Nennleistung 200kW Rated power 200KW Nennwindgeschwindligkeit tims Wincspeedatrated power it mis Botricosbercich 5. 20m Operating range 5=20mis Uperlebenswindgeschwindigkeit —— 551m/s Survival windspeed (hub height) 5s Jalvesenerge Windkasse 1) 5s0MWh Annualenergy yield windclass 1) SS01MWWn, Lebensdauer 20a Lifetime 2a Mossorschmitt-Bélkow-Blohm ‘cmb Lae Enerse-undProzestectnik Posttach 1828 D-2870 Delmenhorst Tol (04221)856-22 Telefax: (04221) 856-66, Telex: 249265 nbd. TVA ReAtzont RivaCalzoni.p.A. Bologna Works Via Emilia Ponarte, 72 40133 Bologna -Htaly Ph.+9951 527511 M 30 Single-blade Wind Energy el laa Electrical power 150- German/ltalian partnership M30 Sponsored by the EEC, ENEA italy) and the BMFT (German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology), MBB and Riva Calzoni are currently developing and producing two prototypes for sites in Sardinia and the German state of Lower Saxony. Negotiations for another six plants to be installed in Italy and Germany are under way. —S 7 - » Pan | j Applications: Rotor Number 0! blades Diameter Speed Tip speod ratio Rotor postion Type of hub: Rotor blade Length Chora Material Type of profile Mast Height Diameter Material Electrical system Type Power Performance Ratod outout Operating range Survival wind velocity ‘Annual energy output Design lite — Connection to large grids with induction generators. — Connection to small grids and diesel fed networks with synchronous generator and eddy current brake. 1 21325 m 70-85 iW/min) 19 downwind hinged rotor 13-16 m 1.4/0.5 m fiber composite materiat Fx 04-427 30 m tm stool asynchronous generator or Synchionous generator fo stand-alone version 150-* 200 KW 150-200 kW 5.0-20 m/s. 50 m/s 9325 MWh at 8.4 m/s (nud eight) 20 years Other kinds of power system are possible for stand-alone applications. Messerschmitt-2élkow-Blohm GmbH Energie: und ProzeStechnik Posttach 801 109 8000 Manchen 80 Vil ei4 IVA Re&tizont Riva Caizoni SpA. Bologna Works Via Emilia Ponente, 72 40133 Bologna - Italy Ph, +39 51 527511 indenergie-Konverter ind Energy Converter BAO KW lass 64OKW Monopteros 50 ‘TechnischeDaten Rotor: Blattenzah! Durchmesser Drehzahl Rotorpesition Nabentyp Rotorblatt: Lange Tiele Matera) Prefltye Turm: Nabenhhe Burchmasser Material Elektrisches System: we Leistung Loistungsdaten: Nennieistung Eeviebsbereich Uberiebenswindgeschwindigkeit Jahresenecge: Lebensdauer Anwendung: Monoptoros 50 ist fdr fe Einspeisung von olektrischem Strom in bifenticne Netze sowie fur den Perle und Inselbetreb ausge- leat. Der Menopteros 50 ist sin Windenergio- Konverter der neuen Generation aus der Familie der MBB Windenergie-Anlagen. Er 'staus dem BMIFT-Forschungsprojakt Monoptoros 400 harvorgegangen. Die Besonderheit dieses Konverters besteht in dem Einflugelsystem (g'iech.: mono = ens, pteros = Flugel). En Rotorbiatt mit einem Gagongewicht cle Massonausgleich droht sich in BO m Hike, Sein Jehresenergieertrag liegt bei ea. 2000 sawn, Technical Data Rotor: 1 Number of blacles 56m Diameter 32-43/1min Rotetion looseitig Rotor position Pendelnabe Typeot hub Rotor blade: 28,8 Length 3m Chord (CFIUGFK-Verbund- Material werksioff Fx84-WSeria Typeotprotile Mast: 60m Hubheiant 3,70/2,05m Diameter Siahi Material Electrical system: SronvichtarSynchion- Type Generator 640KW Power Performance: osonw ated output 3,/-20m/s Operatingrange 59 m/s Survival wind velocity 2000 MWhboiV=73Rvs Annvalenergy outout 20Vahre Lite me Application: Monopteros 50isa windonorgy convertor of the new generation, belongs to the amily of MBB wind conversion systems. Itoriginates from the research unit, ‘Monopteres 409 in Bromethavon sponso- red by the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology. The special feature of this converter is the monoblade system (Greok: mone ~ one, pteros ~ wing). One rotorblade with a counter weight for mass balancing revolves on top of a 60 meters high tower. Its annual energy output amounts to some 2000 MWh, 1 56m 52-43/1min downwind teetering hub 26.8m 3am GFAP/GFRP composite material FX84-Weerio com 3.70/2.05m steel powor convertor synchronous generator ea0kW eaokw 87-20 m/s, 59 m/s 2,000 What =73 m/e 2oyears Monopteros 80 has been designed to feed the public grid as well as for parallel operation and island operation. Mossorschmitt-Bélkow-Blohm ‘GmbH V/-7-4 Postfach 80 11 09 D-2000Miinchon 60 Tel: (069)4 0005-315 Telefax: (089) 46005-3392 Telex 5287-117 mbb d Energie- und Prozebitechrik« Postfach 18 28 D-2870 Dolmenhorat Tel (04221) 380-30 Telefax: (04221) 856-86 Telex: 2492 83 mbb d ee 145/008 Printed in W-Cexmany Monopteros 50 ... there’s energy in the air MEB Deutsche Aerospace Concept wih tne MONOPTEROS 50, MBB presentsanewgenera- tion of wind arergyconversion systems, MONOPTEROS 50 Pursues theprogressive princi- ple ofsingle-biadetechnclogy with the following advanteges: Enhancedenergy utilisa- tion Pitch control enabies auto- ‘matic adjustment of the rotor blade to adant theequioment tothe prevailingwind condi- tons High fatigue strenath The variable speed, low-load ‘concept with a hinged rotors thebasisfor long lfeexpec- taney. Unattended operation ‘Computer controland moritoringpermits continu- ‘ous supenvisionofal cafety- related functions ~ without the need for supervisory per- Demand-oriented service The inverte-/generatorsys- temalsomakesit possible to feedthe energy into smaller tid. Optimum functional relia bility The leeward rotor design gives therotoralarge egree offlapping freedom with re~ ‘spect o the tower, = Extreme survivalsafety Athigh wind velocities, the systemis switched off auto- ‘matically andmovedtoa low-load parking position, in ‘whichit ean eurvive storms Upto te” 100 years gust” of ons ‘This tember ofthe MONO- PTEROS family beastsa rotor diameter of 58 mand aninsial- led power output of 640 KW, Theconcept, subsystems and coniraltechnologyofthe > NONOPTEROS 50is butt up ton theknow-how, developmen- tel work and products of MBB's aerospacesystams. ..