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Democracy is about institutionalisation of values

women who carry ineradica- likes. A man may help his UK. Women initially were not
ble scars of violence and poor country even if he is poor. We granted the right to vote.
children who will never know are prevented from doing We must also recognise
what it means to live a good wrong by respect for the that freedom and equality
life — do they live in a demo- authority and law. We work to carry the kind of resonance
cratic society? They would protect the injured from few political concepts do.
turn around and ask us what those that would do them They have become, over
NEERA CHANDHOKE democracy means. This is the harm.” Such is the city for time, the rallying cry of
POLITICAL SCIENTIST paramount question that which our ancestors fought, the struggle for equality,

should confront right-think- he said; they fell in the name freedom and justice by Dal-
EMOCRACY ing Indians. What is democra- of a noble cause. its, African Americans,
possesses many cy, after all? Just elections that The chief characteristics of women, the colonised, the
virtues. But it catapult conceited politicians democracy, according to Per- working classes and immi-
has also shown to unthinkable heights of icles, are: prevention of con- grants. The value of democ-
an uncanny power, not to better the lives of centration of power in the racy is condensed in these
propensity to tolerate deep- the people who voted for hands of the few, equal jus- concepts; that is why they
rooted contradictions: terri- them, but for their self- tice for all, rewards for the form the central plank of
ble social and economic aggrandisement? meritorious, freedom to do social struggle.
inequality exists alongside We need to clarify the as we like in our private Equally significantly, Peri-
formal political equality; notion of democracy. A good lives, trust between citizens, cles’ address reinforced the
appalling hate speech coex- place to begin is the funeral FRANCHISE: It’s time we realised that democracy has much more to it than elections. TRIBUNE PHOTO helping others, tolerance for right to privacy. No state that
ists with rhetorical obei- oration delivered by Peri- others’ opinion, respect for interferes in the private
sance to accommodation of cles, a great statesman of was initiated in Athens ers to conceptualise the authority and law, and pro- domain without due cause
diversity; and above all, we ancient Athens. The speech around 500 BCE. virtues of democracy. tection of the vulnerable. can be called a democracy.
see a relentless quest for was immortalised by The famous speech by Peri- We should, said Pericles, There is no mention of apo- He spoke of tolerance and of
power at the expense of Thucydides in History of the cles was delivered at a mass remember and honour our litical notions of gover- the need to protect the vul-
people’s rights. Yet, lead- Peloponnesian War. The war burial of fallen soldiers after ancestors who struggled to nance, national security or nerable. Above all, Pericles
ers continue to glorify our (431-404 BCE) ended with the first year of the war. The give us a free state and a law and order, even though spoke of solidarity as a defin-
flawed democracy despite the defeat of democratic funeral oration, which is cen- great empire. “We are called a Athens was in the first year ing feature of democracy. The
caste and class inequali- Athens at the hands of a tral to the work of Thucydides, democracy because power is of a prolonged war. oration enables us to realise
ties, hounding of minori- monarchical Sparta. Thucy- offered an opportunity to in the hands of the many, not But we also see the main that elections are but a
ties, violence against dides reportedly admitted skilled orators to mourn war- in the hands of a few. Our contradiction that plagues moment in the life of democ-
women and the sight of that the speech was based riors who had given their life government does not copy democracy. Democracy was racy. Democracy is about the
our fellow citizens show- on his own experience of lis- for the country, acknowledge No state that our neighbours because we born in Athens, but privi- institutionalisation of values
ing their diseased or muti- tening to one of the greatest the contribution of ancestors interferes in the have equal justice for all. Our leges of democratic citizen- outlined in this oration.
lated limbs to beg for alms orators of Athens. But no to the making of Athenian cul- citizens are rewarded for ship were reserved for Athen- It’s time we realised that
at road crossings. matter, the ideas in the ture democracy, freedom and private domain merit, and exceptional citi- ian-born men. Women, slaves democracy has much more
We should ask members of speech are infinitely more justice, and defend democra- without due cause zens are appointed to the gov- and men born in other coun- to it than elections. Elec-
Scheduled Castes who have important than the exact cy that gave an edge to Athe- ernment. We are also free to tries did not have citizenship tions bring an elite to pow-
been subjected to horrifying rendition and historical pre- nians over Spartans. can be called a do as we like in our private rights. This contradiction er. In history, democratic
discrimination, the Sched- cision. So, let us concentrate Pericles’ celebration of democracy. business. We trust one anoth- continued right up till the imagination has inspired
uled Tribes and minorities on the meaning that Peri- democracy has inspired er and are not angered by a advent of modern democra- struggles for emancipa-
who are ritually humiliated, cles gave to democracy that countless scholars and lead- neighbour if he does what he cies in France, the US and the tion from absolute power.

