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wind energy With the nacelle and rotor in place on tho Winds power “The forerunner of the largest wind turbine generator ever to be builtin the UK has boen erected on Burgar Hil, Orkney, by the Wind Enorgy Group (WEG). Andon August 20 it was synchronised to the Orkney grid supplying electricity to the grid for the first time. This 20m diameter prototype has been funded by WEG—cemprising Taylor Woodrow Construction Limited, Eritish Aeroopace Dynamice Group and GEC Enevay Systems Lid—together with the North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board and ihe Department of Trade and Indu: developed the wide range of © prototype 250K in saly t0 impleme tres per second and 3 rotational ‘This includes: 5 8B revolutions per minute Inhas —assessmment of been bult on @ site where WEG w gaological charact commisson in 1985 a 60m diam Grid systems too: turbine raiea at 3MW—the largest possible ste locations assessment af techincal an a venefis of wind sutbine systems in relation 10 system and appraisal srvironmental and eccic eign snd maruiacture ind tubing in the UK. oth machines wil stert to ora wind speed. of seven mis. Imo: 2nd shut down when wind st 3.27 mis (storm force). They w fd generate power most days gensrater meet_ technical, mental and sealogical nstallation, commissioning and nonitoring of wind tu ator times a year producing 3 systems on site 1 equent ty to supply 150 homes avaluation of their operation machne is another pha ecistance with evelopment of me technology operetonal traning of vor Woodrow in 1976. — 10 me 8 a member of WEG. i services. The blades of the rotor in the GEC factory asdy 19 ba moved to she ee Orkney ee y work on selecting the reported in TW Energy Autumn 1991). This ng of the wind ic Doundary layer tunnel ard rotooralogicl faciltiee And mn data at the site ‘025199 of the with the has installed al nese masts during the tat the annual mean hts of the ind turbines is 10. mis od for the hs made its fist rotation on 2s synchronised to the gue! 20. Over the novt © performance of the yy rmonitored by rect with the More than 200 uibine wil sang Deparime: a in preparation for the final ift See ire optic cables to 0} histicaiee det sie Is based on Pulse techniques anc handles 0 rom a wide range include crack detec ‘ain gauges, position 20m 2 gauges mounied on and fixed olomenta of & ind turbine. The system is contrallec and can automatic of operation for dat he sensors taken via and decoded rior ecessing by a 286 & Byte NOVA r- At any stage inthis process: to M Byto dace or ane of two tape addtionally be y OF in tabular form, iemometers at six diffe the 80m ma rect Interior ofthe nacelle showing the generator osoer eee 905" box. disc brake and other componente WIND TURBINE GENERATOR - MS1 WIND ENERGY lint the power output to 250k. in the extreme whd condfors ‘ound cn Orkney wil produce en estimated 7DOMWh oer year Totlases rebut own ttrepsson arises Theyareatacndio hems shatby steered surges omvne gust Tre ihetiagowps nedutana sowetd race Sorovded oie nan cet capsbect Sonor Ne Ons ‘own uncer an foreseeabie operating oondiiors, Centoloalluiciensisca'edOU By THerCOrOCRSSOS located in anearoy conta rom. Or the prottype, power cendtonng equpment hes been proved 0 allow the etlects of varable speed running lo be Exod. “Tho 20m darmater machine sheng extanevely eritered uncer a DanarimantafErargysantact neil provide vaste inormstion or tra gosin af future machines GRO TAYLOR WOODROW CONSTRUCTION LTD BRITISH AEROSPACE PLC GEC ENERGY SYSTEMS LTD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION - Wind turbine generator MS1 ROTOR Number ofblades 2 Diameter 20m: Seed 44:88 rpm Direction of rotation ‘clockwise looking downwind Cone angle 2s Titangle a Locaiicn relative to tower upwind Hub type fixed or toetered Teeter angle +0" Spinner teeters with rotor BLADE Waieral ‘steal spar, GFAP shall Acrofoil NACA 44 Xx series ‘Control 20% feathering tos. Pitch mechanism hydraulicimechanical Power coefficient, max. oat Tip speed rato at Comax. & TRANSMISSION Gearbox yor ‘2 sage coaxial tio al Gearbox rotation on suspension or25e Brake ((ow speed shaft) 6 caliper disc, pneumatically operated High speed cou fioxible with sprag clutch GENERATOR Type ‘eynohranaus Rated power B0KVA Voltage 415V ‘Speed 1500 rpm Frequency 0H Consiant speed mode Girect connected Variable speed mi via power conditioning unit CONTROL SYSTEM Overall control ‘Supervisory microprocessor Baade tp control Closed loop microprocessor Up to synchronisation soeed central Ingrect connected mode power limited Invanable speea mode owerlsoeed teedback YAW DRIVE Typ2 electric motor Rotation rate 0*/minute Yaw brakes 4 caliper disc, permanently appied TOWER Typ Steel cylinder on concrete frustrum Height to rotor hub: 163m Diamater of cylinder 1.8m, PERFORMANCE Rated power 50KW Wind speeds (hub height) —cutin 78mis — rated Tos —cutout rms — survival Ooms Annual energy at 10 mis site ‘approximately 700,000KWn DESIGN LIFE All components 20 years minimum: INSTALLATIQN Burger Hil, Orkney, Summer 1980 | Oroee wee w/e WIND ENERGY GROUP Ca ceca ea Se Day Ace LS es Lol) Cero eR eee etme eer g THE MS-2 25m dia WIND TURBINE GENERATOR Features ROTOR » upwind blades ior smacth performance and quiet running ior Qood fatigue resistance * Wood epoxy composte interference ight and minimun TV TRANSMISSION POWER QUALITY » ful spanptch cor! 9 sections out ot sal or even 2 SAFETY + failsafe blade feathering in independent d © proven uty event afloss ofgrd plying he fully rated Drak end ghtring protecton f RELIABILITY * al-elecirc pic and yaw actuation — no hydraulics standard industrial microprocessor control p * optional emote control and montring via modem TRANSPORT/ERECTION + oieal weattony 171 = Store winch and offlcadi kney-proven software sincusing toner g crane can handle al

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