- from the components to the system Structure MONOPTEROS 50 unitesa multitude of innovativecompo- rents that combine to make uitlisation of thewing’senoray nore economical and secure forthe years to come, TheRotorBlade High load cycles and theresult ing material fatigue place great demands onthe rotor blade iewhy t was designed to have low: weight ancalonglite expactancy. in sovingthese requirements, aclassie NEB product providedthe answer MBB helicopters with rotor blades of composite fiber mate- Fial. This;eompesite ber design ‘was taken over for the MONO- PTEROS 50 rotorblads and ‘consistaofthe following! = Foam-supported carbon {ibe for he load-bearing siructura (spar) = Glase-finerreinfercedparts forthe moulding a the lead- Ingedge andvane areas 1» Metaliclightningprotaction system toprovent failures due tolightring sioims ‘Theadvantagas ofthis design: = Weghtis recueed to2600 Kg # Low abrasion and ong lite Large parts thet can be series-preducedeconomi- cally a. Rotor Hub The rotorhub, which issetina fork with bezrings, takes up the forces ceneratedat the blade tnd corverts theminto ator~ que. Therotor sfittedwith, proven driveandcentraltech- nology foroptimum positioning of theroter bladeandfor the: adaptation tothe prevailing wind conditions: = Flapping hinge for reducing the load applied bythe rotor blade # Electrical and hydraulic servornotorsfor pitch contrat = Low-loadparking position Nacelle with MachineSet The nacelleistha heartofthe wing energy system. As the ‘machinery irame, tis able to rotate onbearingson topofthe tower. Allcomponents neaded for theenergyconversionare installed here: # Goaboxwithdiractly cou- plecrotorand integrated rotor shaft bearings = Overload clutchbatweenthe gearboxand the generator Synehronousaltemnator Supply systemsferthe“out- » Electrica faciities for the measurement technology andcontrols 2 Hycraulic supply and the ‘emergency blade teath- ering = Vowing system fortracking thenacete accounting or changesin winddirection; discbrakesbetweenthe gearbox and tegenerater, ‘and mechanicalrotorsnait locking, 2s maintenance facilities Thenacelleveambed serves as ‘he load-bearing structure for faking up the forees. The aerodynamic nacellecover pro- tectsthe machinery from ad- verse anvironmentaleffects Generator System Theelectrical energy is pro- ducediby thegenerator system, ‘whichis integrated in thenacel- Je. Shortpaths ~and therefore lowlosses—fromthe rotor bade tothe energy conversion inthe generator are ealisedin the direct transmission train from rotor io generator via the gearbox. Theflexiilty exh bited bythe power take-up train ismirroredinthe generator system: 1 Varablespeedtoreduce the fluctuatingloadimposadiby the rotoras aresuit of the shearand gust components, ofthewind, and te optimise the power iake-up at varying wind speeds = Useofthe generatarsystem asacontrcl element or reg- uatng thespeed = Automaticcenneetiontothe gFidwhon starting up after ating Operation Centre Theresa buildingon the {ground cortaning technical ‘equipment, suchas: = Nain console = Switchboards = Own supply transformer = Lowvoltage distributor Some asks of the generator system are also performed here, such asinversion,fre- quency timing and transfor ‘mationtto the required grid vol- tage. Operation Control System Forautomate controloftho entresystem'soperation,intel- ligentcomputer systems are needed. Equipped with system- specilic programs, the opera ton control computerotthe MONOPTEROS 5overseas thocontrol andmoritoringpro- cesses needadtor thesystem. Itcontinucusly supervises ev- eryoperation. The individual signals ofall unctionsrelated components arecellectad by ‘monitoring medules end signal- edtothe computer. 1 Countonseight 2 Foppinghing? 3 Dammes. 4 Roterbace %o 3 crac 8 Form a 7 Goaox .+ power from theair FunctionalPrinciples MONOPTEROS 50 always usesthe wind fromits beet side: the leewardrotorblade“fies" in the wind,converting the wind's, enargytoretatiansl eneray. The lifting forces generated at Ine rotor blade aretransterred viatherotorhubtothe generator in the nacelle, Here the adaptation to crenging windconditonsis performed uly automaticaly: sensors de- tect the wind situation end trensmt tie information to the servomotors locatedatthe rotorhuband the base of the nacelle. n hisway, the nacelle and the rotor systemare always correctly positioned in the wind. The variable bladepiten pemts ‘optimum wind utilisation: the rotorbiade, whichis equipped vith counterweight, s con- trolled quickly and precisa. Unusual consitions, suchas ‘sudden gusts, sudden changes Inwind direction or fluctuations inwind speed, arehandled by thehinged rotor, so that these loads arekept away tromrotor and gearunit asfaras posse. ‘Tho main purposooftho cye- tem, the generation of electric current, performed within the nacelle: the generator system converts the ncomingmechan- cal power oelectricalpower andpasses iton to theard station, Ata wind spaed of 11 m/s, thegenerator atiainsits optimum pariormance. Safetyisaccarded pride of place with MONOPTEROS 50— this applies to both normal operation and special situations thatroquire an immediate chut- down ofthe system, Incase of storms,andfor weak wind, therotor blades auto- ‘matically eathered.into the vwindvane" position. Ths park ing position is theprerequisite forthe curvivalof he converter at high wind speeds, up to ihe extremeloadpresented bythe 100 years gust” af BOm's, Applications 1 Rotarblade 2 Necala 3 Toner ‘Lit 5 Onrratoncsnte from island systems to wind parks Allexibiesystem concept and network capabilities open up a ‘wide spectrum of applications for MONOPTEROS 50) = Isandoperation as en auto- omous electricity supply (grid comection for supply- ing remotearaas, 0.9. forth ‘operation of irrigation equip= ment and water treatment plants) ‘= Gric-connected operation as, electricity source, ether as individual plantorgraupedin wind park Technical Data ... from energy gain to efficiency g g a I 8 “Annualproductionofereray PaIMWra} Energy Yield MONOPTEROS S0is desianed for arated output of 640 kW. Theequipmentalready obtains nisoutputlevelaiawindvelo- cityof1 1 m/s, and thisis main- thinedup to thecut-out speed. @ 0 2 Averogewindveocity a t/a, With themoan windvelocitios of 7.5m/sathub height prevall- inginthe NorthGermen coastal ragoon, MONOPTEROS 50 de- live'sa total annual energyof 2000 MWh, In eFederal Re- public this correspondstothe yearly electricity requirement of ‘epprox. 