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KaMeWa wind turbine system KaNeWa is a Swedish company manufacturing water turbines, controllable pitch propellers and pumps, Turbines. and propelleis are the dominant company products and in this field KaMeWa has enjoyed a commanding position on, ‘world markets for many years, Inthe light of this background, KaMeWs's decision to com- mence development work on large wind turbine system (LWTS) was 2 logical step. Towards the end of 1979, KaNleWa secured one of the ordets for two horzontal axis, serogenerators commissioned by the National Swedish Board for Energy Scurce Developmert (NE). This unit will be sited on the islancof Gotaraiothe east of the Swedish main lane. In the Nasudden project, as its called, KeMeWe opted, for cooperation with ERNOWVEW. ERNOIVAW/ is one of themajor German companies engeged, in aorospace development and production. The company 's curently participating in the production of the AIRBUS. and the TORNADO fighter ands the main contractor tor ine SPACELAB development project, The aerogenerator is a two-biaded norizontal axis turpine wih a rater diameter of 75 m and @ hub height above the ground of 80 m, The turbine operates at a constant rotor speedo! 25 win. Rated output at 2 wind speed of 12.5m/s 's 2MW electric power to the gria system, Power generation commences at 2 wind speed of 6 m’s and is cut off at 21 m/s. The unit is designed to withstand a maximum wing ‘Speedo! 51 mis and is designed for a servicelife in excess of 30 years. Design philosophy The embodiment of the design philoscohy is the develop- rant of 2 WTS optirized for ow anergy cost The design citer plied to meat the are — 30-year service life = 80% avatavity © minimum preventive senice and maintensnoe — Use of proven technolcgy — use of proven materials and manufacturing proce — simple and velabie conta! systam Dynamics ‘The WTS is based on 2 rigid concept casignedto-ersurethat Natural frequencies are at well spaced intervals. This is an. tessenlia condition for the suppression of resonance be- ‘tween diferent units of the WTS. Natural frequences must 2150 b= well Separsted trom rotational frequencies. Flutter is a second important consideration. Extensive flutter calculations have demenstration that na flutter will cccut. Blades The welded stee! torsion box technique has been selectac fer the load-carrying structure of the blades. The choice of size! for blace material s oases on the folowing consigere- tions: Reliable material date are available. — Conventional anc well developed manufacturing tech- niques are available — Low material cost — High specifec rigidity, The sutece of the steel torsion box forms part of the gerodynamic surface ofthe blade. The eeroaynamic profileis from the NACA 64-4 family Glesstiore-reirtorced piastic is used for leading and trailing edges, The blades are equipped with systems for crack indication and Ightring protection, Hz [Nominal a ‘rotor speed Power chain (torsion) POOL Hub, nacelle and machinery ‘The rotors p'aced upwind of the tower. This will reduce load fluctuations when the blade passes the tower The turbine shaft is inclined at 10 degrees to increase the clesrance between the blade and the tower to further reduce bad, fluctuations. Therigianup consists of aweldeastee’ structure with ablade bearing at each end and a hydraulic ptch setting mecha nism for the ful span pitch controlled blade The turbine shaft is cariied on the primary bearing which takes the thrust load in the nacelle close to the hub and the secondary beating in the gear. The nacelle consists of a vertical steol cylinder and a sleet cylinder parallel Io the pilmaty shalt. This design, together wih 2 bevelled gear and special shatt installation permits significant reductions in the size of the nacelle. The ‘compact nacelle design is anessentialfeature for tansporta- ticn and handling purposes. Two hydraulic servo metors are used to contiol the active yew tuning of the nacele Tower The tower ie being buit by Nya Asfalt AB (NAB), a prominent Swedish bulging and construction company. The tower is designed 2s a self-supporting concrete stuc- ture wih pre-stiessed reinforcement. Ihe upper section con- sists cf 2 cylinder with a diameter of 4.5 m. The diameter of the base is 10.4 m A concrete tower enjoys the following advantages over a stocl tower — No transportation problems = Proven construction technology (slipform constuction) igh intemal damping — Peimits rigid cesign concept. Tuc floors at the bottom of the tower house the controlrcom, 00m for the dala acquistion system, rooms for the electical equipment and a siafi room. Electrical system ‘An asynchronous generator with a rated output of 2.4 MWVis used for power generation. A synchronous aternator may ‘go be used. The special shaft configuration permits the location of the generatar in the static section of the nacelle, For this reason, no special equiomentis required ‘or transter- ring generator power from the turnabie to the static paris of the nacelle, Power passes ‘rom the generator to switchgear at thefootof the tower where