Tale of collective distrust in governance at the local level

our collective distrust in dem- has huge implications for gov- stituted for a larger urban
ocratic governance at the local ernance. State and Union gov- area, a municipal council for
level, our disinterest in ensur- ernments do have the a smaller urban area and a
ing that local governance is resources to generate the awe- nagar panchayat for an area
democratic in nature. Instead, inspiring projects of new-age in transition from a rural area
we take selfish pride in having India, including transporta- to an urban one. The determi-
powerful and influential tion and water supply systems, nation of such areas is left to
friends in the right places who but for any kind of execution, the states, taking into
M RAJIVLOCHAN will resolve civic problems their daily operations and account criteria such as the
insofar as they impact us per- maintenance, they are entirely total population, the density

sonally without resolving the dependent on the very local of population, non-agricul-
HE brouhaha over civic issues for the residents of bodies that have been emascu- tural employment, annual
the proposed reor- our entire locality. lated over the years. revenue generation, etc.
ganisation of the In the 1950s, Congress Such is the fear of devolu- On the ground, these dis-
local government leader Harsh Dev Malaviya tion of powers among the tinctions make little sense.
in Kharar, Mohali wrote a comprehensive trea- state governments that even Whether it is a village, a town
and Zirakpur has turned the tise on the prevalence of cor- after the enactment of the or a large town, the functions
spotlight on democratic gov- ruption in local bodies. When 73rd and 74th Constitutional in local governance remain
ernance. The fact is that at they were not corrupt, Amendments in 1992, the the same. And those func-
the local level, there is hard- Malaviya would write in his ability of local bodies to make tions would be far better per-
ly any democratic engage- detailed tome on the Pan- HINDRANCE: Local bodies have limited authority to tax or control public utilities. FILE PHOTO a difference to the communi- formed if the local self-gov-
ment between the people chayati Raj system, the local ty remains rather limited. ernment is given the
and those who govern them. bodies were incompetent mere figurehead. Gover- is closest to the people, local In states such as Andhra authority to discharge them.
While in India we love to and had no clue about the nance came to be centred bodies serve as an appropri- Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, If 24x7 water supply is to be
celebrate democracy at the rules and regulations with in the hands of government ate point for the most basic of Madhya Pradesh and Tamil provided to people in small
levels of the state and the which the modern govern- officials. Of the three layers exercises in politics — the Nadu, the mayors/chairper- towns and villages, it makes
nation, we seldom think ment functioned. His single- of government that the forming and re-forming of sons are directly elected by sense to empower the local
about democratising our point recommendation was makers of the Constitution associations and of the the people for a period of five authorities to raise money for
own localities. that the Panchayati Raj sys- had envisaged — local, dis- debate around the creation of years. In other states, they those schemes and then
Democracy is also about tem in India needed to be trict and state — the one tangible public goods. are indirectly elected. Often, recover taxes for their main-
developing abilities to use suspended and taken over that was closest to the As we move further and fur- the expectation is that after tenance. Such measures
the democratic processes for by administrators who everyday lives of the peo- ther away from local bodies, being in office for a year, the would give the local bodies a
systems that impact our dai- would be under the control ple had been destroyed on the ability of the public to incumbent mayor would stake in development.
ly lives — such as civic facili- of MLAs and MPs. the pretext of being corrupt judge politicians and the make way for the others. In our research on ‘Jal
ties, education and health. This, by the way, was the and incompetent. issues they discuss becomes Limited tenures with no pow- Swaraj’, where we recorded
Our local concerns — same line of thinking that It was only in the late 1980s more and more abstract. The er make the office of the may- the experiences of local com-
whether they be about the had been followed by the that serious concern was fact is that human beings are or largely a ceremonial one. munities in building piped
growing menace of stray British rulers when educated expressed over lack of democ- hardwired to live in small com- To make matters worse, local drinking water supply sys-
dogs or the supply of potable Indians demanded to be racy at the local level. The then munities. Governance struc- bodies in India have limited tems, we found that commu-
water to all households — involved in governance. Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi tures are needed for these authority to tax or control pub- nities that raised funds them-
need to be addressed by us There was no effort at cre- noticed that in the absence of communities to be able to raise lic utilities, even in strictly selves — and kept the
through democratic deci- ating systems to resolve the elected governments at the taxes, manage technologies for local matters such as health government out — had far
sion-making rather than a problems or to educate local level, the people had no water supply, sanitation or and education. All these more commitment to run-
top-down process that is con- those elected to the local say in decisions on local Limited tenures road maintenance, and create remain under the control of ning those systems fairly and
trolled by bureaucrats and bodies in matters of gover- issues. Their engagement public goods and services for those who have no stake in the equitably. They had man-
powerful lobbies. nance. Rather, by the 1970s, with democracy was confined with no power the inhabitants. well-being of a locality. aged to run a healthy water
As of today, the only viable our leaders did away with to the General Election. make the office of As things stand in India, for Even the manner in which supply system for many
option left for the people to all elected panchayats and The General Election is too all these tasks, local bodies local bodies are set up is out- decades, even as the neigh-
draw attention to their needs is municipal bodies. Even the widely spread out in time to the mayor largely are almost entirely depend- dated and has little rationale. bouring areas were flounder-
to either mope around and suf- powerful mayor of Bombay be an effective means of hold- a ceremonial one. ent on the state government Article 243Q of the Constitu- ing, trying to live up to the
fer or to rebel and suffer. was divested of all his pow- ing leaders accountable. As and the Centre. tion specifies that a munici- whimsical norms thrust on
And therein lies the tale of ers and reduced to being a the layer of government that This creates a paradox that pal corporation shall be con- them by the government.