800 ncuseholds. Rutodepocdetretoratoparating pant ecm Fetedspaudet qnoeaioratrateind seed 2070r0m Aenaniproductionatenergy'rVor= 7 5rv5 and oss techrical aay 2oroeneva tora 55m Numboret states i Scuedolblide ipatraiedwindspced 125m Blade section Wotan FX-e8i Blade mnt GRPICRP Operatcnarrangotrterspeeds se-asepm Retedwndspaed Neve ‘Survvanwnaspeed sons Generators Syrctrorove Vetage | Ths pas wth Cintra cei vetage 100 Erte witout otra 2 Cepia rater teat Rotors 26 MEB Doussche Aerospace ‘Wind Energy PO.Box 1823 D-2870 Deimenhorst Phone (04221)850-0 Telefax (04221) 856-65 ‘Teletex 422126-MEBDEL BMFT/MBB 400 kW-Einblatt-Windenergie- Versuchsanlage MONOPTEROS Bremerhaven-Weddewarden MEE 400 kW-Windenergieanlage MONOPTEROS Spezifikation Rotor: Generatorsystem: Blattanzant 1 Typ ‘Stromrichter-Synchronganerator Durehmesser, m 48 Generatorieistung, kVA 454 Drehzahibereich, Uimin 39-48 Drenzahibereich, Uimin 200-1800 ‘Schnellautzahi 12 Rotoranordrung leeseitig Nabentyp Pendainave ——_-Regelung und Uperwachung: Statischer Momentenausgleich Gegengewicnt ——_Biatlwinkel/Azimutregelung elektromechanisch Biattverstellung, grad. ca.100 _Wirkungsleistungsregelung drehzahigefihet Betriebsschiagwinkelbereich, grad 3-10 Steuerung, Lirerwachung ProzeBrachnersystam Sichorheiteabschattung Notaus-Logk Rotorblat z Large, m ca.23 _Leistungsdeten: Aufoau Schalenkonstruktion in Faserverbund- _Austegungsieistung. kW’ 370 baumeise mit Sitzschaum —_ Windgascrwindigieit in Nabenhahe, m/sec Gewicht, kg 1205 @ Einschalt: 387 Proll Wortmann FX77 W-Serie @ Ausiegungs- 100 ‘Venwincuing, nictlinear, gad. 5 ‘Abschalt- 160 Flachenvernalinis 0.0155 © Uberiedens- 500 Blattiefe, Wurzel/Spitze, m 2.93'0.56 —_Jatvesenargiaertrag, Mio kWh 13 Turm Lebensdauer: wp Stahirohr, Sac abgespannt ——_uslegungsdauer, Jahre: 20 urenmasser, m 17 Nabenhahe, m ca. 50 Grineung Frarki:Piahle Krattabertragung: yp 3-stutiges Stimradgatiebe Ubersetzung 34.6 Leistung. KW ‘800 Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Bichm GmbH Unterehmensbereich Drehfidgler und Verkehr Postfach 8011.40 “Telex 5267710 mbb Tel. (089) 60003710 MEE MBE KaMewWa Wind Turbinen System Projekt WTS (Wind Turbinen System) Das Wind-Turbinen-System »Aolus®ist eine Gemen- schaitsentwickling der Firmen KaMeWa/Kristinehamn, ‘Schweden und ERNO/MBB, Bremen, Auitraggeberisidio schwedische Regierung, vertreten durch das »National SvredishBoard for Energy Source Development(NE} Das WTS ist eine Horizontal- achsmaschine mit folgencen technischen Daten’ Blatt Rotor Biettzant 2 Lenge 353m Durchmessor 75m Tiofe,Spitze 0.5m max 40m Drehzant 251m _Verwindung 15° Rotorpostion lwveoitg Masso 20650kg Nabentyp - ‘starr Werksioif ‘StahvGFK Regelung volleBlattverstelling O-100° Leistung Rotorebene 10°geneigt Nennieistung - 2MWbei 125m/s Masse 76000kg Einschal-Windgeschw. Smie Tum - Ausschalt-Windgeschw. 21mis Hohe 78m Janresleisting,orrechnet fir StondortGotland 6 GWh Durenmesser oben 45m Projektstatus - unien 104m Projekibeginn Oktober 1979 Werkstott Stehiveton Beubeginn 1981 Masse Tum 1500000kg Eretinboticbnanme Fobruar 1963 Funcament 1900000kg Ubergabe anden Auftraggeber August 1983 Generator 7 2.ANW/eeynetvon Bishor produziorle Leistung proBetriebestunde | 14MW Messerschmitt-B6kow-Bichm GmbH Zentralbereich ProzeB- und Energietechnik Posttach 601140 | 8000 Manchen-Ottodrunn MEE POBox 1010 $-€81 01 Kristinohamn Sweden Tel.0550-15200 Windenergie-Konverter Wind Energy Converter Leistungsklesse — 2-3MIN formance class 2-&MN. MBB Aeolus WTS-75 Im Aufieag der schwedischen Regiorung wurde der Windenergie-Konverter gemein- samiven KaMleWa und MBBentwickelt und gebaul. Im August 1983 wurde die Anlage auf derinsei Gatland/Schweden aufgastelt und von cem Betreiber, demschtvediachen Energieversorgungs-Unternehmen, in Be- trieb genommen, Acolus gehdrt zu den grd8ten Windkratt- werken dor Welt unc wurde mit dem Ziel antwickot, graBo Enargiemangen in das Yerbundnetz einzuleiten, Die Anlage hat bersits nach den Testliufen ber 5000 Betriebsstunden absolviert, Die ‘ahrlich produzierte Energie liegt bei ‘This wind energy converter was a joint development of KaMeWa and MBB under ‘a contract trom the Swedish government, InAugust 1983, the prototype, which is located in Gotland, Sweden, was handed over to the operator, the Swedish Stale Power Board. ‘Aeolus belongsto the largestwind energy convertersinthe world, developed to pro- duce large amouts of energy for the power network, To date, Aeolus has successiully com- pleted more than 5,000 operating hours, not incicating test and tial periods. The annual energy output is 6 GWh. Sev Techmische Daten Technical Data Rotor: Rotor: Blattanzahl 2 Number ofblades 2 Durchmesser 73m Diameter 73m Drchzahi 23/1mn Speed 25/1 min Schnalauizahl 8 Tip speedratio 8 Rotomposition eoitig Roter position upwind Naventye star Typeothub rigid Rotorbatt: Rotor blade: Lange 35am Leneth 25am Tite 4000.3 Chord 4.0/0.5 Material Siahi/GFk, Material stealiGFRP Profiltyp. NACA64-612 Typeof profile NACA 64-612 unm Mast: Hone 92m Height sam Durchmesser 10.4/4,5m Diameter 10.4/8.5m Matoria Staniboton Material ford conerste Eloktrisches System: Electrical system: we Asynctrom-Generator Type asynchronous generator Loistung 3Mw Powor Mw Leistungsdaten Performance: Nennleistuna amu Rated output MW Boticbsborcich 6-250 Operating range 