generator breaker and cantrel end protec- tlon equpiment aie located. From the switchgear the power continues io a transformer, located outside the tower, which transforms the voltage to the level of the untity grid Control system The computer-based electronic control syste, desioned by KAMEWA, enables the pawer plant to operate automatically ‘and unattended, ‘The control system is designed to: — start and stop the turbine, depending on wind condi tions — set blade pitch fo contol rotor speed and power genera: tion — head the nacelle into the wind — supersise all vital components = take neccessary action in case of a fault concition — visualize interesting oarameters, ‘ault canditons and systam status provide for remote control and supervision. SPECIAL FEATURES: — Standard Programmable Controler (PC) as control system computer. PC programming language. Possible for personne! with no computer knowledge to modify and understand the program, — Serial data transmission over optical fiber links is used for ation between nacelle and ground biade pitch controllers seks on printer. Performance ‘The rotor efficiency is maximum 46% at 10 mis, The effi ciency hes been corrected for standesd roughness and ‘gusts. Rated power, 2 MNV, is reached at 12.5 mis. Cutout wind speed has been established at 21 mis, but in cases of low roughness in the winds, this Imit may be increased. The WTS wil have an estimated annual oulput of 8 GWh of electrical energy, Total generating time will bo 5900 hours per yea. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ‘Wind speed in mis Transport and assembly Nacelle and hub are assembled and tested in the workshop, Itis ther knocked down inio three parts for transportation The blades wil be cared by truck directly from Germany. (On ste, blades, nub anc nacelle are erecied on the top of the tower with assistance ofa lift platform running on rails ftted to the outside of the tower. The main advantage of this method is that no large canes are needed Main data ROTOR 75m Ro Full soan 10° tower KaMeWa P.O. Box 1010 Kristinenamn MACHINERY jeled endstege nax. design 51 mis ineled annual output 8 GW ss and hub) 75 tons nd machinery 130 tons 00 to 1900 tons Weight sovinc KM Wturin ab KV ZERINERN 3 wind turbine system Nasudden Boving KMW Turon AB (BK, is Swedish company manu: faciurng hydro an wind turbines. Since 1986 BKT belongs to the Kvaemer group, one of the largest companies in Norway. BKT has designed anc buit one of the two large wind tur binas commissioned in Sweden for the National Energy ‘Aaministration. The unit, WTS 75-2 is sited on the islane of Gotland east of ine Swedish mainland, The Swedish State Power Board is responsible for unattended operation of the plant The Nasudden prot asits called, was turn-key delvery bby Boving KW Turbin AB, Major subcontractors were MBE West Geimary (ttor blades), ASEA Sweden (electica sysiem) and Jonnson Construction Company Swecen owen, ‘The crder was secured by Boving KMN Turbin towerds the end cf +979 and manulacturing and site work started 1981, Erection of nacele anc rotor took place during the autumn, 1982 and then commissioring work started. Fitst arid con- ection occured in April 1983 and in August 1983 the unit, was deivered to the customer. ‘The aeiogeneraior Is a two-bladed horizontal axis turbine with a rotor diameter of 75 m and a hub height zbove the ground of 80 m. The turbine operates at a constant reter, speed of 26 r/min. Rated output ata wind spec of 12.5 mvs is 2 MW electic power tothe grid systerm. Power generation ‘commences at 2 wind speed of 6 mis and is cut off at 21 mis The units designed to withstand 2 maximum wind ‘speed of 51 m/s anc is designed for a service life in excess, of 30 years, Design philosophy The embodiment of the design philosophy is tre ceveloo- ment of @ WTS optimizes ft low energy cost The design erilia apped to meet this are — s0-year service ite — 90% availabilty — nium oteventve serve and mantenance ~ se of proven tecnnolcey — Use of proven materials and manutactuiing processes — simple and reliable control system. Dynamics - ‘The WTSis based on arigid conceptdesigned to ensure thet natural frequencies are at well spaced intervals. This is an essential condition for suppression of resonance between ditforort part of the WTS, Natural frequences must also 52 well separated from retaional frequencies Fluter is a second important consideration, Extensive futer aleulations have demonstaied thet no flutter wil occur A large number af dynamic measurements were performed during the commissioning, These measurements confrmed tne oynamie calculations made during tne design. Blades ‘The welded stee! torsion box technique has been selected for the load-carrying structure of the blades. The choice of, steel for blade maternal is basso 07 the following consicere- tions — Reliable material deta ave available, = Conventional eng well developed manutactuiing tech- niques are avaiable, — Low materal cost. — High spectic rigidity The surface of tie steel torsion box forms p aeroaynamic surface of the blade. The aerodyr: from the NACA 66-4 family, @ Giassfibre~einiorced plestic is used for leading and traling Power chain (torsion) edges. * 8 ‘The blades ere equipped with systems for crack indication = = and lighining protection. ap Yaw motor} Hub, nacelle and machinery The rctoris piaced upwind of the tower. This wil recuce load fluctuations when the blade passes the tower, The turbine shat is inclined at 10 degraes to increase the clearence between the blade end the tower to further reduce load fluctuations. ‘Therigidhub consists ofa weldedstee structure with abade beating at each end and a hydraulic fitch setting mecha- nism for the ful span pitch controlled blade. The turbine shaft is carried on the primary bearing which takes the thrust load in the nacella close to the hub and the secondary beating in the gear. Tho racolie consists of a vertical steel cylinder and a steel cyinder parallel Io the primary shalt. This design together with a bevelled gear and special sheft installation permits sicnificant reductions in the se of the nacelle. The compact nacelle design ¢ an escentiafeaturo for rancporta tion and handling purgoses. Two hydraulic serve motors are used to contol the active yaw turning of the nacelle Tower ‘The tower is designed es a aeft-supporiing concrete struc ture with pre-stressed reinforcement. The upper section con- sists of 2 cylinder wath @ diameter of 4.5 m. The diameter of the base is 10.4 m ‘A concrete tower enioys the following advantages over @ steal tower: — No transportation problems — Proven construction technology (siipform construction) = High internal damping — Permis rigid design concept. Two ficors at the botiom of the towerhouse the control room, room for the data acquisition system, rooms for the electtical equipment and a stall room. Electrical system ‘An asynchronous generator with a rated outputot 2.4 MWVis used for power generation. The special shaft configuration permits the location of the generator in the stationary part of the nacele. Sipvings are therefer not requirecifor tanstering generator power fo the tower ‘The asynchronous generator is seifexcited with capacitors, before synchronization to ine grid. This metod completely eliminates votage ficker on the ard at he connections. even toa weak grid. Furthetmore & automatically gives the unit a high degree of reactive compensaton. Control system The computer-based electraric control system, designed by Boving KMW Turpin, enables the power plart to opeiate auiomaticaly 2nd uneitended. The control system is designed to: = stat and stop the turbine, depending on wind condi tions — setlade pitcn to control rotor speed and power genera- tion head the nacelle into the wind — supervise all vital components — take necessary action in case o! ¢ fault condition visualize interesting paremeters, fault conditions and system status — provide for remote control end supervision. ‘SPECIAL FEATURES — Stancard Programmable Contioler (PC) as contro! system computer. PC programming language. Possible tor personnel with no comouter knowledge to modify and understand the program Serial date transmission over eptcal fiver inksis used for ‘communication between nacelle and ground, Separate electronic blade pitch contiolers, Logging of alarms and events on printer Netra 6270500 The rotor efficiency is maximum 43 % at 10 mis. The effi- ciency has bean comrected for standard roughness and gusts. Rated power, 2 MW, is reached at 125 m/s. Cutout ‘wing soeed has been established at 21 mis, but n cases of low roughness in the wines, this limit may be increased, The WIS will have an estimated annual output of 6 GWn of electrical energy. Total generating time will be 5900 hours per year 10 12 14 16 18 20 Wind speed in mis Transport and assembly Nacalle and hub were assembled and tested in the work: shop. it was then dismountad into three parts for transporta- tion, The blades were carried by truck directly rom Germany. On site, blades, hub and nacelle were erected on the top of the ‘ower wit assistance of a lft platform running on ‘ais fied to the outside of the tower. The main aavantage of this mathod is that no large cranes are needed ‘Tre complete erection was mace with nwo no'sts. The picture ‘on the last page shows the second hoist, where the blades and hub were elevated to the nacelle. Main data ROTOR Number of bades Diameter Speed Location. relative to tower Type of hud Control methoa Tit angle BLADE Length Material Weighvblade Aifol Twist TOWER Material Diameter of vase Diameter at top Foundation diameter 2 75m 25 pm Upwing Rigid Full span pitch control 10° 25m Steel 20 tons NACA 64-430 152 Concrete 104m 45m 223m MACHINERY Geer Generator: PERFORMANCE WEIGHT Planetary wih bevelled endstage ‘Type asynchronous Rating 2.4 MW Voltage 6900 V Amps. 263 & REM 1512 Frequency 50 He Ratec power 2 MW ‘Windspeed cut-in 6 mis rated 125 mis, cutout 21 mis max design 51 mis Estaminated ennual out-put 6 GWh Rotor (blades and hub) 75 tons Nacele and machinery 120 tons Tower 1500 tons, Foundation 1900 tons, Desgnes ifetime 30 years. BOVING turbin ab Pastas ea ao Boving

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