quick crossword su do ku forecast

1 Gently persuasive
tactics (4,4)
1 Unaccompanied (4)
2 Promote (7)
7 1 6 3 6
05:28 HRS

4 3 7
5 Magician’s stick (4) 3 1 5 7 8 9 2 6 4 Chandigarh 30 26
3 Deeply ingrained (6,6)
9 Poem expressing
4 Express grief for (6) 2 6 7 1 9 4 8 5 3 New Delhi 32 26
emotions (5)
Ancient Chinese game (3-4)
At once and on the
6 Make amends (5)
7 Bad comic verse (8) 9 1 8 9
spot (4,3,5) 8 In either case (7,2,3) Jalandhar 30 24
Exposure to public view (6)
Small smooth stone (6)
12 Barely sufficient (8) 1 4 4
1 Ludhiana 29 25
15 Obstacle (7) Bhiwani 31 28
1 7 6 5 4 8 3 2 9
Be discarded (2,2,3,5)
Impartial (7)
16 Stock of wines (6)
18 Good-naturedly frank (5)
3 calendar Hisar 31 26
21 Loud sound (5) Sirsa 31 27
Raise (4)
Lengthy religious choral work (8)
19 Chief male character in
play (4) 2 9 JULY 8, 2023, SATURDAY Dharamsala 26 18
■ Shaka Samvat 1945 Manali 23 14
YESTERDAY’S sOLUTION 8 4 9 ■ Aashadh Shaka

■ Aashadh Parvishte
Across: 1 Upper case, 8 Frame, 9 Rampant, 10 Woeful,
11 Stooge, 12 Rhetoric, 15 Withheld, 18 Occupy, 20 1 6 7 ■ Hijari 1444
■ Krishna Paksha Tithi 6, up to 9.52 pm
Immune, 21 Tactful, 22 Cycle, 23 Ray of hope.
Down: 2 Plant, 3 Employ, 4 Converse, 5 Effort, 6
Warfare, 7 Real McCoy, 11 Showpiece, 13 El Dorado,
5 8 2 1 ■ Saubhagya Yoga up to 5.23 pm

■ Purvabhadrpad Nakshatra up to 8.36 pm

14 Stomach, 16 Hanker, 17 Scotch, 19 Plump. ■ Moon enters Pisces sign 2.58 pm Mussoorie 26 17

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