6-25mis Uveriobersuindgeschwindighoit —— 45m/s Survival wind velocity a5imis Latresenerge 6000 hwhbel=8¢mvsAnnualenergy output 6,000MWhatY =8.4 mis Lebensdauer 30Jahxe Lifetime 30 years ‘Anwendung: Appitcation: Fir die Einspeisung in Netz-Paralle- und Inselbetriebe; Aeolus VITS-75 wurde mit dam Zio! entwickal, orofe Energiemengen in as Energieverbundnetz einzuleiten, For grid/parallel and stand-alone operation, thus independent supply for larger units of consumption. Moscorachmitt-B8tkow-3lohm ‘GmbH CALM cnercio- und Frozestechnk Postfach 801109 D-£000 Minchen 80 “el: (083) 4 6005-365 ‘Telefax: (089) 46005-3832 Telex: 5 287 -470 mob d Windenergie-Konverter Wind Energy Converter 4 gy f Leistungsklasse SMV * an i > * 1 7 Deutsche Aerospace AEOLUS II Nach demmahrjahrigan, erfelgreichan Ba- tried des ersten Agolus Windenergiekon= verters aut d2r nse!Gotland setzten MBB ung Kvaerner Turbin AB ihre Kooperation ‘miter Entwicklung dar 3-MW-Anlagefor Eswordennunjesine Aniage disses Typs in Schweden sowiein Deutschland im \Windpark der JWWE bei Withelmshaven— cerrichtet Acolus ti gohért zu don gré8ton Windenor giekonveriem der Wel. Er murcemiidam Zielentwickelt, ioe Erergiemengenin das Verbundnetz einzuspeisen: voraus- ‘Schtlich mohrals 7 GWh per Jahr. Technical Data Soveralyears aftarthe successful opera- tion of the frst Aeolus Wind Energy Con- verter at theisiandot Gotland MBB ano Kvaerner Turbin AB extendedttheir coop- ration by developing this 3MWunit. One will bo erected in Swedan—the otherone: willbe placedatthe Windlarmof JWE close to Witheimshaven/Germany. Aeolus belongs to the largest wind ener- gyconvertersintho world, dovelopedin order to feed largeamounts of electric energy into the grid—more than7 GWh per year. Turm Tower Material Stahibeten Material reinforced concrete Turmboho: 38m Height 88m Durchmesser 620-4,5m Diameter 6.20-45m. Rotor Rotor Naterhéhe 92m Hub height 2m ‘Anzah der Blatter 2 Number of blades 2 Durchmesser 0m Diameter 80m Drehzah 16-21 U/min ‘Speed 16-21 RPM AnordnungrelativzumTurm ——Luvssitg Rotor position upwind Regelung Pitch Control Pitch otorachsnegungswinkel 8 Titangle 8 Gotriebetyo Zweistufiges Piancten- Geartype Epicyclic/Bevel getriebs, 1 Kegelradstute Rotorbiatt Rotor Blades: Lange 388m Length 38.8m Material (CFKIGFK-Verbund Material CRP/GRPreinforceddeposits Protltyp FXB4-W-Serie Airfoil FXB4.W-corios Biatt-Tiefe 4.4mmax, Chord length 44mmax Elektrisches System Electrical system Generatorsystem Synchron, Urrrichter Generator eystom ‘Synchron, convertor Drenzaty, variabe! 1140-1500Uimin Varieble speed 1140-1500 RPM, Nennleistung 3,0MW Rated power 3,0mw Spannung ca. 1000V) Voltage ca. 1000 ‘Auslegungsdaten (inNabenhoha) Design Data (athubheight) Anfahrtoeschwindiakeit 6s Windspeedout in ems Nanngeschwindigkeit 14.15 ms rated 14.15m/s, Apstolgoschwindigkot 25mis cutout 25/5 Upertebensgeschwindignet = 751nvs survival 75ms Lebensdauer 25 Jahre Lite ume 25 years sJahresenergie 7.3GWh bei8 6mvs Enerayoutput 7.3GWh/aat8.6mis (00% Verfugbarkeit) (00% availability) Gewichie Weights Rotorblatt 8.0toroBlatt Blades 0teach Rotornabe 1g0r Hub 1901 Gondel kompl, ausgeristet 9501 Necelle complete s5.0t Tum 1400 Tower rai0t |. MBB Deutsche Aerospace Energle-und Industrietechnik Postiach 1828 D-2870Delmenhorst Telephone: (04221) 855-72 Tolofax (04221) 858-86 Tolotex 2627-422126/MB3 Hoy fle sma pre (=) eee Jade-Windenergie-Park Wilhelmshaven Deutschlands erster Grofiwindparkentstent in Wilhelmsnaven, Drei Windenergickonverter des Typs MONOPTEROS 5Oder Le slungsklasse 600 bis 1000 kW gehen an diesam kistennahen, virdglinstiggologenon Standort 1988 bic 1080 ans Netz. Die Aniagen mit einem Rotordurchmesser van56™m, im Abstand von 200 m errichtet, werden etwa 6 Millionen Kilowattstunden pro Jan ferzeugen. Sie sind fUreineLebensdaver von20 Jahren ausgelest. Ineinem Betriebs- und Informaticnsaebaude laufenate Daten von don Anlagenzur Auswertung zusammen, Dor Jado-Windenergio-Park sll die Eiqnung grofer Windenergio- ‘anlagonals Ergainzung zu konvertionellen Methoden der Strom: erzeugung unter Seweis sien. In den ersien Gre’ Betriedsjahren laut ein umfangreiches MeBorogramm zum Nachweis der Qualii- ation der Anlagen ab. Uber den Betrieb der Aniagen hinavs hat sich die Trégeraesel ‘schatt Jado-Windenergie GmbH zum Ziel gesetzt, auch andere ertaren NAMBU Lage dee Gekéindes in- undausiandische Interessenten an die Windenercienutzung herenaufihren und zu informieren. Der Jade-Windenergie-Park wire damit zum Schauenster, welches die Leistungstahigkeit der deutschen Wirtschatt auch auf diesem 2ukuntisirachtigen Gebiet demonstriert Die Frrichtung des Jade-Windeneraie-Parks wurde durch die Mitwirkung der Gas-und Elekerisitatsworke Wilholmshaven unl die ethebliche Férderung durch das LandNedersachsen mégich. indas Projekt le@en zudem Zuschisse der Europaischen Gemeinschatt und ene E:gendeteligung der Lelertirma MBB, GmbH, For dienahe Zukunftist ein welterer Ausbaudes Jade-Windparks ‘geplant, unter anderem mit Windenergekanvertern des Typs MONOPTEROS 30 (Le'stungsklasse-300 kW) und AEOLUS iLei- stungsklasse3 MMV) Fortiqung dos Rotorblattos fur Monoptaros Sim MBB-WerkStade, Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm GmbH Eneraie-und Prozeftechnik Postfach 80 11 09 D.8000 Minchon 80 Tel. (089) 46005-365 Toletax: (089)46005-232 Telex:5287-117 mbb a 1/1272) 3 Putzbrunn 86-Bix Juli 1987 “38 MBB's Wind-Eneray Convertor Family Now Complete Nearly three millennia ago people in Mesopotamia were al- ready using one of the most important sources of energy, the inexhaustible power of the wind. In Europe,the windmi11 era dawned in the seventh century. As recently as 1945 there were stil) 30,000 windmills in use in northern Germany and 9,000 more in Holland. However, primitive mechanical design limited utilization to a pitiful Fraction of the total available wind energy Windmil1s became unprofitable and were replaced by steam engines, hydroelectric and thermal power plants as well as combustion engines. Not until the energy crisis in the seventies with its concomitant nigh oi] and gas prices and the advent of greater environmental consciousness did the utilization of wind energy regain interest as an economical source of energy. Aeronautic technologies tried and tested over the course of decades revived interest in windmills at MAB as well. Today, the Monopteros and Aeolus wind-energy convertors, which’ generate from 15 to 3,000 kW of electricity, uti- lize wind energy one hundred percent more effectively ‘than the windmil1s of ancient times. MBB's Energy and Process Technology Group has now developed a family of wind energy convertors suitable for a wide range of applications and wind velocities. These convertors are intended both to supply energy in isolated locations and to feed electricity directly into the public utilities! grid. MONOPTEROS 15, the smallest wind-energy convertor of the BB family, provides a stand-alone energy supply. It is especially suitable for supplying power to low- consumption users in unelectrified areas such as desa~ Vinization plants, punp stations, transmitting and relay stations, or small settlements. To ensure uninterrupted Power even in windless periods, this convertor can be operated in conjunction with a diesel engine. With wind velocity averaging 6.3 meters per second, the Monop- teros 15 generates 80 megawatt-hours per year. MEE Public Relatons Presse Putzbrunn juli 1987 MONOPTEROS 30 is designed to Feed energy into the grid, and 5 thus suitable For paralell operation, for suoply- ing high-consumption users or for combination with sev- eral more convertors in a wind park. Monopteros 30 is be- ing designed and developed in cooperation with tne Ita- Tian company Riva Calzoni. NONOPTEROS 50 numbers among the new generation of wind- energy convertors. It was derived from the Monopteros 400 research project sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Re- search and Technology and set up in Bremerhaven. The first pilot plant will be erected in the Jade Wind Park, Wilhelmshaven, in 1988. This mono-blade convertor is used exclusively to feed energy into the utility companies’ grid. Its yearly output is in the neighborhood of 2,000 megawatt -hours at an average wind velocity of 7.8 meters per second, which corresponds to the electrical consumption of approx. 650 households. AEOLUS is one of the largest wind-power plants in the world and was developed with the objective of feeding large amounts of energy into the utility grid. It differs from its smaller brothers in having two blades. Aeolus was erected on the Swedish island of Gotland in 1983 and has in the meantime operated For more than 7,000 hours. This project was a joint development by the Swedish company KAMEWA and MBB under a contract from the Swedish government. The yearly energy output amounts to six Gigawatt-hours at an average wind velocity of 8.4 meters per second. ‘This succesfull power plant was the basis for the present German-Swedish development of the Aeolus II with a3 to 4 megawatt-hour range. For further informations please apply Messerschmitt -861kow-Blohm GmbH Enargy- and Process Technology Public Relations Dept. P.0.B. 80 11 09 8000 Munich 90 Telefon (089) 4605-315 Telefax (089) 46005-332 Telex 5287-117 mbb d MEE Public Relations Presse Stockholm/Putzbrunn ees Oktober 1987 Binationaler Kooperationsvertrag zur Windenergie-Nutzung unterzeichnet Gleich 2wei Yereinbarungen wurden Anfang Oktober in Stockholm auf dem Sektor der Windenergie-Nutzung unter- zeichnet. Im Beisein des BNFT, der schwedischen Energie lanungsbe- hérde, der PreussenElektra AG, dom Swedish State Power Board, sowie den beiden Industrieunternehmen MBB und NOHAB KM Turbin AB (NKT) wurde eine Programm-Vereinba- rung unterschrieben. Sie beinhaltet eine Absichtserk larung fiir die Zusammenar- beit zwischen staatlichen und industriel len Organisa~ tionen in Deutschland und Schweden fiir die Industriali- sierung und Vermarktung von Windenergie-Anlagen in der multi-Hegawatt Leistungsklasse. Die zwoite Vereinbarung ist ein Vertrag iiber die deutsch- schwedische Zusanmenerbeit zwischen MBBHNKT zur Weiter— entwicklung, Produktion und Yermarktung von GroBwindener gie-fnlagen, basierend auf Aeolus I. Sie ist als gleich- rangige Partnerschaft angelegt. Die Arbeitsteilung wird die komplenentaren Fahigkeiten der beiden Unternehmen op timal nutzen. Aeolus I wurde im August 1983 auf der Insel Gotland- Schweden dem Betreiber, dem Swedish State Power Board iibergeben. Mehr als 9.000 Betriebsstunden hat die GroB-Windanlage absolviert und ca. 8 Mio Mah ins Netz eingespeist. Aeolus I zahit zur multi-Megawatt Leistungsklasse. Die Weiterentwicklung, der Aeolus If, ist fiir eine Leistung von 3 MW ausgelegt, die Rotorblatter werden nicht mehr in stah]-kunststoffbauwelse sondern in Leichtbauweise durch Faser-Verbund-Werkstoff hergestellt. Durch Einsatz ge~ wichtseinsparender Materialien werden die Kosten dras- MEG Public Relations Presse ‘StockhoIm/Putzbrunn Oktober 1987 Tisch reduztert. Vorlaufig sind zwei Anlagen geplant, da~ von wird eine bis 1990 in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Getrieb gehen, voraussichtlich im Windpark Wilhelmsha~ ven, und eine Anlage in Schweden errichtet. Fir weitere Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gernen zu Verfiigung Messerschmitt -B61kow-Blohm GmbH ~ Energie- und ProzeBtechnik - Abteilung Of fentlichkeitsarbeit Postfach 80 11 09 8000 Munchen 80 Telefon (089) 46005-315 Telex 5287 117 mbb d san | ye/Awp pun yosuay 1n4 eBsouepuin soupedyooidsuy aay) jeorpno wou, snesfyosfoqes6un}sie) 1S} ep Iago jyosuung 440 WMO} wezvore uoyosisoz.es wey py n= uaIO}e204 J06)6U pur iodyoeypoid vege zie eainossay ap ny daunpeg ‘wn eeu 84284) es 29 uayauryy unrez ine yeisque. JEYONO} —Jyory sne wi YPN areqyja16 uy pron uoIsiq aule — yoysiossey, aiBauepuim asic = 4n7 48p ut sven} ier e16108Uz Energy and Process Technology Thermal Energy Systems. Sun constantly radiates enor ‘mous amounts af energy onto the earth: One hour of July sun- shine in the Federal Republic of Germany corresponds tothe same amount of energy we consume ina whole yearn our country! Weare not even na position to say that our coun- tuy's geographical settingis, ‘one particularly favored by the ther paris of the word, and mestiy those with a poor economy, are supplied with up to double tha ammount of energy per square meter by the sun. It we can manage to eticiently transiorm these natural re- sources into exploitable ener- gy, then we can kil Wo birds with one stone: The fossilener- ‘ay resources willbe spared as well as the national economy of those counties richly blessed by the sun. The aim of solar-thermal ener gy technology is theretore the economic utilization and stor- age of solarenergy. For ya's, we at MBB havebeen working vigorously cn the development, testing and optimization of so- lar-thermal anergy systems. This workhas paid off: We offer paraboboid soar collectors ~ as incividual units and as com- plete solar farms. We build hliostate with electronic sun- lracker systems ard the pert- Rent machinery. We provide spacial computer pragrams for tho optimization of complete helostat felds, and we partic pate largely in the desion and instalation of complete solar~ thermal systems, ie. heating and cooling of whcleresiden- tial areas, and power stations upto20 Mv Ik goes without saying that our know-how concerning satelite construction is the basis of our \work in the sofar.thermal phere. The challenge of cop- Ing with extremely high strains onlarge-surfacestuctures in space has taught us to also design, calculate and produce equioment which can endure high thermal stress cn earth, This experienceis supported by our detailed knowledge in engine construction, wnere, for years, ive have been success- fully solving problems arising in Conjunction with Figh tompere: tues and structural dynamics, Which solar technical concepts are spplied where depends on geogrephiical cimatic cond tions and on the intended use. Ofcourse. another important factor is whothor electrical energy alore required or whether heat, or cole, or both should be additionally pro- duced. We have developed two ditfe- rent technical versions of basic cempenents, which are tho ‘deal answer to allrequire- ments ~ the collector system and the heliosta! system. Both were tested in a series of ax- periments extending over the course of many years, and both are now available for use in diffrent arders of mag- nitude, ‘Solar Farm Concept. “The Solar Farmie tho proven conceptinall those countries with sufficient solar radiation where decentralized eneray supalis are to be established: for nstance, for smal cities andvilages hn areas with a ‘weak infrastructure. Today we set upsolar power stations ‘which generate fram 50 kW to TM. MBB paraboloid collectors form the basis of the system. ‘They focus the direct radiation from the sun onto an MBB. spherical surface absorber at the focal point of a parabolic dish. The colector systems designed for operating temper- atures of up to 600°C. andcan consequently power erganic Rankine cycles, steam turbines and Siiring engines. A baxial suniracker system mekes the paraboloid mirror fllow the ‘course of the sun. Solar farm power stations. ‘comprise many paraboloid cot- lectors in one system. One such soir farm has, for years, bbeen operating very success fully in Kuwait, generating a power of 100 kW. 56 colecters, ‘each $ m in diameter, heat up thermal oilin their spherical 2b sorbers. ‘The downstream anergy trans formation system supplies wa- ter pump stations, reverse-os- ‘mosie desalination plants, air Cconaitioning systems, fac- tories, lighting systems, green houses and the parasitic power ‘of the solar form ite Theresulting thermal eneray is: Used for multi-stage desalina- tion plants, adsorption cooing, and for waim water suaples, ‘System Characteristics. Pont fecuscing eolector. Spherical surface absorber. Thermal al storage tank with thermal stratification Organic Rarkine cycle. Aircooled condenser ‘Automatic cortrol. Modes of operation: sun/load. ‘syotem Data of the Solar Farm Concep! The retro TOW Cocing Contre Powe output Generator Frequency tage vpaa ‘ype toleeors oat anster Output Storaee: Capacty ‘osm ar) sew ite atna-aore suromate 7001. 2202804, SO He 4591-3 how! pontioaissing Bantote ash ae emacine sore stele Energy comersion: Free mover shat power Speed one-steprada : Eure Soler Power Staten n Sey 1 Paolo Sunt Monoparabolic Power Stations. ‘We have developed compact monoparabolic power stations for theundar 100kW power range. These stations are {genuine alternatives to photc~ voltaics plants, for they yield vory high spectiic outputs. The complete generating set is placed as a block atthe very focal pontofits parabolic mirror, Monoparabolic plants are programmed to automati- cally follow the course o! the sun, ‘Such solar power stations are particulary suitable as power ‘generators for remote settie~ ‘ments, farms and the tke. They fare usad for oporating pump. Ing stations in agyicultural i= dation projects, providing de~ salination plants with current ‘and heat for the supply of inking water, maintaining cooling houses, warm water and heating systems and sup- ying power to miliary bases inremote regions. MBB provides monoparabolc power stations which generate ‘up to 100 kW. ‘The Solar Tower Concept. Ifthe power generated by solar power stations enters the megawatt range, considerably higher capacities up to 100 MW can be obtained with the tower power stations of the ‘Solar Tower Concept. Thepre- requisites thereby exist of us- ing solar energy to a degree which, up until now, has novor been accomplished! ‘The Solar Tower Cancept con- sits of fat-surfacoroesting Imierors which, computer-syn= chronzzed with the course of thesun, concentrate the solar energy onto the top of a tower. The heat so generated pro- duces sieam which dives turbine. The electric power so produced is fed into the grid. ‘The solar power station Eurelios has been in operation in Sicly since 1980. We del- vered 112 holiostats, which form part ofthe reflector fold of this 1 MW project. Each of these tlat-surface reflecting mirrors has a surtace area ot 23 m®, combines 16 reflect- ing elements, each of 1.20 120m, which can be positioned with the utmost pre- ‘sion. Depencing on the posi tion of these reflecting units in the rellester fie, their position in relation to the sun is recalcu- lated every s2cond byarmicro- processor, and exactly syn- Cchronized with the course of the sun bymeans of ser- vomotors. A maximum reflac- tion of salar energy to tha top of the tower s thereby always queranteed. In thomoantims efficiency of te solar power stations is con- siderably increased using new gas turbo-generators and ‘ceramic matarialsat the tower top. These now technologies have, since 1981, been tested under actual operating condi- tiors near to Almeria in Spain ‘The Soler tower concept for solar power stations can etfec- tivaly supplement existing ‘energy supplies in creas ‘privileged by the sun. can be used for balancing peakloads and supplying remote areas with energy as an independent power supply system. Further ‘applications are conceivable — for instance, for fuel economiz- ing on exieting conventional power stations, or as an auton= ‘omius energy source tor cil production; for chemical pro: ‘cosses with a large energy consumption, as procucer of ccald and heat, for large-scale seawater desalination, or as an ‘energy source for long-cis- tance haulage in hydrogen pro- auction, ‘System Data of the Solar ‘Tower Concept: ater foarated out o) Jeroeatwe — -50-s0 wn S0.Wh paation) faghmmgural Soleradition 1000 Win Operation Moco ot epaatongna Cosins tor Conat automate Power: Cutput Tw Gemstar 2200380, <0 He Collector Fine Type otealactor polo Holostt tela TZMBBhetostas Bam Sem Tota toast S216 mi sures aea Kelehtotiower 55m TWpeoresever Carty ‘Storage: Hem sore oar fnatansat andbat ate Eneray conversion we sem tabia spe ise iin Steemconctions 512°C, 64 br Wind Energy Plants. Besides the sun end flowing water, man has always used the windas a source of eneray. ‘Theol windmils aro the bost witness fo that. Other more effective sourcesof energy re- ‘ung 2 small technicalinout, and which operate economi- cally, havereplaced wind ener gy. However, the awareness that reserves of coal, oil and natural gas will ono day bo ox- hausted, and the fact that they are becoming more and more expensive, make the use of wind energy, as an alternative source of energy, once egain attractive. ‘As an aerospace company, MBB possesses the ideal pre- requisites for the technical anc. economical development of ‘optimal wind energy systems: {or example, as one o! the ‘wotld's leading producers of themost modem helicopters wapessess enormous know- how in the rotary wing sector. ‘iether the goallis toproduce: maximal artiow by achieving rotary wing rotation with the least possiblo input of onorgy oF to gain maximal energy from rotation caused by minimal air currents, success in ether ‘case requires mastery of the letest aerodynamic and pro. duction engineering tecn- nologes. MBB has exactly what i takes. Decades of research and ex: perience in helicopter and air- craft construction, the ce- velopment of e flexible rotor head, pioneering knowledge with respect to high-perform- ‘ence composite materials and the relevant production methods, and mastery over eeroelasticty problems arising in connection with large sur- face structures, have ensured, {for us, astrong position in Wind Eneray Technology. Wind energy plants devalopad by usandtestedand approved in rough practice produce elec: trical power witha high atfi- ciency for e.g. tho potty con- sumer, farms and other enter- prises, for wnole stand-alone networks, but also for supaly- ing the compound networks of electicty companies, Today, we offer three ‘approved wind turbine systems: +. Fully automatic single-blado rators (Wonopreros = Greek for single blade) with rated outputs fof 10-30 far grid and stand-alone operation. 2. Fuly automatic single-blade rotors with an output af 40010, 1000kW for autonomous pow- er supply or grid supply. 3, Fuly automatic twin-blade rotors (Aeolus » name of Grook {god of wind) with rated outputs of upto 3 MV for network sup ply. The blades are steel GRP ‘ype. Wine Energy Plant Monopteros 800. itis obvious at fst glance that the roter blade rotatingin the \windin Weddowardon, noar Bremerhaven, belongs oa new generation of wind energy plants. Maunted on the rear end of a nacelle atthe top of a 50-m high mast, cnly one blade makes tscircls, A courter- ‘weight is provided for mass balance. We decided upon this naw concept because ithas economic advantages in this capacity range: (One blede hoth weighs and coats leas than two. Saving on rotor weight leacs 10 a consid- erably bghter design of the ‘whole instalation end corse quontly toaseving on costs However, inorder to enable the single rotor touse wind eneray with approx. the seme degree of efficiency as muit-blade rotors, we have raised the rota- tional speedo therotorand ‘extended the chord length and spar height by about 50%. The demonstration piant in Bremerhaven withits 23-m Jong rotor blage has an aver- age output of 400 kV —enough to cover the power require ‘ments of approximately 200 families ‘Asa production unit, the Monopteros can reach an out put of 1 MW in coastal arcas, ‘and can adept to every wind speed. Date of Demonstration Plant ‘Monopteros 800: Foor otatomnl spond 39-8 tin Tipspeasrato 12 Rotoracstion downwne Typeethub— pencuumiud Mosebannce — Gourterisight Treat Blagopren approx. 103 Operctenaine S10 RetorBlads: Leva ‘approx 28m Scpeonnsteam. iranscogi cor eg fesky Croretengh, 233056 m Fane Type ‘abuse ste eonametion Damete VT Hubregmt ——approx som Foundaton —Franspies Type ‘3-098 Tenemieion 1346 Copasty BOK GeneeatorSystom: ype ower corwater aan sa 2 ouput ono 308 pe Ens ome ters os output " exit Raeite — ayears Wind Energy Plant Monopteros 20. We havo likowiss developed the single blade principle, now operational, for supplying ener- gy to remote farms, residences and single enterprsea. Our Monopteros 20 system oper ates with one rotor blade made of fiberalass-reinforced mate- ‘ial. tis Bm long, positioned at the top of 15-m high mast and achieves an output of 20 kW. Even this small wind ener- ‘gy power station, sturdy and requiring litle maintenance, has been designed for tully automatic operation. It's sut- able both for network cacper=- tivo operation as wellas for ‘completely autonomous oper ation, e.g. in conjunction with desaination plants, ground water pumps and ¢iose! ‘generators. Data of wind Energy Plant Monopteros 20: Data concerning the Aeolus WTS rotor: Nas Rotor: ! Numoes ofbades 7 (Gakariaed tubular steal concincton Number ol ages Dame 125m ge Dameier 75m Operating speed 100"7min Feo 15m Revolaions — 25%/nin Tspecarta 9 ‘enero Rotor portion pind Fetorpeston —dbanaine ‘ypeoime nid Typeathub—univarsaly Tires-phaseasynavongus gavamter Corel fede gmbsied Output can adusimentO— 100" Massbsarco — Saunte weight Fevelutors 1800 tnin Fotordisk nina 0 Bienen” Souatin o Gear vensmission 13 Nass 7500044 Cento relent Tem Autorte poweraurplnvation dow Diana : ‘eapanalstaon ota iad i 4m . Fuly sutomatic convol2 bade pitch eu cine pests) or stort andrunedov, ater ‘entrees concrete {ity operon, ‘Seem avn at me Nase "soaoo Ks Staion, ‘5000 kav ame Tower touncnen 13900003 Gonorator 248, Measurement ot wind soesd,wten __Mbintanance ane repars work foperonoss Sutonayy.vamerotrevaluions, —— Mavmzed Innecaseaftreskcoun or gonerfa Ure astomaticcental or enghg tor ‘asian Aoxor bade: ‘erat on Biasechord 0.5 mens section FXTTSIA, Wind Energy Plant Monopteros 20. Weave likewise developed the singe blade principle. now ‘psraticnal, for supplying snor- gy 10 remote farms, residences and single enterprises. Our Monooteros 20 system oper- ats with one rotor blade made of flberglass-reiniorced mate- fal. Itis 6 m jong, posttionedat the top of a 15-mhigh mast and acheves an output of 20 kW, Even this small wind ener 9y power station, sturdy and Fequiring litle maintenance, has bean designed far fully ‘automatic oporation. It is suit- ‘able bath for netwark coopera- tive operation as well as tor ‘completely autonamous oper- ation, e.g. in conjunction with desalination plants, ground water pumps and diesel generators Data concerning the Aeolus WTS-79 in Gotland: umber ol badoe? Dameler ovations Rotor postion Typeainin Tower ott Mato! ass 75m 251m ‘puis ge Soenment 100 108m ‘eiterod conoete 1.500000 “er loundation 1800.00 Generator 2am. asjnenroncus Rotor Bie: ath Blade heed To sn ‘alee for Star ste 3am O.Smmax. 4.0m enwinaspeed vs Wind Energy Plant Aeolus. ‘On behalf ofthe Swedish Gov samen, wehave Ceveloped, in cooperation with KaMeWain Kristinehamn, a wind turbine ‘sysiom with an output of 2-3 NW. The system, known as ‘Aeolus, has been in operation since the begining of 1983 on Gotland Isiand, The Swedish ‘energy supply company, Sta tens Vatientall, operates this large wind eneray plant. ‘Te chosen concepts an inno: vation tor the production of large quantites of energy. Two rotor blades, each 37 miong, areatiached toa solid hub at the top of a tower, 76 min height. In order to ensure the stability ofthis massive con- siruetion with its extreme cen: trilugal weight, we endowed the rotors with a load-bearing sieel structure. Blade noses and trailing edge structures were composed af fberglass- reinforced material, Sp us or he wi str ri oe tov wi Wind Energy Plant Aeolus. On behait of he Swedish Gov- ernment, we have developed, in cooperation with Kahala in Kristinehamn, a wind turbine system with an output of 2-3 MWI. Tha system, known 2s Aeolus, has been in operation since the beginning of 1983 on Gotland Island. The Swedish ‘energy supply company, Sta tens Vattenfall, operates this large wind enecgy plant. ‘The chosen concept is aninno- vation for the production of large quantities of energy. Two rotor blades, each 37 mong, are attached to solid hub at the top ofa tower. 76min height. In order to ensure the stability ofthis massive con- struction with ts extreme cen- trifual weight, we endowed the roters wth aload-bearing stool structure. Blade noses and valing edge structures were comoosed of fiberglass reinforced material 75 in Gotland: ator Lovath 3am sda chord Tip OS max 4.0m tase 2085040 vitor seal GRP ut aosodad _ 2MWaT2EmIS Sutinwndspeee rvs Suttuind 21 m/s speed Heneuper own ‘Speed, run-up and braking can be controlled by ful blade ad- iustment. Active wind direction control isensuredy yawing engines, Acolusis one of the largest wind power stations in the world. Using two-stage planet ary gearing, we transfer the air stream energy, viaangular drive, tothe asynchronous {generator installod in the tower. Wind power stations of the Aeolus type can essiiy be erected in remote areas; we have desgned the installation sothatit can be set up without the use of acrane being necessary. Even the heavy structural parts, such as the generator, drive unit, power house and the 75-ronne unit Consisting of rotor blades and hub are hauled into their posi- tions using the hoist attached tothe tower wall Acolusisa very sficient wind ‘energy plant, the development lf which was intended asa means of competitively feeding large quentitios of eneray into the Compound European Ener aysystem, ‘Wind Ene) Plan Monepteros naar Bremarnaven Outpt £00 KW Height 0m.

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